Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May
Tweets posted in May of 2023.
May 1

Originally posted on May 1, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1653189611903139840
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1653189611903139840|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

Update data Ver.3.1.1 will be released for #Splatoon3 later this evening.
Please see the following page for additional details:
Originally posted on May 1, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1653190316101337088
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1653190316101337088|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

[Splatoon 3]
Version 3.1.1 will be released at 1 am UTC (~1 hour as of this tweet).
This update contains data for the Zelda Splatfest and bug fixes. There are no balance changes.
The next update will be at the end of the season.
English patch notes:
Originally posted on May 1, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1653190663263879171
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1653190663263879171|@OatmealDome on Twitter]]
May 2

Scorch Gorge Tricolor Layout
Originally posted on May 2, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1653208511105605633
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1653208511105605633|@DiamCreeper24 on Twitter]]
May 3
May 4
May 5

お題は「汝、何を求める? 力 vs 知恵 vs 勇気」。
Originally posted on May 5, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1654410605938495496
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1654410605938495496|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

드디어 내일부터 「젤다의 전설」 시리즈와의 컬래버레이션 페스티벌이 시작됩니다.
주제는 「그대여, 무엇을 바라는가? 힘 vs 지혜 vs 용기」입니다.
Originally posted on May 5, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1654425713448042496
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1654425713448042496|@Nintendo_Korea on Twitter]]

Rejestracja na Mistrzostwa Polski Splatoon 3 właśnie została otwarta! 🏆
📌 Pierwszy turniej kwalifikacyjny odbędzie się 27 i 28 maja na Pixel Heaven w Warszawie 📌 Drugi turniej w sobotę 17 i niedzielę 18 czerwca na Pyrkonie w Poznaniu
Originally posted on May 5, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1654471008097644544
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1654471008097644544|@Nintendo_DIS_CE on Twitter]]

Only a few hours remain until the Splatoon x The Legend of #Zelda Splatfest begins in #Splatoon3!
Which team are you representing?
The action kicks-off tonight at 5pm PT, see you there!
Originally posted on May 5, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1654471261702045697
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1654471261702045697|@NintendoCanada on Twitter]]

SRL Procrastination Team here! Haven't chosen a side in The Legend of Zelda collab Splatfest yet? Don't panic. Well, panic a little bit. It starts today! But there's still time to get in on the action. Which do you seek? Power, wisdom, or courage? Choose wisely and good luck.
Originally posted on May 5, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1654471261832003585
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1654471261832003585|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Only a few hours remain until the Splatoon x The Legend of #Zelda Splatfest begins in #Splatoon3!
Which team are you representing?
The action kicks-off tonight at 5pm PT, see you there!
Originally posted on May 5, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1654471262184374272
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1654471262184374272|@NintendoAmerica on Twitter]]
May 6

O Splatfest #Splatoon x The Legend of #Zelda já arrancou! Escolham a vossa equipa – Poder, Sabedoria ou Coragem – e espalhem tinta até à vitória!
Originally posted on May 6, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1654757897442656256
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1654757897442656256|@NintendoPT on Twitter]]

It's Tricolor Turf War time! Jump into the Splatoon x The Legend of Zelda #Splatfest festivities in #Splatoon3 right now to battle it out in a special version of Scorch Gorge inspired by The Legend of #Zelda.
Originally posted on May 6, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1655007050512859140
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1655007050512859140|@NintendoAmerica on Twitter]]
May 7
May 8

The Splatoon x The Legend of #Zelda Splatfest results are in! And the winner is… *chest opening music* #TeamPower with a 57p Win!
Thanks to all the heroes who lended their power, and don't forget to claim your Super Sea Snails in-game!
Originally posted on May 8, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1655396316925644801
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1655396316925644801|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

第6回「ゼルダの伝説」コラボフェス「汝、何を求める? 力 vs 知恵 vs 勇気」の結果は、57対0対0で「力」チームの勝利に終わった。
Originally posted on May 8, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1655397210966884352
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1655397210966884352|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

A equipa "Poder" triunfou no Splatfest #Splatoon x The Legend of #Zelda. Parabéns aos vencedores e obrigado a todos os que participaram!
Originally posted on May 8, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1655497771246313472
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1655497771246313472|@NintendoPT on Twitter]]

