Order Sector

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Agent 8 and the Pearl Drone in the Order Sector

The Order Sector[1] is a mysterious world within the Memverse built of its own rules.[2] It is a prototype VR simulation created by Marina and contains a colorless version of Inkopolis Square featuring the Spire of Order; Agent 8 wakes up within it during the events of Side Order.

It is inhabited by various sea creatures.


The Order Sector resembles an off-white Inkopolis Square drained of color in a state of disrepair, covered in bleached coral. Various embellishments decorate this empty Square: Matrix-style code rain cascades in single lines, gray snake-shaped lines and greebled cubes suddenly appear then disappear suspended in air and white specs can be seen falling towards the ground, coating it. The sky seen in the Order Sector is coral pink, and in place of Deca Tower is the Spire of Order.

A locker from which Agent 8 can access different Palettes can be found within the Order Sector.

Cipher's Siftings can also be found in the Order Sector, where Agent 8 can purchase collectables for Prlz.[3]

The snow-like substance falling from the sky is actually ash emitted from the the Spire of Order, as the Spire functions as a factory where memory cubes are generated, decolored, and ultimately incinerated[4].


Artwork of most of the Order Sector's inhabitants

Various creatures resembling jellyfish, shrimp, sea angels and other sea creatures wearing textured white clothing inhabit the Order Sector. They appear to not be interested in much[5] but are capable of building complicated, colossal structures.[1]

The inhabitants of the Order Sector bear some similarities to the denizens of the deep from Octo Expansion. Almost all inhabitants of the Order Sector wear at least one metal ring somewhere on their body.

A notable inhabitant of the Order Sector is Cipher, a lucifer prawn that runs Cipher's Siftings. It is one of few residents of the Order Sector with communication capabilities and is interested in Agent 8.[3]


RotM clean room label 1.png
Translation needed
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SO Icon ???.png
SO Icon ???.png
Heeey! HELLOOOOOOOOO?! Up and at 'em, Eight!
SO Icon ???.png
Yo, Eight! You awake or what?!
After determining player settings:
SO Icon ???.png
Nice. If you hadn't come around, I didn't have a plan B!
SO Icon ???.png
What's up? I got something on my face?
SO Icon ???.png
Oh, right! You wouldn't recognize me like this.
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
I'm Pearl! You know, your bestie!
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
No, for serious! I'm legit Pearl!
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
Not sure how I got this way, but here I am.
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
Not sure where Marina went either. She's supposed to
be with me.
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
Eight... don't tell me you don't remember Marina either.
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
It's cool. You just woke up. Might take some time for
your head to clear.
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
That's Regular Me on the left, OK? And the one on
the right is Marina!
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
You got any idea where we should go from here?
Marina's usually around to help with that.
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
Oh! Duh! We should go find Marina. She'll know
what to do!
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
C'mon, Eight! Let's get going!
Before saving Marina (after the above cutscene):
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
This place kiiinda looks like Inkopolis Square.
But how'd it get like this?
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
Marina? Helloooooo! 'Riiinaaa!
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
Are those lockers? I don't remember those bein' there.
After approaching the Spire of Order:
SO Icon ???.png
Krssshhh... bzzt... Pe... arl...
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
Marina?! Are you up there?!
SO Icon ???.png
Skrrrzzz... zzzrrr... elp m... CLICK.
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
Hang on! We're coming up to you now!
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
Shake a leg, Eight! Marina's at the top of the tower!
After saving Marina:
SO Icon Marina.png
Eight! Eight! Please be OK!
SO Icon Marina.png
Oh, thank goodness. Pearl! Eight's woken up!
SO Icon Marina.png
Eight! Thank you so much for freeing me!
SO Icon Pearl.png
Suprised to see me in the flesh? Marina worked some
magic and BAM! I'm back, bay-bee!
SO Icon Marina.png
I'm really, really sorry. It was the Dramatic Days in
Orderland module that stuck you in drone form. And...
did all other stuff too.
SO Icon Pearl.png
Say what? "Dramatic Days in..."?
SO Icon Marina.png
Uh, right. Let me back up a bit.
SO Icon Marina.png
This is the Memverse. It's a prototype VR... that is,
a virtual reality that I made.
SO Icon Pearl.png
Your virtual reality? Hold up! You're saying we've been
in a fake place this whole time?!
SO Icon Marina.png
That's right. The only "real" things in the Memverse
are our minds.
SO Icon Marina.png
That fuzzy cloud we met was Order. It took control of
me and caused the whole Memverse to go haywire.
SO Icon Marina.png
It's forcibly connected who-knows-how-many people to
the Memverse. Their minds are all in here now.
SO Icon Acht.png
Which is how I got pulled into all this, I take it?
SO Icon Marina.png
Acht...I'm so sorry. I never intended for you to get
roped into my mess.
SO Icon Acht.png
It's fine. We have other problems. Like what to do about
the situation we're in.
SO Icon Marina.png
You're absolutely right! We need to do something
about Order.
SO Icon Marina.png
Order's ultimate goal is a colorless world of order.
SO Icon Marina.png
A place where nobody has a will of their own. They just
do whatever they're told, day in, day out.
SO Icon Marina.png
Order's using the Memverse to make the dream of that
changeless world a reality.
SO Icon Pearl.png
What's its beef with change? Actually, hold up.
I thought the Memverse isn't real?
SO Icon Pearl.png
Even if it gets what it wants in the Memverse... who
cares? The real world stays the real world, right?
SO Icon Marina.png
Yeahhh, about that... Order is using what it calls
"Grayscaling" to neutralize the will of everyone
that's trapped here.
SO Icon Acht.png
So if someone goes through Grayscaling here in the
Memverse... it has an effect on the real person.
That about sum it up?
SO Icon Marina.png
Yeah. Anyone who goes through Grayscaling will slowly
start to lose their will in actual reality too.
SO Icon Marina.png
And Order's just getting started. It plans to keep pulling
people into the Memverse.
SO Icon Marina.png
If we don't stop it, people all over the world will lose
their wills. Life as we know it will be over!
SO Icon Pearl.png
Yo, that sounds BAD. Not on our watch, Order!
SO Icon Marina.png
Again, I'm REALLY sorry. This is all my fault...
SO Icon Pearl.png
Nope! Nah! I know you had good reasons for making
the Memverse.
SO Icon Pearl.png
If that creep Order hijacked your work... it's gonna be
sorry it ever tried!
SO Icon Pearl.png
We're all gonna kick that loser out together!
SO Icon Marina.png
Aw, Pearlie! You say the coolest things.
Overworld dialogue after the above cutscene:
SO Icon Pearl.png
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
Niiice! Don't worry, Eight- I got your back.
SO Icon Pearl Drone.png
Let's get this show on the road!


