Dark Chocolate vs. Milk Chocolate vs. White Chocolate (2025)
Teams | Dark Chocolate Milk Chocolate White Chocolate |
Regions | Global |
Start | 8 February 2025 at 00:00 UTC |
End | 10 February 2025 at 00:00 UTC |
Length | 48 hours |
Winner | White Chocolate |
Dark Chocolate vs. Milk Chocolate vs. White Chocolate, also known as チョコレートフェス (Chocolate Fest),[1] was a Splatfest event in Splatoon 3. It was the second Splatfest to take place during Chill Season 2024. It was announced on social networks on 28 January 2025.[2][3]
This event was a rematch of the Dark Chocolate vs. Milk Chocolate vs. White Chocolate event; it was the first rematch Splatfest in Splatoon 3. The team ink colors were updated for the rematch.[4]
The Tricolor Turf War stage for this Splatfest was Mincemeat Metalworks.
- Splatfest Sneak Peek: 31 January 2025 at 00:00 UTC to 7 February 2025 at 23:59 UTC
- Splatfest Main Event First Half: 8 February 2025 at 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC
- Splatfest Main Event Second Half: 9 February 2025 at 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC
The results were announced in-game on 10 February 2025 at 02:00 UTC.
Halftime Report
At the halfway point in the Splatfest, Deep Cut revealed the team currently with the most overall Clout, and congruently announced that the mode Tricolor Turf War would be open.
Dark Chocolate | Milk Chocolate | White Chocolate |
33.99% | 31.96% | 34.05% |
Category | Dark Chocolate | Milk Chocolate | White Chocolate |
Conch Shells 90p (1st) 45p (2nd) |
33.53% | 31.47% | 35.00% |
Votes 70p (1st) 35p (2nd) |
22.61% | 28.51% | 48.88% |
Clout (Open) 120p (1st) 60p (2nd) |
33.59% | 32.17% | 34.24% |
Clout (Pro) 120p (1st) 60p (2nd) |
34.85% | 31.80% | 33.35% |
Tricolor 180p (1st) 90p (2nd) |
33.17% | 32.60% | 34.23% |
Total | 315p | 35p | 520p |

This Splatfest reused the dialogue from its previous appearance in 2023. Because of this, Frye states that Team Sweet "just rocked everyone's taste buds", referencing the team's victory in Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour, despite the fact that this Splatfest occurred more than two years prior.
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver![]() “What's your favorite chocolate? Sound off in the Splatfest!” |
Big Man![]() “Ay! (Unwrap your favorite flavor at the Pledge Box in the square!)” |
Splatfest Results
Splatfest Results
Splatfest Results
Splatfest Results
Splatfest Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaleo![]() «Man! (Il cioccolato bianco trionfa!)» (Ay! (White chocolate triumphs!)) |
NOA | |
Pinnuccia![]() «Coooosa?! Ricontate i voti!» (Whaaaat? Count the votes again!) |
Morena![]() «Argh! Ero sicura che la vittoria sarebbe stata nostra, già la assaporavo...» (Argh! I was sure victory was going to be ours, I was already tasting it...) |
Mantaleo![]() «Man! (Grazie, fan del cioccolato bianco! È andata liscia come il burro di cacao!)» (Ay! (Thank you, white chocolate fans! It went smooth as cocoa butter!)) |
NOA | |
Pinnuccia «Umpf. Il team Cioccolato fondente si è fatto valere. Non sono amareggiata.» (Umph. Team Dark Chocolate proved itself worthy. I am not bitter.) |
Morena «Anche il team Cioccolato al latte ha addolcito la giornata di tutti!» (Team Milk Chocolate has sweetened everybody's day as well!) |
Mantaleo![]() «Man? (Vi ricordate il patto, vero? I perdenti danno il cioccolato a chi vince?)» (Ay? (You remember the deal, right? The losers give chocolate to the winner?)) |
NOA | |
Pinnuccia![]() «Ugh, giri proprio il dito nella branchia, eh?» (Ugh, you're really rubbing salt in the gill, huh?) |
NOA | |
Notes: Literally "turning your finger in the gill", as in the Italian idiom for "rubbing salt in [a] wound" (girare il dito nella piaga). | ||
Pinnuccia![]() «E comunque noi non facciamo altro che scambiarci cioccolato.» (And anyway we don't do anything else but exchanging chocolate.) |
Morena![]() «Esatto! Non è diverso da tutte le altre volte che porto del cioccolato a Mantaleo!» (Right! It's no different from all the other times I bring Big Man chocolate!) |
Mantaleo![]() «Man… (Uhm, Morena, spero che sia diverso dal cioccolato dell'ultima volta...)» (Ay... (Um, Frye, I hope it's different from last year's chocolate...)) |
NOA | |
Morena![]() «Intendi la carbonara al cioccolato?» (You mean the chocolate carbonara?) |
NOA | |
Pinnuccia![]() «Ho sentito che c'è un ristorante qui vicino che ce l'ha nel menu. Ci andiamo?» (I've heard there's a restaurant around here that has it in its menu. Shall we go?) |
Mantaleo![]() «Man?! (Se vi ricopro di cioccolato, mangiamo una cosa normale, per favore?!)» (Ay?! (If I cover you in chocolate, can we eat something normal, please?!)) |
