Can you help us get it done?
Gateway.Floor is one of the available floors in Splatoon 3: Side Order. Although there is no single base version of this floor, it is divided into five types that can appear during a climb.
Gateway.Floor features the titular gateway, comprised of two mirrored towers starting at the back of the stage that is joined together at the top by a grate bridge. In front is a trench area with a ramp that allows crossing through the gateway, as well as two side paths by the gateway.
Eternally-Shelterless_Nightmare_Gateway.Floor (zones)
Protect the zone!
Difficulty | Rigorous |
Appearance | On a normal climb: 21F-29F |
Zone count | 1 |
Countdown start | 90 ticks |
Checkpoint 1 | 60 ticks |
Checkpoint 2 | 30 ticks |
Music | routin3s |
The zone is located beyond the gateway and in between the two tower ramps. There are three Jelleton Portals, one located in front of the ramp leading to the Splatzone, and two on top of the gateway. Spawning Accordo's will periodically spawn on top of the gateway and move to the center of the grate bridge.
Ink-Drenched_Gateway.Floor (fleeing foes)
Defeat the fleeing foes!
Difficulty | Normal |
Appearance | On a normal climb: 21F-29F |
Fleeing foes count |
3 |
Music | j3sting |
The objective is to defeat all the fleeing foes.
Targeted(Giants)_Open-Season_Gateway.Floor (portals)
Destroy the portals!
Difficulty | Hard |
Appearance | On a normal climb: 21F-29F |
Portal count | 3 |
Music | d3molish |
Three Giant Portal's are placed on the floor, one on the top of the rightmost tower, another behind the gateway, and another to the left of the gateway ramp.
Intense_Homing(Swarm)_Gateway.Floor (tower)
Escort the turbine tower!
Difficulty | Hard |
Appearance | On a normal climb: 21F-29F |
Checkpoint count | 3 |
Music | jitt3rs |
The objective is to escort the turbine tower to its goal.
Springing_Gateway.Floor (∞-balls)
Sink the ∞-balls!
Difficulty | Easy |
Appearance | On a normal climb: 21F-29F |
∞-ball count | 3 |
Music | souv3nir |
The objective is to sink the all ∞-balls.
Enemies and mechanics
Springing Gateway.Floor with the lights out
Names in other languages
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | 巨大門のフロア | |
Dutch | Poort.etage | Gate.floor |
French | étage.porte | floor.gate |
German | Tor.Etage | Gate.Floor |
Italian | Piano_del_portone | Floor_of_the_big_door |
Russian | Файл этажа: Ворота.floor Fayl etazha: Vorota.floor |
Floor file: Gates.floor |
Spanish | Pórtico | Portico |
Chinese (Simplified) | 巨大门的楼层 | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 巨大門的樓層 | |
Korean | 대문 플로어 |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | 永遠に ひっきりなしに 押し寄せる 悪夢の 巨大門のフロア | |
Dutch | Eeuwig-vrijspel_nachtmerrie_poort.etage | Eternal-freerein_nightmare_gate.floor |
French | étage.porte\éternel_cauchemar_à_découvert | floor.gate\endless_uncovered_nightmare |
German | EwigSchutzlos:Albtraum_Tor.Etage | ForeverDefenseless:Nightmare_Gate.Floor |
Italian | Piano_del_portone//folle_avvicinamento_nemico | Floor_of_the_big_door//crazy_enemy_approach |
Russian | Файл этажа: Вечный_кошмар_без_укрытия(Ворота).floor Fayl etazha: Vechnyy_koshmar_bez_ukrytiya(Vorota).floor |
Floor file: Eternal_nightmare_without_cover(Gates).floor |
Spanish (NOA) | Pórtico_PesadillaPerpetua_SinCuartel.pso | Portico_PerpetualNightmare_NoHoldsBarred.flr |
Spanish (NOE) | Pórtico de pesadilla perpetua sin cuartel | Portico of the perpetual nightmare no-holds-barred |
Chinese (Simplified) | 永远连绵不绝 蜂拥而至 恶梦的巨大门的楼层 | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 永遠連綿不絕 蜂擁而至 惡夢的巨大門的樓層 | |
