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Two-Bridge.Floor is one of the available floors in Splatoon 3: Side Order. Although there is no single base version of this floor, it is divided into five types that can appear during a climb.


Two-Bridge.Floor is a floor in the Spire of Order.

Frantic_Scampering_Two-Bridge.Floor (fleeing foes)

Defeat the fleeing foes!
Difficulty Difficulty Normal Normal
Base reward Membuxs 250
Appearance On a normal climb:
Fleeing foes
Music j3sting

The objective is to defeat all the fleeing foes.

Open-Season_Ink-Spattered_Two-Bridge.Floor (∞-balls)

Sink the ∞-balls!
Difficulty Difficulty Normal Normal
Base reward Membuxs 255
Appearance On a normal climb:
∞-ball count 2
Music souv3nir

The objective is to sink the all the ∞-balls.

Shelterless_Swarmed_Two-Bridge.Floor (tower)

Escort the turbine tower!
Difficulty Difficulty Hard Hard
Base reward Membuxs 480
Appearance On a normal climb:
Checkpoint count 3
Music jitt3rs

The objective is to escort the turbine tower to its goal.

Threatened(All-Sides)_Two-Bridge.Floor (zones)

Protect the zone!
Difficulty Difficulty Hard Hard
Base reward Membuxs 485
Appearance On a normal climb:
Zone count 1
Countdown start 80 ticks
Checkpoint 1 40 ticks
Music routin3s

The objective is to protect the zone.

Whirling-Enemies(High)_Two-Bridge.Floor (portals)

Destroy the portals!
Difficulty Difficulty Normal Normal
Base reward Membuxs 275
Appearance On a normal climb:
Portal count 4
Music d3molish

The objective is to destroy all the portals.

Floor features



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Names in other languages

Translation needed
The section or page is missing non-English translations or material from other localizations edit
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 二本橋のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Dubbelbrug.etage Doublebridge.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.double_pont floor.double_bridge
Germany German Doppelbrücken.Etage Doublebridge.Floor
Italy Italian Piano_biponte Floor_doublebridge
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Два_моста.floor
Fayl etazha: Dva_mosta.floor
Floor file: Two_bridges.floor
Mexico Spanish (NOA) PuenteDoble DoubleBridge
Spain Spanish (NOE) Puente doble Double bridge
China Chinese (Simplified) 双桥的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 雙橋的樓層
South Korea Korean 두 다리 플로어

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese わらわらと にげまどう 二本橋のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Hectisch_vluchten_dubbelbrug.etage Hectic_fleeing_doublebridge.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.double_pont\échappée_survoltée floor.double_bridge\overexcited_escape
Germany German IntensivFlucht_Doppelbrücken.Etage Intensivescape_doublebridge.floor
Italy Italian Piano_biponte//sgusciante_frenetico Floor_doublebridge//frenetic_scamper
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Бежим_не_глядя(Два_моста).floor
Fayl etazha: Bezhim_ne_glyadya(Dva_mosta).floor
Floor file: Running_without_looking(Two_bridges).floor
Mexico Spanish (NOA) PuenteDoble_HuidaTumultuosa.pso DoubleBridge_TumultuousFlight.flr
Spain Spanish (NOE) Puente doble con huida tumultuosa Double bridge with tumultuous flight
China Chinese (Simplified) 大量出现 不知该逃往何处 双桥的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 大量出現 不知該逃往何處 雙橋的樓層
South Korea Korean 산발적으로 우왕좌왕하는 두 다리 플로어

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese ねらわれて 塗られる 二本橋のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Jachtseizoen_inktbedekt_dubbelbrug.etage Huntingseason_inkcovered_doublebridge.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.double_pont\proie_aux_abois_dans_l_encre floor.double_bridge\alarmed_prey_in_ink
Germany German Feindbeschuss_Tintenbad_Doppelbrücken.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_biponte//bersaglio_inzuppato_d'inchiostro Floor_doublebridge//target_drenched_in_ink
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Сезон_охоты_в_краске(Два_моста).floor
Fayl etazha: Sezon_okhoty_v_kraske(Dva_mosta).floor
Floor file: Hunting_season_in_the_ink(Two_bridges).floor
Mexico Spanish (NOA) PuenteDoble_PuntoDeMira_Entintamiento.pso DoubleBridge_SpotLight_Inking.flr
Spain Spanish (NOE) Puente doble de entintamiento en el punto de mira Double bridge of inking in the spotlight
China Chinese (Simplified) 紧迫盯人 遭到涂墨 双桥的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 緊迫盯人 遭到塗墨 雙橋的樓層
South Korea Korean 표적이 되어 칠해지는 두 다리 플로어

