Hammerhead Bridge/Quotes

Reason: Add all Deep Cut quotes in all languages.
Squid Sisters quotes
English quotes
Japanese quotes
French quotes
German quotes
Aioli's dialogue | Limone's dialogue | Region |
Aioli „Von hier sieht der Hafen nachts richtig toll aus!“ (From here the port at night looks really nice!) |
Limone „Ja, und dafür musstest du mich um 3 Uhr anrufen...“ (Yeah, and for that you had to call at 3 o'clock...) |
Aioli „An dieser Brücke wird ja schon ewig gebaut...“ (It will be built for a eternally for this bridge...) |
Limone „Ja, aber wo sind denn die ganzen Arbeiter?“ (Yeah, but where are all the workers?) |
Aioli „Ich kann's kaum erwarten, bis die Brücke fertig ist!“ (I can't wait, until the bridge is finished!) |
Limone „Aber die Fähre ist doch so schön entspannend...“ (But the fare is so nice relaxing...) |
Aioli „Das wird mal die längste Brücke der Welt!“ (That will be the longest bridge of the world!) |
Limone „Und wohl auch die teuerste Brückenmaut der Welt...“ (And also the most expensive bridge toll of the world...) |
Aioli „Mit dieser Brücke sind wir schneller bei der Arbeit!“ (With this bridge we're faster at work!) |
Limone „Ich würde eher sagen, wir können länger schlafen...“ (I would rather say, we can sleep longer...) |
Aioli „Schau mal, schau! Ich kann hier den Horizont sehen!“ (Look there, look! I can see here the horizon!) |
Limone „Warum konzentrieren wir uns nicht auf die Kämpfe?“ (Why don't we concentrate on the battle?) |
Aioli „Hier mit dem Rad zu fahren macht bestimmt Spaß!“ (Driving here with a bike is surely fun to do!) |
Limone „Solange du ausnahmsweise nicht runterfällst...“ (As long as you exceptionally don't fall down...) |
Aioli „Irgendwelche Tipps für diese Arena?“ (Some tips for this stage?) |
Limone „Von unten Tinte durch die Gitter schießen. Oder so.“ (From down shoot ink through the grid. Or something.) |
Aioli „Das Meer ist so ruhig. Man möchte glatt einschlafen...“ (The sea is so calm. You would totally fall asleep...) |
Limone „Sag so was nicht! Ich werde auch ganz müde!“ (Don't say that! I'm going to get very sleepy!) |
Spanish quotes
Mar's dialogue | Tina's dialogue | Region |
Mar![]() «¡Con el puente llegaremos antes al trabajo!» (With the bridge, we'll arrive before work!) |
Tina![]() «Más horas chambeando... Qué bien...» (More time working... great...) |
Mar![]() «Llevan siglos construyendo este puente.» (They've spent ages building this bridge.) |
Tina![]() «Será porque hay que parar durante los combates.» (It's because they have to stop during battles.) |
Mar![]() «Este va a ser el puente más grande de la zona.» (This is going to be the biggest bridge in the area.) |
Tina![]() «Si es que terminan de construirlo algún día...» (If they finish building it some day...) |
Mar![]() «¡Las vistas del puerto son increíbles por la noche!» (The port landscape is amazing at night!) |
Tina![]() «Sí, me llamaste a las 3 de la mañana para decírmelo...» (Yes, you phoned me at 3 a.m. to tell it to me.) |
Mar![]() «Me gustaría tener un bote y navegar por la bahía.» (I would like to have a boat and sail around the bay.) |
Tina![]() «Estaría bien descansar del bullicio de Cromópolis.» (It would be okay to rest from Inkopolis' bustle.) |
Mar![]() «¡Qué bien! Me encantan los combates en el puente.» (Alright! I love the battles on the bridge.) |
Tina![]() «No sé cómo lo haremos cuando terminen las obras.» (I don't know how we'll do it when construction ends.) |
Mar![]() «¡Qué bien! Puedo ver el horizonte desde aquí.» (Wow! I can see the horizon right here.) |
Tina![]() «Será mejor que te centres en ver el combate» (It'll be better if you focus in seeing the battle.) |
