Front Roll vs. Back Roll
Front Roll vs. Back Roll
Teams | Front Roll Back Roll |
Region | Europe |
Start | 7 October 2017 at 14:00 UTC |
End | 8 October 2017 at 14:00 UTC |
Length | 24 hours |
Winner | Front Roll |
Front Roll vs. Back Roll was a Splatfest event in Splatoon 2. It was held exclusively in Europe. It was announced on 30 September 2017. The results were given on 8 October 2017.
The full name of each choice was "Toilet roll should hang IN FRONT!" and "Toilet roll should hang BEHIND!". The team name portion of Splatfest titles was "Front Roll" and "Back Roll".
Front Roll vs. Back Roll featured the third Shifty Station layout, Goosponge.
Shifty Station
Category | Front Roll | Back Roll |
Popularity | 72.32% | 27.68% |
Solo wins | 53.10% | 46.90% |
Team wins | 46.98% | 53.02% |
Score | 2 | 1 |
Results with exact counts were released through SplatNet 2.
Region | Participants | Solo wins | Team wins | |||
Alpha | Bravo | Alpha | Bravo | Alpha | Bravo | |
EU | 109,926 | 42,074 | 52,294 | 46,181 | 381 | 430 |
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “-” |
Marina “It's the age-old debate: which way round should the toilet roll hang?!” |
Pearl “Huh? What kind of question is that? There's only one right way!” |
Marina “-” |
Pearl “I mean, who even hangs it behind the roll? Are they TRYING to be awkward?” |
Marina “Uh, excuse me? I think you'll find it looks neater and is far safer, Pearl.” |
Pearl “-” |
Marina “Dangling in front like that is just asking for a cat to unroll it all over the floor.” |
Pearl “...You think Judd could be bothered to unravel a whole toilet roll? Really?” |
Marina “Maybe not Judd... But what about Li'l Judd? I'm not sure I trust him.” |
Pearl “-” |
Marina “That sweet angelic smile unnerves me. It's always the cute ones, you know...” |
Pearl “Sure, but, uh...have you SEEN Li'l Judd? I bet he couldn't even reach the roll!” |
Marina “Maybe, maybe not. I'm just not willing to take THAT particular risk.” |
Pearl “Fine, fine. Whatever makes you happy. But your raging paranoia aside...” |
Marina “-” |
Pearl “There's no denying that front-rolling is the most natural choice in all areas.” |
Marina “-” |
Pearl “When's the last time anyone tried to ink their turf rolling backwards, huh?” |
Marina “Speaking of, just wait! My team's gonna roller all over yours! Literally!” |
Pearl “Uh huh, wanna bet? I know I'm not alone in being RIGHT about this!” |
Marina “So folks, hurry on down to the Splatfest terminal and pick a side!” |
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “Which way round should the toilet roll hang? In front or behind?” |
Marina “Head over to the Splatfest terminal and pick a side!” |
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “AWWWW YISSSSSS! Sanity prevails!” |
Marina “Oh, no... Do you have any idea what you've done here, Pearl?” |
Pearl “Struck down wrongness and instated justice, that's what!” |
Marina “I can see it now... Bathrooms across the land, covered in piles of unraveled roll!” |
Pearl “-” |
Marina “The only winners are the nefarious cats! You've doomed us all!” |
Pearl “Marina. Calm down. There are TWO cats in all of Inkopolis. Two. It's gonna be OK.” |
Marina “...I might be right. I have to be calm. I have to be ready.” |
Pearl “If you participated in the Splatfest, your prizes are waiting in the Square!” |
Marina “-” |
Lorelei's dialogue | Mariana's dialogue | Region |
Lorelei “-” |
Mariana “Het is een debat dat de mensheid verscheurt: hoe hang je de toiletrol?!” (It's the debate that tears humanity apart: how do you hang the toilet roll?!) |
