Shiver vs. Frye vs. Big Man/Top 100

From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki

This page contains the full listing of the Shiver vs. Frye vs. Big Man Splatfest event's Top 100 players.

This data has been sourced from the Splatfest data collection on



Rank Name Power Weapon Title
1 Crab Tank #1492 2618.7 Dread Wringer Fluffy Curly Hair
2 Twig? #1115 2586.4 .52 Gal Astonishing Wall
3 sighnaps #2610 2554.5 Neo Sploosh-o-matic DJ DJ
4 Para #2041 2501.7 Splash-o-matic Livestreaming Burst Bomb User
5 Adrián ♪ #2221 2469.7 Aerospray RG Mischievous Fighter
6 PF☆Terra22 #1164 2459 Neo Splash-o-matic The Eternal Off the Hook Fan
7 Dylan #9980 2450.8 Splatana Wiper Deco Arctic Ocean Callie Fan
8 axis #1918 2439.2 H-3 Nozzlenose D Splatlandian Youth
9 tv/Morsa #2693 2435.2 Splatana Wiper Hidden Traveler
10 w0kΞ #3248 2423.6 Nautilus 47 Sweet-Toothed Shark
11 hydrocynic #2962 2423.4 Neo Splash-o-matic Tasteless Splash-o-matic User
12 pfæàèDžij #2836 2415.6 N-ZAP '85 Splatlandian Girl
13 Cнucнe #1896 2413.3 Tentatek Splattershot AKA Dad
14 Xquirt- #2168 2409.5 .96 Gal Deco Little Geek
15 cj :,) #1401 2398.5 Splattershot The GOAT Big Man Fan
16 スティッキー #1571 2397 Neo Splash-o-matic Pitch-Black Rapper
17 Zαyy! #1477 2396.2 Neo Splash-o-matic Pitch-Black Rapper
18 X #7034 2390.1 Octobrush Pitch-Black Deity of Destruction
19 рlatyрus #9199 2387.8 Splattershot Ancient Magician
20 Asan #5055 2383.7 Z+F Splatterscope World's Best Head
21 クロスβ #1114 2382.4 Tentatek Splattershot Low-Rolling Mountaintop Guru
22 fl8me #1431 2380 Tentatek Splattershot Sentimental Villain
23 Lynel #1528 2372.9 Neo Splash-o-matic Big-Time Rookie
24 Gerbil #2454 2363.7 Gold Dynamo Roller Break-Time Greaser
25 Lethe #2791 2360.5 N-ZAP '89 Warm-and-Cozy Warrior
26 Wet Floor #4557 2358.2 Dapple Dualies Unblemished Krak-On Model
27 AlbertZzz. #2233 2353.3 Splattershot All-Purpose Objet d'Art
28 reaps♪ #2746 2353 Neo Splash-o-matic Just Another Gamer
29 Swagger_mc #1410 2352.6 Splash-o-matic Super-Rare Memory
30 DrewApathy #2561 2351.3 Heavy Edit Splatling Old-Fashioned Sightseer
31 ShockWavee #3003 2351 Ballpoint Splatling Won't-Lose Fam
32 Cinnamon #3222 2350.9 Splatana Wiper Time-Traveling Samurai
33 Bigfoot #3039 2350.6 Gold Dynamo Roller 100% Mystery
34 『μεσο8』 #2621 2350.2 .96 Gal Deco Soft-and-Fluffy Moon
35 Brendon #2517 2346.7 Sloshing Machine Neo Turbo Gamer
36 no faith #2156 2346.6 Aerospray RG 100% Model
37 ボ4TDraco #2829 2336 Splatana Wiper Deco 100% Dragon
38 BigSquiddy #1135 2335.8 Inkline Tri-Stringer Clocked-Out Classic
39 Zerσかくせい。 #2714 2333 Splatana Wiper Roaming Superhero
40 Redclazz2 #5370 2328.3 Hero Shot Replica A Simple Deity of Destruction
41 Mαx DPS #8790 2325.9 .96 Gal Deco Honorary Knight
