Tsubuan vs. Koshian

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Revision as of 04:01, 14 January 2022 by Mechanic (talk | contribs) (japanese text)
File:S2 Splatfest Icon Mushroom Mountain.pngMushroom Mountain vs. Bamboo Shoot VillageFile:S2 Splatfest Icon Bamboo Shoot Village.png
Japan JP Splatfests
S2 Splatfest Icon Trick.pngTrick vs. TreatS2 Splatfest Icon Treat.png

Tsubuan vs. Koshian
S2 Splatfest Tsubuan vs Koshian.png
Team   Tsubuan   Koshian
Region Japan
Start 23 September 2018, 06:00 UTC
End 24 September 2018, 06:00 UTC
Score method category tally
Result type combined
Popularity 41.59% 58.41%
Wins % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Solo wins % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Team wins % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Normal clout 49.73% 50.27%
Pro clout 49.84% 50.16%
Score 0 3
Winner Koshian
Start 25 April 2024, 15:55 UTC
End 26 April 2024, 15:55 UTC
Popularity % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Wins % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Solo wins % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Team wins % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Normal clout % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Pro clout % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Score Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
Start 25 April 2024, 15:55 UTC
End 26 April 2024, 15:55 UTC
Popularity % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Wins % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Solo wins % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Team wins % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Normal clout % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Pro clout % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Score Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Tsubuan vs. Koshian (つぶあん vs こしあん) was a Splatfest event in Splatoon 2. It was held for Japan only. It was announced on 15 September 2018. The results were given on 24 September 2018.


Tsubuan and koshian are two ways of preparing anko (azuki red bean paste), the former being sweeter and chunky and the latter being of a milder flavor and smooth. The Splatfest art depicts bowls of oshiruko.

The date of the Splatfest coincided with the Japanese moon-viewing festival, which is why it started on Sunday and not the usual Saturday. For this Splatfest (and Retro vs. Modern, which was held during the same weekend), a large full moon was added to the background of Inkopolis Square. Among the traditions of this festival are eating mochi and seasonal produce (such as azuki beans), both of which are represented in oshiruko, making it a traditional dish of this festival.

Tsubuan vs. Koshian featured the 14th Shifty Station layout, The Bouncey Twins.





Tsubuan (つぶあん) vs. Koshian (こしあん)


ヒメ's Dialogue イイダ's Dialogue Region
Pearl Expression Happy.png

「今回は お月見フェスだ!! どっちが好み? つぶあん・こしあん対決ーー!」

(This time, it's a moon watching Splatfest!! Which do you prefer? Tsubuan-koshian face-offff!)
Marina Expression Happy.png

「きゃ~! ワタシあんこ大好きなんです~♪」

(Whoa~! I adore anko~♪)
Pearl Expression Talk.png

「対決するのは、 あんこの甘味と小豆の食感 甘味とコクのハーモニー 「つぶあん」と!」

(The opponents will be, anko's sweetness and azuki's sweet texture in rich harmony, "Tsubuan" and..!)
Marina Expression Talk.png

「絹のように なめらかな舌ざわりに とろけるくちどけ 「こしあん」になります!」

(Crushed until melty and silky smooth to the touch, "Koshian"!)
Pearl Expression GoodGrief.png

「どっち?って言われたら「つぶあん」かなー あのツブがないと「あんこ食った!」って気がしねー!」

(Which one? If you say so, it has to be "Tsubuan", that "tsubu" gives me the "eat some anko" feeling, you know!)
Marina Expression GoodGrief.png

「これは迷っちゃいますよね~♪ しかしあらためて聞かれると どっち派なんだろう…」

(I'm at a loss for words~♪ However, if you asked again, which team are we on...)
Pearl Expression Talk LookOther Smirk.png

「んじゃ、今回は2人とも つぶあん派でいんじゃね? たまには そんなフェスもオモしれーだろ?」

(Well, this time we're both on team Tsubuan, right? Having such a Splatfest once in a while is kinda interesting, right?)
Marina Expression SurprisedB.png

「こういうのは 適当じゃなくて ちゃんと決めます! シンチョ~に 考えますので 少しお待ちを!」

(That will simply not do, that is not a proper choice! Please wait and give me just a second to think about it!)
Pearl Expression DisappointedB.png

「んだよー、 早くしねーと番組終わっちまうじゃん! こんなん 直感で決めんのが一番だろー?!」

(So, our broadcast will end soon! Isn't it the best to decide based on intuition like this?!)
Marina Expression DisappointedB.png

「「こんなん」って?! ヒメセンパイ、あんこに シツレイですよ! でも… ウゥ~迷う~」

("Like this"?! Pearl-senpai, this is an affront to anko! But... Oohh~ I'm so lost~)
Pearl Expression Point.png

「ムムッ?! なんかイイダは 「こしあん派」ぽいな! ちょっと アタシの質問に答えてみろよ!」

(Mmm?! Don't tell me Marina is "Team Koshian"! Answer these questions!)
Pearl Expression Talk LookOther.png

「いくぞ! おしるこを食べるなら つぶあん? それとも、こしあん?」

(Let's go! Do you like to eat tsubuan in soup? And how about koshian?)
Marina Expression Happy.png

「これは すぐに答えられます! しっとり こしあんです!」

(I can answer that right away! It's definitely koshian!)
Pearl Expression Talk LookOther.png

「あんこモチの あんこはどっちがいい? つぶあん? こしあん?」

(In anko-mochi, which anko is better? Tsubuan? Koshian?)
Marina Expression Attention LookOther.png

「これは ちょっぴりこだわりがありまして、 塩あんこモチが大好きです~ こしあんのやつ♪」

(If I had to make a commitment, I adore salty anko mochi~ I'm a koshian person♪)
Pearl Expression SurprisedB.png

「… … … … …」

(... ... ... ... ...)
Pearl Expression Talk LookOther.png


Marina Expression Talk LookOther.png


(That's Koshian♪)
Notes: Ohagi are a type of confection made by rolling anko into a ball, like chocolate truffles.
Pearl Expression Talk LookOther.png


(Strawberry daifuku?)
Marina Expression Talk LookOther.png


(That's Koshian♪)
Notes: Daifuku are a type of confection made by filling a mochi with anko, and usually a fruit (such as strawberries) or a nut inside the filling.
Pearl Expression DisappointedA.png

「イイダ、それってもう ぜってー こしあん派じゃねーか…」

(Marina, you're already totally on team Koshian...)
Marina Expression SurprisedA.png

「え… アレ?! …あっ!! ホントだ~ ワタシこしあん派みたいですね~」

(Eh... WHAT?! ...Ah!! That's right~ I seem to be on team koshian, huh~)
Marina Expression Happy.png

「でもヒメセンパイ、 ワタシがこしあん好きそうだなんて よく分かりましたね♪ スゴ~イ!!」

(But Pearl-senpai, you've made me realize just how much I like koshian♪ That's ama~zing!!)
Pearl Expression DisappointedB.png

「なんか イイダと話してると そういうの ピーンとくんだよな! 何でだろ…」

(Talking to Marina about something, and it always backfires! Why is that...)
Notes: Pearl literally says "it goes 'boing' like this", i.e. "it bounces back".


