Flight vs. Invisibility
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Flight vs. Invisibility
Teams | Flight Invisibility |
Region | North America and Oceania Europe |
Start | |
End | |
Length | 24 hours |
Winner | Flight |
Flight vs. Invisibility was a Splatfest event in Splatoon 2. It was held in North America, Oceania, and Europe. It was announced on 26 August 2017. The results were given on 3 September 2017.
The full name of each choice was "The power of FLIGHT!" and "The power of INVISIBILITY!". The team name portion of Splatfest titles was "Flight" and "Invisibility".
Flight vs. Invisibility featured the second Shifty Station layout, The Secret of S.P.L.A.T..
Shifty Station (video)
Category | Flight | Invisibility |
Popularity | 49.26% | 50.74% |
Solo wins | 55.31% | 44.69% |
Team wins | 52.24% | 47.76% |
Score | 2 | 1 |
Detailed results were released through SplatNet 2.
Region | Participants | Solo wins | Team wins | |||
Alpha | Bravo | Alpha | Bravo | Alpha | Bravo | |
NA/OC + EU | 251,852 | 259,390 | 458,822 | 370,747 | 14,371 | 13,136 |
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “Which superpower would you choose? The power of flight?” |
Marina “Or the power of invisibility?” |
Pearl “No contest. I'm fly till I die!” |
Marina “-” |
Pearl “Soaring through the sky while everyone else is stuck is traffic? That's freedom.” |
Marina “-” |
Pearl “If I ran out of mayo while frosting a cake... FWOOSH! Grocery store.” |
Marina “First of all, gross. And second, I can just Super Jump to the store.” |
Pearl “Yeah, but only if one of your teammates is already there.” |
Marina “True, but still... Invisibility would be WAAAAY more fun.” |
Pearl “-” |
Marina “I could walk through the Square without being mobbed by screaming fans.” |
Pearl “Aww... Poor Marina... That sounds awful...” |
Marina “-” |
Pearl “-” |
Marina “With invisibility, you could spy on people while they're...inking their Splat Zone.” |
Pearl “-” |
Marina “Or walk into a bank and...uh...make sure the money is still there!” |
Pearl “Riiiiiiight.” |
Marina “-” |
Pearl “-” |
Marina “Which power would you choose? Head to the Splatfest terminal and pick a side!” |
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “YAYERRRRRRR! Fight or flight, y'all!” |
Marina “Buh...” |
Pearl “YAYERRRRRRR! Fight or flight!” |
Marina “Buh...” |
Pearl “Flight rules! We shine like bright jewels, with the right tools to smite fools!” |
Marina “Are you seriously going to write raps for all of your victory speeches?” |
Pearl “Write raps? Nah. These rhymes come straight off the dome.” |
Marina “-” |
Pearl “Bahaha! I bet you wish you were invisible right now, huh?” |
Marina “...” |
Pearl “If you participated in the Splatfest, your prizes are waiting in the Square!” |
Marina “-” |
Lorelei's dialogue | Mariana's dialogue | Region |
Lorelei “Welke superkracht zou jij willen? Dat je kunt vliegen?” (Which superpower do you want? That you're able to fly?) |
Mariana “Of dat je onzichtbaar kunt worden?” (Or that you can become invisible?) |
Lorelei “Dit is toch geen echte keuze? Ik wil vliegen als een vogel!” (That is not a real choice, right? I want to fly like a bird!) |
Mariana “-” |
Lorelei “Het luchtruim kiezen terwijl iedereen in de file staat? Dat is pure vrijheid.” (Choosing for the sky while everyone is stuck in traffic? That is pure freedom.) |
Mariana “-” |
Lorelei “Als mijn mayo op is terwijl ik een taart wil glazuren... Woesj! Naar de winkel!” (If I'm out of mayo while I want to frost my cake... Whoosh! To the store!) |
