Dark Chocolate vs. Milk Chocolate vs. White Chocolate (2025)

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Dark Chocolate vs. Milk Chocolate vs. White Chocolate
Teams   Dark Chocolate
  Milk Chocolate
  White Chocolate
Regions Global
Start 8 February 2025 at 00:00 UTC
End 10 February 2025 at 00:00 UTC
Length 48 hours
Winner White Chocolate

Dark Chocolate vs. Milk Chocolate vs. White Chocolate, also known as チョコレートフェス (Chocolate Fest),[1] was a Splatfest event in Splatoon 3. It was the second Splatfest to take place during Chill Season 2024. It was announced on social networks on 28 January 2025.[2][3]

This event was a rematch of the Dark Chocolate vs. Milk Chocolate vs. White Chocolate event; it was the first rematch Splatfest in Splatoon 3. The team ink colors were updated for the rematch.[4]


The Tricolor Turf War stage for this Splatfest was Mincemeat Metalworks.


The results were announced in-game on 10 February 2025 at 02:00 UTC.

Halftime Report

At the halfway point in the Splatfest, Deep Cut revealed the team currently with the most overall Clout, and congruently announced that the mode Tricolor Turf War would be open.

  Dark Chocolate   Milk Chocolate   White Chocolate
33.99% 31.96% 34.05%


Category   Dark Chocolate   Milk Chocolate   White Chocolate
Conch Shells
90p (1st)
45p (2nd)
33.53% 31.47% 35.00%
70p (1st)
35p (2nd)
22.61% 28.51% 48.88%
Clout (Open)
120p (1st)
60p (2nd)
33.59% 32.17% 34.24%
Clout (Pro)
120p (1st)
60p (2nd)
34.85% 31.80% 33.35%
180p (1st)
90p (2nd)
33.17% 32.60% 34.23%
Total 315p 35p 520p


Translation needed
The section or page is missing non-English translations or material from other localizations edit

This Splatfest reused the dialogue from its previous appearance in 2023. Because of this, Frye states that Team Sweet "just rocked everyone's taste buds", referencing the team's victory in Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour, despite the fact that this Splatfest occurred more than two years prior.



Dialogue Dialogue Region

“What's your favorite Chocolate? Dark, milk, or white?”

“YOOOOOO! Is this because Team Sweet just rocked everyone's taste buds?”

“Not so fast! Dark Chocolate is the best. It's rich and sublime instead of just...sweet.”


“JUST sweet? How dare you. Milk chocolate's perfectly balanced! So mellow and creamy.”

Big Man

“Ay! (If we're talking creamy, don't forget the velvety goodness of white chocolate!)”


“Ugh! Why can't we pick more than one? This is torture! I QUIT!”

“Whoa, calm down. We're talking about chocolate. It's yummy! It's the best!”


“And the best part of chocolate is the cacao, right? So dark chocolate easily wins.”


“And while other chocolates are mere trifles, dark chocolate has anti...somethings.”


“I don't remember what, but dark chocolate is good, so whatever it's against is bad.”
“Is that how science works?! I'd say all that dark chocolate had poisoned your brain.”

Big Man

“Ay! Ay! (I believe in you, Shiver! It's not too late to turn from the dark side!)”
“Hmph. I thought I was onto something there and about to win you two over...”

Big Man

“Ay. (Back to chocolate... White chocolate is so smooth. Like a gentle wave of flavor!)”

Big Man

“Ay? (And did you know they use it to make other chocolate flavors, like matcha?)”
“Ooo, I love me some matcha. I guess white chocolate is actually pretty legit!”


“Awww, but I like everything about chocolate. The smell, the sweetness, the creaminess...”
Big Man
“Ay? (So, which one of those is most important to you?)”

“All of them. That's why milk chocolate is the best!”


“Don't you see? Milk chocolate is the perfect blend of all of chocolate's best qualities!”


“We're never going to agree on this.”
Big Man

“Ay? Ay? Ay! (Us? Disagree? I'm shocked!)”

“Let's up the stakes. Losers have to get the winner their choice of chocolate. Deal?”


“Fine by me. I'll be the one getting all that sweet, sweet chocolate!”

Big Man

“Ay! Ay... (Or it could be me! Just saying...)”


Dialogue Dialogue Region

“What's your favorite chocolate? Sound off in the Splatfest!”
Big Man

“Ay! (Unwrap your favorite flavor at the Pledge Box in the square!)”

Splatfest Results

Dialogue Dialogue Region

Big Man

“Ay! (White Chocolate glides to victory!)”

“Whaaat?! Run those numbers again!”

“Gyaaah! I was sure we'd win, I could taste it!”

Big Man

“Ay! (Thanks, fellow white-chocolate fans! You flowed as smooth as cocoa butter!)”
“Hmph. Team Dark Chocolate proved their worth well enough. I can't say i'm bitter.”
“Team Milk Chocolate was looking pretty sweet out there too!”

Big Man

“Ay? Ay? (You remember the deal, right? The losers buy chocolate for the winner?)”

“Ughhh, twist my tentacles, why don't you.”


“It's not as if we don't give each other chocolate this time every year anyway.”

“Hey, yeah! What makes this different from every other time I get Big Man chocolate?”

Big Man

“Aaay... (Uh, Frye, I HOPE it's different from the chocolate you gave me last year.)”

“You mean the chocolate-covered onion?”


“There's a chocolate-fondue place nearby that'll let you bring anything. Shall we?”
Big Man

“A-ay?! (If I give you both chocolate too, can we eat something normal for once?!)”



Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Wat is de lekkerste chocolade? Puur, melk of wit?”

(What's your favorite chocolate? Dark, milk or white?)

“YOOOO! Die overwinning van Team Zoet smaakt naar meer, zo te zien! Goed thema!”

(YOOOO! That victory of Team Sweet tastes like more, by the looks of it! Good theme!)

“Niet zo snel. Pure chocolade is de beste! Rijk en subtiel, en meer dan alleen zoetigheid.”

(Not so fast. Dark chocolate is the best! Rich and subtle, and more than just sweetness.)


“ALLEEN zoetigheid? Hoe durf je! Melkchocolade is in balans! Zoet, vol, romig...”

