Revision as of 01:00, 18 January 2025 by UnderFlorence(talk | contribs)(Remove redundant information (the two sentences contain the same info + restate the first sentence, plus that info detailed functionality, not description), add some extra info. The Description section is very sparse, but there is also nothing else that can be said about them, as they are really a mechanic that exists only for Gameplay (I looked over the dialogue and the only non-gameplay mention of them is Pealr asking if there's any under the vending machine))
The icon for Membux is coin with a label of a stylized infinity sign with two vertical strokes through it, making it appear as a currency symbol.
Membux are the main currency Agent 8 can obtain and use while traversing the Spire of Order, with more difficult floors yielding a higher amount of Membux when cleared. While their most prominent usage is to purchase various goods at the Vending-Machine Corner floors, they can also be used to escape an uncleared floor, gain another chance when all lives are exhausted, or reroll the available floors or items available in the vending machine as long as the respective hack is active. At the end of every run, Membux are converted to points with a 1:1 ratio, which are then converted to Prlz at a rate of 1:100 (rounded up). If the player progresses past 5F, they will start with 500 Membucks on their next run.
Mem likely comes from "memory", with bux coming from "bucks", a colloquial term for money. The English name and names in other languages suggest an association with mem cakes from Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion
Names in other languages
ネリコイン nerikoin
neri ("dough") + coin
From neur(o)- (prefix relating to nerves, nervous tissue or the nervous system), and euri (hypercorrect and humorous term for "euros")
French (NOE)
poulpe ("octopus") + pèze (colloquial term for "money")
Memo + Moneten (colloquial term for "money")
From Nori ("Marina") + lire (currency of use in Italy before the euro)
Вспомбаксы Vspombaksy
"Dough-coins". Pasta + Monedas
Chinese (Simplified)
忆界硬币 Yì jiè yìngbì
From 忆界宇宙 (the Chinese name of "Memverse") and 硬币 ("Coin")