42 ☆RUI★ #3247 2322.6 Sloshing Machine Neo Fierce Pauper
43 Thing 2 #1111 2322.3 Hero Shot Replica All-Natural Ponytail
44  ジヤシア #2548 2321.9 Splattershot Ace Point Guard
45 saltcracka #9003 2321.9 Tentatek Splattershot 333x Circle
46 Rice™ #8381 2321.5 .52 Gal Legendary Mammal
47 josh #3228 2321.3 Snipewriter 5H Fall-Lovin' Boy
48 Bytes™ #2629 2316.5 Hero Shot Replica Astonishing Shiver Fan
49 Kîân ホ #2507 2316.3 Splash-o-matic Front-Line Mercenary
50 ◇Royalé◇™ #4062 2309.5 Painbrush Hotlantis Curly Hair
51 Blob #2758 2308.7 Ballpoint Splatling Sharp-Eyed Shiver Fan
52 ヨホ・Wug2.0 #1654 2308.6 Splash-o-matic Phantasmagoric Tuna Tataki
53 gojo's gf #3054 2305.1 Snipewriter 5H Infinite Cupid
54 Skrubby #1015 2304.1 Aerospray RG Better-Than-You Big Man Fan
55 {Ainzhën} #7705 2301.6 Splash-o-matic The Very First Bear
56 ※Neku #3150 2301.2 Hero Shot Replica Otherworldly Magician
57 Ňiightmare #2828 2299.4 Heavy Edit Splatling Sacred Teardrop
58 Shaniqua #1095 2296.1 N-ZAP '85 The Army
59 #1173 2295.1 Blaster Splatlandian Youth
60 【ΤWΙCΞ】 #1854 2291.2 Splattershot Pitch-Black Introvert
61 Ferni #1785 2287.9 Heavy Splatling Ace Lone Wolf
62 Squip òwó #2607 2285.9 Custom Splattershot Jr. Feral Demon
63 へ-Sam #1355 2285.3 Splash-o-matic Pro Tournament Competitor
64 Vin #7482 2284 Rapid Blaster So-Called Free Spirit
65 Juwany #3153 2282.5 Tentatek Splattershot The Real Ultimate Hero
66 phσβσs #4739 2278.2 Splattershot Freewheelin' Freelancer
67 ☆Nettα♪ #1332 2276.2 Annaki Splattershot Nova The Real Ultimate Shiver Fan
68 Drawingper #1251 2275.7 E-liter 4K Gigantified Octarian
69 onlyyjuann #2209 2274.6 Tri-Slosher Nouveau Selfie-Snapping Curly Hair
70 DizzleLH #5618 2273.8 Clash Blaster Neo Gaming Guardian
71 AbilShey #2826 2273.6 .52 Gal Shy Splash Wall User
72 De-booze #6575 2272.2 .52 Gal Ink-Dripping Mayonnaise
73 Roger! #1200 2271.1 Gold Dynamo Roller Optimistic Pearl Fan
74 Monarch #3295 2269.1 Splat Dualies The Eternal Demigod
75 ヴイー #1418 2266.8 Classic Squiffer The Final Entity
76 kass #2374 2265.4 Hero Shot Replica Merciless Mercenary
77 snom #3843 2264.6 Heavy Splatling Attention-Seeking Human
78 ! Fun¥o #8278 2264.2 Annaki Splattershot Nova Sweet-Toothed Maniac
79 Dante!mx€M #1025 2262.8 Tentatek Splattershot Commanding Celebrity
80 すぬうぴい #1571 2261.5 Zink Mini Splatling Sweet-Toothed Dynamo
81 Pyrotech #2505 2258.9 Splash-o-matic Alternan Archdemon
82 Cħípūś #3306 2258.7 .52 Gal Stylin' Survivalist
83 でんてゃん/ #9812 2256.4 Sloshing Machine Lovable Fried Chicken
84 Rγ¢εtεα #6323 2256.1 Sorella Brella Pool-Ready Cabinet Member
85 PhilipJeff #2619 2256 Splattershot Pro Evil Truth Teller
86 DB|Bolt #2730 2255.2 Splash-o-matic 100% Squid Sisters Fan
