Um'ami Ruins/Quotes
Deep Cut quotes
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “I've always wondered why they made the Um'ami Ruins all, y'know, ruined...” |
Shiver “...Do we tell her?” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Um, do you think it's bad that I sprayed ink all over the artifacts at Um'ami Ruins?” |
Big Man “Ay. Ay... (Nah, the ink disappears pretty quickly. It's probably fine...)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Big Man “Ay... (I hear that Um'ami Ruins isn't making as much money off tourism as it hoped...)” |
Shiver “Well, duh! They don't even have a concession stand!” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “You all heard about the movie they shot on-site at Um'ami Ruins, right?” |
Big Man “Ay! Ay. Ay! (Yeah! I watched it recently with Big Dad. It holds up!)” |
Big Man “Ay. (The part where the archaeologist fights a hundred ninjas is SO good.)” |
Frye “Oh, please. When she took out 10 at once with a tiny fossil brush? I coulda got 20.” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “You know, I've always suspected that there's a treasure under Um'ami Ruins...” |
Frye “Shiver! You're a genius. Why didn't we think of this before? C'mon, get your pickaxe!” |
Big Man “Ay! Ay! (Ack! We can't loot a historic cultural artifact, you two!)” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “The only time you get to battle at night in Um'ami Ruins is during a Splatfest.” |
Big Man “Ay! Ay! (Oh, right! Because they usually have those night tours!)” |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「ナンプラー遺跡って、なんで造られたんじゃ?」 |
フウカ 「…石でとちゃう?」 |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「勢いあまって ナンプラー遺跡の出土品を インクで ビチャビチャにしてもうたぁー!!」 |
マンタロー 「エ、エイ!(インクはすぐ消えるし、たぶんダイジョーブ!)」 |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
マンタロー 「エ~イ(ナンプラー遺跡の調査にかかるおカネは 観光でギリギリ まかなってるらしいよ)」 |
フウカ 「バンカラ地方は どこも不景気やねぇ…」 |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「ナンプラー遺跡は 有名な映画のロケ地に なったこともあるんやで!」 |
マンタロー 「エイ~!(お父さまにたのんで 見せてもらったな~ 古さを感じない名作だよね!)」 |
マンタロー 「エイエイ!(主人公の考古学者が カッコよくてさ~!!)」 |
ウツホ 「えー?! 敵のオタカラ・ハンターのほうが イカすのじゃ!!」 |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「きっとナンプラー遺跡には、どえらいオタカラが 眠っとるんやろなぁ?」 |
ウツホ 「うおおお! 血がさわぐのじゃー!!」 |
マンタロー 「エーイ?!(遺跡をあらしちゃ ダメだからね?!)」 |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「夜のナンプラー遺跡で バトルできるんは フェス中だけやで~!」 |
マンタロー 「エイ!(いつもは ナイトツアーのコースになってるもんね~)」 |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Ik snap niet waarom ze de Ruisvoornruïnes zo... geruïneerd hebben gebouwd...” (I don't understand why they've built the Um'ami Ruins so... ruined...) |
Haya “Je... weet dat ruïnes oorspronkelijk niet zo gebouwd worden... Toch?” (You... know that ruins are not originally built that way.... Right?) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Denk je dat het erg is dat er inkt op de Ruisvoornruïnes komt?” (Do you think it's bad that ink gets on the Um'ami Ruins?) |
Ray “Ay. Ay? (Nee, het zijn toch al ruïnes. Daar is niets waardevols aan, toch?)” (Ay. Ay? (No, they're ruins already anyway. There's nothing valuable about that, right?)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Ray “Ay... (Het schijnt dat de Ruisvoornruïnes minder toeristen aantrekken dan gehoopt...)” (Ay... (It seems the Um'ami Ruins are attracting fewer tourists than hoped...)) |
Haya “Nogal logisch! Ze hebben daarbinnen niet eens een winkeltje of een restaurant!” (That's quite obvious! They don't even have a little shop or a restaurant in there!) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Hebben jullie de film gezien die ze bij de Ruisvoornruïnes hebben opgenomen?” (Have you guys seen the movie they shot at the Um'ami Ruins?) |
Ray “Ay! Ay! (Ja, die heb ik met mijn vader gezien! We vonden hem geweldig!)” (Ay! Ay! (Yes, I have seen that one with my father! We thought it was awesome!)) |
Ray “Ay! (Die scène waarin de archeologe tegen 100 mummies vocht, was supercool!)” (Ay! (That scene where the archaeologist battled against 100 mummies was super cool!) |
Muriël “Dat snapte ik niet. Ze versloeg er 10 tegelijk met een kwastje! Ik had er wel 20 verslagen.” (I didn't understand that. She defeated 10 at a time with a little brush! I had defeated as many as 20.) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Ik vraag me al een tijdje af of er schatten onder de Ruisvoornruïnes liggen...” (I've been wondering for a while if there are treasures under the Um'ami Ruins...) |
Muriël “Waarom kom je daar nu pas mee?! Pak een houweel, dan halen we alles overhoop!” (Why are you just coming up with that now?! Get a pickaxe and we'll tear everything apart!) |
Ray “Ay... Ay?! (Eh... Kunnen we dat doen op een plek waar de boel niet op instorten staat?!)” (Ay... Ay?! (Uh... Can we do that in a place where things are not about to collapse?!)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “In de Ruisvoornruïnes mag alleen tijdens een Splatfest 's nachts worden gevochten.” (At the Um'ami Ruins it's only allowed to battle at night during a Splatfest.) |
Ray “Ay! Ay! (Inderdaad! Omdat er 's nachts gewoonlijk nachtjesmensen rondlopen!)” (Ay! Ay! (Indeed! Because night-trippers usually walk around there at night!)) |
French (France)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Ah, les ruines Uma'mi... C'est une drôle d'idée de bâtir des ruines, quand même... » |
Pasquale « ... Euh, on lui explique ? » |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Vous croyez que ça craint si j'ai aspergé d'encre les monuments des ruines ? » |
Raimi « Ay... (Non, l'encre disparaît rapidement, je pense que ça pose pas de problème...) » |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Raimi « Ay... (Il paraît que les ruines attirent pas autant les touristes que prévu...) » |
Pasquale « Forcément ! Y a pas le moindre stand où acheter à grignoter ! » |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Vous saviez qu'un film a été tourné dans les ruines Uma'mi ? » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Oui, je l'ai revu avec le père Manta l'autre jour. C'est toujours aussi bon !) » |
Raimi « Ay. (La scène où l'archéologue se bat contre 100 ninjas est vraiment incroyable...) » |
Angie « Mouais... Elle en bat 10 avec un pinceau à fossiles ? J'en aurais assommé 20 à l'aise. » |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Vous savez, j'ai toujours pensé qu'il y avait un trésor sous les ruines Uma'mi... » |
Angie « Quelle idée de génie ! Comment j'y ai pas pensé avant ? Vite, ma pioche ! » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Eh ! C'est interdit d'embarquer des trésors archéologiques, je vous signale !) » |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Il n'y a que pendant les festivals que des matchs de nuit sont organisés aux ruines... » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Oui ! Le reste du temps, ils organisent des visites nocturnes !) » |
French (Canada)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Ah, les ruines Uma'mi... C'est une drôle d'idée de bâtir des ruines, quand même... » |
Pasquale « ... Euh, on lui explique? » |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Vous croyez que c'est grave si j'ai aspergé d'encre les monuments des ruines? » |
Raimi « Ay... (Non, l'encre disparaît rapidement, je pense que ça pose pas de problème...) » |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Raimi « Ay... (Il paraît que les ruines attirent pas autant les touristes que prévu...) » |
Pasquale « Forcément! Y'a pas le moindre endroit où acheter à grignoter! » |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Vous saviez qu'un film a été tourné dans les ruines Uma'mi? » |
Raimi « Ay! (Oui, je l'ai revu avec le père Manta l'autre jour. C'est toujours aussi bon!) » |
Raimi « Ay. (La scène où l'archéologue se bat contre 100 ninjas est vraiment incroyable...) » |
Angie « Mouais... Elle en bat 10 avec un pinceau à fossiles? J'en aurais facilement assommé 20. » |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Vous savez, j'ai toujours pensé qu'il y avait un trésor sous les ruines Uma'mi... » |
Angie « Quelle idée de génie! Comment j'y ai pas pensé avant? Vite, ma pioche! » |
Raimi « Ay! (Eh! C'est interdit d'embarquer des trésors archéologiques, je vous signale!) » |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Il n'y a que pendant les festivals que des matchs de nuit sont organisés aux ruines... » |
Raimi « Ay! (Oui! Le reste du temps, ils organisent des visites nocturnes!) » |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Sagt mal, Leute. Was glaubt denn ihr, was die Um'ami-Ruinen... na, ruiniert hat?“ (Say, you guys. What do you think ... ruined Um'ami Ruins?) |
Mako „Puh. Muri, du musst jetzt stark sein...“ (Hm. Frye, help me out here...) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Ob die Tinte schädlich ist, mit der ich die ganzen Um'ami-Relikte vollgekleckst habe?“ (Does the ink spilled on Um'ami Ruins harm the relics?) |
Mantaro „Ay. Ay... (Eigentlich müsste die doch recht flott von selbst verschwinden. Eigentlich...)“ (Ay. Ay... (Actually, the ink disappears on its own, quite quickly. Right...)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaro „Ay... (In den Um'ami-Ruinen sollen ja weniger Touristen unterwegs sein als erhofft...)“ (Ay... (There are less tourists in Um'ami Ruins than we hoped...)) |
Mako „Wie auch! Wenn's dort nicht mal einen Stand mit Getränken und Knabbersachen gibt.“ (Of course! There aren't any food or drink stands around.) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Gewusst? In den Um'ami-Ruinen wurde mal ein echter Film gedreht, über Archäologie!“ (Guess what? There was a movie made in Um'ami Ruins, about archaeology!) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay! (Hab ich mit meinem Papa gesehen! War großes Kino, fand er auch!)“ (Ay! Ay! (I saw it with my dad! We both thought it was a great movie!)) |
Mantaro „Ay. Ay! (Besonders, wo die Archäologin gegen 100 Ninjas kämpft. Voll lebensecht!)“ (Ay. Ay! (Especially when the archaeologist fights 100 ninjas. It felt so surreal!) |
Muri „Und mit dem Staubpinselchen nur 10 davon weggehauen hat? Ich hätte 20 geschafft!“ (And then just brushes 10 of them off with an excavation brush? I could've done 20!) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Mein Banditensinn sagt mir, dass es tief in den Um'ami-Ruinen Schätze zu holen gibt...“ (My bandit senses tell me that there is treasure to be found deep inside of Um'ami Ruins...) |
Muri „Sag das doch gleich! Los, Abmarsch! Wo hab ich meine Spitzhacke?“ (Tell me where it is! Come on! Where did I leave my pickaxe?) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay! (Kinder! Wir können doch nicht einfach uralte Bauwerke zerlegen!)“ (Ay! Ay! (Guys! We can't just destroy ancient artifacts!)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „In den Um'ami-Ruinen darf nachts nur gekämpft werden, wenn Splatfest ist.“ (Fighting at night is only allowed during a Splatfest in Um'ami Ruins.) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay! (Stimmt ja! Sonst sind dort ja die Nachtwanderungen für Touristen!)“ (Ay! Ay! (Right! They also have those night tours for tourists!)) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Mi sono sempre chiesta perché le Rovine Salsadipesce siano... rovine...» (I've always wondered why the Um'ami Ruins are… ruins…) |
