Talk:Sanitized Octarian

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Revision as of 20:20, 6 August 2024 by Olivia (talk | contribs) (→‎what does "sterilized or disinfected" mean?: Reply)
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Professor's Intentions

So Hisashi in the interview say that Judd was created by the same professor that made TarTar. So Judd and Li'l Judd would know about the Deepsea Metro? And the fact that maybe the professor intention wasn't bad with the creation of TarTar? (Woomy and veemo (original jk ok) (talk) 04:24, 18 August 2018 (UTC))Reply[reply]

I'm pretty sure what the professor meant by "the next worthy life form", I think he meant "the next life form to resemble humans". Also notice how TarTar's overall plan makes no sense. TarTar wants to recreate life to be just like humans, but were humans any better than the Inklings and Octolings? But that's just my opinion. \/\/00|\/|¥~($₽|_@+|\|€R|]@G€|\|+4$)~\/€€|\/|0 (Talk) 14:22, 20 March 2020 (UTC)Reply[reply]
uhhh, this has nothing to do with what u just said but I just want to say that the sanitized octarians and the goo in the blender are turquoise-blue-green like octopus blood. so the goo is Octoling blood. You might think that Octoling blood is their ink color but I dunno maybe maybe not cornsoup$ (talk) 21:10, 21 July 2021 (UTC)Reply[reply]

The Octo Expansion artbook explains LOTS

Someone on YouTube by the name of Rassicas translated Hikara Walker and it revealed a lot. this here is the video. I recommend you watch it since it could help with expanding the wiki, however be cautious as things could've been mistranslated. Woomy$₽|_@+|\|€R|]@G€|\|+4Veemo (Chat-Contribz-Talk-RP) 22:23, 10 April 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]

what does "sterilized or disinfected" mean?

I initially removed that part because I assumed that it talked about the purging life's energy thing. Since I have been explicitly told now that it's a bad idea, can someone with knowledge of Japanese inform me of the context? Olivia (talk) 20:29, 16 June 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]

bumping Olivia (talk) 20:20, 6 August 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]