Nessie vs. Aliens vs. Bigfoot
Nessie vs. Aliens vs. Bigfoot
Nessie Aliens Bigfoot |
Regions | Global |
Start | 1 April 2023 at 00:00 UTC |
End | 3 April 2023 at 00:00 UTC |
Length | 48 hours |
Winner | Nessie |
Nessie vs. Aliens vs. Bigfoot was a Splatfest event in Splatoon 3. It was the first Splatfest to take place during Fresh Season 2023. It was announced on social networks on 16 March 2023. It ended on 2 April 2023 at 23:59 UTC.
The Tricolor Turf War stage for this Splatfest was MakoMart.[1]
This Splatfest event ran in multiple phases:
- Splatfest Sneak Peek: 24 March 2023 at 08:00 UTC to 31 March 2023 at 23:59 UTC
- Splatfest Main Event First Half: 1 April 2023 at 00:00 UTC to 1 April 2023 at 23:59 UTC
- Splatfest Main Event Second Half: 2 April 2023 at 00:00 UTC to 2 April 2023 at 23:59 UTC
Results were announced in game on 3 April 2023 at 02:00 UTC
Halftime Report
At the halfway point in the Splatfest, Deep Cut revealed the team with the most overall Clout, and congruently announced that the mode Tricolor Turf War would be open.
Nessie | Aliens | Bigfoot |
34.92% | 32.64% | 32.44% |
Category | Nessie | Aliens | Bigfoot |
Conch Shells - 7p | 33.62% | 33.74% | 32.64% |
Votes - 8p | 45.22% | 46.09% | 8.69% |
Clout (Open) - 12p | 35.33% | 32.67% | 32.00% |
Clout (Pro) - 12p | 33.25% | 30.71% | 36.04% |
Tricolor - 18p | 34.91% | 32.86% | 32.23% |
Total | 30p | 15p | 12p |
“ | SRL Paranormal Science team reporting on the theme for the 5th Splatfest. Which of these is real - Nessie, aliens, or Bigfoot? This will advance our research tremendously, and it goes from 5 PM PT on 3/31 to 5 PM PT on 4/2. Please join in and help us resolve this once and for all! | ” |
— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[2]
“ | The next Splatfest arrives on 01/04 and it's a monstrous mashup of three controversial creatures! But which one do you believe in? | ” |
— @NintendoEurope on Twitter[3]
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Nessie, aliens, or Bigfoot—which of them is REAL? Deep down, we all know the truth!” |
Big Man “Ay?! (You're saying one is real...but ONLY one?!)” |
Shiver “Our first choice is the famed monster from the primordial depths, Nessie herself!” |
NOE, NOA | |
Frye “Hold up. Seeing is believing, and so many folks around the world have seen aliens!” |
NOE, NOA | |
Big Man “Ay... (There's also the Bigfoot prints found on snowy mountains... but...)” |
NOE, NOA | |
Big Man “A-ay? (Is this really the Splatfest theme? Which fake thing exists?)” |
NOE, NOA | |
Shiver “It is a bit odd, but... (This is it, Shiver. Time to hit 'em with your best shot!)” |
NOE, NOA | |
Shiver “Nessie being real would explain something that happened to me not long ago.” |
NOE, NOA | |
Shiver “Yes... it was a dark and foggy afternoon. I was just getting off of work...” |
Frye “What, from a Grizzco shift?” |
Shiver “I glanced over at the ocean to see a long, thin THING slithering out from the water!” |
Frye “Oh yeah, I've seen that. But Nessie comes from a lake, right? Not the sea.” |
NOE, NOA | |
Shiver “Wait, you're sure you saw Nessie? (Whatever I saw, it wasn't THAT!)” |
NOE, NOA | |
Frye “Tell you what else I've seen... real aliens! There was a UFO at the Crater, big as life!” |
NOE, NOA | |
Frye “I didn't see it up close, but it was metal and flying for sure. With fierce-looking fists!” |
NOE, NOA | |
Shiver “That sounds so familiar...” |
NOE, NOA | |
Big Man “Ay! (C'mon, you two, quit telling tall tales!)” |
NOE, NOA | |
Frye “Whaddaya mean tall tales?! Let's hear your story, Big Man!” |
NOE, NOA | |
Big Man “Ay. (It's so scary, but OK. I was out skiing when I found a huge footprint in the snow.)” |
NOE, NOA | |
Big Man “Ay! (Afterward, folks say they saw a big, fuzzy shadow on the slopes. B-Bigfoot!)” |
NOE, NOA | |
Frye “Whoa, you're shaking. Either you're actually scared... or you're a TERRIBLE liar.” |
NOE, NOA | |
Shiver “Even if what he said is true—and it is not—Nessie is cuter and realer than the rest.” |
NOE, NOA | |
Frye “I'm still Team Aliens! I wanna get in the ring with that UFO and see what it's made of!” |
NOE, NOA | |
Big Man “Ay?! (If Bigfoot's not real, why am I so afraid of it?!)” |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “The Splatfest is back! This one's theme is... Which of these is real?!” |
Big Man “Ay! (Join in on the fun by choosing a team at the Pledge Box on the street!)” |
Splatfest Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “It's official, everyone! Nessie is real!” |
Frye “Grrr! Once again, I'm an unidentified failing object.” |
Big Man “Ay?! (Now I have to worry about Nessie?)” |
Shiver “Thanks for pitching in, everyone! No doubt Nessie is blushing out there somewhere.” |
Frye “Team Aliens tried, but us turflings couldn't quite make contact.” |
Big Man “Ay... (Win or lose, Team Bigfoot had big heart...)” |
Shiver “Y'know, the part of my story about seeing Nessie was a lie, but it feels real now.” |
Big Man “Ay! Ay! (Don't casually admit to lying like that! The cameras are still rolling!)” |
Frye “Hey, I saw the same thing as Shiver, and I'm truthful to a FAULT. Explain that!” |
Shiver “Must've been a big Salmonid. So what?” |
Big Man “Ay. Ay! (Hold on-I'm getting a report. Breaking news, everyone!)” |
Frye “What's up?” |
Big Man “Ay! (A gigantic new creature has been spotted in a lake by the Splatlands sea!)” |
Shiver “WHAT?! Did I...lie this into existence? I'm even more powerful than I thought!” |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「実在するのは?! ネッシー VS 宇宙人 vs 雪男~!!」 (Which one is real?! Nessie vs. Aliens vs. Bigfoot~!!) |
マンタロー 「エーイ?!(どれかは本当にいるってコト?!)」 (Ayyy?! (You're saying one of them could be real?!)) |
フウカ 「対決するんは、水底にすむ生きた化石?! 「ネッシー」と!」 (A living fossil at the bottom of an ocean, prepared to battle?! Nessie, and!) |
NOJ | |
ウツホ 「世界中で目撃されたUFOの正体?! 「宇宙人」! そして...」 (The origin of UFOs witnessed around the world?! Aliens! And...) |
NOJ | |
マンタロー 「エイ! (雪山に巨大な足跡を残した?! 「雪男」でーす! って......)」 (Ay! (The one leaving giant footprints across the snowy mountains?! None other than Bigfoot! Well...)) |
NOJ | |
マンタロー 「エ、エエ~イ(やだなぁ、カミ様ってばそんなのいるのワケないのにさ〜)」 (Ay, aaay... (It's just that what the machine's saying is implying that none of them really exist~)) |
NOJ | |
