Abandoned Station
Weapons and rewards |
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Music | Cap'n Cuttlefish's Theme (Octo) Abandoned Station #5 thirsty Deepsea Metro Central Station |
The name(s) presented could be conjectural.
The Abandoned Station is an unnamed tutorial area in Octo Expansion, as well as the location where Agent 8 starts.
The initial area is a shut-down train entrance blocked off by danger tape. The player enters the abandoned train and travels through the empty train cars until they reach another abandoned facility.
Inside the abandoned facility, a key is required in order to progress through into the Deepsea Metro. From this room, a pressure switch activates an Inkrail into a storage room. Before entering the storage room, an equipper gives the Splattershot Jr. and Splat Bombs. While inside the storage room, there are various destructible crates (with both regular and target designs) and target balloons scattered throughout the room. The key is located in a crate in the upper area. Exiting the storage room causes the equipper to take the Splattershot Jr. and Splat Bombs away.
Taking the key back into the abandoned facility opens a vault and grants access to a train track leading into the Central Station.
Enemies and Mechanics
Target Crate

Cap'n Cuttlefish's Quotes
- After the player has started the Octo Expansion:
"Up and at 'em, ya lazy whiffle-whaffle! This fight ain't over! Prepare for a royal whoopin'! But there's no honor in defeating an unarmed opponent… and you seem to have lost your weapon somewhere around here. And just where is… here… anyway? Last thing I remember, you were battling my protégé, Agent 3, in Octo Valley… when both of you were suddenly attacked by someone. And somehow we got marooned here… So, uh… hows about we call a temporary truce while we find a way to escape?"
"But where are my manners… I haven't even told you my name! I'm Cap'n Cuttlefish, leader of the legendary New Squidbeak Splatoon! And you are…?"
"… …… <>*psst* This is the part where you tell me your name. By kracken… You lost your memory when you hit the ground?! You can't remember anything about yourself? Anything at all?!"
- After the player has customized their character:
"Most interesting… I noticed you were humming the Calamari Inkantation right before you came to… Could it be? Has this heavenly melody been etched into your very soul?!"
"… …… I'll take your stunned silence as a YES! I've heard tell of Octarians whose souls were etched by those squidtastic grooves… But that was a couple years back, during Agent 3's battle with DJ Octavio. Still… I can't shake the feeling that this is related somehow. In any case, sorry for siccing Agent 3 on you back there. Any fan of the Squid Sisters is a friend of mine! I mean that with all of my hearts. Now dust yourself off and find your land legs. We need to get moving! Let's find a way outta here!"
- After proceeding to the next area:
"What in the devilfish is this place?! Proceed with caution… Hey - that's an Octarian vault! You need a key to open it. Being an Octarian and all… You sure this place doesn't look familiar?"
"Booyeah! That contraption back there gave you a weapon! Doesn't seem like any other Octarians are here… This place might be abandoned. Find that key! Ahoy - you found the key! Now head back and open that vault."
"That contraption stole your weapon back! Buncha hooey if you ask me! This looks a little sketchy, but… You're gonna have to check it out."
Kaptein Kraak's Quotes
- After the player has started the Octo Expansion:
- "Hé, Octoling!"
- (Hey, Octoling!)
- "Wakker worden, Octoslaapkop! Mooi! Heb je je ogen goed open? Dan kunnen we verdergaan met ons gevecht! Pak je wapen! Tenminste… dat zou ik zeggen… als je je wapen niet ergens had laten vallen. Over ergens gesproken… waar zijn we eigenlijk? Als ik het me goed herinner, vocht jij tegen agent 3 in de Octovallei… tot jullie plotseling door iemand werden aangevallen… Maar goed, niets aan te doen. Laten we de strijdbijl voorlopig begraven en een uitgang zoeken!"
- (Wake up, Octo-sleepyhead! Good! Do you have your eyes wide open? Then we can continue our battle! Grab your weapon! At least… that's what I'd say… if you hadn't dropped your weapon somewhere. Speaking of somewhere… where are we, anyway? If I remember correctly, you were battling Agent 3 in the Octo Valley… until you were suddenly attacked by someone… Anyway, it can't be helped. Let's bury the hatchet for now and find an exit!)
- "Ach… Laat ik mezelf dan ook maar even voorstellen. Ik ben Kaptein Kraak, de leider van de nieuwe Kraakcommando's. En wie ben jij? "
- (Oh… Let me introduce myself then. I am Captain Cuttlefish, the leader of the New Squidbeak Splatoon. And who are you?)