ヒメ's Dialogue イイダ's Dialogue Region
Marina Expression Happy.png

「きゃ~! 「こしあん」~~~!!」

(Whoa~! "Koshian" ~~~!!)
Pearl Expression DisappointedA.png

「ゲッ?! まじかよーーー!」

(Huh?! You gotta be kidding---!)
Marina Expression Talk.png

「「こしあん」のみなさん、やりましたね! こしあんみたいに なめらかな立ち回りでしたよ♪」

(Everyone on team "Koshian", you did it! You were moving around as smooth as koshian♪)
Pearl Expression Talk.png

「「つぶあん」もがんばったの、 知ってるからな! もーちょいだったかー!」

("Tsubuan" did their best, too, I know it! It was so close-!)
Pearl Expression Attention LookOther.png

「ずっと歌いっぱなしだったし ちょい疲れたなー せっかくだから この後おしるこ食べにいくか!」

(I'm totally tired out from singing for this long, how about we go have some oshiruko after this!)
Notes: Oshiruko is a dessert, essentially a sweet soup made from anko and served with mochi in a bowl. The two Splatfest team icons, seen above, are tsubuan shiruko and koshian shiruko, respectively.
Marina Expression Attention LookOther.png

「ワタシ こっそり皮むきあんのおしるこを 作ってたんです~ センパイ後で食べましょ~♪」

(I was secretly making oshiruko with kawamukian~ Senpai, let's eat it afterwards~♪)
Notes: Kawamukian is a third way of making anko, using peeled azuki beans and more sugar and starch, it is stickier, softer and sweeter than the other two.
Pearl Expression SurprisedA.png

「イイダの DJセット裏に なんかデッカイ機材が あるから何かと思ったら おしるこかよ!」

(I saw some huge equipment behind Marina's DJ set and wondered what it was, but I would not have guessed it's oshiruko!)
Marina Expression Happy.png

「すっごい おいしくできましたよ~ たくさん おかわりあるんでイッパイ食べてください♪」

(It came out amazingly delicious~ You'll be coming back for seconds so many times, you'll eat until you're bursting♪)

Results if Tsubuan were to win

ヒメ's Dialogue イイダ's Dialogue Region
Pearl Expression Happy.png


("Tsubuan" wins---!!)
Marina Expression DisappointedB.png

「う~ん… あと少しだったのに~…」

(Um~ph... It was so close~...)
Pearl Expression Talk.png

「「つぶあん」のみんな、ありがと! 今回は みんなツブぞろいのイカしたやつらだったな!」

(Everyone on team "Tsubuan", thank you! This time everyone were people completely lively for tsubu!)
Marina Expression Talk.png

「「こしあん」のみなさんも とてもがんばってましたよ~」

(Everyone in team "Koshian" also totally did their best~!)
Notes: Pearl is providing a one-two PUNch, making a pun with "ツブ", tsubu, and "ぞろい", completely, sounding together like つぶぞろい, equally good; and another on "いかした", were lively by emphasizing "イカ", squid.
This makes her sentence readable as "Everyone was equally lively" or as "Everyone was completely squidding for tsubu[an]".
Pearl Expression Attention LookOther.png

「ずっと歌いっぱなしだったし ちょい疲れたなー せっかくだから この後おしるこ食べにいくか!」

(I'm totally tired out from singing for this long. How about we go have some oshiruko after this!)
Notes: Oshiruko is a dessert, essentially a sweet soup made from anko and served with mochi in a bowl. The two Splatfest team icons, seen above, are tsubuan shiruko and koshian shiruko, respectively.
Marina Expression DisappointedB.png

「ウゥ… ヒメセンパイつぶあんが勝ったから 「イイダも つぶあんにしろ!」って 言うんですよね?」

(Ooh.. Hime-senpai, since tsubuan won, are you going to say "Marina also has to take tsubuan!"?)
Pearl Expression GoodGrief.png

「んなこと言うかよー、 こしあんの良さも わかってきたしさ、 自由に たのめばいーじゃん!」

(What are you saying-, I understand that koshian is also good, feel free to enjoy it!)
Marina Expression Happy.png

「きゃ~!! じゃあワタシ 皮むきあんのおしるこにします♪」

(Yay~!! Well, I will prepare shiruko with kawamukian♪)
Notes: Kawamukian is a third way of making anko, using peeled azuki beans and more sugar and starch, it is stickier, softer and sweeter than the other two.
Pearl Expression Talk LookOther Smirk.png

「そういや アタシの行きつけの店 つぶあん専門店だったわー、 ウシシシ!」

(Well, my go-to place is a tsubuan specialty shop, so... tee hee!)
Marina Expression GoodGrief.png

「そんな~! でもワタシどっちも大好きですから♪ ホラ! センパイ早く行きましょ~♪」

(What~! However, I adore either one♪ Alright! Let's go quickly, senpai~♪)