Pinnuccia «... Glielo dobbiamo spiegare?» (… Shall we explain her?) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Uhm, dite che ho fatto male a inchiostrare gli artefatti delle Rovine Salsadipesce?» (Um, do you think I've done a bad thing inking the artifacts at Um'ami Ruins?) |
Mantaleo «Man. Man... (No. L'inchiostro sparisce subito. Non c'è problema, credo...)» (Ay. Ay… (No. The ink disappears immediately. There's no problem, I think…)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaleo «Man... (Pare che le Rovine Salsadipesce non guadagnino dal turismo come sperato...)» (Ay… (It seems like the Um'ami Ruins don't make money from tourism as hoped…)) |
Pinnuccia «Per forza! Non c'è neanche un misero negozietto di souvenir!» (Of course! There isn't even a puny little souvenir store!) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Avete sentito del film che hanno girato alle Rovine Salsadipesce, vero?» (You've heard about the movie they aired at Um'ami Ruins, right?) |
Mantaleo «Man. Man! (Sì, l'ho guardato di recente con mio padre. Non è male!)» (Ay. Ay! (Yeah, I've recently watched it with my father. It's not bad!)) |
Mantaleo «Man. (La parte dove l'archeologa affronta 100 ninja è fantastica.)» (Ay. (The part where the archaeologist faces 100 ninjas is fantastic.)) |
Morena «Ma dai. Ne fa fuori 10 con una spazzola per fossili... Io ne avrei fatti fuori 20.» (Come on. She defeats 10 of them with a fossil brush… I would have defeated 20.) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Sapete, sospetto da sempre che ci sia un tesoro sotto le Rovine Salsadipesce...» (You know, I've always been suspicious there is a treasure under the Um'ami Ruins…) |
Morena «Pinnuccia, sei un genio. Perché non ci abbiamo pensato prima? Prendi il piccone!» (Shiver, you're a genius. Why haven't we thought of it before? Grab your pickaxe!) |
Mantaleo «Man! Man! (Argh! Ragazze, non possiamo saccheggiare un sito archeologico!)» (Ay! Ay! (Argh! Girls, we can't rob an archaeologic site!)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Si può combattere di notte alle Rovine Salsadipesce solo durante un festival.» (You can only battle at the Um'ami Ruins at nighttime during a Splatfest.) |
Mantaleo «Man! Man! (Ah, giusto! Perché di solito di notte fanno le visite guidate!)» (Ay! Ay! (Ah, right! Because they usually do guided tours at nighttime!)) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Интересно, кто развалил Рыбожирные руины? Или их такими уже построили?» (I wonder who destroyed the Um'ami Ruins? Or were they built this way in the first place?) |
Кулла «Мурия, ты не поверишь...» (Frye, you won't believe it...) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Погоди, а ничего, что я там все краской залила?! А как же исторические ценности?» (Wait, is that okay that I covered everything in ink in there?! But how about the historical values?) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик... (Ничего страшного! Наверное... Наша краска исчезает сама по себе.)» (Ay! Ay... (It's alright! I guess... Our ink disappears by its own.)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Биг Ман «Ик... (Кстати, я слышал, в Рыбожирных руинах сейчас нежирно с туристами...)» (Ay... (By the way, I heard that Um'ami Ruins are now full of tourists...)) |
Кулла «Откуда им там взяться, если нет ни одного стенда с напитками и снеками?» (Where did they get from if there's not a single stand with drinks and snacks?) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «А вы знали, что в Рыбожирных руинах когда-то сняли блокбастер?» (Did you know that a blockbuster was once filmed in the Um'ami Ruins?) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик! (Мы как раз его недавно смотрели с папой. Гениальное кино!)» (Ay! Ay! (We actually watched it with dad recently. What a genius movie!)) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Нам особенно понравилось то, как археолог разделалась с армией ниндзя!)» (Ay! (We especially liked how the archeologist finished off an army of ninjas!)) |
Notes: Big Man's quote specifically states that the mentioned archeologist is a female. | ||
Мурия «Ну и что? Жалкий десяток ниндзя одним ударом! Я бы плюхнула 20, не меньше!» (So what? A pitiful dozen of ninjas with one blow! I'd splat 20, not less!) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Кстати, чутье уже давно мне говорит, что под Рыбожирными руинами есть сокровище.» (By the way, my instinct has been telling me for a while that there's a treasure under the Um'ami Ruins.) |
Мурия «Кулла! Вот кто у нас гений! Так, хватайте кирки и за дело!» (Shiver! This is who our genius is! Alright, grab the pickaxes and get to work!) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Смотрю, про историческую ценность объекта все успешно забыли!)» (Ay! (I see that everyone successfully forgot about the historical value of this object!)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Жаль, что в Рыбожирные руины ночью можно попасть только во время Сплатфеста.» (It's a pity that the Um'ami Ruins can only be accessed at night during the Splatfest.) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик! (Ой, и правда! Там же для этого проводятся особые ночные туры!)» (Ay! Ay! (Oh, it's true! There are the special night tours for this!)) |
Spanish (Europe)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «Siempre he querido saber por qué Ruinas Ceviche es un escenario tan... ruinoso.» |
Megan «Casi mejor no saberlo...» |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¿No nos echarán la bronca si manchamos de tinta los restos de Ruinas Ceviche?» |
Rayan «Zasss... (No creo... Recuerda que luego la tinta se evapora rápidamente.)» |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Rayan «Zasss. (Dicen que Ruinas Ceviche ya no atrae a tantos turistas como antes.)» |
Megan «Es que la planificación turística de Tintelia se ha quedado bastante desfasada.» |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¿Habéis visto la película que filmaron en Ruinas Ceviche hace poco?» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Yo sí! Tenía pocas expectativas, ¡pero es un peliculón!)» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡La escena en que el arqueólogo lucha contra los ninjas púrpura es mítica!)» |
Angie «Vamos, Rayan... Pero si el personaje más molón es el villano saqueatesoros...» |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «Siempre he tenido la sospecha de que en Ruinas Ceviche hay un tesoro enterrado.» |
Angie «Pues hala, ¡agarra un pico y ponte a cavar como una posesa, Megan!» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Parad, parad! ¡Que ese lugar es patrimonio protegido monumental o algo!)» |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «Los festivales son la única oportunidad de combatir en Ruinas Ceviche por la noche.» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Ah, claro! Normalmente de noche se organizan visitas guiadas para turistas.)» |
Spanish (North America)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “Siempre quería saber por qué Ruinas Ceviche es un escenario tan... ruinoso.” |
Megan “Casi mejor no saberlo...” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “¿No nos regañarán si manchamos de tinta los restos de Ruinas Ceviche?” |
Rayan “Zasss... (No creo... Recuerda que luego la tinta se evapora rápidamente).” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Rayan “Zasss. (Dicen que Ruinas Ceviche ya no atrae a tantos turistas como antes).” |
Megan “Es que la planificación turística de Tintelia está bastante desfasada.” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan “¿Vieron la película que filmaron en Ruinas Ceviche hace poco?” |
Rayan “¡Zasss! (¡Yo sí! Tenía pocas expectativas, ¡pero es una obra maestra!)” |
Rayan “¡Zasss! (¡La escena en que la arqueóloga pelea contra los 100 ninjas fue increíble!)” |
Angie “No estuvo mal. ¡Pero lo mejor de la película fue el villano saqueatesoros!” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan “Siempre he tenido la sospecha de que en Ruinas Ceviche hay un tesoro enterrado.” |
Angie “Pues ¡agarra una pala y ponte a cavar, Megan!” |
Rayan “¡Zasss! (¡Paren! ¡Que ese lugar es patrimonio protegido monumental o algo!)” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan “Los festivales son la única oportunidad de combatir en Ruinas Ceviche por la noche.” |
Rayan “¡Zasss! (¡Ah, claro! Porque suelen dar esas visitas guiadas nocturnas para turistas).” |
Chinese (Simplified)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “鱼露遗迹是用什么建造的啊?” |
莎莎 “……不是石头吗?” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “势头太足,一不小心把鱼露遗迹的出土文物 涂得满是墨汁了——!!” |
鬼福 “鲼、鲼!(反正墨汁很快就会消失,应该没关系!)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
鬼福 “鲼~(调查鱼露遗迹的开销 好像勉强和旅游业的收入持平。)” |
莎莎 “蛮颓地区的任何地方都不景气呢……” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “有一部知名电影的外景 就是在鱼露遗迹拍摄的哦!” |
鬼福 “鲼~!(我还拜托父亲带我去看了那部电影呢~ 感觉不到它是很久以前的名作啊!)” |
鬼福 “鲼鲼!(主角是个考古学家,特别帅~!!)” |
曼曼 “咦?!反派那个宝物猎人更鱿型吧!!” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “鱼露遗迹里肯定沉睡着 惊人的宝物吧?” |
曼曼 “哦——!真让人热血沸腾——!” |
鬼福 “鲼——?!(你们可别在遗迹乱来哦?!)” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “只有在祭典期间 才能在夜晚的鱼露遗迹对战~!” |
鬼福 “鲼!(毕竟平时都被纳入夜间旅游的路线里了~)” |
Chinese (Traditional)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「魚露遺跡是用什麼建造的啊?」 |
莎莎 「……不就是石頭嗎?」 |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「我一個不小心就把魚露遺跡的出土文物 弄得全都沾滿墨汁了——!!」 |
鬼福 「吼、魟!(墨汁很快就會消失了,應該沒關係!)」 |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
鬼福 「魟~(觀光的收益似乎只能勉強打平 調查魚露遺跡的開銷。)」 |
莎莎 「蠻頹地區無論哪裡都很不景氣呢……」 |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「以前還有一部知名電影 曾經在魚露遺跡拍過外景喔!」 |
鬼福 「魟~!(我當時還拜託爸爸帶我去看呢~ 那是一部現在看也不會覺得落伍的名作!)」 |
鬼福 「魟魟!(主角是個考古學家,超帥的~!!)」 |
曼曼 「咦!?反派的寶藏獵人比較魷型吧!!」 |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「魚露遺跡裡面 想必是有非常驚人的寶藏吧?」 |
曼曼 「哦——!真是令人熱血沸騰啊——!!」 |
鬼福 「魟!?(不可以隨便破壞遺跡喔!)」 |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「只有祭典舉行期間 才能在入夜後的魚露遺跡對戰喔~!」 |
鬼福 「魟~!(畢竟平時都被放在夜間遊覽的路線裡嘛~!)」 |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “남플라 유적은 뭘로 만들어졌을꼬?” |
후우카 “…돌로 만든 거 아이가?” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “흥에 겨워 남플라 유적의 출토품에 잉크를 마구 칠해 버리고 말았구나~!!” |
만타로 “마, 만타!(잉크는 금방 지워지니까 아마 괜찮을 거야!)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
만타로 “만~타(남플라 유적을 조사하는 데 드는 비용은 관광 수익으로 아슬아슬하게 마련하고 있다나 봐)” |
후우카 “카오폴리스 지방은 모두가 불경기구마…” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “남플라 유적은 유명한 영화의 촬영지가 되었던 적도 있데이!” |
만타로 “만타~!(아버지에게 부탁드려서 봤었는데~ 지금 봐도 촌스럽지 않은 명작이지!)” |
만타로 “만타만타~!!(주인공인 고고학자가 너무 멋있었어~!!)” |
우츠호 “뭣이라~?! 적인 보물 사냥꾼이 더 멋졌거늘!!” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “남플라 유적에는 분명 엄청난 보물이 잠들어 있을 끼다” |
우츠호 “우오오오! 피가 들끓는구나~!!” |
만타로 “만~타?!(유적은 훼손하면 안 되는 거 알지?!)” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “해가 진 남플라 유적에서는 페스티벌 중에만 배틀할 수 있데이~!” |
만타로 “만타~!(평소에는 야간 투어를 운영하고 있어~!)” |
Big Run quotes
Can you help us get it done?
