Splat Bomb

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The Splat Bomb is a sub weapon in the Splatoon series. It is a thrown bomb that explodes a few seconds after landing.


In Splatoon, the Splat Bomb is a bomb that features green supports connected to yellow and red caps that form the shape of a pyramid. Inside the pyramid is a bag that is filled with the user's ink. The bag seems to have loops on it that wrap around the supports, holding the bag in place. The Splat Bombs used by Agent 3 in Octo Valley are black and combine the supports and caps into one large piece. There are lights on the vertices that change color depending on the upgrades. In Splatoon 2, the overall design is largely unchanged. However, the supports are now purple with green and pink caps. The Splat Bombs used by Agent 4 in Octo Canyon are almost identical to the ones used in Octo Valley, but the lights are blue due to the Octo Canyon Splat Bombs not being upgradable. The Splat Bombs that Callie and DJ Octavio use in the final boss fight have black supports and gold and magenta caps. There is a gold and black squid-shaped sticker on the bag.


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Splat Bomb

Splat Bomb

Category Sub
Special points
Special depletion
Fire rate
Charge speed
Ink speed
Added in Specifications
Base damage 30 (Splash)
180 (Direct hit)
Base duration Explodes after 1s interaction with the surface
Ink consumption 70%
Base range
Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity
Base accuracy
MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Other variant

When thrown, a second after touching a surface, the Splat Bomb explodes and coats the area in its respective team's color. Splat Bombs do not explode in mid-air unless they roll off of a surface; they can only explode after touching an object. They look slightly different in Octo Valley.

Octo Valley

Splat Bombs are the default sub weapon in Octo Valley, able to be switched out for Burst Bombs or Seekers via D-Pad once they are unlocked. Neither can be used in amiibo challenges, making Splat Bombs the only usable sub weapon for the Hero Roller and Hero Charger.

Splat Bombs are used to defeat the Octomaw by throwing them into its mouth, stunning it when they explode.

Octobombers and Octolings are also capable of using Splat Bombs, periodically launching them at Agent 3.


  • The Splat Bomb's deployment timer begins counting down when it initially touches an object. This countdown is paused when it is falling and resumes when it lands. When throwing a Splat Bomb down at an opponent, it is recommended to first bounce the Splat Bomb off a ledge to begin the countdown timer, thereby giving the opponent less time to react when the Bomb touches the ground.
  • Splat Bombs can force enemy players to come out of hiding from behind walls or on top of ledges.


At a range of 0.75 or closer, this weapon will do 180 damage. Below 1.5 range, it deals significantly lower damage of 30. Any distance beyond that will not hurt the enemy.

0 - .75 .75 - 1.5 1.5+
180 (Splat) 30 0


These ink-filled pyramid-shaped explosives operate on a time-delayed fuse. Once tossed, they bounce around for a few seconds before exploding, spreading ink over a wide area. This allows them to be bounced around corners, rolled down inclines, or skipped across platforms. While the delayed fuse allows for a variety of deployment techniques, it also gives opponents time to get away. For best results, toss Splat Bombs in areas where opponents are unlikely to see them until it's too late, such as the base of ramps. Splat Bombs only explode on the ground and will not detonate in mid-air.
Splatoon Prima Guide
Judd's Advice
Meow! (A Splat Bomb's timer is only active while it's on the ground! So they'll explode quicker when rolled than when thrown through the air!)