Top 100


Rank Name Splatfest Power Weapon Headgear Shoes
1 らりる 2818 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Retro Specs.png Retro Specs S2 Gear Shoes Blue Laceless Dakroniks.png Blue Laceless Dakroniks
2 べんざのあせEMP 2774 S2 Weapon Main Hero Brella Replica.png Hero Brella Replica S2 Gear Headgear King Flip Mesh.png King Flip Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Navy Red-Soled Wingtips.png Navy Red-Soled Wingtips
3 どはつダイナMet 2710 S2 Weapon Main Dynamo Roller.png Dynamo Roller S2 Gear Headgear Cap of Legend.png Cap of Legend S2 Gear Shoes Arrow Pull-Ons.png Arrow Pull-Ons
4 いかv∵vげそ 2701 S2 Weapon Main Undercover Sorella Brella.png Undercover Sorella Brella S2 Gear Headgear Skate Helmet.png Skate Helmet S2 Gear Shoes Punk Whites.png Punk Whites
5 SAR りるん 2681 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Octoglasses.png Octoglasses S2 Gear Shoes Piranha Moccasins.png Piranha Moccasins
6 MB_HANAGE 2667 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Squid Hairclip.png Squid Hairclip S2 Gear Shoes Sea Slug Volt 95s.png Sea Slug Volt 95s
7 #ふぁーすときんぐ 2660 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Woolly Urchins Classic.png Woolly Urchins Classic S2 Gear Shoes Punk Whites.png Punk Whites
8 ch 2652 S2 Weapon Main Firefin Splatterscope.png Firefin Splatterscope S2 Gear Headgear FishFry Biscuit Bandana.png FishFry Biscuit Bandana S2 Gear Shoes Mawcasins.png Mawcasins
9 ねぐろす 2646 S2 Weapon Main Splat Brella.png Splat Brella S2 Gear Headgear Tinted Shades.png Tinted Shades S2 Gear Shoes Purple Iromaki 750s.png Purple Iromaki 750s
10 DJおくば 2644 S2 Weapon Main Tenta Sorella Brella.png Tenta Sorella Brella S2 Gear Headgear Zekko Cap.png Zekko Cap S2 Gear Shoes Oyster Clogs.png Oyster Clogs
11 2642 S2 Weapon Main Ballpoint Splatling.png Ballpoint Splatling S2 Gear Headgear Sneaky Beanie.png Sneaky Beanie S2 Gear Shoes Arrow Pull-Ons.png Arrow Pull-Ons
12 かえるーん★ΕΜΡ 2642 S2 Weapon Main Explosher.png Explosher S2 Gear Headgear Long-Billed Cap.png Long-Billed Cap S2 Gear Shoes Power Boots.png Power Boots
13 さいあいのいもうと 2642 S2 Weapon Main Hero Brella Replica.png Hero Brella Replica S2 Gear Headgear Visor Skate Helmet.png Visor Skate Helmet S2 Gear Shoes Blue Iromaki 750s.png Blue Iromaki 750s
14 haya14busa 2640 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Urchins Cap.png Urchins Cap S2 Gear Shoes Mawcasins.png Mawcasins
15 たけとりのまっちゃ。 2634 S2 Weapon Main Bamboozler 14 Mk I.png Bamboozler 14 Mk I S2 Gear Headgear Tennis Headband.png Tennis Headband S2 Gear Shoes Squid-Stitch Slip-Ons.png Squid-Stitch Slip-Ons
16 つぶドナ 2628 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Paintball Mask.png Paintball Mask S2 Gear Shoes White Norimaki 750s.png White Norimaki 750s
17 ごっどちゃそ♪ 2627 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Takoroka Mesh.png Takoroka Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Punk Whites.png Punk Whites
18 おおものソイチューバ 2627 S2 Weapon Main N-ZAP '85.png N-ZAP '85 S2 Gear Headgear Camo Mesh.png Camo Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Red & Black Squidkid IV.png Red & Black Squidkid IV
19 Nask_Hirok 2624 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Urchins Cap.png Urchins Cap S2 Gear Shoes Hunter Hi-Tops.png Hunter Hi-Tops
20 サブアカひろじゅん 2624 S2 Weapon Main Sploosh-o-matic.png Sploosh-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear House-Tag Denim Cap.png House-Tag Denim Cap S2 Gear Shoes Blue Slip-Ons.png Blue Slip-Ons
21 フォレノワール 2616 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Squid Nordic.png Squid Nordic S2 Gear Shoes Hunter Hi-Tops.png Hunter Hi-Tops
22 ふ"らすてぁ~^ 2611 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Camo Mesh.png Camo Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Neon Delta Straps.png Neon Delta Straps
23 あまとうたぬき 2611 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Octoling Shades.png Octoling Shades S2 Gear Shoes Flipper Floppers.png Flipper Floppers
24 dv37_さくらだ 2609 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splatterscope.png Kensa Splatterscope S2 Gear Headgear House-Tag Denim Cap.png House-Tag Denim Cap S2 Gear Shoes Strapping Whites.png Strapping Whites
25 しゅーたしんじゃかみ 2608 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Jungle Hat.png Jungle Hat S2 Gear Shoes Blue Slip-Ons.png Blue Slip-Ons
26 ぷに 2607 S2 Weapon Main Ballpoint Splatling.png Ballpoint Splatling S2 Gear Headgear King Flip Mesh.png King Flip Mesh S2 Gear Shoes White Kicks.png White Kicks
27 つぶながむぎ 2607 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Octoling Shades.png Octoling Shades S2 Gear Shoes Hunter Hi-Tops.png Hunter Hi-Tops
28 ほんだつばさにささぐ 2603 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Short Beanie.png Short Beanie S2 Gear Shoes Blue Slip-Ons.png Blue Slip-Ons
29 †ふっかつのKさん† 2602 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Mountie Hat.png Mountie Hat S2 Gear Shoes Annaki Arachno Boots.png Annaki Arachno Boots
30 らーめん。 2602 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Studio Headphones.png Studio Headphones S2 Gear Shoes Blueberry Casuals.png Blueberry Casuals
31 みやみやでしたどうも 2600 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Cap of Legend.png Cap of Legend S2 Gear Shoes Arrow Pull-Ons.png Arrow Pull-Ons
32 ス、ス、スリュー!! 2597 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Snorkel Mask.png Snorkel Mask S2 Gear Shoes Gray Sea-Slug Hi-Tops.png Gray Sea-Slug Hi-Tops
33 ふーな 2596 S2 Weapon Main Foil Squeezer.png Foil Squeezer S2 Gear Headgear Takoroka Visor.png Takoroka Visor S2 Gear Shoes Mawcasins.png Mawcasins