Lorelei “Huh? Hoe kun je nou een debat hebben als er maar één juist antwoord is?” (Huh? How can you have a debate when there is only one right answer?) |
Mariana “-” |
Lorelei “Wie hangt het papier nou achter de rol? Die doet gewoon moeilijk om het moeilijk doen!” (Who hangs the paper behind the roll? Those are just being difficult for the sake of being difficult!) |
Mariana “Ehm, pardon? Achterlangs ziet er een stuk netter uit, en het is veel veiliger.” (Uhm, beg your pardon? Behind looks a lot neater, and it's much safer.) |
Lorelei “-” |
Mariana “Zo'n lapje dat voorlangs hangt, dat is een onweerstaanbaar kattenspeeltje!” (Such a piece of paper that hangs in front, that's an irresistible cat toy!) |
Lorelei “Jij denkt dat Justus een rol toiletpapier gaat uitrollen? Voor z'n lol?” (You think that Judd would roll out a roll of toilet paper? Just for fun?) |
Mariana “Justus misschien niet... Maar die Justus jr., die vertrouw ik al minder.” (Maybe not Judd... But that Li'l Judd, I trust him much less.) |
Lorelei “-” |
Mariana “Hij verbergt vast wat achter dat snoezige, lieve glimlachje van 'm...” (He's probably hiding something behind that cute, sweet little smile of his...) |
Lorelei “Zou kunnen, maar... heb je 'm al 's goed bekeken? Hij kan toch nooit bij de rol!” (Could be, but... have you ever taken a good look at him? He can't even reach the roll!) |
Mariana “Misschien wel, misschien niet. Durf jij het risico te lopen?” (Maybe, maybe not. Do you dare to take the risk?) |
Lorelei “Nou oké, als jij dat wilt denken. Maar je paranoïde waanideeën daargelaten...” (Well okay, if you like to think that. But you paranoid delusions aside...) |
Mariana “-” |
Lorelei “...kun je niet ontkennen dat voorlangs gewoon logischer is.” ( can't deny that in front is just more logical.) |
Mariana “-” |
Lorelei “Met een Roller rol je toch ook niet achterlangs? Waarom een rol dan wel!” (You don't roll backwards with a roller either, right? Then why with a roll!) |
Mariana “Pfft! We rollen jouw team helemaal op! Daar kom je snel genoeg ACHTER!” (Pfft! We'll round up your team completely! You'll find OUT soon enough!) |
Notes: "We rollen jouw team helemaal op!" is a pun. Oprollen means "to round up/shut down" a group, but also "to roll up" (like toilet paper). ACHTER also means "behind". | ||
Lorelei “Onzin! Jullie gaan een bijrol spelen! Bereid je daar maar vast op VOOR!” (Nonsense! You're going to play a supporting role! You better prepare FOR that!) |
Mariana “Dus! Spoed je met hoge nood naar de Splatfest-stemmachine en stem!” (So! Hurry with great urgency to the Splatfest voting machine and vote!) |
Notes: The word bijrol ("supporting role") is a pun. Rol means both "role" and "roll". VOOR also means "in front". Hoge nood ("great urgency") is also a Dutch saying for really needing to go to the toilet. |
Lorelei's dialogue | Mariana's dialogue | Region |
Lorelei “JAAAAAAAAAA! Het gezonde verstand heeft gewonnen!” (YEEEEEEEEAH! Common sense has won!) |
Mariana “O nee... Weet je wel wat je hebt gedaan, Lorelei?” (Oh no... Do you know what you have done, Pearl?) |
Lorelei “Een overwinning behaald voor gerechtigheid! Dat heb ik gedaan!” (Achieved victory for justice! That's what I've done!) |
Mariana “Ik zie het al voor me... Alle toiletten bedekt onder lagen uitgerold papier!” (I can picture it already... All toilets covered under layers of rolled out paper!) |
Lorelei “-” |
Mariana “De enige echte winnaar is dat kattengespuis! We zijn verloren!” (The only true winner is that cat riff-raff! We are lost!) |