- "… ……"
- (… ……)
- "Heb je misschien… geheugenverlies door die klap op de grond? Kun je je überhaupt iets herinneren? Het maakt niet uit wat."
- (Do you perhaps have… amnesia from that blow to the ground? Can you remember anything at all? It doesn't matter what.)
- After the player has customized their character:
- "O! Volgens mij mompelde je in je slaap een liedje van de Squid Sisters! Heeft die hemelse melodie misschien… je ziel gekleurd?! "
- (Oh! I think you muttered a song by the Squid Sisters in your sleep! Did that heavenly melody perhaps… color your soul!)
- "… ……"
- (… ……)
- "Je wezenloze stilzwijgen spreekt boekdelen! Ik heb gehoord over Octarianen bij wie de ziel gekleurd is door de muziek… …van de Squid Sisters tijdens het gevecht tussen agent 3 en DJ Octavio. Blijkbaar sta ik nu oog in oog met zo'n Octariaan. In dat geval spijt het me dat ik agent 3 achter je aan heb gestuurd. "Een fan van de Squid Sisters kan niet slecht zijn." Dat is de reinste waarheid en daar leef ik naar! Goed, laten we op pad gaan! Ik kan je hulp goed gebruiken om een uitweg te vinden. Waar is toch de uitgang…"
- (Your lifeless silence speaks volumes! I have heard about Octarians whose souls are colored by the music… …of the Squid Sisters during the fight between Agent 3 and DJ Octavio. Apparently, I am now face to face with such an Octarian. In that case, I'm sorry I sent Agent 3 after you. "A fan of the Squid Sisters can't be bad." That's the purest truth and I live by it! Alright, let's hit the road! I could really use your help to find a way out. Where is the exit…)
- After proceeding to the next area:
- "Wat is dit voor rare plek? Laten we maar snel doorgaan. Een kluis van de Octarianen! Daar heb je een sleutel voor nodig. Jij bent een Octariaan. Weet je zeker dat je je deze plek niet herinnert?"
- (What is this strange place? Let's move on quickly. A vault of the Octarians! You need a key for that. You're an Octarian. Are you sure you don't remember this place?)
- "Aha! Dat apparaat heeft je een wapen gegeven! Jij lijkt de enige Octariaan hier in de buurt… Misschien is het hier verder verlaten. Goed… eerst maar eens die sleutel vinden."
- (Aha! That device has given you a weapon! You seem to be the only Octarian around here… Maybe this place is otherwise deserted. Well… first, let's find that key.)
- "Ik zie een zweefanker daarboven. Probeer er eens op te schieten!"
- (I see a Grapplink up there. Try shooting at it!)
- "Die zochten we! Ga terug om de kluis te openen. Hé! Dat apparaat heeft je wapen weer afgepakt! Wat een raar ding! Ik krijg de rillingen van deze plek, maar er zit niets anders op dan door te gaan."
- (That's the one we were looking for! Go back to open the vault. Hey! That device took your weapon again! What a strange thing! This place gives me the shivers, but there's nothing to do but keep going.)
Amiral Macalamar's Quotes
- After the player has started the Octo Expansion:
- "Hé, toi là ! L'Octaling ! Tu vas te secouer, oui ou non ? C'est bon, t'as les yeux en face des trous ? Alors ramasse ton arme et que ça saute ! Sauf que... où est-ce qu'elle est passée, ton arme ? Et où est-ce qu'on est passés, nous ?! T'étais en train d'en découdre avec Numéro 3, et quelqu'un vous est tombé dessus... Enfin bon, maintenant qu'on est là, je déclare une trêve momentanée !"
- (Hey, you there! The Octoling! Are you gonna shake it off or what? All good, can you see straight? Then pick up your gun now! Except that... where did your weapon go? And just where did we end up?! You were having a showdown with Agent 3, and someone fell on the two of you... Oh well, now that we're here, I'm declaring a temporary truce!)
- "Bon sang de bonsoir, je me suis même pas présenté, avec tout ça ! Je suis l'Amiral Macalamar, le chef de l'escadron Espadon, nouvelle version ! Et toi, c'est quoi ton p'tit nom ?"
- (Good god, I didn't even introduce myself, with all that! I am Cap'n Cuttlefish, the leader of the New Squidbeak Splatoon! And you, what's yer name ?)
