Warm Breakfast vs. Cold Breakfast
Warm Breakfast vs. Cold Breakfast
Teams | Warm Cold |
Region | Europe |
Start | 4 November 2017 at 14:00 UTC |
End | 5 November 2017 at 14:00 UTC |
Length | 24 hours |
Winner | Warm |
Warm Breakfast vs. Cold Breakfast was a Splatfest event in Splatoon 2. It was held in Europe only. It was announced on 28 October 2017. The results were given on 5 November 2017.
The full name of each choice was "Breakfast should be WARM!" and "Breakfast should be COLD!". The team name portion of Splatfest titles was "Warm" and "Cold".
Warm Breakfast vs. Cold Breakfast featured the 4th Shifty Station layout, Windmill House on the Pearlie, albeit the original iteration, which featured a glass wall separating the two halves of the map, requiring teams to use the side revolving doors to traverse to opposing territory.
Shifty Station
Category | Warm | Cold |
Popularity | 53.48% | 46.52% |
Solo wins | 50.14% | 49.86% |
Team wins | 49.67% | 50.33% |
Score | 2 | 1 |
Results with exact counts were released through SplatNet. With only 131,239 participants, Warm Breakfast vs. Cold Breakfast is the least-attended of all Splatfests with known exact participation counts.
Region | Participants | Solo wins | Team wins | |||
Alpha | Bravo | Alpha | Bravo | Alpha | Bravo | |
EU | 70,192 | 61,047 | 79,575 | 79,144 | 2,123 | 2,151 |
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “How do you like your breakfast? Nice and warm?” |
Marina “Or refreshingly cold?” |
Pearl “C'mon, this one's easy! Warm, nutritious and delicious all the way!” |
Marina “No way! A bowl of cereal is just as nutritious and much easier, Pearl!” |
Pearl “-” |
Marina “Plus, you're not wasting precious time. You think this eyeliner draws itself on?” |
Pearl “Oh please. You just can't drag yourself out of bed in time to get ready properly.” |
Marina “-” |
Pearl “Breakfast is the first meal of the day. Who'd want icky cereal over porridge?” |
Marina “Um, porridge is just warm, milky cereal so don't act all high and mighty with me!” |
Pearl “-” |
Marina “What about a continental breakfast, then? Croissants, cheese, fruit...delish!” |
Pearl “-” |
Marina “It's so light and refreshing and doesn't weigh you down like a stodgy fry-up.” |
Pearl “First of all, I don't wanna hear NOBODY bad-mouth a fry-up.” |
Marina “-” |
Pearl “Second, a warm breakfast is just easier to digest. Gotta think of those insides...” |
Marina “Ew, Pearl. Even our biggest fans don't want to hear THAT kind of talk.” |
Pearl “Wha- Yo- MARINA. C'mon. Don't be gross.” |
Marina “I'm not the one talking about her digestive issues on the air.” |
Pearl “Okay, let's just...drop it and leave it to our glorious Splatfest Teams, okay?” |
Marina “Fine, fine. Well, Inklings, get on down to the Splatfest Terminal and pick a side!” |
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “What's the best kind of breakfast? Warm or cold?” |
Marina “Head over to the Splatfest terminal and pick a side!” |
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “OHHH YEAHHH! The warming feeling of a tasty, nutritious victory is mine!” |
Marina “But whyyy? All I want in the morning is a refreshing bite of fruit or cheese...” |
Pearl “Well tough, Marina. Fair's fair, and ain't nothin' fairer than a Splatfest ruling.” |
Marina “But how will I ever get ready in the morning AND fit in a warm breakfast?” |
Pearl “You COULD just go to bed earlier and stop hitting the snooze button, y'know?” |
Marina “I don't know what you're talking, but it certainly isn't sense.” |
Pearl “Well, it doesn't matter anyway because I WON! So there! Fry-ups all round!” |
Marina “-” |