Lorelei “Kalm aan, Mariana. Er zijn TWEE katten in Inkopolis. We overleven het vast wel.” (Calm down, Marina. There are TWO cats in Inkopolis. We'll probably survive it.) |
Mariana “Je... Je hebt vast gelijk. Ik moet kalm zijn. Kalm en voorbereid op het ergste.” (You... You might be right. I need to be calm. Calm and prepared for the worst.) |
Lorelei “Deelnemers aan het Splatfest kunnen hun prijzen ophalen op het plein!” (Participants of the Splatfest can pick up their rewards at the square!) |
Mariana “-” |
French (France)
Perle's dialogue | Coralie's dialogue | Region |
Perle « - » |
Coralie « C'est un débat vieux comme le papier toilette : dans quel sens on le déroule ? » (It's the age old debate about toilet paper: which way should it unroll?) |
Perle « Où t'as vu un débat ? Y a qu'un sens qui tienne. Le reste, c'est du blabla. » (Where do you see a debate? There is only one thing that makes sense. The rest is pointless.) |
Coralie « - » |
Perle « Faut être tordu pour le faire pendre par-dessous ! Question de bon sens. » (You must be twisted to have it backwards! It's just common sense.) |
Coralie « Ça vas pas le tête ? C'est plus pratique par-dessous, tout le monde sait ça. » (Have you no reason? It's more practical backwards, everyone knows that.) |
Perle « - » |
Coralie « S'il pend par-dessus, le premier chat venu en fait des confettis ! » (If you leave it in front, the first cat that sees it will tear it up!) |
Perle « Tu crois que Charbitre s'attaquerait à du papier toilette ? Sérieux ? » (You think that Judd would attack toilet paper? Seriously?) |
Coralie « Charbitre, peut-être pas. Mais Mini Charbitre, il en est bien capable. » (Judd, maybe not. But Li'l Judd is plenty capable.) |
Perle « - » |
Coralie « Il est un peu trop mignon, c'est louche, je me méfie de son air de pas y toucher. » (He's a bit too cute, it's suspicious, I'm so wary of him that I don't even touch him.) |
Perle « Euh... Tu l'as bien regardé ? Ses Mini pattes atteindront jamais le rouleau ! » (Uh... Have you seen him? His lil' paws would never reach the roll!) |
Coralie « Sur le papier, tu raison... Mais je préfère pas prendre le risque. » (On the paper, you mean... But I don't want to take that chance.) |
Perle « OK, OK, comme tu voudras. Mais si tu mets ta parano de côté deux minutes... » (Ok, ok, however you wish. But if you could put your paranoia aside for two minutes...) |
Coralie « - » |
Perle « Guerre de territoire ou toilettes, même combat. Les rouleaux, c'est par-dessus. » (Turf war or toilets, same fight. The rollers are used in front, not behind.) |
Coralie « - » |
Notes: This is a pun off the French localization, since it calls rollers rouleau, and the exact same word is used for toilet roll. | ||
Perle « - » |
Coralie « Là, d'accord. Mon équipe va rouler sur la tienne, au propre comme au figuré. » (Ok then. My team will roll all over yours, literally and metaphorically.) |
Perle « On parie ? Tous ceux qui savent se servir d'un rouleau sont de mon côté ! » (You sure? Everyone who knows how to use a roller right is on my side!) |
Coralie « À vous de jouer, les amis ! Tous à l'urne festive, et que le bons sens l'emporte ! » |
Perle's dialogue | Coralie's dialogue | Region |
Perle « Dans quel sens le papier toilette doit-il pendre ? Par-dessus ou par-dessous ? » (Which way should the toilet paper hang? In the front or the back?) |
Coralie « Courez à l'urne festive pour exprimer votre avis sur cette épineuse question ! » (Run to the Splatfest terminal to express your view on this tricky topic!) |
