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A promotional image for Splatoon 3 featuring the Splattershot.

Shooters are one of the main weapon classes in the Splatoon series.

Shooters are guns that fire small blobs of ink in quick succession. Most shooters are fully automatic, continuously firing when the player holds the trigger.

General mechanics

Shooters are ostensibly mechanically basic, only requiring pressing for all forms of operation.

However, some shooters are semi-automatic (firing one bullet per trigger press) or burst-fire (firing multiple bullets per trigger press), and consequently these weapons may benefit from or even require repeated taps of .


Main article: Blaster (weapon class)

Blasters are fully-automatic weapons that fire large globs of ink that travel forward and conclude their path with an explosion and typically have a lower fire rate and higher ink consumption than many shooters. Prior to Splatoon 3, they were classified as shooters.

List of shooters

Note: The series are arranged by their respective order in the weapon select screen with the Main filter.

Series Description Variants Games

A mid-damage, close-range shooter with a high fire rate. It features the highest damage output per second in its class, at the cost of having the shortest range. Sploosh-o-matic
Neo Sploosh-o-matic
Sploosh-o-matic 7

Splattershot Jr.
The first weapon given to the player upon starting the game. It is a low-damage, close-range shooter with a high fire rate. Its fire rate and ink efficiency ensure that new players will be able to accomplish something. Splattershot Jr.
Custom Splattershot Jr.
Kensa Splattershot Jr.

A low-damage, mid-range shooter with a high fire rate. It features perfect accuracy, the best among all automatic shooters. Splash-o-matic
Neo Splash-o-matic

A low-damage, close-range shooter with a high fire rate. It has the widest shot spread and the fastest firing rate in its class, allowing it to excel at covering turf. Aerospray MG
Aerospray RG
Aerospray PG

A mid-damage, mid-range shooter with an average fire rate. It has no real weaknesses and can adapt to any situation. Splattershot
Tentatek Splattershot
Wasabi Splattershot
Kensa Splattershot
Hero Shot Replica
Octo Shot Replica
Order Shot Replica

.52 Gal
A high-damage, mid-range shooter with a slow fire rate. This weapon suffers from low accuracy. .52 Gal
.52 Gal Deco
Kensa .52 Gal

A low-damage, mid-range shooter with a fast fire rate. It has the fastest strafe speed in its class. N-ZAP '85
N-ZAP '89
N-ZAP '83

Dual Squelcher
A low-damage, mid-range shooter with an average fire rate. Dual Squelcher
Custom Dual Squelcher

Splattershot Pro
A mid-damage, long-range shooter with a slow fire rate. Notably, this weapon has very high ink consumption. Splattershot Pro
Forge Splattershot Pro
Berry Splattershot Pro
Kensa Splattershot Pro

.96 Gal
A high-damage, long-range shooter with a very slow fire rate. As a trade-off for its power and range, this weapon suffers from low accuracy, and it consumes more ink per shot than any other weapon in its class. .96 Gal
.96 Gal Deco

Jet Squelcher
A low-damage, long-range shooter with a slow fire rate. It has the longest range in its class. Jet Squelcher
Custom Jet Squelcher

Splattershot Nova
A low-damage, mid-range shooter with an average fire rate. It has more range than other mid-range shooters and good ink efficiency, but is in turn less accurate and has less damage. Splattershot Nova
Annaki Splattershot Nova
Burst-fire or semi-automatic

L-3 Nozzlenose
A low-damage, mid-range shooter. It is a burst fire weapon, firing three bullets after a pull of the trigger. Well-timed button presses are required to maintain an optimal fire rate. L-3 Nozzlenose
L-3 Nozzlenose D
Kensa L-3 Nozzlenose

H-3 Nozzlenose
A mid-damage, long-range shooter. It is burst-fire, firing three bullets after a pull of the trigger. H-3 Nozzlenose
H-3 Nozzlenose D
Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose

A shooter with two firing modes: semi-automatic and fully automatic. Pulling the trigger once will squirt out a single long range, mid-power shot with perfect accuracy. Holding the button leads to successive low range, high spread, lower-powered shots. The trigger can be tapped repeatedly to maintain the high-power mode. Squeezer
Foil Squeezer

Special shooters

The following special shooters are only available outside of battles as part of other modes:

Weapon Description Games

Hero Shot
A shooter similar to the Splattershot only used in Octo Valley, Octo Canyon, and Return of the Mammalians. Depending on the game it appears in, its fire rate can be increased through upgrades using Power Eggs, Sardinium, or Upgrade Points. Upon completion of all required missions in all three modes (additionally requiring the Inkling Squid amiibo for Octo Valley), the player will unlock the Hero Shot Replica for use in battles.

