Competitive:Splatana Stamper

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This article discusses content that is not part of the official Splatoon series but is part of the community or competitive gaming space.
For information about the Splatana Stamper, see Splatana Stamper.

Splatoon 3

Splatana Stamper

Splatana Stamper

Abbreviations Stamper, Sword
Sub Burst Bomb
Special Zipcaster
Base damage 20 (horizontal, direct)
35 (horizontal, projectile)
140 (charged, direct)
70 (charged, projectile)
Base duration
Ink consumption 5.2%
11.7% (charge)
Special points 210p
Special depletion
Role Slayer[1]
Strengths Various combos, range, zoning pressure, one-hit splat melee attack
Weaknesses Steep learning curve, high ink consumption, less effective at shorter ranges

The Splatana Stamper (and by extension, the Order Splatana Replica) is a middleweight splatana introduced in Splatoon 3. It is considered the normal variant of the splatana class, having less strafing speed on the ground, but in return has longer range, better damage and wider attacks compared to the Splatana Wiper. The Splatana Stamper is a mid-range slayer weapon, with much of its playstyle revolving around combos and using its long-range charged slash to pressure opponents.[1]


  • Its horizontal slashes have a fairly wide hit box, which are best for engaging opponents on flat terrain or for dealing reliable damage against more mobile opponents.[1][2]
    • For painting, especially in Splat Zones or to charge a special, horizontal slashes are more effective, painting slightly more than charged slashes and being more ink efficient.[1]
  • Its charged slashes have even more range, matching that of some long-ranged anchor weapons such as the Heavy Splatling and the Jet Squelcher. It is one of the weapon's main tools to keep up pressure and start combos. It also has a melee hit box, which is a one-hit splat.[2][1]
    • Its charge time and shot velocity means it is less effective on flat terrain and against more mobile opponents, but it is more effective against slower weapons.[1]
    • Holding while releasing a charge slash will make the user dash forward slightly, offering it a unique movement tool. While slightly slower, this can give the attack slightly more range, and can be used to quickly close the distance for a one-hit splat if the user is in range. While dashing, the aim can also be flicked, and is able to quickly hit around corners.[1]
    • Similar to chargers and splatlings, the attack can be charged behind cover, giving opponents less time to react, and without leaving yourself too exposed.[1]
    • Short hops are important for its mobility while charging an attack. This can be done by quickly tapping while charging an attack. Unlike with full jumps, this will have no end-lag.[1]
  • The Splatana Stamper has many combos it can perform to splat an opponent. Both its charged slash and two of its horizontal slashes deal 70 damage, meaning it has several combos:[1]
    • The main "bread and butter" combo is a charged slash followed by a horizontal slash.[1]
    • A direct hit from a Burst Bomb followed by an up close horizontal slash can be used at close range.[1]
    • Burst Bombs can be used before or after a charged slash, having slightly more range, but using more ink.[2]
    • The main weapon can combo with its Zipcaster. Zipping through an opponent deals 60 damage, while more often than not, its indirect explosions will deal more than 30 damage.[3]
  • The Burst Bomb is an important part of the weapon's kit. They can also be used to enhance its mobility, splat opponents up close, or hit opponents behind cover.[2][3]
    • This mitigates one of the Stamper's main weaknesses of being a "line of sight" weapon, having no area of effect of its own.
    • An opponent hit by a Burst Bomb will have their mobility hindered as they become stuck in your ink. This can be used to hit a charged slash easier.[3]
  • The Splatana Stamper has high object damage. As such, it is able to safely pressure enemy Splash Walls and Big Bubblers, and is effective against Crab Tank and Booyah Bomb.[1][2]
  • The Splatana Stamper is extremely effective under ledges, as it is able to send out charged slashes from under them while being protected, while also being able to one-hit splat opponents that get too close.[2]
    • After making a push, the Stamper user should look for ledges it can play under, as it can zone opponents and move them out of position until the team is able to push forward.[1]
  • Zipcaster is a useful special for keeping up the Stamper's momentum:[1]
    • While some slower weapons may be easier targets during a Zipcaster, be mindful not to tunnel vision. This can make you more predictable and easier to punish.[1]
    • Try to mix up aiming for higher vantage points and diving onto targets. This can take attention from the opposing team which your team can capitalize on. Try not to stay too close to the ground, as this makes you an easier target.[1]


