amiibo/Quotes/Splatoon 3
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Inkling Boy
I'm here to splat! Greetings from <Player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
So this is Splatsville! Awesome!
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Oh, hey there!
I know you, right? 'Cause you're, like, SUPER fresh!
Whatever! Square one. Let's do this. Here—for you!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Oh, nice to meet you!
Whoa, talk about fresh! You're, like, practically RAW! So cool! You probably lead every team you're on, huh? I can tell. Hey, wanna be friends? I've got a feeling I could learn a lot from you. Also, I could memorize your control settings and gear! Aaaaaaaaand I'll remember your Freshest Fits too! That way you can gear up super quick from the Equip menu! Pretty cool, right? So, are you in?
— When summoned for the first time
Sweet! Oh, and here's a little new-best-buds gift for ya!
— When the player receives their first reward
More battles mean more gifts. Easy, yeah?
— After the player receives their first reward
— Opener when summoned after the first time
I hope you know I'm checkin' out all your battles. It's what friends do!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Oh! Right! I've got a present for the big battler here!
— When the player receives their second reward
You're a total splatmaster out there! Way to rock!
— When the player receives their third reward
Those other fools never knew what hit 'em! I'll have a gift for you later.
— When summoned before having won enough battles
This is the last one I got! But don't sweat it. I'll always have your back. Never a doubt!
— After the player receives their third reward
You know the internet, right? Head to the lobby, hook up to it, then come back. I might have something cool for you if you do.
— When not connected to the internet
— When navigating the menu
Ik kom om te spelen! Groeten van <spelersnaam>!
Hey hey!
I have come to play! Greetings from <player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
O, dus dit is Splatsville! Tof!
O, hallo!
Oh, so this is Splatsville! Great!
Oh, hello!
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 data (Splatsville)
O, dus dit is Splatsville! Tof!
Ik ben heel blij om hier te zijn!
Oh, so this is Splatsville! Great!
I am very glad to be here!
— First-time opener with no data (Splatsville)
Hé, verse vis!
Hey, fresh fish!
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 data (Inkopolis)
Yo! Hoe gaat ie?
Yo! How's it going?
— First-time opener with no data (Inkopolis)
Jou ken ik, toch? Ik zou je in elk geval MOETEN kennen, want zo vers als jij zijn er niet veel!
Misschien straalt er wat van die versheid op mij af als ik je te vriend houd. Hier, ik heb wat voor je!
I know you, right? At the very least, I OUGHT to know you, because there aren't many as fresh as you!
Maybe some of that freshness will rub off on me if I keep in with you. Here, I have something for you!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Wauw, zo cool als jij zie ik ze niet elke dag!
Laat me raden: jij gaat overal en altijd voorop in de strijd, toch?
Wij zouden bevriend moeten worden! Van jou kan ik vast veel leren!
O, en je camera-instellingen en je uitrusting kan ik ook onthouden!
En ik houd ook je lievelingsstijlen voor je bij! Doe ik gewoon voor je!
Je kunt dan veel sneller je uitrusting wisselen in het uitrustingsscherm.
Cool toch? Dus! Vriendschap sluiten?
Wow, it is not every day you see someone as cool as you!
Let me guess: you are everywhere and always at the forefront of the battle, right?
We should befriend each other! Surely I can learn a lot from you!
Oh, and I can also keep in mind your control settings and your gear!
And I can also keep track of your Freshest Fits for you! I will just do that for you!
Then, you can swap your gear much faster in the Equip menu.
Cool, right? So! Seal our friendship?
— When summoned for the first time
Flex! Dan heb ik ook meteen een cadeautje voor je!
Noice! In that case, I also have a little present for you!
— When the player receives their first reward
En als je meer gevechten hebt gedaan, volgen er meer cadeautjes!
And when you have done more battles, more little presents will follow!
— After the player receives their first reward
Alles cool?
Is everything cool?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Je weet dat ik geen gevecht van je mis, hè? Daar heb je vrienden voor!
You know I miss no battle of yours, eh? That is what friends are for!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
O ja, momentje!
Ik heb een kleinigheid voor onze grote vechter!
Oh yes, just a moment!
I have a little something for our great battler!
— When the player receives their second reward
Wat spetter jij erop los, zeg! Dat is wel een beloninkje waard!
Wow, how you splatter without restraint! That is worth a little reward!
— When the player receives their third reward
Dat anderen het nog tegen jou durven op te nemen, zeg! Ik heb snel weer een beloning voor je.
Wow, to think others still dare to take you on! I will soon have a reward for you again.
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Dit is het laatste wat ik voor je heb!
Maar geen zorgen, ik ben er altijd voor je als je me nodig hebt. Daar hoef je niet aan te twijfelen!
This is the last one I have for you!
But no worries, I am always here for you when you need me. There is no need to doubt that!
— After the player receives their third reward
Weet je wat het internet is? Ga naar de lobby, maak daar verbinding en spreek me dan nog eens aan.
Misschien heb ik dan wel iets ontzettend cools voor je.
Do you know what the Internet is? Go to the lobby, connect there, and then address me again.
— When not connected to the internet
Kan ik iets voor je betekenen?
Is there anything I can do for you?
— When navigating the menu
Hallo, wie geht's? Schöne Grüße von <Spielername>!
— When summoned with data from another player
So sieht also Splatsville aus! Cool! Freut mich, hier zu sein!
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Oh, hallo! Dich kenn ich doch, oder? Klar, wenn jemand so spritzig ist... Aber egal! Fangen wir von vorn an. Hier, das ist für dich!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Freut mich, hier zu sein! Ahoi, selten jemanden gesehen, der so cool ist wie du! Sollen wir Freunde sein? Von dir kann man bestimmt was lernen. Ich könnte mir deine Ausrüstung und Kamera-Optionen für dich merken. Und deine Lieblings-Styles! So kannst du deine Ausrüstung schnell im Anpassen-Menü wechseln! Na, ist das was?
— When summoned for the first time
Spitze! Da hab ich doch gleich was für dich!
— When the player receives their first reward
Wenn du noch etwas mehr kämpfst, gibt's von mir wieder was!
— After the player receives their first reward
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Du weißt, dass ich keinen deiner Kämpfe verpasse, oder?
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Immer tüchtig weiterkämpfen! Das hier hilft dir vielleicht!
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Deinen Gegnern hast du's gezeigt! Bald hab ich wieder was für dich!
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Das ist jetzt mein letztes Geschenk für dich! Aber ich bin immer auf deiner Seite! Kannste dich drauf verlassen!
— After the player receives their third reward
Komm mal wieder, wenn du mit dem Internet verbunden bist. Schau einfach drüben in der Lobby vorbei! Vielleicht hab ich dann ja sogar was Nettes für dich...
— When not connected to the internet
Was kann ich dir erklären?
— When navigating the menu
Inkling Girl
What's up? I'm here to play! Greetings from <Player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
So this is Splatsville! What a town!
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Whoa! Hello there! Whoa! That freshness is totally... Hold up. Have we met? Let's just assume we have. Here! Have some free stuff!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Yo, nice to meet you!
Whoa! Check out the super-fresh vibe coming off you! Hey, wanna be friends? I've got a hunch I could learn a lot from you. Plus, I could memorize your control settings and gear!
Double plus! I'll remember your Freshest Fits too! That way you can gear up super fast from the Equip menu! Pretty cool, right? So whaddaya say? Wanna be friends?
— When summoned for the first time
Thanks, new friend! I've got a new-friends gift for you!
— When the player receives their first reward
Don't stop now! More battles means more presents for you!
— After the player receives their first reward
— Opener when summoned after the first time
I've been watching all your battles. I'm, like, your biggest fan!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Almost forgot! All that battling is hard work, so I got you a present!
— When the player receives their second reward
I've seen you splatting it up out there. I got you something!
— When the player receives their third reward
Way to battle! I've ALMOST found the perfect gift for you. Almost...
— When summoned before having won enough battles
This is the last gift! But we're besties forever, so stay fresh out there!
— After the player receives their third reward
You ought to come back after you've connected to the internet from the lobby. I might have something cool for you if you do!
— When not connected to the internet
OK then, what do you wanna know?
— When navigating the menu
Hoe is-ie?
Tijd om te spetteren! Groetjes van <spelersnaam>!
How you doing?
Time to splatter! Greetings from <player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Dus dit is Splatsville. Wat een stad!
O, hallootjes!
So this is Splatsville. What a city!
Oh, hello there!
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 (Splatsville)
Dus dit is Splatsville. Wat een stad!
Heel cool om je te ontmoeten!
So this is Splatsville. What a city!
Very cool to meet you!
— First-time opener with no data (Splatsville)
Hoe is ie?
How you doing?
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 (Inkopolis)
O, hé, hallo!
Oh, hey, hello!
— First-time opener with no data (Inkopolis)
O, kennen wij elkaar? Ik krijg hele verse vibes van jou.
Ja, jij bent wel cool. Hier, dit is voor jou!
Oh, do we know each other? I am getting very fresh vibes from you.
Yes, you are cool. Here, this is for you!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Hé, jij bent in de verste verte de vetste verse vechter!
Zullen we vrienden worden? Ik kan vast en zeker veel van je leren.
En ik kan ook je camera-instellingen en je uitrusting voor je bijhouden!
En nog een extra bonus! Ik onthoud ook je lievelingsstijlen voor je!
Je kunt dan veel sneller je uitrusting wisselen in het uitrustingsscherm.
Cool toch? Dus wat zeg je ervan? Vrienden worden?
Hey, you are absolutely the phattest fresh battler! [note 1]
Shall we become friends? I can most surely learn a lot from you.
And I can also keep track of your control settings and your gear for you!
And as another bonus! I also keep in mind your Freshest Fits for you!
Then, you can swap your gear much faster in the Equip menu.
Cool, right? So what do you say? Become friends?
— When summoned for the first time
Jeej! Weet je wat? Ik heb gelijk een cadeautje voor je!
Yay! You know what? I have a little present for you right away!
— When the player receives their first reward
Als je meer gevechten achter de rug hebt, heb ik vast nog meer voor je!
When you have more battles out of the way, I surely have more for you yet!
— After the player receives their first reward
Hoe is ie?
How you doing?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Ik volg al je gevechten! Ik ben een grote fan!
I am following your battles already! I am a great fan!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
O, bijna vergeten!
Al dat geknok is best hard werk, dus ik heb een beloning voor je!
Oh, I almost forgot!
All that ongoing battling is quite hard work, so I have a reward for you!
— When the player receives their second reward
Je bent lekker bezig, hoor. Maar hé, ik heb wat voor je!
You are on a roll, you know. But hey, I have something for you!
— When the player receives their third reward
Wat een vechter! Ik heb biiijjjna het perfecte cadeau voor je gevonden. Biiijjjna...
What a battler! I have found aaalmost the perfect present for you. Aaalmost...
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Dit is het laatste wat ik je cadeau doe!
Maar het echte cadeau is onze eeuwige vriendschap!
This is the last one I gift you!
But the true present is our eternal friendship!
— After the player receives their third reward
Je zou me eens moeten bezoeken nadat je in de lobby verbinding hebt gemaakt met het internet. Misschien heb ik dan wel wat leuks voor je!
You should try visiting me after you made a connection to the Internet in the lobby. Maybe I will have something nice for you then!
— When not connected to the internet
Heb je ergens een vraag over?
Do you have a question about something?
— When navigating the menu
Wie läuft's? Schöne Grüße von <Spielername>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Das ist also Splatsville. Was für 'ne Stadt! Schön, hier zu sein!
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Hallöchen! Öh... Kennen wir uns? Du hast jedenfalls coole Vibes! Ja, ich glaube, wir kommen klar. Hier, das ist für dich!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Oh, hey! Wow! Du bist vielleicht cool! Wollen wir Freunde sein? Ich könnte bestimmt noch was von dir lernen. Außerdem könnte ich deine Kamera-Optionen und Ausrüstung speichern! Ich merke mir sogar deine Lieblings-Styles! So kannst du im Anpassen-Menü schnell die Ausrüstung wechseln. Nicht schlecht, oder? Also, sind wir Freunde?
— When summoned for the first time
Danke! Und für neue Freunde wie dich hab ich direkt ein Geschenk!
— When the player receives their first reward
Wenn du noch ein bisschen kämpfst, gibt's auch noch andere Geschenke!
— After the player receives their first reward
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Ich hab all deine Kämpfe gesehen! Ich bin ein richtiger Fan!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Du schlägst dich gar nicht übel! Hier, das ist für dich!
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Du kämpfst gut! Da wird demnächst ein Geschenk fällig...
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Das ist mein letztes Geschenk! Aber das wahre Geschenk ist unsere Freundschaft!
— After the player receives their third reward
Komm doch wieder, wenn du mit dem Internet verbunden bist. Ist kinderleicht, geh einfach rüber in die Lobby! Vielleicht hab ich dann ja sogar was für dich, wenn du wiederkommst!
— When not connected to the internet
So, worüber willst du was wissen?
— When navigating the menu
Inkling Squid
Hey there!
I'm here to play! Greetings from <Player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
So this is Splatsville! My, what a place!
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Pardon, but have we met before? It's just...Well, you're so fresh!
Fine, fine. I'll admit it—I've taken a liking to you. Here. Call it a gift.
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Greetings! It's a pleasure to meet you!
Oh my! Those are some SERIOUSLY fresh vibes on you, I must admit!
And I got a feeling you're gonna get even FRESHER by the battle!
Yeah, you caught me. I'm a fan.
You wouldn't happen to need a new friend, by any chance?
'Cause if so, I could memorize your controls and gear for you!
Oh, and your Freshest Fits too!
Then you could quickly throw on that gear from the Equip menu!
Sounds pretty good, huh? So...Friends?
— When summoned for the first time
Oh, excellent! Well, I suppose I should give you this gift now.
— When the player receives their first reward
Get a bit more battle experience, and I'll have a gift for you!
— After the player receives their first reward
Hello, hello! How are things going today?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
I'm always watching your battles, so if you ever hear cheering, well...
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Spectacular work, as always!
You've been simply breezing through all those battles. Here—for you!
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
You're a wonder in battle! So much so that I'm wondering what to get you...
— When summoned before having won enough battles
This is the last of my little gifts, I'm afraid.
But if it's any consolation, you'll always have my unending support!
— After the player receives their third reward
I insist you come back once you've gone to the lobby and connected to the internet.
I may have just the thing for you then!
— When not connected to the internet
Is there anything you wish to know?
— When navigating the menu
Ik kom om te spelen! Groeten van <spelersnaam>!
It is a pleasure!
I have come to play! Greetings from <player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Dit is dus Splatsville! Wat een te gekke plek!
So this is Splatsville! What a wicked place!
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 data (Splatsville)
Dit is dus Splatsville! Wat een te gekke plek!
Hallo! Leuk je te ontmoeten!
So this is Splatsville! What a wicked place!
Hello! Nice to meet you!
— First-time opener with no data (Splatsville)
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 (Inkopolis)
Hé, hallo! Wat leuk om je te ontmoeten.
Hey, hello! How nice to meet you.
— First-time opener with no data (Inkopolis)
Pardon, hebben we elkaar al eens eerder ontmoet? Je bent... zo vers!
Oké, ik zal het maar opbiechten: ik mag jou wel, en ik wil je dit geven.
Excuse me, have I met you before? You are... so fresh!
Okay, I will confess: I like your style, and I want to give you this.
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Toe maar! De coolheid straalt simpelweg van je af!
Mag ik voorstellen dat we elkaars maatje worden?
Dan onthoud ik je uitrusting en je camera-instellingen voor je.
En ik heb zo'n goed geheugen, dat je lievelingsstijlen er ook nog wel bij kunnen!
Je kunt dan veel sneller je uitrusting wisselen in het uitrustingsscherm.
Erg handig, geloof me. Wat denk je ervan? Zullen we maatjes worden?
All right! The coolness simply radiates from you!
May I propose we become each others buddy?
Then, I will keep in mind your gear and your control settings for you.
And I have such a good memory, your Freshest Fits could also be added!
Then, you can swap your gear much faster in the Equip menu.
Very handy, believe me. What do you think? Shall we become buddies?
— When summoned for the first time
Geweldig nieuws! Laten we dat eens vieren met dit cadeautje.
Awesome news! Let's celebrate that with this little present.
— When the player receives their first reward
Ik geef je meer cadeautjes als je meer gevechtservaring opdoet.
I will give you more little presents when you gain more battle experience.
— After the player receives their first reward
Hallo, hallo! Hoe gaat het?
Hello, hello! How is it going?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Ik kijk naar al je gevechten, dus kijk niet gek op als je iemand luid hoort jubelen...
I am watching all your battles, so you shouldn't be surprised when you hear someone loudly jubilate...
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Spectaculair gedaan, zoals altijd!
Die gevechten waren een koud kunstje voor je. Hier, voor jou!
Spectacularly done, as always!
Those battles were a walk in the park for you. here, for you!
— When the player receives their second reward
Jij bent echt niet te houden, gewoon. Hier, dit heb je verdiend!
There is truly no stopping you, simply like that. Here, you have earned this!
— When the player receives their third reward
Je bent een echte vechtmachine! Ik vraag me af wat ik je zou kunnen geven...
You are a true fighting force! I wonder if I could give you something...
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Dit is jammer genoeg mijn laatste cadeautje voor je.
Maar niet getreurd, want ik blijf altijd je trouwe fan!
This is sad to say my last little present for you.
But don't despair, because I will always be your faithful fan!
— After the player receives their third reward
Beloof me dat je terugkomt zodra je de lobby hebt bezocht en verbonden bent met het internet.
Ik heb dan misschien wel een verrassing voor je!
Promise me you will return as soon as you have visited the lobby and are connected to the Internet.
I might have a surprise for you then!
— When not connected to the internet
Is er iets dat je wilt weten?
Is there something you want to know?
— When navigating the menu
Na, hallo! Schöne Grüße von <Spielername>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Das ist also Splatsville! Was für eine Stadt! Grüß dich! Das Vergnügen ist ganz meinerseits.
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Und hallo! Verzeihung, kennen wir uns? Du bist einfach so... spritzig! Okay, ich geb's zu. Ich bin offiziell fasziniert von dir. Hier, bitte sehr!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Hallo! Freut mich! Oho, ich muss schon zugeben... Du bist schon echt cool unterwegs! Ich bin mächtig beeindruckt und wäre gern dein Freund! Dann würde ich mir deine Kamera-Optionen und Ausrüstung merken! Und auch deine Lieblings-Styles! So könntest du blitzschnell deine Ausrüstung wechseln. Ganz bequem im Anpassen-Menü! Voll praktisch, findest du nicht?
— When summoned for the first time
Oh, exzellent! Dann schätze ich, ich sollte dir das hier geben!
— When the player receives their first reward
Sammle noch etwas Erfahrung im Kampf, dann hab ich was für dich!
— After the player receives their first reward
Hallöchen! Alles spritzig bei dir?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Ich folge all deinen Kämpfen! Vielleicht kannst du mich manchmal beim Anfeuern raushören!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Du bist 'ne ziemliche Kämpfernatur! Da hab ich was für dich!
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Du bist ein wahres Talent im Kampf! Da muss ich mir wohl bald wieder ein Geschenk einfallen lassen...
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Dies ist das letzte meiner kleinen Geschenke, fürchte ich. Aber ich bleibe für immer dein Fan!
— After the player receives their third reward
Du solltest dringend zu mir zuückkommen, wenn du mit dem Internet verbunden bist. Das geht drüben in der Lobby Wenn du dann wieder zu mir kommst, hab ich vielleicht auch was Schönes für dich!
— When not connected to the internet
Möchtest du etwas wissen?
— When navigating the menu
Hey, you!
I'm ready to ROCK! Greetings from <Player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Ah...I feel so SEEN in Splatsville!
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Oh, do we know each other? I'm Callie from the Squid Sisters. You know—stay fresh!
Hey! Always nice to meet someone SUPER fresh like you.
I can already tell this is gonna be a great collab. Here—let's mark the occasion!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Oh, hey! I'm Callie from the Squid Sisters. You know—stay fresh!
Hey! You seem pretty fresh. And unlike some things, I bet you get fresher over time!
Look, this isn't just because I view you as a potential rival, but...I kinda want to keep tabs on you.
Want me to memorize your control settings and favorite gear? I can totally keep track of your Freshest Fits too!
That way you can put them on quickly from the Equip menu.
Think of it as ME being a superfan of YOU, instead of the reverse. Although you better be a superfan of me too...
— When summoned for the first time
Oh yeah! I've got something for you. No big deal—I have stuff like this just lying around.
— When the player receives their first reward
Keep splatting, and I'll have more stuff for you soon. Stay fresh!
— After the player receives their first reward
It's you! How's it going?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
You DO know I'm watchin' all your battles, right? 'Cause if you didn't, well...I am!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Hey! I see you. I mean, I really SEE you out there battling. Here—a little present from me!
— When the player receives their second reward
You've been high-key CRUSHING it. Here you go. Keep it up!
— When the player receives their third reward
Whoa! You've been going all out! I could probably find a li'l something for you soon...
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Sorry—no more encores of the gift variety. You got 'em all! I knew you could do it from the first time I met you! We're still besties, right?
— After the player receives their third reward
Ugh, the internet is out! Now what?
Head to the lobby, get connected, and then come see me, OK? I might have something for you!
— When not connected to the internet
What do you want to know? I'll spill the juicy deets!
— When navigating the menu
Klaar voor een feestje? Groetjes, <spelersnaam>!
Hello there!
Ready for a party? Greetings, <player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Oei, Splatsville is druk! Ik geef niet iedereen een handtekening, hoor!
O, kennen wij elkaar? Ik ben Callie, van de Squid Sisters. Blijf vers!
Oh my, Splatsville is busy! I am not giving everyone an autograph, you know!
Oh, do we know each other? I am Callie, from the Squid Sisters. Stay fresh!
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 data (Splatsville)
Het is zo druk in Splatsville! Ik voel me zo gezien!
O, hallootjes! Ik ben Callie van de Squid Sisters. Blijf vers!
It is so busy in Splatsville! I feel so seen!
Oh, hello there! I am Callie from the Squid Sisters. Stay fresh!
— First-time opener with no data (Splatsville)
Joehoe! Hier is Callie! Van de Squid Sisters. Wie anders.
Yo-ho! Here is Callie! From the Squid Sisters. Who else.
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 data (Inkopolis)
O, hé! Ik ben Callie van de Squid Sisters! Blijf vers, weet je wel!
Oh, hey! I am Callie from the Squid Sisters! Stay fresh, you know!
— First-time opener with no data (Inkopolis)
O wauw, het is altijd kicken om iemand te ontmoeten die ZO vers is.
Deze vriendschap wordt een hit, dat voel ik al! Hiero, voor jou!
Oh wow, I always get a kick out of meeting someone who is SO fresh.
This friendship will be a hit, I feel that already! Here, for you!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Hé, je bent lekker bezig, geloof ik!
Ik herken talent altijd direct! Ik weet er namelijk zelf ALLES van!
Jij wordt nog een hele grote, dus ik zal je zeker blijven volgen.
O hé, zal ik je camera-instellingen en je uitrusting voor je bijhouden?
En je lievelingsstijl is ook veilig bij mij! Echt, die onthoud ik perfect!
Je kunt dan heel snel bij je uitrusting in het uitrustingsscherm.
Als we maatjes worden, is het alsof IK een superfan van JOU ben! Haha, wat een omgekeerde wereld!
Hey, you are on a roll, I believe!
I recognize talent always immediately! I know ALL about it myself, after all!
You are going to be a very big one, so I will definitely keep following you.
Oh hey, shall I keep track of your control settings and your gear for you?
And your Freshest Fit is also safe with me! Truly, I keep those in mind perfectly!
Then, you can access your gear in the Equip menu much faster.
If we become buddies, it is as if I am a superfan of YOU! Haha, way to turn the world upside down!
— When summoned for the first time
Dacht ik ook! Hé, ik heb nog iets bij me. Misschien is 't wat voor jou.
I thought so! Hey, I have something else with me. Maybe it's something for you.
— When the player receives their first reward
Doe aan gevechten mee, dan heb ik later vast nog wel wat voor je.
Take part in battles, then I surely have something else for you later.
— After the player receives their first reward
Jij bent 't! Hoe is 't?
It's you! How you doin'?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Geen zorgen, ik volg al je gevechten op de voet. Ga zo door!
No worries, I am following all your battles closely. Keep it up!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Hé, ik zie wel hoe goed jij het doet. Echt waar, ik kijk heus wel!
Zo weet ik dat je een beloning hebt verdiend. Zie je nou wel dat ik kijk!
Hey, I can see how well you are doing. Honestly, I am genuinely watching!
That is how I know you have earned a reward. I told you I am watching!
— When the player receives their second reward
Jij bent de absolute ster van het slagveld! Hier, heb je verdiend!
You are the absolute star of the battlefield! Here, you have earned it!
— When the player receives their third reward
Zo zeg, je bent echt niet te houden! Ik wil je binnenkort iets schenken...
I say, there is truly no stopping you! I want to give you something as a present soon...
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Sorry, je hebt al mijn cadeautjes al. Geen toegiften meer voor jou!
Maar we zijn nog wel beste maatjes, toch? Ik mag je al sinds ik je ken!
I am sorry, you already have all my little presents. No more encores for you... [note 2]
But we are still best buddies, right? I have liked you since I have known you!
— After the player receives their third reward
Pardon? Geen internet? Hoe weet je dan wat er vers is?
Maak verbinding in de lobby en kom nog eens langs, dan heb ik misschien wat voor je!
Excuse me? No Internet? How do you know what is fresh then?
Connect in the lobby and come by again, then I might have something for you!
— When not connected to the internet
Wat wil je precies weten? Ik hou niets voor je achter!
What do you want to know precisely? I won't withhold anything for you!
— When navigating the menu
Huhu! Bereit zum Rocken? Grüße von <Spielername>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Ah... In Splatsville steppt wie immer der Tintenfisch! Oh, hey! Ich bin Aioli von den Sea Sirens. Du weißt schon – „Bleibt spritzig!"
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Oh, kennen wir uns? Ich bin Aioli von den Sea Sirens. Du weißt schon – „Bleibt spritzig!" Immer wieder schön, jemanden zu treffen, der so spritzig ist wie du. Ich seh schon, das wird 'ne spitzenmäßige Zusammenarbeit!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Oh, hey! Ich bin Aioli von den Sea Sirens. Du weißt schon – „Bleibt spritzig!" Hey! Du siehst aus, als hättest du's ziemlich drauf! Eigentlich erinnerst du mich irgendwie ein bisschen an mich selbst... Dich sollte ich wohl besser im Auge behalten! Und das nicht nur, falls wir uns mal zufällig in der Arena gegenüberstehen. Soll ich mir deine Ausrüstung und deine Kamera-Optionen merken? Und deine Lieblings-Styles, die auch! So kannst du alles ganz schnell im Anpassen-Menü anlegen. Stell dir einfach vor, ich wäre ein Riesenfan von dir statt umgekehrt. (Obwohl es ja schon komisch wäre, wenn einer KEIN Riesenfan von mir wäre...)
— When summoned for the first time
Oh! Ich hab noch was für dich. Keine große Sache – ich hab überall so Zeug rumliegen.
— When the player receives their first reward
Schön weiterkämpfen, dann hab ich was für dich. Bleib [sic][a] spritzig!
— After the player receives their first reward
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Ich verfolge all deine Kämpfe! Mach schön weiter so!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Du bist ja richtig gut dabei! Das hier hast du dir verdient!
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Wow! Du hast echt alles gegeben! Da hab ich bald wieder 'ne Kleinigkeit für dich...
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Tut mir leid, geschenkemäßig gibt's keine Zugabe mehr. Du hast sie alle abgeräumt! Mir war die ganze Zeit klar, dass du es schaffst! Und wir bleiben Freunde, oder?
— After the player receives their third reward
Pffft! Kein Internet, wie? Schöne Flaute. Hör mal, lauf doch rüber in die Lobby und verbinde dich dort mit dem Internet. Komm dann wieder und ich hab vielleicht was Tolles für dich!
— When not connected to the internet
— When navigating the menu
Heya... Let's do this. Greetings from <Player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Love the vibes here in Splatsville. Always a fun time.
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Do we know each other? I'm Marie. Yes, Marie from the Squid Sisters. Have we met before? No, really, I'm asking—not just being cute. No? Well, don't let it go to your head, but you've got the freshest vibe around here. Here—for being so fresh!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Hey. I'm Marie of the Squid Sisters. Woah. You're the one who's throwing off fresh vibes? I can see it. Listen, since I'm already here, I've got a proposal for you. You've got talent with a capital T, and that means you need an agent. What do agents do? More like what DON'T agents do! I'll look out for you, plus memorize your fave gear and how you like your controls. Oh, and I'll be your personal wardrobe manager too. Your Freshest Fits are just a click away in the Equip menu. Ready to sign your life away? Joking! It's an agent joke. We like to laugh.
— When summoned for the first time
Alright. First things first...your signing bonus!
— When the player receives their first reward
Keep up the battling, and maybe I'll keep up the gift giving. Maybe.
— After the player receives their first reward
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Are you fighting the good fight out there? Show me something good—I'm your agent, remember?
— When summoned after getting the first reward
...Oh, hey there. Whoa, you've been lighting it up in battles, huh? Here—now maybe you can take it to the next level!
— When the player receives their second reward
I don't want to seem like a creeper, but I was watching your battles, and...I'm impressed. Here—I've got something for you.
— When the player receives their third reward
Whoa, you're really going for it! And it's about to pay off, so keep it up!
— When summoned before having won enough battles
That's all I've got for you for now. Relax—I'm still your agent! Keep up the good work.
— After the player receives their third reward
Ooo, your internet connection seems a bit...not fresh right now. Maybe take a trip to the lobby to fix that, and then talk to me again. I might have something for you!
— When not connected to the internet
So...what's going on? Is there something I can help you with?
— When navigating the menu
We gaan ervoor! Groeten van <spelersnaam>!
We are going for it! Greetings from <player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Altijd goeie vibes in Splatsville. Het is hier nooit niét cool!
Kennen wij elkaar? Ik ben Marie. Inderdaad, die van de Squid Sisters.
Always good vibes in Splatsville. It is never NOT cool here!
Do we know each other? I am Marie. Indeed, that one from the Squid Sisters.
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 data (Splatsville)
Altijd goeie vibes in Splatsville. Het is hier nooit niét cool!
Hé hé, ik ben Marie van de Squid Sisters.
Always good vibes in Splatsville. It is never NOT cool here!
Hey hey, I am Marie from the Squid Sisters.
— First-time opener with no data (Splatsville)
Hoi hoi, ik ben Marie van de Squid Sisters. Ja, echt waar, DIE Marie.
Hi hi, I am Marie from the Squid Sisters. Yes, seriously, THAT Marie.
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 data (Inkopolis)
O, hé, ik ben Marie van de Squid Sisters.
Oh, hey, I am Marie from the Squid Sisters.
— First-time opener with no data (Inkopolis)
Kennen wij elkaar? Nee, dat meen ik serieus. Ik maak geen grapje.
Niet? Gek, normaal gesproken ken ik alle verse types... Hier, voor jou!
Do we know each other? No, I am serious. I am not kidding.
Not? Strange, normally I know all fresh types... Here, for you!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Aha, ik was al benieuwd waarom hier zo'n coole sfeer hangt! Jij bent 't!
Zo'n talent als jij is zeldzaam, maar ik herken zo iemand altijd meteen.
Heb je nog geen manager? Nou, heb jij even geluk dan!
Wat een manager voor je doet? Nou, wat niet! Ik kan je camerainstellingen en je uitrusting voor je bijhouden.
En ook je persoonlijke stijl in de gaten houden. Ik zorg dat je lievelingsstijlen maar één knop bij je vandaan zijn!
Die kun je namelijk meteen terugvinden in je uitrustingsscherm.
Deal? Je zult er geen spijt van krijgen!
Aha, I was curious why there is such a cool atmosphere here! It's you!
Such a talent as you is rare, but I recognize someone like that always immediately.
Don't you have a manager yet? Well, aren't you lucky then!
What does a manager do for you? Well, what not? I can keep track of your control settings and your gear for you.
And also keep an eye on your personal style. I make sure your Freshest Fits are but one button away from you!
For you can find those immediately in your Equip menu.
Deal? You will not regret it!
— When summoned for the first time
Deal! Dan heb ik hier een cadeau als bewijs van onze samenwerking!
Deal! Then I have a present here as proof of our collaboration!
— When the player receives their first reward
Blijf vechten en dan kom ik zeker met meer cadeaus op de proppen!
Keep battling and then I will definitely come up with more presents!
— After the player receives their first reward
Hé, hé! Alles kalm?
Hey, hey! Is everything calm?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Jij doet toch nog wel je best, hè? Laat wat zien! Ik ben je manager, weet je nog?
Surely you are still doing your best, eh? Show me something! I am your manager, remember?
— When summoned after getting the first reward
...O, hé, hoe is ie?
Zo zeg, jij hebt jezelf nogal laten zien in gevechten! Ik heb wat voor je, om die volgende stap te zetten.
...Oh, hey, how you doing?
I say, you have quite shown yourself in battles! I have something for you, to take that next step.
— When the player receives their second reward
Ik voel jouw stijl echt he-le-maal! Laat me je dit geven!
I truly feel your style com-plete-ly! Let me give you this!
— When the player receives their third reward
Zo, jij vecht je suf, zeg! Dat verdient een beloning! En die krijg je ook, eh... ooit, zodra ik weer wat voor je heb gevonden. Dus ga vooral zo door!
Wow, you are battling your head off, man! That deserves a reward! And you get that one too, uh... at some point, as soon as I have found something for you again. So just keep it up!
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Meer heb ik even niet voor je.
Rustig maar, ik ben nog steeds je manager. Ga vooral zo door, kanjer!
That is all I have for you at the moment.
Take it easy, I am still your manager. Just keep it up!
— After the player receives their third reward
O, je internetverbinding is eventjes, eh... niet zo vers.
Kijk daar eerst eens even naar in de lobby, en kom dan terug. Misschien heb ik wat voor je!
Oh, your Internet connection is momentarily, uh... not so fresh.
Try taking a look into it first in the lobby, and then come back. I might have something for you!
— When not connected to the internet
Dus, wat is er loos in deze soos? Kan ik je ergens mee helpen?
So, what's the haps in this soc? Can I help you with anything?
— When navigating the menu
Hey, alles klar? Legen wir los! Und schöne Grüße von <Spielername>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Wie immer tolle Vibes in Splatsville! Jedes Mal wieder spritzig. Hallo! Ich bin Limone von den Sea Sirens!
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Kennen wir uns schon? Ich bin Limone von den Sea Sirens! Kennen wir uns? Das ist jetzt kein Spruch oder so, ich will's wirklich wissen. Nein? Dann lass mich dir trotzdem sagen, dass du 'ne echt coole Ausstrahlung hast. Hier, für dich!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Hallo! Ich bin Limone von den Sea Sirens! Ah, du bist also für diesen Anstieg an Coolness hier verantwortlich! Eindeutig! Wo ich schon da bin, hab ich gleich 'nen Vorschlag! Du hast echt Talent, und da brauchst du auf jeden Fall eine Agentin! Also, konkret mich! Was ich als Agentin mache? Zum Beispiel merke ich mir deine Kamera-Optionen und Ausrüstung. Und deine Lieblings-Styles! Alles nur einen Knopfdruck entfernt im Anpassen-Menü! Bist du bereit, mir vertraglich das Bestimmungsrecht über dein Leben zu übertragen? Kleiner Agentenwitz!
— When summoned for the first time
Gut. Dann gibt's zuerst mal eine Belohnung für diese Entscheidung.
— When the player receives their first reward
Kämpf weiter so, dann gibt's wieder eine Belohnung. Vielleicht.
— After the player receives their first reward
Hallo auch! Alles im grünen Bereich?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Kämpf nur immer schön! Liefer mir 'ne gute Show ab – schließlich bin ich deine Agentin!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Ich hab mir deine Kämpfe angesehen. Ganz schön beeindruckend! Deswegen habe ich hier was für dich!
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Du gibst wirklich alles! Und es wird sich demnächst lohnen, möchte ich behaupten... Also mach weiter so!
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Mehr habe ich nicht für dich. Aber keine Sorge, ich bin weiter deine Agentin! Mach nur immer weiter so!
— After the player receives their third reward
Puh, deine Internetverbindung ist momentan ein bisschen... nicht da? Bist gar nicht verbunden. Wenn du kurz zur Lobby gehst und dich dort verbindest, dann hab ich vielleicht was Schönes für dich. Komm einfach wieder zu mir, ja?
— When not connected to the internet
Kann ich dir irgendwas erklären?
— When navigating the menu
What up!
Guess who told me to say hi? <Player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Splatsville! Check it OUT! This place has everything, huh?
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Oh, yo! It's ya girl Pearl from Off The Hook.
Hold up. You are DRIPPIN' with style! Feels familiar... But also SO fresh!
I'm takin' notes, yo. In exchange, I'm gonna gift ya!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Anyway, AYOOO! One two, one two! It's ya girl Pearl from Off The Hook!
Look! At! You! Flawless style. I am aaall about that freshness.
Once you get enough battles under your belt, you'll be unstoppable!
Aight. Made my mind up. I'ma be your personal hype squid!
Need to load up your preferred gear and camera options? I gotchu!
I'll even keep your Freshest Fits ready to go at any time.
Then you can swap your setup in the Equip screen ANY flippin' time.
You feel me?
— When summoned for the first time
AW YEAH! I got you a li'l somethin'.
— When the player receives their first reward
Check back later, aight? I'll find even more fun stuff to give ya!
— After the player receives their first reward
Wassup, B? How you livin'?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
I'm hypin' you up out here! Go cook those battles today!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Yo, way to get your battle on! Here! I got you this.
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Hey, look who's battlin'! NICE. Look forward to a present, yo!
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Huh! Looks like I just gave you my last present... Womp womp. But I'm still your hypest hype squid, so keep those battles going!
— After the player receives their third reward
Yo. You not connected to the internet or somethin'? A quick trip to the lobby could fix that.
Well, go connect and come back! I miiight have somethin' for you!
— When not connected to the internet
So, what's up? You need somethin'?
— When navigating the menu
Yo, alles vers?
Je krijgt trouwens de groeten van <spelersnaam>!
Yo, is everything fresh?
By the way, <player name> sends their regards!
— When summoned with data from another player
Splatsville! Check dat! Hier heb je echt alles, of niet soms?
Yo, hier is je eigenste Lorelei van Tentacool. Ja, je mag klappen.
Splatsville! Check that! Here you truly have everything, don't you?
Yo, here is your very own Pearl from Off the Hook. Yes, you may applaud.
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 data (Splatsville)
Splatsville! Check dat! Hier heb je echt alles, of niet soms?
Test, één, twee, drie, vier! De enige echte Lorelei van Tentacool is hier!
Splatsville! Check that! Here you truly have everything, don't you?
Test, one, two, three, four! The one and only Pearl from Off the Hook is here!
— First-time opener with no data (Splatsville)
Johoo! Lorelei is erbij! De boel is pas cool met Tentacool!
Yahoo! Pearl is present! The place is only truly cool with Off the Hook!
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 data (Inkopolis)
Yo, yo! Test, test! Hier is je eigenste Lorelei van Tentacool!
Yo, yo! Test, test! Here is your very own Pearl from Off the Hook!
— First-time opener with no data (Inkopolis)
Wacht, kennen wij elkaar? Jij voelt bekend... Maar ook ZO vers!
Ik ben hier om inspiratie op te doen! En in ruil daarvoor, krijg jij wat leuks.
Wait, do we know each other? You feel familiar... But also SO fresh!
I am here to gather inspiration! And in return, you will get something nice.
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Ben jij misschien degene die voor deze coole atmosfeer zorgt?
Dat belooft wat als je genoeg gevechten achter de rug hebt!
Ik zal je in het oog houden. Zo'n sensatie wil ik niet missen!
Je hebt vast geen bezwaar tegen een extra fanvis die dingen voor je regelt.
Ik kan op je camera-instellingen en je uitrusting passen, als je wilt.
Ik kan zelfs je lievelingsstijlen voor je bewaren, vers gestoomd en wel!
Je kunt dan gelijk bij je uitrusting in het uitrustingsscherm.
Niet slecht, toch? Lijkt het je wat?
Are you perhaps the one who is causing this cool atmosphere?
That looks promising when you have enough battles out of the way!
I will keep an eye on you. Such a sensation I don't want to miss!
You surely have no objection to an extra fan fish who arranges things for you.
I can look after control settings and your gear, if you want.
I can even hold onto your Freshest Fits, freshly steamed and well!
Then, you can access your gear right away in the Equip menu.
Not bad, right? Like what you hear?
— When summoned for the first time
WHAHA! Ik heb iets voor je!
WHAHA! I have something for you!
— When the player receives their first reward
Als je later nog eens langskomt, zal ik iets anders moois voor je zoeken.
If you come by again later, I will seek something else nice for you.
— After the player receives their first reward
Yo, yo, yo! Hoe gaat alles en zo?
Yo, yo, yo! How is everything going and such?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Ik ben en blijf je allergrootste fan! Blijf dat slagveld domineren!
I am and remain your greatest fan of all! Keep on dominating that battlefield!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
O ja, nou ik hier toch ben...
Jij bent de laatste tijd een echte vechtmachine! Hier, cadeautje.
Oh yes, now that I am here...
You are a true fighting force of late! Here, little present.
— When the player receives their second rewards
Echt vet, zoals jij in de strijd duikt! Dit is vast iets voor jou!
Truly phat, the way you dive into battle! This is surely something for you!
— When the player receives their third rewards
Moet je jou eens bezig zien, zeg! Heel stoer. Jij gaat een cadeau tegemoet!
You should have seen yourself in action, I say! Very tough. You are in for a present!
— When summoned before having won enough battles
O, eh... Ik heb verder geen cadeautjes meer voor je. Oepsie!
Maar ik ben nog steeds je fanatiekste fan, dus hou vooral niet op met vechten!
Oh, uh... I don't have any more little presents for you. Oopsie!
But I am still your most fanatic fan, so, by all means, don't stop battling!
— After the player receives their third reward
Zeg, moet je niet verbonden zijn met het internet, of zo? Misschien moet je even langs de lobby.
Doe dat eerst eens, en kom dan weer terug. Misschien heb ik wat voor je!
Say, shouldn't you be connected to the Internet, or something? Perhaps you should pass by the lobby.
Do that first, and then come back again. I might have something for you!
— When not connected to the internet
Oké, oké, oké! Waar help ik je het beste mee?
Okay, okay, okay! What can I best help you with?
— When navigating the menu
Hallo! Ich soll Grüße ausrichten, von <Spielername>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Splatsville! Das muss man gesehen haben! Hier gibt's alles! Yeah! Hier ist Perla von TentaCool!
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Hm, du hast echt Stil. Kommt mir irgendwie bekannt vor... Da kann sogar ich mir noch was abschauen. Dafür geb ich dir was Schnuckeliges!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Yeah! Hier ist Perla von TentaCool! Wow, das nenn ich mal Stil! Stil nach meinem Geschmack! Wenn du erst genug Kämpfe hinter dir hast, wirst du bestimmt unaufhaltsam! Ja, und ich glaube, ich helfe dir dabei! Ich merk mir deine Kamera-Optionen, deine Ausrüstung und sogar deine Lieblings-Styles. Und dann kannst du jederzeit alles im Anpassen-Menü, na ja... anpassen eben. Und so. Alles klar?
— When summoned for the first time
Yeah! Ich hab was für dich!
— When the player receives their first reward
Komm später wieder vorbei. Ich schau mal, ob ich noch etwas für dich auftreibe.
— After the player receives their first reward
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Ich teile alle deine Kämpfe mit meinen Followern! Gib mir mehr Follower-Futter!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Du hast fleißig gekämpft, da hab ich was für dich!
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Hey, da hat aber jemand gekämpft! Da kannst du dich schon mal auf ein Geschenk freuen!
— When summoned before having won enough battles
So was, das war jetzt leider mein letztes Geschenk für dich. Aber kämpf schön weiter, ja? Ich will dich weiter in Aktion sehen!
— After the player receives their third reward
Yo! Heute keine Lust auf Internetverbindung, oder was? Los, lauf mal zur Lobby und verbinde dich dort. Wenn du dann wieder hierher zu mir kommst, hab ich vielleeeiiicht was Nettes als Geschenk für dich!
— When not connected to the internet
Was gibt's, was willst du wissen?
— When navigating the menu
Oh, and hi from <Player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Ahhh, Splatsville is such a cool city! So much to take in...
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Hey, I'm Marina from Off The Hook. What's going on?
Hey...Have we met before? I'm feelin' familiar fresh vibes...
Either way, I'm happy to see you. Here! A gift from me.
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Hey, I'm Marina from Off The Hook. Nice to meet you!
Ooo! Look at you, serving up funny freshness!
Wanna be friends? I definitely do.
I can remember your favorite gear and comfiest camera options...
And I'll keep track of your Freshest Fits too, of course.
Just call on me to quickly swap your setup in the Equip screen.
How's that sound to you?
— When summoned for the first time
Cool. Here's a little friendship gift, by the way.
— When the player receives their first reward
There's more swag where that came from, so stop by again later!
— After the player receives their first reward
— Opener when summoned after the first time
I'm keeping an eye on your battles! That's what friends do, after all!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
You've been hard at work battling, haven't you? Take this present!
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Nice battling! Here—this is... Huh? Uh... Let me look for your present.
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Uh-oh! Looks like I just gave you the last present I have to give. But true friendships never end...and neither do battles! Go get 'em!
— After the player receives their third reward
Huh? Oh, you aren't connected to the internet right now, are you! You can fix that from the lobby.
Come back once you've connected. I might have a present waiting!
— When not connected to the internet
Need help with something?
— When navigating the menu
Veel lieve groetjes van <spelersnaam>!
Lots of sweet greetings from <player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Ah! Splatsville! Zo'n coole stad! Zo veel te zien en te doen...
O, hoi! Ik ben Mariana van Tentacool. Hoe gaat het met jou?
Ah! Splatsville! Such a cool city! So much to see and to do...
Oh, hi! I am Marina from Off the Hook. How is it going with you?
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 data (Splatsville)
Ah! Splatsville! Zo'n coole stad! Zo veel te zien en te doen...
O, hoi! Ik ben Mariana van Tentacool. Heel leuk om je te ontmoeten!
Ah! Splatsville! Such a cool city! So much to see and to do...
Oh, hi! I am Marina from Off the Hook. Very nice to meet you!
— First-time opener with no data (Splatsville)
Hoi hoi, ik ben Mariana, van Tentacool! Hoe is het met jou?
Hi hi, I am Marina, from Off the Hook! How is it with you?
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 data (Inkopolis)
O hoi, ik ben Mariana van Tentacool! Wat leuk om je te ontmoeten!
Oh hi, I am Marina from Off the Hook! How nice to meet you!
— First-time opener with no data (Inkopolis)
Eh, kennen wij elkaar misschien? Deze versheid voelt bekend...
Nou ja, het is sowieso leuk om je te zien! Hier, dit heb ik voor je!
Uh, do we know each other perhaps? This freshness feels familiar...
Oh well, in any case, it is nice to see you! Here, I got you this!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Verfrissend om iemand met zoveel versheid te ontmoeten!
Wat dacht je ervan om maatjes te worden?
Ik ben heel goed in het bijhouden van camera-instellingen en uitrustingen!
En je lievelingsstijlen houd ik ook bij voor je, is een kleinigheid.
Je kunt dan gelijk bij je uitrusting in het uitrustingsscherm!
Heb je daar niet altijd van gedroomd?
Refreshing to meet someone with that much freshness!
What do you think about becoming buddies?
I am very good at keeping track of control settings and gear!
And I will also keep track of your Freshest Fits for you, just a little thing.
Haven't you always dreamt of that?