Mar![]() «¡Se me olvidaron las llaves en casa!» (I forgot my keys at home!) |
Tina![]() «Tendrás que entrar por la ventana otra vez.» (You'll have to enter through the window again.) |
Mar![]() «¡Quiero cruzar el puente en bicicleta!» (I wanna ride the bridge on a bicycle!) |
Tina![]() «Cómprate un casco en De cabeza primero...» (Buy a helmet at Cooler Heads first...) |
Mar![]() «¡Cuéntanos tu estrategia para este escenario, Tina!» (Tell us your strategy for this stage, Marie!) |
Tina![]() «Lo mejor es disparar desde abajo. O desde arriba.» (It's best to shoot from below. Or from above.) |
Mar![]() «El sonido de las olas de fondo me da sueño.» (The sound of the waves in the background make me feel sleepy.) |
Tina![]() «¡Pues despierta antes de que comience el combate!» (Well then, wake up before the match starts!) |
Italian quotes
Deep Cut quotes

Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Why'd it take so long for them to finish construction on Hammerhead Bridge?” |
Shiver “I heard that the construction workers spent half their time battling...” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “I like battling on Hammerhead Bridge 'cause it's a no-brainer. Just charge ahead!” |
Big Man “Ay? (Uhhh...you know there are open areas on either side of the map, right?)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Fun fact—Hammerhead Bridge is the longest bridge in the Splatlands.” |
Big Man “...Ay. (...It also has the most expensive toll to cross.)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “You know, that odd statue that emerged near Hammerhead Bridge is still there...” |
Big Man “Ay! Ay? Ay! (Oh, yeah! Why doesn't anyone talk about that anymore? It's so weird!)” |
Frye “They still have boat tours that'll take you right up next to it.” |
Shiver “What WON'T people sign up for...” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Didn't we record a music video on Hammerhead Bridge once?” |
Frye “Yeah, that one never saw the light of day. And we don't really talk about it...” |
Big Man “AY! Ay. (I'm RIGHT HERE! And yes, the wind blew me off the bridge. I'll never forget!)” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Is it cold on Hammerhead Bridge at night, or is it just me?” |
Frye “I'm always ROASTING there, so it's definitely you.” |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「マサバ海峡大橋の工事は ずいぶん長くかかったらしいのう」 |
フウカ 「ずっとイカたちが 工事現場でバトルしとって 作業が進まんかったらしいで、知らんけど」 |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「マサバ海峡大橋でのバトルは、まっすぐ ツッコむだけじゃから わかりやすいのう!」 |
マンタロー 「エイ?(ウツホちゃん、左右に広場があるの 気づいてなかったりする…?)」 |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「マサバ海峡大橋は この辺で一番長い橋やねんで!」 |
マンタロー 「エイ!(通行料金も 一番高いそうです!)」 |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「何年か前に 海の底から出てきたヘンな像、 ず~っと放置されたままやな」 |
マンタロー 「エエーイ(一時は 毎日ニュースでやってたのに 最近は全然見ないしねー)」 |
ウツホ 「像の近くまで ボートで行く見学ツアーは 今でも そこそこ人気と聞いたぞ」 |
フウカ 「物好きやねぇ…」 |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「前に マサバ海峡大橋で 音楽番組の収録しぃひんかった?」 |
ウツホ 「それは お蔵入りになったやつじゃな」 |
マンタロー 「エエィ…(風が強すぎて、ボクが地面に倒れたまま 起き上がれなくなっちゃったからね…)」 |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「夜のマサバ海峡大橋は ちょっと寒いねんな…」 |
ウツホ 「そうか? ワシは暑いくらいじゃがのう」 |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Waarom duurde het zo lang totdat de Brandingbrug af was?” (Why it took so long until Hammerhead Bridge was ready?) |
Haya “Ik heb gehoord dat er twee teams aan werkten die de helft van de tijd Grondoorlogen deden.” (I have heard that two teams worked on it who were doing Turf War battles half of the time.) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Vechten op de Brandingbrug is een makkie. Gewoon rechtdoor rennen en niet stoppen!” (Battling on Hammerhead Bridge is a breeze. Simply run straight ahead and don't stop!) |
