Sturgeon Shipyard/Quotes
Off the Hook quotes
English quotes
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “The night skyline here makes me want to sing! WOOOOOOOOOOO!” |
Marina “Pearl! Save it for our next concert!” |
NOE, NOA[note 1] |
Pearl “The drawbridge here is the perfect spot to camp with a charger.” |
Marina “Never change, Pearl...” |
Pearl “The drawbridge here is the perfect spot to camp with a charger.” |
Marina “You would...” |
NOE, NOA[note 2] |
Pearl “I dare you to jump off of the pier, Marina!” |
Marina “Nah, I don't give in to pier pressure.” |
Pearl “They call this a shipyard, but where the heck are the ships?” |
Marina “Pearl, this entire stage is a ship that's being built!” |
Pearl “What do you call it when you shoot off Tenta Missiles at the end of a match?” |
Pearl “Good thing I never get seasick playing on this stage!” |
Marina “Urp...” |
Pearl “Marina, I bet you think this stage is amazing, huh?” |
Marina “YEAH! It's one of my favorites!” |
Pearl “Yo, that track you made the other day. Did you sample the boat motors here?!” |
Marina “You noticed!” |
Pearl “Marina, I'm a cake girl at heart... but I also like octo pie.” |
Marina “Aww, Pearl. I'm not sure whether to be touched or terrified.” |
Pearl “Have you seen those cargo ships across the bay from here?” |
Marina “The shape of that crane... I think that's Port Mackerel!” |
Pearl “Marina, you get this dopey smile every time we introduce this stage.” |
Marina “I just love this place! All the heavy machinery reminds me of my childhood.” |
Japanese quotes
ヒメ's dialogue | イイダ's dialogue | Region |
ヒメ 「ここの夜景みると 歌いたくなるんだよなー! マ~♪」 (Looking at the night skyline here makes me want to sing! La~♪) |
イイダ 「センパイ! 危ないんで イキナリ歌わないでください!」 (Senpai! That's dangerous, please don't sing so suddenly!) |
NOJ[note 1] |
ヒメ 「ここのハネ橋、ちょーサイコーポイントだから!!」 (The drawbridges here are so awesome!!) |
イイダ 「センパイ、高いトコ好きですネ〜」 (Senpai, you really love your high places!) |
ヒメ 「イイダ!造船所って結局何するトコ?」 (Marina! Just what is done at shipyards anyway?) |
イイダ 「マシンのモーター音をききに来るところじゃないんですか?」 (Isn't it a place to come hear the motors of the machinery?) |
ヒメ 「造船所って言うけどさーどこに船があんだよー」 (They say it's a shipyard, but where are the ships at?) |
イイダ 「センパイ、このステージ自体が造りかけの船なんですよ!」 (Senpai, the stage itself is a ship being built!) |
ヒメ 「バトルの最後にマルチミサイルぶっ放す!名付けて…?」 (I released the Tenta Missiles at the end of the battle! That's called…?) |
イイダ 「だきしめて☆トゥインクルスター!」 ("Embrace Me ☆ Twinkle Star"!) |
ヒメ 「なぁイイダ!アタシってゼッタイ船よいしないんだよ!」 (Hey, Marina! I'm definitely not going to get seasick here!) |
イイダ 「…う、うらやましい!」 (...I-I am envious!) |
ヒメ 「イイダってここ来るとスッゲーテンション上がるよな?」 (You sure get awfully excited when you come here, huh?) |
イイダ 「ああ〜、1200t級ゴライアスクレーン…ウットリしちゃいます〜」 (Ahh, the 1200-ton class goliath crane... I'm spellbound...) |
ヒメ 「この前きかせてくれたトラックってここのモーター音サンプリングしたやつ?!」 (Didn't you sample the sound of the motors here for the track you made before?!) |
イイダ 「ふふふ…センパイもやっと大型機械のミリョクに気づいてきましたね!」 (Hee hee... So you finally noticed the charm of heavyweight machinery!) |
ヒメ 「イイダ知ってる? チョウザメってサメの仲間じゃないんだぜ?」 (Marina, did you know? Sturgeons aren't really sharks, you know?) |
イイダ 「超スゴイ サメかと思ってました…」 (I was hoping they were a super cool kind of shark...) |
NO |
Notes: The word for "sturgeon" in Japanese is 「チョウザメ」, which sounds like 「超」 ("super") and 「サメ」 ("shark"). | ||
ヒメ 「向こうにコンテナ船が見えるなー」 (On the other side, you can see cargo ships!) |
イイダ 「あの型のガントリークレーンなら… ホッケふ頭ですかね~」 (If it's that model of gantry crane... That's Port Mackerel, isn't it!) |
ヒメ 「イイダー、ここの映像が映るたびに ニヤニヤしてんなー」 (Marinaaa, every time we show this place, you start grinning!) |
イイダ 「ひびく金属音… 太い鉄骨… すべてがステキです~♪」 (The echoing metal noises... the thick steel beams... everything is just amazing!) |
Dutch quotes
Lorelei's dialogue | Mariana's dialogue | Region |
Lorelei “De skyline is hier 's nachts zo mooi dat ik wel kan zingen! LALALALALALAAAAAAA!” (The skyline is so beautiful here at night that it makes me sing! LALALALALALAAAAAAA!) |
Mariana “Eh, Lorelei? Denk je aan je stem? We moeten nog optreden!” (Uh, Pearl? Do you think about your voice? We still have to perform!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Lorelei “Hier op de ophaalbrug kun je met een Bloplader perfect op de loer liggen.” (Here on the draw bridge you can perfectly lie in wait with a Splat Charger.) |
Mariana “Net iets voor jou...” (Just the thing for you...) |
Lorelei “Waarom noemen ze dit een scheepswerf, vraag ik me af...” (Why do they call this a shipyard, I wonder ...) |
Mariana “Eh... Ja, geen FLAUW idee, Lorelei! Waarom zou DAT nou zijn?” (Uh... Yes, I have not the FAINTEST idea, Pearl! Why would THAT now be?) |
Lorelei “Als dit een scheepswerf moet zijn, waar zijn dan de schepen?” (If this must be a shipyard, where are the ships then?) |
Mariana “Lorelei, het level is één groot schip dat nog in aanbouw is!” (Pearl, the level is one large ship that is still under construction!) |
Lorelei “Hoe noem je een honkbalspeler die de bal gooit terwijl hij Spetterraketten schiet?” (What do you call a baseball player throwing the ball while firing Tenta Missiles?) |
Mariana “Eh... een... eh... hmm... O, een SPETTERRAKETWERPER! Haha!” (Uh... a... uh... hmm... Oh, a TENTA MISSILES PITCHER! Haha!) |
Lorelei “Gelukkig heb ik nooit last van zeeziekte.” (Fortunately I never suffer from seasickness.) |
Mariana “Ik ben zo... *burp*... blij voor je.” (I am so... *belch*... happy for you.) |
Lorelei “Mariana, ik heb zo het gevoel dat jij dit level wel kunt waarderen.” (Marina, I have the feeling that you can fairly appreciate this level.) |
Mariana “Klopt! Dit is een van mijn favorieten!” (That is right! This is one of my favorites!) |
Lorelei “Dat nummer dat je pas hebt gemaakt... Zaten daar niet ook bootgeluiden in?” (That song that you have made recently... Did it not also contain boat sounds?) |