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Hello? Why is the camera still rolling?” |
Big Man “Ay? Ay. (Technical issues? Try unplugging it and then NOT plugging it back in.)” |
Shiver “Ah! It's an emergency news report! Please hold while we read it...” |
Big Man “Ay. Ay... (It's from Grizzco. You never know if that'll be good or bad news...)” |
Shiver “Uh, it's bad. There's a Big Run incoming!” |
Frye “Noooooo!” |
Shiver “A swarm of Salmonids is swiftly approaching Um'ami Ruins!” |
Frye “Don't they know there's going to be a Splatfest? What are they thinking?!” |
Big Man “Ay... (I don't think the Splatfest is happening unless we clear this up...)” |
Shiver “Right. The Salmonids must be stopped.” |
Shiver “Viewers-we're counting on you! Step up and help Grizzco put an end to the Big Run.” |
Big Man “Ay! (Pro tip: pick a Splatfest team ASAP so you can get conch shells while you're at it!)” |
Frye “They have to wait for the Splatfest Sneak Peek, but yeah. Then it's game on!” |
Big Man “Ay! Ay! Ay! (Slam those Splatanids! I mean splat those Salmonids! Stop the Big Run!)” |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Watch out for the Big Run at Um'ami Ruins! As if the place wasn't crowded enough...” |
Frye “I bet those Salmonids are sneaking in without paying admission!” |
Shiver “You know, Grizzco is hiring if you want to help clean up the Salmonid mess...” |
Big Man “Ay? (And they're offering a reward to anyone who helps out, right?)” |
Frye “Yeah, but don't do it just for that. Do it to clear out Salmonids before the Splatfest!” |
Big Man “Ay! Ay? Ay! (Yes! We want to show off the Splatlands, don't we? Let's get to it!)” |
Shiver “Word to the wise—you're going to want to pick a Splatfest team before diving in.” |
Frye “Gotta load up on those conch shells!” |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “It sounds like Um'ami Ruins is completely, well, overrun by the Big Run right now.” |
Big Man “Ay! (Anyone willing to lend a tentacle should head to Grizzco ASAP!)” |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Big Man “Ay? Ay? (Why are the Salmonids invading the ruins though? What's the deal?)” |
Frye “The same reason I want to invade the ruins—treasure!” |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Well, it sounds like the on-site researchers have their hands full fighting them off...” |
Big Man “Ay! Ay! (I'm glad someone is protecting the ruins! The site is historically notable!)” |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Do you think the Salmonids are actually there for the history?” |
Shiver “Well, we know YOU aren't, Frye!” |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Big Man “Ay! (The Salmonids that invaded Um'ami Ruins have been sent back to sea!)” |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “I still can't get over how good everyone is at this!” |
Big Man “Aaay! (Grizzco must be thrilled!)” |
Big Man “Ay! Ay. (What an epic battle! That will definitely go down in history.)” |
Frye “Way to rep the Splatlands, everyone! We showed those Salmonids what's UP.” |
Shiver “And best of all, the historic site at Um'ami Ruins is undamaged. Tourism can resume!” |
Frye “Hey, on the next Anarchy Splatcast...let's do a deep dive into Um'ami Ruins lore!” |
Big Man “♪ Ay? ♪ (♪ What are the secrets of the ruuuinsss? ♪)” |
Shiver “Sounds like we've got a theme song, but... we might have to learn some actual history.” |
Frye “Oh, in that case, let's focus on Splatsville street food instead. I'm hungry!” |
Frye “Anyway, the other good news is that we're all clear for the next Splatfest.” |
Shiver “Bravo, everyone! My path to leadership of Deep Cut is now wide open.” |
Shiver “Although, technically, anyone could win. I wish you both luck!” |
Big Man “Ay... (I just hope the fans support us...)” |
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「……ム? カメラが回ったままじゃぞ?」 |
マンタロー 「エイ?(機材トラブルでもあったのかな?」 |
フウカ 「たった今、緊急ニュースが入りやした!」 |
マンタロー 「エイッ?!(えっ何? クマサン商会から?!)」 |
フウカ 「ビッグラン警報や!!」 |
ウツホ 「なんじゃとーーッ?!」 |
フウカ 「シャケの大群が ナンプラー遺跡に接近中ぅ〜⁈」 |
ウツホ 「ま、まずいのではないか⁈ というか フェスはどうなるんじゃ!」 |
マンタロー 「エェイ〜!(このままじゃ フェスなんてできないよ〜!)」 |
フウカ 「とにかくまずは、シャケを止めへんと!」 |
フウカ 「みんな、今回もたのむで〜! ビッグランが始まったら クマサン商会に集合や!」 |
マンタロー 「エイ!(ヨビ祭は始まるから、ホラガイもらえるように フェス投票を済ませておくと いいかも!)」 |
ウツホ 「ゆくぞ! ナンプラー遺跡の新たな歴史として ワシらの大勝利を きざみつけてやるのじゃッ!!」 |
マンタロー 「エイエイエーッ‼︎(えいえいおーッ‼︎)」 |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「ビッグラン発生中につき、ナンプラー遺跡では 遺跡やのうて シャケの調査をしてはるそうや」 |
ウツホ 「調査せずにはおれんのか」 |
フウカ 「クマサン商会では、現地で対応にあたるバイトを 大・大・大募集中やで!」 |
マンタロー 「エイ!(協力すると お礼がもらえるらしいよ!)」 |
ウツホ 「来週のフェスのためにも、とっととシャケどもを バンカラの地から 追い払わねばのう!」 |
マンタロー 「エイエイ!(力を合わせて シャケに立ち向かおう!)」 |
フウカ 「そうそう、フェスの投票が まだのヒトらは バイトの前に済ましといてな~!」 |
ウツホ 「シャケをシバくついでに ホラガイもゲットじゃ!」 |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「今は ビッグランのせいで ナンプラー遺跡が えらいコトになってんで」 |
マンタロー 「エイ!(力を貸してくれる方は クマサン商会まで!)」 |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
マンタロー 「エイ…?!(にしても、なんでシャケが ナンプラー遺跡に… まさか遺跡には重大なヒミツが?!)」 |
ウツホ 「オタカラのニオイがするのう!」 |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「遺跡の調査員はん、何人かは現場に入って オニのように シャケとバトってはるらしいな」 |
マンタロー 「エイ…(大事な遺跡をあらされたら 許せないよね…)」 |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「シャケどもは イカの歴史に キョーミがあるんじゃろか?」 |
フウカ 「ウツホも見習っとき」 |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
マンタロー 「エイエ~イ!(ナンプラー遺跡に押し寄せていたシャケが 海へ帰っていきましたー!!)」 |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「なんじゃー?! この高すぎるボーダーはー!」 |
マンタロー 「エエイ!(スゴすぎー!!)」 |
マンタロー 「エイエイ~!(みんなの戦う姿、かっこよかったよ! 歴史に名をはせる英雄って こんな感じなのかな~!)」 |
ウツホ 「ワシら バンカラもんの強さは、 遠い未来まで 語りつがれるじゃろうな!」 |
フウカ 「ナンプラー遺跡は無事やったみたいやし、 また安心して バトルや観光においでやす~!」 |
ウツホ 「「なぜシャケは ナンプラー遺跡をねらったのか?!」 次回のバンカラジオは 3時間スペシャルで決まりじゃ!」 |
マンタロー 「エイ~♪(遺跡のヒミツを解き明かせ~♪)」 |
フウカ 「ほな、イカの古代文明について キ~ッチリ 歴史のお勉強せなあかんなぁ?」 |
ウツホ 「…やっぱ次回は バンカラ街の最新グルメ特集にしようかの?」 |
ウツホ 「とにかく! これで晴れて何の心配もなく フェスができるワケじゃ!」 |
フウカ 「みんなのおかげやで! ほんま おおきにね!」 |
フウカ 「さあさあ すりみ連合 フェスにて相争う! リーダーの座は だれの手に?!」 |
マンタロー 「エ~イ!(おうえん よろしくお願いしまーす!)」 |
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Hm? Waarom draait de camera nog?” (Hm? Why is the camera still running?) |
Ray “Ay? Ay. (Gaat er iets mis? Probeer hem eens uit te zetten en dan niet aan te zetten.)” (Ay? Ay. (Is there something going wrong? Give turning it off and then not turning it on a try.)) |
Haya “Ah! Er is een ingelast nieuwsbericht! Een ogenblikje a.u.b. terwijl wij het doorlezen...” (Ah! there is an inserted news report! One moment please while we read it through...) |
Ray “Ay. (Het komt van Beer & Co, dus het kan niet veel goeds maar wel veel slechts zijn.)” (Ay. (It comes from Grizzco, so it can't bode well but it CAN be much bad.)) |
Haya “Het is slecht nieuws. Heel slecht nieuws. Er komt een nieuwe Big Run aan!” (It is bad news. Very bad news. There is a new Big Run upcoming!) |
Muriël “Waaaaat?!” (Whaaaaat?!) |
Haya “Een school Salmonieten heeft het op de< Ruisvoornruïnes voorzien!” (A school of Salmonids are out to get Um'ami Ruins!) |
Muriël “Maar er komt een Splatfest aan! Hebben die Salmonieten dan nergens respect voor?!” (But there is a Splatfest upcoming! Don't those Salmonids have respect for anything, then?!) |
Ray “Ay... (Ik denk niet dat het Splatfest door kan gaan met die griezels in de buurt...)” (Ay... (I don't think the Splatfest can go ahead with those creeps in the vicinity...)) |
Haya “Ja, we moeten iets aan die Salmonieten doen.” (Yes, we must do something about those Salmonids.) |
Haya “We rekenen op jullie hulp, beste kijkers! Help Beer & Co om de Big Run te stoppen!” (We are counting on your help, dear viewers! Help Grizzco to stop the Big Run!) |
Ray “Ay! (Nog een tip: kies alvast je Splatfest- team om extra prijsschelpen te verdienen!)” (Ay! (An additional tip: choose your Splatfest team in advance to earn extra conch shells!)) |
Muriël “Goed idee! Die keuze kan al gemaakt worden tijdens de opwarmfase van het Splatfest!” (Good idea! That choice can already be made during the Sneak Peek of the Splatfest!) |
Ray “Ay! (En zorg er daarna snel voor dat die Salmonieten bij de ruïnes verleden tijd zijn!)” (Ay! (And quickly afterwards take care that those Salmonids at the ruins become a thing of the past!)) |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Dankzij de Big Run kunnen de archeologen de Ruisvoornruïnes niet meer onderzoeken...” (Thanks to the Big Run the archaeologists of Um'ami Ruins can't do research anymore...) |
Muriël “Laten we fossielen van die Salmonieten maken, dan hebben ze weer werk!” (Let's make fossils of those Salmonids, then they will have work again!) |
Haya “Beer & Co is dringend op zoek naar werk- nemers om de Salmonietenzooi op te ruimen...” (Grizzco is urgently looking for employees to clean up the Salmonid mess...) |
Ray “Ay? (Daar hebben ze wel een leuke beloning voor over, of niet?)” (Ay? (They are surely willing to offer a nice reward for that, aren't they?)) |
Muriël “Ja, maar nog veel belangrijker is dat de boel Salmonietenvrij is voor het volgende Splatfest!” (Yes, even more important is that the place is Salmonid-free before the next Splatfest!) |
Ray “Ay! Ay. Ay! (O ja! Anders krijgen toeristen een fout beeld van de Splatlands. Aan het werk!)” (Ay! Ay. Ay! (Oh yes! Else tourists will get a wrong message about the Splatlands. Get to work!)) |
Haya “Goeie tip van mij: kies een Splatfest-team voor je aan de slag gaat!” (Good tip from me: choose a Splatfest team before you get started!) |
Muriël “Dan loop je binnen met al die prijsschelpen!” (Then you will be swimming in all those conch shells!) |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Er is een flinke run op de Ruisvoornruïnes aan de hand. Een Big Run, zelfs.” (There is a considerable run going on at Um'ami Ruins. A Big Run, even.) |
Ray “Ay! (Beer & Co is op zoek naar iedereen die een tentakel wil uitsteken om te helpen!)” (Ay! (Grizzco is looking for anyone who wants to lend a tentacle to help!)) |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Ray “Ay? Ay? (Maar wat moeten die Salmonieten in de ruïnes? Die zijn toch al geruïneerd?)” (Ay? Ay? (But what are those Salmonids suppose to do in the ruins? Those are already ruined, right?)) |
Muriël “Die hebben vast dezelfde motivatie als ik: die zijn op zoek naar schatten!” (They must have the same motivation as me: they are looking for treasure!) |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “De archeologen daar hebben de tentakels vol aan het verjagen van de Salmonieten...” (The archeologists there have their tentacles full with chasing away the Salmonids...) |
Ray “Ay! (Gelukkig dat iemand z'n best doet om onze cultuurschatten te bewaken!)” (Ay! (Glad someone is doing their best to guard our cultural treasures!)) |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Of zouden die Salmonieten daar zijn omdat ze zo geïnteresseerd zijn in geschiedenis?” (Or would those Salmonids be there because they are so interested in history?) |
Haya “Nou, we hebben in elk geval geleerd dat JIJ dat niet bent, Muriël!” (Well, at least we have learned that YOU are not, Frye!) |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Ray “Ay! (Die Salmonieten die de Ruisvoornruïnes aanvielen, zijn totaal geruïneerd!)” (Ay! (Those Salmonids that attacked Um'ami Ruins are totally ruined!)) |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Ik blijf het ongelofelijk vinden dat luitjes dit zó goed kunnen!” (I continue to be incredulous that folks can do this SO well!) |
Ray “Ay! (Bij Beer & Co gaat het dak er vast helemaal af!)” (Ay! (They are bound to completely raise the roof at Grizzco!)) |
Ray “Ay! Ay. (Wat een epische strijd! Dit is een Big Run voor de geschiedenisboeken.)” (Ay! Ay. (What an epic battle! This Big Run is one for the history books.)) |
Muriël “Goed gedaan, allemaal! Met de Splatlands valt niet te spotten!” (Well done, everyone! The Splatlands is not to be trifled with!) |
Haya “En de Ruisvoornruïnes hebben geen krasje! Tenminste... Geen NIEUWE krasjes.” (And Um'ami Ruins doesn't have a scratch! At least... No NEW scratches.) |
Muriël “Hé, ideetje voor een Splatcast... Een geschie- denisaflevering over de Ruisvoornruïnes!” (Hey, a little idea for a Splatcast... A history episode about Um'ami Ruins!) |
Ray “♪ Ay! ♪ (♪ Bomvol adrenaliiiine door zo'n oude ruïïïïne! ♪)” (♪ Ay! ♪ (♪ Abrim with adrenaliiiine because of such an old ruine! ♪)) |
Haya “Nou, een jingle hebben [sic][note 1] al. Maar wie gaat er bronnenonderzoek doen?” (Well, a jingle [we] already have. But who is going to do source research?) |
Muriël “Klinkt als werk, ik krijg er spontaan honger van... O, nieuw idee! Een streetfood-special!” (Sounds like work, it spontaneously makes me hungry... Oh, new idea! A streetfood special!) |
Muriël “In elk geval staat niks het volgende Splatfest meer in de weg.” (In any case, nothing stands in the way of the next Splatfest anymore.) |
Haya “Heel erg bedankt, allemaal! De weg is vrij voor mijn onbetwiste leiderschap van Deep Cut!” (Thank you very much, everyone! The path is clear for my undisputed leadership of Deep Cut!) |
Haya “Eh... Al kan natuurlijk iedereen winnen. Theoretisch gezien. Veel succes, hoor!” (Uh... Although, everyone can win, naturally. Theoretically speaking. Good luck, though!) |
Ray “Ay! (Zolang we onze fans achter ons hebben staan, kan er niks misgaan!)” (Ay! (As long as our fans are behind us, there is nothing that can go wrong!)) |
French (North America)
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « ...Euh? Comment ça se fait que la caméra tourne encore? » |
Raimi « Ay! (Un problème technique! Essaie de l'éteindre et surtout de PAS la rallumer.) » |
Pasquale « Ah, c'est un bulletin de dernière minute! Laissez-moi une minute pour le lire... » |
Raimi « Ay... (Ça vient de M. Ours. On sait jamais à quoi s'attendre avec celui-là...) » |
Pasquale « Oh, pour le coup, c'est une mauvaise nouvelle... Big Run en approche! » |
Angie « Noooooon! » |
Pasquale « Une armée de Salmonoïdes est en train de foncer vers les ruines Uma'mi! » |
Angie « Ils savent pas qu'on prépare un festival? Ils respectent rien, ces bestiaux! » |
Raimi « Ay... (En tout cas, on peut faire une croix sur le festival si on les laisse faire...) » |
Pasquale « Raimi a raison. Il faut les arrêter. » |
Pasquale « Chers spectateurs, à vous de jouer! Quand le Big Run commence, courez chez M. Ours! » |
Raimi « Ay. (Et pour le festival, choisissez une équipe au plus vite pour récupérer des conques.) » |
Angie « Il faudra attendre le préstival pour les recevoir, mais je confirme. » |
Raimi « Ay! (Allez, à l'assoïde des Salmonauds! Euh, non... Bref, en avant pour le Big Run!) » |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Un Big Run dans les ruines Uma'mi... Comme si le coin n'était pas assez bondé... » |
Angie « Je parie que ces petites bêtes paient même pas l'entrée quand elles débarquent! » |
Pasquale « M. Ours Cie recrute si ça te démange de liquider du salmonoïde, tu sais... » |
Raimi « Ay! (Même qu'il y a une récompense pour ceux qui donnent un coup de tentacule!) » |
Angie « Oui, mais c'est pas ça, l'important. Il faut nettoyer la Contrée avant le festival! » |
Raimi « Ay! (Oui, au travail! On doit montrer la Contrée Clabousse sous son meilleur jour!) » |
Pasquale « Un petit conseil : avant d'y aller, vous devriez choisir une équipe pour le festival. » |
Angie « Et après, on fait une razzia sur les conques! » |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Il paraît que les ruines Uma'mi sont en plein Big Run, à l'heure qu'il est. » |
Raimi « Ay! (Tous les volontaires peuvent se ruer chez M. Ours Cie pour aider!) » |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Raimi « Ay? (Qu'est-ce qu'ils viennent faire dans ces ruines, les Salmonoïdes, d'abord?) » |
Angie « Ils viennent pour la même raison que moi, j'envahirais les ruines... pour les trésors! » |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « En tout cas, les archéologues sur place ont dû prendre les armes... » |
Raimi « Ay! (Ça fait plaisir de voir que les ruines sont protégées! C'est notre patrimoine!) » |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Tu crois que les Salmonoïdes se sont découvert une vocation historique? » |
Pasquale « En tout cas, tu peux pas en dire autant, Angie! » |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Raimi « Ay! (Les salmonoïdes qui vandalisaient les ruines Uma'mi ont été repoussés!) » |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Le talent des employés de M. Ours Cie me laisse toujours pantoise! » |
Raimi « Ay! (Le patron a de la chance!) » |
Raimi « Ay. (Quelle bataille! On en parlera pendant des siècles.) » |
Angie « Vous avez fait honneur à la Contrée Clabousse, les amis! » |
Pasquale « Et le mieux, c'est que les ruines Uma'mi sont intactes. Le tourisme peut reprendre! » |
Angie « Eh, pour le prochain Splatcast... Si on se penchait sur l'histoire des ruines? » |
Raimi « ♪ Ay! ♪ (♪ Aujourd'hui, les ruines nous dévoilent leurs secrets! ♪) » |
Pasquale « Cool, on a déjà le générique... Par contre, on va pas échapper à quelques recherches. » |
Angie « Oh, alors on a qu'à faire une émission sur la gastronomie claboussienne! J'ai faim! » |
Angie « Autre bonne nouvelle : on peut accueillir le prochain festival. » |
Pasquale « Bravo à tous! J'ai un boulevard pour devenir cheffe des Tridenfer, maintenant! » |
Pasquale « Même si techniquement, les autres peuvent aussi le devenir, mais... bonne chance! » |
Raimi « Ay... (Le plus important, c'est que nos fans nous soutiennent...) » |
French (Europe)
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « ...Euh ? Comment ça se fait que la caméra tourne encore ? » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Un problème technique ! Essaie de l'éteindre et surtout de PAS la rallumer.) » |
Pasquale « Ah, c'est un bulletin de dernière minute ! Laissez-moi une minute pour le lire... » |
Raimi « Ay... (Ça vient de M. Ours. On sait jamais à quoi s'attendre avec celui-là...) » |
Pasquale « Oh, pour le coup, c'est une mauvaise nouvelle... Big Run en approche ! » |
Angie « Noooooon ! » |
Pasquale « Une armée de Salmonoïdes est en train de foncer vers les ruines Uma'mi ! » |
Angie « Ils savent pas qu'on prépare un festival ? Ils respectent rien, ces bestiaux ! » |
Raimi « Ay... (En tout cas, on peut faire une croix sur le festival si on les laisse faire...) » |
Pasquale « Raimi a raison. Il faut les arrêter. » |
Pasquale « Chers spectateurs, à vous de jouer ! Quand le Big Run commence, courez chez M. Ours ! » |
Raimi « Ay. (Et pour le festival, choisissez un camp au plus vite pour récupérer des conques.) » |
Angie « Il faudra attendre le préstival pour les recevoir, mais je confirme. » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Allez, à l'assoïde des Salmonauds ! Euh, non... Bref, en avant pour le Big Run !) » |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Un Big Run dans les ruines Uma'mi... Comme si le coin n'était pas assez bondé... » |
Angie « Je parie que ces sales bêtes paient même pas l'entrée quand elles débarquent ! » |
Pasquale « M. Ours SA recrute si ça te démange de liquider du Salmonoïde, tu sais... » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Même qu'il y a une récompense pour ceux qui donnent un coup de tentacule !) » |
