Talk:Octotune (Splatoon 2 Original Soundtrack)
Someone had a video of the soundtrack earlier today and opened the pamphlet to reveal the lyrics. Ebb and Flow is next to but separated from Fly Octo Fly, we should probably represent this in the article somehow
Also in order for me to help translate, I need a clean scan. I don't want to trust the beginnings since there have been mistakes made before due to lack of understanding or some other reason. I will not translate if there's simply gana on the page.
I haven't gotten mine yet so I want to wait until it does. Pinkolol16 (talk) 06:17, 18 July 2018 (UTC)
- The reason why I didn't separate Fly Octo Fly and Ebb and Flow is because we don't have separate music files for them yet. When I get my copy, which will be on the 19th in the US, I'll upload them and separate the section into two. I will also provide scans if no one has uploaded them yet as soon as I can, although I'm not sure if you'll need them by then (hopefully the YouTuber who had the previous album's scans will come through soon). I wasn't planning on attempting any other songs, just Into the Light as it's the one I was most curious about and couldn't really wait, heh. I can say I was more careful with this one than with previous attempts, but of course, the video's quality is nowhere near as good as a scan would be, so I'll look over it again when a better source is acquired. Hadamsj (talk) 06:55, 18 July 2018 (UTC)
It's in the tracklist that they'll be separate. You're not linking the music files yet so why the need to stuff together the lyrics? Especially if they're gonna be separate anyway. I just do not want to attempt to translate simple gana on the page as there have been mistakes before (gatougachenira when it was gatoubichenira, for colour pulse, and I wasn't the one who put the japanese lyrics there) and since i don't have my copy yet, i can't verify anything without a clean scan. Pinkolol16 (talk) 08:50, 18 July 2018 (UTC)
See this is why I don't like editing your broken kana. I typically test audibly with the files I have. Is there an official SCAN, not an audible video or what not, a SCAN of these stupid lyrics yet? I'd nlike to not have to lay you with your own damn mistakes Pinkolol16 (talk) 20:35, 18 July 2018 (UTC)
- The kana that I inserted today is not my work this time, but from this video's description. It's still the 18th in the USA, so just... chill a bit. Hadamsj (talk) 21:32, 18 July 2018 (UTC)
Hi Hadamsj and Pinkolol16, I really appreciate both of your efforts in romanizing the lyrics. With all due respect, I believe romanization should be standardized and not up to personal interpretation. Native Japanese usually say こんにちは so fast that it sounds like konchwa, but it should still be romanized as KONNICHIWA to reflect all syllables, as is done in textbooks and JSL courses. The artists may have slurred some vowels for style, but I feel it is too objective and unorthodox to stray from the rules of romanization. (Just like if we're going for Hepburn instead of Kunrei, ふ will become fu and not hu, but never just f.) If neither of you have any objections/replies before the end of month, I will change everything to proper romanization with ending vowels. Hadaasharpedo (talk) 16:36, 23 July 2018 (UTC)
- I can't speak for Pinkolol16 (who did most of the work after the first album's release, if not all of it), but I don't have any objections. Hadamsj (talk) 00:32, 24 July 2018 (UTC)
- Thank you Hadamsj-san. Pinkolol16-san is welcome to this conversation, but I added the vowels back earlier than I said, as my real life schedule has changed. Hadaasharpedo (talk) 01:56, 29 July 2018 (UTC)
The problem with this is that when people are going to actually hear the songs, as I do when translating, they are not going to hear 'purasti' because the way it's pronounced, 'pu' is just simply not even there, the way I'm romanising it is relevant TO THE SONGS THEMSELVES when you hear them. Yes slurring creates other effects but to the people reading, it's going to heavily confuse them it you leave syllables in there for them to pronounce that aren't there. It even confuses me, lemme use Acid Hues as an example, it says 'chasu chasu pasu' but you never hear the u sounds in the songs and it would slow someone down if they were attempting to sing along, the purpose of even typing them on the site to begin with. People would think those vowels are mandatory, in which, they aren't.
I was taught long time ago that the Japanese use 'desu' (the hiragana symbols for) and it really means 'des' because they cut off the u, they don't mean it. This 'cutting off' I've reflected wherever I can hear them in the actual songs, especially for those who can't even listen in deep to the filters, if we leave 'purasti' as it is for say nasty majesty, it will be harder for them to actually understand the song, because most of those syllables are slurred and cut off, and english people running off japanese knowledge for syllables will wonder why they have to say 'pu' when in the song it's just a 'p' sound because of editing.