Mariana “Ja, die geluiden heb ik hier opgenomen! Grote machines zorgen voor coole beats!” (Yes, I recorded those sounds here! Large machines provide for cool beats!) |
Lorelei “Wist je al dat kwallen en haaien niet met elkaar kunnen opschieten?” (Did you know that jellyfish and sharks cannot get along?) |
Mariana “Bedoel je dat het altijd haai-bel is tussen die twee?” (You mean there is always a quarrel between those two?) |
Notes: haai-bel comes from haai ("shark") and heibel ("quarrel"). | ||
Lorelei “Hiervandaan kun je vrachtschepen zien.” (From here you can see cargo ships.) |
Mariana “Die kraan daar... Dat zal wel Hamerhaaihaven zijn, zeker?” (That crane over there... That must be Port Mackerel, right?) |
Lorelei “Mariana, je lacht altijd zo maf als je dit level ziet...” (Marina, you always laugh so odd when you see this level...) |
Mariana “Het galmende metaal... de reusachtige stalen gevaartes... Heerlijk allemaal!” (The echoing metal... the gigantic steel hulks... Just lovely!) |
French quotes
Perle's dialogue | Coralie's dialogue | Region |
Perle « La vue ici est si belle de nuit, ça me donne envie de chanter... LALALAAAA ! » (The view here is so nice at night, it makes me want to sing... LALALAAAA!) |
Coralie « Arrête ça tout de suite, Perle ! C'est bien trop dangereux ! » (Stop that right now, Pearl! It's way too dangerous!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Perle « Ici, j'adore squatter les ponts à bascule ! » (I really like to camp on the bridges here!) |
Coralie « Tu aimes vraiment jouer avec le feu, Perle... » (You really like to play with fire, Pearl...) |
Perle « Coralie ! Un chantier naval, ça sert à quoi ? » (Marina! What's a shipyard used for?) |
Coralie « Bah, on y vient pour écouter le doux ronron des machines, non ? » (Well, you come to listen to the soft rumbling of the machines, no?) |
Perle « Si ce truc est un chantier naval, où sont les bateaux... ? » (If this thing is a shipyard, where are the ships...?) |
Coralie « Ce truc, comme tu dis, est un bateau en construction à lui tout seul, Perle. » (This thing, as you say it, is a boat under construction by itself, Pearl.) |
Perle « Comment tu appellerais le fait d'utiliser un multi-missile en fin de match ? » (What do you call using Tenta Missiles at the end of a match?) |
Coralie « Euh, je sais ! Un sale coup ? » (Uh, I know! A dirty trick?) |
Perle « J'ai encore jamais eu le mal de mer dans ce stage ! Et toi, Coralie ? » (I haven't gotten sea sick on this stage yet! What about you, Marina?) |
Coralie « Le bateau n'est pas à flots, Perle... » (The ship's never been afloat, Pearl...) |
Perle « Coralie, tu dois être aux anges dans ce stage, pas vrai ? » (Marina, you must be on cloud nine at this stage, am I right?) |
Coralie « T'imagines même pas ! Mais le mieux, c'est quand je rêve des grues ensuite ! » (You can't imagine! But the best part is when I dream about cranes afterwards!) |
Perle « Hé, tu as samplé le bruit de ces moteurs de bateau pour ton dernier morceau ?! » (Hey, did you sample the noise from the boat motors for your latest track?!) |
Coralie « Oh, tu as remarqué ! Les gros engins produisent toujours de super beats... » (Oh, you noticed! The big engines always make some really cool beats...) |
Perle « Coralie, tu sais ce que c'est qu'un mégalodon ? Je parie que non ! » (Marina, do you know what a megalodon is? I bet you don't!) |
Coralie « Quoi ?! Bien sûr que je sais ! C'est, euh, un énorme lodon ! Fastoche. » (What?! Of course I know! It's, uh, an enormous lodon! Easy.) |
Perle « On peut voir des porte-conteneurs sur le côté. » (You can see some container ships on the side.) |
Coralie « Les docks Haddock ne doivent pas être loin, vu le portique de manutention... » (Port Mackerel must not be far, since you can see the cranes from here...) |
Perle « Coralie, pourquoi tu souris bêtement à chaque fois qu'on annonce ce stage ? » (Marina, why do you have a sappy smile every time we announce this stage?) |
Coralie « Les structures d'acier, le doux son des métaux qui s'entrechoquent... Raaaah... » (The steel structures, the soft sound of colliding metal... Ohhhhh...) |
German quotes
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla „Beim Anblick der nächtlichen Skyline möchte ich glatt anfangen zu singen!“ (Looking at the skyline at night makes me want to start singing!) |
Marina „Heb's dir besser für unser nächstes Konzert auf.“ (Better save it for our next concert.) |
NOE[note 1] |
Perla „Die Zugbrücke hier ist der Geheimtipp für Hinterhalte mit einem Konzentrator!“ (The drawbridge here is the secret tip for ambushes with a concentrator!) |
Marina „Aber jetzt ist der Tipp ja gar nicht mehr geheim...?“ (But now the tip is no longer a secret...?) |
Perla „So, Marina, verrat uns mal, wofür man so eine Werft eigentlich braucht!“ (So, Marina, tell us what a shipyard is needed for.) |
Marina „Da kann man sich voll toll den Sound von riiiesigen Machinen anhören!“ (You can listen to the sound of giant machines there!) |
Perla „Das soll also eine Werft sein? Und wo sind dann bitte die Schiffe?“ (So this is supposed to be a shipyard? Where are the ships?) |
Marina „Halt dich fest, Perla: Die ganze Arena ist ein Schiff, das gerade gebaut wird!“ (Hold on tight, Pearl: the whole arena is a ship under construction!) |
Perla „Schnellraterunde: Schwarmraketen, am Kampfende eingesetzt, wie heißt das?“ (Quick guess round: Swarm Missiles (Tenta Missiles), used at the end of battle, what's that called?) |
Marina „Äh... SCHWARMALARM!“ (Uh... SWARM ALARM!) |
Perla „In dieser Arena bin ich echt froh, dass ich immun gegen Seekrankheit bin!“ (In this arena, I'm really glad I'm immune to seasickness!) |
Marina „Örks...“ (Urk...) |
Perla „Na, Marina? Ich wette, du findest diese Arena voll toll, hm?“ (Well Marina? I bet you absolutely love this arena, huh?) |