- "... ... ..."
- (... ... ...)
- "Eh ben, qu'est-ce qui t'arrive ? T'as pris un coup sur la citrouille ou quoi ? Tu te rappelles plus de rien ? Le noir total ?"
- (Oh dear, what's up with you? Took a punch to the head or what? You don't remember anything? A total blur?)
- After the player has customized their character:
- "C'est marrant, quand t'étais dans les choux, tu chantonnais un tube des Calamazones... Paraît qu'y a des Octalings qui retrouvent leurs esprits grâce aux Calamazones et à leur groove qui décoiffe ! C'est ton cas ?"
- (Fun fact, when you were out, you were humming a hit from the Squid Sisters... Heard some Octolings snap out of it thanks to the Squid Sisters and their amazing groove! Is that your case?)
- "... ... ... J'vais prendre ton silence hébété pour un « Oui, Amiral ! » clair et vibrant ! Quand Numéro 3 a affronté DJ Octave il y a deux ans... les accents enivrants des Calamazones ont ranimé plus d'un Octarien, et on dirait bien que c'est ce qui viens de t'arriver ! Du coup, j'me sens un peu mal d'avoir envoyé Numéro 3 te régler ton compte... Comme je le dis toujours, si t'aimes les Calamazones, j't'ai à la bonne ! Ça a toujours été ma ligne de conduite ! Et maintenant, aide-moi à trouver la sortie ! Allez zou ! Déguerpissons d'ici !"
- (... ...... I'll take your dazed silence for a loud and clear "Yes, Cap'n!"! When Agent 3 faced DJ Octavio two years ago... the intoxicating accents of the Squid Sisters rekindled many Octarians, and it looks like that's just what happened to you! For this reason, I feel a little bad for sending Number 3 to wipe you out... As I always say, if you like the Squid Sisters, I'm in with ya! It's always been my line of conduct! And now, help me find the exit! Off we go! Let's get out of here!)
- After proceeding to the next area:
- "Qu'est-ce que c'est encore que cet endroit ? Vaut mieux qu'on continue ! Tiens donc, un portail octarien ! Si on veut l'ouvrir, il va nous falloir une clé. Les trucs d'Octariens, ça devrait te parler ! Ça te rappelle vraiment rien, tout ça ?"
- (What's this place now? We better keep going! Let's see, an octarian vault! If we want to open it, we're going to need a key. Octarian stuff should be your thing! Does this really not ring a bell?"
- "Tiens tiens ! Cet appareil t'a fourni une arme quand tu as marché dessus... En tout cas, y a pas un Octarien à l'horizon à part toi ! C'est déjà ça. Bref, assez jacassé ! Il faut qu'on trouve cette clé !"
- (Well, well! This device gave you a weapon when you stepped on it... At least, there's no Octarian in sight but you! That's a good thing. Anyway, enough blabbering! We've got to find that key!)
- "C'est pas une bouée-grappin là-haut ? Tire-lui un peu dessus, pour voir !"
- (Isn't that a Grapplink up there? Shoot at it, just to see!)
- "Et voilà le travail ! Reviens par ici maintenant, on va ouvrir le portail !"
- (Here we go! Come back this way now, we're going to open the vault!)
- "Nom d'un poisson-charge ! V'là que ton arme a disparu ! Tu parles d'une magouille... Hum, tout ça me dit rien qui vaille... Mais il faut bien qu'on avance, pas vrai ?"
- (Oh my zapfish! Your weapon just had to disappear! Talk about a scam... Um, I don't like the look of this... But we must march onward, don't we?)
French (Canadian)
Amiral MacAlmar's Quotes
- After the player has started the Octo Expansion:
- "Hé, toi là! L'octaling! Tu vas te secouer, oui ou non? C'est bon, t'as les yeux en face des trous? Alors ramasse ton arme et en garde! Sauf que... Où est-ce qu'elle est passée, ton arme? Mais, où est-ce qu'on est... au juste? T'étais en train de te battre avec Numéro 3, et quelqu'un vous est tombé dessus... Enfin bon, maintenant qu'on est là, je déclare une trêve temporaire!"
- (Hey, you there! The octoling! You're going to wake up, yes or no? That's good, are your eyes in their sockets? Then pick up your gun and fight! Except... Where did your weapon go? In fact, where are we... exactly? You were fighting with Agent 3 and someone fell on you... Anyway while we're here, I'm declaring a temporary truce!)
