Elevator: Difference between revisions

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{{See also|Floor#Floor selection}}
{{See also|Floor#Floor selection}}
In the elevator, on a normal 30-floor run, the player is given the choice of three floors with varying difficulty, objectives, and rewards.
In the elevator, on a normal 30-floor run, the player is given the choice of three floors with varying difficulty, objectives, and rewards.
==={{flag|us}}{{flag|uk}} English===
; '''First time using the elevator from the foyer:'''
<!-- After using the elevator: -->
:; Outside the elevator&#58;
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|You with those fish we busted up?!}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|???|Cool it. I'm not your enemy.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|???|Just another bystander who got sucked in.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|???|I take it you two followed Marina's voice here.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Say what?! You know Marina too?!}}
<!-- In the elevator, technically the same cutscene: -->
:; Inside the elevator&#58;
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|First things first: I'm {{Color|Acht|DarkOrange}}. As for Marina and me...<br>we go way back.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|For real?! Yo, lead with that next time!}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|I'm Pearl, and this's Eight! Cool meeting you, Acht.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|I've been in the area since I came to.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|I heard Marina's voice from up the Spire, so I came<br>to find her.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|But those bony fish found me first. I call them<br>{{Color|Jelletons|DarkOrange}}. They're why I'm trapped in an elevator.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|The Spire is crammed with Jelletons. This wound they<br>gave me hasn't healed. So I'm stuck.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Yikes. Things aren't looking super good for the home<br>team, huh?}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Don't count us out yet.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|I've been waiting for an {{Color|Octoling with a drone|DarkOrange}}. Said your<br>name was Eight? You're the one I needed to see.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|OK, Pearl. Now check out what happens when you set<br>this {{Color|color chip|DarkOrange}} into that {{Color|Palette|DarkOrange}}.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Palette? I'm supposed to know what that is?}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Oh, are you talking about this thing?}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|You got it. Now set this color chip into it.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|OK, but whatever happens is on you. Here goes<br>nothing, Eight! Slap that chip on in there!}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|WHOA! Is it me, or did {{Color|your weapon get stronger|DarkOrange}}?}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|If you set a whole bunch of color chips in here, you<br>could walk all over those fishy freaks!}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|No doubt. Play your chips right, and you could make it<br>all the way to the top.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Whatever's going on in this city, Marina's in the thick<br>of it. Or so I'm assuming.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|But this injury has left me sidelined. Our strike team<br>will be limited to you two.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|We're on it, Acht! Deep breaths, Eight. It's time to go<br>find Marina!}}
; '''After the above cutscene:'''
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Alright! Hit the button for the top floor already!}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Love to, but this elevator only goes up one {{color|floor<br>at a time|darkorange}}.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Whaaat?! How come?! You mean I gotta be PATIENT?}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|I'm in a hurry myself. But we play what we're dealt.<br>We'll just have to take this a little at a time.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Now then. We're almost at the next floor. Are you<br>two ready?}}
; '''After clearing 1-9F in the initial Spire:'''
:; 1F&#58;
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|I knew Eight had it in the bag!}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Yeah, that was solid work. You're learning to make the<br>most of your color chips.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|There are different kinds of color chips. You get one<br>{{color|every time you head to a new floor|darkorange}}.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Here — I'll show you.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|What you're seeing is {{color|the next floor|darkorange}} and details on<br>{{color|the color chip you'll get|darkorange}} there.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|That color chip is... {{color|Poison Ink|darkorange}}. I'd tell you what it<br>does, but it's all written there already.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|It's cool. No teacher like experience! Am I right, Eight?!}}
:; 2F&#58;
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|You two are handling this like pros. Maybe you do have<br>what it takes to reach the top.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|I was gonna ask about that. How come you know so<br>much about this place, Acht?}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Fair question. Everything I'm telling you, I'm pulling<br>from the elevator console.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|I learnt the trick from the same place Marina did.<br>Though I won't blame you for being skeptical.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|For real?! I guess it's true that Marina's a turbo<br>nerd when it comes to machines.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|If you went to the same school, I'm not surprised<br>you can do the same stuff.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Well... she was a few ranks above me. I wouldn't put<br>myself quite in her league.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|By the way, here's your next color chip.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|{{color|Lucky Bomb|darkorange}}? Lucky for who?!}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|These {{icon|SO|Lucky Bomb}}{{color|Lucky Bombs|darkorange}} appear when you defeat<br>enemies. They explode on their own for big damage.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Sounds great. I'm always wishing a bomb would show<br>up to blow away anyone harassing me!}}