(JUST sweetness? How dare you! Milk chocolate is balanced! Sweet, tasteful, creamy...)


“Ay! Ay! (Maar nog niet zo zoet en romig als witte chocolade! Dat smelt op je tong!)”

(Ay! Ay! (But not nearly as sweet and creamy as white chocolate! That melts on your tongue!))


“Bah, mogen we er echt maar eentje kiezen? Dat is een kwelling. Ik doe niet mee!”

(Bah, can we really only choose one? That's torment. I'm not participating!)

“Kom, Muriël. Niet zuur gaan lopen doen als het om zoiets heerlijks als chocolade gaat.”

(Come on, Frye. Don't get all sour now when it comes to something as delicious as chocolate.)


“En het belangrijkste aan chocolade is de cacao, toch? Dus puur wint. Sowieso.”

(And the most essential thing about chocolate is cocoa, isn't it? So dark chocolate wins. Undoubtedly.)


“En andere chocolade is maar snoepgoed, maar puur heeft anti... antidingesstoffen.”

(And other chocolates are merely confectionery, but dark chocolate has anti... anti-thingamajig substances.)


“Puur is goed voor je, dus de rest is slecht. Dat zegt de wetenschap.”

(Dark chocolate is good for you, so all the rest is bad. That's what science says.)
“Die antidingesstoffen zijn je naar het hoofd gestegen, geloof ik! Dit klinkt als pure onzin!”

(I believe those anti-thingamajig substances have gone to your head! This sounds like pure nonsense!)


“Ay. Ay. (Rustig aan, Haya. Dat soort bittere waarheden moet je wat zoeter brengen.)”

(Ay. Ay. (Easy there, Shiver. Those kinds of bitter truths have to be brought a bit sweeter.))
“Bah! Jullie zijn zo flauw als die mierzoete romige chocolade van jullie.”

(Bah! You folks are as tasteless as that cloyingly sweet creamy chocolate of yours.)


“Ay! Ay! (Mmm! Mierzoete, romige witte chocolade! Alsof je snoezigheid kan eten!)”

(Ay! Ay! (Mmm! Cloyingly sweet, creamy white chocolate! It's as if you could eat adorableness!))


“Ay! Ay! Ay! (En de smaken die ze erdoorheen mengen! Groene thee! Aardbei!)”

(Ay! Ay! Ay! (And the flavors they mix it with! Matcha! Strawberry!))
“Ooo, aarbei maakt me altijd blij! Misschien is witte chocolade toch de beste keuze...”

(Oooh, strawberry always makes me merry! Maybe white chocolate is the best choice after all...)


“Hm, maar ik houd van ALLES aan chocolade. De geur, de zoetigheid, de romigheid...”

(Hm, but I love EVERYTHING about chocolate. The smell, the sweetness, the creaminess...)
“Ay? (En welke daarvan vind je het belangrijkste?)”

(Ay? (And which of those do you find most important?))

“Nou, alles! Daarom is melkchocolade ook zo ontzettend de beste!”

(Well, everything! That's why milk chocolate is so incredibly the best!)


“Melkchocolade is de perfecte mix van alles wat er lekker is aan chocolade!”

(Milk chocolate is the perfect mix of everything that makes chocolate tasty!)


“Hier gaan we het niet over eens worden...”

(We're not going to agree on this...)

“Ay! Ay? Ay! (Nou zeg! Wij het niet eens? Wie had dat ooit verwacht!)”

(Ay! Ay? Ay! (Hey now! We not going to agree? Who would have ever expected that!))

“Laten we er om wedden. De verliezers kopen chocolade naar keuze voor de winnaar.”

(Let's bet on it. The losers buy chocolate of their choice for the winner.)


“Ik vind het best. Ik kijk nu al uit naar mijn stapel hemels zoete melkchocolade!”

(I don't mind. I am already looking forward to my pile of heavenly sweet milk chocolate!)


“Ay... Ay? (Hm... Is dat wel gezond, na al die zoetigheid van het vorige Splatfest?)”

(Ay... Ay? (Hm... Is that even healthy, after all that sweetness of the previous Splatfest?))


Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Wat is de lekkerste chocolade? Haal je gelijk in het Splatfest!”

(What's your favorite chocolate? Prove your claim in the Splatfest!)
Big Man

“Ay! Ay. (Kies een team en doe mee! Maak je keuze bij de stembus op het plein.)”

(Ay! Ay. (Pick a team and get in on it! Make your choice at the Pledge Box in the square.))

Splatfest Results

Dialogue Dialogue Region

Big Man

“Ay! (Wit wint!)”

(Ay! (White chocolate wins!))

“Waaat?! Wacht, kan iemand dat nog een keer zorgvuldig natellen?”

(Whaaat?! Wait, can someone count that once again carefully?)

“Bah! We hadden er zoveel vertrouwen in! Ik kon de overwinning proeven!”

(Bah! We had so much confidence in it! I could taste victory!)

Big Man

“Ay? Ay! (En het smaakte zeker als witte chocolade? Bedankt, zoete teamgenoten!)”

(Ay? Ay! (And it surely tasted like white chocolate? Thanks, sweet teammates!))
“Pfff. Nou ja, Team Puur heeft hard gewerkt, daar kan ik niet bitter over zijn.”

(Pfff. Oh well, Team Dark Chocolate has worked hard, about that I can't be bitter.)
“Mijn team had anders ook aardig wat in de melk te brokkelen! Dank jullie wel, zoeterds!”

(My team was able to make a considerable impact as well! Thank you all, sweeties!)

Big Man

“Ay? Ay? (En de weddenschap? Chocolade voor de winnaar, toch?)”

(Ay? Ay? (And the bet? Chocolate for the winner, right?))

“Baaah, wat een afpersing.”

(Baaah, what an extortion.)


“Maar wat is er eigenlijk anders dan normaal? We geven elkaar toch altijd al chocolade?”

(But exactly what's different from the usual? We always give each other chocolate, don't we?)

“O ja! Zal ik daar gewoon meer van kopen, of wil je eens wat anders?”

(Hey, yeah! Should I just buy more of that, or do you want something a bit different?)