フウカ 「ん~そやねぇ... (ここは それっぽいコト言うたもん勝ちやな)」 (Well~ yeah... (If I say it now, I'll be sure to win!)) |
NOJ | |
フウカ 「ああ〜っ!!そういやウチ、この前ネッシーっぽいの見てもうたんやったわ!」 (Ah!! About that, I did actually see something like Nessie recently!) |
NOJ | |
フウカ 「あれは仕事がオフの日... そう、霧が立ちこめる暗い午後のことやった」 (I was just getting off work... yeah, it was a foggy, dark afternoon.) |
ウツホ 「クマサン商会のバイト中か?」 (In the middle of a Grizzco shift?) |
フウカ 「ふと海を見ると、水面から長〜い 首っぽいもんが ニョロニョロニョロと~!!」 (I glanced over at the ocean, and out from the surface came something that slithered and had a LOOOOOONG neck!!) |
マンタロー 「エイーーーツ!!(キヤーーーーツ!!)」 (AYYYYY!! (KYAAAAA!!)) |
ウツホ 「それならワシも見たが、ネッシーがすんどるのは海じゃなくて湖じゃろ?」 (I saw that too, but doesn't Nessie live in a lake, not the ocean?) |
NOJ | |
フウカ 「え、ほんまに何かおったん? (今のはウソやってんけど…)」 (Wait, you're sure you saw it? (She might just be lying, but still...)) |
NOJ | |
ウツホ 「いるのは宇宙人に決まっとるのじゃ! ワシは クレーターの辺りでUFOを見たんじゃ!」 (What DOES exist are aliens! I saw a UFO near a crater!) |
NOJ | |
ウツホ 「遠目じゃったが、でっかい手足が付いたUFOでな あれは良いコブシの持ち主じゃぞ!」 (It was far away, but the UFO had GIGANTIC limbs, and it certainly had some nice-looking fists!) |
NOJ | |
フウカ 「それ、ウチもどっかで見たような…」 (Well, I think I also saw that somewhere...) |
NOJ | |
マンタロー 「エエイッ!!(ふたりともウソは良くないよ!!!)」 (AAY!! (You two, STOP LYING!!!)) |
NOJ | |
ウツホ 「ウソとは何じゃ!! マンタローだって一度くらい何か見とらんのか?!」 (What do you mean, "lies"?! Haven't YOU seen anything weird at least once?!) |
NOJ | |
マンタロー 「エ、エイ.(そういえば…。前に雪山でスキーしてたら、信じられないくらい大きな足跡を見つけたんだ)」 (A-ay. (Well... when I was skiing in the snowy mountains, I found some unbelievably large footprints.)) |
NOJ | |
マンタロー 「エイエー?!(その日は 毛むくじゃらの巨木な影が目撃されてたらしくて… まままさか、あの足跡は?!)」 (Ay-AY?! (On that day, I think I might have seen some big furry shadow... wh-wh-what if those footprints were...?!)) |
NOJ | |
ウツホ 「足がプルプルしておるぞ」 (Your feet are trembling.) |
NOJ | |
フウカ 「またまたウソがお上手どすなぁ? ま、一番人気はかぁいらしいネッシーで決まりやろ!」 (Once again, could he be the best at lying? Well, I'm going with both the most popular AND the cutest, Nessie!) |
NOJ | |
ウツホ 「宇宙人がいるほうが面白いのじゃ! このコブシとどっちが強いかガチンコ勝負できるからの!」 (It'd be interesting if aliens did exist! That way, I can 1v1 them to see which of our fists are stronger!) |
NOJ | |
マンタロー 「エイイーツ!!(雪男こわいーーーツ!!)」 (Ayyy!! (Bigfoot's just plain old scary!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「実在するのは⁈フェスはもう始まってんで〜!」 |
マンタロー 「エイエーイ! (広場にある投票所で投票して参加してね!)」 |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Nessie, ruimtewezens of Bigfoot? Welke bestaat er ECHT? Nou, zeg het maar!” (Nessie, aliens or Bigfoot? Which of these is REAL? Well, tell us!) |
Ray “Ay... Ay?! (Wacht, maar... Waarom zou er eentje daarvan bestaan, en de rest niet?!)” (Ay... Ay?! (Wait, but... Why should one of them exist, and the rest don't?!)) |
Haya “Onze eerste kandidaat is het fameuze monster uit de duistere dieptes van het loch, Nessie!” (Our first candidate is the famous monster from the dark depths of the loch, Nessie!) |
Muriël “Ja, zeg. Zien is geloven. En er zijn elke dag wel meldingen van ruimtewezens en ufo's!” (Oh, please. Seeing is believing. And there are reports of aliens and UFOs every day!) |
Ray “Ay... (Tja, en er zijn op besneeuwde berghellingen ook sporen van Bigfoot gevonden...)” (Ay... (Well yeah, and traces of Bigfoot have also been found on snowy mountain slopes...)) |
Ray “Ay? Ay? (Maar is dat echt waar dit Splatfest om gaat? Welk nepding bestaat?)” (Ay? Ay? (But is that really what this Splatfest is about? Which fake thing exists?)) |
Haya “O, meneer Ray weet het weer beter, zeker? (Wacht maar, hij zal zo wel anders piepen!)” (Oh, Mister Big Man knows better again, doesn't he? (Just wait, he'll change his tune in no time!)) |
Haya “Als Nessie niet bestaat, verklaar dit dan maar eens...” (If Nessie doesn't exist, then explain this...) |
Haya “Het was een druilerige en mistige namiddag, en ik kwam net terug van mijn werk...” (It was a drizzly and foggy afternoon, and I had just returned from work....) |
Muriël “Wacht, Haya... Bedoel je dat je terugkwam van het Salmonietenjagen?” (Wait, Shiver... You mean you came back from Salmonid hunting?) |
Haya “Ik keek uit over de zee, en zag een lange, dunne... JOEKEL uit het water komen glibberen!” (I looked out over the sea, and saw a long, thin... WHOPPER coming slithering out of the water!) |
Muriël “O ja, dat heb ik ook wel 's gezien. Maar Nessie woont in een meer, niet in de zee.” (Oh yes, I've seen that once too. But Nessie lives in a lake, not the sea.) |
Haya “Wacht... Weet je zeker dat het Nessie was? (Wat ik zag, was toch echt wat anders...)” (Wait... Are you sure it was Nessie? (What I saw, however, was really something else...)) |
Muriël “Tuurlijk! En weet je wat ik ook heb gezien? Een vliegende schotel in de krater!” (Sure! And you know what I also saw? A flying saucer in the crater!) |
Muriël “Ik heb het niet van dichtbij gezien, maar het was iets vliegends van metaal! Met vuisten!” (I didn't see it up close, but it was something that flew and made of metal! With fists!) |
Haya “O, dat klinkt me bekend in de oren...” (Oh, that sounds familiar to me...) |
Ray “Ay! (Kom op, hou nou eens op met het verzinnen van sprookjes!)” (Ay! (Come on, just stop making up fairy tales!)) |
Muriël “O ja hoor, sprookjes. En jij hebt nooit iets geheimzinnigs meegemaakt, zeker?” (Oh, yeah, sure, fairy tales. And you've never experienced anything mysterious, I suppose?) |
Ray “Ay... Ay... (Nou ja... Ik heb wel een enorme voetafdruk gevonden tijdens het skiën...)” (Ay... Ay... (Well okay... I did find a huge footprint while skiing...)) |
Ray “Ay. A-Ay! (En later hoorde ik verhalen over een pluizige schaduw op de berg. B-Bigfoot!)” (Ay. A-Ay! (And later I heard stories of a fluffy shadow on the mountain. B-Bigfoot!)) |
Muriël “Ray, je staat te rillen! Van angst, of omdat je ontzettend staat te jokkebrokken?” (Ray, you're shivering! From fear, or because you're lying horribly?) |
Haya “Ook al spreekt hij de waarheid, en dat doet ie niet, dan is Nessie nog schattiger dan de rest!” (Even if he speaks the truth—and he doesn't—Nessie is still cuter than the rest!) |
Muriël “Ik ben Team Ruimtewezens! En die schotel met z'n vuisten durf ik ook wel aan!” (I'm Team Aliens! And I dare to take on that saucer with its fists too!) |