The people primarily looking at this page are english speakers. The way I formatted the words before is mostly in service to that as the japanese know how to pronounce those syllables already in most cases, hell they can even buy the soundtrack locally. And if we leave in useless syllables, they won't know how the song is supposed to sound.
Trust me I have slowed all of these songs down to tremendous amounts to be able to tell the filters in these. Some of these syllables just plain aren't there.
I would appreciate it if you reverted it back for these reasons. I'd also have liked to be alerted sooner, this is precisely why I almost left the wiki because of nonsensical decisions like this for the earlier songs. No thank you please
If you need an example, someone on youtube by the name of Cochu-U put up a video on the squid sisters's lyrics translated into romaji. Google Translate, mind you, what it spits out for the hiragana. The video ended up being very poor due to lack of localisation ('fu ~e' is just vomit) and barely anyone knew there. Meanwhile, I provided the localised + romanised lyrics of Off the Hook's songs from Splatune and I've received practically no complaints, just people refusing to read the description after a 3 second disclaimer but no one's directly said 'your lyrics need work' or 'they're too hard' I even got a meme comment of the acid hues line I mentioned. So clearly, that was fine, why not this?
And your point about konnichiwa, people are going to be able to tell for an actual word sure, but not the made up gibberish that these sheets are made up of. Especially not knowing some of them are slurred beforehand, better to know they aren't there in most cases for the people who know LESS than I do, regardless of 'standard romanisation' practices
not every syllable is pronounced in these songs and if we pull off the illusion they are that's plain misinformation and that's bad.
Pinkolol16 (talk) 11:36, 31 July 2018 (UTC)
Another suggestion, I noticed with the pearl interview we can colour text. How about, instead of turning hiragana into lowercase and katakana into uppercase (that really shouldn't be the distinction, marina isn't shouting all her lines and pearl isn't calmly rapping all the time either) we make the lines relevant to their colours? I have no idea how to do that in wiki code, but if it's possible in the interview, we can make it possible for the lyrics. Pinkolol16 (talk) 12:11, 31 July 2018 (UTC)
For the while I've put it back to the previous lyrics (with alterations since alyzana didn't put tu instead of tou) because I seriously do not think we should be promoting the case differences along with the above. I apologise if I've broken a rule or something, I want to negotiate this and I hate not knowing anything about this when most of it was my work (which I would also be displaying in a video later down the line)
I'm far more active on twitter and the like and it's my fault I never got to look at this sooner, but I had no idea this would pop up, no one said ANYTHING when i did the same for splatune 2 and now suddenly we get one for octotune?
while we negotiate, leave it as such, and otherwise. My points still stand about how people who're coming to the page for the first time with little knowledge of the japanese language will think those vowels are there and that being a bad thing.
Heck, we leave the japanese syllables there anyway as well, so why the need to 'have the original' when we have the original literally below it? makes no sense. Anyone can go to a hiragana parser and stuff it in there and receive the original if it's that bad, at least it's there right?
If you need to negotiate more I'll try and check in the coming days but I'm far more active on twitter as mentioned. If this concerns the lyrics, I desperately want to know. Pinkolol16 (talk) 12:53, 31 July 2018 (UTC)
- I agree, we should have it colored. Just... letting you know. if you want to test it and see how it looks, it would be
{{color|Testya sharinhei|Pearl|ingame}} is Testya sharinhei. {{color|Bra! Fadisakshun|Marina|ingame}} is Bra! Fadisakshun.
- Also, sorry about the "tou vs. tu" thing. My mistake. I'll try to pay attention.
My dumb self believed that "tu" would be "トュ". - —Alyzana (talk) 14:13, 31 July 2018 (UTC)
I think that should suffice on its own. I apologise for my behaviour by the way, I take full responsibility (and I'm waiting for a ban for it honestly).
But that colour thing should suffice for this page and splatune 2's. Case just looks unprofessional and it's inaccurate anyway, hiragana and katakana don't correlate to how cases work in english.
And my points above still stand. Pinkolol16 (talk) 15:33, 31 July 2018 (UTC)
- There's no need for any ban, and I appreciate your response and rationale. I did wait for 5 days though so I admit no fault for my one-sided change. I wholeheartedly agree to using color (as long as there's some kind of distinction between Inkling and Octoling language since the official lyrics made this an important point), and case was just a quick-and-dirty fix. Now for my rebuttal.