Angie « Oui, mais c'est pas ça, l'important. Il faut nettoyer la Contrée avant le festival ! » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Oui, au boulot ! On doit montrer la Contrée Clabousse sous son meilleur jour !) » |
Pasquale « Un petit conseil : avant d'y aller, vous devriez choisir un camp pour le festival. » |
Angie « Et après, on fait une razzia sur les conques ! » |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Il paraît que les ruines Uma'mi sont en plein Big Run, à l'heure qu'il est. » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Tous les volontaires peuvent se ruer chez M. Ours SA pour aider !) » |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Raimi « Ay ? (Qu'est-ce qu'ils viennent faire dans ces ruines, les Salmonoïdes, d'abord ?) » |
Angie « Ils viennent pour la même raison que moi, j'envahirais les ruines... pour les trésors ! » |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « En tout cas, les archéologues sur place ont dû prendre les armes... » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Ça fait plaisir de voir que les ruines sont protégées ! C'est notre patrimoine !) » |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Tu crois que les Salmonoïdes se sont découvert une vocation historique ? » |
Pasquale « En tout cas, tu peux pas en dire autant, Angie ! » |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Raimi « Ay ! (Les Salmonoïdes qui vandalisaient les ruines Uma'mi ont été repoussés !) » |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Le talent des employés de M. Ours SA me laisse toujours pantoise ! » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Le patron a de la chance !) » |
Raimi « Ay. (Quelle bataille ! On en parlera pendant des siècles.) » |
Angie « Vous avez fait honneur à la Contrée Clabousse, les amis ! » |
Pasquale « Et le mieux, c'est que les ruines Uma'mi sont intactes. Le tourisme peut reprendre ! » |
Angie « Eh, pour le prochain Splatcast... Si on se penchait sur l'histoire des ruines ? » |
Raimi « ♪ Ay ! ♪ (♪ Aujourd'hui, les ruines nous dévoilent leurs secrets ! ♪) » |
Pasquale « Cool, on a déjà le générique... Par contre, on va pas échapper à quelques recherches. » |
Angie « Oh, alors on a qu'à faire une émission sur la gastronomie claboussienne ! J'ai la dalle ! » |
Angie « Autre bonne nouvelle : on peut accueillir le prochain festival. » |
Pasquale « Bravo à tous ! J'ai un boulevard pour devenir cheffe des Tridenfer, maintenant ! » |
Pasquale « Même si techniquement, les autres peuvent aussi le devenir, mais... bonne chance ! » |
Raimi « Ay... (Le plus important, c'est que nos fans nous soutiennent...) » |
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „...Hö? Sagt, läuft die Kamera etwa noch?“ (...Huh? Say, is the camera still running?) |
Mantaro „Ay? (Ob's an der Technik liegt?)“ (Ay? (Is it the tech?)) |
Mako „Mitnichten! Hört mal! Eine Einmeldung kommt gerade rein!“ (No! Listen! A report is coming in!) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay? (Tatsache! Und sie kommt von der Bär GmbH, richtig?)“ (Ay! Ay? (Yes! And it's from Grizzco, right?)) |
Mako „Ein Big Run steht kurz bevor!“ (A Big Run is coming!) |
Muri „Bitteee?!“ (Sorryyy?!) |
Mako „Ein gewaltiger Salmonidenschwarm nähert sich den Um'ami-Ruinen!“ (A Salmonid swarm is headed towards Um'ami Ruins!) |
Muri „Ist ja echt 'ne Frechheit! Wo doch bald Splatfest ist und so!“ (That's really shameless! When there's a Splatfest and all coming soon!) |
Mantaro „Ay... (Oder auch nicht, wenn keiner den Salmoniden auf die Flossen tritt...)“ (Ay... (Or not, if nobody steps on the Salmonid's fins...)) |
Mako „Exakt. Der Ansturm muss aufgehalten werden.“ (Exactly. They must be stopped.) |
Mako „Darum seid ihr gefragt, liebe Hörer. Rasch zur Bär GmbH und auf in den Big Run!“ (That is why you are needed, dear listeners. Quickly to Grizzco and off to the Big Run!) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Kleiner Tipp: Früh das Splatfest-Team wählen, um mehr Tritonshörner zu kriegen!)“ (Ay! (Small tip: Choose a Splatfest Team early to get more conch shells!) |
Muri „Allerdings erst in der Aufwärmphase! Aber dann RAN AN DEN RUN!“ (But, the warm up phase first! Then GET A MOVE ON!) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay! (Setzt dem Big Run ein Ende! Kleckst die klammen Kumpanen weg!)“ (Ay! Ay! (Put an end to the Big Run! Splat those soggy chums!)) |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Ein Big Run in den Um'ami-Ruinen? Als wäre da nicht sonst schon genug los...“ (A Big Run in Um'ami Ruins? As if there wasn't enough going on as is...) |
Muri „Und Eintritt zahlen die Salmoniden garantiert auch keinen. Pah!“ (And those Salmonids don't even have to pay an entrance fee. Ugh!) |
Mako „Die Bär GmbH sucht ja tatzenringend nach Leuten, die dem Ansturm trotzen können...“ (Grizzco is looking for people who can brave the onslaught...) |
Mantaro „Ay? (Und lässt dafür auch was springen, hab ich recht?)“ (Ay? (And let's get a head start, right?)) |
Muri „Schon, aber viel wichtiger ist, dass bis zum Splatfest wieder alles salmonidenfrei ist!“ (Yes, but it is much more important that it's Salmonid-free before the Splatfest!) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay. Ay! (Huch, ja! Was sollen die Leute denn von Splatsville denken. Los, ans Werk!)“ (Ay! Ay. Ay! (Oh yea! What will the people think of Splatsville? Alright, let's get to work!)) |
Mako „Hai-ßer Tipp von mir: Am besten vor dem Loskämpfen erst ein Splatfest-Team wählen!“ (Big tip from me: It's best to choose a Splatfest team before fighting!) |
Muri „Jawoll! Dann hagelt's Tritonshörner fürs Mitmachen! Klasse, die Teile!“ (Yes! Then it rains conch shells for participation! Everyone, the conch shells!) |
Notes: Hai in German means Shark, which are associated with Shiver. |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Auf die Um'ami-Ruinen soll ja ein ziemlicher Run stattfinden. Ein Big Run, sozusagen.“ (There's quite a run on Um'ami Ruins. A Big Run, at that.) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Die Bär GmbH sucht fleißige Kleckser, die diese Kulturstätte bewahren wollen!)“ (Ay! (Grizzco is looking for diligent splatters who want to preserve this historical site!)) |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaro „Ay? Ay. (Was wollen die Salmoniden denn in den Ruinen? Die sind doch schon ruiniert.)“ |
Muri „Ist doch klar wie dicke Tinte! Die suchen SCHÄTZE! GEBUNKERTE KLUNKER!“ |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Die Forscher in den Um'ami-Ruinen kommen wohl nicht gegen die Salmonidenmassen an...“ (The Um'ami Ruins researchers probably can't keep up with the masses of Salmonids...) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay?! (Aber es sind doch Forscher! Können die nicht forscher vorgehen?!)“ (Ay! Ay?! (But they're researchers! Can't they just be more assertive?!)) |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Ob sich die Salmoniden wirklich für Ruinen und Archäologie und so interessieren?“ (Are the Salmonids really interested in the ruins, archaeology and such?) |
Mako „Ich würde annehmen, ihr akademisches Interesse liegt etwa in deinem Bereich.“ (I would assume that their academic level is roughly as high as yours.) |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaro „Ay! (Der Salmonidenangriff auf die Um'ami-Ruinen wurde erfolgreich ruiniert!)“ (Ay! (The Salmonid attack on Um'ami Ruins was successfully ruined!)) |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Dass die Leute das SO draufhaben, WOW!“ (People are so good at this, WOW!) |
Mantaro „Aaay. (Bei der Bär GmbH ist heute bestimmt eine Eierfeier oder so.)“ (Aaay. (There is definitely going to be a Golden Egg party at Grizzco today.)) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay! (Das war dramatisch! Dieser Run geht in die Geschichte ein!)“ (Ay! Ay! (That was dramatic! This Big Run will go down in history!)) |
Muri „Klasse gemacht, Leute! Mit Splatsville legt sich keiner an, ihr habt's bewiesen!“ (Good job, everyone! Nobody messes with Splatsville, and you proved that!) |
Mako „Und kein Steinchen der Um'ami-Ruinen beschädigt. Da freuen sich die Touristen!“ (And not a single stone in Um'ami Ruins was damaged. The tourists are glad!) |
Muri „Kinder! Idee für den nächsten Splatcast! Machen wir ein Um'ami-Ruinen-Special?“ (Guys! Idea for the next Splatcast! Are we gonna do a special for Um'ami Ruins?) |
Mantaro „♪ Ay... (♪ Schau'n wir uns ummm... ♪ Im Um'amysteriummm...)“ (♪ Ay... (♪ Let's take a look arounddd...♪ in the Um'ami mysteryyy...)) |
Mako „Na, der Titel-Jingle steht schon mal. Aber wer studiert dafür die Lektüre?“ (Well, the title jingle already stand out. But who's going to study the history?) |
Muri „Klingt nach Arbeit! Dann neuer Vorschlag, wir machen ein Streetfood-Special. Mjam!“ (Sounds like some work! Then a new idea, we do a street food special. Mmm!) |
Muri „Jedenfalls ist damit fürs nächste Splatfest alles in bester Margarine!“ (In any case, everything is set for the next Splatfest!) |
Mako „Ein Lob an alle. Die neue Chefin von Surimi Syndicate steht so gut wie fest.“ (Kudos to everyone. The new boss for Deep Cut is almost decided.) |
Mako „Rein rechnerisch KÖNNTE zwar auch jemand anders gewinnen, aber... Nun ja. Viel Glück.“ (Theoretically, someone else COULD win, but... well okay. Good luck.) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Solange die Fans für uns da sind, kann gar nichts schiefgehen!)“ (Ay! (As long as there are fans for us, nothing can go wrong!)) |
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «...Che succede? Perché la telecamera è ancora accesa?» (…What's up? Why is the camera still on?) |
Mantaleo «Man? Man. (Problemi tecnici? Prova a togliere la spina e a NON reinserirla.)» (Ay? Ay. (Technical issues? Try removing the plug and NOT put it back in.)) |
Pinnuccia «Ah, ma è una notizia d'emergenza! Solo un attimo che la leggiamo...» (Ahh, it's actually emergency news! Just a moment and we'll read it…) |
Mantaleo «Man. Man... (È dalla Ursus & Co. Non sai mai se sono buone o cattive notizie...)» (Ay. Ay... (It's from Grizzco. You never know if it's good or bad news...)) |
Pinnuccia «Uhm, sono cattive. Arriva una Big Run!» (Uhm, it's bad news. A Big Run is coming!) |
Morena «Noooooo!» |
Pinnuccia «Un'orda di Salmonoidi si sta rapidamente avvicinando alle Rovine Salsadipesce!» (A horde of Salmonid is rapidly approaching the Um'ami Ruins!) |
Morena «Ma non sanno che si terrà un festival? Cosa gli salta in mente?!» (Don't they know that there's a Splatfest programmed? What are they on?!) |
Mantaleo «Man... (Non ci sarà alcun festival se non sbrighiamo questa faccenda...)» (Ay... (There won't be any Splatfest if we don't fix this issue...)) |
Pinnuccia «Giusto. I Salmonoidi vanno fermati.» (Right. Salmonids should be stopped.) |
Pinnuccia «Spettatori, contiamo su di voi! Aiutate la Ursus & Co a porre fine alla Big Run.» (Listeners, we count on you! Help Grizzco to put an end to the Big Run.) |
Mantaleo «Man! (E scegliete un team del festival per accumulare conchiglie, già che ci siete!)» (Ay! (And choose a Splatfest team to gather some Conch Shells, now that you're at it!)) |
Morena «Dovranno aspettare l'anteprima del festival, ma sì, poi la caccia è aperta!» (They'll have to wait for the Splatfest Sneak Peek, but yeah, then the hunt is on!) |
Mantaleo «Man! (Salmonate gli Splattoidi! ... Cioè, splattate i Salmonoidi! Fermate la Big Run!)» (Ay! (Salmon the Splatids! ... I mean, splat the Salmonids! Stop the Big Run!)) |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Alle Rovine Salsadipesce è in corso una Big Run! Come se non fossero già affollate...» (A Big Run is ongoing at the Um'ami Ruins! As if they weren't already crowded…) |
Morena «Scommetto che i Salmonoidi cercano di entrare senza biglietto!» (I bet the Salmonids are trying to get in with no ticket!) |
Pinnuccia «Beh, la Ursus & Co assume, se vuoi contribuire a spazzare via i Salmonoidi...» (Well, Grizzco is hiring, if you want to contribute sweeping the Salmonids off…) |
Mantaleo «Man? (E offrono una ricompensa a chi dà una pinna, no?)» (Ay? (And they give a reward to whoever lends a fin, right?)) |
Morena «Sì, ma fallo anche per ripulire la zona dai Salmonoidi prima del festival!» (Yeah, but do it to clear the zone of Salmonids before the Splatfest as well!) |
Mantaleo «Man? Man! (Sì! Vogliamo che Splattonia faccia bella figura, no? Forza, al lavoro!)» (Ay? Ay! (Yes! We want the Splatlands to give a good impression, right? Come on, work it!)) |
Pinnuccia «Un consiglio: meglio scegliere un team del festival prima di buttarsi a pesce.» (A tip: better choose a Splatfest team before diving in like a fish.) |
Morena «Accumulare conchiglie è importante!» (Gathering conch shells is important!) |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Al momento le Rovine Salsadipesce sono in salsa di Salmonoidi a causa della Big Run!» (At the moment, the Um'ami Ruins are Salmonid-flavored because of the Big Run!) |
Mantaleo «Man! (Chiunque voglia dare un tentacolo si rivolga subito alla Ursus & Co!)» (Ay! (Anyone eager to lend a tentacle should immediately refer to Grizzco!)) |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaleo «Man? (E comunque, perché i Salmonoidi hanno invaso le rovine? Cosa gli importa?)» (Ay? (And anyway, why did the Salmonids invade the ruins? Why does it matter to them?)) |
Morena «Lo stesso motivo per cui le voglio invadere io: i tesori!» (The same reason why I want to invade them: the treasures!) |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Beh, sembra che i ricercatori laggiù siano impegnatissimi a combatterli...» (Well, it looks like the researchers down there are very busy fighting them…) |
Mantaleo «Man! Man! (Menomale che qualcuno le difende! Hanno una valenza storica!)» (Ay! Ay! (Fortunately someone protects them! They are historically valuable!)) |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Notes: Shiver literally says "in Salmonid sauce" to make a pun with the Italian name of Um'ami Ruins, Rovine Salsadipesce ("Fish-sauce Ruins") | ||
Morena «Pensi che ai Salmonoidi interessi davvero la storia?» (You really think the Salmonids care about history?) |
Pinnuccia «Beh, sappiamo che a TE non interessa, Morena!» (Well, we know YOU don't care about it, Frye!) |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaleo «Man! (I Salmonoidi che hanno invaso le Rovine Salsadipesce sono stati scacciati!)» (Ay! (The Salmonids that invaded the Um'ami Ruins have been driven off!)) |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Ancora non mi capacito di quanto la gente sia in gambero...» (I still don't understand how fresh people are…) |
Mantaleo «Man! (Alla Ursus & Co saranno estasiati!)» (Ay! (They will be ecstatic at Grizzco!)) |
Mantaleo «Man! Man. (Che battaglia epica! Sarà ricordata nei secoli a venire.)» (Ay! Ay. (What an epic battle! It will be remembered in the next centuries.)) |
Morena «Splattonia è fiera di voi, gente! Abbiamo mostrato ai Salmonoidi chi è che comanda.» (The Splatlands are proud of you, people! We showed the Salmonids who's boss here.) |
Pinnuccia «E la cosa migliore è che le rovine sono ancora intatte. I turisti possono tornare!» (And the best thing is that the ruins are still intact. Tourists can come again!) |
Morena «Nel prossimo Splatcast Anarchia... parliamo della storia delle Rovine Salsadipesce!» (In the next Anarchy Splatcast… we'll talk about the history of Um'ami Ruins!) |
Mantaleo «♪ Man? ♪ (♪ Quali segreti celano le rooooovineeee? ♪)» (♪ Ay? ♪ (♪ What secrets do the ruins hiiiideeee? ♪)) |
Pinnuccia «La sigla ce l'abbiamo, ma... mi sa che dovremo studiare sul serio.» (We've got the jingle, but… I think we should seriously study.) |
Morena «Ah... Allora meglio concentrarsi sul cibo di strada di Splatville. Ho fame!» (Ah… Then we better focus on Splatsville's street food. I'm hungry!) |
Morena «Comunque, l'altra buona notizia è che siamo pronti per il prossimo festival.» (Anyway, the other good news is that we're ready for the next Splatfest.) |
Pinnuccia «Bravi tutti! Ora ho la strada spianata verso la posizione di leader del Trio Triglio!» (Good job everyone! Now I have a paved road towards the position of the Deep Cut leader!) |
Pinnuccia «Anche se, tecnicamente, chiunque potrebbe vincere. Beh... buona fortuna, eh!» (Even though, technically, everyone could win. Well… good luck, heh!) |
Mantaleo «Man! (Finché abbiamo il sostegno dei fan, tutto il resto è secondario!)» (Ay! (Until we have our fans' support, everything else is secondary!)) |
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «...Э? А камера, что ли, все еще работает?» (...Uh? The camera's still on or something?) |
Биг Ман «Ик? Ик. (Технические неполадки? Тогда выключи и НЕ включай ее снова.)» (Ay? Ay. (Technical difficulties? Then turn it off and DON'T turn it on again.)) |
Кулла «Ой! Срочный выпуск новостей!» (Oh! Urgent newscast!) |
Биг Ман «Ик. Ик... (Это от «Потапыч Inc.». Тут одно из двух: либо новости хорошие, либо...)» (Ay. Ay... (This is from «Grizzco». It's one of two: it's either the good news, or...)) |
Кулла «Плохие. Big Run намечается!» (Bad. The Big Run is about to come!) |
Мурия «Не-е-ет!» (No-o-o!) |
Кулла «Огромный косяк самонидов быстро движется в сторону Рыбожирных руин!» (A huge school of Salmonids is moving fast towards the Um'ami Ruins!) |
Мурия «Они что, не в курсе, что у нас Сплатфест намечается?! Вот это наглость!» (They aren't aware that we have a Splatfest soon or what?! What an impudence!) |
Биг Ман «Ик... (Пожалуй, Сплатфест не начнется, пока мы все не зачистим...)» (Ay... (I guess, the Splatfest won't start until we clear everything up...)) |
Кулла «Именно. Самонидов надо остановить!» (Exactly. Salmonids should be stopped!) |
Кулла «Дорогие зрители, мы рассчитываем на вас! Помогите «Потапыч Inc.» остановить Big Run!» (Dear viewers, we're counting on you! Help «Grizzco» to stop Big Run!) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Выбирайте команду Сплатфеста поскорее, чтобы потом сразу начать собирать раковины!)» (Ay! (Choose the Splatfest team as quickly as possible so you can start collecting conch shells right after that!)) |
Мурия «Сплатфест-разминка и сразу в бой?! Ну да, отличная идея!» (Splatfest Sneak Peek first, and then into the battle right after?! Oh yeah, great idea!) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик! Ик! (Самохнем плюхонидов! То есть, плюхнем самонидов! Остановим Big Run!)» (Ay! Ay! Ay! (Let's salm the Splatonids! I mean, let's splat the Salmonids! Let's stop Big Run!)) |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «В Рыбожирных руинах сейчас Big Run! Там и так морскому ежу упасть негде!» (There's Big Run in the Um'ami Ruins right now! There's already nowhere for a sea urchin to fall!) |
Мурия «Ага! Туристы хотя бы платят за вход, в отличие от самонидов...» (Yeah! Tourists are paying for the entrance at least, unlike the Salmonids...) |
Кулла «В «Потапыч Inc.» опять набирают бригаду для зачистки. Кто у нас рвался в бой?» («Grizzco» is hiring a cleanup team again. Who was eager to fight here?) |
Биг Ман «Ик? (И всех добровольцев ждет награда, верно?)» (Ay? (And all the volunteers will be rewarded, right?)) |
Мурия «Еще бы, но сейчас куда важнее прогнать самонидов до начала Сплатфеста!» (Of course, but right now it's way more important to kick the Salmonids away before the start of the Splatfest!) |
Биг Ман «Ик? Ик! (Так чего мы ждем? Мы же хотим показать Плюхтонию с лучшей стороны!)» (Ay? Ay! (So what are we waiting for? We want to show Splatlands from the best side after all!)) |
Кулла «Ма-а-хонький совет: сначала проголосуй за команду для Сплатфеста. Не торопись!» (Here's a ti-i-ny advice: vote for a Splatfest team first. Take your time!) |
Мурия «У-У-У! Раковин за участие будет бери не хочу! Мне они пригодятся!» (O-O-OH! There's more conch shells for the participation than one could ever want! They'll come in handy to me!) |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «В Рыбожирных руинах сейчас аншлаг... Самонидский Big Run вместо экскурсий!» (There's a full house at the Um'ami Ruins right now... Salmonid Big Run instead of excursions!) |
Биг Ман «Ик. Ик! («Потапыч Inc.» будет рада любым щупальцам и плавникам. Айда зачищать!)» (Ay. Ay! («Grizzco» will be happy to any tentacles and fins. Let's clean-up!)) |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Биг Ман «Ик? Ик! (Кстати, зачем самонидам руины? Там и разрушать-то больше нечего!)» (Ay? Ay! (By the way, why Salmonids would need the ruins? There's nothing to destroy anymore anyway!)) |
Мурия «Разрушать, может, и нечего, но я их понимаю. Руины набиты СОКРОВИЩАМИ!» (There may be nothing to destroy, but I understand them. The ruins are full of TREASURES!) |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Не зря там археологи окопались! Бедняги в одиночку сдерживают натиск самонидов.» (No wonder archaeologists dug in there! The poor fellows resist the onslaught of Salmonids.) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Я рад, что хоть кто-то защищает наши исторические ценности!)» (Ay! (I'm glad that at least someone protects our historical values!)) |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Может, самониды и в самом деле слетелись на пыльный запах истории?» (Maybe Salmonids really flocked to the dusty smell of history?) |
Кулла «Думаю, в сфере археологии они примерно на твоем уровне, Мурия!» (I think, in the field of archeology, they're about your level, Frye!) |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Мы справились с нашествием самонидов в Рыбожирных руинах!)» (Ay! (We coped with the invasion of Salmonids in the Um'ami Ruins!)) |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Вот это я понимаю, наши ребята зажигали! Показали этим гадам!» (That's what I like to see, our guys rocked! Showed these scoundrels what we've got!) |
Биг Ман «И-ик! (В «Потапыч Inc.» уже, наверное, потирают лапы!)» (A-ay! («Grizzco» are probably rubbing their paws already!)) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик. (Эта битва прославится на века! Временами аж дух захватывало.)» (Ay! Ay. (This battle will be glorified for ages! It was breathtaking at times.)) |
Мурия «Мы показали этим самонидам, что с плюхтонцами шутки плохи!» (We showed these Salmonids that Splatsvillians mean business!) |
Кулла «И главное, Рыбожирные руины уцелели! Их снова откроют для туристов!» (And the most important, the Um'ami Ruins have survived! They'll be open for the tourists again!) |
Мурия «Ну, раз такие дела, мы просто обязаны посвятить им особый выпуск сплаткаста!» (Well, if things are like that, we just have to dedicate a special Splatcast release to them!) |
Биг Ман «♪ И-ик! ♪ (♪ Рыбожирные руины-ы, мы спасли вас от пучины-ы... ♪)» (♪ A-ay! ♪ (♪Um'ami Rui-ins, we save you from an aby-yss... ♪)) |
Кулла «Саундтреком мы обзавелись, теперь осталось только изучить историю.» (Now when we've got the soundtrack, the only thing left is to study history.) |
Мурия «Я так не играю! Руины отменяются, новый выпуск будет про плюхтонский стритфуд!» (I'm not playing like that! Ruins are canceled, the new release will be about the Splatlandian street food!) |
Мурия «Еще из хорошего: все готово к следующему Сплатфесту!» (Another good news: everything's ready for the next Splatfest!) |
Кулла «Молодцы, ребята! Теперь я точно буду главной в Deep Cut.» (Well done, guys! Now I'll be in charge of Deep Cut for sure.) |
Кулла «Хотя, конечно, любой из нас может выиграть. Теоретически.» (Although, any of us can win, of course. Theoretically.) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Главное, чтобы фанаты поддержали наши команды!)» (Ay! (The main thing's for the fans to support our teams!)) |
Spanish (North America)
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «(...) ¿Eh? ¿Por qué la cámara sigue grabando?» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Espero que no se haya roto. ¡Desenchúfala a ver!)» |
Megan «¡Uah! ¡Es un boletín de noticias urgentes! A ver qué pasó...» |
Rayan «Zasss... (Y viene de Don Oso, S. A., así que me estoy temiendo lo peor...)» |
Megan «¡Oh, no! ¡Tenemos alerta de Big Run!» (Oh, no! We have a Big Run alert!) |
Angie «¡¿Cómo?! ¡¿Cuándo?! ¡¿Dónde?!» (How?! When?! Where?!) |
Megan «¡Montones de salmónidos están a punto de invadir Ruinas Ceviche!» |
Angie «Pero... ¿no se enteraron de que hay un festival? Aquí ya no se respeta nada...» |
Rayan «Zasss... (Le veo poco futuro al festival si no tomamos cartas en el asunto...)» |
Megan «Cierto. Tenemos que hacer algo contra esos insoportables.» |
Megan «Querido público, ¡Don Oso va a necesitar su ayuda para el evento Big Run!» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Aquí va un consejo: ¡elijan un equipo ya y quizá obtengan caracolas!)» |
Angie «Sí, porque el prefestival ya casi empieza. ¡Se acerca una batalla histórica!» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Duro con todos!... Quiero decir... ¡Duro con los salmónidos!)» |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «Como si hubiera pocos visitantes en Ruinas Ceviche, ahora hay salmónidos a lo loco.» |
Angie «¡Y dudo que estén ahí para estudiar el valor arqueológico del lugar, precisamente!» |
Megan «¡Don Oso, S. A. necesita desesperadamente empleados para eliminar salmónidos!» |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (Y tienen recompensas para quienes participen, ¿verdad?)» |
Angie «Así es, aunque la prioridad es recuperar Tintelia como zona libre de salmónidos.» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Vamos a dejarles bien clarito que no son bienvenidos en esta región!)» |
Megan «Por cierto, antes de empezar a trabajar, recuerden elegir un equipo para el festival.» |
Angie «¡A acumular caracolas se ha dicho!» |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «Parece que Ruinas Ceviche está abarrotada con el evento Big Run.» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Quien quiera aportar a la causa de Don Oso, S. A. que no espere más!)» |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (¿Qué será lo que quieren los salmónidos en ese lugar?)» |
Angie «Lo mismo que yo, supongo... ¡cosas valiosas de todo tipo!» |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «Hasta los investigadores que estudian el lugar están ayudando a liquidar salmónidos.» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Espero que las ruinas no sufran daños. ¡Son patrimonio tintero universal!)» |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¿Creen que a los salmónidos les interesa ese escenario por su valor histórico?» |
Megan «Ni idea... Pero ya sabemos que a ti NO, Angie.» |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Logramos detener la invasión salmónida de Ruinas Ceviche!)» |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¡Me impresiona el nivel que tiene la gente a la hora de trabajar!» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Don Oso debe estar muy feliz!)» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Sin duda este combate se recordará en los libros de historia!)» |
Angie «Sobre todo en los de historia salmónida. ¡Los expulsamos sin piedad!» |
Megan «Y Ruinas Ceviche no sufrió daños graves. ¡Ya pueden volver los turistas!» |
Angie «¿Qué tal si en nuestra próxima emisión contamos curiosidades sobre esas ruinas?» |
Rayan «♪ Zasss... ♪ (♪ Conozcamos las ruinas... entre bambalinas... ♪)» |
Megan «Bien, esa nos servirá como sintonía para el reportaje. Ahora nos falta recopilar datos.» |
Angie «Y podríamos hablar también sobre cocina tinteliana. ¡Ya me está dando hambre!» |
Angie «Ah, por cierto... Tenemos buen clima, ¡ideal para la celebración de un festival!» |
Megan «¡Perfecto! Al fin podré demostrar que merezco ser la líder del Clan Surimi.» |
Megan «Ya sé, ya sé... En teoría puede ganar cualquiera... ¡Que tengan buena suerte!» |
Rayan «Zasss... (Espero que nuestros seguidores nos apoyen por igual...)» |
Spanish (Europe)
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «(...) ¿Eh? ¿Por qué sigue la cámara grabando?» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Espero que no se haya roto. ¡Desenchúfala sin miramientos!)» |
Megan «¡Uah! ¡Es un boletín de noticias urgentes! A ver qué ha pasado...» |
Rayan «Zasss... (Y viene de Don Oso, S. A., así que me estoy temiendo lo peor...)» |
Megan «¡Oh, no! ¡Tenemos alerta de Big Run!» (Oh, no! We have a Big Run alert!) |
Angie «¡¿Cómo?! ¡¿Cuándo?! ¡¿Dónde?!» (How?! When?! Where?!) |
Megan «¡Montones de salmónidos están a punto de invadir Ruinas Ceviche!» |