Ray “Ay?! (Als Bigfoot niet echt is, waarom ben ik er dan zo bang van?!)” (Ay?! (If Bigfoot is not real, why am I so afraid of it!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Geloof het of niet, er is weer een Splatfest! De vraag is: welke bestaat er echt?!” (Believe it or not, there's another Splatfest! The question is: which of these is real?) |
Ray “Ay! Ay. (Kies een team en doe mee! Maak je keuze bij de stembus op het plein.)” (Ay! Ay. (Pick a team and get in on it! Make your choice at the Pledge Box in the square.)) |
Splatfest Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Nu weten we het zeker, jongens! Nessie bestaat echt!” (Now we know for sure, guys! Nessie really does exist!) |
Muriël “Bah. Kan iemand me alsjeblieft ontvoeren van deze planeet?” (Bah. Can someone please abduct me from this planet?) |
Ray “Ay?! (Moet ik nou ook nog bang zijn voor prehistorische monsters in meren?!)” (Ay?! (Do I now also have to fear prehistoric monsters in lakes?!)) |
Haya “Bedankt voor de hulp, iedereen! Als Nessie niet zo verlegen was, zou ze dat vast ook zeggen!” (Thanks for the help, everyone! If Nessie wasn't so shy, she would surely say the same too!) |
Muriël “Team Ruimtewezens kwam in vrede. Misschien helpt dat niet in een Grondoorlog.” (Team Aliens came in peace. Perhaps that doesn't help in a Turf War.) |
Ray “Ay... (Gewonnen of niet, Team Bigfoot heeft in elk geval sporen achtergelaten...)” (Ay... (Victorious or not, Team Bigfoot has left a trace in any case...)) |
Haya “Weet je, ik heb dan wel verzonnen dat ik Nessie heb gezien, maar nu voelt het best echt.” (You know, I may have made up that I saw Nessie, but now it feels pretty real.) |
Ray “Ay?! Ay? (Pardon, wat was dat?! Een bekentenis, voor het oog van de camera's?)” (Ay?! Ay? (Excuse me, what was that?! A confession, in the eye of the cameras?)) |
Muriël “Hé, maar ik heb het ook gezien! Lang en dun en glibberig, precies zoals Haya zei!” (Hey, but I have seen it too! Long and thin and slippery, just like Shiver said!) |
Haya “O, eh... Het zal wel een of andere fors uitgevallen Salmoniet zijn geweest. Boeien.” (Oh, uh... Must have been some kind of hefty-looking Salmonid. Who cares.) |
Ray “Ay. Ay! (Wacht even, er komt een bericht binnen. Er is groot nieuws!)” (Ay. Ay! (Hold on, a message is coming in. There's big news!)) |
Muriël “Huh? Wat dan?” (Huh? What is it?) |
Ray “Ay! (Er is een enorm, onbekend waterbeest gesignaleerd aan de Splatlandse kust!)” (Ay! (There has been an enormous, unknown water beast sighted on the Splatlandian coast!)) |
Haya “WAT?! Heb ik mijn verzinsel tot leven gelogen? Ik ben nog machtiger dan ik dacht!” (WHAT?! Did I lie my fabrication to life? I am even more powerful than I thought!) |
French (France)
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Nessie, les martiens, ou Bigfoot... Un des trois existe vraiment, mais lequel ? » (Nessie, the martians, or Bigfoot... One of the three exists, but which one?) |
Raimi « Ay?! (Tu veux dire que c'est pas le cas pour tous ?!) » (Ay?! (You mean only one is real?!)) |
Pasquale « Notre premier candidat est un mastodonte venu du fond des âges, le fameux Nessie! » (Our first candidate is a mastodon from the depths of times, the famous Nessie!) |
NOE | |
Angie « Pas si vite... Et les martiens, alors ? On en a observé dans le monde entier ! » (Not so fast... What about the martians? They've been seen in the entire world!) |
NOE | |
Raimi « Ay... (Bah, comme les empreintes de Bigfoot dans la neige, si vous allez par là, mais...) » (Ay... (Well, so were Bigfoot's footprints in the snow, if you take it that way, but...)) |
NOE | |
Raimi « Aay? (Ça vaut vraiment la peine de faire couler de l'encre?) » (Aay? (Is it really worth spreading ink about?)) |
NOE | |
Pasquale « N'empêche... (Et là, bim! L'argument imparable!) » (Nevertheless... (And then, bam! The unstoppable argument!)) |
NOE | |
Pasquale « Si Nessie existe pas, je vois pas comment expliquer ce qui m'est arrivé l'autre jour. » (If Nessie doesn't exist, I don't know how to explain what happened to me the other day.) |
NOE | |
Pasquale « C'était une fin d'après-midi, il faisait gris et je rentrais du travail... » (It was late afternoon, it was gray and I was coming home from work...) |
Angie « Attends, tu bosses pour M. Ours SA ?! » (Wait, you work for Grizzco?!) |
Pasquale « Je regardais la mer quand j'ai vu une chose longue et mince qui ondulait sur l'eau! » (I was looking at the sea when I saw something long and thin undulating on the water!) |
Angie « Ah mais oui, je l'ai vue aussi. Mais Nessie vit dans un lac, pas dans la mer. » (Ah, right, I saw it too. But Nessie lives in a lake, not in the sea.) |
NOE | |
Pasquale « Attends, tu es sûre que c'était Nessie? (J'ai bien vu quelque chose, mais pas ça!) » (Wait, you're sure that was Nessie? (I did see something, but not that!)) |
NOE | |
Angie « Qui sait ? Par contre, j'ai vu des martiens ! Enfin, un ovni qui lévitait près du Cratère ! » (Who knows? However, I saw some martian! Well, a UFO levitating near the Crater!) |
NOE | |
Angie « Je me suis pas approchée, mais il avait l'air métallique et en suspension. Et ses yeux! » (I didn't get close, but he looked metallic and in midair. And its eyes!) |
NOE | |
Pasquale « Cette description me fait penser à quelque chose... » (That description reminds me of something...) |
NOE | |
Raimi « Ay ! (Arrêtez vos salades, vous deux !) » (Ay! (Stop it with the nonsense, you two!)) |
NOE | |
Angie « Quoi, nos salades ?! Raimi, je parie que toi aussi, tu as une histoire à raconter. » (What nonsense?! Big Man, I bet you too have a story to tell.) |
NOE | |
Raimi « Ay. (Oui, et c'était flippant. En skiant, j'ai vu une grosse empreinte dans la neige !) » (Ay. (Yes, and it was creepy. While skiing, I saw a big footprint in the snow!)) |
NOE | |
Raimi « Ay! (Le même jour, une énorme créature velue a été aperçue sur la montagne!) » (Ay! (The same day, a huge hairy creature had been seen on the mountain!)) |
NOE | |
Angie « Je rêve ou tu trembles ?! Tu dois vraiment avoir la trouille, ou alors tu mens très mal. » (Am I dreaming or are you shaking?! You must be really afraid, or really bad at lying.) |
NOE | |
Pasquale « Chouette canular, Raimi. Mais Nessie a plus de tronche que vos amis imaginaires! » (Nice hoax, Big Man. But Nessie is cuter than your imaginary friends!) |