34 yu 2596 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Camo Mesh.png Camo Mesh S2 Gear Shoes White Norimaki 750s.png White Norimaki 750s
35 ごびのびじゅう 2593 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Sennyu Specs.png Sennyu Specs S2 Gear Shoes Crazy Arrows.png Crazy Arrows
36 ねむそく»かー 2592 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Octoglasses.png Octoglasses S2 Gear Shoes Sennyu Inksoles.png Sennyu Inksoles
37 ł 2592 S2 Weapon Main Explosher.png Explosher S2 Gear Headgear Face Visor.png Face Visor S2 Gear Shoes Milky Enperrials.png Milky Enperrials
38 ぺろあきんた★マン 2592 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Jungle Hat.png Jungle Hat S2 Gear Shoes Punk Blacks.png Punk Blacks
39 ぜっとあ~る 2590 S2 Weapon Main Hero Brella Replica.png Hero Brella Replica S2 Gear Headgear White Headband.png White Headband S2 Gear Shoes Purple Sea Slugs.png Purple Sea Slugs
40 SHJYOs2-Ri 2588 S2 Weapon Main Splatterscope.png Splatterscope S2 Gear Headgear 18K Aviators.png 18K Aviators S2 Gear Shoes Mawcasins.png Mawcasins
41 つぶあん♪さくらもち 2584 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear FishFry Visor.png FishFry Visor S2 Gear Shoes Sesame Salt 270s.png Sesame Salt 270s
42 akiベッチュー 2583 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Octoglasses.png Octoglasses S2 Gear Shoes Strapping Whites.png Strapping Whites
43 Xa√しいたけ 2581 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Stealth Goggles.png Stealth Goggles S2 Gear Shoes Turquoise Kicks.png Turquoise Kicks
44 ゆきむら 2580 S2 Weapon Main Splat Charger.png Splat Charger S2 Gear Headgear House-Tag Denim Cap.png House-Tag Denim Cap S2 Gear Shoes Orange Arrows.png Orange Arrows
45 kasiwaman 2577 S2 Weapon Main Bloblobber.png Bloblobber S2 Gear Headgear Squid Nordic.png Squid Nordic S2 Gear Shoes Cyan Trainers.png Cyan Trainers
46 んんん 2576 S2 Weapon Main Light Tetra Dualies.png Light Tetra Dualies S2 Gear Headgear 18K Aviators.png 18K Aviators S2 Gear Shoes Toni Kensa Soccer Shoes.png Toni Kensa Soccer Shoes
47 げんちゃ 2575 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Hickory Work Cap.png Hickory Work Cap S2 Gear Shoes Red & Black Squidkid IV.png Red & Black Squidkid IV
48 ακιι 2574 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear King Facemask.png King Facemask S2 Gear Shoes Arrow Pull-Ons.png Arrow Pull-Ons
49 ひろじゅん_おんふり 2574 S2 Weapon Main Sploosh-o-matic.png Sploosh-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Firefin Facemask.png Firefin Facemask S2 Gear Shoes Blue Slip-Ons.png Blue Slip-Ons
50 Ns_ねおちゴリ 2574 S2 Weapon Main L-3 Nozzlenose D.png L-3 Nozzlenose D S2 Gear Headgear Camo Mesh.png Camo Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Strapping Whites.png Strapping Whites
51 カーボンのせいだ♭ 2573 S2 Weapon Main Jet Squelcher.png Jet Squelcher S2 Gear Headgear Fake Contacts.png Fake Contacts S2 Gear Shoes Orange Arrows.png Orange Arrows
52 ひーす* 2572 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Straw Boater.png Straw Boater S2 Gear Shoes Hunter Hi-Tops.png Hunter Hi-Tops
53 みこてゃ 2570 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Retro Specs.png Retro Specs S2 Gear Shoes Red & Black Squidkid IV.png Red & Black Squidkid IV
54 Blue 2570 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Octoglasses.png Octoglasses S2 Gear Shoes Punk Whites.png Punk Whites
55 mika_アッキー 2570 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear White Arrowbands.png White Arrowbands S2 Gear Shoes Black Norimaki 750s.png Black Norimaki 750s
56 もりガールりんちゃん 2568 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Urchins Cap.png Urchins Cap S2 Gear Shoes Red FishFry Sandals.png Red FishFry Sandals
57 テレサ| 2568 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Zekko Mesh.png Zekko Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Annaki Tigers.png Annaki Tigers
58 もこもこ☆もこてぃら 2567 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Golden Toothpick.png Golden Toothpick S2 Gear Shoes Cream Hi-Tops.png Cream Hi-Tops
59 あぽくりんかんせん 2566 S2 Weapon Main Ballpoint Splatling.png Ballpoint Splatling S2 Gear Headgear Ink-Guard Goggles.png Ink-Guard Goggles S2 Gear Shoes Polka-dot Slip-Ons.png Polka-dot Slip-Ons
60 №rishio×№∞ 2565 S2 Weapon Main Carbon Roller.png Carbon Roller S2 Gear Headgear Paisley Bandana.png Paisley Bandana S2 Gear Shoes Strapping Reds.png Strapping Reds
61 ひろ 2564 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear White Arrowbands.png White Arrowbands S2 Gear Shoes Blue Laceless Dakroniks.png Blue Laceless Dakroniks
62 かおなし#FD 2563 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Golden Toothpick.png Golden Toothpick S2 Gear Shoes Snow Delta Straps.png Snow Delta Straps
63 げんかいとっぱ 2562 S2 Weapon Main Hero Roller Replica.png Hero Roller Replica S2 Gear Headgear Woolly Urchins Classic.png Woolly Urchins Classic S2 Gear Shoes Hero Snowboots Replicas.png Hero Snowboots Replicas
64 ツウィ 2562 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Camping Hat.png Camping Hat S2 Gear Shoes Orange Arrows.png Orange Arrows
65 まーや 2558 S2 Weapon Main H-3 Nozzlenose D.png H-3 Nozzlenose D S2 Gear Headgear Jungle Hat.png Jungle Hat S2 Gear Shoes Black Norimaki 750s.png Black Norimaki 750s
66 ぽぽきち 2558 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Short Beanie.png Short Beanie S2 Gear Shoes Cream Hi-Tops.png Cream Hi-Tops
67 がらんどう 2557 S2 Weapon Main Explosher.png Explosher S2 Gear Headgear Studio Headphones.png Studio Headphones S2 Gear Shoes Arrow Pull-Ons.png Arrow Pull-Ons