Pearl “If you participated in the Splatfest, your prizes are waiting in the Square!” |
Marina “-” |
Warm Breakfast (Warm) vs. Cold Breakfast (Koud)
Lorelei's dialogue | Mariana's dialogue | Region |
Lorelei “Hoe eet jij je ontbijt liever? Lekker warm?” (How do you prefer to eat your breakfast? Nice and warm?) |
Mariana “Of begin je de dag liever met een fris, koud ontbijtje?” (Or do you rather start the day with a refreshing, cold breakfast?) |
Lorelei “Dit is een makkelijke vraag! Een goed ontbijt is gekoot, warm en stevig!” (That's an easy question! A good breakfast is boiled, warm and hearty!) |
Mariana “Gekookt? Warm? Dat klinkt als een hoop werk. Ik eet liever een kom muesli.” (Boiled? Warm? That sound like a lot of work. I rather eat a bowl of muesli.) |
Lorelei “-” |
Mariana “Dan ben je niet de hele ochtend bezig. M'n eyeliner brengt zichzelf niet aan.” (Then, you aren't busy the entire morning. My eyeliner doesn't draw itself on.) |
Lorelei “Tja, als je op een normale tijd uit je nest komt, kun je nog fatsoenlijk eten.” (Well, if you come out of your sack at a normal time, you can still eat decently.) |
Mariana “-” |
Lorelei “Wie eet nou liever koude muesli-smurrie dan lekkere warme havermoutpap?” (Who rather eats cold muesli-drab than nice, warm oatmeal porridge?) |
Mariana “Kom op zeg, pap is ook maar gewoon opgewarmde muesli met melk.” (Oh come on, porridge is also just warmed-up muesli with milk.) |
Lorelei “-” |
Mariana “Je hebt zo veel heerlijke koude opties: kaas, fruit, yoghurt, croissants...” (You have so many delicious cold options: cheese, fruit, yogurt, croissants...) |
Lorelei “-” |
Mariana “Heerlijk luchtig en fris! Dat ligt tenminste niet zo zwaar op de maag.” (Wonderfully light and fresh! At least that doesn't sit heavy on the stomach.) |
Lorelei “Bah, dat laat me echt volkomen koud. Een lekker omeletje, daarentegen!” (Yuck, that leaves me completely cold. A delicious omelette, on the other hand!) |
Mariana “-” |
Lorelei “Daarnaast is een warm ontbijt stukken beter voor je spijsvertering.” (Besides, a warm breakfast is a lot better for your digestion.) |
Mariana “Getsie, Lorelei. Zelfs onze grootste fans willen daar niet aan denken...” (Gross, Pearl. Not even our biggest fans want to think about that...) |
Lorelei “Wa... Wat? MARIANA! Ik weet niet waar jij aan denkt, maar je bent zelf getsie!” (Wha... What? MARINA! I don't know what you're thinking of, but you're gross yourself!) |
Mariana “Ik begin toch niet over mijn stoelgang. Ik had het gewoon over muesli!” (I'm not the one starting about my defecation. I was just talking about muesli!) |
Lorelei “Eh, laat maar zitten. Het woord is aan onze glorieuze Splatfest-teams!” (Uh, never mind. Our glorious Splatfest teams will have their say!) |
Mariana “Ja, dat is misschien maar beter. Inklings, op naar de stemmachine!” (Yes, that may be better. Inklings, off to the voting machine!) |
Lorelei's dialogue | Mariana's dialogue | Region |
Lorelei “Jaaa! Gewonnen! Een warm ontbijt laat niemand koud!” (Yesss! Victory! A warm breakfast leaves no one cold!) |
Mariana “Maar waarom toch? Waarom hebben zo veel mensen iets tegen kaas en fruit...” (But why? Why do so many people have something against cheese and fruit...) |
Lorelei “Tja, de uitslag spreekt voor zich! Er is niks eerlijker dan een Splatfest-uitslag.” (Well, the result speaks for itself! There is nothing fairer than a Splatfest result.) |
Mariana “Mijn ontbijt koken... Nou kom ik nooit meer op tijd de deur uit 's morgens...” (Cooking my own breakfast... Now I will never get out the door on time in the morning...) |