Ray “Ay... Ay? (Ehhh... Je weet toch dat er gaten in zitten?)” (Ay... Ay? (Uhhh... Surely you know there are holes in it?)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Leuk weetje: de Brandingbrug is de langste brug in de Splatlands!” (Fun fact: Hammerhead Bridge is the longest bridge in the Splatlands!) |
Ray “Ay. Ay. (Ja, hij is wel erg lang. Ik wou dat er een afsnijweg was.)” (Ay. Ay. (Yes, it sure is very long. I wish there were a shortcut.)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Dat standbeeld dat naast de Brandingbrug omhoog is gekomen, is er nog steeds...” (The statue that rose next to Hammerhead Bridge, is still there...) |
Ray “Ay! Ay! (Ze gooien tegenwoordig echt van alles in zee! Wat een vandalisten!)” (Ay! Ay! (They are truly throwing anything into the sea these days! What vandalists!)) |
Muriël “Je kunt er ook boottochtjes naartoe maken om het te bekijken.” (You can take a boat trip to it to view it, too.) |
Haya “Nu hoop ik echt dat het niet iemands troep is. Anders sta je daar als toerist dom te kijken.” (Now I truly hope it isn't someone's trash. Otherwise, you would be there staring stupidly as a tourist.) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Ik dacht dat we op de Brandingbrug opnames hadden gedaan voor een clip. Of vergis ik me?” (I thought we had made recordings on Hammerhead Bridge for a clip. Or am I mistaken?) |
Muriël “Klopt, maar die clip is niets geworden vanwege onvoorziene omstandigheden.” (That is right, but that clip didn't work out due to unforeseen circumstances.) |
Ray “Ay! (Probeer jij maar eens op een brug te blijven staan als je lichaam op een zeil lijkt!)” (Ay! (You try to remain standing on a bridge if your body looks like a sail!)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Is het 's nachts nou zo koud op de Brandingbrug of ligt het aan mij?” (Is it really so cold on Hammerhead Bridge at night or is it just me?) |
Muriël “Ligt aan jou! Gewoon harder vechten, daardoor krijg je het vanzelf wel warm.” (It is just you! Simply battle harder, through that you will naturally get warm.) |
French (France)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Ça en finit pas, ces travaux de construction sur le pont Esturgeon... » |
Pasquale « Si les ouvriers passent leur temps à enchaîner les matchs, forcément... » |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « J'adore les matchs sur le pont, parce que la stratégie est simple : foncer droit devant ! » |
Raimi « Ay ? (Euh... T'es au courant qu'il y a des zones ouvertes de part et d'autre ?) » |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Le saviez-vous ? Le pont Esturgeon est le pont le plus long de la Contrée Clabousse. » |
Raimi « ... Ay. (... C'est aussi celui qui a le péage le plus cher.) » |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Vous savez, la statue qui a émergé près du pont Esturgeon est toujours là... » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Ah oui, tiens ! Pourquoi plus personne n'en parle ? C'est bizarre !) » |
Angie « Y a toujours des excursions en bateau qui emmènent les gens pour la voir de près. » |
Pasquale « Les gens savent vraiment plus quoi faire pour passer le temps... » |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « On avait tourné un clip sur le pont Esturgeon, non ? » |
Angie « Si, mais il est jamais sorti de la salle de montage. C'est un sujet sensible. » |
Raimi « AY ?! (Le vent m'a fait tomber du pont ! Voilà ! On peut parler d'autre chose ?!) » |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Il fait frisquet sur le pont Esturgeon la nuit, ou c'est juste une impression ? » |