NOE | |
Angie « Je maintiens que c'est les martiens, et vous serez verts à l'annonce du résultat ! » (I'm insisting it's the martians, and you'll be green when the results are announced!) |
NOE | |
Raimi « Ay?! (Si Bigfoot existe pas, pourquoi il me fiche une peur bleue ?!) » (Ay?! (If Bigfoot doesn't exist, why am I so afraid of it?!)) |
French (Canada)
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Nessie, les extraterrestres, ou Bigfoot... Un des trois existe vraiment, mais lequel? » (Nessie, the aliens, or Bigfoot... One of the three exists, but which one?) |
Raimi « Ay?! (Tu veux dire que c'est pas le cas pour tous?!) » (Ay?! (You mean only one is real?!)) |
Pasquale « Notre premier candidat est un mastodonte venu du fond des âges, le fameux Nessie! » (Our first candidate is a mastodon from the depths of times, the famous Nessie!) |
NOA | |
Angie « Pas si vite... Et les extraterrestres, alors? On en a observé dans le monde entier! » (Not so fast... What about the aliens? They've been seen in the entire world!) |
NOA | |
Raimi « Ay... (Bah, comme les empreintes de Bigfoot dans la neige, si vous allez par là, mais...) » (Ay... (Well, so were Bigfoot's footprints in the snow, if you take it that way, but...)) |
NOA | |
Raimi « Aay? (Ça vaut vraiment la peine de faire couler de l'encre?) » (Aay? (Is it really worth spreading ink about?)) |
NOA | |
Pasquale « N'empêche... (Et là, bim! L'argument imparable!) » (Nevertheless... (And then, bam! The unstoppable argument!)) |
NOA | |
Pasquale « Si Nessie existe pas, je vois pas comment expliquer ce qui m'est arrivé l'autre jour. » (If Nessie doesn't exist, I don't know how to explain what happened to me the other day.) |
NOA | |
Pasquale « C'était une fin d'après-midi, il faisait gris et je rentrais du travail... » (It was late afternoon, the sky was gray and I was coming home from work...) |
Angie « Oh, t'avais un quart chez M. Ours Cie?! » (Oh, you had a shift at Grizzco?!) |
Pasquale « Je regardais la mer quand j'ai vu une chose longue et mince qui ondulait sur l'eau! » (I was looking at the sea when I saw something long and thin undulating on the water!) |
Angie « Ah mais oui, je l'ai vue aussi. Mais Nessie vit dans un lac, pas dans la mer. » (Ah, right, I saw it too. But Nessie lives in a lake, not in the sea.) |
NOA | |
Pasquale « Attends, tu es sûre que c'était Nessie? (J'ai bien vu quelque chose, mais pas ça!) » (Wait, you're sure that was Nessie? (I did see something, but not that!)) |
NOA | |
Angie « Qui sait? Par contre, j'ai vu des extraterrestres! Enfin, un ovni qui lévitait près du Cratère! » (Who knows? However, I saw some aliens! Well, a UFO levitating near the Crater!) |
NOA | |
Angie « Je me suis pas approchée, mais il avait l'air métallique et en suspension. Et ses yeux! » (I didn't get close, but he looked metallic and in midair. And its eyes!) |
NOA | |
Pasquale « Cette description me fait penser à quelque chose... » (That description reminds me of something...) |
NOA | |
Raimi « Ay ! (Arrêtez vos salades, vous deux !) » (Ay! (Stop it with the nonsense, you two!)) |
NOA | |
Angie « Quoi, nos salades ?! Raimi, je parie que toi aussi, tu as une histoire à raconter. » (What nonsense?! Big Man, I bet you too have a story to tell.) |
NOA | |
Raimi « Ay. (Oui, et j'en tremble encore. En skiant, j'ai vu une grosse empreinte dans la neige!) » (Ay. (Yes, and it still gives me chills. While skiing, I saw a big footprint in the snow!)) |
NOA | |
Raimi « Ay! (Le même jour, une énorme créature velue a été aperçue sur la montagne!) » (Ay! (The same day, a huge hairy creature had been seen on the mountain!)) |
NOA | |
Angie « Je rêve ou tu trembles ?! Tu dois vraiment avoir la trouille, ou alors tu mens très mal. » (Am I dreaming or are you shaking?! You must be really afraid, or really bad at lying.) |
NOA | |
Pasquale « Beau canular, Raimi. Mais Nessie est plus joli que vos amis imaginaires! » (Nice prank, Big Man. But Nessie is prettier than your imaginary friends!) |
NOA | |
Angie « Je maintiens que c'est les extraterrestres, et vous serez verts à l'annonce du résultat! » (I'm insisting it's the aliens, and you'll be green when the results are announced!) |
NOA | |
Raimi « Ay?! (Si Bigfoot existe pas, pourquoi il me fiche une peur bleue ?!) » (Ay?! (If Bigfoot doesn't exist, why am I so afraid of it?!)) |
Splatfest Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « L'annonce officielle vient de tomber! Nessie existe! » |
NOA | |
Angie « Grrr! Une fois de plus, je suis qu'un objet vaincu non identifié. » |
Raimi « Ay?! (Maintenant, je dois avoir peur de Nessie?!) » |
Pasquale « Merci à tous pour le coup de main! Je suis certaine que Nessie est reconnaissant. » |
NOA | |
Angie « Les extraterrestres sont complètement passés à côté de la rencontre. » |
Raimi « Ay… (Les fans de Bigfoot savent que ce qui compte, c'est de laisser son empreinte.) » |
Pasquale « En vérité, mon histoire de Nessie était un mensonge, mais ça aurait pu arriver. » |
Raimi « Ay?! (Tu mens depuis le début?! Dis pas ça, on est en direct!) » |
Angie « Personnellement, je mentais pas. Je maintiens que j'ai vu quelque chose. » |
NOA | |
Pasquale « On a qu'à conclure que c'était un salmonoïde, mais un une belle bête. » |
NOA | |
Raimi « Ay! (Oh, une dépêche vient de tomber!) » |
NOA | |
Angie « Qu'est-ce qui se passe, Raimi? » |
NOA | |
Raimi « Ay! (Une énorme créature autait été vue au large de la Contrée Clabousse!) » |
NOA | |
Pasquale « QUOI?! Mon mensonge me poursuit dans la réalité?! Tu parles d'un super pouvoir! » |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Несси, инопланетяне, бигфут... Кто-то из них не просто миф, и мы знаем, кто!» (Nessie, aliens, bigfoot... One of them is not just a myth, and we know who!) |
Биг Ман «Ик? Ик?! (Кто-то их них? А почему не все сразу?!)» (Ay? Ay?! (One of them? But why not all at once?!)) |
Кулла «Наша первая кандидатка – допотопная звезда глубин, очаровательная Несси!» (Our first candidate is the antediluvian star of the depths, the charming Nessie!) |
Мурия «Почему-то инопланетяне попадаются всем гораздо чаще – и не только в воде!» (For some reason, aliens come across much more often – and not only in the water!) |