:; 3F&#58;
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Good hustle, Eight. I've got the lowdown on the next<br>floor for you.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Whoa! We get TWO color chips from this one?!<br>Twoice as noice!}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Hey, I've been wondering. It says {{cost|S3||mb}}{{color|Reward|darkorange}} there.<br>What's that about?}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|It's how much {{cost|S3||mb}}{{color|Membux|darkorange}} you get from clearing the<br>floor. Not sure what those are for yet, but they seem<br>like a good thing to have.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Well, if you say so. Table that for now, I guess.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Eight, when you {{color|need a break|darkorange}} from climbing the tower,<br>press {{button|Plus|Switch}} to let me know.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|I'll stop the elevator and wait here until you're ready.<br>No sense pushing yourself past your limits.}}
:; 4F&#58;
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Awww yeah! We're on a roll!}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Y'know, this drone body's not so bad if it means<br>Eight doesn't have to do all the work.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|This next color chip will help with that too. Use it<br>right, and you'll be a powerful ally to Eight.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|It lets me use {{color|Killer Wail|darkorange}}?! NOW we're talking!}}
:; 5F&#58;
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|We're at about the halfway point.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Cool. Can't believe all this is going down in the middle<br>of our big world tour.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|On tour, are you? That tracks. You're some kind<br>of musician, I take it?}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Yeah! Marina and I are {{color|Off the Hook|darkorange}}, the world's<br>most powerful power team!}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Huh. So Marina hit it big as an artist, did she?}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|???|...Pe...rl... ...el...imina...tio...}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Marina?! Hang on, girl! We're on our way!}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|I did NOT like the sound of that. Let's pick up the pace!}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Yeah... good call.}}
:; 6F&#58;
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|We're on FIRE! Let's keep it moving, and don't stop<br>till we hit the top!}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Hm? This is interesting.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|The next floor lets you choose your own objective.<br>You get a different color chip for each one.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Different difficulties too. Well, you're the one with<br>legs, Eight. Which way are we going?}}
:; 7F&#58;
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|No sign of Marina on this floor either.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|I hope she's doing alright. She's seemed a little<br>burned out lately.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|I guess we've still got a world tour to finish... but after<br>that, I promised her we could find a quiet spot together<br>and take it easy for a while. So we gotta save her, fast!}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Sounds like Marina met the right people after she<br>got free. But this is Marina we're talking about,<br>so I expected as much.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Well, y'know what they say... no one knows you like the<br>folks you grew up with.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Plus, Marina had to learn the language when she got<br>to Greater Inkopolis, so you gotta figure she struggled<br>at least a LITTLE.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|I'd love to sit down and swap Marina stories, but this<br>ain't the time! Every second we spend chewing the fat<br>is a second we're not finding her!}}
:; 8F&#58;
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|We're up pretty high now, huh? Bet we're racking up<br>the color chips.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|See for yourself. You can press {{button|x|switch}} to check<br>your Palette.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|One, two, three... Wow, we got a bunch!}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Yo... what's up with the "Range" and "Power" stuff<br>over on the left?}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Those are the color-chip {{color|tones|darkorange}}.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Color chips come in tones based on their effects.<br>Each tone has its own color and pattern.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Reddish color chips are in the {{icon|SO|color chip general}}{{color|Power|darkorange}} tone, so they<br>mostly up your damage output.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|A once-over at your Palette will show you which color<br>chips you're heavy on. Should give you an idea of where<br>your strengths lie.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|And if you're done checking your Palette... it's time to<br>move on to the next floor.}}
:; 9F&#58;
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Heads up. We're coming to the top floor.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|That's where we'll find Marina, right?!}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Probably. Though something about it seems... different<br>from the floors up to now.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Eight. Pearl. Watch yourselves.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|What's this, Eight? Are they wooorried about us?}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Acht|Is something funny?}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|Nah. You just sound like Marina when you say that.}}
{{MissionQuote|SO|Pearl Drone|But enough messing around! Let's go find Marina.<br>No holding back, Eight — this is it!}}


