Template:Splatling data S2

From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki

This template takes splatling weapon parameters as input and generates a list of facts about the weapon.


For weapons with a second stage, the template will be used twice.


This is a complete list of splatling parameters from Splatoon 2.

Name Description
AutoShot Automatic firing (not used if triple shot is greater than 0)
BurstAimMoveFrm Shift frame
ChargeKeepAnytime Allow partial charge hold
ColRadius Field collision radius
CoopDamageMax Maximum damage (Salmon Run)
CoopDamageMaxMaxCharge Maximum damage full charge (salmon run)
CoopDamageMin Minimum damage (Salmon Run)
CoopInkConsume Ink consumption (Salmon Run)
CreateSplashLength Splash movement distance
CreateSplashNum Number of splash occurrences
DamageMax Maximum damage
DamageMaxMaxCharge Maximum amount of damage (after full charge)
DamageMin Minimum damage
DamageReduceEndFrame Frame after shooting with minimum damage amount
DamageReduceStartFrame Frame after launch (-1 is the same as guide cursor)
DegBias Maximum bias
DegBiasDecrease Bias reduction amount (every frame after exceeding the fire frame / not used for Splatlings)
DegBiasKf Bias transition (not used for Splatlings)
DegBiasMin Minimum bias (not used for Splatlings)
DegJumpBias Maximum Bias (Jumping)
DegJumpBiasFrame Bias end frame (Jumping)
DegJumpBiasStartFrame Bias reduction starting frame (Jumping)
DegJumpRandom Degree of randomness for jumping
DegRandom Default degree of randomness
DrawRadius Drawing size
EmptyChargeTimes Charge rate multiplier when out of ink (Y)
FirstPeriodMaxChargeFrame First charge end frame
FirstPeriodMaxChargeShootingFrame Shoot duration in frames after charging first charge
FirstShootingTermBulletNum Number of bullets in first charge
ForceDropNearestSplashAddNum Forces a splash even if you already shot the number of bullets needed. (0 for Off)
GuideCheckCollisionFrame Guide collision check frame (Guide cursor display frame when not hit)
InitVel Initial Velocity Z. Used only for Ballpoint Splatling's first stage.
InitVelDegBias Initial velocity direction bias
InitVelDegRandom Maximum direction blur (in degree)
InitVelFirstPeriodMaxCharge Initial velocity at end of first charge
InitVelMinCharge Minimum shoot velocity
InitVelSecondPeriodMaxCharge Initial velocity at end of second charge
InitVelSecondPeriodMinCharge Initial velocity at end of first change and start of second charge
InitVelSpeedBias Velocity breaking bias
InitVelSpeedRateRandom Maximum velocity blur rate
InkConsume Ink consumption (maximum charge for splatlings)
InkRecoverStop Ink recovery restart frame
JumpGnd_Charge Jump value when full charged
JumpGnd_Shooting Jump value during charge (same as normal if negative)
KnockBack Knockback
MinChargeFrame Minimum charge frame
MoveSpeed Movement speed while charging
MoveSpeed_Charge Move speed while charge
NearestSplahSplitLength Width of occurrence of droplets falling in the nearest place (same width as other droplets when 0)
NearestSplashMaxScaleClamp Closest splash occurance
NearestSplashPaintRadiusTimes Spray radius multiplicator occurring at the nearest place
PaintFarDistance Distance painted distance
PaintFarRadius Distance painted radius
PaintNearDistance Front paint distance
PaintNearRadius Previous filling radius
PlayerColRadius Player collision radius (same as field collision radius when negative)
PostDelayFrm_Main 攻撃後:硬直F
PreDelayFrm_KeepCharge Charge keep: Delay frames before attack
PreDelayFrm_KeepChargePre Charge keep: Frames until laser appears
RepeatFrame Synchronize frames (see ""Charging"" at Splatling page)
SecondPeriodMaxChargeFrame Second charge end frame
SecondPeriodMaxChargeShootingFrame Shoot duration in frames after charging second charge
SplashColRadius Splash collision radius
SplashDrawRadius Splash drawing size
SplashMaxScaleClamp Other Splashes
SplashMaxScaleHighest Use maximum stretch scale if the height to landing is less than this value
SplashMinScaleClamp Minimum Stretch Scale
SplashMinScaleHighest Use the minimum extension scale if the height to landing is over this value
SplashPaintRadius Splash filling radius
SplashSplitNum Number of droplet splits (Z)
SquidChangeReduceWaitFullFrame Full charge: Waiting frames until charge amount reduction
StraightFrame Number of rectilinear frames of a bullet
StraightStateEndSpeed Forced speed at end of straightforward frame (does no change when initial speed is smaller than this value)
TripleShotSpan Triple shot interval in frames (0 for normal shot, unused for Spatlings)
VariableShotFrame Frame until shift type to continuous fire (0 for no shift)
VelGnd_Bias_Charge Deceleration curve
VelGnd_DownRt_Charge Deceleration delay
WaitShootingFrame Frames until launch


