- This article is about post-match recognition awards in Splatoon 3. For medals given for weapon usage in Splatoon 2, see Weapon badge. For postgame collectibles in the Octo Expansion, see Mem medal.
Medals are post-match recognition awards introduced in Splatoon 3, used as metrics for a player's performance in a match relative to others on their team. Player gain medals at the end of each battle for meeting specific conditions. The order in which medals are displayed is based on a hierarchy, and up to three medals are awarded per game. If a player qualifies for more than three, only the top three are awarded, e.g. if criteria for #1 Popular Target, #1 Splat Assister, #1 Turf Inker, and #1 Super Jump Spot are all met, the only three medals awarded will be (from top to bottom) #1 Turf Inker, #1 Popular Target, and #1 Super Jump Spot.
Earning medals has no apparent gameplay effect in Turf War and Anarchy Battle (Open) beyond summarizing a player's contribution, but have an additional effect in Anarchy Battles (Series); at the end of a series, the player will receive 1p for every silver medal and 5p for every gold medal earned in that series.
List of medals
Medals come in two varieties: gold and silver. Medals which represent more important or difficult tasks are gold, while silver medals are tied to activity of lesser importance. Players are judged only against teammates, and opponents' statistics are not taken into consideration. If there is a tie, e.g. two people who have achieved the same number of splats, both players could earn a "#1 Enemy Splatter" medal. Medals are listed below in order of priority to be earned if multiple conditions are met. Gold medals always have higher priority than silver medals.
Gold medals

Name | Description | Available Modes |
#1 Overall Splatter | Get the most combined splats and assists | All |
#1 Splat Zone Inker | Ink the most turf on the zone | Splat Zones |
#1 Splat Zone Guard | Get the most splats while in control of the zone | Splat Zones |
#1 Score Booster | Score the most points or push the objective the farthest | Clam Blitz, Rainmaker, Tower Control |
Record-Score Setter | Be holding the Rainmaker or be on the tower as it progresses the farthest | Rainmaker, Tower Control |
#1 Clam Carrier | Pick up the most clams | Clam Blitz |
#1 Turf Inker | Ink the most turf | All |
#1 Popular Target | Spend the most time in enemy players' fields of view, even behind walls | All |
#1 Home-Base Inker | Cover your home base with the most ink | Turf War |
#1 Enemy-Base Inker | Cover the enemy base with the most ink | Turf War |
#1 Super Jump Spot | Be the target of the most Super Jumps | All |
#1 Enemy Splatter | Splat the most opponents (not including assists) | All |
#1 Splat Assister | Get the most assists | All |
Silver medals

Name | Description | Available Modes |
#1 Base Defender | Get the most splats and assists of opponents in your home base | Turf War |
#1 Splat Zone Hero | Re-ink the most turf in the zone while in control | Splat Zones |
#1 Checkpoint Breaker | Be holding the Rainmaker or be on the tower when it clears the most checkpoints | Rainmaker, Tower Control |
#1 Tower Stopper | Splat the most opponents standing on the tower | Tower Control |
#1 Rainmaker Carrier | Carry the Rainmaker the most | Rainmaker |
#1 Rainmaker Stopper | Splat the Rainmaker carrier the most | Rainmaker |
#1 Clam Stopper | Splat the most opponents carrying Power Clams | Clam Blitz |
#1 Ground Traveler | Run/swim the longest distance | All |
#1 Damage Taker | Recover the most damage overall | All |
#1 Ink Consumer | Use the most ink | All |
First Splat! | Be the first to splat an opponent (not including assists) | All |
#1 Trizooka User | Get the most number of splats with Trizooka | All |
#1 Big Bubbler User | Have the Big Bubbler take the most damage | All |
#1 Killer Wail 5.1 User | Deal the most damage with Killer Wail 5.1 | All |
#1 Tenta Missiles User | Deal the most damage with Tenta Missiles | All |
#1 Ink Storm User | Deal the most damage with Ink Storm | All |
#1 Booyah Bomb User | Deal the most damage with Booyah Bomb | All |
#1 Ultra Stamp User | Get the most number of splats with Ultra Stamp | All |
#1 Inkjet User | Get the most number of splats with Inkjet | All |
#1 Zipcaster User | Get the most number of splats while using Zipcaster | All |
#1 Wave Breaker User | Deal the most damage with Wave Breaker | All |
#1 Ink Vac User | Suck the most damage in with Ink Vac | All |
#1 Crab Tank User | Get the most number of splats with Crab Tank | All |
#1 Reefslider User | Get the most number of splats with Reefslider | All |
#1 Triple Inkstrike User | Deal the most damage with Triple Inkstrike | All |
#1 Tacticooler User | Get the most drinks consumed by teammates from Tacticooler | All |