Latest revision as of 04:19, 15 April 2024

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The elevator is the level select and progression mechanism in Side Order.


The elevator transports the player from the foyer to the Control Room on the top of the Spire of Order. The elevator only goes up one floor at a time; the reason for this has not been explained.

During the first climb, the player as Agent 8 and Pearl Drone meet Acht, who is stuck in the elevator due to injuries from Jelletons, for the first time. Acht teaches the player the mechanics of the Spire of Order and lead the player to Marina Agitando. After defeating Marina Agitando and completing the first climb, Marina joins Acht in the Elevator on subsequent climbs.

Floor selection

Agent 8 on the floor selection screen.
See also: Floor#Floor selection

In the elevator, on a normal 30-floor run, the player is given the choice of three floors with varying difficulty, objectives, and rewards.


USAUnited Kingdom English

First time using the elevator from the foyer:
Outside the elevator:
You with those fish we busted up?!
Cool it. I'm not your enemy.
Just another bystander who got sucked in.
I take it you two followed Marina's voice here.
Say what?! You know Marina too?!
Inside the elevator:
First things first: I'm Acht. As for Marina and me...
we go way back.
For real?! Yo, lead with that next time!
I'm Pearl, and this's Eight! Cool meeting you, Acht.
I've been in the area since I came to.
I heard Marina's voice from up the Spire, so I came
to find her.
But those bony fish found me first. I call them
Jelletons. They're why I'm trapped in an elevator.
The Spire is crammed with Jelletons. This wound they
gave me hasn't healed. So I'm stuck.
Yikes. Things aren't looking super good for the home
team, huh?
Don't count us out yet.
I've been waiting for an Octoling with a drone. Said your
name was Eight? You're the one I needed to see.
OK, Pearl. Now check out what happens when you set
this color chip into that Palette.
Palette? I'm supposed to know what that is?
Oh, are you talking about this thing?
You got it. Now set this color chip into it.
OK, but whatever happens is on you. Here goes
nothing, Eight! Slap that chip on in there!
WHOA! Is it me, or did your weapon get stronger?
If you set a whole bunch of color chips in here, you
could walk all over those fishy freaks!
No doubt. Play your chips right, and you could make it
all the way to the top.
Whatever's going on in this city, Marina's in the thick
of it. Or so I'm assuming.
But this injury has left me sidelined. Our strike team
will be limited to you two.
We're on it, Acht! Deep breaths, Eight. It's time to go
find Marina!
After the above cutscene:
Alright! Hit the button for the top floor already!
Love to, but this elevator only goes up one floor
at a time
Whaaat?! How come?! You mean I gotta be PATIENT?
I'm in a hurry myself. But we play what we're dealt.
We'll just have to take this a little at a time.
Now then. We're almost at the next floor. Are you
two ready?
After clearing 1-9F in the initial Spire:
I knew Eight had it in the bag!
Yeah, that was solid work. You're learning to make the
most of your color chips.
There are different kinds of color chips. You get one
every time you head to a new floor.
Here — I'll show you.
What you're seeing is the next floor and details on
the color chip you'll get there.
That color chip is... Poison Ink. I'd tell you what it
does, but it's all written there already.
It's cool. No teacher like experience! Am I right, Eight?!
You two are handling this like pros. Maybe you do have
what it takes to reach the top.
I was gonna ask about that. How come you know so
much about this place, Acht?
Fair question. Everything I'm telling you, I'm pulling
from the elevator console.
I learnt the trick from the same place Marina did.
Though I won't blame you for being skeptical.
For real?! I guess it's true that Marina's a turbo
nerd when it comes to machines.
If you went to the same school, I'm not surprised
you can do the same stuff.
Well... she was a few ranks above me. I wouldn't put
myself quite in her league.