Lorelei “Je kúnt ook vroeger naar bed gaan en minder vaak op de snoozeknop drukken.” (You COULD also go to bed a little earlier and press that snooze button less often.) |
Mariana “Jij zegt soms van die rare dingen...” (You sometimes say those silly things...) |
Lorelei “Nou ja, het maakt niet uit, want ik heb gewonnen! Ha! Omeletten voor iedereen!” (Oh well, it doesn't matter, because I won! Ha! Omelettes for everyone!) |
Mariana “-” |
Lorelei “Deelnemers aan het Splatfest kunnen hun prijzen ophalen op het plein!” (Participants of the Splatfest can pick up their rewards at the square!) |
Mariana “-” |
French (France)
Perle's dialogue | Coralie's dialogue | Region |
Perle « Si je vous dis « petit déjeuner », vous pensez plutôt chaud et réconfortant... » (If I tell you "breakfast", do you think of warm and comforting...) |
Coralie « ... ou bien frais et dynamisant ? » (...or fresh and energising?) |
Perle « Alors là, fastoche ! Chocolat chaud et pain grillé, c'est le duo gagnant. » (Easy! Hot chocolate and grilled sandwiches are the winning duo.) |
Coralie « Jus de fruits et céréales, tu veux dire. C'est délicieux, et prêt en deux-deux ! » (Fruit juice and cereal, you mean. They're delicious and ready in an instant!) |
Perle « - » |
Coralie « Le matin, c'est salle de bain ! Pas le temps de poiroter devant le grille-pain. » (Every morning I'm getting ready in the bathroom! No time to wait in front of the griller.) |
Perle « C'est pas la faute du grille-pain si t'arrives pas à lâcher ton oreiller. » (It's not the griller's fault if you don't leave your bed on time.) |
Coralie « - » |
Perle « Il demande qu'à t'aider ! À la sortie du lit, faut se réchauffer de l'intérieur... » (It needs your help! When getting out of bed, you should feel warm inside...) |
Coralie « Tu parles ! C'est bien la meilleure méthode pour se rendormir direct ! » (Like you can talk! It's the best way to fall right back asleep!) |
Perle « - » |
Coralie « Non, pour faire le plein d'énergie, le top du top, c'est le viennoiseries ! » (For plenty of energy, the top of the top, croissants are the way!) |
Notes: While "viennoiserie" can actually mean any kind of pastry made with sweet dough, "croissant" is used here since they are in the artwork for this Splatfest. | ||
Perle « - » |
Coralie « Y a pas mieux pour commencer la journée sur les chapeaux de roues ! » (There is no better way to start for the day!) |
Perle « Ben, si. Y a les viennoiseries chaudes. » (Yeah, there is. There are warm croissants.) |
Coralie « - » |
Perle « Crois-moi sur parole, les repas froids, c'est un cauchemar pour les intestins. » (Believe me, cold meals are a catastrophe for the digestive system.) |
Coralie « Euh, Perle, est-ce bien le moment de parler de tes problèmes de gaz ? » (Uh, Pearl, is now the right time to talk about your digestive problems?) |
Perle « Ouah, Coralie ! Ça va pas de balancer des trucs comme ça à l'antenne ?! » (Wah, Marina! It's not nice to share things like that on TV!) |
Coralie « C'est pas moi qui ai lancé le sujet... » (It's not me who changed the subject...) |
Perle « Aargh, laisse tomber... On enchaîne, peut-être ? » (Aaagh, drop it... Let's carry on, maybe?) |
Coralie « Très bonne idée ! À vous de jouer, les amis ! Tous à la borne festive ! » (Great idea! It's up to you! Everyone head to the Splatfest terminal!) |
Perle's dialogue | Coralie's dialogue | Region |
Perle « D'après vous, le meilleur petit déjeuner est-il froid ou chaud ? » (According to you, which breakfast is better, cold or hot?) |
Coralie « Choisissez votre camp à la borne festive ! » (Choose your team at the Splatfest terminal!) |
Perle's dialogue | Coralie's dialogue | Region |