#1 Kraken Royale User | Get the most number of splats with Kraken Royale | All |
#1 Super Chump User | Get the most number of Chumps destroyed by opponents | All |
#1 Triple Splashdown User | Get the most number of splats with Triple Splashdown | All |
#1 Splattercolor Screen User | Deal the most damage with Splattercolor Screen | All |
#2 Overall Splatter | Get the second most combined splats and assists | All |
#2 Splat Zone Inker | Ink the second most turf on the zone | Splat Zones |
#2 Splat Zone Guard | Get the second most splats while in control of the zone | Splat Zones |
#2 Score Booster | Score the second most points or push the objective the second farthest | Clam Blitz, Rainmaker, Tower Control |
#2 Clam Carrier | Pick up the second most clams | Clam Blitz |
#2 Turf Inker | Ink the second most turf | All |
#2 Popular Target | Spend the second most time in enemy players' fields of view, even behind walls | All |
#2 Home-Base Inker | Cover your home base with the second most ink | Turf War |
#2 Enemy-Base Inker | Cover the enemy base with the second most ink | Turf War |
#2 Super Jump Spot | Be the target of the the second most Super Jumps | All |
#2 Enemy Splatter | Splat the second most opponents (not including assists) | All |
#2 Splat Assister | Get the second most assists | All |
2 gold and 1 silver medal shown during a Splatfest Battle victory animation
3 gold medals shown on the scoreboard
Names in other languages

Gold medals
English | Japanese | Dutch | French (Canada) | French (France) | German | Italian | Russian | Spanish (Latin America) |
Spanish (Spain) |
Chinese (Simplified) |
Chinese (Traditional) |
Korean |
#1 Overall Splatter | バトル No.1 batoru nambā wan (Battle No.1) |
Algemeen: nr. 1 (General: No. 1) |
№ 1 au combat (No. 1 in combat) |
№ 1 au combat (No. 1 in combat) |
1. Platz: Gesamtleistung (1st Place: Overall performance) |
Splattatutto nº 1 (Splat-it-all no. 1) |
Плюхатор № 1 Plyukhator № 1 (№ 1 Splatter) |
N.º 1 en combate (No. 1 in combat) |
N.º 1 en combate (No. 1 in combat) |
对战 No.1 | 對戰 No.1 | 배틀 No.1 |
#1 Splat Zone Inker | ガチエリア塗り No.1 gachi eria nuri nambā wan (Splat Zone paint number No.1) |
Spetterzone geverfd: nr. 1 (Splat Zone painted: No. 1) |
№ 1 en encrage de zone (No. 1 in zone inking) |
№ 1 en encrage de zone (No. 1 in zone inking) |
1. Platz: Splatterzonen gefärbt (1st Place: Splat Zones inked) |
Attaccante zona splat nº 1 (Splat Zone attacker no. 1) |
Хозяин зоны контроля № 1 Khozyain zony kontrolya № 1 (№ 1 Splat Zone boss) |
N.º 1 en entintar la zona (No. 1 in inking the zone) |
N.º 1 en ganar territorio (No. 1 in winning territory) |
真格区域涂墨 No.1 | 真格區域塗墨 No.1 | 랭크 에어리어 색칠 No.1 |
#1 Splat Zone Guard | ガチエリア前線キープ No.1 gachi eria zensen kīpu nambā wan (Splat Zone front line maintaining No.1) |
Spetterzone verdedigd: nr. 1 (Splat Zone defended: No. 1) |
№ 1 en défense de zone (No. 1 in zone defense) |
№ 1 en Défense de zone (No. 1 in zone defense) |
1. Platz: Splatterzonen gehalten (1st Place: Splat Zones held) |
Guardia zona splat nº 1 (Splat Zone guard no. 1) |
Защитник зоны контроля № 1 Zashchitnik zony kontrolya № 1 (№ 1 Splat Zone defender) |
N.º 1 en defender la zona (No. 1 in defending the zone) |
N.º 1 en defender territorio (No. 1 in defending territory) |
真格区域前线把控 No.1 | 真格區域前線把控 No.1 | 랭크 에어리어 전선 유지 No.1 |
#1 Score Booster | カウント進行 No.1 kaunto shinkō nambā wan (Count advancing No.1) |
Scorebijdrage: nr. 1 (Score contribution: No. 1) |
№ 1 en progression (No. 1 in progress) |
№ 1 en progression (No. 1 in progress) |
1. Platz: Zähler-Fortschritt (1st Place: Score Progress) |
Asso della distanza nº 1 (Ace of distance no. 1) |
Устросборщик № 1 Ustrosborshchik № 1 (№ 1 Clam collector) |
N.º 1 en avanzar el contador (No. 1 in advancing the counter) |
N.º 1 en aumento de contador (No. 1 in counter increasement) |
计数推进 No.1 | 計數推進 No.1 | 카운트 진행 No.1 |
Record-Score Setter | ベストカウント更新 besuto kaunto kōshin (Best count record breaking) |
Recordbreker (Record-breaker) |
Pro du record de progression (Pro of the progress record) |
Pro du record de progression (Pro of the progress record) |
Zähler-Rekord (Score Record) |
Fissarecord (Record establisher) |
Рекордный мегакарпоносец Rekordnyy megakarponosets (Record Rainmaker carrier) Рекордный башневоз Rekordnyy bashnevoz (Record Tower carrier) |
Récord de contador (Counter record) |
Récord de contador (Counter record) |
刷新最佳计数 | 刷新最佳計數 | 베스트 카운트 경신 |
#1 Clam Carrier | ガチアサリ運んだ時間 No.1 gachi asari hakonda jikan nambā wan (Clam carried time No.1) |
Schelpen gedragen: nr. 1 (Clams carried: No. 1) |
№ 1 en transport de palourdes (No. 1 in clam transport) |
№ 1 en transport de palourdes (No. 1 in clam transport) |
1. Platz: Muschel-Transport (1st Place: Clam Transport) |