— When summoned for the first time
Super! Hier is trouwens een kleinigheidje voor je!
Super! By the way, here is a little something for you!
— When the player receives their first reward
Ik heb nog wel meer leuke dingen. Maar dat is voor later, goed?
I do still have more nice things. But that is for later, okay?
— After the player receives their first reward
Hallo! Alles stijlvol?
Hello! Is everything stylish?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Ik kijk naar al je gevechten, en soms zelfs de herhaling! Vriendschap voor het leven!
I am watching all your battles, and sometimes even the battle replay! Friendship for life!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Jij bent een echte kanjer op het slagveld, hè?
Al die moeite mag niet onbeloond blijven. Hopelijk kun je hier wat mee!
You are a true hero on the battlefield, eh?
All that effort must not go unrewarded. Hopefully you can do something with this!
— When the player receives their second rewards
Je passie voor gevechten is geweldig! Hier, cadeautje van mij!
Your passion for battles is awesome! Here, little present from me!
— When the player receives their third rewards
Ontzettend knap gevochten! Hier heb je... Eh... Waar is dat cadeau...
Incredibly skillfully battled! Here you have... Uh... Where is that present...
— When summoned before having won enough battles
O, dat, eh... Dat was geloof ik mijn laatste cadeautje...
Maar ware vriendschap duurt voor altijd! Ik kijk uit naar je volgende gevecht!
Oh, that, uh... I believe that was my last little present...
But true friendship lasts forever! I am looking forward to your next battle!
— After the player receives their third reward
Huh? O, geen internetverbinding? Da's niet zo handig...
Ga eerst eens langs in de lobby. Als je weer verbonden bent, heb ik misschien wel wat leuks voor je!
Huh? Oh, no Internet connection? That's not very handy...
First, try passing by the lobby. If you are connected again, I might have something nice for you!
— When not connected to the internet
Kan ik je ergens mee helpen?
Can I help you with anything?
— When navigating the menu
Hey, wie geht's? Ach so, und viele Grüße von <Spielername>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Ah! Splatsville ist sooooo cool! Es gibt so viel zu sehen... Hey, ich bin Marina von TentaCool! Schön, hier zu sein!
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Wie geht's? Hey... Sind wir uns schon mal begegnet? Diese Spritzigkeit kommt mir bekannt vor... Freut mich jedenfalls echt, dich zu sehen. Hier, für dich!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Hey, ich bin Marina von TentaCool! Wie geht's? Oh, was für eine Coolness! Die bringt schön Spritzigkeit ins Spiel! Wollen wir Freunde sein? Fände ich toll! Dann würde ich mir deine Kamera-Optionen merken und deine Ausrüstung... Und auch deine Lieblings-Styles! So kannst du dann alles ganz einfach im Anpassen-Menü ändern! Klingt das gut?
— When summoned for the first time
Cool. Hier ist gleich ein kleines Geschenk von mir.
— When the player receives their first reward
Schau später wieder vorbei, dann gibt's noch mehr!
— After the player receives their first reward
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Ich schau mir all deine Kämpfe an! So gehört sich das schließlich!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Du hast ganz schön viel gekämpft! Hier, ein Geschenk für dich!
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Prima gekämpft! Lass mich mal sehen, ich bin sicher, ich hatte ein Geschenk für dich... Kann etwas dauern.
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Oh, das war jetzt leider das letzte Geschenk, das ich für dich hatte. Aber wahre Freundschaft endet nie! Und Kämpfe auch nicht. Also los!
— After the player receives their third reward
Nanu? Du bist ja überhaupt nicht mit dem Internet verbunden. Oje. Falls du möchtest, kannst du das in der Lobby drüben erledigen. Und wenn dann die Verbindung steht, komm einfach wieder zu mir zurück. Dann hab ich vielleicht ein schönes Geschenk für dich!
— When not connected to the internet
Kann ich dir was erklären?
— When navigating the menu
Octoling Boy
Hey, it's great to meet you.
Oh yeah, and greetings from <Player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Oh! Splatsville, huh? This is nice!
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Hey, how are you?
Hey, you... We've met, right? I feel I'd remember someone THAT fresh.
You know what? It doesn't matter. Have some stuff!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
It's a pleasure to meet you.
Now THAT is the smell of freshness!
And not just the smell, but you've got the LOOK too.
Yeah... Yeah, I know a potential friend for life when I see one.
How about you? Feel like taking on a new friend?
If you are, then I can keep track of your gear and camera options.
Not only that, but I'll also remember your Freshest Fits!
Then all you'd need to do is visit the Equip screen to swap to that gear!
Because that's what friends do! They help each other.
— When summoned for the first time
How about a gift for the best battler I know?
— When the player receives their first reward
Those battles... Wow! As long as I've got gifts to give, they're yours.
— After the player receives their first reward
What's up, friend? Tentacles feeling alright?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Ha! I don't think I'll ever get sick of watching you battle.
— When summoned after getting the first reward
You are splatting up a storm! Here—I've got a gift for you.
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Great battles, friend. Give me some time, and I'll have a new gift for you.
— When summoned before having won enough battles
I hate to tell you this, but I'm all out of gifts.
But hey! I'll always be cheering you on. That's NEVER changing.
— After the player receives their third reward
You know you're not connected to the internet, right? You can link up from the lobby.
Come back once you've done that, and I might have something for you.
— When not connected to the internet
Anything I can help you with?
— When navigating the menu
Hé, leuk je te zien.
O, en ik moest je de groeten geven van <spelersnaam>!
Hey, nice to see you.
Oh, and I was told to send you <player name>'s regards!
— When summoned with data from another player
O! Splatsville? Leuk hier!
Nou, hoe is het met jou?
Oh! Splatsville? Nice here!
Well, how is it with you?
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 data (Splatsville)
O! Splatsville? Gave plek!
Maar eigenlijk is elke plek gaaf als jij er bent.
Oh! Splatsville? Awesome place!
But every place is awesome when you are there anyway.
— First-time opener with no data (Splatsville)
Hé hé, hoe gaat ie ermee?
Hey hey, How's it going?
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 data (Inkopolis)
Wat ben ik blij om je te ontmoeten!
How glad am I to meet you!
— First-time opener with no data (Inkopolis)
O, hé... Wij kennen elkaar, toch? Maar iemand die zó vers is, dat zou ik me toch wel beter herinneren...
Maakt ook eigenlijk niet uit. Dit is voor jou!
Oh, hey... We know each other, right? But someone who is SO fresh, surely I would remember that better...
Doesn't really matter anyway. This is for you!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Er ruikt hier iets ontzettend vers, ben jij dat?
O, het is niet alleen de geur, je ziet er ook helemaal vers uit!
Ja, een potentiële maat voor het leven herken ik meteen.
Wat denk je ervan? Maatjes?
Als we maten zijn, dan houd ik je uitrusting en camera-instellingen voor je bij.
En ik onthoud ook je lievelingsstijlen!
Dan hoef je alleen maar het uitrustingsscherm te bezoeken om je in één keer om te kleden.
Daar heb je namelijk maatjes voor! Om je het leven gemakkelijker te maken.
There is something smelling incredibly fresh here, is that you?
Oh, it is not only the smell, you are looking totally fresh too!
Yes, a potential mate for life I recognize immediately.
What do you think? Buddies?
When we are mates, I keep track of your gear and control settings for you.
And I keep in mind your Freshest Fits too!
Then you only need to visit the Equip menu to get changed in one go.
That is what buddies are for after all! To make life easier for you.
— When summoned for the first time
Wat dacht je van een beloning voor de beste vechter die ik ken?
What do you think of a reward for the best battler I know?
— When the player receives their first reward
Wat een vechtjas! Zolang ik cadeaus heb weg te geven, krijg jij cadeaus van mij!
What a scrapper! As long as I am giving away presents, you are getting presents from me!
— After the player receives their first reward
Hoi, maat! Hoe hangen de tentakels?
Hi, mate! How are the tentacles hanging?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Gevechten van jou, daar kan ik eeuwig naar kijken!
Battles of you, I can watch those for eternity!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Je gevechten waren fenomenaal!
Dit is voor jou, en jou alleen!
Your battles were phenomenal!
This is for you, and you alone!
— When the player receives their second rewards
Jij loopt aardig te knallen, hè? Ik heb wat om je te belonen!
You are banging pretty good, eh? I have something to reward you!
— When the player receives their third rewards
Grootse gevechten, maat. Geef me wat tijd, dan heb ik wel weer wat voor je.
Great battles, mate. Give me some time, then I will have something for you again.
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Ik heb vervelend nieuws... Ik heb geen cadeautjes meer voor je...
Maar ik blijf altijd voor je juichen! Is ook een soort cadeau, toch?
I have unpleasant news... I have no more little presents for you...
But I will always keep cheering for you! Is also a sort of present, right?
— After the player receives their third reward
Je weet dat je niet verbonden bent met het internet, toch? Daar kun je wat aan doen in de lobby.
Als dat gefikst is, dan kan ik zien of ik wat voor je heb.
You know you are not connected to the Internet, right? You can do something about that in the lobby.
If that is fixed, I can see if I have something for you.
— When not connected to the internet
Kan ik je ergens bij van dienst zijn?
Can I be of service to you in something?
— When navigating the menu
Hey, schön, dich zu sehen! Grüße soll ich ausrichten... Von <Spielername>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Schau an, Splatsville! Nett! Schön, dich zu treffen.
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Na, wie geht's dir? Hey, wir kennen uns, oder? Aber an jemand so Cooles müsste ich mich eigentlich besser erinnern... Na, ist ja auch egal. Das hier ist für dich!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Schön, dich zu treffen. Ah, ich kann die Coolness richtig riechen! Und aussehen tust du auch cool! Ja... Wir wären echt super Freunde, das merk ich gleich. Wie sieht's aus? Kannst du 'nen neuen Freund gebrauchen? Dann würde ich mir nämlich deine Kamera-Optionen und auch deine Ausrüstung merken! Und nicht nur das, deine Lieblings-Styles noch dazu! Dann kannst du deine Ausrüstung superflott im Anpassen-Menü wechseln! Freunde helfen einander schließlich!
