Module:Inline singer lyrics/data

From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki

This module is loaded by Module:Inline singer lyrics and Module:Inline singer lyrics/Singer list. This module contains the following sub-tables and entries:

  • lang – the language tag for HTML lang attribute. This value is to allow porting the module to another wiki.
  • parens – hidden parentheses and separator characters that would be generated in the singer list by Module:Inline singer lyrics. This value is also for porting to another wiki.
  • map – a map of all valid singer keywords to their corresponding icons, colors and character names (as alt texts).
  • allSingers – an ordered list of singer keywords, used by Module:Inline singer lyrics/Singer list only.

The helper functions, tryConvertColor and getTextColor, are for internal use for this module. They help retrieve and compute color values for some table fields. Since this module is intended to loaded by mw.loadData, the table values will be computed once per page load and they shouldn't take too much time in terms of performance.

A singer (character) entry within the map contains the following fields:

  • icon – The icon representing the character. A file name (without the "File:" namespace prefix) must be specified.
  • textcolor – The color representing the character. This must be a value that can be used in CSS color property.[note 1] A hexadecimal notation (such as #c0c0c0) is preferred.
  • alt – The name of the singer (character) that serves as an alternative text. The English name of the character should be used, as the "inline singer lyrics" module does not support localizations and it produces lang="en" HTML attributes for singer names.[note 2]

The reason for the allSingers list is that Lua tables (associative arrays) do not store the order of which the entry is added into the table. In order to present the map entries in a logical order (by game and then by the "natural"/news/Splatfest presentation order of the characters), an explicit ordered list is used.

To add a new singer entry for use in "Inline singer lyrics" template, just edit the map and allSingers sub-tables. Look for the comments to see where to insert the new entry.[note 3] The "Supported singer keywords" in this documentation page will reflect with the new change automatically. (If not, purge the cache to see it.)



  1. Contrary to the field name, this value is currently used in background-color property and not as the text color.
  2. The language tag may change as the "inline singer lyrics" modules are localized to other wikis.
  3. A Lua comment starts with -- (two hyphens), unquoted, and continues until the end of the line. The Lua language supports multi-line comments but they are not needed for the purpose of this module.

Supported singer keywords for {{Inline singer lyrics}}
Singer keyword Mapped data
Icon Color Alt text
S Callie S_Icon_Callie.png   #c502e3 Callie
S Marie S_Icon_Marie.png   #358500 Marie
S2 Callie S2_Icon_Callie.png   #cd00db Callie
S2 Marie S2_Icon_Marie_2.png   #038745 Marie
S2 Pearl S2_Icon_Pearl.png   #e00083 Pearl
S2 Marina S2_Icon_Marina.png   #06844f Marina
OE Pearl OE_Icon_Pearl_relationship_chart.png   #e00083 Pearl
OE Marina OE_Icon_Marina_relationship_chart.png   #06844f Marina
S3 Callie RotM_Icon_Agent_1.png   #a000c8 Callie
S3 Marie RotM_Icon_Agent_2.png   #7fd39c Marie
S3 Pearl S3_Icon_Pearl.png   #e00083 Pearl
S3 Marina S3_Icon_Marina.png   #06844f Marina
S3 Shiver RotM_Icon_Shiver.png   #1437ff Shiver
S3 Frye RotM_Icon_Frye.png   #e5de00 Frye
S3 Big Man RotM_Icon_Big_Man.png   #9c9c9c Big Man
S3 Ian BGM RotM_Icon_Big_Man.png   #9c9c9c Ian BGM
SO Pearl SO_Icon_Pearl.png   #e00083 Pearl
SO Marina SO_Icon_Marina.png   #06844f Marina
Any other value RotM_Icon_???_square.png   #000000 keyword
Note: The actual list of singers is defined in Module:Inline singer lyrics/data. The code for generating this table is located in Module:Inline singer lyrics/Singer list.