Биг Ман «И-ик... (А в заснеженных горах, говорят, видели следы бигфута... Ох...)» (A-ay... (They say they saw traces of bigfoot in the snowy mountains... Oh...)) |
Биг Ман «И-ик? (Это и есть тема нашего Сплатфеста? Есть ли что-то в этих выдумках?)» (A-ay? (Is this the theme of our Splatfest? Is there something in these fictions?)) |
Кулла «Вот со мной произошел недавно один случай... (Покажи им, Кулла!)» (So, one story happened to me recently... (Show them, Shiver!)) |
Кулла «И говорите после этого, что Несси нет!» (Try saying that Nessie isn't real after that!) |
Кулла «Как-то раз я в темноте и тумане возвращалась с работы...» (Once I was getting from work through the dark and fog...) |
Мурия «Со смены «Потапыч Inc.», что ли? Много самонидов плюхнула?» (You mean, from a «Grizzco» shift? How many Salmonids did you splat?) |
Кулла «И из океана выплыло НЕЧТО... тонкое, гибкое и длиннющее!» (And SOMETHING emerged from the ocean... thin, flexible and very long!) |
Биг Ман «И-И-ИК! Ик!!! (А-А-А! Мамочки!!!)» (A-A-AY! Ay!!! (A-A-AH! My goodness!!!)) |
Мурия «М-да, видела я это твое «нечто». Кстати, Несси в озере живет, а не в океане.» (Well, I saw this «something» of yours. By the way, Nessie lives in a lake, not in the ocean.) |
Кулла «Как, видела? Это точно была Несси? (Я до сих пор не знаю, ЧТО это было!)» (Wait, you did? Was it really Nessie? (I still don't know WHAT it was!)) |
Мурия «Знаешь, что еще я видела? НЛО в Кратере! Не летающую тарелку, а целую кастрюлю!» (Do you know what else I saw? A UFO in the Crater! Not just a flying saucer, but a whole saucepan!) |
Мурия «Металлическая летающая кастрюля... С мощными механическими кулачищами!» (A metal flying saucepan... With powerful mechanical fists!) |
Кулла «Знакомо...» (Sounds familiar...) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик! (Ага, а в кастрюле лапша... На уши! Ну и небылицы у вас!)» (Ay! Ay! (Yeah, and inside the saucepan were noodles... For the ears! You have such fables!)) |
Notes: The Russian phrase "to hang noodles on the ears" means "to tell lies". | ||
Мурия «Небылицы? Это чистая правда! Похоже, монстры просто обходят тебя стороной.» (Fables? It's a pure truth! Looks like monsters just bypass you.) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик. (Неправда! Когда я катался на лыжах, я наткнулся на огромный след.)» (Ay! Ay. (Wrong! When I was skiing, I came across a huge footprint.)) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (А потом мне рассказали, что видели на горах гигантскую мохнатую тень – бигфута!)» (Ay! (And then I was told that they saw a huge fuzzy shadow in the mountains – a bigfoot!)) |
Мурия «Биг Ман, ты весь дрожишь! От страха? Или холодно, лапша на ушах остыла?» (Big Man, you're all trembling! With fear? Or did you get cold because noodles on your ears got cold?) |
Кулла «Подумаешь, какой-то там бигфут... Вот Несси точно есть, и она намного милее!» (Just some bigfoot, whatever... Nessie, on the other hand, is real for sure, and she's much cuter!) |
Мурия «Я за инопланетян! У меня тоже есть кулаки, и не хуже! Посмотрим, кто кого!» (I'm for aliens! I also have fists, and no worse than theirs! Let's see who wins!) |
Биг Ман «Ик?! (Если никакого бигфута нет, почему я его боюсь?!)» (Ay?! (If there's no bigfoot, why am I afraid of it?!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла ««Кто существует на самом деле?» Сплатфест покажет, что миф, а что – реальность!» («Who exists for real?» The Splatfest will show what's a myth and what's a reality!) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Сделайте свой выбор в терминале для голосования на площади, и вперед!)» (Ay! (Make your choice at the voting terminal in the square and go!)) |
Splatfest Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Теперь я могу официально заявить, что Несси существует!» (Now I can officially declare that Nessie exists!) |
Мурия «Гр-р-р! Видимо, НЛО – это и про меня. Неудачливый лежачий объект...» (Gr-r-r! Apparently, UFO is about me as well. Unfortunate lying object...) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик... (Только Несси мне не хватало! После снежных ужасов...)» (Ay! Ay... (Nessie is just what I needed! After the snowy horrors...)) |
Кулла «Спасибо, команда! Где-то там, далеко, Несси тоже бьет плавниками от радости.» (Thank you team! Somewhere far away, Nessie also beats her fins with joy.) |
Мурия ««Инопланетяне» так старались установить контакт, но даже кулаки нам не помогли...» («Aliens» tried so hard to establish contact, but even fists didn't help us...) |
Биг Ман «Ик? Ик! (Пусть мы проиграли, зато команда «Бигфут» наследила в истории Сплатфеста!)» (Ay? Ay! (We may've lost, but team «Bigfoot» left a footprint on the Splatfest history!)) |
Notes: The word "наследить "nasledit'" literally means "to track" or "to leave footprints" and is used in the phrase "наследить в истории" ("to leave a mark in history"). This phrase is used here as a pun on Bigfoot leaving his footprints on the snow. | ||
Кулла «Конечно, про монстра я чуть приукрасила. Но как теперь не верить в Несси?» (Of course, I embellished about the monster a little. But how can you not believe in Nessie now?) |
Биг Ман «Ик?! (Кулла, ты что, прямо перед камерой призналась во лжи?!)» (Ay?! (Shiver, have you really confessed to lying in front of the camera?!)) |
Мурия «Эй, секундочку! Я тоже видела громадину Куллы! А меня во лжи не обвинишь!» (Hey, one second! I also saw Shiver's hulk! And I can't be accused of lying!) |
Кулла «Может, это был самонид? Крупногабаритный экземпляр.» (Maybe it was a Salmonid? A large-sized speciment.) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Погодите, у меня тут экстренное сообщение!)» (Ay! (Wait, I have an emergency message!)) |
Мурия «Ого, что там?» (Whoa, what's in there?) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (В водах Плюхтонии обнаружено гигантское новое существо!)» (Ay! (A new giant creature was found in Splatlandian waters!)) |
Кулла «Что?! Вот это сила! Моего вранья на целого реального монстра хватило! Ой...» (What?! Such a power! My lies were enough for a whole real monster! Oops...) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «Nessie, los marcianos, o quizá el bigfoot... ¿Cuál de estos seres existe de verdad?» (Nessie, martians, or perhaps Big Foot... Which of these beings really exist?) |