87 Sean #1763 2254.9 Dynamo Roller Soft-and-Fluffy Dinosaur
88 KeenSaysGM #1044 2254.4 Gold Dynamo Roller Lost-and-Found Splat Brella User
89 bomboclaat #6494 2253.6 Tentatek Splattershot Raw AI
90 Domeres #6670 2253.5 Splatana Wiper Lovely Demon
91 ゆうし #1954 2252.4 Aerospray RG Ace Chosen One
92 のM°Inari #1697 2252.2 Sloshing Machine Super-Scary Rapid Blaster User
93 Jerry #1788 2250 N-ZAP '85 Growing Gamer
94 OHNOSTINKY #1395 2248.5 Neo Splash-o-matic All-Natural Grease
95 Doodle #2250 2247.8 Annaki Splattershot Nova Alternan Inkjet User
96 エマーソンスアイス #1979 2247.5 Splatana Stamper Ace Tower Control Legend
97 MagicMango #5096 2247 Splattershot Spicy Splash-o-matic User
98 Justice #3371 2246.9 Ballpoint Splatling Nouveau Late-Summer Ballpoint Splatling User
99 NWŁČhompeя #3660 2246 Gold Dynamo Roller Fuzzy Mariner
100 B3rns #5687 2245.7 Tentatek Splattershot Law-Breaking Demon


Rank Name Power Weapon Title
1 xRINE48x #1968 2441.5 Inkline Tri-Stringer SUPERFRESH Superstar
2 Dynashu Δ #4480 2437.5 Gold Dynamo Roller Super-Rare Legendary Warrior
3 NeøSlayer #1925 2434.1 Splattershot Lethal Elite
4 JΘΘF #1990 2429.8 Custom Jet Squelcher Super-Duper Lucky Content Creator
5 bobzob #2927 2429.3 Splatana Wiper Profreshional Frye Fan
6 Anchovy #3118 2411 Gold Dynamo Roller Sun-Dried Squid Jerky
7 Gяαρεグレープ #2464 2408.6 Splattershot Research-Conducting Man-o'-Wardrobe Regular
8 Jason <:= #1855 2382.9 .52 Gal Pro Angle Shooter User
9 Nex #2479 2378.5 Bloblobber Strong-Willed Lone Wolf
10 sleepy #6887 2378.1 .96 Gal Deco Sleepy Human
11 ☆FĒ★Pαtσ #3045 2376.5 Neo Splash-o-matic Drenched Octoling
12 [8k]X-man #2408 2372.7 Splatana Wiper Faithful Frye Fan
13 Lil Timmy™ #8557 2363.2 Dread Wringer Low-Tide Hightide Era Fan
14 ★Sтаr§wну☆ #1671 2362.1 Aerospray RG Growing Introvert
15 Vespher #5830 2361.4 Custom Dualie Squelchers Drained Grease
16 G♂rilla #2064 2361.2 .96 Gal Deco Partying Party Lover
17 siri #2359 2359.9 Bloblobber Limited-Edition AI
18 Jonジョン :> #1581 2355.8 REEF-LUX 450 Evil Little Brother
19 →Raccoon← #2308 2350.9 Splatana Stamper Fuzzy Fuzzball
20 ∞ Gal #2365 2350 Nautilus 47 Astonishing Tuna Tataki
21 ★TM4ST3R★ #1523 2348.4 Carbon Roller Deco Rise-and-Shine Splattershot Jr. User
22 я. adapt! #1255 2345.6 Slosher Pitch-Black Prodigy
23 Sonixaxelシ #1185 2344.5 Aerospray MG Late-Summer Sun
24 χя HAYDEN #2581 2343.1 Tri-Slosher Nouveau The Best Head
25 ブライアン #1312 2343 Dark Tetra Dualies High-Rolling Paradigm
26 ダークネスバスター√ #1514 2340.1 Splash-o-matic Frosty Hothead
27 『◇』 Rευl #1923 2337.7 Aerospray RG The Marina Fan
28 Maple rX #2431 2335.3 Sloshing Machine Neo Easy-Peasy Such and Such
29 TallBarbie #1750 2333.1 Octobrush Nouveau Faithful Aunt
30 Orbital #2474 2332.8 Aerospray MG Sentimental Challenger