Marina „Noch viel toller als toll! Die gehört eindeutig zu meinen Favoriten!“ (Even better than great! It's definitely one of my favorites!) |
Perla „Hast du in dem Song neulich ernsthaft Motorengeräusche verwurstet?!“ (Did you really mix motor sounds into that song recently?!) |
Marina „Du hast es gemerkt! PS-starke Maschinen machen die besten Beats!“ (You noticed it! High horsepower machines make the best beats!) |
Perla „Ich mag Störe ja nicht so wirklich...“ (I don't really like sturgeons...) |
Marina „Du meinst, ihr habt ein gestörtes Verhältnis?“ (You mean, you have a disturbed relationship?) |
Notes: Pun on Stör and gestört. | ||
Perla „Man kann von hier aus Frachter sehen!“ (You can see cargo ships from here!) |
Marina „Dieser Kran da... Das muss dann der Heilbutt-Hafen sein, oder?“ (That crane there... that must be the one from Port Mackerel, right?) |
Perla „Marina, du kriegst immer dieses entrückte Lächeln bei dieser Arena...“ (Marina, you always have this enraptured smile on this stage...) |
Marina „Das Klingen des Metalls... Das riesige Stahlgerüst... Einfach toll...“ (The sound of metal... the giant steel scaffold... simply great...) |
Italian quotes
Alga's dialogue | Nori's dialogue | Region |
Alga «Il panorama notturno qui mi fa venire voglia di cantare. ♪ Splaaa-ttareee... ♪» |
Nori «Alga, non sforzare la voce! Risparmiala per il nostro prossimo concerto!» |
NOE[note 1] |
Alga «Il ponte levatoio è un ottimo punto per cecchinare con un'arma a carica.» |
Nori «Vedo che non ti piace sporcarti i tentacoli...» |
Alga «Nori va sempre al cantiere navale. Proprio come gli Inkling vecchietti!» |
Nori «Io però ci vado per campionare i suoni per le nostre canzoni!» |
Alga «Se davvero è un cantiere navale... dove sono le navi?!» |
Nori «Alga, il cantiere stesso è una nave in costruzione!» |
Alga «Nori, come descriveresti l'efficacia del lanciarazzi in questo scenario?» |
Nori «Facile! Con i razzi, dei nemici ti sbarazzi!» |
Alga «Per fortuna che non soffro di mal di mare! Sarebbe un problema qui...» |
Nori «B-Beata te... Bleeeuuurgh!» |
Alga «Nori, scommetto che questo scenario ti piace un sacco, vero?» |
Nori «Sììì! È uno dei miei preferiti!» |
Alga «Per la tua ultima canzone hai campionato i suoni dei motori qui, vero?» |
Nori «Proprio così! Mi piacciono i suoni industriali, hanno un groove unico!» |
Alga «Sai che storioni e squali non vanno d'accordo?» |
Nori «Davvero? Che storiona!» |
Alga «Vedo delle navi da carico in lontananza.» |
Nori «Riconosco la gru... quello dev'essere il Porto Polpo!» |
Alga «Nori, perché sorridi ogni volta che vedi queste immagini?» |
Nori «Adoro il suono metallico dei macchinari, le impalcature ferrose... aaah!» |
Russian quotes
Жемчик's dialogue | Мариша's dialogue | Region |
Жемчик «Вид ночного города та-а-акой отпадный! Сейчас спою!!!» (The view of the city at night is so-so awesome! I'm singing now!!!) |
Мариша «Жемчик, потерпи до концерта!» (Pearl, be patient until the concert!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Жемчик «На местном разводном мосту можно круто затаится с нагнетателем...» (On the local drawbridge you can hide nicely with a charger...) |
Мариша «Жемчик, и тебе не стыдно?» (Pearl, aren't you ashamed?) |
Жемчик «На этих верфях всегда так шумно из-за всей этой техники!» (These shipyards are always so noisy because of all this technology!) |
Мариша «Жемчик, ничего ты не понимаешь в индустриальной музыке...» (Pearl, you don't understand anything in industrial music...) |
Жемчик «Слушай, если это верфь, то где корабли-то? Не понимаю!» (Listen, if this is a shipyard, then where are the ships? I don't understand!) |
Мариша «Жемчик, ну ты что! Вся эта арена — один корабль! Только разобранный...» (Pearl, come on! This whole arena is one ship! It's just disassembled...) |
Жемчик «Что получится, если использовать каракатницу в самом конце боя?» (What happens if you use Tenta Missiles at the very end of the battle?) |
Мариша «Каракар-р-рамба! ☆» (Karakar-r-ramba! ☆) |
Notes: "Каракарамба" karakaramba is a pun on каракатница karakatnitsa ("cuttlefish rocket launcher", Russian for Tenta Missiles) and карамба caramba (transliteration of the Spanish word for "damn it"). | ||
Жемчик «Эту арену так качает! Круто, что у меня нет морской болезни!» (This arena rocks so much! It's cool that I don't get seasick!) |
Мариша «Везет же некоторым...» (Lucky for some...) |
Жемчик «Мариша! Тебе, небось, эта арена больше всех нравится?» (Marina! This must be your favorite arena?) |
Мариша «Да-да, это одна из моих любимых! Столько всякой техники! Мнмнмн!» (Yes, it's one of my favorites! So much techs! Mmmm!) |
Жемчик «Погоди... это тут ты записываешь шум для твоих музыкальных изысков?» (Wait... is this where you record the noise for your musical delights?) |
Мариша «Ага! Тяжелая техника так красиво поет! Очень... индустриальненько!» (Yeah! Heavy machinery sings so beautifully! Very... industrial!) |
Жемчик «Мариша, а ты знала, что осетры и акулы не ладят?» (Marina, did you know that sturgeons and sharks don't get along?) |
Мариша «Правда? Я всегда думала, что они вообще родственники...» (Really? I always thought they were related...) |
Жемчик «Смотри, там грузовые корабли видно!» (Look, you can see cargo ships there!) |
Мариша «А вон тот подъемный кран! Такой только на Осетровых верфях есть!» (And that crane over there! Only Sturgeon Shipyard has the one like this!) |
Жемчик «Мариша, ты когда этот ролик смотришь, вся аж расплываешься...» (Marina, when you watch this video, you just break into a smile...) |
Мариша «Но я так люблю эти верфи! Такие звуки, такая красотища!» (But I love these shipyards so much! Such sounds, such beauty!) |
Spanish quotes
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla «El cielo estrellado sobre el astillero me da ganas de... ¡cantaaaaaar!» (The starry sky above the shipyard makes me wanna... siiiiiing!) |