The parsing is just too "subjective" and nonstandard. As a 22-year Japanese speaker who has a 6-year experience in fansubbing, I have never seen it done this way even in anime songs that contain gibberish lines. Plus, it is inconsistent. Take Shark Bytes for example, you have both "Kyu! Shastouderi mesyu" (twice) and "mesUyu" (once) even though they're the same line. Before we chalk it up to typo, mesyu would be ambiguously mistaken for メシュ instead of the intended メスユ. See where I'm going with this? Even if your version is intended for native English speakers, your transliteration system creates unnecessary ambiguity versus the standard vowel style. A nonstandard system should not belong to a wiki but instead in your personal youtube video.
My ears hear differently than yours. When Pearl says ふりあぞ, I hear Fu-ri-a-zo (4 syllables) while you chose to just put Fri-a-zo (3), and I disagree with that and in many more instances. Besides, if we were to replicate your style in your absence, where do we draw the line? In Ebb and Flow, I would argue that the "shuridaspratun" part is a reference to Splatoon and should be "shuridaSPLATUN" if we go by your "what's actually said" logic. So when and where should I omit the vowels or alter the romanization? As your personal system lacks a guideline for others to follow, and on wiki no less, it is again best suited for personal use.
The above are my main points. As for "they didn't pronounce most of the vowels", no one using the standardized Hepburn system says you should pronounce all of the vowels. Just like while we tell foreigners to say Wenz-day when they see Wednesday, we don't go ahead and invent a spelling of "Wenzday" for them or for anyone. (Speling Reform Asoshiashun tried it and failed). I expect you to see Purasuti and read Prasti, but it doesn't merit using a nonstandardized, personal system on wiki.
The "why hasn't anyone else raised an objection before, as in Splatune?" argument is mute as I did not notice this until now. It surely doesn't mean I can't jump in and wish to adhere to what has been done in a standardized way. I do agree it may be a convenient, "mnemonic" way for viewers to sing along in your youtube video, but it'll still be Oppan Pinkolo Style.
(I will not touch anything until your response :) ) Hadaasharpedo (talk) 20:47, 31 July 2018 (UTC)
Because I'm gonna be linking the wiki for text versions which'll be updated, my video for off the hook is already slightly outdated due to errors and if people need updates it's here, simple as that.
the extra mesuyu is a mistake that i left in since i didn't check it. whoops, on me.
I've slowed the songs down. There is no 'fu' and it's too fast that any english speaker is going to perceive it as necessary. You are not pronouncing 'fu' in full in the song, it just doesn't happen. We don't keep 'ue' as that for songs that have it, it changes to 'we' because that's what people are going to hear in english, same thing with this stuff.
I know about it referencing splatoon, i don't feel it should suddenly turn into an l though because then that suddenly creates inconsistency with the rest (japan doesn't have l's, in fact in live in makuhari they typed 'la' in english), what you're concerning me with now.
An english speaker again is going to perceive extra vowels as necessary to be spoken. Those vowels aren't, it doesn't matter if it's standardised, it's GIBBERISH, and it's cut off. The point of it isn't just to cut-paste to straight romaji in these instances because they're made up words. Someone hearing 'purasuti' is going to perceive every single vowel as one that needs to be pronounced. It's not, and this will confuse them. Doesn't matter if it's fast, at that point, you need to eliminate the sounds that aren't there.
and the original japanese text is still there anyway. if they mean to cut off some things that should be reflected. You translating years of experience might hear those vowels but again, I've slowed these songs down, someone who knows possibly even less than me won't hear a 'pu' in 'prasti' they'll just hear a p sound, a 'prr' that's very fast.
I disagree with the friazo as i'll listen to remixes and that part only has 3 sounds in them and otherwise, people are only going to hear the 'fu' for such a short period of time it's not even a 'fu' and they need to cut it off.
There's already enough issue with people being unable to perceive the lyrics properly because of looking up videos and such where people'll put plain english lyrics where they aren't, it won't help people if we put in vowels where they clearly aren't in any of these songs.