Big Man

“Ayy... (Uh, Muriël, dan wil ik misschien toch wat anders dan vorige keer...)”

(Ayy... (Um, Frye, then I may want something other than last time...))

“Wat anders dan die in chocolade gedompelde ui? Wat dan? Witlof in witte chocolade?”

(Something other than the chocolate-dipped onion? Like what? Belgian endive in white chocolate?)


“Er is hier een chocoladefonduezaak in de buurt waar alles mag! Spruitjes in choco!”

(There's a chocolate fondue place in the neighborhood here where anything goes! Brussels sprouts in choco!)
Big Man

“A-Ay?! (A-Als we het bij normale chocolade houden, dan koop ik ook voor jullie, oké?!)”

(A-ay?! (I-If we stick to regular chocolate, I'll buy some for you folks too, okay?!))



Dialogue Dialogue Region

« Quel est votre type de chocolat favori ?
Noir, blanc ou au lait ? »

(What's your favorite type of chocolate? Black, white or milky?)

« Ah ah ! Je vois que l'équipe Sucrée a mis
tout le monde d'accord la dernière fois ! »

(Ahah! I see that Team Sweet got everyone to agree last time!)

« N'importe quoi ! Le chocolat noir, c'est bien
plus que du sucre. C'est de l'art ! »

(Nonsense! Dark chocolate is much more than sugar. It is art!)



« Ça vaut pas le bon vieux chocolat au lait.
Sucré, riche, onctueux... L'équilibre parfait ! »

(It doesn't beat good old milk chocolate. Sweet, rich, creamy... The perfect balance!)


« Ay ? (Et l'onctuosité délicate du
chocolat blanc, vous en faites quoi ?) »

(Ay? (And the delicate smoothness of white chocolate, what do you think of it?))


« Argh ! On est vraiment obligés d'en choisir
qu'un ? C'est trop dur, j'abandonne ! »

(Argh! Do we really have to choose just one? It's too hard, I give up!)

« Relax, Angie. On parle de chocolat, après
tout. Du must du goûter ! »

(Relax, Frye. We're talking about chocolate, after all. A must-have for snack time!)


« Relax, Angie. On parle de chocolat, après
tout. La meilleure collation qui soit! »

(Relax, Frye. We're talking about chocolate, after all. The best snack ever!)

Notes: Goûter is a French light meal taken in the middle of the afternoon, usually consisting of snacks or fruits.

« C'est le cacao qui fait le chocolat, alors
logiquement, le chocolat noir gagne. C.Q.F.D. »

(It's cocoa that makes chocolate, so logically, dark chocolate wins. Q.E.D.)


« C'est le cacao qui fait le chocolat, alors
logiquement, le chocolat noir gagne. »

(It's cocoa that makes chocolate, so logically, dark chocolate wins.)

Notes: C.Q.F.D. is a common initialism of the French phrase Ce Qu'il Fallait Démontrer ("What had to be demonstrated"). It has the same meaning of Q.E.D (Quod Erat Demonstrandum, "what was to be shown").

« En plus, c'est pas juste délicieusement
exquis ! C'est aussi anti... bidules. »

(Plus, it's not just deliciously exquisite! It's also anti... things.)


« Je sais plus anti-quoi, mais c'était quelque
chose de mauvais ! Ça, j'en suis sûre ! »

(I don't remember anti-what, but it was something bad! I'm sure of that!)
« Tu donnes plutôt l'impression que le
chocolat noir fait disjoncter le cerveau. »

(You rather give the impression that dark chocolate makes the brain go crazy.)


« Ay ! (Moi, je mange toujours le chocolat en
anti-er, je peux jamais m'arrêter avant !) »

(Ay! (As for me, I always eat the whole chocolate, I can never stop before!))
Notes: There is a pun lost in translation here. entier (whole) is written "anti-er" here to joke on Shiver's argument. Both writings sounds the same.
« Pfff... Moi qui croyais que j'avais
trouvé l'argument massue... »

(Pfff... And I thought I had found the killer argument...)



« Ay. (Revenons au chocolat... Le chocolat
blanc, c'est top. Une bouchée de douceur.) »

(Ay. (Let's go back to chocolate... White chocolate is great. A mouthful of sweetness.))


« Ay. (Revenons au chocolat… Le chocolat blanc, c'est génial. Une bouchée de douceur.) »

(Ay. (Let's go back to chocolate... White chocolate is awesome. A mouthful of sweetness.))


« Ay ! (Même qu'il se marie parfaitement avec
d'autres choses, comme le matcha !) »

(Ay! (It even pairs perfectly with other things, like matcha!))
« Ah le matcha, je dis pas non. Comme quoi,
le chocolat blanc, ça a du bon aussi ! »

(Ah, I wouldn't say no to matcha. Who would have thought, white chocolate has good points too!)


« Mais tout est bon dans le chocolat, en fait !
L'odeur, le sucre, l'onctuosité... »

(But everything is good in chocolate, actually! The smell, the sugar, the creaminess...)
« Ay ? (Mais parmi ces trois critères,
lequel compte le plus, à ton avis ?) »

(Ay? (But between those three criteria, which one counts the most, in your opinion?))

« Ils sont tous importants ! C'est pour ça
que le chocolat au lait est imbattable ! »

(They are all important! That's why milk chocolate is unbeatable!)


« Tu comprends pas ? Le chocolat au lait,
c'est le mélange parfait ! »

(Don't you understand? Milk chocolate is the perfect combination!)


« On va pas être d'accord, je crois. »

(We're not going to agree, I think.)

« Ay ay ay ! (Nous ? Pas d'accord ?
Ce serait bien la première fois !) »

(Ay ay ay! (Us? Not agreeing? It would be the first time!))

« Faisons monter les enchères. Les perdants
offriront au vainqueur son chocolat favori ! »

(Let's raise up the stakes. The losers will give the winner his favorite chocolate!)


« Ça me va. Je me vois déjà en train de
déguster des montagnes de chocolat au lait. »

(Fine by me. I can already see myself eating mountains of milk chocolate.)