68 もりっちゅん 2557 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear FishFry Visor.png FishFry Visor S2 Gear Shoes School Shoes.png School Shoes
69 ヤンゴリアン 2557 S2 Weapon Main Undercover Brella.png Undercover Brella S2 Gear Headgear Takoroka Mesh.png Takoroka Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Blue Laceless Dakroniks.png Blue Laceless Dakroniks
70 べんぴヒロイン 2556 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Camo Mesh.png Camo Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Crazy Arrows.png Crazy Arrows
71 Kok 2555 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Hickory Work Cap.png Hickory Work Cap S2 Gear Shoes Cream Hi-Tops.png Cream Hi-Tops
72 Ren〆Zone 2555 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Jellyvader Cap.png Jellyvader Cap S2 Gear Shoes Icy Down Boots.png Icy Down Boots
73 っぶっぶひらめEMP 2555 S2 Weapon Main Splat Brella.png Splat Brella S2 Gear Headgear 18K Aviators.png 18K Aviators S2 Gear Shoes Orange Arrows.png Orange Arrows
74 くろいの♪ 2554 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Squid Hairclip.png Squid Hairclip S2 Gear Shoes Zombie Hi-Horses.png Zombie Hi-Horses
75 サンバーストNEX 2553 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Squid Hairclip.png Squid Hairclip S2 Gear Shoes Neon Sea Slugs.png Neon Sea Slugs
76 くしだききょう 2553 S2 Weapon Main Hero Brella Replica.png Hero Brella Replica S2 Gear Headgear Firefin Facemask.png Firefin Facemask S2 Gear Shoes Red Hi-Horses.png Red Hi-Horses
77 みなとぴよ 2552 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Sun Visor.png Sun Visor S2 Gear Shoes School Shoes.png School Shoes
78 ドラゴン 2551 S2 Weapon Main Hero Brella Replica.png Hero Brella Replica S2 Gear Headgear Visor Skate Helmet.png Visor Skate Helmet S2 Gear Shoes Navy Red-Soled Wingtips.png Navy Red-Soled Wingtips
79 あンこギらイすルめン 2550 S2 Weapon Main Hero Brella Replica.png Hero Brella Replica S2 Gear Headgear Urchins Cap.png Urchins Cap S2 Gear Shoes Green Laceups.png Green Laceups
80 ぁて 2549 S2 Weapon Main Dapple Dualies.png Dapple Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Golden Toothpick.png Golden Toothpick S2 Gear Shoes Punk Blacks.png Punk Blacks
81 ふじやまのあいかた 2549 S2 Weapon Main Foil Squeezer.png Foil Squeezer S2 Gear Headgear Half-Rim Glasses.png Half-Rim Glasses S2 Gear Shoes Plum Casuals.png Plum Casuals
82 あおがみツインテール 2547 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Camo Mesh.png Camo Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Turquoise Kicks.png Turquoise Kicks
83 そー_おたん 2546 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Camo Mesh.png Camo Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Black Norimaki 750s.png Black Norimaki 750s
84 メヴィ†ザ†リッパー 2545 S2 Weapon Main Forge Splattershot Pro.png Forge Splattershot Pro S2 Gear Headgear Stealth Goggles.png Stealth Goggles S2 Gear Shoes Oyster Clogs.png Oyster Clogs
85 しろみちゃんやけど? 2544 S2 Weapon Main Ballpoint Splatling.png Ballpoint Splatling S2 Gear Headgear Yamagiri Beanie.png Yamagiri Beanie S2 Gear Shoes Arrow Pull-Ons.png Arrow Pull-Ons
86       たぴぃ√ 2543 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Octoglasses.png Octoglasses S2 Gear Shoes Crazy Arrows.png Crazy Arrows
87 ぽっきー 2542 S2 Weapon Main Explosher.png Explosher S2 Gear Headgear Hickory Work Cap.png Hickory Work Cap S2 Gear Shoes Armor Boot Replicas.png Armor Boot Replicas
88 of(:O)ミ 2541 S2 Weapon Main Splattershot Jr..png Splattershot Jr. S2 Gear Headgear Black Arrowbands.png Black Arrowbands S2 Gear Shoes White Laceless Dakroniks.png White Laceless Dakroniks
89 えみるば☆えーた 2541 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear King Flip Mesh.png King Flip Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Smoky Wingtips.png Smoky Wingtips
90 "_ゝ" 2541 S2 Weapon Main Explosher.png Explosher S2 Gear Headgear Studio Headphones.png Studio Headphones S2 Gear Shoes Plum Casuals.png Plum Casuals
91 H4D∂Tプードル 2540 S2 Weapon Main Explosher.png Explosher S2 Gear Headgear Octoling Shades.png Octoling Shades S2 Gear Shoes Arrow Pull-Ons.png Arrow Pull-Ons
92 R 2539 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Cap of Legend.png Cap of Legend S2 Gear Shoes Orange Arrows.png Orange Arrows
93 SBR 2539 S2 Weapon Main Sloshing Machine Neo.png Sloshing Machine Neo S2 Gear Headgear Pilot Hat.png Pilot Hat S2 Gear Shoes Black Dakroniks.png Black Dakroniks
94 アフロディ 2539 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Skull Bandana.png Skull Bandana S2 Gear Shoes Blue Laceless Dakroniks.png Blue Laceless Dakroniks
95 ついとうしき 2538 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Golden Toothpick.png Golden Toothpick S2 Gear Shoes Red Hi-Horses.png Red Hi-Horses
96 .87†ザ†リッパー 2538 S2 Weapon Main H-3 Nozzlenose D.png H-3 Nozzlenose D S2 Gear Headgear Jellyvader Cap.png Jellyvader Cap S2 Gear Shoes Hero Snowboots Replicas.png Hero Snowboots Replicas
97 EMPフーちゃあんこ 2537 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Camo Mesh.png Camo Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Arrow Pull-Ons.png Arrow Pull-Ons
98 CoT_ゴリラ 2536 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Woolly Urchins Classic.png Woolly Urchins Classic S2 Gear Shoes Cream Basics.png Cream Basics
99 バーボン 2535 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Camo Mesh.png Camo Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Blueberry Casuals.png Blueberry Casuals
100 すぶりをするそぶり 2534 S2 Weapon Main Ballpoint Splatling.png Ballpoint Splatling S2 Gear Headgear Firefin Facemask.png Firefin Facemask S2 Gear Shoes White Laceless Dakroniks.png White Laceless Dakroniks