Rayan «¡¿Zasss?! (¡¿Quieres decir que solo se acepta una opción como válida?!)» (Aaay?! (You mean only one option will be accepted as valid?!)) |
Megan «Nessie, los extraterrestres o Pie Grande... ¿Cuál de estos seres existe de verdad?» (Nessie, aliens, or Big Foot... Which of these beings really exist?) |
Rayan «¡¿Zasss?! (¡¿Quieres decir que solo se acepta una opción como válida?!)» (Aaay?! (You mean only one option will be accepted as valid?!)) |
Megan «La primera es la del monstruo que, según se dice, habita en las aguas del lago Ness.» (The first of which is the monster that they say resides in the waters of the Loch Ness.) |
NOE, NOA | |
Angie «A saber... Si algo se ha avistado cientos de veces por todo el mundo son los ovnis.» (Who knows... If there's something that's been seen hundreds of times around the world, they're UFOs.) |
NOE | |
Angie «Quién sabe... Lo que sí se ha visto por todo el mundo son ovnis.» (Who knows... What everybody's seen are UFOs.) |
NOA | |
Rayan «Zasss. (Pues el bigfoot se han encontrado huellas en la nieve con frequencia, pero...)» (Ay. (Well, Bigfoot's footprints have been found in the snow often, but...)) |
NOE | |
Rayan «Zasss... (Pues de Pie Grande se han visto huellas en las montañas, pero...)» (Ay... (Well, in Big Foot's case, they've seen footprints in the mountains, but...)) |
NOA | |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (¿En serio el tema del festival es discutir si existen seres imaginarios?)» (Ay? (Is the Splatfest theme seriously about arguing if imaginary beings exist?)) |
NOE, NOA | |
Megan «No sé por qué dices eso... (Venga, ahora es el momento de soltarles de la gran trola.)» (I don't why you say that... (Come on, now's the time to pull off the ultimate troll.)) |
NOE | |
Megan «Ya sé, es extraño, pero... (Vamos, Megan, no puedes quedar mal).» (I know, it's weird, but... (Come on, Shiver, you can't let yourself look bad.)) |
NOA | |
Megan «Una cosa que me pasó hace poco demuestra casi sin discusión que Nessie es real.» (One thing that happened to me a little while ago almost indisputably proves that Nessie is real.) |
NOE, NOA | |
Megan «Salía de trabajar y todo a mi alrededor estaba oscuro y envuelto en niebla.» (I was leaving work and everything around me was dark and surrounded by fog.) |
Angie «Supongo que sería cuando terminabas tu turno en Don Oso, S.A., ¿no?» (I suppose that'd be when you were finishing your shift at Grizzco, right?) |
Megan «Salí de trabajar y todo a mi alrededor estaba oscuro y cubierto de neblina.» (I left work and everything around me was dark and covered in fog.) |
Angie «Supongo que fue cuando terminaste tu jornada en Don Oso, S.A., ¿no?» (I suppose was when you were finished your shift at Grizzco, right?) |
Megan «Al mirar hacia el mar, ¡vi una imponente figura que se alzaba desde el agua!» (When I was looking at the sea, I saw a towering figure that rose from the water!) |
Rayan «¡Zaaaasss! (¡AAAAAH!)» (Aaaaay! (AAAAAH!)) |
Angie «Anda, eso lo he visto yo también. Pero Nessie no vive en el mar, sino en un lago.» (Woah, I've also seen that. But Nessie doesn't live in the sea, but a lake.) |
NOE | |
Angie «Sí, claro, yo vi lo mismo... El único detalle es que Nessie vive en un lago, no en el mar.» (Yeah, of course, I saw the same thing... The only thing is that Nessie lives in a lake, not in the sea.) |
NOA | |
Megan «¿Cómo? ¿Qué tú también lo has visto? (Pero si me lo estaba inventando...)» (What? You've also seen it? (I was making it up, though...)) |
NOE | |
Megan «¿Cómo? ¿Qué tú también lo viste? (Pero si yo lo estaba inventando...)» (What? You also saw it? (I was making it up, though...)) |
NOA | |
Angie «Los que existen sin duda son los marcianos. ¡En El Cráter hay un platillo volante bestial!» (What exists without a doubt are martians. In The Crater, there's a humongous flying saucer!) |
NOE | |
Angie «¡También he visto extraterrestres! ¡En El Cráter hay un platillo volador enorme!» (I've also seen aliens! In The Crater, there's an enormous flying saucer!) |
NOA | |
Angie «No pude verlo de cerca, pero era metálico, volaba... ¡y tenía una especie de puños!» (I couldn't see it up close, but it was metallic, it flew... and it had some kind of fists!) |
NOE, NOA | |
Megan «Me suena de algo eso que dices...» (Something about what you said rings a bell...) |
NOE | |
Megan «Eso me parece conocido...» (That sounds familiar...) |
NOA | |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Ya basta! ¡Dejad de enredar con esas historias inverosímiles!)» (Ay! (That's enough! Stop messing around with those farfetched stories!)) |
NOE | |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Ya basta! ¡Dejen de estar inventando historias!)» (Ay! (That's enough! Stop making up stories!)) |
NOA | |
Angie «¿No crees en nuestros testimonios? ¡Pues a ver qué nos cuentas tú, Rayan!» (You don't believe our testimonies? Well, let's see what you have to tell us, Big Man!) |
NOE, NOA | |
Rayan «Zasss. (Estaba yo esquiando y encontré en la nieve la huella de un pie gigantesco.)» (Ay. (I was skiing and I found a gigantic footprint in the snow.)) |
NOE | |
Rayan «Zasss. (Un día estaba esquiando y encontré la huella de un pie gigantesco en la nieve).» (Ay. (One day, I was skiing and I found a gigantic footprint in the snow.)) |
NOA | |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Y parece que otra gente vio un ser peludo huir entre las sombras. ¡El bigfoot!)» (Ay! (And it seems like other people saw a hairy being flee among the shadows. Big Foot!)) |
NOE | |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Luego oí que otros habían visto un ser peludo entre las sombras. ¡Pie Grande!)» (Ay! (Then I heard that others had seen a hairy being among the shadows. Big Foot!)) |
NOA | |
Angie «Estás temblando, Rayan. O realmente tienes miedo o se te nota mucho cuando mientes.» (You're shaking, Big Man. Either you're really scared, or it's really obvious when you're lying.) |
NOE | |
Angie «Estás temblando, Rayan. Realmente tienes miedo o eres un tremendo embustero.» (You're shaking, Big Man. You're really scared or you're a huge liar.) |
NOA | |