Perle « CHAUD DEVANT ! Voilà une belle tartine de victoire à la confiture de triomphe ! » (WARM IN FRONT! Here is a beautiful bread slice of victory with triumph jam!) |
Coralie « C'est pas vrai... Tu parles d'une douche froide ! » (It can't be true... What a cold shower!) |
Perle « Prends un bon petit déjeuner bien chaud, ça va te requinquer ! » (Have a nice warm breakfast, that'll give you some pep!) |
Coralie « J'ai déjà à peine le temps de me préparer moi, alors un p'tit déj'... » (I've hardly taken any time to prepare myself, so breakfast...) |
Perle « Un conseil : quand le réveil sonne, on se léve, on lui remet pas dix minutes ! » (A piece of advice: when the alarm rings, wake up. It won't take more than ten minutes!) |
Coralie « Le réveil ? Quel réveil ? » (The alarm? What alarm?) |
Perle « De toute façon, faudra t'y faire : le p'tit déj' sera chaud ou ne sera pas ! » (Any way, it must be done like this: breakfast will either be hot or not at all!) |
Coralie « - » |
Perle « Les prix attendent les participants au festival sur le square ! » (The prizes await for the Splatfest participants in the square!) |
Coralie « - » |
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla „Wie bevorzugt ihr euer Frühstück? Lecker und warm?“ (How do you prefer your breakfast? Tasty and warm?) |
Marina „Oder frisch und kalt?“ (Or fresh and cold?) |
Perla „Na, was für eine Frage! Ein ordentliches Frühstück ist gekocht, warm und lecker!“ (What a question! A proper breakfast is cooked, warm and tasty!) |
Marina „Gekocht? Warm? Klingt nach furchtbar viel Aufwand. Ich ess lieber Müsli.“ (Cooked? Warm? Sounds like an awful lot of effort. I prefer muesli.) |
Perla „-“ |
Marina „Oder glaubst du, mein Eyeliner trägt sich von selbst auf?“ (Or do you think my eyeliner applies itself?) |
Perla „Ach, steh halt 'ne Stunde früher auf, dann kannst du auch ordentlich essen.“ (Oh, get up an hour earlier, then you can eat properly.) |
Marina „-“ |
Perla „Wer will schon Müsli, wenn man lecker Haferbrei mit Speck haben kann?“ (Who wants muesli when you can have delicious oatmeal with bacon?) |
Marina „Klingt ja... spannend. Außerdem ist das doch auch nur Müsli in warm.“ (That sounds... exciting. Besides, that's just warm muesli.) |
Perla „-“ |
Marina „Kalte Frühstücksoptionen sind so viel besser! Obst, Joghurt, Croissants...“ (Cold breakfast options are so much better! Fruit, yoghurt, croissants...) |
Perla „-“ |
Marina „Nach so einem Frühstück fühlt man sich leicht und erfrischt!“ (After such a breakfast you feel light and refreshed!) |
Perla „Gähn, dafür steh ich doch nicht auf. Für lecker Rührei mit Speck aber schon!“ (Yawn, I won't get up for that. But for delicious scrambled eggs with bacon I will!) |
Marina „-“ |
Perla „Außerdem wärmt nichts die Innereien besser auf als eine warme Mahlzeit!“ (Plus, nothing warms up the innards like a hot meal!) |
Marina „Iiih, Perla! Das wollten unsere Fans so genau bestimmt nicht wissen!“ (Eeewww, Pearl! Our fans certainly didn't want to know that as precisely!) |
Perla „H-hey! Ich weiß ja nicht, was du dir jetzt vorstellst, aber... Selber iiih!“ (H-hey! I don't know what you're imagining now, but... Eeewww yourself!) |
Marina „Ich bin nicht diejenige, die von Innereien anfängt! ICH wollte über Müsli reden!“ (I am not the one who started about innards! I wanted to talk about muesli!) |
Perla „...Lassen wir das besser. Die Antwort wird sich im Splatfest zeigen!“ (...Let's better leave it at that. The answer will be revealed in the Splatfest!) |
Marina „Besser ist das. Also, Inklinge! Auf zum Wahlstand und wählt euer Team!“ (That's better. So, Inklings! Go to the terminal and choose your team!) |