Live in Makuhari for example has examples of this where there were extra t's placed before certain syllables where they weren't there in the kana. This so english speakers can understand there's emphasis placed on things like 'cho' and such, no different from helping people here by filtering out the ones that aren't useful when listening. I don't believe I did live in makuhari, although I edited small stuff then like typo fixes and such (mostly left romaji as is though)
Especially to the people coming here knowing barely anything about japanese and they try to pronounce purasuti slowly, now that's a nightmare, especially if the u's are cut off and aren't there.
It might be bothersome to you and even me sometimes but especially if this is going to mostly be an english wiki it helps to have something to help propel for the ones who'll listen and not hear certain things.
and the original text is always there for those who do know it, in its original format anyway.
another example, the original splatune (which i know i barely touched as i don't have that one) has 't'yu' in Ink Me Up, the song in particular isn't really saying 'tyu' how even in later songs they have it, it sounds more like 'tya' but the apostrophe is there (I wouldn't put it there personally but whatever) and especially myself back when it first was put up was fine, and not a single person came to us about 'standardising' that to simply be 'tyu' then and it's fine, especially in relevance to the actual song
because the only one we're gonna have vocals-only is city of colour for some time, the rest is going to be obscured by a filter with only lyrics that in some cases may be awkwardly placed
i slowed them to check this
the romanised lyrics are in the end for english speakers, what's the point if it's just a direct rip of the japanese one when it isn't and especially not when you hear it?
it all falls apart also when you compare it to real words as these are gibberish and are running off of their own strange logic, of course you wouldn't romanise an actual japanese word wrong or make up a spelling for an english word but these gibberish words don't fully pronounce themselves. Especially when you hear them, however unreliable, again, I repeat, I slowed these down.
and also i didn't mean ban for HERE but on the page itself. i know what i did.
Also, regarding 'mesyu' being perceived as 'meshu' i'm pretty sure that important consonants like that would be left in if they were there like that. But it's not pronounced like that, or too fast that anyone reading that would think the 'su' has a presence when it's like 'desu' and cut off.
Pinkolol16 (talk) 21:31, 31 July 2018 (UTC)
Thank you for your reply. To begin with, I'd like our discussion to focus only on advantages/disadvantages, and on Octotune for now. As such, "not a single person came to us..." "no one said ANYTHING in Splatune..." "why is it suddenly not ok now", "in Ink it Up and Makuhari..." are moot. I (not no one anymore) noticed it now and I am raising an objection. I would change t'yu to tyu and edit everything in Splatune while we're at it. It doesn't matter that I don't need to read the romaji; I want it to be standardized if we are to be professional (unless we're not).
I'll go straight to this point: if you try to customize a romaji system, it at least has to be consistent. If you want to parse vowels because you think it's cut off, why in Nasty Majesty do you have Jizakyaskuna instead of Jizakyaskna, Watktsukdabai not Watktskdabai, dorestin not drestin and so on?
Your reason appears to be "I slowed it down and I hear it cut off this way". Well, I slowed it down too but heard differently. I heard some vowels enunciated like furiazo and some cut off like watuktskudabai etc, all different than yours. I don't deny what you think you hear, but neither should you deny what I hear. Your generalization regarding cutoffs does not apply to me (or others). Bottom line, this is subjective, nonstandard, and biased. If we can see Wednesday and read Wenzday without a problem, who's stopping us from seeing Watukutsukudabai and reading watkskdabai or watktsukdabai etc? GIBBERISH, yes, but this is gibberish in JAPANESE, a language characterized by excessive vowels, audible to trained ears. Why can't romaji rules apply?
You said "there's no L in Japanese". Well, there's no "PR" or "TKTS" in Japanese either. You're picking and choosing rules and not being consistent, whereas I'm keeping the Hepburn standard. I agree your "localization" is easy to read, but it's nonstandard and unfortunately, not professional (as your only reason so far is "I slowed it down and I swear this is what I hear.")
Going back to メスユ. There's already らすゅ in Nasty and it's rasyu (which agrees with Hepburn). But your mesyu is more for メスュ(めすゅ) and not mesuyu メスユ(めすゆ). I'm arguing that the official lyrics intended it to be メスユ and not メスュ (and I am hearing the U at slow speed), yet your system contradicts it. Doesn't matter if the U is too fast to make a presence; if a customized romaji system cannot disseminate what was intended originally, it's not good enough.
- Your method PROs: "easy for casuals and closer to actual speech". CONs: "subjective, inconsistent, may lose original fidelity".
- My method PROs: "uniform and recognized worldwide", CONS: "vowels may confuse casuals, may not reflect actual speech".