Portavongole nº 1 (Clam carrier no. 1) |
Устроносчик № 1 Ustronoschik № 1 (№ 1 Clam carrier) |
N.º 1 en portar almejas (No. 1 in carrying clams) |
N.º 1 en portar almejas (No. 1 in carrying clams) |
真格蛤蜊运送时间 No.1 | 真格蛤蜊運送時間 No.1 | 랭크 바지락 운반 시간 No.1 |
#1 Turf Inker | 塗りポイント No.1 nuri pointo nambā wan (Paint point No.1) |
Grond geverfd: nr. 1 (Ground painted: No. 1) |
№ 1 en encrage de zone (No. 1 in zone inking) |
№ 1 en encrage de territoire (No. 1 in territory inking) |
1. Platz: Revier gefärbt (1st Place: Turf inked) |
Inchiostratutto nº 1 (Ink-it-all no. 1) |
Заливщик № 1 Zalivshchik № 1 (№ 1 [ink] Pourer) |
N.º 1 en entintar territorio (No. 1 in inking territory) |
N.º 1 en entintar (No. 1 in inking) |
涂墨点数 No.1 | 塗墨點數 No.1 | 색칠 포인트 No.1 |
#1 Popular Target | 注目された時間 No.1 chūmoku sareta jikan nambā wan (Got noticed time No.1) |
Geliefd doelwit: nr. 1 (Beloved target: No. 1) |
Cible privilégiée № 1 (No. 1 prime target) |
Cible privilégiée № 1 (No. 1 prime target) |
1. Platz: Beliebtes Ziel (1st Place: Popular target) |
Bersaglio facile nº 1 (Easy target no. 1) |
Цель № 1 Tsel' № 1 (№ 1 Target) |
N.º 1 en atraer atención (No. 1 in attracting attention) |
N.º 1 en atraer atención (No. 1 in attracting attention) |
夺目时间 No.1 | 奪目時間 No.1 | 주목받은 시간 No.1 |
#1 Home-Base Inker | ホーム塗り No.1 hōmu nuri nambā wan (Home paint No.1) |
Basis geverfd: nr. 1 (Base painted: No. 1) |
№ 1 en encrage à domicile (No. 1 in inking at home) |
№ 1 en encrage à domicile (No. 1 in inking at home) |
1. Platz: Team-Start gefärbt (1st Place: Team-Start inked) |
Inchiostrabase nº 1 (Base inker no. 1) |
Заливщик в тылу № 1 Zalivshchik v tylu № 1 (№ 1 Back pourer) |
N.º 1 en entintar en lado propio (No. 1 in inking in own side) |
N.º 1 en entintar en lado propio (No. 1 in inking own side) |
本阵涂墨 No.1 | 本陣塗墨 No.1 | 홈 색칠 No.1 |
#1 Enemy-Base Inker | アウェイ塗り No.1 awei nuri nambā wan (Away paint No.1) |
Vijandelijke basis geverfd: nr. 1 (Enemy base painted: No. 1) |
№ 1 en encrage chez l'adversaire (No. 1 in inking at the opponent's) |
№ 1 en encrage chez l'adversaire (No. 1 in inking at the opponent's) |
1. Platz: Gegnerstart gefärbt (1st Place: Enemy-Start inked) |
Inchiostratraguardo nº 1 (Goal inker no. 1) |
Заливщик на передовой № 1 Zalivshchik na peredovoy № 1 (№ 1 Forefront pourer) |
N.º 1 en entintar en lado rival (No. 1 in inking in rival ground) |
N.º 1 en entintar en lado rival (No. 1 in inking in rival ground) |
敌阵涂墨 No.1 | 敵陣塗墨 No.1 | 어웨이 색칠 No.1 |
#1 Super Jump Spot | 味方のジャンプ先 No.1 mikata no janpu saki nambā wan (Ally's jump point No.1) |
Doel van supersprongen: nr. 1 (Target of Super Jumps: No. 1) |
№ 1 du super saut (No. 1 of Super Jump) |
№ 1 du super saut (No. 1 of Super Jump) |
1. Platz: Supersprung-Ziel (1st Place: Super Jump destination) |
Obiettivo super salto nº 1 (Super Jump target no. 1) |
Навигатор суперпрыжков № 1 Navigator superpryzhkov № 1 (№ 1 Super Jump navigator) |
N.º 1 en atraer supersaltos (No. 1 at attracting Super Jumps) |
N.º 1 en atraer supersaltos (No. 1 at attracting Super Jumps) |
同伴跳跃目标 No.1 | 同伴跳躍目標 No.1 | 아군의 집결지 No.1 |
#1 Enemy Splatter | トドメ数 No.1 todome kazu nambā wan (Halt number No.1) |
Vijanden uitgeschakeld: nr. 1 (Enemies eliminated: No. 1) |
№ 1 pour liquider (No. 1 in splatting) |
№ 1 pour liquider (No. 1 in splatting) |
1. Platz: Meiste Abschüsse (1st Place: Most shots) |
Splattanemici nº 1 (Enemy splatter no. 1) |
Плюхоспец № 1 Plyukhospets № 1 (№ 1 Splat specialist) |
N.º 1 en reventar rivales (No. 1 in splatting rivals) |
N.º 1 en liquidar rivales (No. 1 in splatting rivals) |
击倒数 No.1 | 擊倒數 No.1 | 마무리 횟수 No.1 |
#1 Splat Assister | アシスト数 No.1 ashisuto kazu nambā wan (Assist number No.1) |
Geholpen bij uitschakeling: nr. 1 (Helped with elimination: No. 1) |
№ 1 du coup de main (No. 1 helping hand) |
№ 1 du coup de main (No. 1 helping hand) |
1. Platz: Abschuss-Assistenz (1st Place: Shot Assistance) |
Splattassistente nº 1 (Splat-assistant no. 1) |
Плюх-соратник № 1 Plyukh-soratnik № 1 (№ 1 Splat ally) |
N.º 1 en apoyo en combate (No. 1 in battle helping) |
N.º 1 en ayuda (No. 1 in helping) |
助攻数 No.1 | 助攻數 No.1 | 어시스트 횟수 No.1 |
Silver medals
English | Japanese | Dutch | French (Canada) | French (France) | German | Italian | Russian | Spanish (Latin America) |
Spanish (Spain) |
Chinese (Simplified) |
Chinese (Traditional) |
Korean |
#1 Base Defender | ホーム防衛 No.1 hōmu bōei nambā wan (Home defense No.1) |
Basis verdedigd: nr. 1 (Base defended: No. 1) |
№ 1 en défense de la base (No. 1 in base defending) |
№ 1 en défense de la base (No. 1 in base defending) |
1. Platz: Basisverteidiger (1st Place: Base defender) |
Baluardo nº 1 (Bastion no. 1) |
Защитник базы № 1 Zashchitnik bazy № 1 (№ 1 Base defender) |
N.º 1 en defender la base (No. 1 in defending the base) |
N.º 1 en defender la base (No. 1 in defending the base) |