Angie « Je crève de chaud à chaque fois, alors je confirme que c'est juste une impression. » |
French (Canada)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Ça en finit pas, ces travaux de construction sur le pont Esturgeon... » |
Pasquale « Si les ouvriers passent leur temps à enchaîner les matchs, forcément... » |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « J'adore les matchs sur le pont, parce que la stratégie est simple : foncer droit devant! » |
Raimi « Ay? (Euh... T'es au courant qu'il y a des zones ouvertes de part et d'autre?) » |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Le saviez-vous? Le pont Esturgeon est le pont le plus long de la Contrée Clabousse. » |
Raimi « ... Ay. (... C'est aussi celui qui a le péage le plus cher.) » |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Vous savez, la statue qui a émergé près du pont Esturgeon est toujours là... » |
Raimi « Ay! (Ah oui, tiens! Pourquoi plus personne n'en parle? C'est bizarre!) » |
Angie « Y'a toujours des excursions en bateau qui emmènent les gens pour la voir de près. » |
Pasquale « Les gens savent vraiment plus quoi faire pour passer le temps... » |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « On avait tourné un clip sur le pont Esturgeon, non? » |
Angie « Si, mais il est jamais sorti de la salle de montage. C'est un sujet sensible. » |
Raimi « AY?! (Le vent m'a fait tomber du pont! Voilà! On peut parler d'autre chose?!) » |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Il fait frisquet sur le pont Esturgeon la nuit, ou c'est juste une impression? » |
Angie « Je crève de chaud à chaque fois, alors je confirme que c'est juste une impression. » |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Wieso hat der Bau der Makrelenbrücke eigentlich so ewig lang gedauert?“ (Why'd it take so long to build Hammerhead Bridge?) |
Mako „Weil auf der Baustelle lieber gekleckst statt geklotzt wurde...“ (Because on the construction site it was preferred to battle instead of build...) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Die Makrelenbrücke ist das Tollste! Einfach geradeaus losrennen und klecksen!“ (Hammerhead Bridge is the best! Just run up and splat!) |
Mantaro „Ay...? (D-du weißt aber schon, dass es links und rechts offene Bereiche gibt...?)“ (Ay...? (Y-you know that there's more to do than that, right...?)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Wer's nicht wusste: Die Makrelenbrücke ist die längste Brücke im ganzen Distrikt!“ (Fun fact: Hammerhead Bridge is the longest bridge in the city!) |
Mantaro „...Ay. Ay! (...Und die teuerste obendrein. Die langen bei der Maut ganz schön zu!)“ (...Ay. Ay! (...And the most expensive. The tolls are even longer!)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Unter der Makrelenbrücke schaut immer noch diese komische Statue aus dem Meer...“ (Under Hammerhead Bridge that funny looking statue still remains...) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay... (Stimmt! Dass die kaum noch jemanden zu interessieren scheint...)“ (Ay! Ay... (That's right! Hardly anyone seems to talk about it anymore...)) |
Muri „Ich glaub, es gibt noch Bootstouren, die einen bis zu dem Ding hinschippern!“ (I think there are still boat rides that'll take you to the thing!) |
Mako „Wenn man sonst nichts vorhat...“ (If you have nothing else to do...) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Auf der Makrelenbrücke haben wir auch mal ein Musikvideo gedreht, stimmt's nicht?“ (We filmed a music video on Hammerhead Bridge, right?) |
Muri „Haben wir! Aber das ging nie auf Sendung. Von wegen weißt ja schon und so.“ (We did! But we never posted it. Because of what happened and such.) |