- "Bon sang de bonsoir, je me suis même pas présenté, avec tout ça! Je suis l'Amiral MacAlmar, le chef de l'escadron Espadon, nouvelle version! Et toi, qui es-tu?"
- (Good god, I didn't even introduce myself, with all that! I am Admiral MacAlmar, the leader of the Squidbeak Splatoon, new version! And you, who are you?)
- "... ......"
- (... ......)
- "Eh ben, qu'est-ce qui t'arrive? T'as pris un coup sur la citrouille ou quoi? Tu te rappelles plus de rien? Le noir total?"
- (Well, what's up with you? Did you take a hit on the head or what? Do you remember anything anymore? Totally blank?)
- After the player has customized their character:
- "Oh, en passant... Quand tu étais dans les pommes... Tu fredonnais la chanson Calamari Inkantation. Paraît qu'y a des octalings qui retrouvent leurs esprits grâce aux sœurs Ventouse et à leur toune qui décoiffe! C'est ton cas?"
- (Oh, by the way... When you were passed out... You were humming the song Calamari Inkantation. Apparently there are octolings who find their spirits thanks to the Squid Sisters and their mind-blowing song! Is that your case?)
- "... ...... J'vais prendre ton silence hébété pour un « Oui, amiral! » clair et vibrant! Quand Numéro 3 a affronté DJ Octave il y a deux ans... Les accents enivrants des sœurs Ventouse ont rendu l'esprit à plus d'un octarien, et on dirait bien que tu en fais partie! Et tout cas, j'me sens un peu mal d'avoir envoyé Numéro 3 te régler ton compte... Comme je le dis toujours: « Traite les fans des sœurs Ventouse comme tes propres fans ». C'est une règle de vie! Et maintenant, aide-moi à trouver la sortie! OK, essayons de trouver une sortie!"
- (... ...... I'm going to take your dazed silence for a "Yes, Admiral!" » clear and vibrant! When Agent 3 faced DJ Octavio two years ago... The intoxicating accents of the Squid Sisters made more than one Octarian's mind, and it looks like you're one of them! Anyway, I feel a little bad for sending Number 3 to settle your account... As I always say: "Treat the fans of the Squid Sisters like your own fans". It's a rule of life! And now help me find the exit! OK, let's try to find an exit!)
- After proceeding to the next area:
- "Qu'est-ce que c'est encore que cet endroit? Vaut mieux qu'on continue! Tiens donc, un portail octarien! Si on veut l'ouvrir, il va nous falloir une clé. Les trucs d'octariens, ça devrait te parler! Ça te rappelle vraiment rien, tout ça?"
- (What even is this place? We better keep going! Here, a vault! If we want to open it, we're going to need a key. Octarian stuff, that should speak to you! Does that remind you of anything?"
- "Tiens, tiens! Cet appareil t'a fourni une arme quand tu as marché dessus... C'est vrai que t'as tout à fait l'apparence de l'octarien classique, mais quand même... Bref, assez jacassé! Il faut qu'on trouve cette clé!"
- (Hey, hey! This device gave you a weapon when you stepped on it... It's true that you look quite similar to the octarians, but still... Anyway, enough chatting! We need to find that key!)
- "C'est pas une bouée-grappin là-haut? Tire-lui un peu dessus, pour voir!"
- (Isn't that a grapplink up there? Shoot it a bit and let's see!)
- "Et voilà le travail! Reviens par ici maintenant, on va ouvrir le portail!"
- (And that's the job! Come back here now, and we'll open the gate!)
- "Nom d'un poisson-charge! V'là que ton arme a disparu! Tu parles d'une affaire... Hum... J'aime pas beaucoup cet endroit, mais on dirait qu'on est bloqués, non?"
- (Dang it! Your gun's gone! Talk about a case... Hmm... I don't like this place very much, but it looks like we're stuck, right?)
Käpt'n Kuttelfisch's Quotes
- After the player has started the Octo Expansion:
- "Hey du, Oktoling!"
- (Hey you, Octoling!)