  • The Splatana Stamper can enable users of shorter ranged weapons such as shooters or dualies by safely pressuring mid to long-range weapons, which they can capitalize on. It can also combo with sloshers, blasters, and other Burst Bomb weapons.[2]

While one user of a short-ranged weapon such as the N-ZAP '85 might get away with a lack of range, having too many short-ranged weapons on a team without a longer-ranged weapon like Stamper to provide support fire is often disadvantageous for a number of reasons:[4]

  • An opponent with a long-ranged weapon like, well, Splatana Stamper can more aggressively position themselves to zone out the entire shorter-ranged team.
  • The opposing slayers can play more aggressively, knowing that there is no long-ranged threat to pick them off from afar.
  • Having a painter for your team such as an N-ZAP, Splash-o-matic or any spray shooter or weapon with outstanding paint can aid the Splatana Stamper and other immobile, bad painting weapons on a team.

The Splatana Stamper's lack of lethal bombs can also be a liability to a team composition. Lethal bombs – particularly either Splat or Suction Bombs – provide their user's team a couple advantages over another team that has no lethal bombs in its composition:[4]

  • Their one-hit-splat offers its user's team chances of instantly gaining a numbers advantage, from which a game-winning push can arise.
  • Their lethal explosion provides space for its user's team to either push into an area held by the opponent or stall an opponent's push.
  • Despite this, Splatana Stamper more needs a Burst Bomb in order to help it combo better, so it still has a use.

Zipcaster is intended for getting up close and personal, allowing the Stamper's teammates to go in and get picks off of unsuspecting victims. Therefore, it is advised to have other special weapons available to complement Zipcaster, such as Big Bubbler, Ink Vac or any of the Splatoon 2 specials ported over to Splatoon 3.

  • Zipcaster provides no direct means of protection, meaning that opponents can still easily kill you.
  • Other special weapons, such as Inkjet or Trizooka, are intended for splatting opponents and more capable at this than Zipcaster.

Combining Zipcaster with other specials can bolster a team's ability to either make a push or counter the opponents' push:

  • Big Bubbler and other protective special weapons, such as Ink Vac and even Crab Tank to tank up hits and provide support fire, can increase the survivability of a team as they push into contested territory.


  • The Splatana Stamper is more vulnerable at shorter ranges, in between the area where a Stamper can one-shot and its effective range. At this range, the Stamper user must hit a combo, which is more difficult to pull off at short range and has a slower time to splat.[3]
  • Being a "line of sight" weapon, it cannot hit opponents around corners or at different angles. With its wide attacks, this makes cover extremely effective against the weapon. For example, a Stamper user can struggle to hit an opponent hiding behind the tower pole.[1]
  • While the weapon itself outputs a decent amount of paint, it is ineffective at quickly taking control of areas compared to support weapons or even shooters. As well as clashing with the Splatana Stamper's role as a slayer, this makes it harder to reveal opponents who may be sharking.[1]
  • The weapon has high ink consumption, meaning it will have a considerable amount of downtime.[1]
  • Area of effect weapons such as blasters, sloshers, and Sloshing Machine can deal with Splatana Stampers that are positioned under a ledge.[1]
  • The weapon can struggle against weapons with Splash Wall, especially those with higher range. Despite its high object damage, its ink consumption and slow rate of fire means these weapons are reliable at taking space against Splatana Stampers.[1]
  • It can struggle against weapons with high mobility, such as the REEF-LUX 450 and Heavy Edit Splatling. It can be difficult to hit them with one-shots or charged slashes, meaning the Stamper user will have to rely on horizontal slashes more.[1]
  • Users of long-ranged weapons, such as chargers, outrange an opposing Splatana Stamper user and can fire upon them with impunity.[1]
  • A competent Stamper user is likely capable at both flanking and sharking:
    • Keep track of all four members of the opposing team – which ones are present, which ones are splatted, and which ones are back at their spawn point.
    • Check the map periodically for opposing ink forming around flanks to anticipate a flanking attack.
    • To prevent sharking, check suspicious puddles of the opponents' ink, preferably with a thrown sub weapon.
    • Weapons that track opponents, such as Point Sensors, temporarily prevent an opponent from sharking and make them an easier target for long-ranged teammates to pick off.
  • When pursued by a Stamper, using almost any sub weapon (except for Squid Beakons) can either delay their pursuit or deter them from chasing.
  • If an opposing Stamper uses Burst Bombs to threaten and deal damage reliably, consider throwing bombs either into or beyond them to prevent them from travelling any further.
  • When facing an opposing Zipcaster, assess where is a safe place to either reroute an attack or reposition on defense:
    • In general, avoid getting caught near an opponent with Zipcaster for an extended time, but also be wary of opponents waiting to pick off anyone fleeing them.
    • Even while avoiding an opponent's Zipcaster, it is still possible to turf or otherwise influence the area underneath. Long-ranged weapons, thrown sub weapons, and other special weapons (such as a Trizooka or Crab Tank) can splat opponents or dissuade them from occupying themselves with splatting teammates.

