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Eternally-Vigilant_Soaker-Blockade.Floor is one of the available floors in Splatoon 3: Side Order.


Eternally-Vigilant Soaker-Blockade.Floor
Protect the zone!
Difficulty Difficulty Hard Hard
Appearance On a normal climb:
Zone count 1
Countdown start 90 ticks
Checkpoint 1 50 ticks
Music routin3s

Eternally-Vigilant_Soaker-Blockade.Floor is a floor in the Spire of Order. The objective is to protect the zone.

Floor features



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Name in other languages

Translation needed
The section or page is missing non-English translations or material from other localizations edit
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 無限に 絶え間なく 飛来する 通したくないフロア
Netherlands Dutch Eeuwig-waakzaam_uitschuifblokken.etage Eternal-vigilant_slideoutblocks.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.impitoyable_assaut_d_ennemis_volants floor.ruthless_flying_enemies_assault
Germany German ExtremDefensive:ExpandoBlock.Etage
Italy Italian Piano//ultimo_baluardo Floor//last_bulwark
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Экстрим_блокада_змееблоков.floor
Fayl etazha: Ekstrim_blokada_zmeeblokov.floor
Floor file: Extreme_soaker_block_blockade.floor
Mexico Spanish (NOA) MuroTelescópico_AsaltoAéreoIlimitado.pso TelescopicWall_UnlimitedAirAssault.flr
Spain Spanish (NOE) Piso inexpugnable con asedio aéreo ilimitado Impregnable floor with unlimited air siege
China Chinese (Simplified) 连绵不绝无限飞射 不想让人通过的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 連綿不絕無限飛射 不想讓人通過的樓層
South Korea Korean 무한하고 끝없이 날아와 통과시키기 싫은 플로어
Internal name Meaning