- "Jetzt wach schon auf, du Oktoling-Schlafmütze! Aha! Bist du endlich wach?! Dann kann der Kampf weitergehen. Greif dir deine Waffe! Das würde ich zumindest sagen... Wenn du deine Waffe nicht verloren hättest. Wo sind wir hier überhaupt? Du hast im Okto-Distrikt mit Nr. 3 gekämpft, als jemand euch beide angegriffen hat. Tja, jetzt sind wir nun mal hier. Wie wär's mit einem Waffenstillstand? Wir sollten zusammenarbeiten, um hier rauszukommen."
- (Wake up already, you Octoling-sleepyhead! Aha! Are you finally awake?! Then the battle can continue. Grab your weapon! Is what I would say... If you hadn't lost your weapon. Where are we here anyway? You were fighting Agent 3 in Octo Valley, when someone attacked both of you. Well, now we're here. How about a truce? We should work together to get out of here.)
- "Aye, aber zuerst... Zuerst sollte ich mich wohl mal vorstellen. Ich bin Käpt'n Kuttelfisch, Kommandant der neuen Aquamarine. Und mit wem habe ich die Ehre?"
- (Aye, but first... First I should introduce myself. I'm Cap'n Cuttlefish, Commander of the New Squidbeak Splatoon. And with whom do I have the honor?)
- "… ……"
- (… ……)
- "...Moment mal. Hast du etwa dein Gedächtnis verloren, als du gestürzt bist? Kannst du dich an etwas erinnern? Irgendetwas?"
- (...Wait a moment. Did you lose your memory when you fell? Can you remember something? Anything?)
- After the player has customized their character:
- "Ach ja... Als du nicht ganz bei dir warst, hast du ein Lied der Sea Sirens gesummt. Kann es ein? Hat der Groove der Sea Sirens etwa deine Seele zum Klingen gebracht?"
- (By the way... When you weren't fully conscious, you were humming a song by the Squid Sisters. Could it be? Did the Squid Sisters' groove make your soul sing?)
- "… ……"
- (… ……)
- "Dein Schweigen deute ich als ein beherztes „Aye, aye, Käpt'n!". Vor zwei Jahren hat Nr. 3 gegen DJ Oktario gekämpft. Und die Musik der Sea Sirens... Sie soll dabei die Herzen mancher Oktarianer berührt haben. Du gehörst wohl dazu... Es tut mir auf alle Fälle leid, dass ich Nr. 3 auf dich gehetzt habe. Kein Fan der Sea Sirens kann mein Feind sein. Regel Nr. 1 im Leben! Wenn du so weit bist, folge mir! Ich brauche deine Hilfe, um den Weg hier raus zu finden! Also dann, suchen wir den Ausgang!"
- (I'll take your silence as a courageous "Aye, aye, Cap'n!". Two years ago, Agent 3 fought against DJ Octavio. And the music of the Squid Sisters... Is said to have touched the hearts of many Octarians. You must be one of them... In any case, I'm sorry that I sicked Agent 3 on you. No fan of the Squid Sisters can be my enemy. Rule no. 1 in life! Follow me when you're ready! I need your help to find a way out of here! Well then, let's find the exit!)
- After proceeding to the next area:
- "Was ist das hier für ein Ort? Aber hilft alles nichts, es geht nur nach vorn... Ein Container der Oktarianer! Für den brauchst du einen Schlüssel. Du bist doch ein Oktarianer. Du musst dich doch an diesen Ort erinnern!"
- (What is this place? But nothing helps, the only way is forward... A vault of the Octarians! You need a key for that. You are an Octarian. You have to remember this place!)
- "Oho! Du hast in dieser Kabine eine Waffe bekommen! Du scheinst der einzige Oktarianer weit und breit zu sein. Vielleicht ist hier sonst keiner. Wie dem auch sei, wir brauchen diesen Schlüssel."
- (Oho! You were given a weapon in this cabin! You seem to be the only Octarian far and wide. Maybe there's no one else here. Anyway, we need that key.)
- "Der Schlüssel! Geh zurück und mach den Container auf! Hey! Deine Waffe ist wieder weg! Was ist das für ein komisches Gerät? Das gefällt mir hier nicht... Aber da müssen wir wohl durch."
- (The key! Go back and open the vault! Hey! Your weapon is gone again! What is this strange device? I don't like it here... But we have to get through it.)
Spanish (NOA)
Capitán Jibión's Quotes
- After the player has started the Octo Expansion:
- "¡Eh, tú, joven pulpo!"
- (Hey, you, young octopus!)