Octo Shot
A shooter similar to the Splattershot only used by enemy Octolings, except in the Escape Phase of the Octo Expansion DLC and in Side Order when equipping Eight's Palette. Upon reaching level 40 in Splatoon, upon clearing the Octo Expansion DLC in Splatoon 2, or upon successful completion of a Side Order run with Eight's Palette equipped in Splatoon 3, the player will unlock the Octo Shot Replica for use in battles. [note 1]

Order Shot
A shooter similar to the Splattershot only used in Side Order when equipping Agent 4's Palette. Its stats can be upgraded by placing color chips into the associated Palette. Upon successful completion of a run with this Palette equipped, the player will unlock the Order Shot Replica for use in battles.


Shooters in Splatoon
Main #ID Sub Special Special Depletion Level Price Class Introduced
.52 Gal 50 Splash Wall Killer Wail Special gaugeMedium 5 Cash 3000 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)
.52 Gal Deco 51 Seeker Inkstrike Special gaugeLight 11 Cash 4500 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)
.96 Gal 70 Sprinkler Echolocator Special gaugeLight 12 Cash 7600 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)
.96 Gal Deco 71 Splash Wall Kraken Special gaugeHeavy 14 Cash 9700 Shooter 8 July 2015
Aerospray MG 30 Seeker Inkzooka Special gaugeLight 7 Cash 4500 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)
Aerospray PG 32 Burst Bomb Kraken Special gaugeLight 20 Cash 20000 Shooter 8 June 2016 (2.8.0)
Aerospray RG 31 Ink Mine Inkstrike Special gaugeLight 13 Cash 9300 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)​​​​​
Berry Splattershot Pro 92 Suction Bomb Bomb Rush Special gaugeMedium 20 Cash 26500 Shooter 13 April 2016 (2.7.0)
Blaster 210 Disruptor Killer Wail Special gaugeLight 9 Cash 3500 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)​​
Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose 312 Splash Wall Bubbler Special gaugeLight 20 Cash 12400 Shooter 8 June 2016 (2.8.0)​​
Custom Blaster 211 Point Sensor Bubbler Special gaugeMedium 17 Cash 10600 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)
Custom Dual Squelcher 81 Squid Beakon Killer Wail Special gaugeLight 18 Cash 12800 Shooter 27 June 2015​​​
Custom Jet Squelcher 101 Burst Bomb Kraken Special gaugeLight 15 Cash 7900 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)
Custom Range Blaster 221 Splat Bomb Kraken Special gaugeLight 17 Cash 10800 Shooter 10 October 2015
Custom Splattershot Jr. 11 Disruptor Echolocator Special gaugeLight 2 Cash 800 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)
Dual Squelcher 80 Splat Bomb Echolocator Special gaugeLight 16 Cash 9800 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)​​​
Forge Splattershot Pro 91 Point Sensor Inkzooka Special gaugeLight 20 Cash 19800 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)​​
Grim Range Blaster 222 Burst Bomb Killer Wail Special gaugeLight 20 Cash 14000 Shooter 8 June 2016 (2.8.0)
H-3 Nozzlenose 310 Suction Bomb Echolocator Special gaugeLight 10 Cash 7500 Shooter 12 September 2015
H-3 Nozzlenose D 311 Point Sensor Inkzooka Special gaugeLight 14 Cash 8300 Shooter 30 October 2015​​​​​
Hero Shot Replica 45 Burst Bomb Bomb Rush Special gaugeLight 3 Cash 1200 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)​​​
Jet Squelcher 100 Splash Wall Inkstrike Special gaugeLight 8 Cash 4000 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)​​​
L-3 Nozzlenose 300 Disruptor Killer Wail Special gaugeLight 9 Cash 5800 Shooter 17 June 2015
L-3 Nozzlenose D 301 Burst Bomb Kraken Special gaugeMedium 13 Cash 6600 Shooter 29 August 2015
Luna Blaster 200 Ink Mine Inkzooka Special gaugeLight 11 Cash 7700 Shooter 24 June 2015