Marina «¡Te vas a quedar sin voz para el próximo concierto!» (You're gonna lose your voice for our next concert!) |
NOE, NOA[note 1] |
Perla «Los puentes levadizos son el lugar ideal para esconderse a esperar a los rivales.» (The drawbridges are the best place to hide and wait for your enemies.) |
Marina «Cómo te gustan ese tipo de tretas...» (Oh, how you like those kinds of tricks...) |
Perla «Los puentes levadizos son el lugar ideal para esconderse a esperar a los rivales.» (The drawbridges are the best place to hide and wait for your enemies.) |
Marina «No entiendo tus estratagias.» (I don't get your strategies.) |
Perla «¿Qué es un astillero exactamente?» (What's a shipyard exactly?) |
Marina «¿Un sitio en el que fabrican astillas?» (A place where they make splinters?) |
Perla «Será un astillero, pero yo no veo los barcos por ningún sitio...» (It's a shipyard, but I don't see ships anywhere...) |
Marina «¿No te has dado cuenta de que el escenario entero es un barco gigante?» (Haven't you noticed that the entire stage is a giant boat?) |
Perla «Será un astillero, pero yo no veo los barcos por ningún sitio...» (It's a shipyard, but I don't see ships anywhere...) |
Marina «Perla, el escenario entero es un barco gigante.» (Pearl, the entire stage is a giant boat.) |
Perla «¡Rápido! ¿Cómo se llama cuando usas el lanzamisiles al final del combate?» (Quick! What's it called when you use the Tenta Missiles at the end of a battle?) |
Marina «Esto... ¿desesperación?» (Uhh.. desperation?) |
Perla «¿Cómo se llama cuando usas el lanzamisiles al final del combate?» (What's it called when you use the Tenta Missiles at the end of a battle?) |
Marina «Este... ¿desesperación?» (Uhh.. desperation?) |
Perla «Me gusta este sitio porque nunca me mareo aunque dé muchas vueltas.» (I like this place because I never get seasick even though it shakes a lot.) |
Marina «Ojalá pudiese decir lo mismo...» (I wish I could say the same thing...) |
Perla «¿Sabes qué, Marina? Nunca me mareo en este escenario.» (You know what, Marina? I never get seasick on this stage.) |
Marina «Es lo bueno de los barcos que están en tierra.» (That's the good thing about boats that are on land.) |
Perla «Es una pena que este escenario esté lleno de maquinaria pesada...» (It's a drag that this stage is full of heavy machinery...) |
Marina «¡A mí siempre me inspira para componer canciones!» (It always inspires me to write songs!) |
Perla «Es una pena que este escenario esté lleno de maquinaria pesada...» (It's a drag that this stage is full of heavy machinery...) |
Marina «¡A mí me encanta! Me inspira para componer canciones.» (I love it! It inspires me to write songs!) |
Perla «No grabarías aquí el sonido de motores de tu última canción, ¿verdad?» (You wouldn't have recorded the sound of the engines here for your latest song, right?) |
Marina «¡Pues claro! No hay nada más rítmico que un barco marchando a toda máquina.» (Well, of course! There's nothing more rhythmic than a boat going at full speed.) |
Perla «No grabarías aquí el sonido de motores de tu última canción, ¿verdad?» (You wouldn't have recorded the sound of the engines here for your latest song, right?) |
Marina «¿Lo notaste?» (You noticed?) |
Perla «Marina, ¿sabías que los esturiones y los tiburones no se llevan nada bien?» (Marina, did you know that sturgeons and sharks don't get along well?) |
Marina «A decir verdad, pensaba que un esturión es un pez al que le gusta estudiar...» (To tell the truth, I thought that a sturgeon was a fish that likes to study...) |
Perla «¿Cuál es la diferencia entre las belugas y los esturiones?» (What's the difference between belugas and sturgeons?) |
Marina «Es fácil: las belugas reparan barcos y los esturiones hacen videojuegos.» (That's easy: belugas fix boats and sturgeons make video games.) |
Notes: In the European quote, there is a pun with esturión ("sturgeon") and estudiar ("to study"). Adding the -ón suffix to some verbs can change the meaning to refer to a person with a character trait involving the verb, although a term like estudión is rare. | ||
Perla «¿Puedes ver esos barcos cargueros ahí a lo lejos?» (Can you see those cargo ships there in the distance?) |
Marina «Seguramente se trata de Puerto Jurel, con esa grúa tan enorme.» (I'm sure this is about Port Mackerel, with that really big crane.) |
Perla «¿Puedes ver esos barcos cargueros ahí a lo lejos?» (Can you see those cargo ships there in the distance?) |
Marina «Y esa grúa tan enorme... ¡Será Puerto Jurel!» (And that really big crane... That'll be Port Mackerel!) |
Perla «Siempre que anunciamos este escenario, se te dibuja una sonrisilla en la cara.» (You always put on quite a smile on your face when we announce this stage.) |
Marina «No puedo evitarlo. ¡El ruido del metal y los armazones de acero son lo mío!» (I can't help it. The noise of the metal and steel frames are my thing!) |
Perla «Marina, siempre que anunciamos este escenario te pones una sonrisa rídicula.» (Marina, you always put on a ridiculous smile when we announce this stage.) |
Marina «No puedo evitarlo. ¡El ruido de la maquinaria me recuerda de me niñez!» (I can't help it. The noise of the machinery reminds me of my childhood!) |
Deep Cut quotes
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Last time I battled at Sturgeon Shipyard, there were jellyfish working nonstop!” |
Shiver “They were unbothered by all the ink splats? I guess that's why they were hired...” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Those huge cranes at Sturgeon Shipyard are impressive. There are so many of them!” |
Big Man “Ay... (I like to imagine them combining into a giant robot...)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Hasn't the battleship at Sturgeon Shipyard been under construction for ages?” |