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla „Was ist das beste Frühstück? Warm oder kalt?“ (What is the best breakfast? Warm or cold?) |
Marina „Trefft eure Wahl am Splatfest-Wahlstand!“ (Make your choice at the Splatfest terminal!) |
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla „YEAH! Team Gekochtes, Brutzeliges und Dampfendes hat gewonnen!“ (YEAH! Team Cooked, Sizzled and Steamed won!) |
Marina „Aber waruuum?! Wie können so viele Leute gegen kühle Frühkost sein?!“ (But whyyy?! How can so many people be against cool breakfast?!) |
Notes: "Frühkost" is an outdated way of saying "Frühstück" meaning "breakfast". | ||
Perla „Tja, gewonnen ist gewonnen! Das Splatfest-Ergebnis spricht für sich!“ (Well, a win is a win! The Splatfest result speaks for itself!) |
Marina „Jetzt komme ich nie im Leben morgens rechtzeitig aus dem Haus...“ (Now I can never get out of the house on time in the morning...) |
Perla „Stell dir deinen Wecker eben früher. Ein gutes Frühstück ist es wert!“ (Just set your alarm earlier. A good breakfast is worth it!) |
Marina „Ja, aber, wie soll ich denn das alles kochen und dann noch mein Make-up...“ (Yes, but how am I supposed to cook all that and then my make-up...) |
Perla „Ach kriegst du hin. Aber egal! Ich hab gewonnen! Eine Runde Rührei für alle!“ (Oh, you will manage. But whatever! I have won! A round of scrambled eggs for everyone!) |
Marina „-“ |
Perla „Wer beim Splatfest dabei war, bekommt seinen Preis auf dem Inkopolis-Platz“ (Those who participated in the Splatfest will get their prize at Inkopolis Square!) |
Marina „-“ |
Alga's dialogue | Nori's dialogue | Region |
Alga «Per colazione, preferite coccolarvi con qualcosa di caldo e avvolgente?» (For breakfast, do you prefer to cuddle yourself with something warm and snuggly?) |
Nori «Oppure svegliarvi con un qualcosa di fresco e temprante?» (Or wake up with something fresh and toughening?) |
Alga «Questa è facile: calda e fumante! Così deve essere una colazione deliziosa!» (That's easy: hot and steaming! That's how a delicious breakfast should be!) |
Nori «Una ciotola di cereali con latte freddo è altrettanto nutriente e più veloce!» (A bowl of cereal with fresh milk is just as nutritious and faster!) |
Alga «-» |
Nori «Così posso sfruttare ogni secondo per dormire fino all'ultimo!» (That way I can make use of every second to sleep till the last one!) |
Alga «Nori… devi imparare ad alzarti presto e fare le cose con calma, la mattina.» (Marina… you should learn to get up early and take your time, in the morning.) |
Nori «-» |
Alga «A colazione ci si coccola un po'… Come fai a mandare giù quei cereali secchi?» (For breakfast, you should cuddle yourself a bit… How can you be able to gulp that dry cereal?) |
Nori «A parte che i cereali sono gustosi, ma la colazione fredda non è solo quello!» (Cereal is actually tasty anyway, but cold breakfast isn't only that!) |
Alga «-» |
Nori «Pensa a un bel vassoio pieno di formaggi, frutta, yogurt, croissant… che delizia!» (Think of a big plate full of cheese, fruit, yoghurt, croissants... how delicious!) |
Alga «-» |
Nori «Una colazione nutriente e leggera! E soprattutto non ti brucia la lingua!» (A nutritious and light breakfast! And it especially doesn't burn your tongue!) |
Alga «Da piccola non ti hanno insegnato come si fa prima di mettere in bocca? SOFFIA!» (When you were little, didn't they teach you what to do before putting food in your mouth? BLOW!) |
Nori «-» |
Alga «Inoltre la colazione calda è più facile da digerire. Pensa al tuo pancino…» (Plus, warm breakfast is easier to digest. Think about your tummy…) |