本阵防守 No.1 | 本陣防守 No.1 | 홈 방어 No.1 |
#1 Splat Zone Hero | ガチエリア関与 No.1 gachi eria kan'yo nambā wan (Splat Zone participation No.1) |
Spetterzonekanjer: nr. 1 (Splat Zone hero: No. 1) |
№ 1 en héroïsme de zone (No. 1 in zone heroism) |
№ 1 en héroïsme de zone (No. 1 in zone heroism) |
1. Platz: Splatterzonen-Held (1st Place: Splat Zone Hero) |
Idolo della zona splat nº 1 (Splat Zone idol no. 1) |
Звезда зоны контроля № 1 Zvezda zony kontrolya №1 (№1 Splat Zone star) |
N.º 1 en dominar la zona (No. 1 in dominating the zone) |
N.º 1 en pintazonas (No. 1 in Splat Zones) |
真格区域干涉 No.1 | 真格區域干涉 No.1 | 랭크 에어리어 관여 No.1 |
#1 Checkpoint Breaker | カンモン突破 No.1 kaunto toppa nambā wan (Count breakthrough No.1) |
Checkpoint bereikt: nr. 1 (Checkpoint reached: No. 1) |
№ 1 du point de contrôle (No. 1 at checkpoint) |
№ 1 du point de contrôle (No. 1 at checkpoint) |
1. Platz: Wegbereiter (1st Place: Path maker) |
Apricheckpoint nº 1 (Checkpoint opener no. 1) |
Таран № 1 Taran № 1 (№ 1 Ram) |
N.º 1 en superar controles (No. 1 in breaking controls) |
N.º 1 en superar controles (No. 1 in breaking controls) |
关卡突破 No.1 | 關卡突破 No.1 | 관문 돌파 No.1 |
#1 Tower Stopper | ガチヤグラブロック No.1 gachi yagura burokku nambā wan (Tower blocking No.1) |
Toren verdedigd: nr. 1 (Tower defended: No. 1) |
№ 1 en arrêt de la plateforme (No. 1 in stopping the tower) |
№ 1 en arrêt du stand (No. 1 in stopping the tower) |
1. Platz: Turm angehalten (1st Place: Tower stopped) |
Fermatorre nº 1 (Tower stopper no. 1) |
Блокировщик башни № 1 Blokirovshchik bashni № 1 (№ 1 Tower blocker) |
N.º 1 en frenar la torre (No. 1 in stopping the tower) |
N.º 1 en parar la torre (No. 1 in stopping the tower) |
真格塔楼拦截 No.1 | 真格塔樓攔截 No.1 | 랭크 타워 저지 No.1 |
#1 Rainmaker Carrier | ガチホコ運んだ時間 No.1 gachi hoko hakonda jikan nambā wan (Rainmaker carried time No.1) |
Bazookarper gedragen: nr. 1 (Rainmaker carried: No. 1) |
№ 1 en transport de Bazookarpe (No. 1 in Rainmaker transporting) |
№ 1 en transport de Bazookarpe (No. 1 in Rainmaker transporting) |
1. Platz: Goldfischträger (1st Place: Rainmaker carrier) |
Portabazookarp nº 1 (Rainmaker carrier no. 1) |
Хранитель мегакарпа № 1 Khranitel' megakarpa № 1 (№ 1 Rainmaker keeper) |
N.º 1 en portar el pez dorado (No. 1 in in carrying the Rainmaker) |
N.º 1 en portar el pez dorado (No. 1 in in carrying the Rainmaker) |
真格鱼虎运送时间 No.1 | 真格魚虎運送時間 No.1 | 랭크 피시 운반 시간 No.1 |
#1 Rainmaker Stopper | ガチホコブロック No.1 gachi hoko burokku nambā wan (Rainmaker blocking No.1) |
Bazookarper gestopt: nr. 1 (Rainmaked stopped: No. 1) |
№ 1 en arrêt de Bazookarpe (No. 1 in Rainmaker stopping) |
№ 1 en arrêt de Bazookarpe (No. 1 in Rainmaker stopping) |
1. Platz: Goldfischstopper (1st Place: Rainmaker stopper) |
Fermabazookarp nº 1 (Rainmaker stopper no. 1) |
Мегакарп-стоппер № 1 Megakarp-stopper № 1 (№ 1 Rainmaker stopper) |
N.º 1 en frenar el pez dorado (No. 1 in stopping the Rainmaker) |
N.º 1 en parar el pez dorado (No. 1 in stopping the Rainmaker) |
真格鱼虎拦截 No.1 | 真格魚虎攔截 No.1 | 랭크 피시 저지 No.1 |
#1 Clam Stopper | ガチアサリブロック No.1 gachi asari burokku nambā wan (Clam blocking No.1) |
Schelpen gestopt: nr. 1 (Clams stopped: No. 1) |
№ 1 en arrêt de palourde (No. 1 in clam stopping) |
№ 1 en arrêt de palourde (No. 1 in clam stopping) |
1. Platz: Muschelstopper (1st Place: Clam stopper) |
Fermavongole nº 1 (Clam stopper no. 1) |
Устростоппер № 1 Ustrostopper № 1 (№ 1 Clam stopper) |
N.º 1 en frenar almejas (No. 1 in stopping clams) |
N.º 1 en parar almejas (No. 1 in stopping clams) |
真格蛤蜊拦截 No.1 | 真格蛤蜊攔截 No.1 | 랭크 바지락 저지 No.1 |
#1 Ground Traveler | 移動距離 No.1 idō kyori nambā wan (Movement distance No.1) |
Afstand afgelegd: nr. 1 (Distance covered: No. 1) |
№ 1 de la distance parcourue (No. 1 in traveled distance) |
№ 1 de la distance parcourue (No. 1 in traveled distance) |
1. Platz: Distanzläufer (1st Place: Distance runner) |
Maratoneta nº 1 (Marathon runner no. 1) |
Марафонец № 1 Marafonets № 1 (№ 1 Marathon runner) |
N.º 1 en distancia recorrida (No. 1 in traveled distance) |
N.º 1 en distancia recorrida (No. 1 in traveled distance) |
移动距离 No.1 | 移動距離 No.1 | 이동 거리 No.1 |
#1 Damage Taker | 耐えたダメージ No.1 taeta damēji nambā wan (Withstood damage No.1) |
Schade opgelopen: nr. 1 (Damaged received: No. 1) |
№ 1 des dégâts subis (No. 1 in suffered damage) |
№ 1 des dégâts subis (No. 1 in suffered damage) |
1. Platz: Schaden eingesteckt (1st Place: Damage taken) |
Assorbidanni nº 1 (Damage absorber no. 1) |
Магнит урона № 1 Magnit urona № 1 (№ 1 Damage magnet) |
N.º 1 en daño soportado (No. 1 in suffered damage) |
N.º 1 en daño soportado (No. 1 in suffered damage) |
承受伤害 No.1 | 耐受傷害 No.1 | 버틴 대미지 No.1 |
#1 Ink Consumer | インク消費量 No.1 inku shōhiryō (Ink consumption amount No.1) |
Inkt gebruikt: nr. 1 (Ink used: No. 1) |