31 Citricpain #3400 2332.8 Splatana Wiper Faithful Moon
32 Takoroka #1296 2325.1 Aerospray RG Big Forehead
33 LilCharles #3119 2321.5 N-ZAP '89 Second-Generation Superstar
34 Maple #1655 2318.9 Squeezer Captivating Elegance
35 Wisp #2644 2318.7 Aerospray RG Official-Grizzco Astronaut
36 Spin #1289 2317.4 Splat Dualies Splatlandian Youth
37 sloth #1339 2313.8 Hero Shot Replica The Barber
38 Rotciiiv∴ #2168 2313.8 Ballpoint Splatling Essential Paradigm
39 naps #2112 2313.3 Hydra Splatling Fall-Lovin' Heat Hater
40 AreoSpike #1246 2312.6 Octobrush A Real Clock Puncher
41 ボGrαz #2668 2310.6 Slosher SUPERFRESH Princess
42 [BIG SHØT] #2557 2310.3 H-3 Nozzlenose D SUPERFRESH Mincemeat
43 ▲Dodger▽ #2967 2309.9 Octobrush The Best Octobrush User
44 maya x2 #2806 2308.7 Splash-o-matic Sizzlin' Supporter
45 Alfredo? #2462 2303.7 N-ZAP '85 Gullible Caveman
46 くメミ Clem #4832 2298.5 Aerospray RG Crusty Crab
47 ⇔¤SauceK¤⇔ #2998 2296.9 .52 Gal Evil Boss
48 BMOgamez #2350 2296.5 Aerospray RG The One and Only Boss
49 rubrchkn?! #3076 2296.4 Splat Roller Self-Proclaimed Magician
50 Shudderz #7201 2296.2 Tentatek Splattershot Lovable Object of Affection
51 Agaric☆ #2432 2296.2 Inkbrush Massive Wall
52 Duwang #2288 2294.4 Jet Squelcher Splatoon Higher-Up
53 Rekonero #3346 2293.3 Tentatek Splattershot The Original Frye Fan
54 CrispyRice #1825 2292.3 Splattershot The Best Girl
55 Luples #3315 2290.9 Heavy Edit Splatling Soft-and-Fluffy Marie Fan
56 Pistachio #2405 2290.3 Gold Dynamo Roller Ambiguous Mercenary
57 GanonCanon #6306 2289.6 Ballpoint Splatling Unyielding Frye Fan
58 Mγser! #1941 2288.1 Hero Shot Replica Soft-and-Fluffy Catfish
59 FurryTrash #6222 2286.9 Splattershot Big Dog
60 »Κιτσ« #2408 2286.6 Sorella Brella Sweet Hat Model
61 ☆Quicorin★ #2259 2286.2 Nautilus 47 Precocious Youth
62 Churrasco #1408 2285.5 Goo Tuber Essential Dad
63 ThatShyKid #2619 2282.3 Ballpoint Splatling Shy Heavy Splatling User
64 あぽろ #1912 2281.9 Octobrush Ultra Chirpy Chips Fan
65 FRYE☆MOM #8202 2281 .52 Gal Big-Money Moray Eel
66 ↓pour #1461 2280.5 N-ZAP '85 Cosmic Squid Sisters Fan
67 Mexican :) #7341 2277.7 Heavy Edit Splatling Ammo Knights Manager
68 Z3phor #1049 2276.6 Neo Splash-o-matic Lethal Seafood
69 la Foka XD #2929 2276.4 Tentatek Splattershot Fame-Seeking Palette
70 Sebzouy #9774 2275.9 Heavy Edit Splatling Dead-Tired Jokester
71 homura #1781 2275.2 Dynamo Roller Meaty Squid Jerky
72 Zo #5485 2275.1 Splatana Wiper Warm-and-Cozy Superstar
73 Crazynood1 #1218 2274.7 Aerospray MG Big Honkin' Bodyguard
74 Memöri #4384 2269.8 Splattershot Nova Phantasmagoric Entity
75 Shogun8 #3048 2269.5 Splat Dualies Sizzlin' Frye Fan
76 ◎м Paleímu #3249 2267.9 .52 Gal Gothic Girl