Nori «Non penso che ai nostri fan interessi molto la mia regolarità intestinale…» (I don't think our fans care so much about the regularity of my bowel movements…) |
Alga «Nori! Ma che discorsi fai?!» (Marina! What are you talking about?!) |
Nori «Sei tu che ti sei messa a parlare della mia digestione davanti a tutti!» (It's you who talked about my digestion in front of everyone!) |
Alga «Lasciamo stare… meglio che ci pensino i nostri cari calamaretti al resto!» (Let's not talk about it… it's better to let our dear little squids think about all the rest!) |
Nori «È tempo di decidere! Andate al terminal di voto e scegliete una squadra!» (It's time to decide! Head to the voting terminal and choose a team!) |
Alga's dialogue | Nori's dialogue | Region |
Alga «Come preferite la vostra colazione? Calda o fredda?» (How do you like your breakfast? Warm or cold?) |
Nori «Correte al terminal di voto e scegliete da che parte stare!» (Head to the voting terminal and pick your side!) |
Alga's dialogue | Nori's dialogue | Region |
Alga «Evviva! La vittoria è mia, calda e nutriente come deve essere!» (Hooray! Victory is mine, warm and nutritious as it should be!) |
Nori «Non capisco! Un tocco rinfrescante è tutto ciò di cui ho bisogno la mattina…» (I don't get it! A refreshing touch is all I need in the morning…) |
Alga «Beh, Nori, devi accettare la sconfitta. Le regole del festival sono queste!» (Well, Marina, you should accept your loss. These are the Splatfest rules!) |
Nori «Ma dove troverò il tempo di prepararmi e cucinare pure la colazione la mattina?!» (Where could I ever find time to get dressed and also cook my breakfast in the morning?!) |
Alga «Prova ad andare a dormire prima e ad anticipare un po' la sveglia…» (Try going to bed and setting your clock a bit earlier…) |
Nori «Tsk, la fai facile tu. Stravolgerò del tutto il mio ciclo sonno-veglia…» (Tsk, you make it easy. I'm going to completely scramble my sleep-wake cycle…) |
Alga «Beh, tanto ho vinto io e da domani tutti ai fornelli fin dal mattino!» (Well, I've won anyway, so everybody in the kitchen since morning from tomorrow on!) |
Nori «-» |
Alga «Se avete partecipato al festival, i vostri premi vi attendono in piazza!» (If you've taken part in the Splatfest, your prizes are waiting for you in the square!) |
Nori «-» |
Top 100
View the Top 100 rankings |
Splatfest icon
Warm Breakfast team icon
Cold Breakfast team icon
Promotional images
Artwork of Off the Hook
Team artwork
Win screens
In-game screenshots
Names in other languages
Language | Name | Meaning |
Dutch | Warm vs. Koud | Warm vs. Cold |
French | Chaud vs. Froid | Warm vs. Cold |
German | Warm vs. Kalt | Warm vs. Cold |
Italian | Cibo caldo vs. Cibo freddo | Hot food vs. Cold food |
Russian | Горячий vs. Холодный Goryachiy vs. Kholodnyy |
Warm vs. Cold |
Spanish | Caliente vs. Frío | Hot vs. Cold |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | 朝食あたたかい/つめたい Chōshoku atatakai / Tsumetai |
Warm Breakfast / Cold |
Dutch | Warm / Koud | Warm / Cold |
French | Chaud/Froid | Warm/Cold |
German | Warm/Kalt | Warm/Cold |
Italian | Colazione calda/Fredda | Warm/Cold breakfast |
Russian | Завтрак горячий / холодный Zavtrak goryachiy / kholodnyy |
Warm / cold breakfast |
Spanish | Caliente/Frío | Hot/Cold |
See also
External links
- @NintendoUK announcement of the event
- @NintendoUK reminder post for the event
- @NintendoUK announcement of the winner
- @NintendoNL on Twitter (announcement), @NintendoNL on Twitter (reminder), @NintendoNL on Twitter (reminder), @NintendoNL on Twitter (reminder), @NintendoNL on Twitter (results)