Marine Machines
From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki
Marine Machines
Artist | Octoplush |
Game | Splatoon 3 |
Heard in Splatoon 3 |
0108 What Caused the Big Bang? YOU! 0207 The Ink-Conservation Project 0304 Try Curling! Alterna's 11th Most Popular Athleisure Activity! 0406 Those Aren't Birds 0410 Ink Fast, Hotshot 0604 Conserve Ink—Splat Sustainably |
Album | Splatune 3 |
Track list no. | 23 (Splatune 3 Disc 2) |
BPM | 160 |
Key signature | F major |
Length | 2:16 |
Audio file |
Marine Machines is a song by Octoplush.
Marine Machines is an tense electronic song that utilizes a constant percussion line, a bass instrument, and a bass guitar lead.
Other versions
Marine Machines (Kettle)
This is just the beat percussion line with the first verse of the bass instrument, but muffled and echoey making it sound like it's being played from a distance. It plays when the camera is near a Kettle containing a level with the main track.