Big Man “Ay! (It's probably hard to get anything done with all the splatting and battling!)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Nothing beats nailing enemies with a Triple Inkstrike at Sturgeon Shipyard!” |
Big Man “Ay! (It does seem to bring you a massive amount of joy. I see your eyes light up!)” |
Shiver “Didn't we name that move? When you land a Triple Inkstrike at the end of a battle?” |
Frye “The Tri-Dragon, Turf-Grabbin' Triple RIP!” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “What's up with that yo-yo-looking thing that's dangling in Sturgeon Shipyard?” |
Shiver “Oh, that cursed thing. It just makes it hard to target enemies from the high ground.” |
Frye “Really? It just makes me sleepy. The more I stare, the more...I lose...focuhhhhhh...” |
Big Man “Ay. Ay! Ay! (Not again. Frye! Wake up— we're still on the air!)” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “I thought I saw the Crab-N-Go lady hanging around at Sturgeon Shipyard one time...” |
Big Man “Ay? Ay... (Are you sure? Because I saw the Recon Guide there once...)” |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「チョウザメ造船でバトルしとったら ずっと下のほうに 作業しとるクラゲがおったぞ!」 (I was battling at Sturgeon Shipward and I saw a jellyfish working non-stop down there!) |
フウカ 「インクが降ってきても、何も思わへんのやろか…」 (I wonder if they even think of anything when the ink starts raining down...) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「造船所には、でっかいクレーンが いっぱいあるのう!」 (The shipyard is full of big cranes!) |
マンタロー 「エイ!(合体して 巨大ロボになったりしないかな~!)」 (Ay! (I wonder if they combine to make a giant robot~!)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「チョウザメ造船で バトルに使わしてもろてる船、 何年たっても完成しぃひんな」 (The ship we use to fight battles on at Sturgeon Shipyard hasn't been completed for many years.) |
マンタロー 「エイ?(うーん、なんでだろうね?)」 (Ay? (Hmm, I wonder why?)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「チョウザメ造船でバトるときは、相手のフトコロに トリプルトルネードをくれてやるのじゃッ!」 (When battling at Sturgeon Shipyard, give your opponent a Triple Inkstrike to the heart!) |
マンタロー 「エイ!(その時のウツホちゃん、目がキラキラしてるよね!)」 (Ay! (You get a twinkle in your eye when you do that, Frye!)) |
フウカ 「バトルの最後に トリプルトルネードぶちかますアレ、 何かナマエ付けとったな?」 (What's that name you gave for unleashing a Triple Inkstrike at the end of a battle?) |
ウツホ 「三竜乱舞カッサラッタルじゃ!!」 (It's the Triple Dragon Dance Sweep!) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「チョウザメ造船の真ん中で、振り子みたいに ゆれとるのは何じゃ?」 (What's that thing swinging like a pendulum in the middle of Sturgeon Shipyard?) |
フウカ 「アレのせいで 反対側の高台にいる相手を ねらいにくいねんな~」 (It makes it hard to aim at opponents on the other side of the high ground.) |
ウツホ 「ずっと見ておると、ねむく……………グゥ」 (I get sleepy if I keep looking at it...... zzz...) |
マンタロー 「エイーッ!!(ウツホちゃん起きて! 番組中!!)」 (Ayy!! (Frye, wake up! We're still on air!)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「チョウザメ造船の裏手に サンカクスの店員さんが おったという話を聞いたんじゃが…」 (I heard the clerk from Crab-N-Go was behind the Sturgeon Shipyard once...) |
マンタロー 「エイ?(ボク、そこに居たのは さんぽ案内所の ガイドさんだったって聞いたよ…?)」 (Ay? (I heard it was the Recon guide there?)) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “De kwallen van de Walruswerf doen altijd onverstoord hun werk ondanks de gevechten.” (The jellyfish of Sturgeon Shipyard always do their work undisturbed despite the battles.) |
Haya “Ik ben jaloers! Ik wou dat ik "Ik ben bestand tegen inktspetters" op mijn cv kon zetten.” (I'm envious! I wish I could put "I am capable of withstanding ink splatters" on my resume.) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Vinden jullie al die enorme hijskranen op de Walruswerf ook zo gaaf?” (Do you guys also think all those enormous cranes at Sturgeon Shipyard are so awesome?) |
Ray “Ay. (Ja, als we daar een robot mee bouwen, is er geen buit te groot om te stelen.)” (Ay. (Yes, if we build a robot with that, there will be no loot too big to steal.)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Hoelang werken ze nu al aan dat slagschip op de Walruswerf?” (How long have they been working on that battleship at Sturgeon Shipyard?) |
Ray “Ay! Ay. (Al heel lang! Ze krijgen de lak niet droog door alle inkt die eroverheen komt.)” (Ay! Ay. (For a very long time! They can't get the varnish dry because of all the ink that comes over it.)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Op de Walruswerf laat ik het altijd stormen met mijn Tri-tornado!” (I always make it storm with my Triple Inkstrike at Sturgeon Shipyard!) |
Ray “Ay! (Wat kijk je toch altijd blij als je het daarover hebt!)” (Ay! (How happy you always look when you talk about that!)) |
Haya “Was er op een gegeven moment niet een echte storm die naar jou vernoemd was?” (Wasn't there a real storm that was named after you at one point?) |
Muriël “Ja, maar dat was een lieverdje vergeleken bij mij!” (Yes, but that was a sweetheart compared to me!) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Waar is dat zwaaiende jojo-ding op de Walruswerf toch goed voor?” (What good is that swinging yo-yo thing at Sturgeon Shipyard anyway?) |
Haya “Geen idee, maar het zit me iedere keer in de weg als ik vijanden probeer te raken.” (No idea, but it gets in my way every time when I try to hit enemies.) |
Muriël “Echt? Als ik het zie... vergeet ik alles... en val ik... in... in...” (Really? When I see it... I forget everything... and I fall... a... a...) |
Ray “Ay! (Wakker blijven, anders hebben we weer 20 minuten gesnurk in de uitzending!)” (Ay! (Stay awake, otherwise we'll have another 20 minutes of snoring during the broadcast!)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Ik heb die dame van de Bikbalie eens zien rondhangen bij de Walruswerf...” (I've seen that lady from the Crab-N-Go hanging around at Sturgeon Shipyard once...) |