Mariana “Ten eerste: getsie. En ten tweede kun je gewoon superspringen naar de winkel.” (Firstly: gross. And secondly, you can just Super Jump to the store.) |
Lorelei “Ja, maar alleen als een van je teamgenoten al in de winkel is...” (Yes, but only if one of your teammates is already at the store...) |
Mariana “Ja, oké, maar toch... Onzichtbaarheid is zooooo veel leuker!” (Yeah, okay, but still... Invisibility is sooooo much more fun!) |
Lorelei “-” |
Mariana “Ik zou op het plein kunnen komen zonder dat gillende fans me belagen.” (I could come to the square without being ambushed by screaming fans.) |
Lorelei “Aw, arme Mariana... Dat klinkt heel vervelend...” (Aw, poor Marina... That sounds very annoying...) |
Mariana “Als je onzichtbaar bent, kun je toekijken hoe mensen... hun spetterzone verven.” (If you're invisible, you can watch how people... paint their Splat Zone.) |
Lorelei “-” |
Mariana “Of ongezien een bank binnenkomen en... eh... checken of al het geld er nog is!” (Or entering a bank unseen and... uh... check if all your money is still there!) |
Lorelei “Tuurlijk.” (Sure.) |
Mariana “Welke superkracht kies jij? Maak je keuze bij de Splatfest-stemmachine!” (Which superpower do you choose? Make your choice at the Splatfest Voting Machine!) |
Lorelei's dialogue | Mariana's dialogue | Region |
Lorelei “JAAAAAAAAA! Vlieg of vlucht, luitjes!” (YEEEEEEAH! Fly or flee, folks!) |
Mariana “Beh...” |
Lorelei “Opgepast voor het vliegende gevaar! Ik duik op en neer als een adelaar!” (Beware for the flying danger! I dive up and down like an eagle!) |
Mariana “Ga je bij ELKE overwinning een rap schrijven?” (Are you going to write a rap at EVERY victory?) |
Lorelei “Schrijven? Nee, joh. Deze poëzie komt recht uit m'n koppie.” (Write? No way. This poetry comes strait out of my little head.) |
Mariana “-” |
Lorelei “Bahaha! Was je nou maar onzichtbaar, of niet?” (Bahaha! You wish you were invisible now, don't you?) |
Mariana “...” |
Lorelei “Deelnemers aan het Splatfest kunnen hun prijzen ophalen op het plein!” (Participants of the Splatfest can pick up their rewards at the square!) |
Mariana “-” |
French (Canada)
Perle's dialogue | Coralie's dialogue | Region |
Perle « Ce n'est pas donné à tous de voler. Y en a qui ont le cerf-volant... Hihihi! » (Not everyone has the power of flight. Some only have kites... Hihihi!) |
Coralie « Eh, de quoi tu parles encore? » (Hey, what are you even talking about?) |
Perle « J'irai bientôt me faire dorer au soleil d'un petit coup d'aile. » (I will soon go to bask in the sun with a small flap of my wing.) |
Coralie « Minute papillon... Les gens qui volent trop près du soleil se brûlent les ailes! » (Wait a minute... People who fly too close to the sun burn their wings!) |
Perle « Comment veux-tu laisser ta marque quand t'es incapable d'laisser d'traces? » (How can you leave your mark when you're unable to leave traces?) |
Coralie « - » |
Perle « Hahaha! Je te gage que tu aimerais être invisible en ce moment! » (Hahaha! I bet you want to be invisible right now!) |
Coralie « ... » |
Perle « Si tu as participé au festival, n'oublie pas de récupérer tes prix au carré! » (If you participated in the Splatfest, don't forget to collect your prizes in the square!) |
Coralie « - » |
French (France)
Perle's dialogue | Coralie's dialogue | Region |
Perle « Cette fois-ci, on cause super pouvoirs ! Vous préférez voler dans les airs... » (This time, we debate super powers! Would you rather have the power to fly in the air...) |
Coralie « Ou pouvoir vous rendre invisible à volonté ? » (Or have the power to render yourself invisible at will?) |