Splatfest Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan![]() «¿Cuál es tu chocolate favorito? ¡Exprésate en el festival!» |
Rayan![]() «¡Zasss! (¡Escoge tu sabor favorito y vota en la plaza!)» |
Top 100
View the Top 100 rankings |
Splatfest icon
Dark Chocolate icon
Milk Chocolate icon
White Chocolate icon
Splatfest Tees
Team Dark Chocolate tee front view
Back view
Team Dark Chocolate tee front view when adjusted
Back view when adjusted
Team Milk Chocolate tee front view
Back view
Team Milk Chocolate tee front view when adjusted
Back view when adjusted
Team White Chocolate tee front view
Back view
Team White Chocolate tee front view when adjusted
Back view when adjusted
Promotional images
Deep Cut artwork
Square version
Promotional artwork
Badges given away in Japan to 1000 randomly chosen people who participate in the Splatfest
Promotional artwork featuring the Team Milk Chocolate characters
Promotional artwork (Dark Chocolate)
Promotional artwork (Milk Chocolate)
Promotional artwork (White Chocolate)
Team artwork
English (NOA)
English (NOE)
English (AU)
English (UK)
English (UK), with logo
French (NOE)
Portuguese (NOE)
Win screens
English (NOA)
English (NOE)
First version for French (NOE), has incorrect team name
Second version for French (NOE), with the team name corrected
First version for Portuguese (NOE), has incorrect team name
Second version for Portuguese (NOE), with the team name corrected
In-game screenshots
Pledge Box during the Splatfest Sneak Peek
Idols: Day 1
Shiver performing with her Splatfest colors
Frye performing with her Splatfest colors
Big Man performing with his Splatfest colors
Callie's color variants
Marie's color variants
First half of Off the Hook's day 1 color combinations
Second half of Off the Hook's day 1 color combinations
Idols: Day 2
First half of the Squid Sisters' day 2 color combinations
Second half of the Squid Sisters' day 2 color combinations
First half of Off the Hook's day 2 color combinations
Second half of Off the Hook's day 2 color combinations
Names in other languages
Language | Name | Meaning |
ビター vs. ミルク vs. ホワイト bitā vs. miruku vs. howaito |
Bitter vs. Milk vs. White | |
Puur vs. Melk vs. Wit | Pure vs. Milk vs. White | |
Chocolat noir vs Chocolat au lait vs Chocolat blanc | Dark chocolate vs Milky chocolate vs White chocolate | |
Le chocolat noir vs Le chocolat au lait vs Le chocolat blanc | Dark chocolate vs Milky chocolate vs White chocolate | |
Zartbitter vs. Vollmilch vs. Weiße Schoko | Bittersweet vs. Milk vs. White chocolate | |
Fondente contro Al latte contro Bianco | Dark vs. Milk vs. White | |
Горький против Молочный против Белый Gor'kiy protiv Molochnyy protiv Belyy |
Bitter vs. Milk vs. White | |
Chocolate negro vs. Chocolate de leite vs. Chocolate branco[5] |
Language | Name | Meaning |
チョコレートはやっぱりコレ! chokorēto wa yappari kore! |
This is the best chocolate! | |
Wat is de lekkerste chocolade? | What is the tastiest chocolate? | |
Quel est votre type de chocolat favori ? | What's your favorite type of chocolate? | |
Welche Schoko ist die beste? | Which chocolate is the best? | |
Qual è il tuo cioccolato preferito? | What's your favorite chocolate? | |
Qual é o teu tipo de chocolate preferido?[5] |
Language | Name | Meaning |
チョコレートはやっぱりコレ!「ビター」 chokorēto wa yappari kore! 「bitā」 |
This is the best chocolate! "Bitter" | |
Ik houd van pure chocolade! | I love dark chocolate! | |
Vive le chocolat noir! | Long live dark chocolate! | |
Ich mag Zartbitter! | I like Bittersweet! | |
Viva il cioccolato fondente! | Long live dark chocolate! | |
Я за горький! Ya za gor'kiy! |
I'm all for bitter! | |
¡Mi favorito es el oscuro! | My favorite is dark! | |
巧克力就要选这种!「苦甜巧克力」 qiǎo kè lì jiù yào xuǎn zhè zhǒng! 「kǔ tián qiǎo kè lì」 |
You have to choose this Chocolate! "Bittersweet chocolate" | |
巧克力就要選這種!「苦甜巧克力」 qiǎo kè lì jiù yào xuǎn zhè zhǒng! 「kǔ tián qiǎo kè lì」 |
You have to choose this Chocolate! "Bittersweet chocolate" | |
최고의 초콜릿은 이거지! 「다크」 choegoui chokollis-eun igeouji! 「dakeu」 |
This is the best chocolate! "Dark" |
Language | Name | Meaning |
チョコレートはやっぱりコレ!「ミルク」 chokorēto wa yappari kore! 「miruku」 |
This is the best chocolate! "Milk" | |
Ik houd van melkchocolade! | I love milk chocolate! | |
Vive le chocolat au lait ! | Long live milky chocolate! | |
Viva il cioccolato al latte! | Long live milk chocolate! | |
Я за молочный! Ya za molochnyy! |
I'm all for milk! |
Language | Name | Meaning |
チョコレートはやっぱりコレ!「ホワイト」 chokorēto wa yappari kore! 「howaito」 |
This is the best chocolate! "White" | |
Ik houd van witte chocolade! | I love white chocolate! | |
Vive le chocolat blanc ! | Long live white chocolate! | |
Viva il cioccolato bianco! | Long live white chocolate! | |
Я за белый! Ya za belyy! |
I'm all for white! |