School Cardigan
The School Cardigan A and School Cardigan B (known in Splatoon 2 as the School Cardigan) are a pair of clothing items in the Splatoon series.
In Splatoon 2, it is a 2-star item produced by amiibo and comes with the primary ability Run Speed Up. It is only available from the Inkling Girl 2 amiibo. It cannot be ordered from another player.
In Splatoon 3, they are a pair of 1-star items produced by amiibo, each comes with the primary ability Run Speed Up. Both items are only available from the Inkling Girl 2 amiibo. Both items cannot be ordered from another player.
The School Cardigan is a black long-sleeved button-front cardigan with a white dress shirt underneath with a pink-green striped tie.
The A variant has the cardigan buttoned completely and comes with a short pleated navy-blue skirt. The tie takes form of a bowtie.
The B variant has the cardigan unbuttoned and the white shirt has a top unbuttoned button. Both the cardigan and shirt's sleeves are rolled up, with the shirt cuffs covering each sleeve. The tie takes form of a necktie. On the left wrist is a black watch, with a face that changes to match the wearer's ink color. In Splatoon 3, the watch face does not change color.
In Splatoon 2, both variants are unnamed and the A variant is applied for girls, while the B variant is applied for boys. In Splatoon 3, both variants are available as separate pieces of gear and can be worn regardless of the wearer's style.
Splatoon 2
The School Cardigan comes with Run Speed Up as the primary ability. As a 2-star item, the School Cardigan comes with two additional slots for secondary abilities, which may be increased to a maximum of three slots with a Super Sea Snail for each slot. Since it is made by the amiibo gear brand, it has equal chances to roll any secondary ability.
Splatoon 3

Both School Cardigan A and School Cardigan B come with Run Speed Up as the primary ability. As both of them are 1-star items, they each come with two additional slots for secondary abilities. The star level may be increased with Super Sea Snails for 1 (first), 1 (second), 5 (third), 10 (fourth), or 20 (fifth) Super Sea Snails per star. Increasing the star level to 2 stars will add another secondary ability slot for a total of three slots. Increasing the star level beyond 2 stars will increase the gear experience gained by a cumulative 3.333…% up to 10% additional experience at 5-star level. Since both items are made by the amiibo gear brand, they each has equal chances to roll any secondary ability.
A female Inkling wearing the School Cardigan.
Two female Inklings wearing the School gear set.
A male Inkling wearing the School Cardigan.
A closeup of the watch on the School Cardigan.
Front view of School Cardigan A from Splatoon 3
Back view of School Cardigan A from Splatoon 3
Front view of School Cardigan B from Splatoon 3
Back view of School Cardigan B from Splatoon 3
- The School Cardigan is one of thirteen pieces of gear to have had its name changed between games.
Names in other languages
School Cardigan
Language | Name | Meaning |
スクールカーデ Sukūru Kāde |
School Cardigan | |
Schoolvest | School vest | |
Cardigan scolaire | School cardigan | |
Gilet scolaire | School vest | |
Schul-Cardigan | School Cardigan | |
Cardigan scolastico | School cardigan | |
Школьная кофта Shkol'naya kofta |
School cardigan | |
Cárdigan escolar | School cardigan | |
Traje escolar | School suit |
School Cardigan A
Language | Name | Meaning |
スクールカーデ リボン Sukūru Kāde Ribon |
School Cardigan Ribbon | |
Schoolvest A | School vest A | |
Gilet scolaire A | School vest A | |
Schul-Cardigan A | School Cardigan A | |
Cardigan scolastico A | School cardigan A | |
Школьная кофта А Shkol'naya kofta A |
School cardigan A | |
Cárdigan escolar A | School cardigan A | |
Traje escolar A | School suit A | |
学校针织罩衫 蝴蝶结 xuéxiào zhēnzhī zhàoshān húdiéjié (Mandarin) |
School Knitted Smock Bow Tie | |
學校針織罩衫 蝴蝶結 xuéxiào zhēnzhī zhàoshān húdiéjié (Mandarin) |
School Knitted Smock Bow Tie | |
스쿨 리본 카디건 seukul ribon kadigeon |
School Ribbon Cardigan |
School Cardigan B
Language | Name | Meaning |
スクールカーデ ネクタイ Sukūru Kāde Nekutai |
School Cardigan Necktie | |
Schoolvest B | School vest B | |
Gilet scolaire B | School vest B | |
Schul-Cardigan B | School Cardigan B | |
Cardigan scolastico B | School cardigan B | |
Школьная кофта Б Shkol'naya kofta B |
School cardigan B | |
Cárdigan escolar B | School cardigan B | |
Traje escolar B | School suit B | |
学校针织罩衫 领带 xuéxiào zhēnzhī zhàoshān lǐngdài (Mandarin) |
School Knitted Smock Necktie | |
學校針織罩衫 領帶 xuéxiào zhēnzhī zhàoshān lǐngdài (Mandarin) |
School Knitted Smock Necktie | |
스쿨 넥타이 카디건 seukul nektai kadigeon |
Scroll Necktie Cardigan |
See also