After saving Marina:
  • SO Icon Marina.png Otto! Otto! Dimmi che stai bene!
(Eight! Eight! Tell me you're okay!)
  • SO Icon Marina.png Oh, per fortuna. Alga! Otto ha ripreso i sensi!
(Oh, thank goodness. Pearl! Eight has regained their senses!)
  • SO Icon Marina.png Otto! Grazie per avermi liberata!
(Eight! Thanks for freeing me!)
  • SO Icon Pearl.png Non ti aspettavi di vedermi in carne ed ossa? Nori ha fatto una delle sue magie e BAM! Rieccomi qui!
(You didn't expect to see me in the flesh? Marina did some of her magic and BAM! Here I am again!)
  • SO Icon Marina.png Mi dispiace davvero. Era colpa del mio modulo "Panico nella terra dell'Ordine" se eri bloccata in forma di drone... e se è accaduto anche tutto il resto.
(I'm really sorry. It was my "Dramatic Days in Orderland" module's fault that you were stuck in drone form... and everything else happened too.)
  • SO Icon Pearl.png Che cosa? "Panico" dove...?
(What? "Dramatic Days" where...?)
  • SO Icon Marina.png Ehm, giusto. Ti faccio un riassunto.
(Um, right. I'll give you a summary.)
  • SO Icon Marina.png Qui siamo nel Noriverse. Si tratta di un prototipo di VR... cioè, una realtà virtuale creata da me.
(Here we're in the Memverse. This is a prototype of VR... that is, a virtual reality created by me.)
  • SO Icon Pearl.png La tua realtà virtuale? Un momento! Vuoi dire che siamo in un mondo immaginario?!
(Your virtual reality? Wait! You mean we're in an imaginary world?!)
  • SO Icon Marina.png Proprio così. Le uniche cose "reali" nel Noriverse sono le nostre menti.
(That's right. The only "real" things in the Memverse are our minds.)
  • SO Icon Marina.png Quella specie di nebbia che abbiamo incontrato era Ordine, il programma che ha preso il controllo su di me e sull'intero Noriverse.
(That kind of fog we encountered was Order, the program that took control of me and the entire Memverse.)
  • SO Icon Marina.png Ha trascinato nel Noriverse chissà quante persone. Le loro menti sono tutte qui, ora.
(He dragged who knows how many people into the Memverse. Their minds are all here now.)
  • SO Icon Acht.png Lo stesso è successo a me, immagino.
(The same happened to me, I guess.)
  • SO Icon Marina.png Acht... mi dispiace tanto. Non volevo coinvolgerti nei miei pasticci.
(Acht... I'm so sorry. I didn't want to involve you in my mess.)
  • SO Icon Acht.png Non ti preoccupare. Abbiamo problemi più grossi da risolvere. Come questa situazione, ad esempio.
(Don't worry. We have bigger problems to solve. Like this situation, for example.)
  • SO Icon Marina.png Hai ragione! Dobbiamo fermare Ordine.
(You are right! We must stop Order.)
  • SO Icon Marina.png Il suo scopo ultimo è creare un mondo di ordine senza colori.
(Its ultimate goal is to create a world of order without colors.)
  • SO Icon Marina.png Un luogo in cui nessuno ha volontà propria, e tutti fanno ciò che gli viene chiesto. Ogni singolo giorno.
(A place where no one has a will of their own, and everyone does what is asked of them. Every single day.)
  • SO Icon Marina.png Ordine sta usando il Noriverse per rendere quel mondo immutabile una realtà.
(Order is using the Memverse to make that immutable world a reality.)
  • SO Icon Pearl.png Che problemi ha col cambiamento? Ma poi, scusa... pensavo che il Noriverse non fosse reale!
(What problems do you have with the change? But then, sorry... I thought the Memverse wasn't real!)
  • SO Icon Pearl.png Anche se ottiene quello che vuole nel Noriverse... che ci importa? Il mondo reale resta com'è, no?
(Even if it gets what he wants in the Memverse... what do we care? The real world remains as it is, right?)
  • SO Icon Marina.png Ecco, in realtà... Ordine sta usando un processo chiamato "decolorazione" per neutralizzare la volontà di tutti quelli intrappolpati qui.
(Well, actually... Order is using a process called "Grayscaling" to neutralize the will of all those trapped here.)
  • SO Icon Acht.png Quindi, chiunque subisca la decolorazione qui nel Noriverse... patisce lo stesso effetto anche nel mondo reale. Giusto?
(So, anyone who suffers Grayscaling here in the Memverse... suffers the same effect in the real world as well. Right?)
  • SO Icon Marina.png Sì. Tutti quelli che subiscono la decolorazione perderanno lentamente la volontà anche nella realtà.
(Yes. Everyone who undergoes Grayscaling will slowly lose the will even in reality.)
  • SO Icon Marina.png E Ordine ha appena cominciato. Vuole continuare a trascinare le sue vittime nel Noriverse.
(And Order has just begun. It wants to continue dragging his victims into the Memverse.)
  • SO Icon Marina.png Se non lo fermiamo, tutti nel mondo perderanno la volontà. La vita non sarà più la stessa!
(If we don't stop it, everyone in the world will lose their will. Life will never be the same again!)
  • SO Icon Pearl.png Ugh, preferivo non saperlo. Dobbiamo fermare Ordine!
(Ugh, I'd rather not know it. We must stop Order!)
  • SO Icon Marina.png Non so come chiedervi scusa. È tutta colpa mia...
(I don't know how to apologize to you. It's all my fault...)
  • SO Icon Pearl.png Ma no! Avevi le tue ragioni per creare il Noriverse.
(No! You had your reasons for creating the Memverse.)
  • SO Icon Pearl.png Quel furfante di Ordine ha sgraffignato la tua opera... ma se ne pentirà amaramente!
(That scoundrel Order stole your work... but he will bitterly regret it!)
  • SO Icon Pearl.png Lo prenderemo a calci nei chip!
(We'll kick him in the electronic chips!)
  • SO Icon Marina.png Oh, Alga! Sei la migliore!
(Oh, Pearl! You're the best!)
Overworld dialogue after the above cutscene:
  • SO Icon Pearl.png Oplà!
  • SO Icon Pearl Drone.png Forte. Non ti preoccupare, Otto. Ci penso io a guardarti le spalle.
(Awesome. Don't worry, Eight. I'll watch your back.)
  • SO Icon Pearl Drone.png Apriamo le danze!
(Let's start the dance!)