77 ∞ Ida #1582 2267.2 Splattershot Fruit-Lovin' Off the Hook Fan
78 YO!_Nova! #2474 2265 Forge Splattershot Pro Lethal Party Star
79 Trashcan #2310 2264.6 Tenta Sorella Brella Dry Wall
80 ofuro #9338 2263.7 Sloshing Machine Crusty Frye Fan
81 »◎«nugget #5341 2262.6 N-ZAP '89 Die-Hard Frye Fan
82 Mani #2677 2262.2 REEF-LUX 450 Clocked-Out Wave Rider
83 kat #5519 2261.4 Splatana Wiper Deco Bright-Blue Writer
84 Luis Cl #3338 2261.3 Forge Splattershot Pro Sizzlin' Content Creator
85 fantaたrret #2333 2261.2 Splash-o-matic Fluffy Splash-o-matic User
86 Cullen #6050 2260.6 Neo Splash-o-matic Swaggy Shield
87 σв!「ノαdε」 #1344 2260.3 Glooga Dualies Tasteless Dragon
88 [JXJ]S☆NIC #2834 2258.9 Painbrush Bright-Blue Tri-Stringer User
89 KKArter #1063 2257 Squeezer Reincarnated Squeezer User
90 ∵☆ζΛΓΔ★∴ #1443 2256.6 Dread Wringer Low-Tide Raider
91 「レイナ」Div3+ #4222 2256.6 Splattershot Collab-Loving Rookie
92 Javito #1591 2256.5 Neo Splash-o-matic Wiped-Out Recollection
93 śε・Jeгeпce #1546 2254.7 N-ZAP '89 Serious Goo Tuber User
94 kAbIlA #5429 2253.3 Splatana Stamper Inkopolis Square's Viewer
95 Gσιd :3 #1233 2252.9 Splattershot World's Best Grandpa
96 Jesse #3196 2251.7 N-ZAP '85 Super-Duper Lucky Enthusiast
97 Gougui #1487 2250.2 Splattershot Jr. 5-Year-Planning Artist
98 らむねしあα #6274 2249.6 Tri-Slosher Nouveau Awe-Inspiring Salmon Runner
99 Wombat #4496 2248.8 Ballpoint Splatling Nouveau Comic-Lovin' Artist
100 üм …ADAM!! #2053 2248.6 Mini Splatling Exhausted Such and Such

Big Man

Rank Name Power Weapon Title
1 ☆Mecha #2881 2501.4 Splash-o-matic Jet-Black Lion
2 Chocuphir #1154 2484.2 Splatana Wiper Bargain-Binned Sensei
3 777 .q #1891 2467.2 Classic Squiffer Of-the-Moment Champion
4 Mudkipy #1897 2447.7 N-ZAP '85 Winter-Lovin' Festivalgoer
5 JoeJoe #6991 2446.8 Nautilus 47 Nostalgic Prince
6 Nickk #3377 2446.3 Splash-o-matic Fiery Musician
7 *⌒Ÿéęł~ #6890 2444.7 Tentatek Splattershot Saddle-Straddlin' Squid Sisters Fan
8 boingus #6484 2430.6 N-ZAP '89 Meaty Big Man Fan
9 half  :) #3145 2420.9 Splatana Wiper The Final Lucky Duck
10 95348 #2413 2408.7 Gold Dynamo Roller Lost Eye of the Storm
11 ocat #2214 2408 Tentatek Splattershot Flying Seafood
12 ☆κγιε★ #1517 2403.4 Custom Dualie Squelchers Gentle Giant
13 icyal #3995 2400.1 Nautilus 47 Snowy Mood
14 DNA ZEKE #1605 2396.2 Nautilus 47 Splatlandian Youth
15 ƒishyyism! #2790 2393.9 Squeezer 100% Dolphin
16 fancy rice #1160 2393.5 Neo Splash-o-matic Seasoned Rice Bowl
17 fl #4162 2389.4 Sploosh-o-matic The Fish
18 Caden #1661 2389.4 Custom Dualie Squelchers Lonely Wet Hair
19 Endoxicom #8147 2387.4 Sorella Brella Gaming Sea Creature
20 DNA Landon #1442 2379.7 Inkbrush Decade-Experienced Head
21 Λυgυsτ~♪ #2960 2372.4 Neo Splash-o-matic Logical Detective