Main weapons with Splat Bomb in Splatoon
Main #ID Sub Special Special Depletion Level Price Class Introduced​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Custom Range Blaster 221 Splat Bomb Kraken Special gaugeLight 17 Cash 10800 Shooter 10 October 2015
Dual Squelcher 80 Splat Bomb Echolocator Special gaugeLight 16 Cash 9800 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)​​​​​
Gold Dynamo Roller 1021 Splat Bomb Inkstrike Special gaugeHeavy 20 Cash 25000 Roller 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)​​​​​​
Hero Charger Replica 2013 Splat Bomb Bomb Rush Special gaugeHeavy 3 Cash 1200 Charger 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)​​
Hydra Splatling 4020 Splat Bomb Echolocator Special gaugeLight 11 Cash 11600 Splatling 21 November 2015​​​​​​​​​
Luna Blaster Neo 201 Splat Bomb Bomb Rush Special gaugeHeavy 15 Cash 8700 Shooter 30 October 2015​​
N-ZAP '85 60 Splat Bomb Echolocator Special gaugeLight 5 Cash 3500 Shooter 2 June 2015​​​​​
Octobrush Nouveau 1111 Splat Bomb Inkzooka Special gaugeLight 16 Cash 9500 Roller 1 January 2016
Permanent Inkbrush 1102 Splat Bomb Kraken Special gaugeLight 20 Cash 8200 Roller 13 April 2016 (2.7.0)​​​​​​​​
Sloshing Machine 3020 Splat Bomb Bomb Rush Special gaugeLight 12 Cash 13500 Slosher 28 November 2015
Soda Slosher 3002 Splat Bomb Inkzooka Special gaugeLight 20 Cash 14600 Slosher 13 April 2016 (2.7.0)​
Splat Charger 2010 Splat Bomb Bomb Rush Special gaugeHeavy 3 Cash 1000 Charger 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)​
Splatterscope 2020 Splat Bomb Bomb Rush Special gaugeHeavy 13 Cash 4200 Charger 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)​
Splattershot Jr. 10 Splat Bomb Bubbler Special gaugeMedium 1 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)
Splattershot Pro 90 Splat Bomb Inkstrike Special gaugeLight 10 Cash 8000 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)​
Sploosh-o-matic 7 2 Splat Bomb Inkzooka Special gaugeLight 20 Cash 16400 Shooter 8 June 2016 (2.8.0)​​​​
Wasabi Splattershot 42 Splat Bomb Inkstrike Special gaugeMedium 20 Cash 4300 Shooter 13 April 2016 (2.7.0)​

Ink management

As Splat Bombs can be used to herd an opponent into a vulnerable position, it is important to be able to continue firing after using the bomb and fully capitalize on the battlefield control provided by the Splat Bomb. The 70% ink consumed by the Splat Bomb makes it desirable to use the ink management abilities Ink Saver (Main) and Ink Saver (Sub). The charts below show the combinations needed to achieve particular shot counts after using a Splat Bomb. Alternatively, a combination of Ink Recovery Up and Ink Saver (Sub) is useful if the player just wants to throw more bombs, as opposed to throwing a bomb and then using the main weapon. After deploying a Splat Bomb, there is a one-second delay before ink can be refilled again. With three mains and two subs of Ink Saver (Sub), two Splat Bombs may be deployed with one full ink tank.


Splatoon 2

Splat Bomb
Category Sub
Special points
Special depletion
Fire rate
Charge speed
Ink speed
Added in Specifications
Base damage 30 (Splash)
180 (Direct hit)
Base duration Explodes after 1s interaction with the surface
Ink consumption 70%
Base range
Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity
Base accuracy
MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Other variant

Splat Bombs look almost identical to how they did in the first game, however, the colors have been changed from green, light green, and red to purple, light purple, and a dark shade of lime green. They will always explode on contact with the Rainmaker shield, brella shields, Bubble Blower bubbles, Splash Walls, data points, Zapfish shields and lifesavers.

It appears in four Octo Expansion stations:

Version history

Version Adjustments
  • Slightly increased the volume of the pre-detonation effects.
  • Reduced the radius at which the blast can deal 30.0 damage to an opponent by roughly 13%.


A bomb that explodes a short while after hitting the ground.

The explosion can both defeat enemies and ink the surrounding area.