Perle's dialogue | Coralie's dialogue | Region |
Perle « YOUHOU ! Le bon sens l'a emporté ! » (YOOHOO! The good team won!) |
Coralie « Oh, non... Tu te rends compte de ce que tu as fait, Perle? » (Oh, no... Do you comprehend what you've done, Pearl?) |
Perle « Ouaip ! J'ai fait triompher la raison sur l'obscurantisme des sanitaires ! » (Yup! I've triumphed for hygiene!) |
Coralie « C'est horrible ! Tu nous prépares un monde rempli de rouleaux à l'envers ! » (This is horrible! You are preparing us for a world filled with backwards rolls!) |
Perle « - » |
Coralie « Les seuls gagnants dans cette histoire, c'est ces sales chats. On est fichues ! » (The only winners in this story are the dirty cats. We are targets!) |
Perle « On se calme, Coralie ! Y a DEUX chats dans tous Chromapolis, ça devrait aller ! » (Calm down, Marina! There are TWO cats in all of Inkopolis, it's OK!) |
Coralie « T'as raison, faut que je me calme. Mais je suis au bout du rouleau. » (You're right, that makes me calm. But I am at the end of the line.) |
Perle « Les prix attendent les participants au festival sur le square ! » (The prizes await the Splatfest participants in the Square!) |
Coralie « - » |
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla „-“ |
Marina „Die uralte Diskussion: Wie herum sollte die Klopapierrolle hängen?“ (The age-old debate: Which way should the toilet paper roll hang?) |
Perla „Was ist das denn das für 'ne Frage? Gibt doch nur eine Möglichkeit!“ (What kind of question is that? There's only one way!) |
Marina „-“ |
Perla „Wer will das Klopapierende denn bitte hinten haben? Was stimmt mit denen nicht?“ (Who wants the end of the toilet paper at the back? What's wrong with them?) |
Marina „Äh, hallo? So sieht es ordentlicher aus und ist sicherer, Perla!“ (Uh, hello? It looks neater and safer this way, Pearl!) |
Perla „-“ |
Marina „Mit dem Ende vorn ist das eine Einladung für jede Katze, alles abzurollen!“ (With the end in front, we give an invitation for every cat to unroll everything!) |
Perla „Du denkst, der Miezrichter hätte Zeit, eine Klopapierrolle abzurollen? Echt mal.“ (You think Judd would have time to unroll a roll of toilet paper? For real.) |
Marina „Kann schon sein. Aber was ist mit dem Mini-Miezrichter? Da weiß ich nicht...“ (Maybe. But what about Li'l Judd? I don't know...) |
Perla „-“ |
Marina „Dieses süße, engelsgleiche Lächeln... Es sind immer die kleinen Süßen!“ (That sweet, angelic smile... It's always the little cuties!) |
Perla „Ach was! Der heißt nicht umsonst 'Mini'! Er kommt doch nicht mal ran!“ (As if! He's not called "Li'l" for nothing! He can't even reach it!) |
Marina „Mag sein... Aber das Risiko will ich nicht eingehen!“ (Maybe... But I don't want to take the risk!) |
Perla „Auch recht, wenn's dich glücklich macht. Aber zurück zum Thema...“ (Fair enough if it makes you happy. But back to the topic...) |
Marina „-“ |
Perla „Nach vorn zu rollen ist in allen Bereichen die natürlichste Wahl.“ (Front-rolling is the most natural choice in all areas.) |
Marina „-“ |
Perla „Wann hat das letzte Mal jemand im Rückwärtsgang mit 'nem Roller gefärbt?“ (When was the last time someone inked in reverse gear with a roller?) |
Marina „Gutes Stichwort, denn mein Team wird deines ÜBERROLLEN! Ha!“ (Good cue, because my team will ROLL OVER yours! Ha!) |
Perla „Willst du wetten? Ich weiß, dass ich nicht allein recht habe!“ (Wanna bet? I know I'm not the only one in the right!) |