De andere teams bleken niet te zijn opgewassen tegen Team Kracht in het #Splatoon x The Legend of #Zelda-Splatfest. We feliciteren de winnaars en bedanken iedereen voor hun deelname!
Originally posted on May 8, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1655497771250532353
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1655497771250532353|@NintendoNL on Twitter]]

Im #Splatoon x The Legend of #Zelda-Splatfest mussten sich die anderen Teams der Macht von Team Kraft beugen. Glückwunsch an das Gewinner-Team und danke an alle, die teilgenommen haben!
Originally posted on May 8, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1655497771263090691
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1655497771263090691|@NintendoDE on Twitter]]

The other teams were unable to stand up to the might of Team Power in the #Splatoon x The Legend of #Zelda Splatfest. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who took part!
Originally posted on May 8, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1655499306558693376
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1655499306558693376|@Splatoon_Nordic on Twitter]]

The other teams were unable to stand up to the might of Team Power in the #Splatoon x The Legend of #Zelda Splatfest. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who took part!
Originally posted on May 8, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1655497772919816193
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1655497772919816193|@NintendoUK on Twitter]]

Replying to PeachedChai
I was able to find these
Originally posted on May 8, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1655637837021077512
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1655637837021077512|@diffidentDennis on Twitter]]
May 9
May 10

Attentie Inklings en Octolings! Speel je al een tijdje Splatoon 3 en denk je dat je inmiddels al aardig uit de verf komt? Dan is nu het moment om je skills te tonen, tijdens het Splatoon 3 European Championship – The Netherlands!
Meer info:
Originally posted on May 10, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1656290500024975361
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1656290500024975361|@NintendoNL on Twitter]]

Attentie Inklings en Octolings! Speel je al een tijdje Splatoon 3 en denk je dat je inmiddels al aardig uit de verf komt? Dan is nu het moment om je skills te tonen, tijdens het Splatoon 3 European Championship – Belgium!
Meer info:
Originally posted on May 10, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1656290500217896963
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1656290500217896963|@NintendoBE_NL on Twitter]]

Cela fait déjà un moment que vous jouez à Splatoon 3 et vous éclaboussez déjà vos amis de votre talent …et de votre peinture ? Alors il est temps de montrer vos compétences lors du Splatoon 3 European Championship – Belgium !
Plus d'infos :
Originally posted on May 10, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1656290500482158599
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1656290500482158599|@NintendoBE_FR on Twitter]]
May 11
May 12
May 13
May 14
May 15
May 16

SRL Investigative Video Team here. We've obtained what seems to be some sort of trailer for "Sizzle Season." Musicology can't stop raving about the music, and Ballistics is going bananas over some of the things they've seen, so it's definitely worth checking out. What do YOU see?
Originally posted on May 16, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658457873813217282
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658457873813217282|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
Sizzle Season 2023 arrives in #Splatoon3 on 6/1! Get fired up with new weapons, stages, challenges, and more!
Originally posted on May 16, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658458216051937280
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658458216051937280|@NintendoAmerica on Twitter]]

Hot new weapons, stages, gear and more – #Splatoon3's Sizzle Season 2023 kicks off 01/06!
Check out the trailer to see what's cooking. 👇
Originally posted on May 16, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658465854101811200
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658465854101811200|@Splatoon_Nordic on Twitter]]

Hot new weapons, stages, gear and more – #Splatoon3's Sizzle Season 2023 kicks off 01/06!
Check out the trailer to see what's cooking. 👇
Originally posted on May 16, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658458078130458625
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658458078130458625|@NintendoEurope on Twitter]]

2023年6月1日(木)より始まる新しいシーズン「2023夏 Sizzle Season」についての映像が公開されたぞ!
Originally posted on May 16, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658458046237122562
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658458046237122562|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]
May 17

Originally posted on May 17, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658759510562070530
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658759510562070530|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonJP
「6/3(土) 昼13時~15時」「6/3(土) 夜21時~23時」「6/4(日) 早朝5時~7時」の計3回開催されるので、ご都合の良い時間帯に参加していただければ幸いだ。
Originally posted on May 17, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658760013916299264
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658760013916299264|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

De S-BLAST '92 arriveert in het Hitteseizoen 2023 van #Splatoon3. Dankzij de twee standen van deze nieuwe knaller kun je zowel op afstand als van dichtbij prima uit de voeten! Batterijen niet inbegrepen. Ook niet nodig.
Originally posted on May 17, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658789462795485191
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658789462795485191|@NintendoNL on Twitter]]

