Tsubuan vs. Koshian
Tsubuan vs. Koshian
Teams | つぶあん (Tsubuan) こしあん (Koshian) |
Region | Japan |
Start | 23 September 2018 at 06:00 UTC |
End | 24 September 2018 at 06:00 UTC |
Length | 24 hours |
Winner | Koshian |
- This article is about the Splatfest in Splatoon 2. For the Splatfest from Splatoon 3, see Red Bean Paste vs. Custard vs. Whipped Cream.
Tsubuan vs. Koshian[1] was a special Splatfest event in Splatoon 2. It was held for Japan only. It was announced on 15 September 2018. The results were given on 24 September 2018.
Tsubuan and koshian are two ways of preparing anko (azuki red bean paste), the former being sweeter and chunky and the latter being of a milder flavor and smooth. The Splatfest art depicts bowls of oshiruko.
The date of the Splatfest coincided with the Japanese moon-viewing festival, which is why it started on Sunday and not the usual Saturday. Among the traditions of this festival are eating mochi and seasonal produce (such as azuki beans), both of which are represented in oshiruko, making it a traditional dish of this festival. For this Splatfest (and Retro vs. Modern, which was held during the same weekend), a large full moon was added to the background of Inkopolis Square, which reappeared in Trick vs. Treat. A small squid-shaped formation is visible on the upper-right of the moon's surface.
Tsubuan vs. Koshian featured the 14th Shifty Station layout, The Bouncey Twins.
Category | つぶあん (Tsubuan) | こしあん (Koshian) |
Popularity | 41.59% | 58.41% |
Normal clout | 49.73% | 50.27% |
Pro clout | 49.84% | 50.16% |
Score | 0 | 3 |
Tsubuan (つぶあん) vs. Koshian (こしあん)
ヒメ's dialogue | イイダ's dialogue | Region |
ヒメ 「今回は お月見フェスだ!! どっちが好み? つぶあん・こしあん対決ーー!」 (This time, it's a moon watching Splatfest!! Which do you prefer? Tsubuan-koshian face-offff!) |
イイダ 「きゃ~! ワタシあんこ大好きなんです~♪」 (Whoa~! I adore anko~♪) |
ヒメ 「対決するのは、 あんこの甘味と小豆の食感 甘味とコクのハーモニー 「つぶあん」と!」 (The opponents will be, anko's sweetness and azuki's sweet texture in rich harmony, "Tsubuan" and..!) |
イイダ 「絹のように なめらかな舌ざわりに とろけるくちどけ 「こしあん」になります!」 (Crushed until melty and silky smooth to the touch, "Koshian"!) |
ヒメ 「どっち?って言われたら「つぶあん」かなー あのツブがないと「あんこ食った!」って気がしねー!」 (Which one? If you say so, it has to be "Tsubuan", that "tsubu" gives me the "eat some anko" feeling, you know!) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「これは迷っちゃいますよね~♪ しかしあらためて聞かれると どっち派なんだろう…」 (I'm at a loss for words~♪ However, if you asked again, which team are we on...) |
ヒメ 「んじゃ、今回は2人とも つぶあん派でいんじゃね? たまには そんなフェスもオモしれーだろ?」 (Well, this time we're both on team Tsubuan, right? Having such a Splatfest once in a while is kinda interesting, right?) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「こういうのは 適当じゃなくて ちゃんと決めます! シンチョ~に 考えますので 少しお待ちを!」 (That will simply not do, that is not a proper choice! Please wait and give me just a second to think about it!) |
ヒメ 「んだよー、 早くしねーと番組終わっちまうじゃん! こんなん 直感で決めんのが一番だろー?!」 (So, our broadcast will end soon! Isn't it the best to decide based on intuition like this?!) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「「こんなん」って?! ヒメセンパイ、あんこに シツレイですよ! でも… ウゥ~迷う~」 ("Like this"?! Pearl-senpai, this is an affront to anko! But... Oohh~ I'm so lost~) |