- "¡Mueve esos tentáculos! ¿Me oyes? ¡Despierta de una vez! ¡Desenfunda tu arma si te atreves! Bueno, es lo que solía decir en mis tiempos. Pero veo que la habrás perdido por ahí. A propósito... ¿Dónde estamos? Peleabas con mi Agente 3 en el Distrito Pulpo... Y sufrieron un ataque a manos de alguien. No sé cómo hemos acabado aquí, pero declaremos una tregua momentánea."
- (Move those tentacles! Do you hear me? Wake up at once! Draw your weapon if you dare! Well, that's what I used to say in my day. But I see you've lost it over there. By the way... Where are we? You were fighting with my Agent 3 in the Octo Valley... And you suffered an attack at the hands of someone. I don't know how we ended up here, but let's declare a momentary truce.)
- "¡Ujú! Y en ese caso, supongo que lo correcto sería presentarme. Soy el Capitán Jibión, líder del famoso Comando Branquias. ¿Cómo te llamas tú?"
- (Uh-huh! And in that case, I suppose the proper thing to do would be to introduce myself. I'm Cap'n Cuttlefish leader of the famous New Squidbeak Splatoon, what's your name?)
- "... Este... (Ahora es cuando te presentas). Por los bigotes del Volbagrezón... ¡¿Te diste un golpe y perdiste la memoria?! ¿Ni siquiera recuerdas quién eres? ¡¿Nada de nada?!"
- (... So... (This is when you introduce yourself). By the Great Zapfish whiskers... Did you get hit and lose your memory?! You don't even remember who you are? Nothing at all?!)
- After the player has customized their character:
- "Mientras estabas inconsciente, tarareabas la canción Calamari Inkantation. ¿Será posible? ¡¿Esa dulce melodía se te quedó grabada en el alma?! "
- (While you were unconscious, you were humming the song Calamari Inkantation Is it possible, that heavenly melody got stuck in your soul?!)
- "... Este... ¡Tu silencio lo dice todo! Se rumora que algunos octarianos llevan la huella de esa buena vibra en el alma... Aunque todo eso pasó hace dos años, cuando derrotamos a ese desgraciado DJ Octovius. Pero no puede ser pura casualidad... En fin, siento haber enviado a mi Agente 3 contra ti, desde el fondo de mis corazones. Alguien que aprecia las Calamarciñas no puede tener maldad. Ahora, ¿Vienes conmigo? Tenemos que colaborar si queremos salir de aquí. ¡Vamos! ¡Hay que encontrar la salida!"
- (... So... Your silence says it all! Rumor has it that some Octarians carry the imprint of that good vibe in their souls.... Although that all happened two years ago, when we defeated that wretched DJ Octavio. But it can't be pure chance.... Anyway, sorry for sending my Agent 3 against you, from the bottom of my hearts. Someone who appreciates the Squid Sisters can't be evil. Now, will you come with me? We have to work together if we want to get out of here. Come on! We have to find the way out!)
- After proceeding to the next area:
- "¿Qué rayas es este lugar? Bueno, no pierdas la calma. Sigue adelante. ¡Ahí hay una bóveda! Seguro que puede abrirse con una llave.Tú que eres de los octarianos... ¿Nada de esto te resulta familiar?"
- (What stripes is this place? Well, don't lose your cool. Keep going. There's a vault over there! I'm sure it can be opened with a key ... You're one of the Octarians... Doesn't any of this look familiar?)
- "¡Cielos! ¡Ese artilugio te regaló un arma! Parece que en este lugar no hay más octarianos... A lo mejor lo abandonaron. Bueno, no nos desviemos del tema: a ver si encontramos esa llave. ¡Ahí está la llave! Ahora ya puedes volver a la bóveda de antes."
- (Oh my gosh, that contraption gave you a weapon! There don't seem to be any more octarians in this place? Maybe they abandoned it. Well, let's not get sidetracked: let's see if we can find that key. There's the key! Now you can go back to the vault as before.)
- "¡¿Cómo?! Te acaba de robar el arma. Qué trasto tan curioso... Esto me da mala espina... Pero vas a seguir adelante, ¿no?"
- (What?! They just stole your weapon. What a funny thing... This gives me a bad feeling... But you're going to go ahead, aren't you?)
- The music in this area is the stripped back version of #5 thirsty. It transitions to the intense version after entering the key storage room, and transitions back after exiting. This place is the only one where the transition occurs.
- After completing the station, it cannot be accessed again.