Template:Gear ability and brand info

From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki

Prints out the ability and brand information for a piece of gear.


{{Gear ability and brand info|<game>|<category>|<plural>|<stars>|<brand>|<mainability>|<nosplatnet>|<name=NAME>}}

game Unnamed, required. The game that the ability belongs to. Must be one of the following:
  • S for Splatoon
  • S2 for Splatoon 2
  • S3 for Splatoon 3
category Unnamed, required. The type of gear. Must be one of the following:
  • Headgear
  • Clothing
  • Shoes
plural Unnamed, required. Is the gear singular (e.g. a shirt) or plural (e.g. shoes, glasses, headphones)? Must be one of the following:
  • sg for singular
  • pl for plural
stars Unnamed
Required (S, S2)
Optional (S3)
The gear's star rating. If present, must be 0, 1, 2 or 3 (matching each game).
brand Unnamed, required. The gear's brand.
mainability Unnamed, optional. The gear's default main ability. If excluded (e.g. Grizzco Equipment), the text will indicate this gear does not have a default main ability and cannot be a primary-only ability.
nosplatnet Unnamed, optional. If present and game = S2, S3, the text about ordering from SplatNet 2 or SplatNet 3 will be excluded (e.g amiibo / promotional gear). Requires mainability to be present, since without it this text does not appear anyway.
name Named, optional. If included, the value will replace the current page name as the gear's name. Default value: {{PAGENAME}}
name_a Named, optional. If included, the text will indicate that the piece of gear are split into two items in Splatoon 3, the names of which are dictated by these parameters.


#{{Gear ability and brand info|S|Headgear|pl|2|Zekko|Tenacity|name=Black Arrowbands}}
#{{Gear ability and brand info|S2|Clothing|sg|1|Inkline|Ninja Squid|name=Green Striped LS}}
#{{Gear ability and brand info|S3|Clothing|sg||Tentatek|Ninja Squid|name=Tan Retro Tee}}
#{{Gear ability and brand info|S2|Shoes|pl|3|Grizzco|name=Angry Rain Boots}}
#{{Gear ability and brand info|S3|Headgear|sg||Grizzco|name=Bream-Brim Cap}}
#{{Gear ability and brand info|S2|Shoes|pl|2|Cuttlegear|Ink Saver (Main)|nosplatnet|name=Armor Boot Replicas}}
#{{Gear ability and brand info|S3|Clothing|sg|1|amiibo|Thermal Ink|nosplatnet|name=Enchanted Robe|name_a=Enchanted Robe A|name_b=Enchanted Robe B}}


The Black Arrowbands come with Tenacity as the primary ability, which, being exclusive to the main slot of Headgear, prevents the wearer from also having Comeback, Last-Ditch Effort, or Opening Gambit. As a 2-star item, the Black Arrowbands come with two additional slots for secondary abilities, which may be increased to a maximum of three slots with a Super Sea Snail or 30,000 cash for each slot. Since they are made by the Zekko gear brand, they have a higher chance of rolling Special Saver and a lower chance of rolling Special Charge Up to fill their secondary ability slots.

The Green Striped LS comes with Ninja Squid as the primary ability when purchased from a shop or ordered from Murch, which, being exclusive to the main slot of Clothing, prevents the wearer from also having Ability Doubler, Haunt, Respawn Punisher, or Thermal Ink. When purchased from SplatNet 2, it comes with any other primary ability normally available to Clothing (with the exception of Ability Doubler). As a 1-star item, the Green Striped LS comes with one additional slot for secondary abilities, which may be increased to a maximum of three slots with a Super Sea Snail for each slot. Since it is made by the Inkline gear brand, it has a higher chance of rolling Bomb Defense Up DX and a lower chance of rolling Main Power Up to fill its secondary ability slot.

The Tan Retro Tee comes with Ninja Squid as the primary ability when purchased from a shop or ordered from Murch, which, being exclusive to the main slot of Clothing, prevents the wearer from also having Ability Doubler, Haunt, Respawn Punisher, or Thermal Ink. When purchased from SplatNet 3, it comes with any other primary ability normally available to Clothing (with the exception of Ability Doubler). The Tan Retro Tee may appear as a 0-star item with one additional slot for secondary abilities, a 1-star item with two additional slots for secondary abilities, or a 2-star item with three additional slots for secondary abilities. The star level may be increased with Super Sea Snails for 1 (first), 1 (second), 5 (third), 10 (fourth), or 20 (fifth) Super Sea Snails per star, or by purchasing additional copies of it from Man-o'-Wardrobe for 10,000 (first), 30,000 (second), 50,000 (third), 100,000 (fourth), or 200,000 (fifth) Cash per star. Increasing the star level beyond 2 stars will increase the gear experience gained by a cumulative 3.333…% up to 10% additional experience at 5-star level. Since it is made by the Tentatek gear brand, it has a higher chance of rolling Ink Recovery Up and a lower chance of rolling Quick Super Jump to fill its secondary ability slots.

The Angry Rain Boots come with a random primary ability that can also appear as secondary abilities, which prevents the wearer from having Drop Roller, Object Shredder, or Stealth Jump as they are exclusive to Shoes and cannot appear as secondary abilities. This primary ability is assigned randomly when the item is received. As a 3-star item, the Angry Rain Boots come with three additional slots for secondary abilities. Since they are made by the Grizzco gear brand, they have equal chances to roll any secondary ability.

The Bream-Brim Cap comes with a random primary ability that can also appear as secondary abilities, which prevents the wearer from having Comeback, Last-Ditch Effort, Opening Gambit, or Tenacity as they are exclusive to Headgear and cannot appear as secondary abilities. This primary ability is assigned randomly when the item is received. The Bream-Brim Cap may appear as a 0-star item with one additional slot for secondary abilities, a 1-star item with two additional slots for secondary abilities, or a 2-star item with three additional slots for secondary abilities. The star level may be increased with Super Sea Snails for 1 (first), 1 (second), 5 (third), 10 (fourth), or 20 (fifth) Super Sea Snails per star. Increasing the star level beyond 2 stars will increase the gear experience gained by a cumulative 3.333…% up to 10% additional experience at 5-star level. Since it is made by the Grizzco gear brand, it has equal chances to roll any secondary ability.

The Armor Boot Replicas come with Ink Saver (Main) as the primary ability. As a 2-star item, the Armor Boot Replicas come with two additional slots for secondary abilities, which may be increased to a maximum of three slots with a Super Sea Snail for each slot. Since they are made by the Cuttlegear gear brand, they have equal chances to roll any secondary ability.

Both Enchanted Robe A and Enchanted Robe B come with Thermal Ink as the primary ability, which, being exclusive to the main slot of Clothing, prevents the wearer from also having Ability Doubler, Haunt, Ninja Squid, or Respawn Punisher. As both of them are 1-star items, they each come with two additional slots for secondary abilities. The star level may be increased with Super Sea Snails for 1 (first), 1 (second), 5 (third), 10 (fourth), or 20 (fifth) Super Sea Snails per star. Increasing the star level to 2 stars will add another secondary ability slot for a total of three slots. Increasing the star level beyond 2 stars will increase the gear experience gained by a cumulative 3.333…% up to 10% additional experience at 5-star level. Since both items are made by the amiibo gear brand, they each has equal chances to roll any secondary ability.