« Ay !(Et moi, je te vois en train de me
regarder déguster du bon chocolat blanc...) »

(Ay!(And I see you watching me enjoy some good white chocolate...))
Notes: A space is missing between the exclamation point and the parenthesis in the game.


Dialogue Dialogue Region

« Le thème du prochain festival est arrivé...
Quel est votre type de chocolat favori ? »

(The theme of the next festival has arrived... What is your favorite type of chocolate?)

« Ay ! (Tous à l'urne festive pour défendre
les couleurs de votre chocolat préféré !) »

(Ay! (Everyone to the Pledge Box to defend the colors of your preferred chocolate!))

Splatfest Results

Dialogue Dialogue Region


« Ay! (L'équipe du chocolat blanc a décroché la victoire!) »

(Ay! (White chocolate team took the victory!))

« Quoi? J'exige un recomptage des points! »

(What? I demand a recount of the points!)

« Argh! J'arrive pas à y croire! Je me voyais déjà savourer la victoire! »

(Argh! I can't believe it! I was already seeing me savour the victory!)


« Ay! (Merci à l'équipe du chocolat blanc! Vous avez gagné par cacao technique!) »

(Ay! (Thank you to white chocolate team! You have won by technical cocoa!))
Notes: cacao technique is a pun on chaos technique ("technical chaos", meaning an organised chaos) and cocoa.
« Pff… L'équipe du chocolat noir a pas à rougir. Je suis pas amère du tout. »

(Pff... Dark chocolate team has nothing to be ashamed of. I am not bitter at all.)
« On a pas raison de s'énerver non plus. On est chocolat au lait, pas soupe au lait! »

(We have no reason to be upset either. We are milk chocolate, not hotheaded!)
Notes: être soupe au lait is a French expression that can be translated by "to be hotheaded" (lit. "to be milk soup")


« Ay? (Vous avez pas oublié notre pari, au moins? Amenez le chocolat blanc!) »

(Ay? (You didn't forget your bet, right? Bring the white chocolate!))

« Argh… T'as pas de scrupules à nous le tentacule, à ce que je vois. »

(Argh... You don't have scruples to tentacle us, from what I see.)


« On s'offre du chocolat tout les ans à cette époque de l'année, de toute façons. »

(We offer each other chocolate every year at this time of year, anyway.)

« Eh, c'est vrai! Raimi me file du chocolat tout les ans, en fait! »

(Heh, that's right! Big Man gives me chocolate every year, actually!)


« Ayy… (Euh, Angie, j'espère que c'est pas le même chocolat que l'an dernier…) »

(Ayy... (Hum, Frye, I hope it's not the same chocolate as last year...))

« Ah oui, tu veux parler de mon artichaut enrobé de chocolat! T'avais aimé, au fait? »

(Ah yes, you must talk about my artichoke wrapped in chocolate! Did you like it, by the way?)


« Il y a un nouveau resto dans le coin qui sert des fondues au chocolat. On y va? »

(There's a new restaurant in the area that serves chocolate fondues. Up for it?)

« Ay? (Si je vous donne du chocolat à toutes les deux, on peut manger un truc normal?) »

(Ay? (If I give you chocolate to both of you, can we eat something normal?))



Dialogue Dialogue Region

„Welche Schoko ist die beste? Zartbitter, Vollmilch oder weiße?“

(What's your favorite Chocolate? Dark, milk, or white?)

„BOOOAAAH! Das Thema haben wir garantiert, weil Team Süß neulich so abgeräumt hat!“

(YOOOOOO! Is this because Team Sweet just rocked everyone's taste buds?)

„Moment mal. Zartbitterschokolade ist die beste, und das hat mit süß nichts zu tun.“

(Not so fast! Dark Chocolate is the best. It's rich and sublime instead of just...sweet.)


„Pah! Als ob Vollmilch nur süß wäre! Die schmeckt so, wie Schokolade soll!“

(JUST sweet? How dare you. Milk chocolate's perfectly balanced! So mellow and creamy.)


„Ay! (Und weiße Schokolade schmeckt gleich noch besser und sahniger und leckerer!)“

(Ay! (If we're talking creamy, don't forget the velvety goodness of white chocolate!))

„Aber Muri. Nicht sauer weren, wenn es um so was Schönes wie Schokolade geht.“

„Mann, MUSS man sich auf eine festlegen? Voll unfair! Ich schmeiß hin!“

(Ugh! Why can't we pick more than one? This is torture! I QUIT!)

„Und das Wichtigste an Schokolade ist ja der Kakao, oder? Also gewinnt Zartbitter.“

(And the best part of chocolate is the cacao, right? So dark chocolate easily wins.)


„Und im Gegensatz zu faden anderen Sorten hat Zartbitter diese Anti... Antidingsstoffe.“

(And while other chocolates are mere trifles, dark chocolate has anti...somethings.)


„Jedenfalls ist Zartbitterschokolade einfach gut und alles andere demnach schlecht.“

(I don't remember what, but dark chocolate is good, so whatever it's against is bad.)
„Tolle Logik! Da haben dir deine komischen Dingsstoffe aber zartbitter reingeknallt.“

(Is that how science works?! I'd say all that dark chocolate had poisoned your brain.)
„Pah! Ihr seid so fade wie eure blassen, milchigen Schokosorten.“

(Hmph. I thought I was onto something there and about to win you two over...)

„Ay. Ay. (Nicht so grob, Muri. Solch bittere Wahrheiten musst du ihr zart beibringen.)“

(Ay! Ay! (I believe in you, Shiver! It's not too late to turn from the dark side!))


„Ay! Ay. (Aha, wieder beim Thema! Jeenfalls ist cremige, weiße Schoko das Nonplusultra.)“
„Ui, Matcha ess ich total gern! Weiße Schokolade ist doch echt dufte!“

(Ooo, I love me some matcha. I guess white chocolate is actually pretty legit!)

„Ay? Ay? (Wusstet ihr, dass sie die Grundlage für viele Sorten ist? Etwa Matcha?)“

(Ay? (And did you know they use it to make other chocolate flavors, like matcha?))