Ray “Ay? Ay. (Zeker weten? Ik heb daar alleen de dame die verkenningen aanbiedt, gezien.)” (Ay? Ay. (Are you sure? I've only seen the lady who is offering recons there.)) |
French (France)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « À mon dernier match sur le chantier, j'ai vu des méduses... Elles bossaient dur ! » |
Pasquale « L'encre les dérangeait pas ? J'imagine que c'est pour ça qu'on les a recrutées... » |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Les grues du chantier Narval sont gigantesques. Et y en a un paquet ! » |
Raimi « Ay ? (Tu imagines si elles se combinaient pour former un robot géant ?) » |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Ça fait combien de millénaires que ce navire est en construction au chantier ? » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Faut dire que ça doit pas être facile de bosser sous un déluge d'encre !) » |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Mettre K.-O. l'adversaire avec un trimissile tornade au chantier, c'est du pur bonheur. » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Ça se voit que t'aimes ça, Angie ! À chaque fois, ton visage s'illumine !) » |
Pasquale « On avait un cri de guerre pour ça, non ? Le trimissile tornade en fin de match ? » |
Angie « Un trimissile en pleine tronche et les Tridenfer triomphent ! » |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Au fait, c'est quoi, ce pseudo-yoyo qui joue les pendules au milieu du chantier Narval ? » |
Pasquale « M'en parle pas. Il vient toujours se fourrer pile entre mon viseur et l'adversaire. » |
Angie « Perso, il me donne sommeil. Plus je le regarde et plus je... plus je... zzz... » |
Raimi « Ay ay ay ! (Pas maintenant, Angie ! Réveille-toi, on est en direct !) » |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « J'ai cru voir la fille du Rab de Crab dans le chantier Narval l'autre jour... » |
Raimi « Ay... (T'es sûre ? Parce que moi, c'est la guide de balade que j'ai croisée là-bas...) » |
French (Canada)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « À mon dernier match sur le chantier, j'ai vu des méduses... Elles travaillaient fort! » |
Pasquale « L'encre les dérangeait pas? J'imagine que c'est pour ça qu'on les a recrutées... » |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Les grues du chantier Narval sont gigantesques. Et y'en a un paquet! » |
Raimi « Ay? (Tu imagines si elles se combinaient pour former un robot géant?) » |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Ça fait combien de millénaires que ce navire est en construction au chantier? » |
Raimi « Ay! (Faut dire que ça doit pas être facile de travailler sous un déluge d'encre!) » |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Mettre K.-O. l'adversaire avec un Trimissile tornade au chantier, c'est du pur bonheur. » |
Raimi « Ay! (Ça se voit que t'aimes ça, Angie! À chaque fois, ton visage s'illumine!) » |
Pasquale « On avait un cri de guerre pour ça, non? Le Trimissile tornade en fin de match? » |
Angie « Un Trimissile en pleine tronche et les Tridenfer triomphent! » |
Notes: Before version 7.1.0, "Trimissile" was not capitalized. |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Au fait, c'est quoi, ce genre de yoyo qui joue les pendules au milieu du chantier Narval? » |
Pasquale « M'en parle pas. Il vient toujours se placer pile entre mon viseur et l'adversaire. » |
Angie « Et moi, il me donne sommeil. Plus je le regarde et plus je... plus je... zzz... » |
Raimi « Ay ay ay! (Pas maintenant, Angie! Réveille-toi, on est en direct!) » |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « J'ai cru voir la madame du Crabe Express dans le chantier Narval l'autre jour... » |
Raimi « Ay... (T'es sûre? Parce que moi, c'est la guide que j'ai croisée là-bas...) » |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Bei meinem letzten Störwerft-Kampf war alles voller Quallen, die arbeiteten!“ (In my last fight at Sturgeon Shipyard the jellyfish were working nonstop!) |
Mako „Und keinen störte euer Umhergekleckse? Hm, ist dort wohl Einstellungsbedingung...“ (And nobody was bothered by all the action? Hm, it's probably a requirement mentioned before they're hired...) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Die Krananlagen in der Störwerft sind irre! So riesig! Und so viele davon!“ (The cranes in Sturgeon Shipyard are crazy! So big and so many!) |
Mantaro „Ay...? (Ob die sich zu einem riesigen Megarobo zusammensetzen können...?)“ (Ay...? (Can they combine to create a giant mega robot...?)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „An dem Schiff in der Störwerft wird schon seit Ewigkeiten gebaut, oder nicht?“ (The ship in Sturgeon Shipyard has been under construction for ages, right?) |
Mantaro „Ay... (Tonnenweise Flugtinte stört sicherlich ein wenig beim Hämmern und Schrauben...)“ (Ay... (All the fighting and splatting doesn't help much with the work...)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Gegner in der Störwerft mit Tri-Tintfernos zu erwischen ist das Größte!“ (Catching enemies with Triple Inkstrikes is the best!) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Deine Äuglein leuchten ja schon, wenn du nur davon erzählst!)“ (Ay! (Your eyes shine even while you talk about it!)) |
Mako „Hatten wir nicht einen Namen für ein Tri-Tintferno genau zum Kampfende?“ (Don't we have a name for a Triple Inkstrike at the end of a battle?) |
Muri „Den Tintfernalen Trizooka-Triotreffer!“ (The InkFar Trizooka-Triple Hit!) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Was hängt in der Störwerft überhaupt von dem Schiffskran runter? Ein Jo-Jo?“ (What is hanging down from the crane on Sturgeon Shipyard? A yo-yo?) |
Mako „Gah, das Ding ist beim Zielen NUR im Weg. Davon kommt sicher das „Stör" im Namen!“ (Gah, that thing only gets in the way with aiming that's probably where the "Stur" comes from!) |