— When summoned for the first time
Na, was würdest du zu einem Geschenk sagen?
— When the player receives their first reward
Was für Kämpfe... Wow! Mach so weiter, und ich gebe dir alle Geschenke, die ich habe!
— After the player receives their first reward
Hallo! Wie hängen die Tentakel?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Ha! Deine Kämpfe könnte ich mir ewig anschauen!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Du kleckst dich knallhart durch deine Kämpfe durch! Hier, ich hätte da ein Geschenk für dich!
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Toll gekämpft. Gib mir noch etwas Zeit, dann habe ich wieder etwas für dich.
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Ich muss dir leider sagen, dass meine Geschenke alle sind. Aber ich feuere dich weiter an! Das wird immer so bleiben!
— After the player receives their third reward
Hast du gemerkt, dass du nicht mit dem Internet verbunden bist? Dafür brauchst du einfach nur rüber in die Lobby zu laufen. Und wenn du das erledigt hast, komm doch einfach wieder hierher. Dann hab ich vielleicht was Schönes für dich.
— When not connected to the internet
Kann ich dir mit Infos helfen?
— When navigating the menu
Octoling Girl
Oh, hi there!
And also an enthusiastic hello from <Player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
So this is Splatsville. I think I love it here!
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Oh and by the way...hello!
Hm? Have we met before? I recall something about "freshness"...
Ahhh, what a pleasant memory. Here—for the nostalgia.
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
It's such a pleasure to meet you!
Yow! How cool! How interesting! How impeccably...FRESH you are!
And I sense your freshness will be ever growing too!
Hm, I wonder... Are you looking for new friends? Because I am!
As your friend, I can remember your gear and camera options.
Oh! And I can also remember your Freshest Fits!
Then you'll be able to super quickly swap gear from the Equip screen!
Well, you haven't said no, sooo... we're friends now!
— When summoned for the first time
Well then! Why don't we celebrate with a little gift?
— When the player receives their first reward
More battles, more splatting, and more GIFTS!
— After the player receives their first reward
Hello, friend! What's happening?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Your battles remain a joy to watch. I don't have a gift though. Soon!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Your battles are quite a show! Here—please take this gift.
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
I want you to know that I've been watching every one of your battles!
— When summoned before having won enough battles
With this, I have given you all of the presents I have to give!
But don't think for a moment I'll stop cheering for you in battle!
— After the player receives their third reward
Oh, if only you'd gone to the lobby and connected to the internet...
Because if you had, I'd probably have a new gift for you!
— When not connected to the internet
Now, what would you like to know?
— When navigating the menu
O, hoi hoi!
En ook de vriendelijke groeten van <spelersnaam>!
Oh, hi hi!
And also the friendly greetings from <player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Dit is dus Splatsville... Ik heb het nu al naar mijn zin!
O, en natuurlijk hallo!
So this is Splatsville... I am already enjoying myself!
Oh, and hello of course!
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 data (Splatsville)
Dit is dus Splatsville... Ik heb het nu al naar mijn zin!
Wat fijn om kennis met je te maken!
So this is Splatsville... I am already enjoying myself!
How pleasant to make your acquaintance!
— First-time opener with no data (Splatsville)
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 data (Inkopolis)
Wat leuk om je te leren kennen!
How nice getting to know you!
— First-time opener with no data (Inkopolis)
Hm, kennen wij elkaar al? Ben jij toevallig een coole klasbak?
Dat waren fijne tijden! Bedankt voor de warme herinnering!
Hm, do we know each other already? Do you happen to be a cool class act?
Those were pleasant times! Thanks for the warm memory!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Wauw, wat voor een coole klasbak ben jij dan! Aangenaam!
Ik voel dat jij bijzonder veelbelovend bent. Zo grenzeloos vers!
Hm, ben je toevallig op zoek naar nieuwe vrienden? Ik wel, namelijk!
Vrienden onthouden je uitrusting en camera-instellingen. Heel handig!
O, en de vrienden vergeten ook je lievelingsstijlen niet!
Dan heb je dat snel uitgerust in je uitrustingsscherm. Lekker makkelijk!
Nou, je hebt geen nee gezegd, dus... We zijn beste vrienden voor altijd!
Wow, what kind of cool class act are you! It is a pleasure!
I feel you are especially promising. So borderlessly fresh!
Hm, do you happen to be looking for new friends? Because I do!
Friends keep in mind your gear and control settings . Very handy!
O, and friends also don't forget your Freshest Fits!
Then you have that equipped fast in your Equip menu. Nice and easy!
Well, you haven't said 'no', so... We are best friends forever!
— When summoned for the first time
Hier, een cadeau! Dat komt nooit ongelegen, of wel dan?
Here, a present! That is never inconvenient, or is it?
— When the player receives their first reward
Meer gevechten, meer geklieder, meer cadeautjes!
More battles, more making a mess, more little presents!
— After the player receives their first reward
Gegroet, uwe versheid! Hoe gaat ie?
Greetings, Your Freshness! How's it going?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Ik mis geen minuut van je gevechten. Dat je het weet!
I am not missing a minute of your battles. Just so you know!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Ik zit bij je gevechten op het puntje van mijn stoel!
Hier, dit heb je dubbel en dwars verdiend.
I am on the edge of my seat at your battles!
Here, you have earned this twice over.
— When the player receives their second rewards
Jij maakt er nogal een show van op het slagveld! Hier, cadeautje voor jou.
You are putting on quite a show on the battlefield! Here, little present for you.
— When the player receives their third rewards
Ik kijk nog altijd het liefst naar jouw gevechten. Maar ik heb nu even niks voor je... Dat komt snel weer!
I am still looking at your battles most preferably. But I don't have anything for you right now... That will come soon!
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Ik heb verder geen cadeautjes meer voor jou, sorry!
Maar ik juich nog net zo hard voor je als je weer een showtje opvoert!
I don't have any more little presents for you, sorry!
But I am still cheering just as loud for you when you are putting on a little show again!
— After the player receives their third reward
O, was je maar naar de lobby geweest om je te verbinden met het internet...
Dan had ik misschien wel een nieuw cadeautje voor je!
Oh, if only you would have gone to the lobby to connect to the Internet...
Then perhaps I would have had a new little present for you!
— When not connected to the internet
Wat wil je van me weten?
What do you want to know from me?
— When navigating the menu
Oh, hallo! Und auch viele Grüße von <Spielername>!
— When summoned with data from another player
So sieht's also in Splatsville aus... Ich glaube, hier gefällt's mir! Freut mich, dich kennenzulernen!
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Oh, ach ja... Hallo! Hm? Sind wir uns schon mal begegnet? Ich muss irgendwie an Spritzigkeit denken... Was für 'ne schöne Erinnerung... Danke für den Nostalgietrip!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Freut mich! Hey! Wie cool! Du scheinst ja wirklich Klasse zu haben. Und kämpfen kannst du auch, das hab ich im Gefühl! Ganz schön spritzig! Suchst du vielleicht neue Freunde? Als gute Freundin würde ich mir deine Ausrüstung und Kamera-Optionen merken. Und auch deine Lieblings-Styles! Dann könntest du superschnell im Anpassen-Menü deine Ausrüstung wechseln! Uuuund damit ist die Zeit um, in der du ablehnen konntest. Jetzt sind wir offiziell Freunde!
— When summoned for the first time
Also, warum feiern wir nicht mit einem kleinen Geschenk?
— When the player receives their first reward
Mehr Kämpfe, mehr weggekleckste Gegner, mehr GESCHENKE!
— After the player receives their first reward
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Hey, ich hab mir übrigens alle deine Kämpfe angesehen!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Deine Kämpfe haben richtig Showqualität! Hier, ein Geschenk für dich!
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Deine Kämpfe sind weiter toll! Leider habe ich gerade kein Geschenk für dich. Aber bald!
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Damit hast du jetzt alle Geschenke, die ich dir geben kann. Aber ich werd dich auch weiter bei deinen Kämpfen anfeuern!
— After the player receives their third reward
Ach, wenn du nur rasch rüber in die Lobby gehen und dich mit dem Internet verbinden könntest... Dann hätte ich nämlich vielleicht ein tolles, neues Geschenk für dich!
— When not connected to the internet
Was möchtest du gern wissen?
— When navigating the menu
Octoling Octopus
Hey, it's a pleasure to meet you.
Oh! And also, hello from <Player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Oh! Splatsville, huh? I've heard of this place, it's very, uh...noisy.
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Anyway, how's it going?
Have we met? Only one person I've ever known was THAT fresh...
Yeah, I feel like we have. AND I feel like I owe you a gift, so here!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Anyway, it's real nice to meet you!
Woah! Check you out. You're like... a huge iceberg of freshness.
You and me? We're gonna be good friends. I can already tell.
In fact, I'll start tracking your gear and camera options in my brain now.
Oh yeah, and I'll memorize your Freshest Fits too.
Then you can swap to them super fast from the Equip screen.
Too good to be true, you say? Well, my friend, it's true!
— When summoned for the first time
Any chance you're interested in a gift? Of course you are!
— When the player receives their first reward
Don't stop now. I've still got gifts to give you!
— After the player receives their first reward
Hey, hello, hi! How are you?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Keep it up! Your battles just keep getting better!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
You're doing some serious battling out there. Here—you've earned yourself a smile.
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Great battles—bad timing. I need more time to get you a new gift.
— When summoned before having won enough battles
I'm sorry to tell you this, but I think I've gifted you my last gift.