„...Aber irgendwie will ich ALLES an meiner Schoko. Das Süße, das Herbe, das Sahnige...“

(Awww, but I like everything about chocolate. The smell, the sweetness, the creaminess...)
„Ay? (Und was davon ist dir am Wichtigsten?)“

(Ay? (So, which one of those is most important to you?))

„Na, alles! Und darum Vollmilch!“

(All of them. That's why milk chocolate is the best!)


„Seht's doch ein, Vollmilch ist der beste Mix aus allem, was an Schokolade lecker ist!“

(Don't you see? Milk chocolate is the perfect blend of all of chocolate's best qualities!)


„Ich sehe so schnell keine Einigung in dieser hochbrisanten Frage.“

(We're never going to agree on this.)

„Ay! Ay? Ay... (Sag bloß! Wir und uneinig? Da gackern ja die Krabben...)“

(Ay? Ay? Ay! (Us? Disagree? I'm shocked!))

„Dann wetten wir was, ja? Der Gewinner kriegt die Schokolade seiner Wahl, okay?“

(Let's up the stakes. Losers have to get the winner their choice of chocolate. Deal?)


„Vollmilch aus! Äh, von mir aus! Freu mich schon auf meinen Schokopreis!“

(Fine by me. I'll be the one getting all that sweet, sweet chocolate!)

Splatfest Results

Dialogue Dialogue Region


„Ay? Ay! (Wer hat's gerochen? Team Weiße Schoko Schoko segelt zum Sieg!)“

(Ay! (White Chocolate glides to victory!))

„Bitte was?! Moment, DAS muss ich noch mal nachzählen!“

(Whaaat?! Run those numbers again!)

„Grablax! Dabei waren wir SO NAH DRAN. Der Sieg schmolz uns fast auf der Zunge!“

(Gyaaah! I was sure we'd win, I could taste it!)


„Ay! (Süßen Dank an alle Fans der weißen Schokowonne! Ihr wart einfach delikat!)“

(Ay! (Thanks, fellow white-chocolate fans! You flowed as smooth as cocoa butter!))
„Grummel. Aber Team Zartbitter hat so gut gekämpft, das versüßt die herbe Niederlage.“

(Hmph. Team Dark Chocolate proved their worth well enough. I can't say i'm bitter.)
„Team Vollmilch war auch vollfett mit dabei!“

(Team Milk Chocolate was looking pretty sweet out there too!)


„Ay? Ay! Ay? (Und die Wette? DIE WETTE? Schoko für den Sieger, naaaaaaaaaaaaa?)“

„Hältst du's noch die Sendung lang aus oder soll ich in Schwimmform zum Einkaufen?“

(Ughhh, twist my tentacles, why don't you.)


„Aber Moment, eigentlich schenken wir uns doch sowieso ständig Schokolade, oder?“

(It's not as if we don't give each other chocolate this time every year anyway.)

„Recht hat die Frau! Willst du mehr davon, Mantaro, oder vielleicht 'ne neue Sorte?“

(Hey, yeah! What makes this different from every other time I get Big Man chocolate?)

„Du meinst die mit Rollmops-Dill-Geschmack?“

(You mean the chocolate-covered onion?)

„Ay? Ayyy... (Mehr davon? Ich weiß ja nicht, nach der Sorte vom letzten Mal...)“

(Aaay... (Uh, Frye, I HOPE it's different from the chocolate you gave me last year.))

„There's a chocolate-fondue place nearby that'll let you bring anything. Shall we?“

„A-ay?! (If I give you both chocolate too, can we eat something normal for once?!)“

Italy Italian


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Qual è il vostro cioccolato preferito? Fondente, al latte o bianco?»

(Which is your favorite chocolate? Dark, milk or white?)

«WOW! È perché il Team Dolce ha sbaragliato le papille gustative della concorrenza?»

(WOW! Is that because Team Sweet smashed the opponents' taste buds up?)

«Frena! Il cioccolato fondente è il migliore! Non è dolce e basta. È corposo e sublime...»

(Stop! Dark chocolate is the best one! It's not just sweet. It's hearty and sublime...)


«Dolce e basta? Come osi? Quello al latte è equilibratissimo! Dolce, corposo, cremoso...»

(Just sweet? How dare you? Milk chocolate is very balanced! Sweet, hearty, creamy...)


«Ay?! (E la cremosa, velutata consistenza del cioccolato bianco?!)»

(Ay?! (And the creamy, velvety consistency of white chocolate?!))


«Argh! Perché non possiamo sceglierne più di uno? È una tortura! Io mi arrendo!»

(Argh! Why can't we choose more than one? It's torture! I give up!)

«Ehi, calma. Stiamo parlando del cioccolato. È sempre delizioso! È perfetto!»

(Hey, calm down. We're talking about chocolate. It's always delicious! It's perfect!)


«E la cosa migliore del cioccolato è il cacao, giusto? Quindi il fondente vince facile.»

(And the best thing about chocolate is the cocoa, right? So dark chocolate wins easy.)


«Gli altri tipi si mangiano per gola. Il cioccolato fondente è anti... qualcosa.»

(The other types are eaten for gluttony. Dark chocolate is anti... something.)


«Se non sbaglio, Mantaleo ha detto che fa bene "alla mente" ed è "anti" cose cattive.»

(If I'm not mistaken, Big Man said it's good for "your mind" and it's "anti" bad stuff".)

«Ah, adesso la scienza funziona così?! Il fondente te l'ha obnubilata, la mente.»

(Huh, so that's how science works now?! Dark chocolate clouded your mind.)

«Umpf. Pensavo di aver fatto una grande scoperta e che vi avrei convinta...»

(Humph. I thought I had made a great discovery and that I would have convinced you.)

«Man. (No, Pinnuccia, io ho detto che il cioccolato è un "alimento antichissimo".)»

(Ay. (No, Shiver, I said chocolate is a "very ancient food".))
Notes: Big Man's joke is based on the word antichissimo (very ancient), which begins with anti.


«Man! (Torniamo a noi... Il cioccolato bianco è delicato come una gentile onda di sapore!)»

(Ay! (Back to where we started... White chocolate is delicate like a gentle wave of flavor!))


«Man? (E sapevate che si può usare con ogni sorta di ingrediente, incluso il tè verde?)»