Luna Blaster Neo 201 Splat Bomb Bomb Rush Special gaugeHeavy 15 Cash 8700 Shooter 30 October 2015
N-ZAP '83 62 Point Sensor Kraken Special gaugeMedium 20 Cash 7000 Shooter 8 June 2016 (2.8.0)
N-ZAP '85 60 Splat Bomb Echolocator Special gaugeLight 5 Cash 3500 Shooter 2 June 2015
N-ZAP '89 61 Sprinkler Inkstrike Special gaugeLight 8 Cash 4200 Shooter 18 July 2015
Neo Splash-o-matic 21 Burst Bomb Inkzooka Special gaugeLight 9 Cash 6200 Shooter 22 July 2015
Neo Sploosh-o-matic 1 Point Sensor Kraken Special gaugeLight 18 Cash 10200 Shooter 11 November 2015​​​
Octoshot Replica 46 Suction Bomb Inkzooka Special gaugeHeavy 40 Shooter 6 August 2015 (2.0.0)​
Range Blaster 220 Splash Wall Inkstrike Special gaugeLight 14 Cash 8000 Shooter 1 August 2015
Rapid Blaster 230 Ink Mine Bubbler Special gaugeLight 14 Cash 9600 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)
Rapid Blaster Deco 231 Suction Bomb Bomb Rush Special gaugeLight 19 Cash 14800 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)
Rapid Blaster Pro 240 Seeker Inkzooka Special gaugeLight 16 Cash 11200 Shooter 17 October 2015
Rapid Blaster Pro Deco 241 Disruptor Killer Wail Special gaugeLight 20 Cash 18200 Shooter 25 December 2015​​​​​​
Splash-o-matic 20 Suction Bomb Bomb Rush Special gaugeLight 7 Cash 3900 Shooter 13 June 2015​​​
Splattershot 40 Burst Bomb Bomb Rush Special gaugeLight 2 Cash 500 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)
Splattershot Jr. 10 Splat Bomb Bubbler Special gaugeMedium 1 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)
Splattershot Pro 90 Splat Bomb Inkstrike Special gaugeLight 10 Cash 8000 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)
Sploosh-o-matic 0 Squid Beakon Killer Wail Special gaugeLight 12 Cash 7500 Shooter 8 July 2015
Sploosh-o-matic 7 2 Splat Bomb Inkzooka Special gaugeLight 20 Cash 16400 Shooter 8 June 2016 (2.8.0)​
Tentatek Splattershot 41 Suction Bomb Inkzooka Special gaugeHeavy 4 Cash 2000 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)​​
Wasabi Splattershot 42 Splat Bomb Inkstrike Special gaugeMedium 20 Cash 4300 Shooter 13 April 2016 (2.7.0)​
Shooters in Splatoon 2
Main #ID Sub Special Special Points Level Price Class Introduced
.52 Gal 50 Point Sensor Baller 170p 14 Cash 9500 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)
.52 Gal Deco 51 Curling Bomb Sting Ray 190p 22 Cash 12700 Shooter 20 January 2018
.96 Gal 80 Sprinkler Ink Armor 190p 21 Cash 12600 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)
.96 Gal Deco 81 Splash Wall Splashdown 170p 26 Cash 16200 Shooter 3 February 2018
Aerospray MG 30 Suction Bomb Curling-Bomb Launcher 160p 6 Cash 4900 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)
Aerospray PG 32 Burst Bomb Booyah Bomb 190p 29 Cash 19000 Shooter 3 April 2019 (4.6.0)
Aerospray RG 31 Sprinkler Baller 180p 28 Cash 16900 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)​​​​​
Blaster 210 Toxic Mist Splashdown 170p 5 Cash 3000 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)​​​​
Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose 312 Splash Wall Bubble Blower 180p 30 Cash 26600 Shooter 3 April 2019 (4.6.0)
Clash Blaster 230 Splat Bomb Sting Ray 180p 30 Cash 18200 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)
Clash Blaster Neo 231 Curling Bomb Tenta Missiles 180p 30 Cash 20500 Shooter 7 April 2018​​
Custom Blaster 211 Autobomb Inkjet 190p 27 Cash 15300 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)​​​​​​
Custom Jet Squelcher 91 Burst Bomb Sting Ray 190p 27 Cash 15900 Shooter 3 November 2017
Custom Range Blaster 221 Curling Bomb Bubble Blower 170p 18 Cash 11400 Shooter 21 April 2018
Custom Splattershot Jr. 11 Autobomb Ink Storm 160p 4 Cash 1900 Shooter 9 September 2017​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Foil Squeezer 401 Splat Bomb Bubble Blower 200p 25 Cash 10900 Shooter 25 April 2018 (3.0.0)