Rank Name Splatfest Power Weapon Headgear Shoes
1 ガイセンターボー 2818 S2 Weapon Main Hero Brella Replica.png Hero Brella Replica S2 Gear Headgear 18K Aviators.png 18K Aviators S2 Gear Shoes Truffle Canvas Hi-Tops.png Truffle Canvas Hi-Tops
2 L 2791 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Camo Mesh.png Camo Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Orange Arrows.png Orange Arrows
3 ku 2782 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Squidvader Cap.png Squidvader Cap S2 Gear Shoes Piranha Moccasins.png Piranha Moccasins
4 ちょこ♪ぺろ♪りん♀ 2749 S2 Weapon Main Ballpoint Splatling.png Ballpoint Splatling S2 Gear Headgear King Flip Mesh.png King Flip Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Red Hi-Tops.png Red Hi-Tops
5 ばくもん 2736 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Hickory Work Cap.png Hickory Work Cap S2 Gear Shoes Orange Arrows.png Orange Arrows
6 こうしえんでたい 2704 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear SV925 Circle Shades.png SV925 Circle Shades S2 Gear Shoes Arrow Pull-Ons.png Arrow Pull-Ons
7 わびさビーフ 2696 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Sun Visor.png Sun Visor S2 Gear Shoes Arrow Pull-Ons.png Arrow Pull-Ons
8 せんたくバセミ 2692 S2 Weapon Main H-3 Nozzlenose D.png H-3 Nozzlenose D S2 Gear Headgear Sennyu Bon Bon Beanie.png Sennyu Bon Bon Beanie S2 Gear Shoes Blue Laceless Dakroniks.png Blue Laceless Dakroniks
9 コシあんミリンケーキ 2678 S2 Weapon Main Splat Brella.png Splat Brella S2 Gear Headgear Moist Ghillie Helmet.png Moist Ghillie Helmet S2 Gear Shoes White Laceless Dakroniks.png White Laceless Dakroniks
10 ぺ   チ   コ  2677 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Hickory Work Cap.png Hickory Work Cap S2 Gear Shoes Navy Red-Soled Wingtips.png Navy Red-Soled Wingtips
11 §じろう きょうか§ 2676 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Soccer Headband.png Soccer Headband S2 Gear Shoes Black Norimaki 750s.png Black Norimaki 750s
12 おつきさま 2675 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Pilot Goggles.png Pilot Goggles S2 Gear Shoes Red & White Squidkid V.png Red & White Squidkid V
13 わさビーフだいすき 2670 S2 Weapon Main Splatterscope.png Splatterscope S2 Gear Headgear Bucket Hat.png Bucket Hat S2 Gear Shoes Cream Basics.png Cream Basics
14 マサオTV 2657 S2 Weapon Main Explosher.png Explosher S2 Gear Headgear Noise Cancelers.png Noise Cancelers S2 Gear Shoes Polka-dot Slip-Ons.png Polka-dot Slip-Ons
15 3aX 2655 S2 Weapon Main Light Tetra Dualies.png Light Tetra Dualies S2 Gear Headgear White Arrowbands.png White Arrowbands S2 Gear Shoes Red Hi-Tops.png Red Hi-Tops
16 がきそく»アイスメ 2652 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear House-Tag Denim Cap.png House-Tag Denim Cap S2 Gear Shoes School Shoes.png School Shoes
17 るっと(・~・) 2651 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear 18K Aviators.png 18K Aviators S2 Gear Shoes Arrow Pull-Ons.png Arrow Pull-Ons
18 あンこギらイんリちャ 2651 S2 Weapon Main Hero Brella Replica.png Hero Brella Replica S2 Gear Headgear Tinted Shades.png Tinted Shades S2 Gear Shoes Truffle Canvas Hi-Tops.png Truffle Canvas Hi-Tops
19 でこパン 2648 S2 Weapon Main Enperry Splat Dualies.png Enperry Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Retro Specs.png Retro Specs S2 Gear Shoes Crazy Arrows.png Crazy Arrows
20 bari 2648 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Conductor Cap.png Conductor Cap S2 Gear Shoes Clownfish Basics.png Clownfish Basics
21 tama 2646 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Camo Mesh.png Camo Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Hunting Boots.png Hunting Boots
22 あやぴの♭ 2646 S2 Weapon Main Ballpoint Splatling.png Ballpoint Splatling S2 Gear Headgear Cap of Legend.png Cap of Legend S2 Gear Shoes Polka-dot Slip-Ons.png Polka-dot Slip-Ons
23 ねuuu♪ 2645 S2 Weapon Main Hero Brella Replica.png Hero Brella Replica S2 Gear Headgear Tinted Shades.png Tinted Shades S2 Gear Shoes Purple Sea Slugs.png Purple Sea Slugs
24  コギお † EMP 2645 S2 Weapon Main L-3 Nozzlenose.png L-3 Nozzlenose S2 Gear Headgear Woolly Urchins Classic.png Woolly Urchins Classic S2 Gear Shoes Black Norimaki 750s.png Black Norimaki 750s
25 ちゃふ 2643 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Fake Contacts.png Fake Contacts S2 Gear Shoes LE Soccer Shoes.png LE Soccer Shoes
26 はり~ 2640 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Eminence Cuff.png Eminence Cuff S2 Gear Shoes Black Seahorses.png Black Seahorses
27 めろんそーだ 2639 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Skull Bandana.png Skull Bandana S2 Gear Shoes Pink Trainers.png Pink Trainers
28 s 2635 S2 Weapon Main Hero Brella Replica.png Hero Brella Replica S2 Gear Headgear Soccer Headband.png Soccer Headband S2 Gear Shoes Gold Hi-Horses.png Gold Hi-Horses
29 ぽてじい 2633 S2 Weapon Main Splat Brella.png Splat Brella S2 Gear Headgear Visor Skate Helmet.png Visor Skate Helmet S2 Gear Shoes Purple Sea Slugs.png Purple Sea Slugs
30 ハイドラントのut! 2627 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Cap of Legend.png Cap of Legend S2 Gear Shoes Clownfish Basics.png Clownfish Basics
31 ツライ 2625 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Squid Hairclip.png Squid Hairclip S2 Gear Shoes Arrow Pull-Ons.png Arrow Pull-Ons
32 2624 S2 Weapon Main Glooga Dualies Deco.png Glooga Dualies Deco S2 Gear Headgear Golden Toothpick.png Golden Toothpick S2 Gear Shoes Red Hi-Tops.png Red Hi-Tops
33 rita* 2621 S2 Weapon Main Tri-Slosher.png Tri-Slosher S2 Gear Headgear Sennyu Bon Bon Beanie.png Sennyu Bon Bon Beanie S2 Gear Shoes Punk Whites.png Punk Whites