(Ay? (And did you know that it can be used with any kind of ingredient, including green tea?))


«Ooooh, io adoro il tè verde. Il cioccolato bianco comincia ad attirarmi!»

(Ooooh, I love green tea. White chocolate is starting to entice me!)

«Però a me piace tutto del cioccolato. Il profumo, la dolcezza, la cremosità...»

(But I like all about chocolate. The scent, the sweetness, the creaminess...)

«Man? (Allora qual è per te la cosa più importante?)»

(Ay? (So what's the most important thing to you?))


«Tutte. Per quello il cioccolato al latte è il migliore!»

(Everything. That's why milk chocolate is the best!)


«Non capite? È la combinazione perfetta di tutte le migliori qualità del cioccolato!»

(Don't you understand? It's the perfect combination of all of chocolate's best qualities!)

«Non saremo mai d'accordo.»

(We won't ever agree.)

«Ay? Ay? Ay! (Noi? Non siamo d'accordo? Sono scioccolato!)»

(Ay? Ay! Ay! (We? We're not agreeing? I'm chocked!))
Notes: Big Man makes a pun between the words scioccato (shocked), and cioccolato (chocolate).

«Alziamo la posta. Chi perde dovrà portare al vincitore il suo cioccolato preferito. OK?»

(Let's raises the stakes. Who loses gets the winner their favorite chocolate. OK?)


«A me va bene. Tanto sarò io a essere ricoperta di cioccolato!»

(It's good to me. I will be the one covered in chocolate anyway!)


«Man... Man! Man? (Oppure... potrei essere io! Che ne sai?)»

(Ay... Ay! Ay? (Or... it could be me! How do you know?))

«È tutto per ora. Ricordate di votare!»

(That's all for now. Remember to vote!)

«Man! (E ricordate anche la t-shirt festival! Controllate in Spogliatoio dopo il voto.)»

(Ay! (And remember the Splatfest Tee as well! Check Equip after voting.))


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Siete pronti? Il festival ha inizio! Qual è il vostro cioccolato preferito!»

(Are you ready? The Splatfest has started! What is your favorite chocolate?)

«Man! (Scegliete il vostro tipo preferito al terminal di voto in piazza!)»

(Ay! (Choose your favorite type at the voting terminal in the square!))

Splatfest Results

Dialogue Dialogue Region


«Man! (Il cioccolato bianco trionfa!)»

(Ay! (White chocolate triumphs!))

«Coooosa?! Ricontate i voti!»

(Whaaaat? Count the votes again!)

«Argh! Ero sicura che la vittoria sarebbe stata nostra, già la assaporavo...»

(Argh! I was sure victory was going to be ours, I was already tasting it...)


«Man! (Grazie, fan del cioccolato bianco! È andata liscia come il burro di cacao!)»

(Ay! (Thank you, white chocolate fans! It went smooth as cocoa butter!))
«Umpf. Il team Cioccolato fondente si è fatto valere. Non sono amareggiata.»

(Umph. Team Dark Chocolate proved itself worthy. I am not bitter.)
«Anche il team Cioccolato al latte ha addolcito la giornata di tutti!»

(Team Milk Chocolate has sweetened everybody's day as well!)


«Man? (Vi ricordate il patto, vero? I perdenti danno il cioccolato a chi vince?)»

(Ay? (You remember the deal, right? The losers give chocolate to the winner?))

«Ugh, giri proprio il dito nella branchia, eh?»

(Ugh, you're really rubbing salt in the gill, huh?)

Notes: Literally "turning your finger in the gill", as in the Italian idiom for "rubbing salt in [a] wound" (girare il dito nella piaga).

«E comunque noi non facciamo altro che scambiarci cioccolato.»

(And anyway we don't do anything else but exchanging chocolate.)

«Esatto! Non è diverso da tutte le altre volte che porto del cioccolato a Mantaleo!»

(Right! It's no different from all the other times I bring Big Man chocolate!)


«Man… (Uhm, Morena, spero che sia diverso dal cioccolato dell'ultima volta...)»

(Ay... (Um, Frye, I hope it's different from last year's chocolate...))

«Intendi la carbonara al cioccolato?»

(You mean the chocolate carbonara?)


«Ho sentito che c'è un ristorante qui vicino che ce l'ha nel menu. Ci andiamo?»

(I've heard there's a restaurant around here that has it in its menu. Shall we go?)

«Man?! (Se vi ricopro di cioccolato, mangiamo una cosa normale, per favore?!)»

(Ay?! (If I cover you in chocolate, can we eat something normal, please?!))

Russia Russian


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Какой шоколад круче всех? Горький, молочный или белый?»

(Which chocolate is the coolest of all? Bitter, milk or white?)

«Йо-о-о! Эту тему выбрали потому, что моя команда «Сладенькое» победила?»

(Yo-o-o! This theme was chosen because my team «A little sweet» won?)

«На сладком свет клином не сошелся! Горький шоколад не зря так называется...»

(Sweet isn't the only thing in the world! Bitter chocolate isn't called like that for nothing...)


«Ой, да кому эта горькая гадость нужна! Молочный такой нежный и сладкий...»

(Oh, who even needs this bitter muck? Milk chocolate is so tender and sweet...)

Биг Ман

«Ик! (А белый, между прочим, еще нежнее и слаще!)»

(Ay! (By the way, white chocolate is even more tender and sweet!))


«Гр-р-р! А больше одного точно нельзя выбрать? Нет? Ну все, я не участвую...»

(Gr-r-r! Are you sure you can't choose more than one? No? That's it, I don't participate...)

«Спокойно! Выдыхай, расслабься, подумай о шоколаде! Самое важное лакомство же!»

(Calm down! Breathe, relax, think about chocolate! It's the most important treat after all!)


«А что самое важное в самом шоколаде? Какао! А значит, горький круче всех!»

(And what's the most important thing in chocolate itself? Cacao! Which means, bitter chocolate is the coolest of all!)


«К тому же, горький шоколад - не только вкусняшка, он еще и анти... чего-то там!»

(Besides, bitter chocolate isn't just a treat, it's also an anti... something!)


«Сейчас не припомню, но горький шоколад точно только с плохим может бороться!»