--[[ This module is intended to be loaded with mw.loadData().
-- It contains no functions that can be called by {{#invoke:}}. ]]

local _getTextColor = require('Module:Text color').getColor

local tryConvertColor = function (s)
	local r, g, b

	-- [[Module:Text_color]] currently outputs color values in triples
	-- of decimal integers. 

	r, g, b = string.match(s, '^%s*(%d*)%s*,%s*(%d*)%s*,%s*(%d*)')
	if b ~= nil then
		r = tonumber(r, 10)
		if r > 255 then
			r = 255
		g = tonumber(g, 10)
		if g > 255 then
			g = 255
		b = tonumber(b, 10)
		if b > 255 then
			b = 255
		return string.format("#%06x", r * 65536 + g * 256 + b)

	return s

local getTextColor = function (colorKey)
	return tryConvertColor(_getTextColor(colorKey))

local t = {
	['lang'] = 'en',
	['parens'] = {
		['en'] = {'(', ':) ', '/'},
	['map'] = {
		[''] = { -- Any unrecognized singer keyword resolves to this.
			['icon'] = 'RotM_Icon_???_square.png',
			['textcolor'] = '#000000',
			['alt'] = '',
		['S Callie'] = {
			['icon'] = 'S_Icon_Callie.png',
			['textcolor'] = getTextColor('Callie'),
			['alt'] = 'Callie',
		['S Marie'] = {
			['icon'] = 'S_Icon_Marie.png',
			['textcolor'] = getTextColor('Marie'),
			['alt'] = 'Marie',
		['S2 Callie'] = {
			['icon'] = 'S2_Icon_Callie.png',
			['textcolor'] = getTextColor('Callie S2'),
			['alt'] = 'Callie',
		['S2 Marie'] = {
			['icon'] = 'S2_Icon_Marie_2.png',
			['textcolor'] = getTextColor('Marie S2'),
			['alt'] = 'Marie',
		['S2 Pearl'] = {
			['icon'] = 'S2_Icon_Pearl.png',
			['textcolor'] = getTextColor('Pearl'),
			['alt'] = 'Pearl',
		['S2 Marina'] = {
			['icon'] = 'S2_Icon_Marina.png',
			['textcolor'] = getTextColor('Marina'),
			['alt'] = 'Marina',
		['OE Pearl'] = {
			['icon'] = 'OE_Icon_Pearl_relationship_chart.png',
			['textcolor'] = getTextColor('Pearl'),
			['alt'] = 'Pearl',
		['OE Marina'] = {
			['icon'] = 'OE_Icon_Marina_relationship_chart.png',
			['textcolor'] = getTextColor('Marina'),
			['alt'] = 'Marina',
		['S3 Callie'] = {
			['icon'] = 'RotM_Icon_Agent_1.png',
			['textcolor'] = getTextColor('Callie RotM'),
			['alt'] = 'Callie',
		['S3 Marie'] = {
			['icon'] = 'RotM_Icon_Agent_2.png',
			['textcolor'] = getTextColor('Marie RotM'),
			['alt'] = 'Marie',
		['S3 Pearl'] = {
			['icon'] = 'S3_Icon_Pearl.png',
			['textcolor'] = getTextColor('Pearl'),
			['alt'] = 'Pearl',
		['S3 Marina'] = {
			['icon'] = 'S3_Icon_Marina.png',
			['textcolor'] = getTextColor('Marina'),
			['alt'] = 'Marina',
		['S3 Shiver'] = {
			['icon'] = 'RotM_Icon_Shiver.png',
			['textcolor'] = getTextColor('Shiver'),
			['alt'] = 'Shiver',
		['S3 Frye'] = {
			['icon'] = 'RotM_Icon_Frye.png',
			['textcolor'] = getTextColor('Frye RotM'),
			['alt'] = 'Frye',
		['S3 Big Man'] = {
			['icon'] = 'RotM_Icon_Big_Man.png',
			['textcolor'] = getTextColor('Big Man'),
			['alt'] = 'Big Man',
		['S3 Ian BGM'] = {
			['icon'] = 'RotM_Icon_Big_Man.png',
			['textcolor'] = getTextColor('Big Man'),
			['alt'] = 'Ian BGM',
		['SO Pearl'] = {
			['icon'] = 'SO_Icon_Pearl.png',
			['textcolor'] = getTextColor('Pearl'),
			['alt'] = 'Pearl',
		['SO Marina'] = {
			['icon'] = 'SO_Icon_Marina.png',
			['textcolor'] = getTextColor('Marina'),
			['alt'] = 'Marina',

		-- Add new singer keyword before this line
	['allSingers'] = {
		'S Callie',
		'S Marie',
		'S2 Callie',
		'S2 Marie',
		'S2 Pearl',
		'S2 Marina',
		'OE Pearl',
		'OE Marina',
		'S3 Callie',
		'S3 Marie',
		'S3 Pearl',
		'S3 Marina',
		'S3 Shiver',
		'S3 Frye',
		'S3 Big Man',
		'S3 Ian BGM',
		'SO Pearl',
		'SO Marina',

		-- Add new singer keyword before this line

return t