Forge Splattershot Pro 71 Suction Bomb Bubble Blower 190p 20 Cash 20800 Shooter 2 September 2017​​​​​
Grim Range Blaster 222 Burst Bomb Tenta Missiles 190p 23 Cash 14900 Shooter 3 April 2019 (4.6.0)
H-3 Nozzlenose 310 Point Sensor Tenta Missiles 170p 29 Cash 17200 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)
H-3 Nozzlenose D 311 Suction Bomb Ink Armor 220p 30 Cash 18400 Shooter 17 March 2018​​​
Hero Blaster Replica 212 Toxic Mist Splashdown 170p 5 Cash 3800 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)​​​​
Hero Shot Replica 45 Burst Bomb Splashdown 170p 2 Cash 1500 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)​​​​​​
Jet Squelcher 90 Toxic Mist Tenta Missiles 180p 17 Cash 11300 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)
Kensa .52 Gal 52 Splash Wall Booyah Bomb 190p 25 Cash 15600 Shooter 5 December 2018 (4.3.0)​​​
Kensa L-3 Nozzlenose 302 Splash Wall Ultra Stamp 180p 27 Cash 17700 Shooter 7 November 2018 (4.2.0)
Kensa Luna Blaster 202 Fizzy Bomb Ink Storm 170p 26 Cash 16600 Shooter 3 October 2018 (4.1.0)​​
Kensa Rapid Blaster 242 Torpedo Baller 200p 21 Cash 13500 Shooter 5 December 2018 (4.3.0)​​​​
Kensa Splattershot 42 Suction Bomb Tenta Missiles 180p 6 Cash 5300 Shooter 14 September 2018 (4.0.0)
Kensa Splattershot Jr. 12 Torpedo Bubble Blower 190p 9 Cash 8700 Shooter 7 November 2018 (4.2.0)
Kensa Splattershot Pro 72 Splat Bomb Booyah Bomb 210p 23 Cash 21900 Shooter 3 October 2018 (4.1.0)​​
L-3 Nozzlenose 300 Curling Bomb Baller 220p 18 Cash 10400 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)
L-3 Nozzlenose D 301 Burst Bomb Inkjet 200p 23 Cash 12500 Shooter 6 January 2018
Luna Blaster 200 Splat Bomb Baller 170p 19 Cash 12100 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)
Luna Blaster Neo 201 Ink Mine Suction-Bomb Launcher 170p 24 Cash 16600 Shooter 24 February 2018
N-ZAP '83 62 Sprinkler Ink Storm 170p 19 Cash 11100 Shooter 3 April 2019 (4.6.0)
N-ZAP '85 60 Suction Bomb Ink Armor 200p 9 Cash 7100 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)
N-ZAP '89 61 Autobomb Tenta Missiles 180p 11 Cash 8800 Shooter 9 December 2017​​
Neo Splash-o-matic 21 Burst Bomb Suction-Bomb Launcher 210p 27 Cash 16800 Shooter 25 April 2018 (3.0.0)
Neo Sploosh-o-matic 1 Squid Beakon Tenta Missiles 170p 18 Cash 12200 Shooter 10 March 2018​​​
Octo Shot Replica 46 Splat Bomb Inkjet 200p 1 Shooter 14 June 2018 (3.1.0)​
Range Blaster 220 Suction Bomb Ink Storm 200p 14 Cash 9300 Shooter 21 October 2017
Rapid Blaster 240 Ink Mine Splat-Bomb Launcher 200p 13 Cash 9800 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)
Rapid Blaster Deco 241 Suction Bomb Inkjet 190p 16 Cash 11500 Shooter 27 January 2018
Rapid Blaster Pro 250 Toxic Mist Ink Storm 180p 22 Cash 12800 Shooter 23 September 2017
Rapid Blaster Pro Deco 251 Splash Wall Ink Armor 180p 24 Cash 14000 Shooter 1 June 2018​​​​​​
Splash-o-matic 20 Toxic Mist Inkjet 170p 25 Cash 11200 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)​​​​​
Splattershot 40 Burst Bomb Splashdown 170p 2 Cash 900 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)
Splattershot Jr. 10 Splat Bomb Ink Armor 180p 1 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)
Splattershot Pro 70 Point Sensor Ink Storm 170p 10 Cash 13800 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)
Sploosh-o-matic 0 Curling Bomb Splashdown 160p 10 Cash 9700 Shooter 5 August 2017
Sploosh-o-matic 7 2 Splat Bomb Ultra Stamp 180p 23 Cash 14600 Shooter 3 April 2019 (4.6.0)
Squeezer 400 Splash Wall Sting Ray 180p 16 Cash 9400 Shooter 22 December 2017​​​
Tentatek Splattershot 41 Splat Bomb Inkjet 200p 4 Cash 2100 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)​​​​​
Shooters in Splatoon 3
Main #ID Sub Special Special Points Level Price Class Introduced
Sploosh-o-matic 0 Curling Bomb Ultra Stamp 180p 9 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Neo Sploosh-o-matic 1 Squid Beakon Killer Wail 5.1 170p 13 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 3.0.0 (Fresh Season 2023)
Splattershot Jr. 10 Splat Bomb Big Bubbler 180p 1 Shooter Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Custom Splattershot Jr. 11 Torpedo Wave Breaker 190p 6 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 2.0.0 (Chill Season 2022)
Splash-o-matic 20 Burst Bomb Crab Tank 200p 16 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Neo Splash-o-matic 21 Suction Bomb Triple Inkstrike 200p 21 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 3.0.0 (Fresh Season 2023)
Aerospray MG 30 Fizzy Bomb Reefslider 180p 5 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Aerospray RG 31 Sprinkler Booyah Bomb 190p 18 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 2.0.0 (Chill Season 2022)
Splattershot 40 Suction Bomb Trizooka 210p 2 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Tentatek Splattershot 41 Splat Bomb Triple Inkstrike 190p 10 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 2.0.0 (Chill Season 2022)
Hero Shot Replica 45 Suction Bomb Trizooka 210p 1 Shooter Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Octo Shot Replica 46 Splat Bomb Triple Inkstrike 190p 1 Shooter Version 7.0.0 (Side Order)
Order Shot Replica 47 Suction Bomb Trizooka 210p 1 Shooter Version 7.0.0 (Side Order)
.52 Gal 50 Splash Wall Killer Wail 5.1 200p 11 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
.52 Gal Deco 51 Curling Bomb Splattercolor Screen 190p 14 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 7.0.0 (Fresh Season 2024)
N-ZAP '85 60 Suction Bomb Tacticooler 200p 6 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
N-ZAP '89 61 Autobomb Super Chump 170p 11 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 3.0.0 (Fresh Season 2023)
Splattershot Pro 70 Angle Shooter Crab Tank 180p 9 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Forge Splattershot Pro 71 Suction Bomb Booyah Bomb 200p 20 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 2.0.0 (Chill Season 2022)
.96 Gal 80 Sprinkler Ink Vac 190p 17 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
.96 Gal Deco 81 Splash Wall Kraken Royale 210p 23 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 3.0.0 (Fresh Season 2023)
Jet Squelcher 90 Angle Shooter Ink Vac 180p 15 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Custom Jet Squelcher 91 Toxic Mist Ink Storm 180p 20 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 3.0.0 (Fresh Season 2023)
Splattershot Nova 100 Point Sensor Killer Wail 5.1 190p 8 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 2.0.0 (Chill Season 2022)
Annaki Splattershot Nova 101 Ink Mine Inkjet 210p 12 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 4.0.0 (Sizzle Season 2023)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
L-3 Nozzlenose 300 Curling Bomb Crab Tank 190p 13 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
L-3 Nozzlenose D 301 Burst Bomb Ultra Stamp 200p 19 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 3.0.0 (Fresh Season 2023)
H-3 Nozzlenose 310 Point Sensor Tacticooler 190p 24 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
H-3 Nozzlenose D 311 Splash Wall Big Bubbler 200p 27 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 4.0.0 (Sizzle Season 2023)
Squeezer 400 Splash Wall Trizooka 220p 19 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Foil Squeezer 401 Autobomb Splattercolor Screen 190p 25 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 6.0.0 (Chill Season 2023)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​