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese とめどなく 大群が 押し寄せる 二本橋のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Vrijspel_overmacht_dubbelbrug.etage Freerein_supremacy_doublebridge.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.double_pont\fourmillement_à_découvert floor.double_bridge\uncovered_swarming
Germany German Megaschwarm:Schutzlos_Doppelbrücken.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_biponte//affollato_avvicinamento_nemico Floor_doublebridge//crowded_enemy_approach
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Стая_без_укрытия(Два_моста).floor
Fayl etazha: Staya_bez_ukrytiya(Dva_mosta).floor
Floor file: Flock_without_cover(Two_bridges).floor
Mexico Spanish (NOA) PuenteDoble_Multitud_SinCuartel.pso DoubleBridge_Multitude_WithoutQuarter.flr
Spain Spanish (NOE) Puente doble con megatropel imparable sin cuartel Double bridge with unstoppable megatroop without quarter
China Chinese (Simplified) 永无止境 广大群体蜂拥而至 双桥的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 永無止境 廣大群體蜂擁而至 雙橋的樓層
South Korea Korean 끝없는 대군이 밀어닥치는 두 다리 플로어

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 反射しても 飛来しても 守りぬく 二本橋のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Bedreigd(alle-kanten)_dubbelbrug.etage Threatened(all-sides)_doublebridge.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.double_pont\menace_totale floor.double_bridge\total_menace
Germany German RingsumBedrohung_Doppelbrücken.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_biponte//minaccia_su_ogni_lato Floor_doublebridge//threat_on_every_side
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Мы_окружены(Два_моста).floor
Fayl etazha: My_okruzheny(Dva_mosta).floor
Floor file: We_are_surrounded(Two_bridges).floor
Mexico Spanish (NOA) PuenteDoble_AsaltoAéreo_Oscilante.pso DoubleBridge_AerialAssault_Oscillating.flr
Spain Spanish (NOE) Puente doble fortificado con rebotes y asedio aéreo Fortified double bridge with rebounds and aerial siege
China Chinese (Simplified) 无论反弹还是飞射都要死守 双桥的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 無論反彈還是飛射都要死守 雙橋的樓層
South Korea Korean 무슨 일이 있어도 사수해야 하는 두 다리 플로어

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 大量に 回転する 二本橋のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Wervel(veel-tegenstand)_dubbelbrug.etage Vortex(much-opposition)_doublebridge.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.double_pont\tornade_sauvage_hostile floor.double_bridge\wild_hostile_tornado
Germany German WirbelGegner:Massen-Doppelbrücken.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_biponte//estremamente_vorticoso Floor_doublebridge//extremely_whirly
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Засилье_вертушек(Два_моста).floor
Fayl etazha: Zasil'e_vertushek(Dva_mosta).floor
Floor file: Spinners_preponderance(Two_bridges).floor[a]
Mexico Spanish (NOA) PuenteDoble_HordasCirculación.pso PuenteDoble_HordesCirculation.flr
Spain Spanish (NOE) Puente doble en intensa rotación Puente doble in intense rotation
China Chinese (Simplified) 大量旋转 双桥的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 大量旋轉 雙橋的樓層
South Korea Korean 엄청나게 회전하는 두 다리 플로어

Translation notes

  1. The word вертушки vertushki can also mean "pinwheels", "whirligigs", "spinning tops" and other spinning mechanisms and toys

Internal name Meaning
map_bridges [1]
bridges_chase [1]
bridges_ball [1]
bridges_lift [1]
bridges_area [1]
bridges_spawner [1]