I think at this point I'll request a public vote or mod's opinion. However, I propose that we put up BOTH versions, one for textbook learners/scholars/sticklers and one for casuals. With pretty colors and all that :) Hadaasharpedo (talk) 08:15, 1 August 2018 (UTC)
You're trying to say 'why have we customised lyrics in this album' when it's been common through most romanisations of these songs, and while yes, you are one person that has a problem with this, that's you and a minority. If it takes 2 years for one complaint to show up about the romanisation of these songs, clearly there isn't much wrong with localising them for english audiences that DON'T sub things all the time.
'dorestin' you can hear the do in the song, and same with the tsu, there can't be no vowels there period.
Because it's not IN japanese, it's only japanese syllables. It's not fully japanese let's not try and pull off the illusion that it is. I've gotten this numerous times both directly and not, that it isn't directly japanese. It's only formatted in such in the text somewhat but even so isn't for people reading overseas (a suspicion as to why they're never released outside japan).
And especially again, if people are going to browse the page, a page written in english mostly and they try to pronounce the song, it will not be accurate. You cannot just assume everyone's going to know this 'standardised' system if the people reading think that the above is in pure 'english' let's call it that from their perspective.
The majority reading won't even know what a hepburn standard is especially when they're going to come here to listen to the song and attempt to know the lyrics to it. It won't be pretty if half the vowels can't be heard and they wonder why there's vowels there that aren't, I wouldn't be surprised if people asked for them to be removed, it's to help pronounciation, and if you're not pronouncing certain vowels the same way as others, you gotta cut them.
The point of the romaji is to provide the pronounciation. You are trained and can hear the similarities but stop thinking about just yourself and think of the bigger picture: the people coming here casually aren't going to hear it. Some people believe 'Fly Octo Fly's' 'wigawantuno' is 'we don't want to die/go' which obviously is wrong with the kana, but there's only so many ways to pronounce 'wigawantuno' whereas 'purasuti' to the unknown could end up as and this is my terrible phonetic: poo-rah-soo-tee, and especially to the person viewing this page knowing nothing, that's not how it goes, but that's how they'll perceive it probably, and the localisation is in service to that, like how we don't leave 'ui/uo/ue' as such even though in japanese they are that, they change to 'wi/wo/we' because 'u' could end up, in the wrong instance, sounding like 'a' to a nobody. (and nintendo europe did this officially with karaoke u i think it was, with calamari inkantation they changed it to what you see on inkipedia basically because that's what english speakers see)
The original text is always there I'm not sure why you're concerned. Why would there be a need to assume if the text is already there in its original form? There needs to be some way so that casual readers can understand the words without reading something confusing. We've done this for years and only now we argue about it. It's not that widespread of an issue clearly, if you seem to be the only one NOW who has an issue with it.
If we must put up both, then I shall agree, but I believe a localised version should stay considering the main audience this page and wiki attracts. Minorities exist don't think I'm unaware, but that shouldn't be the only caterer for this sort of thing. Pinkolol16 (talk) 08:57, 1 August 2018 (UTC)
- Let's just say I'm a stickler to details and I thought wikis require that (the original Wikipedia does; with peer-reviewed references and all that). I know Japanese so translations or romajis do not benefit me at all. Still, when I see a mistranslation or romaji typo I jump in to fix it. Hope that explains "why I'm concerned if there's already Japanese text". And timing matters not. I'll go and fix a 10-year-old article if I notice it now. Assume I'm new to this wiki. Assume we're having this debate back in Splatoon 1.
- I would argue that Hepburn is the majority and yours is the minority. For example the anime ポプテピピック title is gibberish too, but google it: it's either poputepipikku or its official English name "Pop Team Epic", and (almost) nothing like poptepipikk etc, even though it's "easier". (But you already know Hepburn -- you said ふ is fu not hu and there's no L in Japanese -- all Hepburn rules.)
- Perhaps no one else cares either way. But the fact is I edited your work (I thought it was Hadamsj's too), and you reverted mine. You and I both care. That's why I'm conversing with you. When you say people this people that, I'd think they wouldn't have minded about my version either. They'd probably just think "it's proper but maaan all the vowels".