Take aim with the S-BLAST '92 in #Splatoon3's Sizzle Season 2023. Whether you want long-range accuracy or close up damage, this new Blaster's two modes have you covered! Batteries not included. Or needed.
Originally posted on May 17, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658789462824845313
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658789462824845313|@NintendoEurope on Twitter]]

A new mode – Challenge – is coming to #Splatoon3 in Sizzle Season 2023!
Look forward to monthly challenges and events with special rules. Test your Turf War talent on a brand new stage in the first event, taking place 03/06!
Originally posted on May 17, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658804561211977730
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658804561211977730|@NintendoEurope on Twitter]]

Take aim with the S-BLAST '92 in #Splatoon3's Sizzle Season 2023. Whether you want long-range accuracy or close up damage, this new Blaster's two modes have you covered! Batteries not included. Or needed.
Originally posted on May 17, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658804658805039104
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658804658805039104|@Splatoon_Nordic on Twitter]]

A new mode – Challenge – is coming to #Splatoon3 in Sizzle Season 2023!
Look forward to monthly challenges and events with special rules. Test your Turf War talent on a brand new stage in the first event, taking place 03/06!
Originally posted on May 17, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658805168379506689
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658805168379506689|@Splatoon_Nordic on Twitter]]

SRL Ballistics here. Wooo! It's good to be back. And we are SO BACK with exclusive imagery of the new S-BLAST '92. What a weapon. This baby has two firing modes—one designed for precision and range, and the other designed for EXCUSE ME and KA-SPLOOSH!
Originally posted on May 17, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658819757884297217
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658819757884297217|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
Sorry—we're just so excited. Check out this video of the S-BLAST '92 in action. No batteries required! And note that jumping while firing is how you activate the shorter-range firing mode with bigger blasts. Keep your feet on the ground to hit faraway targets with precision.
Originally posted on May 17, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658819969281343488
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658819969281343488|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
Ballistics aside, we have an update about the League Battle feature from Splatoon 2. A similar feature is coming in Sizzle Season with a new name—Challenges! These are an exciting new way to battle with special rules for a limited time, and you can join solo or with friends.
Originally posted on May 17, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658819977695186944
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658819977695186944|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
Of course, you can still hop into an Anarchy Battle (Open) with a squid (or octo) squad anytime. Between Challenges and Anarchy Battles (Open), you'll have the flexibility to splat the way you want. Challenges can also be tourney qualifiers, so we hope you'll check them out.
Originally posted on May 17, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658819983395237888
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658819983395237888|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
The first Challenge on the schedule is the New Season Challenge, celebrating the start of Sizzle Season! There will be three play windows: 6/2 from 9 PM to 11 PM, 6/3 from 5 AM to 7 AM, and 6/3 from 1 PM to 3 PM. All times PT.
Originally posted on May 17, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658819985278377984
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658819985278377984|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
Keep your eyes peeled for more Challenges in the future. From one with Too Many Trizookas—where you can fire the Trizooka almost endlessly—to an Extreme Jump Battle with powered-up jumping physics, the possibilities are endless!
Originally posted on May 17, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658819998868013058
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1658819998868013058|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]
May 18

Originally posted on May 18, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659121650607194113
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659121650607194113|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonJP
Originally posted on May 18, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659121899098591237
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659121899098591237|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

SRL Ballistics back again! The S-BLAST was and IS cool, but we can only watch the video so many times. Now we're on to the Painbrush, the biggest, heaviest, and NEWEST brush in the game! Please hold while we watch and analyze our new Painbrush video 2,479 times.
Originally posted on May 18, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659182104083660801
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659182104083660801|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
And here it is in action! Note how the first swing is slow, but subsequent swings fling ink fast and wide. Plus, you can hold down the ZR Button to advance quickly as needed. If battling is an art, this brush could be…an art tool? IDK. We're scientists, not artists.
Originally posted on May 18, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659182285785030656
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659182285785030656|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
While Ballistics is obsessed with its new video, we have an update about Anarchy Power, which is calculated when you make a team of 2-4 players and play at least five Anarchy Battles (Open) with that team. This number is separate from your normal Rank Points.
Originally posted on May 18, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659182296765718528
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659182296765718528|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
Note that Anarchy Power is only shown when you're on a team AND have the Match Menu open, but you can check the lobby terminal later to see the highest value recorded. Also, you can now change gear between battles while keeping the team together. Just select Change Gear, Then Go!
Originally posted on May 18, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659182303640276996
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659182303640276996|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]
May 19