Muri „Och, mich macht es einfach nur... müde... Wenn ich es... beim Pendeln... Chrrrr...“ (Oh, it just makes me... tired... If I... stare... Uhhhhh...) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay! Ay! (Muri! Nicht schon wieder! Wir sind doch noch auf Sendung!)“ (Ay! Ay! Ay! (Frye! Not again! We're on air!)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Einmal hab ich sogar die alte Dame vom Essensschalter in der Störwerft gesehen...“ (I once saw the old lady from Crab-N-Go at Sturgeon Shipyard...) |
Mantaro „Ay. Ay... (So was. Ich nur einmal die Frau, die die Arena-Rundgänge anbietet...)“ (Ay. Ay... (Really? I only saw the lady who offers the Recon...)) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «L'ultima volta che ho combattuto al Cantiere Pinnenere era pieno di meduse!» |
Pinnuccia «Le inchiostrate non le infastidivano? Dev'essere bello essere una medusa...» |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Quelle enormi gru al Cantiere Pinnenere sono impressionanti. Ce ne sono un sacco!» |
Mantaleo «Man... (Mi piace immaginarle mentre si combinano in un robot gigante...)» |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Sono secoli che quella corazzata al Cantiere Pinnenere è in costruzione.» |
Mantaleo «Man! (Mi sa che è difficile fare progressi con tutto quel combattere e splattare!)» |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «È bellissimo impallinare i nemici con il triplo tornado al Cantiere Pinnenere!» |
Mantaleo «Man. Man! (Sembra una cosa che ti rende davvero felice. Ti brillano gli occhi!)» |
Pinnuccia «Abbiamo dato un nome a quella mossa, no? Il triplo tornado che chiude una battaglia?» |
Morena «Tridragone Tritamolluschi TRAC!» |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Cosa sarebbe quella cosa a forma di yo-yo che pende al Cantiere Pinnenere?» |
Pinnuccia «Ah, quell'affare maledetto. Per colpa sua, mirare ai nemici dall'alto è un'impresa.» |
Morena «Davvero? A me fa venire sonno. Più lo guardo, più... mi... rilasssszzz...» |
Mantaleo «Man! Man! Man! (Oh no, di nuovo, Morena! Dai, svegliati! Siamo ancora in diretta!)» |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Credo di aver visto la signora del PigliaPesci al Cantiere Pinnenere, una volta...» |
Mantaleo «Man... (Sei sicura? Perché io una volta laggiù ho visto la guida delle ricognizioni...)» |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Во время прошлого боя на Осетровых верфях работали усердные медузы!» (During the last battle, diligent jellyfish were working at the Sturgeon Shipyard!) |
Кулла «И что, краска им была нипочем? Наверное, их именно поэтому наняли...» (Hold on, the ink was no problem for them? They were probably hired exactly because of that...) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Мне вот даже нравится, что на верфях куча подъемных кранов!» (I even like the fact that there are tons of cranes on the Shipyard!) |
Биг Ман «Ик... (Я всегда представляю себе, как они сворачиваются в гигантского робота...)» (Ay... (I always imagine to myself how they fold into a giant robot...)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «А что с кораблем? Его уже целую вечность строят, и никак не достроят.» (So what's with the ship? They've been building it for ages and still never finished it.) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Когда вокруг плюхают всех подряд, думаю, сложно что-либо построить!)» (Ay! (When everyone around gets splatted one after another, I think it's hard to build anything!)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Тройной торнадо — мой любимый прием на Осетровых верфях!» (Triple Inkstrike is my favorite technique on the Sturgeon Shipyard!) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (У тебя даже глаза блестят от восторга!)» (Ay! (Your eyes even sparkle from delight!)) |
Кулла «У нас же было название для такого тройного торнадо в конце боя?» (We had a name for such Triple Inkstrike at the end of the battle, didn't we?) |
Мурия «Трехглавый дракон покоряет район!» (Three-headed dragon conquers the region!) |
Notes: The Russian name of Turf War is "бой за район" "boy za rayon" ("battle for the region"). |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «А что это за штуковина, которая висит на Осетровых верфях? На йо-йо похожа.» (And what's this thing hanging on the Sturgeon Shipyard? It looks like a yo-yo.) |
Кулла «Не знаю, но она мне ужасно мешает целиться с возвышенности.» (I don't know, but it terribly interferes with me aiming from the high ground.) |
Мурия «Меня она просто гипнотизирует. Качается туда-сюда... туда... сюда... Хр-р-р...» (It just hypnotizes me. Swings back and forth... back... and forth... Z-z-z...) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик! Ик! (Только не сейчас! Мурия, проснись! Мы еще в эфире!)» (Ay! Ay! Ay! (Please not now! Frye, wake up! We're still on the air!)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Мне показалось, что я видела ту тетю из «Кусь да Крась» на Осетровых верфях...» (I thought I saw that woman from «Crab-N-Go» on the Sturgeon Shipyard...) |
Биг Ман «Ик? Ик? (Ты уверена? Может, это был гид с турами по аренам?)» (Ay? Ay? (Are you sure? Maybe it was the Recon Guide with the tours around the arenas?)) |
Spanish (Europe)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «La última vez que fui a Astillero Beluga, había cientos de medusas currando a saco.» |
Megan «Pues durante las refriegas les salpicará tinta a chorro. Espero que les paguen bien...» |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «Algunas de esas grúas de Astillero Beluga me parecen brazos de un robot gigante.» |
Rayan «Zasss... (Si existiera algo así, no querría verte a ti controlándolo. Eso seguro...)» |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¿Cuántos años llevarán construyendo ese barco de guerra en Astillero Beluga?» |
