Dead Sea
Can you help us get it done?
Artist | Firefly |
Game | Splatoon 3 |
Heard in Splatoon 3 |
Landfill Dreamland Jukebox |
Album | Splatune 3 |
Track list no. | 10 (Splatune 3 Disc 2) |
BPM | 116 |
Audio file | First phase version: Second phase version: Third phase version: Fourth phase version: |
Dead Sea is a song in Splatoon 3 by Firefly. It plays in Landfill Dreamland in Return of the Mammalians.
Reason: should have a denser description, such as the one seen in Underwater Neon.
Dead Sea has a very rustic feel to it, with almost metal pipe-sounding noises, and a steady pulsing rhythm. A consistent drum beat can be heard as well. At the very beginning, an almost scream-like sound can be heard. Following this, a lively beat is played, up until 0:35, where the beginning scream-like sound is played again. The loop follows this, up until when a part of Maritime Memory can be heard at about 0:58. A brief 'bridge' plays, and connects to the song repeating itself at 1:19, although, the beginning scream is not present the second time around.
Dead Sea has 4 phases. Each phase advances to the next by collecting gold records. Phase 1 being what Agent 3 will hear before any golden records are collected. Phase 4 being the final and complete version of Dead Sea which Agent 3 will hear when all of Landfill Dreamland's golden records are collected.
The Dead Sea is a real-world salt lake bordering Israel, Palestine, and Jordan, named for the scarcity of aquatic life due to its high salinity.