A new Salmon Run stage, Jammin' Salmon Junction, is coming to #Splatoon3 in Sizzle Season 2023! Watch you don't get stuck in a jam in this abandoned motorway-turned-concert venue.
Originally posted on May 19, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659514238732206091
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659514238732206091|@NintendoEurope on Twitter]]

A new Salmon Run stage, Jammin' Salmon Junction, is coming to #Splatoon3 in Sizzle Season 2023! Watch you don't get stuck in a jam in this abandoned motorway-turned-concert venue.
Originally posted on May 19, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659522160006766592
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659522160006766592|@Splatoon_Nordic on Twitter]]

Happy Friday! SRL Real Estate here with great news heading into the weekend—we've discovered a new Salmon Run stage! Known as Jammin' Salmon Junction, the site was a multilane highway that fell into disrepair before being upcycled into a concert venue. Hope it was done to code!
Originally posted on May 19, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659544453369954305
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659544453369954305|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
And here's great news for when the weekend is over—you'll soon be able to pick up Eggstra Work as a solo player! Whether you join solo or with one or more teammates, you'll start as a team of 4 and match based on your high score. The next opening will be 6/30 - 7/2, so get ready!
Originally posted on May 19, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659544458357100544
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659544458357100544|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
Speaking of work, here's an update from Grizzco. "Be advised that a Big Run invasion is scheduled from 5pm PT on 6/9 to 5pm PT on 6/11 at Undertow Spillway. We grudgingly agree to double the number of fish scales awarded for participation. Do not squander this opportunity!"
Originally posted on May 19, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659544460756242433
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1659544460756242433|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]
May 20
May 21
May 22

Originally posted on May 22, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660571204124819456
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660571204124819456|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

Here's a sneak peek at the #Splatoon3 Sizzle Season 2023 catalog, featuring fresh summer gear, console-themed locker decorations, emotes and more!
Originally posted on May 22, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660571327885897729
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660571327885897729|@NintendoEurope on Twitter]]

Originally posted on May 22, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660571450494046211
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660571450494046211|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

Here's a sneak peek at the #Splatoon3 Sizzle Season 2023 catalog, featuring fresh summer gear, console-themed locker decorations, emotes and more!
Originally posted on May 22, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660599583074820102
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660599583074820102|@Splatoon_Nordic on Twitter]]

Her er en liten sniktitt på #Splatoon3 Sizzle Season 2023-katalogen, full av kule sommerklær, tilbehør, klassiske konsoller og emotes, med mer! ☀️
Originally posted on May 22, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660614338707615744
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660614338707615744|@BergsalaNorge on Twitter]]

SRL Ballistics here with a report on the H-3 Nozzlenose D. We're going to be honest—it's a regular H-3 Nozzlenose with a new emblem. But it comes with the Big Bubbler and Splash Wall! This new loadout will tighten your defense and allow you to decimate enemies with precision.
Originally posted on May 22, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660631677679304706
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660631677679304706|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

And speaking of weapons with updated designs and loadouts, here's the Rapid Blaster Pro Deco! Now you can bounce attacks all over the map with the Angle Shooter and turn up the volume on your offense with the Killer Wail 5.1 special. Sounds good to us!
Originally posted on May 22, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660631753541730305
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660631753541730305|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]
May 23

Originally posted on May 23, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660933838183227392
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660933838183227392|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

Originally posted on May 23, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660934089489149952
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660934089489149952|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

SRL here again! Buckle your Science Seat Belt (patent pending), because we've got tons of info for you. First, check out the new Barnacle & Dime stage in Splatsville! It's an upscale mall with a fancy fountain that doubles as a battleground. Shop, save, and splat all at once!
Originally posted on May 23, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660994168133484546
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660994168133484546|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
From Ballistics, here's a report on the Light Tetra Dualies. "This redesigned Tetra Dualies loadout has a lighter look but the same excellent mobility. Paired with the Sprinkler sub and Zipcaster special, this set can help you cinch the win with four consecutive Dodge Rolls!"
Originally posted on May 23, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660994246462132224
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660994246462132224|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
You know what? We're just going to hand Ballistics the mic. Ahem. Is this thing on? Check out the Tenta Sorella Brella! It's a more offensive-focused version of the Tenta Brella, allowing you to place Ink Mines or fire the Trizooka while using launched brellas as diversions.
Originally posted on May 23, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660994348463316993
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1660994348463316993|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]
May 24

