Ever Further

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Ever Further
Artist Grizzco Industries
Game Splatoon 2
Heard in
Splatoon 2
Salmon Run (at the end of a shift)
Featured in Splatoon 2 Squid Beatz 2 – track 34
Splatune 2 – disc 1, track 32
Nintendo Music – link
BPM 136
Length 1:15

Not Bad (Do Better)
Artist Grizzco
Game Splatoon 3
Heard in
Splatoon 3
Salmon Run Next Wave (at the end of a shift)
Featured in Splatoon 3 Jukebox
Splatune 3 – disc 1, track 36
Nintendo Music – link
BPM 136

Not Bad (Catch Ya Better)
Artist Grizzco feat. Deep Cut
Game Splatoon 3
Heard in
Splatoon 3
Salmon Run Next Wave (at the end of a shift during a Big Run at the Grand Splatlands Bowl)
Featured in Splatoon 3 Jukebox
Ordertune – disc 2, track 30
BPM 136

Ever Further is a song performed by Grizzco Industries.


Ever Further has a very unorthodox production and is very similar to its fellow Grizzco song Happy Little Workers. It features a lot of abstract sound effects and various different Inkling vocals, all combined with various pipes and drum beats. It starts off with Mr Grizz's laughter, followed by a short drum intro, then a section with repeated singing punctuated by cheers in the background. Then a pipe solo begins, accentuated by various sound effects, then Mr Grizz's laughter is heard once more. Ever Further plays once a Salmon Run match ends, regardless of whether the player's team wins or not. It can also be heard in Squid Beatz 2, with a maximum score of 45 and 108 in Normal and Hard modes, respectively.

Remixes and covers

Not Bad (Do Better)

In Splatoon 3, a remix of Ever Further is used in place of the original. While the instrumentation and melody are the same, the vocals are slightly different in the intro. After the intro they follow a completely new melody, accompanied by backing vocals also heard in Happy Little Workers as well as sitar strings. The vocals are then harmonized. The pipe instrument solo from the Splatoon 2 version of the song is absent, though each instance of Mr Grizz's laughter remains.

Not Bad (Catch Ya Better)

During the Big Run on the Grand Splatlands Bowl, an upbeat remix of Not Bad (Do Better) performed by Deep Cut was played during the end of a shift. The instrumentation is very similar to Anarchy Poisons and Soak & Stomp. It features a mix of Japanese, Indian, and Brazilian styles, as with many other songs performed by Deep Cut.


  • Ever Further is the first results song in the series that serves as both the victory and failure theme.


Ever Further refers to carrying on no matter what the result, possibly due to its use during both successful and unsuccessful Salmon Run shifts.

Not Bad (Do Better) comes from the fact that it could be used to describe the workers' performance regardless of the result.

Not Bad (Catch Ya Better) is a portmanteau of Not Bad (Do Better) and "Catch ya later!", the signature catchphrase of Deep Cut.

Names in other languages

The name of the songs are the same as English in all languages except for Japanese.

Ever Further
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese キット・モット
Kitto Motto
Surely, Further

Not Bad (Do Better)
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese ノット・バッド
Notto Baddo
Not Bad

Not Bad (Catch Ya Better)
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese ノット・バッドじゃな!
Notto Baddo Ja Na!
That's Not Bad![note 1]

Translation notes

  1. The usage of じゃな (ja na) rather than だ (da) references Frye's unique old-fashioned/Chūgoku dialect in Japanese.