34 かかおまめぇ*VX 2618 S2 Weapon Main Hero Brella Replica.png Hero Brella Replica S2 Gear Headgear Motocross Nose Guard.png Motocross Nose Guard S2 Gear Shoes Blueberry Casuals.png Blueberry Casuals
35 らんきーキッズ2ごう 2618 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Octoglasses.png Octoglasses S2 Gear Shoes White Kicks.png White Kicks
36 ぽんこつ★フラマ 2617 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Soccer Headband.png Soccer Headband S2 Gear Shoes Suede Marine Lace-Ups.png Suede Marine Lace-Ups
37 かくせいゴリラキング 2614 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Hickory Work Cap.png Hickory Work Cap S2 Gear Shoes Suede Nation Lace-Ups.png Suede Nation Lace-Ups
38 MNT 2611 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Sun Visor.png Sun Visor S2 Gear Shoes Navy Red-Soled Wingtips.png Navy Red-Soled Wingtips
39 クロびかりシェルター 2609 S2 Weapon Main Hero Brella Replica.png Hero Brella Replica S2 Gear Headgear Octoglasses.png Octoglasses S2 Gear Shoes Navy Red-Soled Wingtips.png Navy Red-Soled Wingtips
40 ツンデレむすめ 2609 S2 Weapon Main Ballpoint Splatling.png Ballpoint Splatling S2 Gear Headgear Golf Visor.png Golf Visor S2 Gear Shoes New-Leaf Leather Boots.png New-Leaf Leather Boots
41 くそがきしめ¿・・・ 2609 S2 Weapon Main Hero Brella Replica.png Hero Brella Replica S2 Gear Headgear Stealth Goggles.png Stealth Goggles S2 Gear Shoes Black Trainers.png Black Trainers
42 マニュコーラ 2607 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Tinted Shades.png Tinted Shades S2 Gear Shoes Purple Hi-Horses.png Purple Hi-Horses
43 うじがみのかこい 2606 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Bamboo Hat.png Bamboo Hat S2 Gear Shoes White Kicks.png White Kicks
44 なえごりらぁーんド♪ 2603 S2 Weapon Main Hero Brella Replica.png Hero Brella Replica S2 Gear Headgear Tinted Shades.png Tinted Shades S2 Gear Shoes Navy Red-Soled Wingtips.png Navy Red-Soled Wingtips
45 ゆるして 2602 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear White Headband.png White Headband S2 Gear Shoes Hero Snowboots Replicas.png Hero Snowboots Replicas
46 わヲん 2602 S2 Weapon Main Hero Brella Replica.png Hero Brella Replica S2 Gear Headgear Octoling Shades.png Octoling Shades S2 Gear Shoes Purple Iromaki 750s.png Purple Iromaki 750s
47 2600 S2 Weapon Main N-ZAP '85.png N-ZAP '85 S2 Gear Headgear FishFry Visor.png FishFry Visor S2 Gear Shoes LE Lo-Tops.png LE Lo-Tops
48 たくろう 2600 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Patched Hat.png Patched Hat S2 Gear Shoes Arrow Pull-Ons.png Arrow Pull-Ons
49 ぴくしー♪ 2598 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Studio Headphones.png Studio Headphones S2 Gear Shoes Trail Boots.png Trail Boots
50 く~ 2597 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splattershot.png Kensa Splattershot S2 Gear Headgear Camo Mesh.png Camo Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Green Rain Boots.png Green Rain Boots
51 WWWWWWWWWW 2596 S2 Weapon Main Custom Blaster.png Custom Blaster S2 Gear Headgear Takoroka Mesh.png Takoroka Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Punk Blacks.png Punk Blacks
52 ミファーのいくら 2595 S2 Weapon Main Splat Brella.png Splat Brella S2 Gear Headgear Bucket Hat.png Bucket Hat S2 Gear Shoes Cherry Kicks.png Cherry Kicks
53 ねっちゃ!?なっとう 2595 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear House-Tag Denim Cap.png House-Tag Denim Cap S2 Gear Shoes Black Seahorses.png Black Seahorses
54 ちんげ*ヨMP 2595 S2 Weapon Main Hero Brella Replica.png Hero Brella Replica S2 Gear Headgear Studio Headphones.png Studio Headphones S2 Gear Shoes Black Seahorses.png Black Seahorses
55 こしあんにんじんちゃ 2593 S2 Weapon Main Splat Brella.png Splat Brella S2 Gear Headgear Safari Hat.png Safari Hat S2 Gear Shoes Navy Red-Soled Wingtips.png Navy Red-Soled Wingtips
56 いくた 2592 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Camo Mesh.png Camo Mesh S2 Gear Shoes Toni Kensa Soccer Shoes.png Toni Kensa Soccer Shoes
57 イノゴン 2590 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splattershot.png Kensa Splattershot S2 Gear Headgear Squidvader Cap.png Squidvader Cap S2 Gear Shoes Red & Black Squidkid IV.png Red & Black Squidkid IV
58 ひでよし 2589 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Paintball Mask.png Paintball Mask S2 Gear Shoes Red & White Squidkid V.png Red & White Squidkid V
59 ☆hatti☆ 2589 S2 Weapon Main Ballpoint Splatling.png Ballpoint Splatling S2 Gear Headgear Squid Facemask.png Squid Facemask S2 Gear Shoes Sunset Orca Hi-Tops.png Sunset Orca Hi-Tops
60 そいまる 2589 S2 Weapon Main Tentatek Splattershot.png Tentatek Splattershot S2 Gear Headgear King Facemask.png King Facemask S2 Gear Shoes Black & Blue Squidkid V.png Black & Blue Squidkid V
61 れれれれー 2589 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Short Beanie.png Short Beanie S2 Gear Shoes Red FishFry Sandals.png Red FishFry Sandals
62 テルミ 2589 S2 Weapon Main Inkbrush.png Inkbrush S2 Gear Headgear Takoroka Visor.png Takoroka Visor S2 Gear Shoes Snow Delta Straps.png Snow Delta Straps
63 ほんだすざくつばさ♀ 2588 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Fake Contacts.png Fake Contacts S2 Gear Shoes Blueberry Casuals.png Blueberry Casuals
64 まいめ 2587 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Octoleet Goggles.png Octoleet Goggles S2 Gear Shoes Black Norimaki 750s.png Black Norimaki 750s
65 MIRA* 2586 S2 Weapon Main N-ZAP '85.png N-ZAP '85 S2 Gear Headgear Golden Toothpick.png Golden Toothpick S2 Gear Shoes Purple Sea Slugs.png Purple Sea Slugs
66 '.,.' 2585 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Safari Hat.png Safari Hat S2 Gear Shoes White Norimaki 750s.png White Norimaki 750s
67 dv37_てんととん 2584 S2 Weapon Main Hero Brella Replica.png Hero Brella Replica S2 Gear Headgear Visor Skate Helmet.png Visor Skate Helmet S2 Gear Shoes Angry Rain Boots.png Angry Rain Boots