Originally posted on May 24, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661296226996994048
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661296226996994048|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

#Splatoon3 takes a trip to the mall when the new Turf War stage, Barnacle & Dime, arrives in Sizzle Season 2023.
Originally posted on May 24, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661296302079057920
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661296302079057920|@NintendoEurope on Twitter]]

Replying to NintendoEurope
Extreme sports fans can also look forward to the return of Humpback Pump Track from #Splatoon2!
Originally posted on May 24, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661296417757966338
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661296417757966338|@NintendoEurope on Twitter]]

Originally posted on May 24, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661296477849915392
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661296477849915392|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

SRL Ballistics again! Check out the Annaki Splattershot Nova, a collab between the Annaki brand and the makers of the Splattershot. Paired with the Inkjet special, it's a versatile weapon that allows you to keep your distance. If anyone gets close? That's what Ink Mines are for!
Originally posted on May 24, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661356625431609345
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661356625431609345|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
And here's the Splatana Wiper Deco, which offers the same performance as the Splatana Wiper with a redesigned aesthetic. With sneaky use of your Squid Beakon sub, you can slip behind enemy lines and wreak havoc. Maybe even fire off some Tenta Missiles!
Originally posted on May 24, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661356701386174464
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661356701386174464|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

SRL coming right back with footage of the returning Humpback Pump Track stage in action! With winding curves, hills, and valleys, this former bicycle track makes for a topsy-turvy battlefield where teams usually fight to control the central ground.
Originally posted on May 24, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661375890599686153
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661375890599686153|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]
May 25

SRL Board Game & Leisure Activity Team here with a report on Tableturf Battle. We're getting new cards! There will be 11 new cards in total, including the Painbrush card that offers Special Points and the S-BLAST '92 card that helps utilize the corners of the stage.
Originally posted on May 25, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661718774179930115
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661718774179930115|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
Also, win streaks for online matches will now be displayed in-game! The streak starts when you join a room and resets to zero when you leave. Plus, we'll be getting other nifty upgrades, like a lift of the current rank cap and room permanence even when the room creator leaves!
Originally posted on May 25, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661718787123552257
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661718787123552257|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Les qualifications en ligne du #Splatoon3 European Championship 2023 démarrent en juin !
Les 8 équipes qui seront qualifiées à l'issue des 4 sessions de qualifications se départageront lors de la finale nationale en juillet !
Plus d'informations ici :
Originally posted on May 25, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661751568784564225
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1661751568784564225|@Splatoon_FRA on Twitter]]
May 26

Startschuss für Österreich: Das offizielle #Splatoon3 Austrian Championship findet ab dem 27. Mai in mehreren Runden statt!
Teams aus Österreich können sich hier für die Splatoon 3 European Championship 2023 qualifizieren.
Informationen und Anmeldung:
Originally posted on May 26,2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1662050950046007303
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1662050950046007303|@NintendoDE on Twitter]]

Happy Friday from SRL Ballistics! Today we're showing off the Custom Dualie Squelchers, which come paired with the Squid Beakon sub and the Super Chump special. Gather allies with the Squid Beakon, and then bamboozle opponents with your Super Chump before an all-out blitz!
Originally posted on May 26, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1662081224410558466
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1662081224410558466|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
Next up, the Heavy Splatling Deco. Yes, it's "just" a bedazzled Heavy Splatling, but with the Point Sensor sub, you can sniff out enemy positions and then corner 'em with the Splatling. Finally, unleash the Kraken Royale special to splat 'em good!
Originally posted on May 26, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1662081447929192448
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1662081447929192448|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
Last one today—meet the Big Swig Roller Express! Despite the name, it's not any faster than the Big Swig Roller, but it comes with the Angle Shooter sub to help you set up a wide-ranging attack. And when the forecast calls for an Ink Storm, you've got the special to dial one up!
Originally posted on May 26, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1662081650526748678
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1662081650526748678|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Les 8 équipes qualifiées se départageront lors de la finale nationale, en direct de @japanexpo!
Rendez-vous le samedi 15 juillet pour découvrir l'équipe qui représentera la France lors du Splatoon 3 European Championship🔥#SplatoonEC
Originally posted on May 26, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1662127941269041152
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1662127941269041152|@Splatoon_FRA on Twitter]]
May 27