Mantaro „AY! Ay! (HE! Wenn der WIND mich packt und fortsegeln lässt, bin ICH doch nicht schuld!)“ (AY! Ay! (HEY! If the WIND pushes me and I sail away, IT'S not my fault!)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Empfinde nur ich es so oder ist die Makrelenbrücke nachts unheimlich kalt?“ (Is it just me, or is Hammerhead Bridge just really cold at night?) |
Muri „Liegt an dir! Wo ich bin, wird nämlich eingeheizt!“ (Just you! Wherever I am there is heat!) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Perché ci hanno messo tanto a finire i lavori sul Ponte Sgombro?» (Why did it take so long for them to finish the works at Hammerhead Bridge?) |
Pinnuccia «Ho sentito che gli operai passavano metà del tempo a combattere...» (I've heard the workers spending half the time battling...) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Lottare sul Ponte Sgombro è facile. Devi solo preoccuparti di quello che hai davanti!» (Battling on Hammerhead Bridge is easy. You only have to worry about what's in front of you!) |
Mantaleo «Man? (Uhm... Lo sai che ci sono spazi aperti su entrambi i lati della mappa, sì?)» (Ay? (Um... you know that there are open spaces on both sides of the map, do you?)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Lo sapevate che il Ponte Sgombro è il più lungo di Splattonia?» (Did you know that Hammerhead Bridge is the longest in the Splatlands?) |
Mantaleo «... Man. (... Ed è anche quello con il pedaggio più caro.)» (...Ay. (...And it's also the one with the highest toll.)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Quella strana statua che è emersa accanto al Ponte Sgombro è ancora là...» (That strange statue that emerged next to the Hammerhead Bridge is still there...) |
Mantaleo «Man Man? Man! (Ah sì! Perché nessuno ne parla? È veramente assurda!)» (Ay ay? Ay! (Oh right! Why isn't anybody talking about it? It's really absurd!))) |
Morena «Però fanno ancora i tour in barca che ti portano proprio lì vicino.» (But they still do those boat tours that bring you right there.) |
Pinnuccia «Certo che la gente ne ha di tempo da perdere...» (Man, people sure have some time to waste...) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Non abbiamo girato un video musicale sul Ponte Sgombro, una volta?» (Didn't we record a music video on the Hammerhead Bridge, one time?) |
Morena «Sì, quello che non è mai uscito. E abbiamo deciso di non parlarne mai...» (Yeah, the one that never aired. And we had decided to never talk about it...) |
Mantaleo «Man! (Non è colpa mia se il vento mi ha buttato giù dal ponte!)» (Ay! (It's not my fault that the wind pushed me out of the bridge!)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Fa freddo al Ponte Sgombro di notte o è solo una mia sensazione?» (Is it cold at Hammerhead Bridge at night or is it just my impression?) |
Morena «Io friggo sempre lassù, quindi è decisamente una tua sensazione.» (I'm always frying up there, so it's definitely your impression.) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Никто не знает, почему строители столько провозились с Акульим мостом?» (Does anyone know why did the builders tinker so much with the Hammerhead Bridge?) |
Кулла «По слухам, у них там плюхали, а не строили...» (It's rumored that they were splatting there instead of building...) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Тоже люблю поплюхать на Акульем мосту! Бежишь себе по прямой...» (I love to splat some on the Hammerhead Bridge too! You just run in a straight line...) |
Биг Ман «Ик? (А что с незащищенными зонами справа и слева?)» (Ay? (But what about the unprotected areas on the left and right?)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «А вы знали, что Акулий мост — самый длинный в Плюхтонии?» (Did you know that the Hammerhead Bridge is the longest in Splatlands?) |