Korean | 영원히 끝없이 밀어닥치는 악몽의 대문 플로어 |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | ひんぱんに 塗られる 巨大門のフロア | |
Dutch | Inktzee_poort.etage | Inksea_gate.floor |
French | étage.porte\bain_d_encre | floor.gate\ink_bath |
German | Tintenbad_Tor.Etage | InkBath_Gate.Floor |
Italian | Piano_del_portone//inzuppato_d'inchiostro | Floor_of_the_big_door//soaked_in_ink |
Russian | Файл этажа: Река_краски(Ворота).floor Fayl etazha: Reka_kraski(Vorota).floor |
Floor file: Ink_river(Gates).floor |
Spanish (NOA) | Pórtico_EntintamientoConstante.pso | Portico_CostantInking.flr |
Spanish (NOE) | Pórtico de entintamiento constante | Portico of constant inking |
Chinese (Simplified) | 频繁 遭到涂墨 巨大门的楼层 | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 頻繁 遭到塗墨 巨大門的樓層 | |
Korean | 빈번히 칠해지는 대문 플로어 |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | ねらわれる 全てが デカい 巨大門のフロア | |
Dutch | Reuzenachtervolgers_jachtseizoen_poort.etage | Giantpursuers_huntingseason_gate.floor |
French | étage.porte\proie_aux_abois_et_ennemis_géants | floor.gate\alarmed_prey_and_giant_enemies |
German | GigantoFeindbeschuss_Tor.Etages[a] | GigantoEnemyFire_Gate.Floor |
Italian | Piano_del_portone//bersaglio_con_giganti | Floor_of_the_big_door//target_with_giants |
Russian | Файл этажа: Охота_гигантов(Ворота).floor Fayl etazha: Okhota_gigantov(Vorota).floor |
Floor file: Hunt_of_giants(Gates).floor |
Spanish (NOA) | Pórtico_PuntoDeMira_Gigantes.pso | Portico_Spotlight_Giants.flr |
Spanish (NOE) | Pórtico magnificado en el punto de mira | Portico magnified in the spotlight |
Chinese (Simplified) | 紧迫盯人 全都超大 巨大门的楼层 | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 緊迫盯人 全都超大 巨大門的樓層 | |
Korean | 모든 표적이 거대한 대문 플로어 |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | 非常に 激しく 飛来する 巨大門のフロア | |
Dutch | Doelzoekers(zwerm)_poort.etage | Targetseekers(swarm)_gate.floor |
French | étage.porte\fourmillement_d_ennemis_volants | floor.gate\swarming_of_flying_enemies |
German | ExtremSuchschwarm_Tor.Etage | ExtremeSearchSwarm_Gate.Floor |
Italian | Piano_del_portone//attacchi_assillanti | Floor_of_the_big_door//nagging_attacks |
Russian | Файл этажа: Торпедная_стая(Ворота).floor Fayl etazha: Torpednaya_staya(Vorota).floor |
Floor file: Torpedo_flock(Gates).floor |
Spanish (NOA) | Pórtico_AsaltoAéreoFeroz.pso | Portico_FerociousAirAssault.flr |
Spanish (NOE) | Pórtico con asedio aéreo extremadamente feroz | Portico with extremely ferocious air siege |
Chinese (Simplified) | 非常激烈 飞射的巨大门的楼层 | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 非常激烈 飛射的巨大門的樓層 | |
Korean | 정말 쉴 새 없이 날아오는 대문 플로어 |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | 飛びはねる 巨大門のフロア | |
Dutch | Springen_poort.etage | Jumping_gate.floor |
French | étage.porte\trampoline | floor.gate\trampoline |
German | Sprung_Tor.Etage | Jump_Gate.Floor |
Italian | Piano_del_portone//salterino | Floor_of_the_big_door//jumper |
Russian | Файл этажа: Прыгуны(Ворота).floor Fayl etazha: Pryguny(Vorota).floor |
Floor file: Jumpers(Gates).floor |
Spanish (NOA) | Pórtico_Brincos.pso | Portico_Jumps.flr |
Spanish (NOE) | Pórtico con brinco | Portico with a jump |
Chinese (Simplified) | 飞跃 巨大门的楼层 | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 飛躍 巨大門的樓層 | |
Korean | 펄쩍거리는 대문 플로어 |
Translation notes
- ↑ Etages is a typo and is meant to be Etage ("floor")
Internal name | Meaning |
map_koguchi [1] | |
koguchi_area [1] | |
koguchi_chase [1] | |
koguchi_spawner [1] | |
koguchi_lift [1] | |
koguchi_ball [1] |