22 Goobus #3026 2365.2 .52 Gal Crusty Outlaw
23 Help>:( #2433 2364.7 Tentatek Splattershot World's Best Rookie
24 [J]oshy♪ #1209 2363.2 N-ZAP '85 Lucky Lucky Duck
25 ¤Red¤ #5022 2363 Dread Wringer Supersonic Striker
26 joey #1736 2354.7 Sploosh-o-matic The Truth Teller
27 MicDrop #1773 2354 Custom Dualie Squelchers Ace Bug
28 BAD!!!!!!! #1507 2353.5 N-ZAP '89 Crusty Gamer
29 [シャドーキメラ] #2705 2350.8 Heavy Splatling Research-Conducting Magician
30 SharkiNAUR #2873 2348.7 Inkline Tri-Stringer Salmon Run Enthusiast
31 EAÐÂЙ #1918 2348.5 Heavy Edit Splatling Mischievous Heavy Splatling User
32 WheresBear #3194 2347.1 Range Blaster Fluffy Friend
33 Cosxx #1873 2339.5 Hero Shot Replica Crush Station Knit Model
34 Tortle >B} #3008 2339 Splat Brella Big Turtle
35 DrifTEA #1665 2337.5 Slosher The True Ultimate Rice Bowl
36 Golditale #2667 2337 Inkline Tri-Stringer Somehow Big Man Fan
37 えい~ #3369 2336.6 Splattershot Time-Traveling Youngster
38 Miaミア♪ #3297 2334 Splatana Wiper Deco Lightning-Fast Sidestepper
39 mochipeeps #1287 2332 N-ZAP '89 Top-Ranked World Champ
40 S.Squishy #3397 2325.5 Gold Dynamo Roller Soft-and-Fluffy Villain
41 Rainy #1286 2324.9 Splattershot Esoteric Legend
42 Pancho #1383 2324.6 Dread Wringer Shy Such and Such
43 ☆Luca #4797 2323 Octobrush Dead-Tired Artist
44 Xx MoYsT #1505 2322.7 Splash-o-matic Limited-Edition Forge Model
45 RIY(・m・〃α® #2980 2321.5 Splash-o-matic Promising Gamer
46 LightLemur #1102 2321.2 Hero Shot Replica Big Manta Ray
47 AQUA #1960 2319 Undercover Brella Manta Maria Jellyfish
48 Monsoonack #2080 2317.4 Custom Dualie Squelchers Explosive Human
49 Swigatito #1465 2317.4 Splatana Wiper Astonishing Cat
50 GrзyHound #2861 2315.6 Splatana Stamper Infinite Curly Hair
51 borpa spin #9131 2311.9 Splash-o-matic Crusty Member
52 ぐーぐー★№1ファン #9186 2311.2 Splattershot Not-So-Fresh E-liter 4K Scope User
53 αlphastar #1422 2310.3 Tentatek Splattershot Bright-Blue Influencer
54 ☆StormHero #1391 2307.7 Heavy Edit Splatling Stormy Guardian
55 Eagle eye #2922 2306 Custom Dualie Squelchers Reckless Warrior
56 кρ Hannah #2846 2303.7 Z+F Splatterscope Legendary Knight
57 Reci #3052 2303.1 Gold Dynamo Roller The Eternal Illusion
58 Kabutey #2790 2302.5 Explosher Graceful Recollection
59 Zedotagger #2149 2299.1 Octobrush One-in-a-Million Protected Species
60 Pυρργ♪™ #1580 2297.9 Tentatek Splattershot Competitive Tournament Competitor
61 I<3BigMen #3101 2297.9 Heavy Splatling Deco Lonely Samba
62 Tu★sεnραι★ #3195 2297.2 N-ZAP '89 Livestreaming Streamer
63 Yоясhιssψ! #2174 2295.8 Splattershot Peppy Squeezer User
64 Alex #2245 2295.2 Heavy Edit Splatling Law-Breaking Chosen One
65 Pues Simón #1580 2293.8 Splattershot Pro Super-Duper Lucky Afro