Rayan «Zasss. (A saber... Pero tampoco será fácil trabajar allí entre combate y combate.)» |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¡No hay nada como vapulear a los rivales con un tornado triple en Astillero Beluga!» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Viendo cómo te brillan los ojos al decirlo, ¡no seré yo quien se enfrente a ti!)» |
Megan «Eso de usar el tornado triple al final de un combate... ¿tiene algún nombre molón?» |
Angie «No sé, podemos llamarlo «tremendo truco tritornadiano para triunfar en la trifulca».» |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¿Para qué servirá ese incordio de cosa que se balancea en medio de Astillero Beluga?» |
Megan «¡Solo para molestar! Lo que cuesta acertar a los rivales cuando se te cruza...» |
Angie «Pues a mí, cuando la sigo con la mirada, me empieza a dar... muuucho... sueñ...» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Despierta, Angie! ¡Ahora no, que estamos en directo!)» |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «Juraría que en Astillero Beluga vi una vez a la vendedora de Buena Espina.» |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (¿Estás segura? Yo a quien veo a veces allí es a la señora que hace de guía.)» |
Spanish (North America)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “La última vez que fui a Astillero Beluga, las medusas estaban trabajando sin parar.” |
Megan “¿Y no les importa que les salpiquen con tinta? Espero que les paguen bien...” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “Esas grúas de Astillero Beluga son impresionantes.” |
Rayan “¡Zasss! (¡Son como los brazos de un robot gigante!)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan “¿Cuántos años llevarán construyendo ese barco de guerra en Astillero Beluga?” |
Rayan “Zasss. (Ni idea... Pero no debe ser fácil trabajar allí entre combate y combate).” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “¡No hay nada como castigar a los rivales con un tornado triple en Astillero Beluga!” |
Rayan “Zasss. (Siempre te brillan los ojos cuando haces eso).” |
Megan “Eso de usar el tornado triple al final de un combate... le pusiste un nombre, ¿no?” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “¿Para qué servirá esa cosa que se balancea en medio de Astillero Beluga?” |
Megan “¡Solo para molestar! Lo que cuesta acertar a los rivales cuando se te cruza...” |
Angie “Pues a mí, cuando la sigo con la mirada, me empieza a dar... muuucho... sueñ...” |
Rayan “¡Zasss! (¡Despierta, Angie! ¡Estamos en vivo!)” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “Juraría que una vez en Astillero Beluga vi a la vendedora del vestíbulo.” |
Rayan “¿Zasss? (¿Estás segura? Yo a veces veo allí a la señora que hace de guía).” |
Chinese (Simplified)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “我在鲟鱼造船厂对战过之后才发现, 下方有水母一直在工作!” |
莎莎 “上面有墨汁淋下来,他们也不介意吗……” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “造船厂里有很多巨型的起重机!” |
鬼福 “鲼!(那会不会合体成巨型机器人呢~!)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “鲟鱼造船厂中用来对战的船 过了那么多年都没有完工啊。” |
鬼福 “鲼?(嗯~是为什么呢?)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “在鲟鱼造船厂对战时, 就要给对手迎面来一招三重龙卷风!” |
鬼福 “鲼!(那时曼曼的眼神都在闪闪发光呢!)” |
莎莎 “在对战最后使出三重龙卷风, 你是不是给这招取了个名字啊?” |
曼曼 “没错,就叫三龙乱舞飙风夺胜!!” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “鲟鱼造船厂正中央的那个 像摆锤一样摇摆的东西是什么啊?” |
莎莎 “都怪那东西, 害得我很难瞄准位于另一侧高台的对手~” |
曼曼 “要是一直盯着看,就会……想睡……呼~” |
鬼福 “鲼——!!(曼曼快醒醒!还在播节目呢!!)” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “据说有人在鲟鱼造船厂的后面 见到了三角洲的店员……” |
鬼福 “鲼?(可我听说见到的是 散步服务站的导览员啊……?)” |
Chinese (Traditional)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「我在鱘魚造船廠對戰後才發現, 原來一直有水母在下面工作呢!」 |
莎莎 「即使被墨汁滴到也沒有意見嗎……?」 |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「造船廠裡面有很多巨大的起重機耶!」 |
鬼福 「魟?(有沒有辦法合體變成巨大機器人呢~?)」 |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「鱘魚造船廠那些被用來對戰的船 過了這麼多年都還沒完工耶。」 |
鬼福 「魟?(嗯……到底是為什麼呢?)」 |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「在鱘魚造船廠對戰的時候, 就是應該要朝對手身上發射三重龍捲風!」 |
鬼福 「魟!(每當你那樣做的時候眼神都會閃閃發光呢!)」 |
莎莎 「在對戰最後使出三重龍捲風的那個招式, 我記得你還取了名字吧?」 |
曼曼 「那招叫三龍亂舞飆風奪勝!!」 |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「鱘魚造船廠正中間 那個像擺錘一樣擺盪的東西是什麼?」 |
莎莎 「都是因為那個的關係, 害我很難瞄準位於對面高處的對手耶~」 |
曼曼 「如果一直盯著看的話,就會很睏…………Zzz……」 |
鬼福 「魟——!!(曼曼,快起來!還在錄節目呢!!)」 |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「聽說有人在鱘魚造船廠後頭 看到了三角洲的店員……」 |
鬼福 「魟……(但我聽說的是 散步服務台的導覽員耶……)」 |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “철갑상어 조선소에서 배틀을 하는데 계속 밑에서 작업을 하는 해파리가 있었느니라!” |
후우카 “잉크가 떨어지는데 아무렇지도 않나…?” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “조선소에는 커다란 크레인이 잔뜩 있구나!” |
만타로 “만타?!(거대 로봇으로 합체 안 하려나~?!)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “철갑상어 조선소에서 배틀에 사용되는 배는 몇 년이 지나도 완성이 안 되는구마” |
만타로 “만타?(으~음, 어째서일까?)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “철갑상어 조선소에서 배틀할 때는 트리플 토네이도 아니겠느냐!” |
만타로 “만타!(우츠호, 그럴 때 눈이 엄청 반짝거려!)” |
후우카 “배틀 마지막에 트리플 토네이도 먹이는 거 우츠호가 뭐라고 이름 붙이지 않았나?” |
우츠호 “삼룡 난무 승기 낚아채기니라!!” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “철갑상어 조선소의 정중앙에서 진자처럼 흔들리는 것은 무엇인고?” |
후우카 “그거 때문에 반대편 고지대에 있는 상대를 노리기 힘들다이가~” |
우츠호 “계속 보고 있으니 잠이…………… 쿨” |
만타로 “마안타!!(우츠호, 일어나! 방송 중이라고!!)” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “철갑상어 조선소 뒤편에서 삼각주의 점원을 봤다는 이야기를 들었다만…” |
만타로 “만타…?(난 안내소의 가이드를 봤다는 이야기를 들었는데…?)” |
“ | The Sturgeon Shipyard dock houses a tanker still under construction. It is very popular as a spot for technical Turf Wars since its platforms move, and Inklings that bust out battling there just ignore the workers. | ” |
“ | The tanker will transport fish eggs—the world's energy source. It is the largest-scale construction site in the country, but the facilities are getting older, which makes working conditions worse and leads to frequent strikes. | ” |
— The Art of Splatoon 2