  • Inkling girl: Flails her arms around, jumps once with her arms over her head, then thrusts the weapon out.
  • Inkling boy: Jumps once while swinging the weapon forwards, does a fist pump with both arms, throws the weapon in the air, then catches the spinning weapon, holding the weapon across his chest.


  • Both genders get on their knees with their left hand down while swinging their weapon up and down in disappointment.

In Ammo Knights (Clicking Right Stick):

  • Both genders hold the weapon high, then lowers it, poses like they are shooting, then looks behind the weapon, and returns to idle pose.

Splatoon 2

Spawning in before a match starts:

  • Both Inklings and Octolings point their weapon down at a 45-degree angle after shaking off their excess ink.


  • Inkling girl: Jumps up and down twice before spinning around once and strikes a pose while pointing her weapon up.
  • Inkling boy: Jumps up and thrusts his left fist forward before raising it over his chest while holding his weapon downward.
  • Octoling girl: Winces before twirling her weapon and ending it pointing upward at an angle while having her left hand on her hip in a pose.
  • Octoling boy: Similar to the Octoling girl's but stands up straight.


  • Inkling girl: Throws a fit.
  • Inkling boy: Sits down on the ground and holds his head in frustration.
  • Octoling girl: Falls down to the ground, dropping her weapon in front of her, then turns her head away in anger.
  • Octoling boy: Similar to the Inkling boy's but lays his weapon behind him and puts his right arm on his right knee.

In Ammo Knights (Clicking ):

  • Inklings: Raises and lowers their weapon, looking it over, gets into a shooting stance, then looks down the weapon from behind.
  • Octolings: Looks over their weapon from the side and back, bends over slightly, and aims around before sighing.

Splatoon 3

Spawner pose:

  • All styles: Leaps out of the spawner with their weapon pointing upwards, then lands with it held across their torso.


  • Flip Out: Backflips twice, spinning the second time, and lands with the weapon pointed backwards, before pointing to the sky with their left hand.
  • Reppin' Inkopolis: The player jumps for joy three times, then points their weapon into the air with a smile.

In Ammo Knights (Clicking ):

  • Inklings: Looks over weapon from side and back, bends over slightly and takes aim, holds weapon with their left hand and aims before standing and flipping the weapon over their head, catching it, and returning to idle pose.
  • Octolings: Looks down at weapon, smiles and gets into a crouch pose, holds the weapon with their right hand and points the weapon up, puts both hands on the weapon and gets into a shooting stance angled to the left, looks back at camera with the weapon held across their torso.



Judd's Advice
Meow! (Fire a Shooter while jumping to spray your ink wider than usual! The size of the reticle shows how wide your ink will spray, so pay attention!)

Splatoon 3

Squid Research Lab here again with a special report on "shooter" weapons. On the surface, shooters are pretty straightforward. You press ZR - you shoot! But the range of functions and features these weapons possess is quite impressive indeed!
— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[1]
On the surface, "shooter" weapons are pretty straightforward, but the range of functions and features these weapons possess is quite impressive indeed!
— @NintendoUKVS on Twitter[2]


SplatNet icons

2D icons



Promotional renders for Splatoon 2

Promotional renders for Splatoon 3

Tableturf Battle cards for Splatoon 3



Splatoon 2

  • The order of weapons by weapon class is now automatic shooters → blasters → burst-fire shooters.

Splatoon 3

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese シューター
Netherlands Dutch Spetter Spatter[a]
CanadaFrance French Lanceurs Thrower
Germany German Kleckser Stainer
Italy Italian Armi a ripetizione Repeating weapons
Russia Russian Краскомат
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Rociador Sprayer
Spain Spanish (NOE) Lanzatinta Ink-launcher
China Chinese (Simplified) 射击枪
shè jī qiāng (Mandarin)
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 射擊槍
shè jī qiāng (Mandarin)
South Korea Korean 슈터

Translation notes

  1. From spetten ("to spatter"). Suffix -er forms agent nouns from verbs.


  1. The Octo Shot is only used by enemy Octolings in Octo Valley.