№ 1 en consommation d'encre (No. 1 in ink consumption) |
№ 1 en consommation d'encre (No. 1 in ink consumption) |
1. Platz: Tintenverbrauch (1st Place: Ink consumption) |
Consumainchiostro nº 1 (Ink consumer no. 1) |
Краскострел № 1 Kraskostrel № 1 (№ 1 Paint shooter) |
N.º 1 en consumo de tinta (No. 1 in ink consumption) |
N.º 1 en recargar tinta (No. 1 in recharging ink) |
墨汁消耗量 No.1 | 墨汁消耗量 No.1 | 잉크 소비량 No.1 |
First Splat! | ファーストスプラット fāsuto supuratto (First splat) |
Eerste uitschakeling! (First elimination!) |
Prix de la 1re victime (Prize for the 1st victim) |
Prix de la 1re victime (Prize for the 1st victim) |
Erster Abschuss! (First shot!) |
Primo splat! (First splat!) |
Первый плюх! Pervyy plyukh! (First splat!) |
Primera reventada (First splat) |
Primera liquidación (First splat) |
先泼制人 | 先潑制人 | 퍼스트 스플랫 |
#1 Big Bubbler User | グレートバリア No.1 gurēto baria nambā wan (Big Bubbler No.1) |
Joekelschild gebruikt: nr. 1 (Big Bubbler used: No. 1) |
№ 1 du Super bouclier (No. 1 of Big Bubbler) |
№ 1 du super bouclier (No. 1 of Big Bubbler) |
1. Platz: Kugelschild Pro (1st Place: Big Bubbler) |
Gran bolla scudo: asso nº 1 (Big Bubbler: no. 1 ace) |
Мастер шарощита Master sharoshchita (Big Bubbler master) |
N.º 1 en megaburbuja (No. 1 in Big Bubbler) |
N.º 1 en megaburbuja (No. 1 in Big Bubbler) |
巨大防护罩 No.1 jùdà fánghù zhào No. 1 (Big Bubbler No.1) |
巨大防護罩 No.1 | 그레이트 배리어 No.1 geureiteu baerieo No. 1 (Big Bubbler No.1) |
#1 Booyah Bomb User | ナイスダマ No.1 naisu dama nambā wan (Booyah Bomb No.1) |
Coole bom gebruikt: nr. 1 (Booyah Bomb used: No. 1) |
№ 1 de l'Excellinator (No. 1 of Booyah Bomb) |
№ 1 du jolizator (No. 1 of Booyah Bomb) |
1. Platz: Cool-Kugel (1st Place: Booyah Bomb) |
Granbotto: asso nº 1 (Booyah Bomb: no. 1 ace) |
Мастер йо-хо-плюхера Master syo-kho-plyukhera (Booyah Bomb master) |
N.º 1 en bola genializante (No. 1 in Booyah Bomb) |
N.º 1 en bola genializante (No. 1 in Booyah Bomb) |
赞气弹 No.1 zàn qì dàn No. 1 (Booyah Bomb No.1) |
讚氣彈 No.1 | 나이스옥 No.1 naiseu ok No. 1 (Booyah Bomb No.1) |
#1 Crab Tank User | カニタンク No.1 kani tanku nambā wan (Crab Tank No.1) |
Krabbentank gebruikt: nr. 1 (Crab Tank used: No. 1) |
№ 1 du Crabe d'assaut (No. 1 of Crab Tank) |
№ 1 du crabe d'assaut (No. 1 of Crab Tank) |
1. Platz: Krabbenpanzer (1st Place: Crab Tank) |
Granchio armato: asso nº 1 (Crab Tank: no. 1 ace) |
Мастер кработанка Master krabotanka (Crab Tank master) |
N.º 1 en cangrejobot (No. 1 in Crab Tank) |
N.º 1 en cangrejobot (No. 1 in Crab Tank) |
螃蟹坦克 No.1 pángxiè tǎnkè No. 1 (Crab Tank No.1) |
螃蟹坦克 No.1 | 크랩 탱크 No.1 keuraep taengkeu No. 1 (Crab Tank No.1) |
#1 Inkjet User | ジェットパック No.1 jettopakku nambā wan (Inkjet No.1) |
Inktjet gebruikt: nr. 1 (Inkjet used: No. 1) |
№ 1 du Chromo-jet (No. 1 of Inkjet) |
№ 1 du chromo-jet (No. 1 of Inkjet) |
1. Platz: Tintendüser (1st Place: Ink Jet) |
Jet splat: asso nº 1 (Inkjet: no. 1 ace) |
Мастер красколета Master kraskolyota (Inkjet master) |
N.º 1 en propulsor (No. 1 in Inkjet) |
N.º 1 en propulsor (No. 1 in Inkjet) |
喷射背包 No.1 pēnshè bēibāo No. 1 (Inkjet No.1) |
噴射 No.1 | 제트 팩 No.1 jeteu paek No. 1 (Inkjet No.1) |
#1 Ink Storm User | アメフラシ No.1 amefurashi nambā wan (Ink Storm No.1) |
Spetterbui gebruikt: nr. 1 (Ink Storm used: No. 1) |
№ 1 de la Pluie d'encre (No. 1 of Ink Storm) |
№ 1 de la pluie d'encre (No. 1 of Ink Storm) |
1. Platz: Tintenschauer (1st Place: Ink Storm) |
Pioggia di colore: asso nº 1 (Ink Storm: no. 1 ace) |
Мастер тучи краски Master tuchi kraski (Ink Storm master) |
N.º 1 en atormentador (No. 1 in Ink Storm) |
N.º 1 en atormentador (No. 1 in Ink Storm) |
墨雨云 No.1 mò yǔyún No. 1 (Ink Storm No.1) |
墨雨雲 No.1 | 먹구름 No.1 meokgureum No. 1 (Ink Storm No.1) |
#1 Ink Vac User | キューインキ No.1 kyūinki nambā wan (Ink Vac No.1) |
Inktdief gebruikt: nr. 1 (Ink Vac used: No. 1) |
№ 1 de l'Aspirencre (No. 1 of Ink Vac) |
№ 1 de l'aspirencre (No. 1 of Ink Vac) |
1. Platz: Tintegrator (1st Place: Ink Vac) |
Vampinchiostro: asso nº 1 (Ink Vac: no. 1 ace) |
Мастер краскососа Master kraskososa (Ink Vac master) |
N.º 1 en aspiratinta (No. 1 in Ink Vac) |
N.º 1 en aspiratinta (No. 1 in Ink Vac) |
吸墨机 No.1 xīmòjī No. 1 (Ink Vac No.1) |
吸墨機 No.1 | 흡입기 No.1 heubipgi No. 1 (Ink Vac No.1) |
#1 Killer Wail 5.1 User | メガホンレーザー5.1ch No.1 megahon rēzā 5.1ch nambā wan (Killer Wail 5.1 No.1) |
Megalofoon 5.1 gebruikt: nr. 1 (Killer Wail 5.1 used: No. 1) |
№ 1 du Laser perçant 5.1 (No. 1 of Killer Wail 5.1) |
№ 1 du haut-perceur 5.1 (No. 1 of Killer Wail 5.1) |
1. Platz: Heulboje 5.1 (1st Place: Killer Wail 5.1) |
Tintofono 5.1: asso nº 1 (Killer Wail 5.1: no. 1 ace) |
Мастер мегалофона 5.1 Master megalofona 5.1 (Killer Wail 5.1 master) |
N.º 1 en berreón 5.1 (No. 1 in Killer Wail 5.1) |
N.º 1 en tintófono 5.1 (No. 1 in Killer Wail 5.1) |