Rendez-vous samedi 3 juin pour la première session de qualification française du #SplatoonEC 🏆
Pour inscrire ton équipe :
Rejoindre le Discord communautaire pour trouver une équipe :
Originally posted on May 27, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1662383146149502979
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1662383146149502979|@Splatoon_FRA on Twitter]]
May 28

Replying to cack1e
I did it. 😏
Originally posted on May 28, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1662829677298462722
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1662829677298462722|@Else_noracat on Twitter]]

Replying to Else_noracat
That was all
Originally posted on May 28, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1662829861952708610
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1662829861952708610|@Else_noracat on Twitter]]
May 29
May 30

バトルで聴ける新たな楽曲を演奏するのは「YOKO HORNS & FRIENDS」。
Originally posted on May 30, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663108385976508417
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663108385976508417|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

Locker goals #Splatoon3
Originally posted on May 30, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663109682427207681
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663109682427207681|@Splatoon_Nordic on Twitter]]

🎶 Yoko & the Gold Bazookas are set to stir things up in #Splatoon3's Sizzle Season 2023 with their new battle song, Rockagilly Blues!
Originally posted on May 30, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663142720423051265
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663142720423051265|@Splatoon_Nordic on Twitter]]

Fist bumps are in fashion in #Splatoon3's Sizzle Season 2023, as the team's top performers show mutual admiration for a successful splatting!
Originally posted on May 30, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663501412595105792
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663501412595105792|@Splatoon_Nordic on Twitter]]

SRL here with even more Sizzle Season findings. We've obtained an image of pretty much the coolest locker ever. Yes, we're scientists, but we're not immune to the charms of fresh stickers and retro game systems. Whoever owns this—wanna trade? Offering petri dishes and lab coats.
Originally posted on May 30, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663530711222038528
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663530711222038528|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Musicology here, reporting on new battle tunes by Yoko & the Gold Bazookas. This brassy new band is a side project for Yoko, who's known as the trumpet player in Ink Theory. We can confirm that when you get 7 musicians who all play horns in the studio, the result is SKA-MAZING!
Originally posted on May 30, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663531969299226624
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663531969299226624|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
Here's another one from Yoko & the Gold Bazookas, called Rockagilly Blues. It's a little heavier on twangy guitar, but it's still a hornucopia of brassy tones from all those gold bazookas. And with that bluesy, rockabilly sound, we're surprised they didn't call it... OH. OHHH.
Originally posted on May 30, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663532002589437957
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663532002589437957|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

SRL here with yet more discoveries on the cusp of Sizzle Season. Did you know that when two players on the winning team perform exceptionally well, they'll do a fist bump after their victory emotes? We do the same at SRL every time we publish findings!
Originally posted on May 30, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663561419567276032
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663561419567276032|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
It appears that the lobby has been upgraded as well! Players can now view the locker room, check notifications, or watch ghosts while matchmaking. If you're playing an Anarchy Battle (Open), you can even order from Crab-N-Go or try the Shell-Out Machine before selecting Ready!
Originally posted on May 30, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663561425560944642
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663561425560944642|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonNA
And for SplatNet 3 users, creating Private Battles is now easier. You can create a room directly from the app and share an invite on social media or other channels. Whether you're creating the room or receiving an invite, select Private Battle in the Splatoon 3 lobby to join.
Originally posted on May 30, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663561449115992064
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663561449115992064|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]

Update data Ver. 4.0.0 for #Splatoon3 will be available today. Please see the following page for additional details:
Originally posted on May 30, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663608682792484865
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663608682792484865|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]
May 31

Originally posted on May 31, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663825705669627904
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663825705669627904|@nintendo_cs on Twitter]]

Replying to nintendo_cs
Originally posted on May 31, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663825974432247808
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1663825974432247808|@nintendo_cs on Twitter]]

The first Challenge on the schedule is the New Season Challenge, celebrating the start of Sizzle Season!
There will be three play windows: 6/2 from 9 PM to 11 PM, 6/3 from 5 AM to 7 AM, and 6/3 from 1 PM to 3 PM. All times PT.
Originally posted on May 31, 2023
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1664011450283638785
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2023/May#1664011450283638785|@SplatoonNA on Twitter]]