From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki
For quotes made by the hosts of news regarding Splatfests, see Splatfest/Quotes.
For the Squid Sisters' regular quotes, see Squid Sisters/Quotes. For Off the Hook's regular quotes, see Off the Hook/Quotes. For Deep Cut's regular quotes, see Deep Cut/Quotes.
For quotes made by the hosts of news regarding certain stages, see the article for each stage.
For the weapon introductions given by Sheldon, see Sheldon/Quotes.
For advice given by Judd, see Judd/Quotes.
For Splatoon 2 story mode quotes, see Octo Expansion/Quotes.
For Splatoon 3 story mode quotes, see The Ursine Anomaly - #03/Quotes and Return of the Mammalians (mission)/Quotes.

This is a disambiguation page.
This page acts as a list to other pages about "Quotes". They may have similar names or be about the same subject.