By the way, here's your next color chip.
Lucky Bomb? Lucky for who?!
These Lucky BombLucky Bombs appear when you defeat
enemies. They explode on their own for big damage.
Sounds great. I'm always wishing a bomb would show
up to blow away anyone harassing me!
Good hustle, Eight. I've got the lowdown on the next
floor for you.
Whoa! We get TWO color chips from this one?!
Twoice as noice!
Hey, I've been wondering. It says MembuxsReward there.
What's that about?
It's how much MembuxsMembux you get from clearing the
floor. Not sure what those are for yet, but they seem
like a good thing to have.
Well, if you say so. Table that for now, I guess.
Eight, when you need a break from climbing the tower,
press to let me know.
I'll stop the elevator and wait here until you're ready.
No sense pushing yourself past your limits.
Awww yeah! We're on a roll!
Y'know, this drone body's not so bad if it means
Eight doesn't have to do all the work.
This next color chip will help with that too. Use it
right, and you'll be a powerful ally to Eight.
It lets me use Killer Wail?! NOW we're talking!
We're at about the halfway point.
Cool. Can't believe all this is going down in the middle
of our big world tour.
On tour, are you? That tracks. You're some kind
of musician, I take it?
Yeah! Marina and I are Off the Hook, the world's
most powerful power team!
Huh. So Marina hit it big as an artist, did she?
...Pe...rl... ...el...imina...tio...
Marina?! Hang on, girl! We're on our way!
I did NOT like the sound of that. Let's pick up the pace!
Yeah... good call.
We're on FIRE! Let's keep it moving, and don't stop
till we hit the top!
Hm? This is interesting.
The next floor lets you choose your own objective.
You get a different color chip for each one.
Different difficulties too. Well, you're the one with
legs, Eight. Which way are we going?
No sign of Marina on this floor either.
I hope she's doing alright. She's seemed a little
burned out lately.
I guess we've still got a world tour to finish... but after
that, I promised her we could find a quiet spot together
and take it easy for a while. So we gotta save her, fast!
Sounds like Marina met the right people after she
got free. But this is Marina we're talking about,
so I expected as much.
Well, y'know what they say... no one knows you like the
folks you grew up with.
Plus, Marina had to learn the language when she got
to Greater Inkopolis, so you gotta figure she struggled
at least a LITTLE.
I'd love to sit down and swap Marina stories, but this
ain't the time! Every second we spend chewing the fat
is a second we're not finding her!
We're up pretty high now, huh? Bet we're racking up
the color chips.
See for yourself. You can press to check
your Palette.
One, two, three... Wow, we got a bunch!
Yo... what's up with the "Range" and "Power" stuff
over on the left?
Those are the color-chip tones.
Color chips come in tones based on their effects.
Each tone has its own color and pattern.
Reddish color chips are in the color chip generalPower tone, so they
mostly up your damage output.
A once-over at your Palette will show you which color
chips you're heavy on. Should give you an idea of where
your strengths lie.
And if you're done checking your Palette... it's time to
move on to the next floor.
Heads up. We're coming to the top floor.
That's where we'll find Marina, right?!
Probably. Though something about it seems... different
from the floors up to now.
Eight. Pearl. Watch yourselves.
What's this, Eight? Are they wooorried about us?
Is something funny?
Nah. You just sound like Marina when you say that.
But enough messing around! Let's go find Marina.
No holding back, Eight — this is it!


  • According to Acht, the elevator returns back to the foyer if it is empty, explaining why they never leave it.
  • The elevator music changes depending how high in the Spire the player is.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese エレベーター
Netherlands Dutch Lift Elevator
Italy Italian Ascensore Elevator
Russia Russian Лифт
China Chinese (Simplified) 电梯
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 電梯
diàntī (Mandarin)
din6 tai1 (Cantonese)