Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March
Tumblr posts made in March of 2015.
March 5

This is the .52 Gal shooter. Each shot uses a LOT of ink, so it packs a serious punch. It has a low rate of fire, but if you aim carefully you can splat your foes before they know what hit 'em.
#Splatoon #Squidlab #Nintendo #WiiU #Weapons
— Originally posted on March 05, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#112796078379
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#112796078379|splatoonus on Tumblr]]

When he's not officiating a Turf War, Judd the cat can often be found sleeping at the base of Inkopolis Tower. They say cats sleep more the older they get, but just how old is this guy?
#Splatoon #SquidLab #Nintendo #WiiU #Judd #Cat Nap
— Originally posted on March 05, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#112820061147
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#112820061147|splatoonus on Tumblr]]
March 6

Attention science lovers! We've received GROUNDBREAKING research footage of...Judd taking a catnap. Our camera crew has captured over 200 hours of video of this never-before-seen phenomenon. After analyzing this footage, we've discovered that, uh, Judd's tail has a really weird shape! So don't worry—your tax dollars are hard at work solving the mysteries stuff.
#Splatoon #SquidLab #Nintendo #Wiiu #Judd #Cat Nap #SCIENCE
— Originally posted on March 06, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#112869540596
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#112869540596|splatoonus on Tumblr]]

BREAKING NEWS! The Octarian threat is real! Thank goodness that brave soul was there to contain the invasion!
#Splatoon #SquidLab #Nintendo #Wiiu #Octarians #Threat Containment #Should have used the Splattershot
— Originally posted on March 06, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#112897980019
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#112897980019|splatoonus on Tumblr]]
March 9

We've learned that a number of different fashion brands compete for the hearts and wallets of Inkopolis's youth. Zekko brand streetwear is but one of those brands. Zekko's clothes are known for a rough-around-the-edges look that's popular with the skate-punk crowd. A lot of up-and-coming Turf War players wear this brand into battle!
#Splatoon #SquidLab #Nintendo #WiiU #inkling fashion #He was a skater squid #She said see you later squid
— Originally posted on March 09, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#113205934149
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#113205934149|splatoonus on Tumblr]]
March 10

This weapon here is the Splat Roller. Its ability to ink the ground while on the move sometimes classifies it as a melee weapon, but you can also swing it to fling ink, making it effective at medium range too! It's all about knowing when to roll and when to fling!
#Splatoon #SquidLab #Nintendo #WiiU #Weapons #You got to know when to roll 'em #Know when to fling 'em
— Originally posted on March 10, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#113274261789
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#113274261789|splatoonus on Tumblr]]

This just in! One of our undercover interns captured some video footage of a Splat Roller being used in battle! Watching this should give you a pretty good idea of how these bad boys can be used in a Turf War. Check it out!
#Splatoon #Squidlab #Nintendo #WiiU #Weapons #Have you guys noticed how many interns we have?
— Originally posted on March 10, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#113289551404
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#113289551404|splatoonus on Tumblr]]
March 24

This just in! These guys are called Octotroopers. Word on the street is that they're the foot soldiers of the Octarian army. They seem to come in a variety of types, from hovercraft-riding attackers to sentries who guard specific spots!
#Splatoon #SquidLab #Nintendo #WiiU #Octotroopers #Octarians
— Originally posted on March 24, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114499115064
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114499115064|splatoonus on Tumblr]]

Our design intern just finished up this sweet card, which is apparently the other half of the one we posted on Valentine's Day. Sorry it's a bit late (he's pretty lazy), but any day is a good day to spread the love, right? Happy Tuesday!
#Splatoon #SquidLab #Nintendo #WiiU #Valentine's Day #Another Intern
— Originally posted on March 24, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114499509254
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114499509254|splatoonus on Tumblr]]

We've just confirmed that this weapon is called a Blaster. It shoots special ink rounds that burst like fireworks once they've traveled a certain distance! Apparently these bursts can deal damage in a pretty wide area, so this weapon is great for exposing hidden foes.
#Splatoon #SquidLab #Nintendo #WiiU #Weapons #Blaster #Sweet paint job
— Originally posted on March 24, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114500577144
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114500577144|splatoonus on Tumblr]]
March 25

