
From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki
Revision as of 09:59, 8 September 2024 by Heddy (talk | contribs) (Updated the format to be consistent with other voting formats. Removed the start date line, because the signature can function as the start date.)
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Inkipedia has a series of policies in place to help maintain site function. Sometimes, however, changes to these policies are necessary, or new policies need to be introduced in order to maintain the structure of the site. Proposals serve as a uniform system to make major changes to the function of the site, such as changing the layout of character pages, redesigning heavy-use templates, changing the site's skin, or otherwise making a change that would impact a large amount of readers/editors. Talk page discussions are encouraged to take place before starting a proposal, though they may not be necessary or required. Please do not submit "joke" or otherwise unhelpful proposals.

Proposals are expected to detail the exact changes aiming to be made to the related pages in as much detail as possible, to ensure covering most if not all bases; this may be achieved through noting the exact proposed changes formatted as if already official, either within the proposal directly or via a link to a related draft.

Proposal process

When a proposal is made, users will have three weeks to place their votes — ending midnight UTC of the final day. Users may only vote for one option per proposal, but may change their vote during the duration of voting. If a proposal has fifteen unanimous supporting votes, it may pass with administrator support in only two weeks instead. Should there be a high contention between votes, an administrator may choose to extend the proposal by two weeks, but only once. A proposal wins by simple majority.

Furthermore, a failed proposal cannot be resubmitted for another 90 days after its initial end date. Any proposal needs at least three support votes to pass. Any user that is blocked during the proposal process will have their vote removed. Users may not have more than two proposals running concurrently.

If a proposal is deemed unnecessary, whether due to a lack of significance, possible damage to the site or security of its users, or clearly undeveloped/vandalistic in nature, may have three administrator votes to veto the proposal—instantly moving it to failed proposals. This must be posted publicly, preferably under a new header.

The proposer's vote does not count towards the vote total. To avoid confusion, we heavily discourage the proposer from adding their signature to the voting sections.

Proposal guidance

Proposal names

The proposal name should match what the policy intends to be called. "Overhaul" or "Revision" may be added to an existing policy name if the proposal is intending to target an existing policy.
New policy names are one or two keywords that describes what the policy covers. Policies are sub-pages under the Inkipedia:Policy parent page, and as such, Inkipedia does not append "policy" to the policy's name.

What makes a good proposal

  • The policy should aid Inkipedia in its missions.
  • The policy should not be redundant — its scope should not significantly overlap another policy's (consider writing a revision to the existing policy if so).
  • The policy should fit-in well with other policies. There should not be conflicts between policies.
  • The policy should be clear, enforceable, and quantifiable. It should not contain weasel words.
  • The policy should be professionally written. It should not contain opinionated language.
  • Most policies are proposed informally first, for example on Ink Pump or Discord, to gauge opinions on the matter.

Proposal types

There are several types of proposals:

Boolean proposals

If the supporting vote wins, the policy is integrated. If oppose wins, the policy will not be integrated. Neutral votes are to be considered an official "abstaining from vote" position, neither supporting the passing of the policy or opposing it. A proposal with neutral votes cannot pass early.

To create a proposal, copy the below text to a new page located at: Inkipedia:Proposals/New Proposal Name. Do not change the date text, as it will automatically fill in when the page is saved.

(Insert details of proposal here)


End date: {{Date|{{subst:#time: Y-m-d | {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}-{{subst:CURRENTMONTH}}-{{subst:CURRENTDAY2}} + 3 weeks }}}}

Multi-option proposals

These are proposals featuring multiple options instead of the yes/no format. The outcome with the highest votes wins, but any option needs three votes to pass. If the proposal needs to be extended, only the highest two options will proceed. Please do not exceed more than six options.

To create a proposal, copy the below text to a new page located at: Inkipedia:Proposals/New Proposal Name. Do not change the date text, as it will automatically fill in when the page is saved.

(Insert summary of proposal here)


End date: {{Date|{{subst:#time: Y-m-d | {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}-{{subst:CURRENTMONTH}}-{{subst:CURRENTDAY2}} + 3 weeks }}}}

==Suggested outcome 1==
(Insert details here)
==Suggested outcome 2==
(Insert details here)
==Suggested outcome 3==
(Insert details here)
(Repeat for any additional outcomes)
==Do nothing==
Vote in this section if you oppose all options, or if you are neutral, or if you wish to abstain.

Active proposals

To create a proposal, copy the above text to a new page located at: Inkipedia:Proposals/Proposal Name.

Active proposals, if any, will appear here.

  1. Proposals/Main page restructure

Proposals archive

See also

  • Consensus policy - The proposals process complies with the guidelines set in the consensus policy.