(I can't remember just now, but bitter chocolate can only fight something bad!)

«М-да, логика железная! Кулла, у тебя точно интоксикация от всей этой горечи!»

(What a flawless logic! Shiver, you definitely have intoxication from all this bitterness!)

«Ну вот, а как все хорошо начиналось. Я уж думала, что смогу вас переубедить...»

(Come on, it all started so well... I thought I could convince you...)
Биг Ман

«Ик! Ик! (Да нет же, Кулла, я тогда сказал «Не бросай фантик!», а не «анти»!)»

(Ay! Ay! (Oh no, Shiver, I said «Don't drop the candy wrapper!», not «anti»!))
Notes: Big Man's joke is based on the words фантик fantik (candy wrapper) and анти anti (anti) sounding similar to each other in Russian.

Биг Ман

«Ик! (Вернемся к теме! Белый шоколад – как элегантная волна вкуса!)»

(Ay! (Back to the topic! White chocolate is like an elegant wave of taste!))

Биг Ман

«Ик! (А еще из него делают другие сорта шоколада, например маття!)»

(Ay! (They also make other types of chocolate out of it, matcha for example!))


«О, этот мне нравится! Похоже, что белый шоколад и правда не так плох!»

(Oh, I like that one! Looks like white chocolate really isn't that bad!)

«В общем, мне главное – чтобы шоколад был мягкий, сладкий и вкусно пах!»

(In general, the main thing for me is that the chocolate should be soft, sweet and smell delicious!)
Биг Ман

«Ик? (А все-таки, что важнее всего?)»

(Ay? (And yet, what matters most?))


«Все важно! Поэтому молочный и круче всех – он идеально сбалансирован!»

(Everything matters! That's why milk chocolate is the coolest of all – it's perfectly balanced!)


«Ведь и ежу понятно: он сочетает лучшие качества всех шоколадов!»

(After all, it's a no-brainer: it combines the best qualities of all chocolates!)

«Сдается мне, что мы снова ни к чему не придем...»

(It seems to me that we won't come to anything again ...)
Биг Ман

«Ик... Ик! Ик! (Да перестань, мы каждый раз отлично договариваемся!)»

(Ay... Ay! Ay! (Oh come on, we reach an excellent agreement every time!))

«Давайте лучше так договоримся: кто победит, тот получает от проигравших свой любимый шоколад!»

(Let's better agree on this: whoever wins gets their favorite chocolate from the losers!)


«Запросто! Мне как раз снова сладкого захотелось!»

(Easy! I just wanted something sweet again!)

Биг Ман

«Ик! Ик... (Мне тоже. Вот видите, договорились же!)»

(Ay! Ay... (Me too. You see, we agreed!))

«Это вроде все, что вам нужно знать. Не забудьте проголосовать!»

(Looks like that's all you need to know. Don't forget to vote!)
Биг Ман

«Ик! Ик. (Не забудьте про Сплатфест-майку! Проголосуйте и зайдите в меню «Снаряжение».)»

(Ay! Ay. (And don't forget about the Splatfest Tee! Vote and check the «Equip» menu.))

Splatfest Results

Dialogue Dialogue Region

Биг Ман

«Ик! (Команда «Белый шоколад» победила!)»

(Ay! (Team «White chocolate» won!))

«Что-о-о?! Кто-то напутал цифры!»

(Wha-a-at?! Someone messed up the numbers!)

«Эх! Я была так уверена, что моя команда победит!»

(Oh! I was so sure that my team will win!)

Биг Ман

«Ик! (Спасибо, команда! Противники вынуждены были выкинуть белый флаг!)»

(Ay! (Thank you team! The opponents were forced to throw out the white flag!))

«Хм. Команда «Горький шоколад» заставила соперников пролить немало горьких слез.»

(Hm. Team «Bitter chocolate» made the opponents shed many bitter tears.)

«Команда «Молочный шоколад» – тоже не молокоеды какие! Было круто!»

(Team «Milk chocolate» are also not some milk eaters! It was cool!)
Notes: The word молокоеды molokoyedy (milk eaters) is a Russian meaning for "mammalians" and is used here instead of a word молокосос molokosos (sucker, or literally, milk sucker).

Биг Ман

«Ик? Ик? (Уговор помните? Проигравшие покупают шоколад для победителя!)»

(Ay? Ay? (Do you remember the deal? Losers buy chocolate for the winner!))

«Эх, щупальце меня укуси... Ладно..»

(Ah, bloody tentacle... Alright...)


«Да мы и так друг другу шоколад каждый год дарим. У нас же традиция, помните?»

(We give each other chocolate every year anyway. This is our tradition, remember?)

«И то верно! Я ведь и так Биг Ману каждый год шоколад покупаю!»

(And that is true! I do buy Big Man chocolate every year anyway!)

Биг Ман

«Ик... (Э, Мурия, надеюсь, сейчас ты мне не как в прошлый год подаришь?)»

(Ay... (Wait, Frye, I hope you won't give me the same one like last year?))


«Хм? А, ты про шоколадный кускус?»

(Hm? Ah, you mean the chocolate couscous?)

«Кстати, тут рядом ресторан с шоколадным фонтаном. Там и не такое есть. Айда?»

(By the way, there's a restaurant with a chocolate fountain nearby. And they have even more than that. Shall we?)
Биг Ман

«И-ик?! (А давайте я отдам вам шоколадки, но мы поедим что-нибудь нормальное?!)»

(A-ay?! (Maybe I should give you the chocolates, but we will eat something normal instead?!))



Dialogue Dialogue Region

«¿Cuál es tu chocolate favorito? ¿Puro, con leche o blanco?»

«¡Hala! ¿Y eso? ¿Quieren que decidamos con nuestras papilas gustativas?»

«El chocolate puro, aunque un poco amargo, ¡es el más auténtico!»


«¿Qué dices? Prefiero algo más dulce... y cremoso: ¡con leche es lo mejor!»


«¡Zasss! (Bueno, si se trata de dulzura, ¡lo suyo es el chocolate blanco!)»


«Uf... ¿Por qué existen las opciones? Siempre esa tortura de decidir... ¡Lo dejo!»