Megan «Aunque fuera cierto, me quedo con Nessie, que es más mono y suena menos a fantasía.» (Even though what happened was true, I'm staying with Nessie, it's cuter and sounds less like some fantasy.) |
NOE | |
Megan «Real o no, me quedo con Nessie, que es más lindo y suena menos a fantasía.» (Real or not, I'm staying with Nessie, it's cuter and sounds less like some fantasy.) |
NOA | |
Angie «Pues yo voy con los marcianos. Ese platillo volante con puños me tiene muy intrigada.» (Well, I'm going with the martians. That flying saucer with fists has me very curious.) |
NOE | |
Angie «Yo me quedo con los extraterrestres. Ese platillo volador me tiene muy intrigada.» (Well, I'm staying with the aliens. That flying saucer has me very curious.) |
NOA | |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (¿Y por qué iba yo a asustarme si el hombre de las nieves no existiera?)» (Ay? (And why would I be scared if the man in the snow didn't exist?)) |
NOE | |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (Si Pie Grande no existe, ¿por qué le tengo tando miedito?)» (Ay? (If Big Foot doesn't exist, why am I so scared of it?)) |
Chinese (Simplified)
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “真实存在的是? 尼斯湖水怪 vs 外星人 vs 雪怪~!!” (Which one is real? Nessie vs. Aliens vs. Yeti~!!) |
鬼福 “鲼?!(所以其中一个是真实存在的吗?!)” (Ayyy?! (So one of them is real?!)) |
Simplified |
莎莎 “参与对决的分别是生活在水底的活化石?! 尼斯湖水怪"!” (The participants in the duel are living fossils at the bottom of the ocean?! Nessie!) |
Simplified | |
曼曼 “在世界各地被目击到的UFO的真实面目?! 外星人"!以及……” (The true identity of UFOs witnessed around the world?! Aliens! And...) |
Simplified | |
鬼福 “鲼!(在雪山中留下巨大脚印的?! 雪怪"~!呃……)” (Ay! (The one leaving giant footprints across the snowy mountains?! Yeti~! Well...) |
Simplified | |
鬼福 “鲼、鲼鲼~(讨厌啦,纸神大人也真是的, 明明这些都是不可能存在的~)” (Ay, aaay~ (It's just that what the machine's saying is implying that none of them really exist~)) |
Simplified | |
莎莎 “嗯~是啊…… (只要能说出类似的事件就算获胜了吧。)” (Well~ yeah... (One who could cite an instance wins.)) |
Simplified | |
莎莎 “啊啊~!!说起来, 之前我有见过像是尼斯湖水怪的生物!” (Ah!! About that, I did actually see something like Nessie recently!) |
Simplified | |
莎莎 “那天工作结束…… 对,就是那个雾蒙蒙的昏暗下午。” (I was just getting off work... yeah, it was a foggy, dark afternoon.) |
曼曼 “是在熊先生商会打工的时候?” (In the middle of a Grizzco shift?) |
Simplified |
莎莎 “当我瞥向大海时,忽然看到一条长~长的, 像脖子一样的东西扭动着冒出水面~!!” (I glanced over at the ocean, and out from the surface came something that slithered and had a LOOOOOONG neck~!!) |
鬼福 “鲼——!!(呀啊——!!)” (AYYYYY!! (KYAAAAA!!)) |
Simplified |
曼曼 “那个我也见过,但尼斯湖水怪是 居住在湖里,而不是海里的吧?” (I saw that too, but doesn't Nessie live in a lake, not the ocean?) |
Simplified | |
莎莎 “咦,真有那东西? (我刚才是瞎说的……)” (Wait, it really exists? (I just made it up……)) |
Simplified | |
曼曼 “真实存在的当然是外星人啊! 我可是在荒界附近看到过UFO的哦!” (What DOES exist are aliens! I saw a UFO near the crater!) |
Simplified | |
曼曼 “虽然是在远处,但能看到那UFO有着巨大的手和脚, 拳头看起来着实厉害!” (Though it was far away, but I saw that the UFO had GIGANTIC limbs, and it certainly had some nice-looking fists!) |
Simplified | |
莎莎 “那个,我好像也在哪里见过……” (Well, I think I also saw that somewhere...) |
Simplified | |
鬼福 “鲼鲼!!(你们两个,撒谎是不对的哦!!)” (AAY!! (You two, IT'S NOT RIGHT TO LIE!!)) |
Simplified | |
曼曼 “什么撒谎啊!! 鬼福你难道没见过这种东西吗?!哪怕只有一次。” (What do you mean, "lies"?! Haven't YOU seen anything similar, Big Man?! Even once.) |
Simplified | |
鬼福 “鲼、鲼……(说起来……以前在雪山上滑雪时, 看到过大到离谱的脚印。)” (A-ay. (Well... when I was skiing in the snowy mountains, I found some unbelievably large footprints.)) |
Simplified | |
鬼福 “鲼鲼——?!(那天好像还有人目击到一个 毛茸茸的巨大身影……难、难道,那个脚印是?!)” (Ay-ay?! (On that day, someone also have witnessed a big furry shadow... wh-wh-what if those footprints were...?!)) |
Simplified | |
曼曼 “你的腿在发抖哦。” (Your feet are trembling.) |
Simplified | |
莎莎 “少来了,你可真会撒谎啊? 算了,最受欢迎的肯定是可爱的尼斯湖水怪!” (Once again, could he be the best at lying? Well, the most popular must be the cutest, Nessie!) |
Simplified | |
曼曼 “当然是外星人的存在会更有趣! 这样我就可以和外星人一决高下,看看谁的拳头更强!” (It'd be interesting if aliens did exist! That way, I can 1v1 them to see which of our fists are stronger!) |
Simplified | |
鬼福 “鲼——!!(雪怪好可怕——!!)” (Ayyy!! (Yeti is so scary!)) |
Splatfest Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “真实存在的是尼斯湖水怪"~!!!” (What really exists is "Nessie"~!!!) |
曼曼 “啊——!又输了!” (Ah--! Lost again!) |
鬼福 “鲼鲼!(怎么会——!)” (Ay, ay! (How could——!)) |
莎莎 “谢谢大家,辛苦了!能获得各位的支持,想必尼斯湖水怪也很开心吧。” (Thank you, everyone, for your hard work! Nessie must be very happy to get your support.) |
曼曼 “选择外星人"的各位也很努力,不过还是差了一点~” (Everyone who chose "Alien" also worked hard, but it was still a bit short~) |
鬼福 “鲼……(选择雪怪"的各位也很有斗志啊……)” (Ay... (Everyone who chose "Yeti" also had fighting spirit...)) |
莎莎 “虽然我看到尼斯湖水怪的事是骗人的,但我现在觉得总有一天会遇见它。” (While my story about seeing Nessie is a lie, I now feel like I will meet it someday.) |
鬼福 “鲼?!(果然是骗人的?!)” (Ay?! (It really is a lie?!)) |
莎莎 “你看到的是大鲑鱼之类的吧?” (Did you see a big Salmonid or something?) |
曼曼 “可是我真的有看到过类似的东西啊?” (But have I really seen something similar?) |
鬼福 “……鲼!(刚刚收到一条新闻快报!)” (... Ay! (Just got a news flash!)) |
曼曼 “嗯?怎么了?” (Huh? What's wrong?) |
鬼福 “鲼!!(说是在蛮颓地区的湖里 发现新品种大型生物!就在大海附近!!)” (Ay!! (It is said that a new species of large creature was discovered in the lake in the Splatlands area! It is near the sea!!)) |
莎莎 “怎么可能?!” (How can it be?!) |
Top 100
View the Top 100 rankings |
Splatfest icon
Nessie icon
Aliens icon
Bigfoot icon
Splatfest Tees
Team Nessie tee front view
Back view
Team Aliens tee front view
Back view
Team Bigfoot tee front view
Back view
Promotional images
Deep Cut artwork
Square version of Deep Cut artwork
Results (English)
Results (Japanese)
Results (Korean)
Team artwork
English (NOA)
English (NOE)
English (AU)
Chinese (Traditional)
French (NOA)
French (NOE)
Portuguese (NOE)
Spanish (NOA)
Spanish (NOE)
Win screens
English (NOA)
English (NOE)
Chinese (Traditional)
French (NOE)
Portuguese (NOE)
Spanish (NOE)
In-game screenshots
Pledge box in Inkopolis
Tricolor Turf War opening
Tricolor overhead view
A team after winning an 100x battle, notice that the "Cross Inkling and Octoling character atop Splatfest floats" glitch is now fixed
Idols: Day 1
Shiver performing in her Splatfest colors
Frye performing in her Splatfest colors
Big Man performing in his Splatfest colors
Callie's color variants
Marie's color variants
Idols: Day 2
Deep Cut's alternate colors on day 2 of the Splatfest.