Perle « Pour moi, y a pas photo, je suis née pour vivre au-dessus du lot. » (For me, there isn't a contest, I am born to live above the rest.) |
Coralie « - » |
Perle « Croyez-moi, la hauteur, c'est le bonheure, surtout à l'heure de pointe ! » (Believe me, the higher the better, especially during rush hour!) |
Coralie « - » |
Perle « Quoi ? Plus de mayo pour mes frites ? FIOUUU ! Ravitaillement en deux-deux ! » (What? I need more mayo for my fries? ZOOOOM! Restocked in two seconds!) |
Coralie « Pfff, pas besoin de voler pour ça ! Un super saut et l'affaire est réglée ! » (Pfft, you don't need flying for that! One super jump and problem solved!) |
Perle « Encore faut-il avoir un coéquipier au rayon mayo... en permanence. » (But, you need to have a teammate in the mayo aisle... permanently.) |
Coralie « D'accord, mais je ne crois que tu ne vois pas bien les advantages de l'invisibilité ! » (Ok, but I don't think you're seeing the advantages of invisibility!) |
Perle « - » |
Coralie « Imagine, pouvoir traverser le square sans déclencher l'hysterie de nos fans ! » (Imagine, being able to cross the square without experiencing the hysteria of our fans!) |
Perle « Bof, quand on fait ma taille, c'est pas dur de passer inaperçu... » (Meh, when you're my size it's not hard to go unnoticed...) |
Coralie « - » |
Perle « - » |
Coralie « Tu peux espionner qui tu veux, entre dans une banque sans te faire voir... » (You can spy on whoever you want, enter a bank without anyone seeing you...) |
Perle « - » |
Coralie « Euh... pour t'assurer que personne ne tente de la braquer, bien sûr ! » (Uh... to make sure that no one attempts to break in, of course!) |
Perle « Bien sûr. » (Of course.) |
Coralie « Alors, vol ou invisibilité ? N'oubliez pas de choisir à la borne festive ! » (So, flight or invisibility? Don't forget to choose at the Splatfest terminal!) |
Perle's dialogue | Coralie's dialogue | Region |
Perle « Alors, vous êtes plutôt vol ou invisibilité ? » (So, do you prefer flight or invisibility?) |
Coralie « En tout cas, n'oubliez pas de choisir votre camp à la borne festive ! » (Anyways, don't forget to choose your side at the Splatfest terminal!) |
Perle's dialogue | Coralie's dialogue | Region |
Perle « YOUHOUUU ! On leur a volé dans les plumes, ou quoi ? » (Yoohoo! Did we fly way over them or what?) |
Coralie « Alors là, j'ai rien vu venir... » (Well, I never saw it coming...) |
Perle « Et que ça te serve un leçon ! La lutte est vaine contre les maîtres du ciel ! » (And let that serve you a lesson! Fighting is useless when you're against the masters of the sky!) |
Coralie « Non, mais écoutez-la, celle-là ! Va falloir redescendre sur terre, Perle... » (No, but listen to me! You'll have to float back down to Earth, Pearl...) |
Perle « Je vois pas pourquoi ! J'ai pas perdu, moi ! » (I don't see why! I haven't lost!) |
Coralie « - » |
Perle « Au moins, maintenant, t'as une bonne raison d'avoir envie de disparaître ! » (At least now you have a good reason to want to disappear!) |
Coralie « Oh ! » |
Perle « Les prix attendent les participants au festival sur le square ! » (The prizes await the Splatfest participants in the Square!) |
Coralie « - » |
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla „Welche Superkraft würdet ihr wählen? Die Kraft, zu fliegen?“ (Which superpower would you choose? The power to fly?) |
Marina „Oder die Kraft, euch unsichtbar zu machen?“ (Or the power to make yourself invisible?) |