Angie «Pero... ¿no se han enterado de que hay un festival? Aquí ya no se respeta nada...» |
Rayan «Zasss... (Poco futuro le veo al festival si no tomamos medidas en al asunto...)» |
Megan «Cierto. Tenemos que hacer algo contra esos bichejos repelentes.» |
Megan «Amigas y amigos, ¡Don Oso va a necesitar vuestra ayuda de cara al evento Big Run!» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Aquí va un consejo: ¡elegid bando ya y quizá obtengáis caracolas!)» |
Angie «Eso, porque el prefestival no tardará en empezar. ¡Se avecina una batalla histórica!» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Duro con los siluros!... Quiero decir... ¡Duro con los salmónidos!)» |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «Por si hubiera pocos visitantes en Ruinas Ceviche, ahora también salmónidos a lo loco.» |
Angie «¡Y no creo que estén ahí para estudiar el valor arqueológico del lugar, precisamente!» |
Megan «¡Don Oso, S. A. necesita desesperadamente empleados para eliminar salmónidos!» |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (Y tienen recompensas para todos los que echen una mano, ¿verdad?)» |
Angie «Así es, aunque la prioridad es recuperar Tintelia como zona libre de salmónidos.» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Vamos a dejarles bien clarito que no son bienvenidos en esta región!)» |
Megan «Por cierto, antes de empezar a dar el callo, acordaos de elegir equipo para el festival.» |
Angie «¡Me pienso poner las botas acumulando caracolas!» |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «Parece que en Ruinas Ceviche se ha liado una bien gorda con el evento Big Run.» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Cualquier colaboración que podáis prestarle a Don Oso, S. A. será poca!)» |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Rayan «Zasss... (A saber qué habrán olido los salmónidos en ese lugar...)» |
Angie «Lo mismo que yo, supongo... ¡cosas valiosas de todo tipo!» |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «Hasta los investigadores que estudian el lugar están ayudando a liquidar salmónidos.» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Espero que las ruinas no sufran daños. ¡Son patrimonio tintero universal!)» |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¿Creéis que a los salmónidos les interesa ese escenario por su valor histórico?» |
Megan «Ni idea... Lo que me sorprendería es que te interesara a ti por esa razón, Angie.» |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Hemos conseguido rechazar la invasión salmónida de Ruinas Ceviche!)» |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¡Alucino con el nivel que tiene la gente a la hora de trabajar!» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Don Oso debe de estar feliz!)» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Sin duda este enfrentamiento se recordará en los libros de historia!)» |
Angie «Sobre todo en los de historia salmónida. ¡Los hemos expulsado sin la menor piedad!» |
Megan «Y Ruinas Ceviche no ha sufrido daños de gravedad. ¡Ya pueden volver los turistas!» |
Angie «¿Qué tal si en nuestra próxima emisión contamos curiosidades sobre esas ruinas?» |
Rayan «♪ Zasss... ♪ (♪ Conozcamos las ruinas... entre bambalinas... ♪)» |
Megan «Vale, esa nos servirá como sintonía para el reportaje. Ya solo nos falta recopilar datos.» |
Angie «Y podríamos hablar también sobre cocina tinteliana. ¡Me está entrando hambre!» |
Angie «Ah, por cierto... Tenemos tiempo despejado, ¡ideal para la celebración de un festival!» |
Megan «¡Genial! Al fin tendré ocasión de demostrar que merezco ser la líder del Clan Surimi.» |
Megan «Ya sé, ya sé... En teoría puede ganar cualquiera... ¡Que tengáis buena suerte!» |
Rayan «Zasss... (Espero que nuestros seguidores nos apoyen por igual...)» |
Chinese (Simplified)
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “……嗯?为什么摄像机还在录制?” |
鬼福 “鲼?(是不是器材出故障了?)” |
莎莎 “就在刚才,传来了一则紧急新闻!” |
鬼福 “鲼?!(咦,什么?来自熊先生商会的消息?!)” |
莎莎 “是大型跑警报!!” |
曼曼 “你说什么——?!” |
莎莎 “成群的鲑鱼正在逼近鱼露遗迹~?!” |
曼曼 “这、这情况不太妙吧?! 话说,祭典会怎么样啊!” |
鬼福 “鲼~!(这样下去,祭典就办不成了~!)” |
莎莎 “总之得先拦住鲑鱼才行!” |
莎莎 “各位,这次也要拜托大家了~! 大型跑开始后,就前往熊先生商会集合!” |
鬼福 “鲼!(准备祭快要开始了, 也为了能获得法螺,事先完成祭典投票比较好!)” |
曼曼 “大家上吧!把我们大获全胜一事 作为鱼露遗迹的新历史铭刻下来!!” |
鬼福 “鲼鲼鲼——!!(加油,噢——!!)” |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “据说鱼露遗迹正在发生大型跑, 所以那边的人都不调查遗迹,反而去调查鲑鱼了。” |
曼曼 “都按捺不住调查的欲望吗?” |
莎莎 “熊先生商会正在大、大、大量募集 负责处置现场的打工人员!” |
鬼福 “鲼!(来帮忙的话,好像还能获得礼品!)” |
曼曼 “这也是为了下周的祭典, 得赶快把鲑鱼们赶出蛮颓之地才行!” |
鬼福 “鲼鲼!(大家一起去对抗鲑鱼吧!)” |
莎莎 “对了,还没有完成祭典投票的人, 记得在打工前去投票哦~!” |
曼曼 “在教训鲑鱼的同时,顺便获得法螺!” |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “受大型跑的影响, 现在鱼露遗迹的情况很糟糕啊。” |
鬼福 “鲼!(愿助我们一臂之力的人请前往熊先生商会!)” |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
鬼福 “鲼鲼……?!(话说,为什么鲑鱼会涌向鱼露遗迹…… 难道遗迹里隐藏着天大的秘密?!)” |
曼曼 “我感觉嗅到宝物的气息了!” |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “据说有几名遗迹的调查员进入了现场, 在以鬼神般的气势与鲑鱼对战呢。” |
鬼福 “鲼……(如果重要的遗迹遭到破坏的话, 确实无法原谅……)” |
Subsequent dialogue #3'
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “是不是鲑鱼们 对鱿鱼的历史感兴趣呢?” |
莎莎 “曼曼也向鲑鱼学学吧。” |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
鬼福 “鲼鲼~!(涌向鱼露遗迹的鲑鱼 都回到海里去了——!!)” |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “这高得离谱的分数线是怎么回事啊——?!” |
鬼福 “鲼鲼!(太惊人了——!!)” |
鬼福 “鲼鲼~!(大家战斗的英姿真是太帅了! 所谓名垂青史的英雄,是不是就是这样的呢~!)” |
曼曼 “想必我们蛮颓之民的强大之处 一定会流传至遥远的未来吧!” |
莎莎 “鱼露遗迹似乎平安无事, 还请各位安心地来对战、观光~!” |
曼曼 “为何鲑鱼盯上了鱼露遗迹?!" 下期蛮颓电台就决定播出该主题的3小时特别节目!” |
鬼福 “鲼~♪(来弄清遗迹的秘密吧~♪)” |
莎莎 “既然这样,就得好好~地学习 鱿鱼古代文明相关的历史才行吧?” |
曼曼 “……下期还是播出 蛮颓镇最新美食特辑吧?” |
曼曼 “总之!这样问题就解决了, 可以毫无顾虑地举行祭典了!” |
莎莎 “这都是大家的功劳!真的感激不尽!” |
莎莎 “好了,鱼浆帮将在祭典互相竞争! 领袖的宝座终将花落谁手?!” |
鬼福 “鲼~!(请大家多多支持——!)” |
Chinese (Traditional)
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「……嗯?攝影機還在錄耶。」 |
鬼福 「魟?(是器材出問題了嗎?)」 |
莎莎 「剛才收到了緊急快報!」 |
鬼福 「魟!?(咦?什麼?是熊先生商會發來的!?)」 |
莎莎 「是大型跑警報!!」 |
曼曼 「什麼——!?」 |
莎莎 「成群的鮭魚正在逼近魚露遺跡~!?」 |
曼曼 「這、這情況不太妙吧!? 是說,祭典怎麼辦啊!?」 |
鬼福 「魟~!(現在這樣子根本沒辦法舉行祭典啊~!)」 |
莎莎 「總而言之,得先想辦法阻止鮭魚才行!」 |
莎莎 「這次也要麻煩大家囉~! 等大型跑開始,就到熊先生商會集合吧!」 |
鬼福 「魟!(為了能夠獲得法螺,在準備祭開始之後, 最好還是先去完成祭典投票喔!)」 |
曼曼 「去吧!將我們大獲全勝的事蹟 刻在魚露遺跡嶄新的歷史上!!」 |
鬼福 「魟魟魟——!!(喔喔喔——!!)」 |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「因為現在發生了大型跑,所以目前魚露遺跡 似乎是在進行鮭魚調查而不是遺跡調查。」 |
曼曼 「也很難不去調查吧。」 |
莎莎 「熊先生商會正在大舉招募打工的人手 前往現場處理此狀況!」 |
鬼福 「魟!(聽說只要提供協助就能拿到謝禮喔!)」 |
曼曼 「這麼做同時也是為了下週的祭典, 得趕快把鮭魚們趕出蠻頹地區才行!」 |
鬼福 「魟魟!(同心協力,對抗鮭魚!)」 |
莎莎 「對了,還沒完成祭典投票的人 記得在打工之前先去投票喔~!」 |
曼曼 「在教訓鮭魚的同時,也別忘了把法螺拿到手!」 |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「因為發生了大型跑的關係, 魚露遺跡現在變得一團亂了。」 |
鬼福 「魟!(願意提供協助的人還請前往熊先生商會!)」 |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
鬼福 「魟魟……!?(是說鮭魚為什麼會跑到魚露遺跡…… 難道遺跡隱藏著什麼重大的秘密!?)」 |
曼曼 「感覺都能嗅到寶藏的氣味了呢!」 |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「聽說有幾位遺跡調查員前往現場之後, 就跟鮭魚之間展開了如火如荼的對戰。」 |
鬼福 「魟……(畢竟毀壞寶貴的遺跡 是無法原諒的行為……)」 |
Subsequent dialogue #3'
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「會不會是因為那些鮭魚 對魷魚的歷史產生了興趣呢?」 |
莎莎 「曼曼也該向牠們看齊一下了。」 |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
鬼福 「魟魟~! (湧入魚露遺跡的鮭魚已經回到海裡了!!)」 |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「怎麼回事!?基準線未免太高了吧——!」 |
鬼福 「魟魟!(太誇張了!!)」 |
鬼福 「魟魟~!(各位奮戰的英姿相當帥氣喔! 名垂青史的英雄大概就是指你們這樣的人吧~!)」 |
曼曼 「想必我們蠻頹之民的強大之處 會被人持續傳頌到遙遠的未來吧!」 |
莎莎 「魚露遺跡好像已經平安無事, 之後又可以放心地去那裡對戰跟觀光了~!」 |
曼曼 「「為什麼鮭魚會盯上魚露遺跡呢!?」, 下一集蠻頹電台就用這主題做個3小時特輯吧!」 |
鬼福 「魟~♪(來解開遺跡的秘密吧~♪)」 |
莎莎 「既然如此,那就得好~好地學習一下 跟魷魚古代文明有關的歷史才行了吧?」 |
曼曼 「……下一集的主題 果然還是換成蠻頹鎮的最新美食特輯好了。」 |
曼曼 「總而言之! 這樣一來就毫無阻礙,可以無憂無慮地舉行祭典了!」 |
莎莎 「這全都是多虧有大家的幫忙!實在是感激不盡!」 |
莎莎 「魚漿幫之爭即將在祭典時展開! 領袖的寶座會落在誰的手裡呢!?」 |
鬼福 「魟~!(請大家多多支持喔——!)」 |
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “……음? 카메라가 계속 돌아가는구나” |
만타로 “만타?(촬영 장비에 문제라도 생겼나?)” |
후우카 “방금 긴급 뉴스 속보가 들어왔습니데이!” |
만타로 “만타?!(어, 뭔데? Mr. 베어 상회에서?!)” |
후우카 “빅 런 경보데이!!” |
우츠호 “뭣이라~~?!” |
후우카 “연어 대군이 남플라 유적에 접근 중이라꼬~?!” |
우츠호 “크, 큰일이지 않느냐?! 게다가 페스티벌이 코앞이거늘!” |
만타로 “마안타~!(이대로 페스티벌을 할 수 없어~!)” |
후우카 “일단 연어부터 막고 봐야제!” |
후우카 “다들, 이번에도 부탁하꾸마~! 빅 런이 시작되믄 Mr. 베어 상회에 집합이데이!” |
만타로 “만타!(사전 페스티벌은 시작되니까 소라고둥을 받을 수 있게 페스티벌 투표를 먼저 해 두자!)” |
우츠호 “좋다! 남플라 유적의 새로운 역사에 우리의 대승리를 새겨 주자꾸나!!” |
만타로 “만타만타타~!!(아자아자, 파이팅~!!)” |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “빅 런이 발생해가 남플라 유적에서는 유적이 아니고 연어 조사를 하고 있다 카네” |
우츠호 “조사는 해야 직성이 풀리나 보구나” |
후우카 “Mr. 베어 상회에서는 현장에서 대응할 아르바이트생을 대・대・대모집 중이데이!” |
만타로 “만타!(협력하면 사례를 받을 수 있대!)” |
우츠호 “다음 주에 있을 페스티벌을 위해서도 어서 이 카오폴리스에서 연어 녀석들을 쫓아내자꾸나!” |
만타로 “만타만타!(힘을 합쳐서 연어와 맞서 싸우자!)” |
후우카 “아 참, 페스티벌 투표를 아직 안 한 사람은 아르바이트하기 전에 미리 끝내 두그래이~!” |
우츠호 “연어를 처리하고 소라고둥도 획득하자꾸나!” |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “지금은 빅 런 때문에 남플라 유적이 엉망이다이가” |
만타로 “만타!(돕고 싶은 사람은 Mr. 베어 상회로 와 줘!)” |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
만타로 “만타…?!(근데 왜 연어가 남플라 유적에… 설마 유적에 중대한 비밀이라도?!)” |
우츠호 “보물 냄새가 나는구나!” |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “유적의 조사원 중 일부는 현장에서 뿔난 도깨비맹키로 연어랑 싸우고 있다 카대” |
만타로 “만타…(소중한 유적을 건드리는데 화가 날 만도 하지…)” |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “연어 녀석들이 오징어의 역사에 관심이 있는 걸지도 모르겠구나” |
후우카 “우츠호도 본받아야겠구마” |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
만타로 “만타만~타!!(남플라 유적에 몰려왔던 연어들이 바다로 돌아갔대~!!)” |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “아니~?! 보더 라인이 이렇게나 높다니!” |
만타로 “마안타!(어마어마해~!!)” |
만타로 “만타만타~?(모두의 용맹한 모습, 정말 멋졌어! 역사 속의 영웅들도 이런 느낌 아니었을까~?)” |
우츠호 “우리 카오폴리스 주민들의 무용담은 먼 미래까지 전해져 내려가겠구나!” |
후우카 “남플라 유적은 무사하다카이 다시 안심하고 배틀이나 관광하러 오이소~!” |
우츠호 “「연어는 어째서 남플라 유적을 노린 것인가?!」 다음 카오폴리스 라디오는 3시간 스페셜이니라!” |
만타로 “만타~♪(유적의 비밀을 밝히는 거야~♪)” |
후우카 “그라믄 오징어의 고대 문명에 대해서 열~심히 역사 공부를 해 둬야겠구마?” |
우츠호 “…다음 회 라디오 주제는\n카오폴리스 타운의 최신 맛집 특집 어떻겠느냐?” |
우츠호 “아무튼! 이제 아무 걱정 없이 페스티벌을 즐길 수 있겠구나!” |
후우카 “모두가 도와준 덕분이라카이! 진짜 고맙데이!” |
후우카 “자, 페스티벌에서 이루어질 삼합파의 경쟁! 과연 리더에 어울리는 건 누구?!” |
만타로 “만~타!(많은 응원 바랍니다~!)” |
- ↑ The in-game quote is missing the personal pronoun we / wij ("we")