- I think we can agree to public or mod opinion now that I have no new arguments to add. I agree with your method wholly on a personal level (maybe even on my own blog/site), but just not on public wiki. I vote for putting up both versions. Hadaasharpedo (talk) 09:36, 1 August 2018 (UTC)
'poptepipikk' sounds way closer to its english name though however, 'pop team epic' but even so that's a name of an official thing not some gibberish lyric. That 'maaan all the vowels' comparison is exactly why i refuse to let the standard in as the sole one because most have no idea of what to leave out, so it's already left out in the version i made when i translated it all, for pronounciation's sake, the first sentence before all of the lyrics anyway If we can agree to both I'll be pretty right with that. Pinkolol16 (talk) 11:51, 1 August 2018 (UTC)
Alyzana's suggestion
Hi, it's me again. I was thinking that we should add both of them, but the full vowel sounds should be linked to the Hira/Kata. Such as in:
<span title="Baisu baisuradera chaisubaiteza">ばいす ばいすらでら ちゃいすばいてざ</span> is ばいす ばいすらでら ちゃいすばいてざ (move your mouse over the text).
<ruby>ばいす ばいすらでら ちゃいすばいてざ<rt>Baisu baisuradera chaisubaiteza</rt></ruby> is ばいす ばいすらでら ちゃいすばいてざ. (If we do end up doing this, it won't work if we do it for each word. JSYK.)
We could have the Pink-transcribed lyrics stay the way they are, and have the Hira/Kata have either <span> or <ruby> tags. So, whatcha think? —Alyzana (talk) 19:56, 1 August 2018 (UTC)
- Span sounds like it'd be the better option and this'd be able to suffice. Just curious why ruby wouldn't work for each word. Pinkolol16 (talk) 21:36, 1 August 2018 (UTC)
- Most traffic to this website is from mobile devices, where there is no way to "mouse over". So of the two choices you provided, the second is the only viable one. Heddy (talk) 23:05, 1 August 2018 (UTC)
- I whipped up a template to use for creating those ruby annotations. Please see Template:Ruby. It should be done per-word, so that the annotation is properly aligned with the word. Heddy (talk) 23:27, 1 August 2018 (UTC)
- Not to be a party-pooper (I'm really excited about the resolution), but I thought about practicality: People can easily copy-paste Pink's text to notepad or editing software, but if they try to copy the ruby (to get the Japanese or romaji text), it will likely result in either "ばいす ばいすらでら ちゃいすばいてざ baisu baisuradera chaisubaiteza" using Alyzana's whole-sentence method, or "ばいす baisu ばいすらでら baisuradera ちゃいすばいてざ chaisubaiteza" using Heddy's per-word method, and probably a hassle to manually separate the kana and romaji either way. I'd be happy enough if we could just add the romaji section below the kana section (and leave Pink's section above kana section as-is) and call it a day :P Hadaasharpedo (talk) 06:37, 2 August 2018 (UTC)
Are we good re: the latest edit?
Enough days have passed without further input so I went ahead and made the edit. I only colored Pinkolol16's version (without adding or deleting a single letter) because Marina's neon green somehow strains my eyes; I did not color the romaji version. No need to color the Japanese text as Hira/Kana is the distinction. I tested the ruby method but the base text somehow gets weird when viewed on my smartphone (imagine something like below) so I gave up... maybe it is just my phone.
ち ゃ い す ば
い て ざ
As of now I am satisfied (and if there are no objections I will edit Splatune etc later). Please feel free to make any aesthetic edits, as long as the romaji transliteration itself is left untouched. Thank you everyone :) Hadaasharpedo (talk) 23:02, 12 August 2018 (UTC)
What's up with the Bonus Track?
Does anyone know what's going on in Bonus Track (After OCTO)? Anyone able to translate what Pearl and Marina are talking about? Are they recording a new song? Chatting in their studio? Is Nintendo giving us more evidence pointing towards Pearlina? Or was Nintendo just bored and threw something random together to make us think hard for no reason? ~Modder (talk) 17:22, 1 October 2018 (UTC)
Gosh this scared me.
It seems to be inconsequential, they did similar with the Live in Makuhari album for the squisters where they had a 'backstage' bonus track of seemingly random untranslatable clips where they talked a bit and then it's implied they met cuttlefish at the end They're recording something for 'Into the Light' and then get called by cuttlefish. That's all that seems to happen, and personally I doubt they'll reference it, just a fun gag for anyone who likes to listen to their voices it usually is. Pinkolol16 (talk) 04:19, 2 October 2018 (UTC)