First half of the Squid Sisters' Day 2 color variants
Most of the second half of the Squid Sisters' Day 2 color variants
Final combination of the Squid Sisters' Day 2 color variants
- Deep Cut's announcement dialogue suggests that none of them have concrete proof for the teams they represent. This is most likely because this Splatfest was held on April Fool's Day.
- In the announcement dialogue, all three idols make their claims based on in-game characters and events.
- The long, thin creature "slithering out from the water" that Shiver mentions is likely a Horrorboros. This is further suggested by the results dialogue, in which Shiver says that it was "a big Salmonid".
- Frye references the Crater and the Octobot King L3.Gs, suggesting that this Splatfest takes place after the events of Return of the Mammalians.
- Big Man's dialogue about a large footprint in the snow and subsequent large shadow could be referencing the Fuzzy Octarians or Mr. Grizz in Alterna, where fake snow is present.
- This was the first Splatoon 3 Splatfest that featured Inkopolis as a second hub, fully decorated and with the Squid Sisters performing.
- This was also the first Splatfest to feature the Squid Sisters songs Liquid Sunshine, City of Color (2023), and Tomorrow's Nostalgia Today.
- This was the first Splatfest during which Shiver's team was in first place in the Halftime Report.
- This was the first Splatoon 3 Splatfest in which the most popular team did not win.
- This was also the first Splatfest to take place after point values for popularity were decreased in version 3.1.0. However, the outcome would still have been the same had this not been the case.
- Team Bigfoot was the least popular team in any Splatfest in the Splatoon series, only receiving 8.69% of player votes.
- This Splatfest was also the first one in the series in which any team acquired less than 10% in any of the results categories.
Names in other languages
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | ネッシー vs. 宇宙人 vs. 雪男 Nesshī vs. Uchūjin vs. Yukiotoko |
Nessie vs. Alien vs. Yeti |
Dutch | Nessie vs. Ruimtewezens vs. Bigfoot | Nessie vs. Extraterrestrials vs. Bigfoot |
French (NOA) | Nessie vs. Les extraterrestres vs. Bigfoot | Nessie vs. Aliens vs. Bigfoot |
French (NOE) | Nessie vs. Martiens vs. Bigfoot | Nessie vs. Martians vs. Bigfoot |
German | Nessie vs. Aliens vs. Bigfoot | Nessie vs. Aliens vs. Bigfoot |
Italian | Nessie contro Alieni contro Bigfoot | Nessie vs. Aliens vs. Bigfoot |
Russian | Несси против Инопланетяне против Бигфут Nessi protiv Inoplanetyane protiv Bigfut |
Nessie vs. Extraterrestrials vs. Bigfoot |
Spanish (NOA) | Nessie vs. Extraterrestres vs. Pie Grande | Nessie vs. Aliens vs. Bigfoot |
Spanish (NOE) | Nessie vs. Marcianos vs. Bigfoot | Nessie vs. Martians vs. Bigfoot |
Chinese | 尼斯湖水怪 vs 外星人 vs 雪怪 Ní sī hú shuǐguài vs wàixīngrén vs xuěguài |
Nessie vs. Alien vs. Yeti |
Korean | 네시 vs. 외계인 vs. 설인 Nesi vs. Oegyein vs. Sŏrin |
Nessie vs. Alien vs. Yeti |
Portuguese (NOE) | Nessie vs. Extraterrestres vs. Bigfoot[4] | Nessie vs. Extraterrestrials vs. Bigfoot |
Internal | Cryptid |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | 実在するのは? Jitsuzai suru no wa? |
The one that exists is…? |
Dutch | Welke bestaat er echt? | Which one really exists? |
French (NOA) | Qu'est-ce qui existe pour de vrai? | What exists for real? |
French (NOE) | Qu'est-ce qui existe pour de vrai ? | What exists for real? |
German | Wen gibt es wirklich? | Who really exists? |
Italian | Chi esiste davvero? | Who really exists? |
Russian | Кто существует на самом деле? Kto suschestvuet na samom dele? |
Who exists for real? |
Spanish (NOA) | ¿Cual existe realmente? | Which really exists? |
Spanish (NOE) | ¿Quién existe realmente? | Who really exists? |
Chinese (Simplified) | 真实存在的是? zhēnshí cúnzài de shì? |
The one that exists is…? |
Chinese (Traditional) | 真實存在的是!? zhēnshí cúnzài de shì!? (Mandarin) |
The one that exists is...!? |
Korean | 실존하는 것은? Silchonhanŭn kŏsŭn? |
What exists? |
Portuguese (NOE) | Qual deles é real?[4] | Which one is real? |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | 実在するのは? [ネッシー] Jitsuzai suru no wa? [Nesshī] |
The one that exists is…? [Nessie] |
Dutch | Nessie bestaat echt! | Nessie really exists! |
French (NOA) | Nessie existe! | Nessie exists! |
French (NOE) | Nessie existe ! | Nessie exists! |
German | Nessie gibt es wirklich! | Nessie really exists! |
Italian | Nessie esiste davvero! | Nessie really exists! |
Russian | Несси существует! Nessi suschestvuet! |
Nessie exists! |
Spanish | ¡Nessie existe! | Nessie exists! |
Chinese (Simplified) | 真实存在的是?尼斯湖水怪 zhēnshí cúnzài de shì? ní sī hú shuǐguài |
The one that exists is…? Nessie |
Korean | 실존하는 것은? 네시 Silchonhanŭn kŏsŭn? Nesi |
What exists? Nessie |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | 実在するのは? [宇宙人] Jitsuzai suru no wa? [Uchūjin] |
The one that exists is…? [Aliens] |
Dutch | Ruimtewezens bestaan echt! | Extraterrestials really exist! |
French (NOA) | Les extraterrestres existent! | Aliens exist! |
French (NOE) | Les martiens existent ! | Martians exist! |
German | Aliens gibt es wirklich! | Aliens really exists! |
Italian | Gli alieni esistono davvero! | Aliens really exist! |
Russian | Инопланетяне существуют! Inoplanetyane suschestvuyut! |
Extraterrestrials exist! |
Spanish (NOA) | ¡Los extraterrestres existen! | Aliens exist! |
Spanish (NOE) | ¡Los marcianos existen! | Martians exist! |
Chinese (Simplified) | 真实存在的是?外星人 zhēnshí cúnzài de shì? wàixīngrén |
The one that exists is…? Aliens |
Korean | 실존하는 것은? 외계인 Silchonhanŭn kŏsŭn? Oegyein |
What exists? Alien |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | 実在するのは? [雪男] Jitsuzai suru no wa? [Yukiotoko] |
The one that exists is…? [Yeti] |
Dutch | Bigfoot bestaat echt! | Bigfoot really exists! |
French (NOA) | Bigfoot existe! | Bigfoot exists! |
French (NOE) | Bigfoot existe ! | Bigfoot exists! |
German | Bigfoot gibt es wirklich! | Bigfoot really exists! |
Italian | Bigfoot esiste davvero! | Bigfoot really exists! |
Russian | Бигфут существует! Bigfut suschestvuet! |
Bigfoot exists! |
Spanish (NOA) | ¡Pie Grande existe! | Bigfoot exists! |
Spanish (NOE) | ¡El bigfoot existe! | Bigfoot exists! |
Chinese (Simplified) | 真实存在的是?雪怪 zhēnshí cúnzài de shì? xuěguài |
The one that exists is…? Yeti |
Korean | 실존하는 것은? 설인 Silchonhanŭn kŏsŭn? Sŏrin |
What exists? Yeti |