«Calma, calma, que hablamos de chocolate. ¡No puede haber elección mala!»


«A ver, lo esencial del chocolate es el cacao, ¿no? Pues ya está: chocolate puro.»


«Además, ¡el chocolate puro tiene propiedades <<megabióticas>>!»


«Me lo dijo un experto: <<Una tableta todos los días aumentará tu resiliencia.>>»
«Te han vendido humo puro; normal que te guste ese tipo de chocolate.»


«Zasss. (Bueno, Megan, mejor dejemos las charlas motivacionales.)»
«Vaya, noto cierto miedo a que mis argumentos os acaben por convencer...»


«Zasss. (Chocolate puro, no sé... El blanco es mucho más suave. ¡Sabor con textura!)»


«¿Zasss? (¿Sabíais que se usa como base para sabores exóticos, como el té verde?)»
«Oooh, me encanta el té verde. Eso podría ser un punto a favor del chocolate blanco...»


«Pero es que me gusta el chocolate en todas sus variantes. Aroma, sabor, textura...»
«¿Zaaasss? (¿Y cuál de las tres cosas es para ti la más importante?)»

«Todas. ¡Y por eso el chocolate con leche es el mejor!»


«¿No lo veis? ¡El chocolate con leche reúne todas las cualidades!»


«Nunca nos vamos a poner de acuerdo.»

«¿Zasss? ¿Zassss? ¡Zasss! (¿Nosotros? ¿En desacuerdo? ¡No puede ser!)»

«Concretemos un poco. Quien pierda cede su chocolate a quien gane, ¿vale?»


«De acuerdo. ¡Ya me veo en posesión de toda esa variedad de cacao!»


«Zasss... ¿Zasss? (Bueno... pero ¿podrá con tantas calorías?)»


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«¿Cuál es tu chocolate favorito? ¡Exprésate en el festival!»

«¡Zasss! (¡Escoge tu sabor favorito y vota en la plaza!)»

Top 100

Click to view the Top 100 rankings for the Dark Chocolate vs. Milk Chocolate vs. White Chocolate (2025) Splatfest View the Top 100 rankings



Splatfest Tees

Promotional images

Team artwork

Win screens

In-game screenshots

Idols: Day 1
Idols: Day 2

Names in other languages

Short name
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese ビター vs. ミルク vs. ホワイト
bitā vs. miruku vs. howaito
Bitter vs. Milk vs. White
Netherlands Dutch Puur vs. Melk vs. Wit Pure vs. Milk vs. White
Canada French (NOA) Chocolat noir vs Chocolat au lait vs Chocolat blanc Dark chocolate vs Milky chocolate vs White chocolate
France French (NOE) Le chocolat noir vs Le chocolat au lait vs Le chocolat blanc Dark chocolate vs Milky chocolate vs White chocolate
Germany German Zartbitter vs. Vollmilch vs. Weiße Schoko Bittersweet vs. Milk vs. White chocolate
Italy Italian Fondente contro Al latte contro Bianco Dark vs. Milk vs. White
Russia Russian Горький против Молочный против Белый
Gor'kiy protiv Molochnyy protiv Belyy
Bitter vs. Milk vs. White
Portugal Portuguese (NOE) Chocolate negro vs. Chocolate de leite vs. Chocolate branco[5]

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese チョコレートはやっぱりコレ!
chokorēto wa yappari kore!
This is the best chocolate!
Netherlands Dutch Wat is de lekkerste chocolade? What is the tastiest chocolate?
CanadaFrance French Quel est votre type de chocolat favori ? What's your favorite type of chocolate?
Germany German Welche Schoko ist die beste? Which chocolate is the best?
Italy Italian Qual è il tuo cioccolato preferito? What's your favorite chocolate?
Portugal Portuguese (NOE) Qual é o teu tipo de chocolate preferido?[5]

Long name
I prefer dark chocolate!
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese チョコレートはやっぱりコレ!「ビター」
chokorēto wa yappari kore! 「bitā」
This is the best chocolate! "Bitter"
Netherlands Dutch Ik houd van pure chocolade! I love dark chocolate!
CanadaFrance French Vive le chocolat noir! Long live dark chocolate!
Germany German Ich mag Zartbitter! I like Bittersweet!
Italy Italian Viva il cioccolato fondente! Long live dark chocolate!
Russia Russian Я за горький!
Ya za gor'kiy!
I'm all for bitter!
Mexico Spanish (NOA) ¡Mi favorito es el oscuro! My favorite is dark!
China Chinese (Simplified) 巧克力就要选这种!「苦甜巧克力」
qiǎo kè lì jiù yào xuǎn zhè zhǒng! 「kǔ tián qiǎo kè lì」
You have to choose this Chocolate! "Bittersweet chocolate"
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 巧克力就要選這種!「苦甜巧克力」
qiǎo kè lì jiù yào xuǎn zhè zhǒng! 「kǔ tián qiǎo kè lì」
You have to choose this Chocolate! "Bittersweet chocolate"
South Korea Korean 최고의 초콜릿은 이거지! 「다크」
choegoui chokollis-eun igeouji! 「dakeu」
This is the best chocolate! "Dark"

I prefer milk chocolate!
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese チョコレートはやっぱりコレ!「ミルク」
chokorēto wa yappari kore! 「miruku」
This is the best chocolate! "Milk"
Netherlands Dutch Ik houd van melkchocolade! I love milk chocolate!
CanadaFrance French Vive le chocolat au lait ! Long live milky chocolate!
Italy Italian Viva il cioccolato al latte! Long live milk chocolate!
Russia Russian Я за молочный!
Ya za molochnyy!
I'm all for milk!

I prefer white chocolate!
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese チョコレートはやっぱりコレ!「ホワイト」
chokorēto wa yappari kore! 「howaito」
This is the best chocolate! "White"
Netherlands Dutch Ik houd van witte chocolade! I love white chocolate!
CanadaFrance French Vive le chocolat blanc ! Long live white chocolate!
Italy Italian Viva il cioccolato bianco! Long live white chocolate!
Russia Russian Я за белый!
Ya za belyy!
I'm all for white!