喇叭镭射5.1ch No.1 kǎbā léishè 5.1ch No. 1 (Killer Wail 5.1 No.1) |
喇叭雷射5.1ch No.1 | 메가폰 레이저 5.1ch No.1 megapon reijeo 5.1ch No. 1 (Killer Wail 5.1 No.1) |
#1 Kraken Royale User | テイオウイカ No.1 | Monstermorfose gebruikt: nr. 1 (Kraken Royale used: No. 1) |
№ 1 du Kraken royal (No. 1 of Kraken Royale) |
№ 1 du kraken royal (No. 1 of Kraken Royale) |
1. Platz: Tintentyrann (1st Place: Kraken Royale) |
Kraken reale: asso nº 1 (Kraken Royale: no. 1) |
Мастер тираннокракена Master tirannokrakena (Kraken Royale master) |
N.º 1 en calamar imperial (No. 1 in Kraken Royale) |
N.º 1 en calamar imperial (No. 1 in Kraken Royale) |
帝王鱿鱼 No.1 dìwáng yóuyú No. 1 (Kraken Royale used: No. 1) |
帝王魷魚 No.1 | 로열 크라켄 No.1 royeol keuraken No. 1 (Kraken Royale used: No. 1) |
#1 Reefslider User | サメライド No.1 same raido nambā wan (Reefslider No.1) |
Opblaashaai gebruikt: nr. 1 (Reefslider used: No. 1) |
№ 1 du Cavalsquale (No. 1 of Reefslider) |
№ 1 du cavalsquale (No. 1 of Reefslider) |
1. Platz: Haihammer (1st Place: Reefslider) |
Motosqualo: asso nº 1 (Reefslider: no. 1 ace) |
Мастер мотокулы Master motokuly (Reefslider master) |
N.º 1 en flotiburón (No. 1 in Reefslider) |
N.º 1 en flotiburón (No. 1 in Reefslider) |
鲨鱼坐骑 No.1 shāyú zuòqí No. 1 (Reefslider No.1) |
鯊魚坐騎 No.1 | 샤크 라이드 No.1 syakeu raideu No. 1 (Reefslider No.1) |
#1 Splattercolor Screen User | スミナガシート No.1 suminagashīto nambā wan (Splattercolor Screen No.1) |
PLED-scherm gebruikt: nr. 1 (Triple Splashdown used: No. 1) |
№ 1 du Barrière barbouillée (No. 1 of Splattercolor) |
№ 1 du Barrière barbouillée (No. 1 of Splattercolor) |
1. Platz: Unsichtbarriere (1st Place: Triple Splashdown) |
Cortina ingannevole: asso nº 1 (Splattercolor Screen: no. 1 ace) |
Заливной барьер Zalivnoy bar'er (Triple Splashdown master) |
N.º 1 en muro marmoleado (No. 1 in Splattercolor) |
N.º 1 en pantintalla (No. 1 in Splattercolor) |
浮墨幕墙 No.1 fú mò mùqiáng No. 1 (Splattercolor Screen No.1) |
浮墨幕牆 No.1 fau4 mak6 mok6 coeng4 No. 1 (Splattercolor Screen No.1) |
스플래터컬러 스크린 No.1 seupeullaeteokeolleo seukeulin No. 1 (Splattercolor Screen No.1) |
#1 Super Chump User | デコイチラシ No.1 | Voorschutter gebruikt: nr. 1 (Super Chump used: No. 1) |
№ 1 du Multi-leurres (No. 1 of Super Chump) |
№ 1 du multi-leurres (No. 1 of Super Chump) |
1. Platz: Bluffbomber (1st Place: Super Chump) |
Diversivo esplosivo: asso nº 1 (Super Chump: no. 1 ace) |
Мастер суперпрыжатора Master superpryzhatora (Super Chump master) |
N.º 1 en multiseñuelos (No. 1 in Super Chump) |
N.º 1 en multiseñuelos (No. 1 in Super Chump) |
诱饵烟花 No.1 yòu'ěr yānhuā No. 1 (Super Chump used: No. 1) |
誘餌煙火 No.1 | 디코이 캐넌 No.1 dikoi kaeneon No. 1 (Super Chump used: No. 1) |
#1 Tacticooler User | エナジースタンド No.1 enajī sutando nambā wan (Tacticooler No.1) |
Reddingsbar gebruikt: nr. 1 (Tacticooler used: No. 1) |
№ 1 du Districool (No. 1 of Tacticooler) |
№ 1 du districool (No. 1 of Tacticooler) |
1. Platz: Tranktank (1st Place: Tacticooler) |
Rinfrigorente: asso nº 1 (Tacticooler: no. 1 ace) |
Мастер тоникулера Master tonikulera (Tacticooler master) |
N.º 1 en dispensabebidas (No. 1 in Tacticooler) |
N.º 1 en dispensabebidas (No. 1 in Tacticooler) |
能量站 No.1 néngliàng zhàn No. 1 (Tacticooler No.1) |
能量站 No.1 | 에너지 스탠드 No.1 eneoji seutaendeu No. 1 (Tacticooler No.1) |
#1 Tenta Missiles User | マルチミサイル No.1 maruchi misairu nambā wan (Tenta Missiles No.1) |
Spetterraketten gebruikt: nr. 1 (Tenta Missiles used: No. 1) |
№ 1 du Multi-missile (No. 1 of Tenta Missiles) |
№ 1 du multi-missile (No. 1 of Tenta Missiles) |
1. Platz: Schwarmraketen (1st Place: Tenta Missiles) |
Lanciarazzi: asso nº 1 (Tenta Missiles: no. 1 ace) |
Мастер каракатницы Master karakatnitsy (Tenta Missiles master) |
N.º 1 en lanzamisiles (No. 1 in Tenta Missiles) |
N.º 1 en lanzamisiles (No. 1 in Tenta Missiles) |
多重导弹 No.1 duōchóng dǎodàn No. 1 (Tenta Missiles No.1) |
多重導彈 No.1 | 멀티 미사일 No.1 meolti misail No. 1 (Tenta Missiles No.1) |
#1 Triple Inkstrike User | トリプルトルネード No.1 toripuru torunēdo nambā wan (Triple Inkstrike No.1) |
Tri-tornado gebruikt: nr. 1 (Triple Inkstrike used: No. 1) |
№ 1 du Trimissile tornade (No. 1 of Triple Inkstrike) |
№ 1 du trimissile tornade (No. 1 ofTriple Inkstrike) |
1. Platz: Tri-Tintferno (1st Place: Triple Inkstrike) |
Triplo tornado: asso nº 1 (Triple Inkstrike: no. 1 ace) |
Мастер тройного торнадо Master troynogo tornado (Triple Inkstrike master) |
N.º 1 en tornado triple (No. 1 in Triple Inkstrike) |
N.º 1 en tornado triple (No. 1 in Triple Inkstrike) |
三重龙卷风 No.1 sānchóng lóngjuǎnfēng No. 1 (Triple Inkstrike No.1) |
三重龍捲風 No.1 | 트리플 토네이도 No.1 teuripeul toneido No. 1 (Triple Inkstrike No.1) |
#1 Triple Splashdown User | ウルトラチャクチ No.1 urutora chakuchi nambā wan (Triple Splashdown No.1) |
Ultralanding gebruikt: nr. 1 (Triple Splashdown used: No. 1) |