Heavy Splatling

  • The Heavy Splatling is a middleweight weapon.
  • The matchmaking range is 210. The game's matchmaking system looks at a team's average matchmaking range value, and matches them against a team with a similar average.
  • The full charge ink consumption of 22.5% and ink tank capacity of 100% allows players to fully charge 4 times before needing to refill the ink tank.
  • The Splatling data S2 cannot store its charge.
  • The Splatling data S2 is not rechargeable while firing.
  • When charging the weapon, it will take 50 frames in order to charge its first ring and 75 frames in total for a full charge.
  • With a single ring charged, it will have a firing duration of 72 frames. With a full charge, it will have a firing duration of 144 frames.
  • When charging with an empty tank, the charge time is multiplied by 4.
  • When firing, it shoots a bullet every 4 frames.
  • When firing, the player's movement speed is set to 0.7 units per frame.
    • When charging, the player's movement speed is set to 0.62 units per frame.
  • After firing, there is a 40 frame cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Each shot has a base damage of 30.
  • If a shot is in the air for more than 11 frames after being fired, it loses 1.875 damage per frame until it reaches 15 damage at frame 19.
  • Shots have a radius of 2 units.
  • The angle its shots can deviate while on the ground is 3.3 degrees.
  • The angle its shots can deviate while in the air is 7 degrees.
  • The outer reticle immediately expands after jumping. After 25 frames, the outer reticle will start shrinking, and will finish shrinking after 70 frames.
  • The Splatling data S2 has a 30% chance to shoot towards the outer reticle instead of the inner reticle.
  • When jumping, the chance to shoot towards the outer reticle instead of the inner reticle is immediately set to 30%.
  • Within the first charge ring, initial shot velocity scales from 10.5 to 21 units per frame. Within the second charge ring, initial shot velocity is always 21 units per frame. Shots travel straight at the initial velocity for 8 frames.
    • So at maximum charge, shots travel straight at a rate of 21 units per frame for 8 frames. Shots travel straight for 168 distance units.
  • After shots stop flying straight, the velocity is set to 15.105 units per frame if it is not already lower than the listed value, and decreases further as it travels.
  • Ink droplets occur every 200 units.
  • The frequency at which ink drips from a shot occurs at a rate of 1 droplets per shot.
  • There are a total of 8 different droplet patterns that can be created while firing this weapon.
  • Droplets that occur within 11 units of the player have a radius of 18 units, and a width of 0 units.
    • These droplets have their radius multiplied by a value ranging from 1.6 if they fell from a height above 100 units to 1.28 if they fell from a height below 30 units.
  • Droplets that occur when they travel past 200 units of the player have a radius of 17 units.
  • All other ink droplets have a radius of 12.6 units.
  • Droplets that are far from the player and all other droplets have their radius multiplied by a value ranging from 1.6 if they fell from a height above 100 units to 1.6 if they fell from a height below 30 units.
  • If no ink droplets have occurred within 11 units of the player for 0 shots, the next shot the player makes will force a paint droplet to appear at the player's feet.