Marina „Und was denkt ihr? Trefft eure Wahl am Splatfest-Wahlstand!“ (And what do you think? Make your choice at the Splatfest terminal!) |
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla „Wo sollte das Ende der Klopapierrolle sein? Vorn oder hinten?“ (Where should the end of the toilet paper roll be? Front or back?) |
Marina „Trefft eure Wahl am Splatfest-Wahlstand!“ (Make your choice at the Splatfest terminal!) |
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla „YEAH! Die Vernunft hat gesiegt!“ (YEAH! Reason has triumphed!) |
Marina „Oh nein! Was habt ihr getan, Perla?!“ (Oh no! What have you done, Pearl?!) |
Perla „Wir haben den gesunden Inklingverstand verteidigt, was sonst?!“ (We defended common Inkling-sense, what else?!) |
Marina „Jetzt ist keine Rolle mehr sicher! Die Bäder werden vor Papier überquellen!“ (Now no roll is safe! The bathrooms will be overflowing with paper!) |
Perla „-“ |
Marina „Die einzigen Gewinner sind die Katzen! Ihr habt uns zum Untergang verdammt!“ (The only winners are the cats! You have doomed us!) |
Perla „Marina, beruhige dich. Es gibt nur zwei Katzen in Inkopolis. Zwei! Alles wird gut.“ (Marina, calm down. There are only two cats in Inkopolis. Two! Everything will be fine.) |
Marina „Da hast du recht... Und noch habe ich Zeit, mein Bad zu sichern.“ (You're right... And I still have time to secure my bathroom.) |
Perla „Wer beim Splatfest dabei war, bekommt seinen Preis auf dem Inkopolis-Platz!“ (Those who participated in the Splatfest will get their prize at Inkopolis Square!) |
Marina „-“ |
Alga's dialogue | Nori's dialogue | Region |
Alga «-» |
Nori «Il grande dilemma: in che verso va messo il rotolo di carta igienica?» (The big dilemma: which way should we set the toilet paper roll?) |
Alga «Eh? Che razza di domanda è? La risposta è ovvia!» (Huh? What kind of question is that? The answer is clear!) |
Nori «-» |
Alga «Voglio dire, perché mai andrebbe messo dietro? Poi è complicato da afferrare!» (I mean, why on earth would anyone put it backwards? It's complicated to grab it, then!) |
Nori «Ma se lo metti dietro, ha un aspetto più ordinato. Ed è anche più sicuro, Alga!» (But if you put it backwards, it looks neater. And it's also safer, Pearl!) |
Alga «-» |
Nori «Mettilo davanti e il gatto te lo srotolerà tutto sul pavimento!» (Put it on the front and the cat will unroll it all over the floor!) |
Alga «Davvero pensi che Giudigatto potrebbe accanirsi sulla povera carta igienica?» (You really think Judd could rage at the poor toilet paper?) |
Nori «Beh, magari lui no, ma Giudigattino? Quel micetto sembra una vera birba!» (Well, maybe he won't, but Li'l Judd? That kitty looks like a real rascal!) |
Alga «-» |
Nori «Non farti ingannare dal suo aspetto adorabile. Quello è un furbacchione!» (Don't let yourself be fooled by his cute appearance. That one's a sly dog!) |
Alga «Può darsi, ma è così piccolino… Non ci arriva nemmeno, al rotolo!» (Could be, but he's so small… He can't even reach the roll!) |
Nori «Questo è quello che vuole farti credere. Io non correrei questo rischio…» (That's what he tries to make you believe. I wouldn't take this risk…) |
Alga «Va bene, va bene. Non sapevo che la questione ti stesse così tanto a cuore!» (Alright, alright. Didn't know the topic was that important to you!) |
Nori «-» |
Alga «Ma non potrai negare che metterlo davanti è la scelta più spontanea.» (But you can't ever deny that putting it on the front is the most spontaneous choice.) |
Nori «-» |