Gear abilities

Gear abilities provide different effects in battle that benefit the player with their equipped weapon. This is a guide to gear abilities in relation to the weapon. Strategy, synergy, viability, and purpose may be written here.


The Splatana Stamper, being an aggressive front-line weapon, benefits greatly from this ability, providing it with some extra ink efficiency and mobility upon being splatted.[1]

Stealth Jump

Stealth Jump is an essential ability for any front-line weapon. When equipped, Stealth Jump better covers this indicator from long distance opponents, allowing its user to more safely return to the front lines and maintain pressure on the opponent.[1]

Special Power Up

One sub of Special Power Up is considered a utility sub on the weapon, extending the duration of its Zipcaster slightly.[1]

Ink Saver (Main)

The Splatana Stamper's charged slashes consume a lot of ink. Running 2 subs provides an extra charged slash before running out of ink.[1]

Ink Resistance Up Quick Super Jump Special Saver Sub Resistance Up

One sub of each are recommended as utility subs.[1]

Swim Speed Up

As a slayer weapon, the Splatana Stamper greatly benefits if it is able to swim faster. Swim Speed Up enables its user to more quickly close the distance towards an opponent, and generally benefits from greater mobility due to the end-lag of some of its attacks.[1]

Quick Respawn

This ability has since been less viable since Version 4.0.0, since the update increased the Splatana Stamper's ink consumption by 30%, causing the weapon to have more downtime. However, it continues to see some use in some modes such as Rainmaker.[1]

Sub Power Up

2 subs allows Burst Bombs to be thrown farther, more closely matching the range of its charged slashes.[1]

Last-Ditch Effort

Splatana Stampers are an ink-hungry weapon. When equipped, Last-Ditch Effort grants 18 ability points of three different stackable abilities for the last 30 seconds, or when the ranked score is 50 or below. These abilities include:

Ink Saver (Main) is the most useful for the wielder, allowing them reduce the amount of ink consumed by using the weapon in general and more quickly pursue and pressure the opponent upon returning from spawn.

Drop Roller

Like with Stealth Jump, Drop Roller makes Super Jumping to a teammate less risky.

Ink Saver (Sub)

Ink Saver (Sub) isn't really needed, but can. be helpful to be able to throw 3 Burst Bombs with Last-Ditch Effort.

  • 1 main, 1 sub or 4 subs is enough to lower the cost of Burst Bombs without any points toward Last-Ditch Effort from 40% of an ink tank to 36.93%.
Object Shredder

Mostly useful in Rainmaker, this ability helps to destroy barriers such as the Big Bubbler and Rainmaker barrier or to break some special weapons including the Crab Tank and Wave Breaker.

Ninja Squid

Because the Splatana Stamper can benefit from sharking, being able to remain unseen while submerged can be a great advantage.
