Tentacle to the Metal

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Tentacle to the Metal
Artist Damp Socks feat. Off the Hook
Vocals Rina Itou
Alice Peralta
Pearl (in-game)
Marina (in-game)
Piano Marina
Guitar Vinny Mack
Bass John Goose
Drums Garris
Game Splatoon 3
Heard in
Splatoon 3
Album Splatune 3
Track list no. 14 (Splatune 3 Disc 1)
Featured in Splatoon 3 Jukebox
Splatune 3 – disc 1, track 14
Ordertune – disc 4, track 27 (2nd Deep Cut Concert)
Nintendo Music – link
Genre Pop Rock
BPM 158
Length 2:52

Tentacle to the Metal is a song performed by Damp Socks feat. Off the Hook that is featured in Splatoon 3.[1]


The booklet included with Splatune 3 gives the official lyrics for Tentacle to the Metal. The lyrics are nonsensical; the Japanese hiragana and katakana simply give the pronunciation.

Tentacle to the Metal
Off the Hook Japanese Lyrics[2] Romanized Lyrics
Pearl Marina
さにばるびきびき ちゅだすてぃ てぃだ
めいすきちゃにうぃちゅ がつてい
Sanibarubikibiki chudasuti tida
Meisukichaniwichu gatsutei
せるびろうぃるび ゔぃぎなうぃっちゅで
たいちゃいないじざ ゔぃりばれ
Serubirowirubi viginawitchude
Taichainaijiza viribare
ビジザキャスティン シュマイスティ
ティケラチャイチャイ サディマシェヅ
Bijizakyasutin shumaisuti
Tikerachaichai sadimashedzu
たいちゃいびじら すぃすとぅだちぇけらしぇ
まいまいびすたぶ ちゃすてぃなちゅばでぃだ
Taichaibijira swisutudachekerashe
Maimaibisutabu chasutinachubadida
トライ トライ ラケノ
とらい とらい らけの
ヘイヘイ ガルゴ
へいへい かたこ
Torai torai rakeno
Torai torai rakeno
Heihei garugo
Heihei katako
Ah みじざちゃすでぃず ざいぎゃす ふぁすてぃるび
Ah びりざえんだいん まいでぃ どぅばすどぅ
Ah Mijizachasudizu zaigyasu fasutirubi
Ah birizaendain maidi dubasudu
ダンソ! Danso!


Tentacle to the Metal is the second single from Damp Socks feat. Off the Hook, the first being Candy-Coated Rocks.

Other versions

Tentacle to the Metal (Live)

The live version of Tentacle to the Metal performed during the Splatoon 3 Live Concert featuring Deep Cut at Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO is similar to the Splatune 3 version, though without looping the second time. The outro is also modified, including the removal of the final vocal lines.


SRL Musicology here! We locked ourselves in the break room and listened to Damp Socks feat. Off the Hook's new single 100 times. It's called "Tentacle to the Metal," and the driving beat and vocals seem to be inspired by a car chase! Related: we're now banned from the break room.
— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[3]
Introducing the second single from Damp Socks feat. Off the Hook: "Tentacle to the Metal".

Inspired by thrilling car chases, the way the vocals intertwine with the rolling beat make it a great tune to listen to whilst swimming through ink!

— @NintendoEurope on Twitter[4]
This track features an intense beat and intense vocals. It will definitely boost your energy for the exciting day ahead.
Nintendo Magazine 2024 winter [5]


The name of the song is a pun on "tentacle" and "pedal to the metal," the latter of which is primarily an idiomatic term for driving at maximum speed, befitting the song's inspiration from car chases. It can also be used figuratively to mean putting in one's maximum effort.

Names in other languages

The name of the song is the same as English in all languages except for Japanese.

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese サイタン・ケーロ
Saitan Kēro
Shortest Route
