User:Olivia/List of Sunken Scrolls in Splatoon 3/Japanese: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "Text with the original formatting is here, use it while translating in case we accidentally removed characters or changed formatting: == List of Sunken Scrolls == === Scroll 1 === thumb|left|The first Sunken Scroll. * '''Text:''' ''ハイカラ地方とバンカラ地方のアサリもちは見た目も味もちがいまるで別の料理のようもちでアサ...")
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Text with the original formatting is here, use it while translating in case we accidentally removed characters or changed formatting:  
Text with the original formatting is here, use it while translating in case we accidentally removed characters or changed formatting:  
== List of Sunken Scrolls ==
== List of Sunken Scrolls ==

Revision as of 19:53, 4 November 2023

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Text with the original formatting is here, use it while translating in case we accidentally removed characters or changed formatting:

List of Sunken Scrolls

Scroll 1

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The first Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: ハイカラ地方とバンカラ地方のアサリもちは見た目も味もちがいまるで別の料理のようもちでアサリを包むハイカラ流に対してアサリでもちを包みゴマを振ってタバスコで頂くのがバンカラ流だ
  • Translation:

Scroll 2

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The second Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: 「今は昔バンカラの地に大水あり天より下りし三つの光渦を作りて災ひぬぐひ去れりバンカラの民三つの神輿もつてこれを崇め奉るものとせり」
  • Translation:

Scroll 3

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The third Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: 「話題の混沌キラメキタウンへ カモン! 「イキって歩こう バンカラ通り」 -特集 “パンカラの歩き方” P.54
  • Translation:

Scroll 4

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The fourth Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: 「ウチらはガムシャラにあるがままに生きる! それがミックス焼きスタイルぢゃん?」 「クールなヤツなんてそこら中にいるオレはバンカラの熱水噴出孔」
  • Translation:

Scroll 5

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The fifth Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: バンカラ地方のイカ・タコたちは周囲をイカクするような格好をして自らの存在を主張したがる傾向があるようだ“タイマン”という求愛行動で“スケパン”に“ツッパリ”を決める様子が記録されている
  • Translation:

Scroll 6

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The sixth Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: 「私が創造したロビーには何もなくしかし全てがあります目指したのは最高のナワバリ体験代表取締役兼CEO ゲン・シオマネキ」
  • Translation:

Scroll 7

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The seventh Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: 「~クマサン商会 労働安全標語~<1>無くそう イクラの取りこぼし 〈2〉“まだいける”はもう危険 <3>気づいてる? 水位上昇 暗い海 <4>コンテナ位置指さし確認 ヨイカ?ヨシ!<5> イクラ投げ合い目指そう ゼロ災」
  • Translation:

Scroll 8

File:S3 scroll08.png
The eighth Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: 1万匹に1~2匹ほどの割合で“ケイジ"という特別なコジャケが発見されることがあるふつうのコジャケは生まれた場所の近くで育つがケイジは別の地 方で生まれたコジャケがビッグランの際 元の群れにもどれず迷いこんでしまったものと言われている長旅による空腹からあらゆるものを食べてしまうらしい
  • Translation:

Scroll 9

File:S3 scroll09.png
The ninth Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: 「おきゃんで いなせな三人衆がバンカラジオに大登場! 見るもよし聞くもよしみんなご存じ ふるさと応援団 “すりみ連合”! 夜露死苦!」
  • Translation:

Scroll 10

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The tenth Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: 「ふかく刺したる鞘は蛮殻色のもののふも返す太刀無く海の雪あはれ儚き村雨の浮世の塵に傘さして」
  • Translation:

Scroll 11

File:S3 scroll11.png
The eleventh Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: 「翁長流秘伝 ウツボ術ーの舞:五月雨のごとく地をぬらす地は喜び海ブドウが咲きほこる二の舞:うずを起こしインの風を呼ぶ 風は民の心をバンカラへいざなうの舞:百のウツボにて天を駆りナン・タイの戦士を約束の地へと導く」
  • Translation:

Scroll 12

File:S3 scroll12.png
The twelfth Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: "The Manta Clan's Early-Morning Ritual
    After careful grooming of their pectoral fins, the family gathers for their favourite breakfast. This unique plankton dish, a family recipe passed down across generations, is said to enhance the mind, body, and bodily toxins.
  • Translation:

Scroll 13

File:S3 scroll13.png
The thirteenth Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: "One year after expanding his business into a new region.' 'Bombarding the Splatlands with over 20,000 hours of rapid-fire weapons chatter! His steel scopes are aimed at a new horizon.' 'What's next for the so-called arsenal ambassador?"
  • Site: Landfill Dreamland
  • Location: The scroll is located on a platform slightly beside the Ink Fast, Hotshot kettle.
  • Description: A photograph of Sheldon at Ammo Knights, looking at the camera. Holographic stickers of the Splattershot, Tri-Stringer, and .96 Gal adorn the page. The banner overlays and text on the photograph give it a resemblance to a news broadcast interview.

Scroll 14

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The fourteenth Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: "#PondSnailLikeABoss #EddyIsGnarly #ChaoticSunshine #FreshHeadgear #ShellfishBeFreshFish #MasterOfMerchants #NautilusIntrospection #GotThatGoldenRatio #GottaGetOutOfYourShell #NautCouture4Life"
  • Site: Landfill Dreamland
  • Location: The ooze covering the bridge next to the Let's Put a Pin in That kettle will need to be removed.
  • Description: An assortment of photographs taken by Nails, some of which are selfies and some of which feature Gnarly Eddy. Sticky notes to the left-hand side of the page seem to depict Nails and Gnarly Eddy, including one of Nails without his sunglasses.

Scroll 15

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The fifteenth Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: "Man-o'-Wardrobe' 'We are temporarily closed so that we may restock.' 'Cash only' 'No photography or influencers allowed. Ever.' 'We've run rather low on paper bills.' 'We're always open. Your fashion emergency is our fashion emergency.' 'Do NOT touch it until you have PAID for it."
  • Site: Landfill Dreamland
  • Location: Complete the Balloon chase on the top of the site 4 building. It's advised to clear out all the ooze in the western surroundings of the site.
  • Description: A bunch of receipts from Man-o'-Wardrobe taped onto the page, surrounding a sleek, black business card that seems to be for Man-o'-Wardrobe, with its logo engraved into it and visible if rotated.

Scroll 16

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The sixteenth Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: "As they grow, crustaceans such as the coconut crab frequently shed their shells to allow for further growth. Because strong sunlight encourages this shedding behavior, this may explain why Splatlands crustaceans often grow to be far larger than their counterparts in other regions."
  • Site: Eco-Forest Treehills
  • Location: It's located at the spot where two bridges meet below the Uh-Oh! Too Many Snipers! kettle.
  • Description: A depiction of a coconut crab across its lifespan. A sticky note at the bottom left depicts an arm of a coconut crab, and a sticky note at the top right depicts a strange graph with Mr. Coco labelled at one point.

Scroll 17

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The seventeenth Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: "YO! Barry C. here, Hotlantis's hottest (only) owner, ha! I gotta split for a bit to stock up on...stock. (•ω<) But it's all good! Harmony (yup, from Chirpy Chips) is fillin' in, and she knows this shop way, WAY better than me. (;^_^A So business? That's gonna keep right on boomin'! (^v^)v"
  • Site: Eco-Forest Treehills
  • Location: Look on the southern border of the island. There will be a small overhang with graffiti of different shapes on the wall.
  • Description: A printed screenshot of a web page featuring Harmony inside Hotlantis. To the sides are various foodstuffs from Hotlantis, a pair of sunglasses, as well as an advertisement featuring Fresh Fish. A sticky note in the top right depicts Harmony, alongside the "avatar" of Barry C. seen on the webpage.

Scroll 18

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The eighteenth Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: "Fryin' out here in Scorch Gorge—in more ways than one! #SweatyShell #BikingTrip"
  • Site: Eco-Forest Treehills
  • Location: Complete the Balloon chase close to the One-Way Ride through Target Town kettle. To make the chase easier, clear the ooze along the eastern border of the island.
  • Description: Two printed screenshots of an Instagram-like webpage, detailing Crusty Sean's Wandercrust. The left screenshot depicts him on a bicycle in the Splatlands, while the right screenshot depicts various travel accessories, incluing clothing and cooking supplies. On the right-hand side of the page, a sticky note depicting Crusty Sean's bicycle can be seen, as well as a sticky note seemingly depicting a boy band comprised of Jellyfish.