ヒメ 「ムムッ?! なんかイイダは 「こしあん派」ぽいな! ちょっと アタシの質問に答えてみろよ!」 (Mmm?! Don't tell me Marina is "Team Koshian"! Answer these questions!) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ 「いくぞ! おしるこを食べるなら つぶあん? それとも、こしあん?」 (Let's go! Do you like to eat tsubuan in soup? And how about koshian?) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「これは すぐに答えられます! しっとり こしあんです!」 (I can answer that right away! It's definitely koshian!) |
ヒメ 「あんこモチの あんこはどっちがいい? つぶあん? こしあん?」 (In anko-mochi, which anko is better? Tsubuan? Koshian?) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「これは ちょっぴりこだわりがありまして、 塩あんこモチが大好きです~ こしあんのやつ♪」 (If I had to make a commitment, I adore salty anko mochi~ I'm a koshian person♪) |
ヒメ 「… … … … …」 (... ... ... ... ...) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ 「オハギは?」 (Ohagi?) |
イイダ 「こしあんです♪」 (That's Koshian♪) |
Notes: Ohagi are a type of confection made by rolling anko into a ball, like chocolate truffles. | ||
ヒメ 「イチゴ大福は?」 (Strawberry daifuku?) |
イイダ 「こしあんです♪」 (That's Koshian♪) |
Notes: Daifuku are a type of confection made by filling a mochi with anko, and usually a fruit (such as strawberries) or a nut inside the filling. | ||
ヒメ 「イイダ、それってもう ぜってー こしあん派じゃねーか…」 (Marina, you're already totally on team Koshian...) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「え… アレ?! …あっ!! ホントだ~ ワタシこしあん派みたいですね~」 (Eh... WHAT?! ...Ah!! That's right~ I seem to be on team koshian, huh~) |
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「でもヒメセンパイ、 ワタシがこしあん好きそうだなんて よく分かりましたね♪ スゴ~イ!!」 (But Pearl-senpai, you've made me realize just how much I like koshian♪ That's ama~zing!!) |
ヒメ 「なんか イイダと話してると そういうの ピーンとくんだよな! 何でだろ…」 (Talking to Marina about something, and it always backfires! Why is that...) |
イイダ 「-」 |
Notes: Pearl literally says "it goes 'boing' like this", i.e. "it bounces back". |
ヒメ's dialogue | イイダ's dialogue | Region |
ヒメ 「あんこは持ったか?! つぶあん・こしあんフェス 始まったぞーーー!」 (Did you have anko?! The tsubuan and koshian festival has started!) |
イイダ 「ロビー前のタッチパネルから投票して、 参加してくださ~い!」 (Please vote from the touch panel in front of the lobby and participate!) |
ヒメ's dialogue | イイダ's dialogue | Region |
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「きゃ~! 「こしあん」~~~!!」 (Whoa~! "Koshian" ~~~!!) |
ヒメ 「ゲッ?! まじかよーーー!」 (Huh?! You gotta be kidding---!) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「「こしあん」のみなさん、やりましたね! こしあんみたいに なめらかな立ち回りでしたよ♪」 (Everyone on team "Koshian", you did it! You were moving around as smooth as koshian♪) |
ヒメ 「「つぶあん」もがんばったの、 知ってるからな! もーちょいだったかー!」 ("Tsubuan" did their best, too, I know it! It was so close-!) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ 「ずっと歌いっぱなしだったし ちょい疲れたなー せっかくだから この後おしるこ食べにいくか!」 (I'm totally tired out from singing for this long, how about we go have some oshiruko after this!) |
イイダ 「-」 |
Notes: Oshiruko is a dessert, essentially a sweet soup made from anko and served with mochi in a bowl. The two Splatfest team icons are tsubuan shiruko and koshian shiruko, respectively. | ||
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「ワタシ こっそり皮むきあんのおしるこを 作ってたんです~ センパイ後で食べましょ~♪」 (I was secretly making oshiruko with kawamukian~ Senpai, let's eat it afterwards~♪) |