Splatoon 2 Sub & Special Guide


Main weapons with Splat Bomb in Splatoon 2
Main #ID Sub Special Special Points Level Price Class Introduced​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Clash Blaster 230 Splat Bomb Sting Ray 180p 30 Cash 18200 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)​​​​
Custom Dualie Squelchers 5031 Splat Bomb Ink Storm 220p 16 Cash 12900 Dualie 1 June 2018​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Foil Squeezer 401 Splat Bomb Bubble Blower 200p 25 Cash 10900 Shooter 25 April 2018 (3.0.0)​​​​
Gold Dynamo Roller 1021 Splat Bomb Ink Armor 190p 25 Cash 29000 Roller 28 October 2017​​​​​​​​​
Hero Charger Replica 2013 Splat Bomb Sting Ray 220p 3 Cash 2700 Charger 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)​​​​​​​
Inkbrush 1100 Splat Bomb Splashdown 150p 5 Cash 2600 Roller 23 July 2017​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Kensa Splat Roller 1012 Splat Bomb Bubble Blower 180p 14 Cash 12300 Roller 14 September 2018 (4.0.0)​​​
Kensa Splattershot Pro 72 Splat Bomb Booyah Bomb 210p 23 Cash 21900 Shooter 3 October 2018 (4.1.0)​​​​​
Luna Blaster 200 Splat Bomb Baller 170p 19 Cash 12100 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)​​​​​​​​​​​​
Octo Shot Replica 46 Splat Bomb Inkjet 200p 1 Shooter 14 June 2018 (3.1.0)​​​​​​​​​​
Soda Slosher 3002 Splat Bomb Burst-Bomb Launcher 210p 16 Cash 13100 Slosher 3 April 2019 (4.6.0)​​​
Splat Charger 2010 Splat Bomb Sting Ray 220p 3 Cash 2200 Charger 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)​​
Splatterscope 2020 Splat Bomb Sting Ray 220p 15 Cash 11400 Charger 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)​
Splattershot Jr. 10 Splat Bomb Ink Armor 180p 1 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)​​
Sploosh-o-matic 7 2 Splat Bomb Ultra Stamp 180p 23 Cash 14600 Shooter 3 April 2019 (4.6.0)​​​​
Tentatek Splattershot 41 Splat Bomb Inkjet 200p 4 Cash 2100 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)​
Tri-Slosher Nouveau 3011 Splat Bomb Ink Storm 170p 17 Cash 11700 Slosher 14 April 2018
Undercover Sorella Brella 6021 Splat Bomb Baller 180p 19 Cash 11900 Brella 1 June 2018


Splatoon 3

Splat Bomb

Splat Bomb

Category Sub
Special points
Special depletion
Fire rate
Charge speed
Ink speed
Added in Specifications
Base damage 30 (Splash)
180 (Direct hit)
Base duration Explodes after 1s interaction with the surface
Ink consumption 70%
Base range
Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity
Base accuracy
MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Other variant

Splat Bombs look identical to how they did in Splatoon 2. Functionally they work the same as well, exploding on contact with the Rainmaker shield, brella shields, Splash Walls, lifesavers, and the end of mission goals.

Return of the Mammalians

Splat Bombs are an unlockable part of the Hero Gear in the single player mode, Return of the Mammalians, where they cost 3 Sardinium and 3 Hero Points. It has the same idea of the Splat Bomb in regular matches, but only with blacked frames on the outside.

Side Order

Splat Bombs appear in Side Order as the base sub weapon of Agent 4's and Agent 8's Palette. They also appear as a purchasable sub weapon on Vending-Machine Corner Floors, costing 500 Membux by default.

Version history

Version Adjustments
Base game
  • Reduced the radius at which the blast can deal maximum damage to an opponent by 10%: 4 units → 3.6 units.[1]
  • The sound effects when the Splat Bomb, Torpedo, or Fizzy Bomb roll on the ground are now easier to hear.
  • Fixed an issue where explosions from the Reefslider or Splat Bombs could not deal damage to a Big Shot or a Cohock.