One of our interns just uploaded this video of a Blaster in action! This footage shows just how its special exploding rounds work. It looks like direct hits will also take out enemies in a single shot. Check it out!
#Splatoon #SquidLab #Nintendo #WiiU #Weapons #Blaster
— Originally posted on March 25, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114575955166
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114575955166|splatoonus on Tumblr]]

This here is a Shielded Octotrooper! The name's a bit of a mouthful, but you guessed it: it's an Octotrooper with a shield! These suckers will block any attacks from the front, so stay focused and do your best to outwit them. Hide out for a bit and then attack from behind, or maybe try and distract them with something!
#Splatoon #SquidLab #Nintendo #WiiU #Enemies #Octotroopers
— Originally posted on March 25, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114602288540
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114602288540|splatoonus on Tumblr]]
March 26

This big boy is none other than an Octobomber! These pesky pelters flutter through the air tossing bombs at anyone and anything they don't like. Hide out and wait for a chance to strike, and then take 'em out right quick!
#Splatoon #Squidlab #Nintendo #WiiU #octarians #Nice lipstick!
— Originally posted on March 26, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114664302880
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114664302880|splatoonus on Tumblr]]

Special report! We mentioned in a previous report that stuff written in squid ink tends to change color over time, but we failed to provide solid proof. Well, we tested it out ourselves, and here's the results! This picture was taken right after we wrote these characters...
#Splatoon #SquidLab #Nintendo #WiiU #Squid Ink
— Originally posted on March 26, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114690287278
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114690287278|splatoonus on Tumblr]]
March 27

And here's a picture of the same characters a month later! Viewing it here in the lab, I can definitely see some fading. But in the picture it hardly looks different at all... Let's check back in on this after some more time has passed before drawing any conclusions.
#Splatoon #SquidLab #Nintendo #WiiU #Squid Ink
— Originally posted on March 27, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114750096215
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114750096215|splatoonus on Tumblr]]

Super slow day here in the lab, but I didn't wanna leave you guys hanging, so I've got a special treat: a squid joke! Why did the squid cancel its camping trip? It couldn't find its tentacle!
#Splatoon #SquidLab #Nintendo #WiiU #Squid Jokes #Dad Jokes
— Originally posted on March 27, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114776447714
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114776447714|splatoonus on Tumblr]]
March 28

News flash! We've just confirmed that this weapon is called a Splat Charger. Apparently ink is pressurized in the tank and then fired off in powerful blasts that are super effective at hitting long-range targets. Sooo sweet!
#Splatoon #Squidlab #Nintendo #WiiU #Weapons
— Originally posted on March 28, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114835689892
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114835689892|splatoonus on Tumblr]]

Ohhh, baby! We've just acquired some undercover footage of the Splat Charger in action. You gotta check this out! It looks like getting a feel for the timing of firing off maxed-out charges is the key to using this bad boy effectively.
#Splatoon #SquidLab #Nintendo #WiiU #Weapons
— Originally posted on March 28, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114865846919
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#114865846919|splatoonus on Tumblr]]
March 31

Call the fashion police! Because this Inkling is killing it in this down vest and these hiking boots by outdoor clothing label Inkline. While this brand specializes in high-quality all-weather gear, their look is also highly sought after by even the most fashionable squids, shrimp, and jellyfish.
#Splatoon #Squidlab #Nintendo #WiiU #Fashion Police #Inkling Fashion
— Originally posted on March 31, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#115167429239
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#115167429239|splatoonus on Tumblr]]

Octarian alert! One of our mail guys (he does some recon on the side) just confirmed that these bad dudes are called Twintacle Octotroopers. Sounds like they're advanced Octarian troops who pack more of a punch than standard Octotroopers. If you look closely, you'll notice (like Fred did) that these suckers use one tentacle to work their little steering joystick thingy and the other to mash their ink-shooting button. Wonder how many button presses these guys can fire off per second? Probably not as many as me! (I'm an old-school button-masher the likes of which you've probably never seen. Don't step!)
#Splatoon #SquidLab #Nintendo #WiiU #Mail Guy Espionage
— Originally posted on March 31, 2015 by splatoonus
Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#115170908195
{{TBR}} [[Inkipedia:Tumblr archive/2015/March#115170908195|splatoonus on Tumblr]]