Биг Ман «Ик. Ик. (Ага, и самый дорогой. Одна дорожная пошлина чего стоит.)» (Ay. Ay. (Yeah, and the most expensive. The road tolls alone are worth it.)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Там, у Акульего моста, из воды все еще торчит та странная статуя...» (That weird statue still sticks out of the water there, near the Hammerhead Bridge...) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик! Ик... (Ага! Все про нее успешно забыли! Это тоже странно...)» (Ay! Ay! Ay... (Yeah! Everyone has totally forgotten about it! That's weird too...)) |
Мурия «Если не лень, можешь прокатиться туда на кораблике с туристами!» (If not too lazy, you can ride there on a small ship with tourists!) |
Кулла «Тоже мне, достопримечательность.» (That showplace isn't that big of a deal.) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «А мы не записывали тут клип? Смутно припоминаю...» (Didn't we film a video clip here? I can recall vaguely...) |
Мурия «Да, было дело. Записать мы его записали, но не выпустили. Кое-кто знает, почему.» (Yes, it was the case. Sure, we filmed it, but never released. And someone knows why.) |
Биг Ман «ИК! Ик! (ЕЩЕ РАЗ! Я не виноват, что меня ветром унесло!)» (AY! Ay! (ONE MORE TIME! It's not my fault that I was blown away by the wind!)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «На Акульем мосту ночью такая холодина стоит! Или это мне кажется?» (It's so cold on the Hammerhead Bridge at night! Or is it just me?) |
Мурия «Точно кажется! Мне после боя всегда жарко!» (It's definitely just you! I'm always hot after a fight!) |
Spanish (Europe)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¿Por qué estarán tardando tanto tiempo en terminar la construcción de Puente Salmón?» |
Megan «Las malas lenguas cuentan que los obreros se distraen mucho organizando combates...» |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «Me gusta que en Puente Salmón se luche de forma directa, sin estrategias complejas.» |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (Esto... Nunca has pasado por las zonas amplias de los laterales, ¿verdad?)» |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «Aquí va un dato curioso: Puente Salmón es el puente más largo de toda la región.» |
Rayan «Zasss... (Y también el más caro de cruzar en coche, por culpa de tantos peajes...)» |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «Veo que esa estatua rara que apareció cerca de Puente Salmón aún sigue ahí...» |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (Es verdad. Hasta salió en las noticias. ¿Ya no le interesa a la gente?)» |
Angie «Bueno, creo que hay excursiones turísticas en barco para ir a verla de cerca.» |
Megan «¿En serio? Lo que llegan a hacer algunos por sacarse selfis en sitios rarunos...» |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¿En Puente Salmón también grabamos una vez un vídeo musical, no?» |
Angie «Cierto, pero no llegamos a publicarlo, por culpa de lo que le pasó a ya-sabes-quién...» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Eh, te estoy oyendo! Encima de que fui yo quien sufrió la caída al mar...)» |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¿Soy yo la única que se congela de frío en Puente Salmón por la noche?» |
Angie «Seguramente, porque yo, en cambio, acabo sudando a mares por el calor.» |
Spanish (North America)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “¿Por qué estarán tardando tanto tiempo en terminar la construcción de Puente Salmón?” |