A bomb that explodes a short time after it lands. It inks the area around it when it explodes and can even take out opponents.
— In-game description


Main weapons with Splat Bomb in Splatoon 3
Main #ID Sub Special Special Points Level Price Class Introduced​​
Splattershot Jr. 10 Splat Bomb Big Bubbler 180p 1 Shooter Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)​​​​​​
Tentatek Splattershot 41 Splat Bomb Triple Inkstrike 190p 10 Sheldon License 1 Shooter Version 2.0.0 (Chill Season 2022)​
Octo Shot Replica 46 Splat Bomb Triple Inkstrike 190p 1 Shooter Version 7.0.0 (Side Order)​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Luna Blaster 200 Splat Bomb Zipcaster 170p 13 Sheldon License 1 Blaster Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)​
Order Blaster Replica 205 Splat Bomb Zipcaster 170p 1 Blaster Version 7.0.0 (Side Order)​​​
Custom Range Blaster 221 Splat Bomb Kraken Royale 210p 15 Sheldon License 1 Blaster Version 8.0.0 (Sizzle Season 2024)
Clash Blaster 230 Splat Bomb Trizooka 180p 22 Sheldon License 1 Blaster Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Gold Dynamo Roller 1021 Splat Bomb Super Chump 180p 17 Sheldon License 1 Roller Version 5.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2023)​​​​
Inkbrush 1100 Splat Bomb Killer Wail 5.1 180p 7 Sheldon License 1 Brush Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)​​​​​​​​
Splat Charger 2010 Splat Bomb Ink Vac 190p 2 Sheldon License 1 Charger Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)​
Order Charger Replica 2015 Splat Bomb Ink Vac 190p 1 Charger Version 7.0.0 (Side Order)
Splatterscope 2020 Splat Bomb Ink Vac 190p 10 Sheldon License 1 Charger Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)​​​​​​​​​​​
Slosher 3000 Splat Bomb Triple Inkstrike 210p 3 Sheldon License 1 Slosher Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)​
Order Slosher Replica 3005 Splat Bomb Triple Inkstrike 210p 1 Slosher Version 7.0.0 (Side Order)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Heavy Edit Splatling Nouveau 4051 Splat Bomb Crab Tank 210p 17 Sheldon License 1 Splatling Version 8.0.0 (Sizzle Season 2024)​​​​​​​
Dualie Squelchers 5030 Splat Bomb Wave Breaker 200p 8 Sheldon License 1 Dualie Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​



For competitive tips about the Splat Bomb

Click to view the strategy for Splat Bomb. View the strategy page.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

The Splat Bomb appears as Inkling's down special attack in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, alongside a variety of other weapons that they use in their attacks.

When attacking, they throw a Splat Bomb into the air, and after one second, it explodes, dealing damage. This also coats opponents in ink. The player cannot throw a Splat Bomb when the ink in the tank is below the red line (similarly to Splatoon) or when they are out of ink. When it touches opponents directly, it explodes immediately after touching the opponent. When holding B, the Splat Bomb is thrown farther and is thrown directly in the direction instead of in the air.


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese スプラッシュボム
Supurasshu Bomu
Splash Bomb
Netherlands Dutch Klodderbom (Splatoon 2 & 3)
Spetterbom (Splatoon[3])
Blob bomb
Splatter bomb
CanadaFrance French Bombe splash Splash bomb
Germany German Klecksbombe Sludge bomb
Italy Italian Bomba splash Splash bomb
Russia Russian Брызгающая бомба
Bryzgayushchaya bomba
Splash bomb
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Plasbomba From plasma ("plasma") and bomba ("bomb")
Spain Spanish (NOE) Bomba básica Basic bomb
China Chinese (Simplified) 斯普拉炸弹
sīpǔlā zhàdàn (Mandarin)
Spla Bomb
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 斯普拉炸彈
sīpǔlā zhàdàn (Mandarin)
Spla Bomb
South Korea Korean 스플래시 봄
seupeullaesi bom
Splash Bomb
Portugal Portuguese Bomba básica[4] Basic bomb
 Internal Bomb_Splash[5]