66 Love★Star #2274 2289.8 Dapple Dualies Nouveau Mischievous Object of Affection
67 トリス リングス #9400 2287.3 Tentatek Splattershot Suave Bride
68 FunnelCake #3011 2285.1 Squeezer Cash-Stacking Entrepreneur
69 ωανε∴ #3406 2284.6 Splash-o-matic The Original Ultimate Weapon
70 Stαη :3 #2104 2282.3 Nautilus 47 Astonishing Legend
71 Serperior #3246 2280 Ballpoint Splatling Sleepy City Girl
72 ▲Wi-Gi #3318 2279.9 Heavy Splatling Deco The True Ultimate Musician
73 ∴Sτiτch∵ #2961 2279.8 Blaster Lucky Dinosaur
74 Isaiah♪ #2506 2277.5 Krak-On Splat Roller Positive Artist
75 〆EdgaR〆 #2305 2277.1 N-ZAP '85 Lethal Big Deal
76 Tenor #1849 2276.9 Ballpoint Splatling The First Bird
77 yoyo™ #1758 2276.6 .52 Gal Lost Moon
78 Welkin #2623 2275.2 Splattershot Jr. Daydreamin' Trainer
79 saminospl #1205 2274.6 Heavy Splatling Fully Automatic Slow Starter
80 shay #2579 2274.6 Splattershot The True Ultimate Point Guard
81 Candy #9969 2270.9 Splatana Wiper Celestial Artist
82 foxx #2919 2270.8 Range Blaster Just Another Big Man Fan
83 cannon #1983 2270.5 Heavy Edit Splatling Endangered Afro
84 republic #3173 2269.5 Heavy Splatling Swole Bodybuilder
85 Deduwu #7116 2269.4 Custom Splattershot Jr. Meaty Squid, Inc.
86 Afro #2575 2269.3 Dynamo Roller Splatlandian Youth
87 foppy #2754 2267.4 Splash-o-matic Summer-Breaking Recollection
88 KoolYoshi #1536 2265.9 Inkline Tri-Stringer High-Performing Tri-Stringer User
89 Mar$el #5004 2265 E-liter 4K Assisting Mountaintop Guru
90 REI #1005 2263.3 Splash-o-matic Thunderous Youngster
91 Mkv13 #4657 2263.3 N-ZAP '89 Miraculous Superhero
92 ★DJ Sango #2205 2263 Slosher Inkopolis's Own Agent 3
93 xenith! #5526 2262.8 Big Swig Roller Express Bomb-tastic Bird
94 ßeenßurito #2920 2262.6 Neo Splash-o-matic Childish Predator
95 Goji #2745 2262.1 Heavy Edit Splatling Big Callie Fan
96 SimplySam #1644 2262.1 Splattershot Country-Born Outlaw
97 Arashi `▼` #8033 2261.1 Aerospray MG Lightning-Fast Big Man Fan
98 まきずし #2616 2260.7 Splattershot Nova Sleepy Sushi
99 Ivan M #1335 2260.6 Aerospray RG Lost Groom
100 Cheeze #1657 2258.1 Gold Dynamo Roller Fleeing Target



Rank Name Power Weapon Title
1 №αħ ♪ #1338 2539.3 Neo Splash-o-matic Super-Rare Legend
2 Devin!↑ #1037 2482 Nautilus 47 Drenched Gamer
3 Nepia #2044 2408.9 .52 Gal Fierce Lucky Duck
4 Sloomyアレクス #3159 2374 N-ZAP '85 The Chosen One
5 『ぐ』Nango24 #1154 2368.1 Splattershot 5-Year-Planning Kingpin
6 γμshi4Ever #1716 2368 Splattershot Jr. Fruit-Lovin' Lucky Duck
7 a #3325 2353.8 Custom Dualie Squelchers Splatlandian Youth
8 Luma Ace #2082 2344.5 Sorella Brella Clever Shield
9 sliρργ #1729 2332.6 Splattershot Sensational Alliance
10 Dabby ! #3032 2327.3 Splattershot Thunderous Head
11 Rocta #1295 2323.6 Sploosh-o-matic Phantasmagoric Polyglot