68 ぼんじり_Tr 2584 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Bamboo Hat.png Bamboo Hat S2 Gear Shoes Shark Moccasins.png Shark Moccasins
69 にんげんふしん。 2584 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splatterscope.png Kensa Splatterscope S2 Gear Headgear Squidvader Cap.png Squidvader Cap S2 Gear Shoes Mawcasins.png Mawcasins
70 ゆすん 2583 S2 Weapon Main Firefin Splatterscope.png Firefin Splatterscope S2 Gear Headgear Squash Headband.png Squash Headband S2 Gear Shoes White Norimaki 750s.png White Norimaki 750s
71 テヤヤ 2583 S2 Weapon Main Inkbrush Nouveau.png Inkbrush Nouveau S2 Gear Headgear Squidvader Cap.png Squidvader Cap S2 Gear Shoes Orange Lo-Tops.png Orange Lo-Tops
72 ぱぴぷぺPOLICE 2582 S2 Weapon Main Nautilus 47.png Nautilus 47 S2 Gear Headgear Painter's Mask.png Painter's Mask S2 Gear Shoes Purple Sea Slugs.png Purple Sea Slugs
73 おまんじゅうさん 2580 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Squid Hairclip.png Squid Hairclip S2 Gear Shoes Blue Laceless Dakroniks.png Blue Laceless Dakroniks
74 2580 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Streetstyle Cap.png Streetstyle Cap S2 Gear Shoes Orca Hi-Tops.png Orca Hi-Tops
75 αƒ_りゅう 2579 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Golden Toothpick.png Golden Toothpick S2 Gear Shoes Crazy Arrows.png Crazy Arrows
76 ロマンスsei 2579 S2 Weapon Main Firefin Splat Charger.png Firefin Splat Charger S2 Gear Headgear Backwards Cap.png Backwards Cap S2 Gear Shoes Orange Arrows.png Orange Arrows
77 ★hk★ 2579 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear King Facemask.png King Facemask S2 Gear Shoes Mint Dakroniks.png Mint Dakroniks
78 ひろってきたキンタマ 2577 S2 Weapon Main Gold Dynamo Roller.png Gold Dynamo Roller S2 Gear Headgear Safari Hat.png Safari Hat S2 Gear Shoes Arrow Pull-Ons.png Arrow Pull-Ons
79 でどば/// 2576 S2 Weapon Main N-ZAP '85.png N-ZAP '85 S2 Gear Headgear Woolly Urchins Classic.png Woolly Urchins Classic S2 Gear Shoes Red Hi-Tops.png Red Hi-Tops
80 dv37_うどんまん 2576 S2 Weapon Main Hero Brella Replica.png Hero Brella Replica S2 Gear Headgear Octoling Shades.png Octoling Shades S2 Gear Shoes Navy Red-Soled Wingtips.png Navy Red-Soled Wingtips
81 ぬくりあさん 2576 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Squid Hairclip.png Squid Hairclip S2 Gear Shoes White Norimaki 750s.png White Norimaki 750s
82 ほんだ あずり^^ 2575 S2 Weapon Main Splat Brella.png Splat Brella S2 Gear Headgear 18K Aviators.png 18K Aviators S2 Gear Shoes Orange Arrows.png Orange Arrows
83 Daiki0302 2575 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear House-Tag Denim Cap.png House-Tag Denim Cap S2 Gear Shoes Sea Slug Volt 95s.png Sea Slug Volt 95s
84 ねいちゃん 2575 S2 Weapon Main Explosher.png Explosher S2 Gear Headgear Studio Headphones.png Studio Headphones S2 Gear Shoes Plum Casuals.png Plum Casuals
85 まどち 2575 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Squidvader Cap.png Squidvader Cap S2 Gear Shoes Blueberry Casuals.png Blueberry Casuals
86 JAN 2574 S2 Weapon Main Splash-o-matic.png Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Safari Hat.png Safari Hat S2 Gear Shoes Smoky Wingtips.png Smoky Wingtips
87 ∀!ΚΨ¤ 2574 S2 Weapon Main Herobrush Replica.png Herobrush Replica S2 Gear Headgear Half-Rim Glasses.png Half-Rim Glasses S2 Gear Shoes Amber Sea Slug Hi-Tops.png Amber Sea Slug Hi-Tops
88 2571 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear FishFry Visor.png FishFry Visor S2 Gear Shoes Arrow Pull-Ons.png Arrow Pull-Ons
89 dv37_shou 2571 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Tinted Shades.png Tinted Shades S2 Gear Shoes Red & Black Squidkid IV.png Red & Black Squidkid IV
90 トガですトガヒミコ! 2570 S2 Weapon Main Range Blaster.png Range Blaster S2 Gear Headgear Tennis Headband.png Tennis Headband S2 Gear Shoes Plum Casuals.png Plum Casuals
91 ◎バジリスクおばけ◎ 2569 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear Annaki Mask.png Annaki Mask S2 Gear Shoes Purple Sea Slugs.png Purple Sea Slugs
92 ながれぼし 2567 S2 Weapon Main Explosher.png Explosher S2 Gear Headgear Tinted Shades.png Tinted Shades S2 Gear Shoes Blue Slip-Ons.png Blue Slip-Ons
93 やみさん 2565 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Streetstyle Cap.png Streetstyle Cap S2 Gear Shoes Black Norimaki 750s.png Black Norimaki 750s
94 ぼむα 2565 S2 Weapon Main Splat Brella.png Splat Brella S2 Gear Headgear Tinted Shades.png Tinted Shades S2 Gear Shoes Purple Sea Slugs.png Purple Sea Slugs
95 しめレウス 2563 S2 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers.png Custom Dualie Squelchers S2 Gear Headgear 18K Aviators.png 18K Aviators S2 Gear Shoes Red & Black Squidkid IV.png Red & Black Squidkid IV
96 みなみことりのどれい 2562 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Short Beanie.png Short Beanie S2 Gear Shoes Suede Nation Lace-Ups.png Suede Nation Lace-Ups
97 kuキッズ〆ごう 2562 S2 Weapon Main Slosher Deco.png Slosher Deco S2 Gear Headgear Bobble Hat.png Bobble Hat S2 Gear Shoes Piranha Moccasins.png Piranha Moccasins
98 fumika 2562 S2 Weapon Main Neo Splash-o-matic.png Neo Splash-o-matic S2 Gear Headgear Tennis Headband.png Tennis Headband S2 Gear Shoes Deepsea Leather Boots.png Deepsea Leather Boots
99 CarbonGuyG 2562 S2 Weapon Main Inkbrush Nouveau.png Inkbrush Nouveau S2 Gear Headgear Classic Straw Boater.png Classic Straw Boater S2 Gear Shoes Black Seahorses.png Black Seahorses
100 NWζはん* 2561 S2 Weapon Main Kensa Splat Dualies.png Kensa Splat Dualies S2 Gear Headgear Fake Contacts.png Fake Contacts S2 Gear Shoes Blueberry Casuals.png Blueberry Casuals

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