Alga «La cosa più importante è che il rotolo sia di facile presa nel momento del bisogno!» (The most important thing is having the roll at easy reach when in need.) |
Nori «L'unico bisogno che sento è quello di splattarti durante il festival!» (The only need I have is to splat you during the Splatfest!) |
Alga «Occhio, perché là fuori ci sono un sacco di… srotoloni!» (Watch out, because there are lots of… unrollers outside!) |
Nori «È tempo di decidere! Andate al terminal di voto e scegliete una squadra!» (It's time to choose! Head to the voting terminal and pick a side!) |
Alga's dialogue | Nori's dialogue | Region |
Alga «Da che parte si srotola la carta igienica? Davanti o dietro?» (From where should you unroll toilet paper? Front or back?) |
Nori «Correte al bagn… ehm, al terminal di voto e scegliete da che parte stare!» (Head to the toil… the voting terminal and pick your side!) |
Alga's dialogue | Nori's dialogue | Region |
Alga «Sìììììì! Quando si tratta di urgenze, prevale sempre il buon senso!» (Yessssss! When in urgent need, common sense always prevails!) |
Nori «Oh no… Hai visto cosa hai combinato, Alga?» (Oh no… Have you seen what you've done, Pearl?!) |
Alga «Certo! Ho spiegato a tutti come si mette la carta igienica in modo corretto!» (Of course! I've taught them all how to hang toilet paper correctly!) |
Nori «Sigh… Immagino già i bagni di Coloropoli sommersi da quintali di carta igienica…» (Sigh… I already imagine the toilets in Inkopolis, submerged in tons of toilet paper…) |
Alga «-» |
Nori «Gli unici vincitori sono i gatti dispettosi! Ed è tutta colpa tua, Alga!» (The only winners are spiteful cats! And it's all your fault, Pearl!) |
Alga «Ma se in tutta Coloropoli ci sono solo DUE gatti! Tranquilla, andrà tutto bene.» (But there are only TWO cats in the entirety of Inkopolis! Don't worry, everything will be fine.) |
Nori «Uff, mi sa che hai ragione… E comunque io preferisco le salviette umidificate!» (Oof, it seems you're right... And I prefer wet wipes anyway!) |
Alga «Se avete partecipato al festival, i vostri premi vi attendono in piazza!» (If you took part in the Splatfest, your prizes are waiting for you at the square!) |
Nori «-» |
Top 100
View the Top 100 rankings |
Splatfest Icon
Team Front Roll icon
Team Back Roll icon
Promotional images
Artwork of Off the Hook
Team artwork
Win screens
In-game screenshots
Names in other languages
Language | Name | Meaning |
Dutch | Voor vs. Achter | In front vs. Behind |
French | Par-dessus vs. Par-dessous | Above vs. Below |
German | Vorwärts vs. Rückwärts | Outwards vs. Inwards |
Italian | Davanti vs. Dietro | At front vs. Behind |
Russian | К себе vs. К стене K sebe vs. K stene |
Against you vs. Against the wall |
Spanish | Para fuera vs. Para dentro | Outwards vs. Inwards |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | トイレットペーパー表/裏 Toiretto pēpā omote/ura |
Toilet paper front/back |
Dutch | Voor / Achter | In front / Behind |
French | Par-dessus/Par-dessous | Over/Beneath |
German | Vorwärts/Rückwärts | Outwards/Inwards |
Italian | Rotolo davanti/Dietro | Roll forward/Backwards |
Russian | Рулон к себе / к стене Rulon k sebe / k stene |
Roll against you / against the wall |
Spanish | Para fuera/Para dentro | Outwards/Inwards |
See also
External links
- @NintendoUK announcement of the event
- @NintendoUK reminder post for the event
- @NintendoUK announcement of the winner
- @NintendoNL on Twitter (announcement), @NintendoNL on Twitter (reminder), @NintendoNL on Twitter (reminder), @NintendoNL on Twitter (reminder), @NintendoNL on Twitter (results)