12 kaiden ☆ #1471 2323.5 .52 Gal Astonishing Point Guard
13 りこ★ネロ♪…N #2341 2323.5 Blaster Refreshing Tuna Tataki
14 ciel_0 #1212 2319.6 Splattershot Astonishing Point Guard
15 ルート Skyy #1961 2310 E-liter 4K Scope Unnoticed Human
16 ▽LΣVΙ▽ #9655 2309.9 Forge Splattershot Pro The Octobrush User
17 プルプル #2798 2302.4 Octobrush Fearful Gadabout
18 AL_ひな_XANI #2022 2298.6 Blaster Splatlandian Youth
19 Mars #1785 2293.2 E-liter 4K Scope The GOAT Content Creator
20 Titou #3278 2289.5 Splat Roller Blissed-Out Snacks
21 Evil ツ #1364 2287.4 Splattershot Fluffy Bodyguard
22 Sunshay #1589 2287.3 Neo Splash-o-matic Lonely Survivalist
23 No† sebi!! #1761 2285.4 Sloshing Machine Neo Astonishing Salmon Run Legend
24 ¡χ…Conro #5269 2278.2 Slosher Goth Model
25 ラブ Zeke #1927 2268 Splatana Stamper Big-Money Bro
26 ★Sιlν'♪ #4343 2267 Splattershot Big-Sky Superstar
27 ρη|rednaeL #2503 2264.6 Hero Shot Replica Champion Shark
28 Cheapd #2660 2262.2 Splash-o-matic Super-Duper Lucky Gadabout
29 Ξ↑タメ #1029 2260.9 Dread Wringer The Prodigy
30 VA◇TεnT #8756 2259.8 Splattershot Pro Trending Avocado Roll
31 Tsuki∞ #3402 2258.1 Heavy Edit Splatling Dark Fuzzball
32 dž★ramact #4136 2257.9 Mini Splatling Splatlandian Youth
33 fσ.Jakob #1728 2255.9 Nautilus 47 Comfy-Cozy Cat
34 Yoann #3204 2254.9 Hero Shot Replica Freewheelin' Extrovert
35 cheshire #2104 2254.7 N-ZAP '85 Overachieving Splat Charger User
36 Ιker #2295 2254.3 Octobrush Honorary Frye Fan
37 YuSnipe #5866 2254.2 Heavy Edit Splatling Super-Rare Legend
38 x→y Mαяτιη #3159 2253.7 N-ZAP '89 The Chosen One
39 Arkoz #1240 2252.1 Splattershot Infinite Rookie of the Year
40 VLeo #3377 2250.4 Heavy Edit Splatling Steampunky Nautilus User
41 SplashX YT #3153 2243.7 Hero Shot Replica Water-Breathing Merperson
42 thebrice_ #1600 2242.9 Tentatek Splattershot 100% Shiver Fan
43 DRΛCO ツ #2019 2240 Heavy Edit Splatling Legendary Firefin Model
44 Caad #2876 2238.5 Splash-o-matic Antarctic Ocean Squeezer User
45 Nacho #5483 2236.3 Tentatek Splattershot Bright-Blue Deep Cut Fan
46 Keefun #5300 2235.4 Heavy Splatling Reliable Rookie
47 alicatk #3225 2232.3 Blaster Bright-Blue Off the Hook Fan
48 North? #3305 2232.2 Slosher Pretty Good Cat
49 LυcκчF′ #2551 2232.1 Tri-Slosher Nouveau 5-Year-Planning Agent 1
50 ByG Yoshis #2716 2231.4 Sloshing Machine Neo Not-Streaming Challenger
51 CocoRentin #3349 2230.6 Splattershot Gleaming Illusion
52 "sαm" #4191 2230 Aerospray RG Astonishing Point Guard
53 #1304 2230 Dread Wringer Procrastinating Artist
54 つοnαs™ #6844 2228.9 Splash-o-matic 24-Hour Dog
55 Exkyu #3051 2227.6 Tentatek Splattershot Innocent Deity of Destruction
56 tamako #6168 2225.6 Neo Splash-o-matic Twilight Princess
57 Mazhel #3326 2224.8 Undercover Brella Shy Introvert