Scroll 19

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The nineteenth Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: "Letter of Appointment
    Employment: New Squidbeak HQ, First Splatoon
    Adjustments: Promoted to Captain with emoluments of pay grade 33. —Craig Cuttlefish
  • Site: Eco-Forest Treehills
  • Location: A small patch of ooze has to be removed at the cliff on the eastern side of Size 5 for 300 Power Eggs. It's close to the bridge that leads to Site 4.
  • Description: A formal document inside a booklet depicting the Cuttlegear logo, with a photograph of Callie, Cuttlefish, and Marie in the Crater, with Cuttlefish holding the formal document. A sticky note in the top left features a diagram of the Cap of Legend, whereas the top right has a sticky note with the Cuttlegear logo with various annotations beneath.

Scroll 20

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The twentieth Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: "Thursday night / Friday morning at 1:00 AM: It's the 100th episode of Marie After Midnight, and a special guest stopped by to help me celebrate: my cousin Callie! It's a Squid Sisters gabfest! We could NOT stop talking. (Not kidding. We went over the scheduled end time by five hours. Oops.)"
  • Site: Eco-Forest Treehills
  • Location: The scroll is buried under a tiny ledge below the A Compulsive Collector's Paradise kettle.
  • Description: Two photographs of Callie and Marie sitting at a kotatsu table with microphones and headsets on. There appear to be sticky notes featuring diagrams of flower-like orange peels, and the kotatsu table itself can be seen at the bottom as well as a doodle of the flowery decorations on the page itself.

Scroll 21

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The twenty-first Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: "Seems these are instructions on how to mummify an Inkling. Maybe in olden times, Inklings thought if they preserved their bodies after death, they could be revived someday? But that's... Well, there's no way this is a real one stuck here, right? No, of course it isn't... Right?"
  • Site: Happiness Research Lab
  • Location: In a crate that's on the elevated section of the island with the Keep It Rolling kettle.
  • Description: A dried Inkling or a replica of one held together with toothpicks. Various sticky notes surround the page, following a process for how it was preserved, as well as various labels on the page itself.

Scroll 22

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The twenty-second Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: "After leaping from Inkopolis Square to the world stage, Off the Hook has found their new side project: performing vocals for a rising rock band as Damp Socks feat. Off the Hook! Discovered online, their super talented collaborators offer an 'upbeat melancholy' sound that had OTH...Hooked!"
  • Site: Happiness Research Lab
  • Location: Simply remove the ooze on the wall below the Mission: Fly-Fishin' kettle.
  • Description: A photograph of Pearl and Marina and the rest of Damp Socks feat. Off the Hook, as well as an Off the Hook CD cover. A sticky note at the bottom middle of the page features a diagram of an electric guitar held by one of the band members.

Scroll 23

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The twenty-third Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: "Operation: Li'l Judd's Judgy Judgment!' 'Prey's behavior' 'Analyzing prey's fur quality... No impurrrfections found!' 'I guess I'll just go after the toe beans."
  • Site: Happiness Research Lab
  • Location: The ooze that's covering the roof of the building on the island with the Conserve Ink—Splat Sustainably kettle will need to be removed. Use the ink rail close to the That Sinking Feeling kettle.
  • Description: Various monochromatic photographs of Judd, featuring a detailed pair of sketches of Judd with a high quantity of annotations on a page to the right. A sticky note at the top right depicts Li'l Judd with a labelled arrow pointing at Judd.

Scroll 24

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The twenty-fourth Sunken Scroll.
  • Text: "Subject Name: 'Marigold'
    Nishiyo Oranda (Alias): Anarchy District 3, 3-■
    Poisson Rouge (Alias): Rue de ■■ 19-6, Chateaubateau
    Ran Chi-Yu (Alias): Southgill Province, Tailfin City, ■■■ District
  • Site: Happiness Research Lab
  • Location: Complete the Balloon chase on Site 6. It's advised to remove all ooze around the perimeter of Site 6 first.
  • Description: Three I.D.s showing individual Staff in different hairdos, all with various information hastily scrawled out with thick black lines. A sticker depicts Staff in a shopping basket, and two sticky notes in the top right depict Staff.