List of Palettes in Side Order

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This page lists the information as well as Smollusk's comments for each Palette available in Splatoon 3: Side Order.

Before unlocking the Palettes, Smollusk writes the following:

Smollusk's top secwet notes! They're wocked up tight unwess someone fiddles with the Palette settings fwom the contwol room on the top floor!


Pearl's Palette

Order Dualies

Curling Bomb


Did you know I study my enemies' moves
in the name of order?

Thanks to the digital tickets those jerks
sent me, I watch all the livestweams of
their shows! Then I check the VODs to
examine evewy detail of their evewy move.

CURSE THAT PEAWL! She's too cool...
Most common tone:
Second most common tone:

Marina's Palette

Order Brella


Ink Storm

Mawina used to understand the value of
an unchanging world. But then SHE
changed! What happened?!

Phooey! I'll never forgive whoever got to
Mawina! And I won't forgive Mawina
either for betwaying her pwinciples!

I'm gonna punish ALL of them!
Most common tone:
Second most common tone:

Agent 4's Palette

Order Shot

Splat Bomb


THIS is who Mawina wanted in charge of
Memverse secuwity? This unfwappable,
fwee-spiwited so-and-so? I would never
abide it! weason such stwength
shouldn't be used to pwotect a world
of order.

An Order Defense Force is MUCH cooler
than a New Squidbeak Splatoon anyway!
No lawless do-gooder would be beyond
our gwasp!
Most common tone:
Second most common tone:

Callie's Palette

Order Roller

Burst Bomb

Kraken Royale

This Cawwie and her foolish, airheaded
ways are a menace to any self-
wespecting fan of order. She never
wistens to her betters!

Huh? She's friends with some Octolings,
you say? Not only is she cute, she's a
nice wady too!

WAIT! Is her twue plan to lure Octolings
to the squid world with her charms?!
How wepwehensible! She must be
Most common tone:
Second most common tone:

Marie's Palette

Order Charger

Ink Mine

Triple Inkstrike

What was this one's name? Mawie?
She's pwobably the most pwomising of
the bunch.

Her bwilliant, sharp mind cuts through
the noise and stwaightens out chaotic
airheads! She's pwactically a guardian
of order alweady!

Except...she kinda seems OK with chaos?
And that's a big no-no for sewious order
Most common tone:
Second most common tone:

Shiver's Palette

Order Stringer

Toxic Mist

Killer Wail 5.1

I saw this Shiver person call a giant
beast "Master"!

But I didn't see this "Master" teaching
her any wessons. Maybe this so-called
Shiver is just twying to suck up to it?

NOT OK! Fwatterers like her can never
twuly be twusted. Her chaotic lies must
Most common tone:
Second most common tone:

Frye's Palette

Order Splatana

Fizzy Bomb

Crab Tank

GWAAAH! What a chaotic mess! Is this
what souls are like in Spwatsville?!

And get this. Sometimes it pways a
stwange flute and POOF! A bunch of
yellow cweatures appear and do twicks!
Incwedible! Wow, they seem so tame and
fwiendwy with the—

NO! Keeping someone capable of such
feats around would only distwact me
fwom my mission. For the sake of order,
they must all be PUNISHED!
Most common tone:
Second most common tone:

Big Man's Palette

Order Slosher

Suction Bomb

Triple Inkstrike

I've seen how this big manta was waised
with wuv in a warm, caring household!

Life seems tough for him wight now. He's
got wesponsibiwities as head of his
cwan, fwiends who give him all sorts of
gwief, and a job that keeps him up wate
writing songs.

So why is there always such a happy
gweam in his eyes?! BWECH! It annoys
me, so he must be PUNISHED!
Most common tone:
Second most common tone:

Murch's Palette

Order Blaster

Curling Bomb

Wave Breaker

I saw this guy conducting some sketchy
business with that suspiciouswy spiky-
headed old guy!

Although now it seems like maybe he's
wondering if he's satisfied with his
cuwwent station in life?

Don't give up! There's always a future in
order for industwious young men. Wash
your hands of these chaotic ways as
soon as you can!
Most common tone:
Second most common tone:

Sheldon's Palette


Ink Mine

Ultra Stamp

I personawwy saw this so-called Sheldon
person taking on two small, adowable
disciples a lot like me!

WHICH MEANS...he took two young,
impwessionable children who've known
him since they were babies and waised
them to inhewit his wegacy.

What sort of tewwible person would drill
a wuv for weapons into children so
young? This is an outwage! He must
Most common tone:
Second most common tone:

DJ Octavio's Palette

Order Splatling

Splash Wall

Booyah Bomb

HWAAAT?! This is a big-shot Octarian!
He seems to spend most of his time
these days fwying around in his bwand-
new robot.

But this is no time to be gwinding wasabi!
The happiness of all Octokind depends
on you! Pull yourself together!

The magistwate of order doesn't pway
favowites, not even for big shots. I
sentence him to PUNISHMENT!
Most common tone:
Second most common tone:

Eight's Palette

Octo Shot

Splat Bomb

Triple Splashdown

Oh, hiii, Eight! Can you tell I'm behaving
myself and doing a good job as boss
of the Spire?

I have all the Jelletons here with me,
so it doesn't get too wonely. But I still
want you and Peawl and Mawina and Acht
to come pway sometimes! You'll always
have a fwiend in Smollusk!
Most common tone:
Second most common tone: