Defeat – Jingle

From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki

Defeat – Jingle
Game Splatoon
Heard in
Featured in Splatune - disc 1, track 9
Genre Rock
Length 0:06 (Splatune)

They Got You!
Artist Wet Floor
Vocals Hiroaki Takeuchi
Sachiko Watabe
Keaton (in-game)
Mizo (in-game)
Ryley (in-game)
Guitar Akitoshi Kuroda
Mizo (in-game)
Ryley (in-game)
Neil (in-game)
Drums Kei Yamazaki
Candi (in-game)
Synth Keaton (in-game)
Game Splatoon 2
Heard in
Splatoon 2
Featured in Splatune 2 - disc 1, track 10
Nintendo Music – link
Genre Rock
Length 0:07 (Splatune 2)

They Got You! (Splatfest)
Artist Off the Hook
Game Splatoon 2
Heard in
Splatoon 2
Splatfest results screen
Featured in Splatune 2 - disc 2, track 9
Nintendo Music – link
Length 0:07
This article or section involves non-English content
Things may have an official name in another language, but currently have no official English name.
English translations of these names are unofficial.
Note: "Defeat – Jingle" has been translated from Japanese
For the similarly-named jingle heard in Salmon Run, see They Got You! (Salmon Run).

Defeat – Jingle, known in Splatoon 2 as They Got You!,[1] is a jingle in the Splatoon series.


Defeat – Jingle is a brief jingle with no known artist that plays upon a defeat in multiplayer battles in Splatoon, before transitioning into Battle Defeat. It consists of cymbal crashes accompanying declining 'burp' vocals somewhat akin to those used by Turquoise October.

Other versions

They Got You!

They Got You! is a variant of the jingle by Wet Floor that plays upon a defeat in multiplayer battles in Splatoon 2, before transitioning into Ink Another Day. It is similar to Defeat – Jingle, but features a twangy synth rather than the vocals of the original.

They Got You! (Splatfest)

Off the Hook has their own identically-named cover of They Got You!, playing under the same circumstances during Splatfest battles before transitioning into Party's Over. It is further differentiated from even Wet Floor's version, featuring a broadly similar structure but with very distorted and discordant synths.

Names in other languages

Translation needed
The section or page is missing non-English translations or material from other localizations edit

Defeat – Jingle
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese バトル 負けジングル
Batoru Make Jinguru

They Got You!
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese バトル 負けジングル
Batoru Make Jinguru

They Got You! (Splatfest)
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese フェスマッチ 負けジングル
Fesumatchi Make Jinguru