Perla „Gar keine Frage... Ich würde den Höhenflug wählen!“ (No question at all... I would choose the high-altitude flight!) |
Marina „-“ |
Perla „Fliegen, während alle anderen im Stau festhängen? Das ist Freiheit!“ (Flying while everyone else is stuck in traffic jams? That's freedom!) |
Marina „-“ |
Perla „Wenn ich beim Kuchenbacken keine Mayo mehr hätte - ab zum Einkaufen!“ (If I run out of mayo while baking a cake - off to the grocery store!) |
Marina „Igitt, Mayo. Und ich geh ja lieber per Supersprung zum Einkaufen.“ (Yuck, mayo. And I prefer to go shopping via Super Jump.) |
Perla „Ha, aber nur, wenn einer aus deinem Team schon da ist!“ (Ha, but only if one from your team is already there!) |
Marina „Stimmt schon, aber... Unsichtbarkeit wäre viel lustiger!“ (That's true, but... Invisibility would be much more fun!) |
Perla „-“ |
Marina „Einmal ohne das Kreischen der Fans über den Platz gehen...“ (Only for once walking across the square without the screaming of the fans...) |
Perla „Ach... Arme Marina... Du hast's echt nicht leicht!“ (Oh... Poor Marina... You really don't have it easy!) |
Marina „Man könnte sich unbemerkt in der Arena an Leute ranpirschen... Hihi.“ (You could sneak up on people in the stage unnoticed... Hihi.) |
Perla „-“ |
Marina „Oder man könnte in eine Bank gehen und, äh, checken, wie viel Geld die haben...“ (Or you could go into a bank and, uh, check to see how much money they have....) |
Perla „Ja, nee, is' klar.“ (Yeah, right.) |
Marina „Welche Kraft ist euer Favorit? Trefft eure Wahl am Splatfest-Wahlstand!“ (Which power is your favorite? Make your choice at the Splatfest terminal!) |
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla „Welche Superkraft würdet ihr wählen? Die Kraft, zu fliegen?“ (Which superpower would you choose? The power to fly?) |
Marina „Oder die Kraft, euch unsichtbar zu machen?“ (Or the power to make yourself invisible?) |
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla „Ha! Macht den Abflug, Team Unsichtbar!“ (Ha! Take off, Team Invisible!) |
Marina „Buuuh...“ (Buuuh...) |
Perla „Nichts geht so krass ab wie Fliegen, kein Hater wird uns je besiegen!“ (Nothing is as awesome as flying, no hater will ever defeat us!) |
Marina „Wirst du jetzt echt jedes Mal für deine Siegesrede Rap-Texte schreiben?“ (Are you really going to write rap lyrics for your victory speech every time now?) |
Perla „Schreiben? Pah, das flowt alles spontan!“ (Writing? Pah, it all flows spontaneously!) |
Marina „-“ |
Perla „Bahaha! Jetzt wärst du gern unsichtbar, was?“ (Bahaha! Now you wish you were invisible, huh?) |
Marina „...“ |
Perla „Wer beim Splatfest dabei war, bekommt seinen Preis auf dem Inkopolis-Platz!“ (Those who participated in the Splatfest will get their prize at Inkopolis Square!) |
Marina „-“ |
Spanish (Latin America)
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla «Si pudieras tener un superpoder, ¿eligirías poder volar?» (If you could have a superpower, would you choose to be able to fly?) |
Marina «¿O ser invisible?» (Or be invisible?) |
Perla «La respuesta es obvia, ¡poder volar sería fabuloso!» (The answer is obvious, being able to fly would be fantastic!) |
Marina «-» |
Perla «¡Imagínate poder volar a todas partes y nunca más volver a lidiar con el tráfico!» (Imagine being able to fly everywhere and never having to deal with traffic again!) |
Marina «-» |
Perla «¿No hay mayonesa para la ensalada de papa? ¡Fussshhh! ¡Vuelo a la tienda!» (Is there no mayonnaise for your potato salad? Fwossshhh! Flight to the store!) |