  • The completely white appearance of the Order Sector (and especially the coral scattered throughout) appears to be an intentional reference to the real-world phenomenon of coral bleaching.
  • The inhabitants of the Order Sector resemble zooxanthellae, a type of single-celled organism that enter a coral host to form a mutualistic symbiosis, therefore giving the coral a colorful appearance. Coral bleaching occurs when zooxanthellae are expelled from the host coral due to stress, which may explain the appearance of the Order Sector itself.
  • The Order Sector more closely resembles Inkopolis Square as it appears in Splatoon 2, with more, smaller posters on the walls of the news studio and no train station in the back.


Order refers to Team Order, the Splatfest team led by Marina that lost the Final Fest in Splatoon 2. A sector is a designated section of a larger whole; in computer science a disk sector refers to a portion of a disk.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 秩序の街
chitsujo no machi
City of order
Netherlands Dutch Ordesector Order sector
France French (NOE) Place de l'Ordre Order Plaza
Germany German Sektor Ordnung Sector Order
Italy Italian Settore dell'Ordine Sector of the Order
Russia Russian Площадь Порядка
Ploshchad' Poryadka
Square of Order
SpainMexico Spanish Distrito del Orden District of Order
China Chinese (Simplified) 秩序之城
Zhìxù zhī chéng
City of order