№ 1 du Triple choc chromatique (No. 1 of Triple Splashdown) |
№ 1 du Triple choc chromatique (No. 1 of Triple Splashdown) |
1. Platz: Tri-Tintenschock (1st Place: Triple Splashdown) |
Triplo vernischianto: asso nº 1 (Triple Splashdown: no. 1 ace) |
Тройной мегаплюх Troynoy megaplyukh (Triple Splashdown master) |
N.º 1 en clavado triple (No. 1 in Triple Splashdown) |
N.º 1 en puñetazos explosivos (No. 1 in Triple Splashdown) |
终极着陆 No.1 zhōngjí zhuólù No. 1 (Triple Splashdown No.1) |
終極著陸 No.1 | 울트라 착지 No.1 teulipeul seupeullaesidaun No. 1 (Triple Splashdown No.1) |
#1 Trizooka User | ウルトラショット No.1 urutora shotto nambā wan (Trizooka No.1) |
Trizooka gebruikt: nr. 1 (Trizooka used: No. 1) |
№ 1 du Lance-tornades (No. 1 of Trizooka) |
№ 1 du lance-rafales (No. 1 of Trizooka) |
1. Platz: Trizooka (1st Place: Trizooka) |
Ultraturbinator: asso nº 1 (Trizooka: no. 1 ace) |
Мастер «Трезубца» Master «Trezubtsa» (Trizooka master) |
N.º 1 en cañón triple (No. 1 in Trizooka) |
N.º 1 en tintazuca triple (No. 1 in Trizooka) |
终极发射 No.1 zhōngjí fāshè No. 1 (Trizooka No.1) |
終極發射 No.1 | 울트라 샷 No.1 ulteura syat No. 1 (Trizooka No.1) |
#1 Ultra Stamp User | ウルトラハンコ No.1 urutora hanko nambā wan (Ultra Stamp No.1) |
Ultrastempel gebruikt: nr. 1 (Ultra Stamp used: No. 1) |
№ 1 de l'Ultra-étampeur (No. 1 of Ultra Stamp) |
№ 1 de l'ultra-tamponneur (No. 1 of Ultra Stamp) |
1. Platz: Ultra-Stempel (1st Place: Ultra Stamp) |
Mega timbro: asso nº 1 (Ultra Stamp: no. 1 ace) |
Мастер припечати Master pripechati (Ultra Stamp master) |
N.º 1 en ultraselladora (No. 1 in Ultra Stamp) |
N.º 1 en ultraselladora (No. 1 in Ultra Stamp) |
终极印章 No.1 zhōngjí yìnzhāng No. 1 (Ultra Stamp No.1) |
終極印章 No.1 | 울트라 스탬프 No.1 ulteura seutaempeu No. 1 (Ultra Stamp No.1) |
#1 Wave Breaker User | ホップソナー No.1 hoppu sonā nambā wan (Wave Breaker No.1) |
Golfbeker gebruikt: nr. 1 (Wave Breaker used: No. 1) |
№ 1 du Sonar paf (No. 1 of Wave Breaker) |
№ 1 du sonar paf (No. 1 of Wave Breaker) |
1. Platz: Schauerwelle (1st Place: Wave Breaker) |
Sonar esplosivo: asso nº 1 (Wave Breaker: no. 1 ace) |
Мастер волноплюхера Master volnoplyukhera (Wave Breaker master) |
N.º 1 en emiteondas (No. 1 in Wave Breaker) |
N.º 1 en emiteondas (No. 1 in Wave Breaker) |
弹跳声呐 No.1 tántiào shēngnà No. 1 (Wave Breaker No.1) |
彈跳聲納 No.1 | 홉 소나 No.1 hob sona No. 1 (Wave Breaker No.1) |
#1 Zipcaster User | ショクワンダー No.1 shoku wandā nambā wan (Zipcaster No.1) |
Tentakabel gebruikt: nr. 1 (Zipcaster used: No. 1) |
№ 1 du Super Mollusque (No. 1 of Zipcaster) |
№ 1 du Super Mollusque (No. 1 of Zipcaster) |
1. Platz: Haftsprung (1st Place: Zipcaster) |
Molluscatto: asso nº 1 (Zipcaster: no. 1 ace) |
Мастер краскотроса Master kraskotrosa (Zipcaster master) |
N.º 1 en gancho tentacular (No. 1 in Zipcaster) |
N.º 1 en gancho tentacular (No. 1 in Zipcaster) |
触手喷射 No.1 chùshǒu pēnshè No. 1 (Zipcaster No.1) |
觸手噴射 No.1 | 쇼크 원더 No.1 syokeu wondeo No. 1 (Zipcaster No.1) |
#2 Overall Splatter | バトル No.2 batoru nambā tsū (Battle No.2) |
Algemeen: nr. 2 (General: No. 2) |
№ 2 au combat (No. 2 in combat) |
№ 2 au combat (No. 2 in combat) |
2. Platz: Gesamtleistung (2nd Place: Overall performance) |
Splattatutto nº 2 (Splat-it-all no. 2) |
Плюхатор № 2 Plyukhator № 2 (№ 2 Splatter) |
N.º 2 en combate (No. 2 in combat) |
N.º 2 en combate (No. 2 in combat) |
对战 No.2 | 對戰 No.2 | 배틀 No.2 |
#2 Splat Zone Inker | ガチエリア塗り No.2 gachi eria nuri nambā tsū (Splat Zone paint number No.2) |
Spetterzone geverfd: nr. 2 (Splat Zone painted: No. 2) |
№ 2 en encrage de zone (No. 2 in zone inking) |
№ 2 en encrage de zone (No. 2 in zone inking) |
2. Platz: Splatterzonen gefärbt (2nd Place: Splat Zones inked) |
Attaccante zona splat nº 2 (Splat Zone attacker no. 2) |
Хозяин зоны контроля № 2 Khozyain zony kontrolya № 2 (№ 2 Splat Zone boss) |
N.º 2 en entintar la zona (No. 2 in inking the zone) |
N.º 2 en ganar territorio (No. 2 in winning territory) |
真格区域涂墨 No.2 | 真格區域塗墨 No.2 | 랭크 에어리어 색칠 No.2 |
#2 Splat Zone Guard | ガチエリア前線キープ No.2 gachi eria zensen kīpu nambā tsū (Splat Zone front line maintaining No.2) |
Spetterzone verdedigd: nr. 2 (Splat Zone defended: No. 2) |
№ 2 en défense de zone (No. 2 in zone defense) |
№ 2 en Défense de zone (No. 2 in zone defense) |
2. Platz: Splatterzonen gehalten (2nd Place: Splat Zones held) |
Guardia zona splat nº 2 (Splat Zone Guard no. 2) |
Защитник зоны контроля № 2 Zashchitnik zony kontrolya № 2 (№ 2 Splat Zone defender) |
N.º 2 en defender la zona( No. 2 in defending the zone) |
N.º 2 en defender territorio (No. 2 in defending territory) |
真格区域前线把控 No.2 | 真格區域前線把控 No.2 | 랭크 에어리어 전선 유지 No.2 |
#2 Score Booster | カウント進行 No.2 kaunto shinkō nambā tsū (Count advancing No.2) |
Scorebijdrage: nr. 2 (Score contribution: No. 2) |
№ 2 en progression (No. 2 in progress) |
№ 2 en progression (No. 2 in progress) |