Marina «¿Mayonesa? ¡Guácala! Pero puedes usar el supersalto para ir a la tienda.» (Mayonnaise? Gross! But you could use your Super Jump to go to the store.) |
Perla «Sí, pero solo si alguien de mi equipo ya está ahí.» (Yeah, but only if someone from your team is already there.) |
Marina «Bueno sí, pero... ¡ser invisible sería muchísimo más divertido!» (Well, yes, but... being invisible would be more fun!) |
Perla «-» |
Marina «¡Imagínate poder pasarte por el centro sin que te pidan autógrafos!» (Imagine being able to go through the Square without being asked for autographs!) |
Perla «Ay, no Marina, eso suena terrible... y triste...» (Uh, no Marina, that sounds terrible... and sad...) |
Marina «Al ser invisible, podrías espiar al equipo contrario mientras... entintan la zona.» (Being invisible, you could spy on the other team while... they ink the zone.) |
Perla «-» |
Marina «O podrías ir a un banco y... ¡asegurarte de que el dinero esté bien guardado!» (Or you could go to a bank and... make sure that the money is well guarded!) |
Perla «Ajá... Lo que tú digas.» (Uh huh... Whatever you say.) |
Marina «¿Qué opinan ustedes? ¡Vayan a la terminal de voto y elijan un equipo!» (What do you think? Go to the vote terminal and choose a team!) |
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla «¡Todos a volar, que la fiesta va a empezar!» (Fly, everyone, the party's about to start!) |
Marina «¿De qué estás hablando?» (What are you talking about?) |
Perla «¡Hay que emprender el vuelo, que nada nos ata al suelo!» (Time to take flight, nothing can tie us to the ground!) |
Marina «Ay, ¿en serio vas a escribir una canción cada vez que gane tu equipo?» (Uh, are you really gonna write a song every time your team wins?) |
Perla «Uy, disculpa, pero estas rimas me salen del corazón.» (Ooh, excuse me, but these rhymes come out from my heart.) |
Marina «-» |
Perla «¡Ja, ja, ja! ¡Seguro que estás deseando poder ser invisible en este momento!» (Ha, ha, ha! I'm sure you're wishing you could be invisible right now!) |
Marina «...» |
Perla «¡Si participaron en el festival, recojan sus premios en el centro!» (If you participated in the Splatfest, collect your prizes at the Square!) |
Marina «-» |
Top 100
View the Top 100 rankings |
Splatfest icon
Team Flight icon
Team Invisibility icon
Promotional images
Artwork of Off the Hook
Results (English)
Team artwork
Win screens
English (NOA)
English (NOE)
French (NOE)
Spanish (NOE)
In-game screenshots
Names in other languages
Language | Name | Meaning |
Dutch | Vliegen vs. Onzichtbaar | To fly vs. Invisible |
French | Vol vs. Invisibilité | Flight vs. Invisibility |
German | Flug vs. Unsichtbar | Flight vs. Invisibility |
Italian | Volo vs. Invisibile | Flight vs. Invisibility |
Russian | Полет vs. Невидимость Polyot vs. Nevidimost' |
Flight vs. Invisibility |
Spanish | Vuelo vs. Invisibilidad | Flight vs. Invisibility |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | 飛行/透明 Hikō / tōmei |
Flight / Transparent |
Dutch | Vliegen / Onzichtbaar | To fly / Invisible |
French | Vol/Invisibilité | Flight/Invisibility |
German | Flug/Unsichtbar | Flight/Invisibility |
Italian | Volo/Invisibilità | Flight/Invisibility |
Russian | Полет / невидимость Polyot / nevidimost' |
Flight / invisibility |
Spanish | Vuelo/Invisibilidad | Flight/Invisibility |
See also
External links
- SplatoonUS announcement of the event
- SplatoonUS reminder post for the event
- SplatoonUS announcement of the winner
- Nintendo UK news post about the event
- @NintendoNL on Twitter (announcement), @NintendoNL on Twitter (reminder), @NintendoNL on Twitter (results)