Megan “Dicen por ahí que los obreros se distraen mucho organizando combates...” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “Me gusta que en Puente Salmón solo hay una opción: ¡ir directo al centro!” |
Rayan “¿Zasss? (Este... Sabes que hay espacios abiertos en los laterales, ¿verdad?)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan “Ahí va un dato curioso: Puente Salmón es el puente más largo de toda la región.” |
Rayan “Zasss... (Y también tiene el peaje más caro...)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan “Veo que esa estatua rara que apareció cerca de Puente Salmón aún sigue ahí...” |
Rayan “¿Zasss? (Es verdad. Hasta salió en las noticias. ¿Ya no le interesa a nadie?)” |
Angie “Bueno, creo que hay excursiones turísticas en barco para ir a verla de cerca.” |
Megan “La gente se apunta a cualquier cosa...” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan “En Puente Salmón grabamos un video musical, ¿verdad?” |
Angie “Cierto, pero no llegamos a publicarlo, por culpa de lo que le pasó a ya-sabes-quién...” |
Rayan “¡Zasss! (¡Te estoy oyendo! Y no fue mi culpa que el viento me sacó del puente).” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan “¿Soy yo la única que se congela de frío en Puente Salmón por la noche?” |
Angie “Seguramente, porque yo, en cambio, termino sudando a mares por el calor.” |
Chinese (Simplified)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “据说真鲭跨海大桥的工程 花了很长时间才结束。” |
莎莎 “好像是因为鱿鱼们一直在工地现场对战, 导致工程完全没有进展,具体我也不清楚。” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “在真鲭跨海大桥对战只要笔直向前冲就行, 非常简单易懂!” |
鬼福 “鲼?(曼曼,你该不会没注意到 左右两侧还有广场吧……?)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “真鲭跨海大桥是这附近最长的桥!” |
鬼福 “鲼!(通行费好像也是最昂贵的!)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “几年前,奇怪的雕像从海底冒出来之后, 就一~直没有人管过。” |
鬼福 “鲼~(当时每天的新闻都在报道这件事, 最近完全没消息了~)” |
曼曼 “据说现在也挺流行 乘坐小船去雕像附近参观哦。” |
莎莎 “一群怪人……” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “我们之前是不是在真鲭跨海大桥 录制过音乐节目?” |
曼曼 “那次录制的内容已经被雪藏了。” |
鬼福 “鲼……(毕竟那天风太大了, 我倒在地上起都起不来……)” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “夜晚的真鲭跨海大桥有点冷呢……” |
曼曼 “是吗?我倒是觉得有点热。” |
Chinese (Traditional)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「真鯖跨海大橋的工程 似乎耗費了很長一段時間才完成呢。」 |
莎莎 「聽說是因為魷魚們一直在施工現場對戰, 所以工程才遲遲沒有進度,但詳情我也不清楚。」 |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「在真鯖跨海大橋上對戰時只能筆直地往前衝, 真是簡單明瞭呢!」 |
鬼福 「魟?(曼曼,你該不會沒發現 左右兩邊還有廣場吧……?)」 |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「真鯖跨海大橋是這一帶最長的橋樑!」 |
鬼福 「魟!(通行費好像也是最貴的!)」 |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「那尊不知道幾年前從海底冒出來的奇怪雕像, 就這樣一~直杵在那裡沒人管呢。」 |
鬼福 「吼魟。(那陣子每天新聞都在報, 但最近都沒看到相關報導了呢~)」 |
曼曼 「聽說搭船到雕像附近的遊覽行程 現在還是挺有人氣的喔。」 |
莎莎 「真是群怪人……」 |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「我們之前應該有在真鯖跨海大橋 錄製過音樂節目吧?」 |
曼曼 「那次錄的內容後來沒有正式播出呢。」 |
鬼福 「魟……(畢竟那天風勢太強, 我整個倒在地上完全爬不起來……)」 |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「真鯖跨海大橋入夜之後感覺有點冷耶……」 |
曼曼 「是嗎?我反而還覺得熱耶。」 |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “고등어 해협 대교 공사는 제법 오래 걸렸다는 모양이구나” |
후우카 “잘은 모르겠지만 틈만 나면 공사 현장에서 배틀을 해서 작업에 차질이 있었다 카대” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “고등어 해협 대교에서의 배틀은 똑바로 쳐들어가기만 하면 되니 알기 쉽구나!” |
만타로 “만타…?(우츠호, 좌우에 광장이 있는 건 알고 있지…?)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “고등어 해협 대교는 이 부근에서 제일로 긴 다리데이!” |
만타로 “만타!(통행료도 가장 높대!)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “몇 년인가 전에 해저에서 발견된 이상한 조각상, 계속 방치되고 있구마” |
만타로 “마안~타(한때는 매일 뉴스에 나왔는데 요즘엔 전혀 보이질 않네~)” |
우츠호 “보트로 조각상 근처까지 가는 견학 투어는 지금도 그럭저럭 인기라고 들었느니라” |
후우카 “유별나구마…” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “저번에 고등어 해협 대교에서 음악 방송을 녹화하지 않았나?” |
우츠호 “미공개 처분된 영상 말이구나” |
만타로 “마안타…(내가 강풍에 쓰러져서 일어서지를 못했으니까 그럴 만도…)” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “해가 진 고등어 해협 대교는 쪼매 쌀쌀하구마…” |
우츠호 “정말이느냐? 나는 땀이 날 지경이거늘” |