User:Veron/Draft/Heavy Splatling
- For information about the Heavy Splatling, see Heavy Splatling.
Abbreviations | Heavy |
Sub | Sprinkler |
Special | Wave Breaker |
Base damage | 30 |
Ink consumption | 22.5% (Both charges) |
Special points | 200p |
Role | Anchor/Support Flex |
Strengths | Firepower, Turfing |
Weaknesses | Less damage and range than chargers and the Tri-Stringer. Very vulnerable while charging. |
Splatoon 3
Like in previous games, most above applies. However, the Heavy Splatling in Splatoon 3 has Wave Breaker, a successor of Splatoon's Echolocator.
- The Heavy Splatling is a Anchor, but also works as a support flex due to it having Wave Breaker.
- The player can place the Wave Breaker on the Tower similar to its Sprinkler.
- Use the Wave Breaker's location and damage abilities so that it will be easier to splat enemies.
- Be careful when throwing the Wave Breaker. It can be destroyed very easily by the Tower's path or stages with moving platforms such as Lemuria Hub.
- The Heavy Splatling does a great job at maintaining turf. Use this to get enemies stuck in the ink so that the Heavy Splatling or a teammate will get the splat.
- The Heavy Splatling has lots of firepower, as it is much shorter charge time compared to the Hydra Splatling.
- Use this so that the enemy cannot run away or Super Jump back to their base.
- The player can also use this to get rid of the Super Chumps quickly. This can be combined this with Object Shredder so that each Chump will be destroyed in one hit.
- In very niche scenarios, the Heavy Splatling can use the Sprinkler as a mini shield or a distraction.
- Although the Heavy Splatling cannot store a charge while Squid Rolling, Squid Rolling can still be used to get away from things such as The E-liter 4K, or getting across terrain after a Wipeout.
- By pressing the while firing, it can end the charge.
- This can be used so that the user can make an escape in swim form.
- To stop the Heavy Splatling, the best approach is to splat it right in the open when it has no cover, or while it is charging. Out-ranging or sharking from behind is also a viable option.
- Both the Snipewriter 5H and the Snipewriter 5B do incredibly well against it.
- It can attack the Heavy Splatling outside its range so that it cannot be a threat.
- This can also help build up its special.
- Trizooka shots will also splat the Heavy Splatling, even when it is behind cover.
- Wave Breaker is very easy to dodge if the Heavy Splatling does not put it in the right position.
- The player can dodge the waves by jumping.
- It can be destroyed easily if a teammate has the Object Shredder ability. Or any weapon that has high object damage, such as the Big Swig Roller.
- Triple Splashdown does a great job at getting rid of the Heavy Splatling due to Triple Splashdown having more invincibility while in the air compared to Splatoon 2's Splashdown. It is best used on a Heavy Splatling when it is caught in a corner.
- Weapons like the Carbon Roller Deco or the Krak-On Splat Roller can use its sharking playstyle to get the Heavy Splatling off-guard.
- The Tri-Stringer can use it's arrows and Killer Wail 5.1 to combo if the user has high accuracy.
- The Wellstring V's arrows can also overwhelm them by getting the Heavy Splatling trapped between the arrows and the arrow's explosions.
- Both the Tri-Stringer and the Wellstring V's arrows can go over cover, similar to the Trizooka.
- An opposing enemy can get rid of the Heavy Splatling's Sprinkler right away if the Heavy Splatling is not aware of the situation. Therefore, wasting it would have wasted its ink tank and made it vulnerable.
Gear abilities
Using at least 1 or 2 subs of Ink Resistance Up makes it easier to walk across enemy ink. It also comes with damage prevention perks when the user walks on enemy ink.
- With 2 subs of Ink Resistance Up:
- The damage the user receives when walking on enemy ink per second goes from 18hp to 12hp
- The max damage the user can take from enemy ink goes from 40hp to 36.2hp
- And finally, Frames before enemy ink damage goes up from 0 frames to 15 frames.[1]
It is not required, but Intensify Action does help with jump RNG so that the bullets will be accurate when jumping via the button.
The most important ability to have when playing this weapon is Run Speed Up. It gives the user high strafe speed so that the user can dodge shots and ink turf at the same time at a midline range. Most of the time while playing weapons like the Heavy Splatling, it will be in kid form. Unlike putting Run Speed Up on weapons like the Mint Decavitator or the E-liter 4K, this ability stacks really well on this weapon while it is firing or charging up. The user can also use this ability to run away from dangerous spots quickly. Especially on grated areas such as Crableg Capital.
Object Shredder is very good at getting rid of objects such as
With the Object Shredder ability, it is much quicker to get rid of the enemy team's object related subs or specials to prevent them from getting into an advantageous position. Make sure to take down those objects at a distance.
Sub Resistance Up can be used to lower damage or lower sub weapon's effects from an opposing enemy.
- From version 3.1.0 onwards, with a few subs of Sub Resistance Up, the user will experience less damage from Fizzy Bombs and Burst Bombs.
- Use this to synergize with Ink Resistance Up to prevent more damage from being taken.
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