2. Platz: Zähler-Fortschritt (2nd Place: Score Progress) |
Asso della distanza nº 2 (Ace of Distance no. 2) |
Устросборщик № 2 Ustrosborshchik № 2 (№ 2 Clam collector) |
N.º 2 en avanzar el contador (No. 2 in advancing the counter) |
N.º 2 en aumento de contador (No. 2 in counter increasement) |
计数推进 No.2 | 計數推進 No.2 | 카운트 진행 No.2 |
#2 Clam Carrier | ガチアサリ運んだ時間 No.2 gachi asari hakonda jikan nambā tsū (Clam carried time No.2) |
Schelpen gedragen: nr. 2 (Clams carried: No. 2) |
№ 2 en transport de palourdes (No. 2 in clam transport) |
№ 2 en transport de palourdes (No. 2 in clam transport) |
2. Platz: Muschel-Transport (2nd Place: Clam Transport) |
Portavongole nº 2 (Clam carrier no. 2) |
Устроносчик № 2 Ustronoschik № 2 (№ 2 Clam carrier) |
N.º 2 en portar almejas (No. 2 in carrying clams) |
N.º 2 en portar almejas (No. 2 in carrying clams) |
真格蛤蜊运送时间 No.2 | 真格蛤蜊運送時間 No.2 | 랭크 바지락 운반 시간 No.2 |
#2 Turf Inker | 塗りポイント No.2 nuri pointo nambā tsū (Paint point No.2) |
Grond geverfd: nr. 2 (Ground painted: No. 2) |
№ 2 en encrage de zone (No. 2 in zone inking) |
№ 2 en encrage de territoire (No. 2 in zone inking) |
2. Platz: Revier gefärbt (2nd Place: Turf inked) |
Inchiostratutto nº 2 (Ink-it-all no. 2) |
Заливщик № 2 Zalivshchik № 2 (№ 2 [ink] Pourer) |
N.º 2 en entintar territorio (No. 2 in inking territory) |
N.º 2 en entintar (No. 2 in inking) |
涂墨点数 No.2 | 塗墨點數 No.2 | 색칠 포인트 No.2 |
#2 Popular Target | 注目された時間 No.2 chūmoku sareta jikan nambā tsū (Got noticed time No.2) |
Geliefd doelwit: nr. 2 (Beloved target: No. 2) |
Cible privilégiée № 2 (No. 1 prime target) |
Cible privilégiée № 2 (No. 1 prime target) |
2. Platz: Beliebtes Ziel (2nd Place: Popular target) |
Bersaglio facile nº 2 (Easy target no. 2) |
Цель № 2 Tsel' № 2 (№ 2 Target) |
N.º 2 en atraer atención (No. 2 in attracting attention) |
N.º 2 en atraer atención (No. 2 in attracting attention) |
夺目时间 No.2 | 奪目時間 No.2 | 주목받은 시간 No.2 |
#2 Home-Base Inker | ホーム塗り No.2 hōmu nuri nambā tsū (Home paint No.2) |
Basis geverfd: nr. 2 (Base painted: No. 2) |
№ 2 en encrage à domicile (No. 2 in inking at home) |
№ 2 en encrage à domicile (No. 2 in inking at home) |
2. Platz: Team-Start gefärbt (2nd Place: Team-Start inked) |
Inchiostrabase nº 2 (Base inker no. 2) |
Заливщик в тылу № 2 Zalivshchik v tylu № 2 (№ 2 Back pourer) |
N.º 2 en entintar en lado propio (No. 2 in inking in own side) |
N.º 2 en entintar en lado propio (No. 2 in inking in own side) |
本阵涂墨 No.2 | 本陣塗墨 No.2 | 홈 색칠 No.2 |
#2 Enemy-Base Inker | アウェイ塗り No.2 awei nuri nambā tsū (Away paint No.2) |
Vijandelijke basis geverfd: nr. 2 (Enemy base painted: No. 2) |
№ 2 en encrage chez l'adversaire (No. 2 in inking at the opponent's) |
№ 2 en encrage chez l'adversaire (No. 2 in inking at the opponent's) |
2. Platz: Gegnerstart gefärbt (2nd Place: Enemy-Start inked) |
Inchiostratraguardo nº 2 (Goal inker no. 2) |
Заливщик на передовой № 2 Zalivshchik na peredovoy № 2 (№ 2 Forefront pourer) |
N.º 2 en entintar en lado rival (No. 2 in inking in rival ground) |
N.º 2 en entintar en lado rival (No. 2 in inking in rival ground) |
敌阵涂墨 No.2 | 敵陣塗墨 No.2 | 어웨이 색칠 No.2 |
#2 Super Jump Spot | 味方のジャンプ先 No.2 mikata no janpu saki nambā tsū (Ally's jump point No.2) |
Doel van supersprongen: nr. 2 (Target of Super Jumps: No. 2) |
№ 2 du super saut (No. 2 of Super Jump) |
№ 2 du super saut (No. 2 of Super Jump) |
2. Platz: Supersprung-Ziel (2nd Place: Super Jump destination) |
Obiettivo super salto nº 2 (Super Jump target no. 2) |
Навигатор суперпрыжков № 2 Navigator superpryzhkov № 2 (№ 2 Super Jump navigator) |
N.º 2 en atraer supersaltos (No. 2 at attracting Super Jumps) |
N.º 2 en atraer supersaltos (No. 2 at attracting Super Jumps) |
同伴跳跃目标 No.2 | 同伴跳躍目標 No.2 | 아군의 집결지 No.2 |
#2 Enemy Splatter | トドメ数 No.2 todome kazu nambā tsū (Halt number No.2) |
Vijanden uitgeschakeld: nr. 2 (Enemies eliminated: No. 2) |
№ 2 pour liquider (No. 2 in splatting) |
№ 2 pour liquider (No. 2 in splatting) |
2. Platz: Meiste Abschüsse (2nd Place: Most shots) |
Splattanemici nº 2 (Enemy Splatter no. 2) |
Плюхоспец № 2 Plyukhospets № 2 (№ 2 Splat specialist) |
N.º 2 en reventar rivales (No. 2 in splatting rivals) |
N.º 2 en liquidar rivales (No. 2 in splatting rivals) |
击倒数 No.2 | 擊倒數 No.2 | 마무리 횟수 No.2 |
#2 Splat Assister | アシスト数 No.2 ashisuto kazu nambā tsū (Assist number No.2) |
Geholpen bij uitschakeling: nr. 2 (Helped with elimination: No. 2) |
№ 2 du coup de main (No. 2 helping hand) |
№ 2 du coup de main (No. 2 helping hand) |
2. Platz: Abschuss-Assistenz (2nd Place: Shot Assistance) |
Splattassistente nº 2 (Splat-Assistant no. 2) |
Плюх-соратник № 2 Plyukh-soratnik № 2 (№ 2 Splat ally) |
N.º 2 en apoyo en combate (No. 2 in battle helping) |
N.º 2 en ayuda (No. 2 in helping) |
助攻数 No.2 | 助攻數 No.2 | 어시스트 횟수 No.2 |