Notes: Kawamukian is a third way of making anko, using peeled azuki beans and more sugar and starch. It is stickier, softer, and sweeter than the other two. | ||
ヒメ 「イイダの DJセット裏に なんかデッカイ機材が あるから何かと思ったら おしるこかよ!」 (I saw some huge equipment behind Marina's DJ set and wondered what it was, but I would not have guessed it's oshiruko!) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「すっごい おいしくできましたよ~ たくさん おかわりあるんでイッパイ食べてください♪」 (It came out amazingly delicious~ You'll be coming back for seconds so many times, you'll eat until you're bursting♪) |
Results if Tsubuan were to win
ヒメ's dialogue | イイダ's dialogue | Region |
ヒメ 「「つぶあん」の勝ちーーー!!」 ("Tsubuan" wins---!!) |
イイダ 「う~ん… あと少しだったのに~…」 (Um~ph... It was so close~...) |
ヒメ 「「つぶあん」のみんな、ありがと! 今回は みんなツブぞろいのイカしたやつらだったな!」 (Everyone on team "Tsubuan", thank you! This time everyone were people completely lively for tsubu!) |
イイダ 「「こしあん」のみなさんも とてもがんばってましたよ~」 (Everyone in team "Koshian" also totally did their best~!) |
Notes: Pearl makes a pun with "ツブ", tsubu, and "ぞろい", completely, sounding together like つぶぞろい, equally good, as well as a pun on "いかした", were lively, by emphasizing "イカ", squid. This makes her sentence readable as "Everyone was equally lively" or as "Everyone was completely squidding for tsubu[an]". | ||
ヒメ 「ずっと歌いっぱなしだったし ちょい疲れたなー せっかくだから この後おしるこ食べにいくか!」 (I'm totally tired out from singing for this long. How about we go have some oshiruko after this!) |
イイダ 「-」 |
Notes: Oshiruko is a dessert, essentially a sweet soup made from anko and served with mochi in a bowl. The two Splatfest team icons are tsubuan shiruko and koshian shiruko, respectively. | ||
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「ウゥ… ヒメセンパイつぶあんが勝ったから 「イイダも つぶあんにしろ!」って 言うんですよね?」 (Ooh... Pearl-senpai, since tsubuan won, are you going to say "Marina also has to take tsubuan!"?) |
ヒメ 「んなこと言うかよー、 こしあんの良さも わかってきたしさ、 自由に たのめばいーじゃん!」 (What are you saying-, I understand that koshian is also good, feel free to enjoy it!) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「きゃ~!! じゃあワタシ 皮むきあんのおしるこにします♪」 (Yay~!! Well, I will prepare shiruko with kawamukian♪) |
Notes: Kawamukian is a third way of making anko, using peeled azuki beans and more sugar and starch. It is stickier, softer, and sweeter than the other two. | ||
ヒメ 「そういや アタシの行きつけの店 つぶあん専門店だったわー、 ウシシシ!」 (Well, my go-to place is a tsubuan specialty shop, so... tee hee!) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「そんな~! でもワタシどっちも大好きですから♪ ホラ! センパイ早く行きましょ~♪」 (What~! However, I adore either one♪ Alright! Let's go quickly, senpai~♪) |
Top 100
View the Top 100 rankings |
Promotional images
In-game screenshots
Front view of the Tsubuan tee.
Back view.
Front view of the Koshian tee.
Back view.
Names in other languages
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | つぶあん/こしあん tsubuan/koshian |
Tsubuan/Koshian |
Dutch | Stukjes / Zonder stukjes | Little pieces / Without little pieces |
French | Morceaux/Sans morceaux | Bits/Without bits |
German | Tsubuan/Koshian | Same as English |
Italian | Fagioli interi/Fagioli passati | Whole beans/Pureed beans |
Russian | Анко цубу ан / коси ан Anko tsubu an / kosi an |
Anko tsubuan / koshian |
Spanish | Con grumos/Sin grumos | Lumps/No lumps |
See also
External links