But I know you. You'll keep going. And me? I'll keep cheering for you!
— After the player receives their third reward
So, about the internet... You're not connected to it.
But if you were to go to the lobby, connect up to it, then come back, I might have something for you!
— When not connected to the internet
— When navigating the menu
Hé, een eer en een plezier om je te ontmoeten.
En een hele fijne dag gewenst namens <spelersnaam>!
Hey, an honor and a pleasure to meet you.
And have a very pleasant day on behalf of <player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
O, Splatsville? Heb ik van gehoord. Het is hier, eh... lawaaierig.
Maar goed, hoe is het met jou?
Oh, Splatsville? I have heard of it. It is here, uh... noisy.
But well, how is it with you?
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 data (Splatsville)
O, Splatsville? Heb ik van gehoord. Het is hier, eh... lawaaierig.
Maar leuk om je te ontmoeten!
Oh, Splatsville? I have heard of it. It is here, uh... noisy.
But nice to meet you!
— First-time opener with no data (Splatsville)
— First-time opener with Splatoon 2 data (Inkopolis)
Ik vind het leuk om je te ontmoeten!
I find it nice to meet you!
— First-time opener with no data (Inkopolis)
Kennen wij elkaar? Ik heb maar één iemand ontmoet die ZO vers was...
Ja, dat moet jij zijn, kan niet anders. Sorry dat ik even twijfelde, hier is een geschenk voor jou!
Do we know each other? I have met only one someone who was SO fresh...
Yes, that must be you, it has got to be. Sorry I hesitated for a moment, here is a gift for you!
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Wauw, jij bent vers, én cool. Als een... ijsberg van vers.
Wij gaan goede makkers worden. Dat ruik ik meteen.
Ik onthoud je uitrusting en camera-instellingen voor je, daar hoef je je geen zorgen over te maken.
En je lievelingsstijlen onthouden, dat lukt ook nog wel.
Dan kun je je razendsnel omkleden in het uitrustingsscherm.
Klinkt dat te mooi om waar te zijn? Mooi, want het is waar!
Wow, you are fresh, AND cool. Like a... iceberg of fresh.
We are going to be good mates. I smell that immediately.
I keep in mind your gear and control settings for you, you don't need to worry about that.
And to keep in mind your Freshest Fits, I can manage that too.
Then you can change clothes superfast in the Equip menu.
Does that sound too good to be true? Good, cause it is true!
— When summoned for the first time
Kan ik je misschien warm maken voor een cadeautje? Dat lukt wel, toch?
Can I perhaps warm you for a little present? That will work, right?
— When the player receives their first reward
Je hoeft voorlopig nog niet op te houden, want ik heb nog cadeautjes voor je, hoor!
You don't need to stop for the time being, cause I still have little presents for you, you know!
— After the player receives their first reward
Hé, hallo, hoi! Loopt ie lekker?
Hey, hello, hi! Is it doing well?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Ga zo door! In elk gevecht overtref je jezelf!
Keep it up! In every battle, you are surpassing yourself!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Gevecht na gevecht na gevecht. Jij bent niet te houden!
Hier, ik heb wat voor je.
Battle after battle after battle. There is no stopping you!
Here, I have something for you.
— When the player receives their second reward
Jij weet nogal van wanten op het slagveld! Hier, ik heb wat voor je.
You know the ropes on the battlefield! Here, I have something for you.
— When the player receives their third reward
Goed gevochten, maar matige timing! Ik heb nog wat tijd nodig om een nieuw cadeau voor je te vinden.
Nicely battled, but poor timing! I still need some time to find a new present for you.
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Het spijt me ontzettend, maar dat was mijn laatste cadeau voor je.
Maar ik ken jou, jij vecht gewoon door. En ik blijf net zo hard juichen!
I am incredibly sorry, but that was my last present for you.
But I know you, you will simply battle on. And I keep cheering just as loud!
— After the player receives their third reward
O jee, klein probleempje... Je bent niet met het internet verbonden.
Als je dat even regelt in de lobby en dan weer terugkomt, heb ik misschien iets voor je!
Oh gee, slight problem... You are not connected to the Internet.
When you briefly arrange that in the lobby and then come back again, I will perhaps have something for you!
— When not connected to the internet
Ergens hulp bij nodig?
You need help with anything?
— When navigating the menu
Hey, schön, dich zu treffen. Oh! Und außerdem schönen Gruß von <Spielername>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Oh! Splatsville? Schon einiges gehört von dem Ort. Ganz schön... laut. Auf jeden Fall echt nett, dich zu treffen!
— First-time opener with either Splatoon 2 or no data
Und, wie geht's dir so? Haben wir uns schon mal gesehen? Es gibt nur eine Person, die ich kenne, die so spritzig ist... Ja, ich glaube, wir sind uns schon begegnet. Und irgendwie glaube ich, dass ich dir ein Geschenk schulde...
— When summoned with data from Splatoon 2
Nett, dich zu treffen! Hui! Du bist ja echt cool! Cool wie ein riesiger Eiswürfel! Wir beide werden sicher Freunde, das sagt mir mein Glückstentakel! Ich merke mir gern deine Kamera-Optionen und dazu auch deine Ausrüstung. Und wo ich schon dabei bin, auch gleich noch deine Lieblings-Styles. So kannst du im Anpassen-Menü alles ganz flott wechseln. Zu schön, um wahr zu sein? Aber es ist wahr, großes Ehrenwort!
— When summoned for the first time
Na, wie sieht's aus? Wärst du für ein Geschenk zu haben? Immer, oder?
— When the player receives their first reward
Lass jetzt nicht nach! Ich hab bald wieder was für dich!
— After the player receives their first reward
Hey, hallo, hi! Wie geht es dir?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Nur weiter so! Deine Kämpfe werden immer besser!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Du lässt es bei den Kämpfen ganz schön krachen. Das hier ist für dich.
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Tolle Kämpfe, schlechtes Timing. Ich brauche noch etwas Zeit, bis ich wieder ein Geschenk für dich habe.
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Es tut mir leid, aber das war mein letztes Geschenk. Aber ich weiß, du wirst deinen Weg gehen. Und ich werde dich dabei anfeuern!
— After the player receives their third reward
Eine Sache in Sachen Internet... Du scheints nicht damit verbunden zu sein. Aber wenn du rüber in die Lobby läufst, dann kannst du das nachholen. Und dann kann ich dir vielleicht was Schönes schenken!
— When not connected to the internet
Kann ich dir mit Infos helfen?
— When navigating the menu
Inkling (Yellow)
Hey, hey!
Oh, and another hey from <Player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Another day in Splatsville... Can you feel it? The energy? The LIFE?
Hold up. Do I know you? Check that. I wanna know you. Hi!
Look at you! We've got a fresh one here! Nice. I'm digging it!
Although, I'm not digging it QUITE as much as I could be. What I'm saying is...something's missing.
I got it! This is easy—you just need to earn more experience. And then? You are gonna SOAR!
Hey, would it be alright if I rode your coattails a little? Watching a friend rise to greatness sounds like a big mess of fun.
Don't worry—I can pull my weight. I can keep track of your equipped gear and camera options.
Oh, and also your Freshest Fits! Those are important. Then a quick trip to the Equip menu is all it'll take to pop into a favorite outfit!
So whaddaya say? Friends?
— When summoned for the first time
Alright, in honor of makin' it official, this present's for you!
— When the player receives their first reward
Get out there and splat somebody! I'll try to scrounge up some more gifts for you in the meantime.
— After the player receives their first reward
Hey, how's it going? Stayin' fresh? Stayin' cool?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
You DO know I'm watchin' all your battles, right? 'Cause if you didn't, well...I am!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
So, yeah! The way you've been battling out there? Wow! Can't get enough. Here—a gift for you. Thanks for being so fun to watch!
— When the player receives their second reward.
I've been watching how hard you're battlin' out there, and I felt you've earned a little reward. Enjoy!
— When the player receives their third reward
Way to battle! You're SO close to… Actually, forget I said anything. Just push a little further, OK?
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Bad news... I've given you everything I've got to give. That's it. All done. End of the line.
But the good news? You've made a friend for life. Listen hard enough, and you'll hear me cheering. Always.
— After the player receives their third reward
Hey, how's it going? Stayin' fresh? Stayin' cool?
Uh, you might wanna sit down for this... You're not connected to the internet right now.
Don't be scared though. Just head to the lobby and reconnect. I might even have a gift for you if you do!
— When not connected to the internet
— When navigating the menu
Hé, hé! En nog een extra 'hé' van <spelersnaam>!
Hey, hey! And another extra "hey" from <player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Aah, een nieuwe dag in Splatsville, vol spanning en energie! Zo veel leven hier!
O! Hallo, jij!
Aah, a new day in Splatsville, full of thrills and energy! So much life here!
Oh! Hello, you!
— First-time opener with "other" data (Splatsville)
Weer een mooie dag in Splatsville. Voel je de energie? Hoe levendig het hier is?
Wacht even, ken ik jou? En als ik jou niet ken, waarom dan niet en wat gaan we eraan doen?
Another beautiful day in Splatsville. Do you feel the energy? How lively it is here?
Hold on, do I know you? And if I don't know you, why don't I and what are we going to do about it?
— First-time opener with no data (Splatsville)
Hallo, hallo, hallo!
Hello, hello, hello!
— First-time opener with "other" data (Inkopolis)
Volgens mij... kennen wij elkaar nog niet?
I believe... we don't know each other yet?
— First-time opener with no data (Inkopolis)
Moet je jou eens zien! Wat een verse vangst ben jij! Cool, heel cool.
Al kan het nog net wat cooler. Er ontbreekt nog wat aan dit plaatje...
O, ik weet wat het is! Jij kunt nog wat meer ervaring gebruiken. Als je die opdoet, dan houdt niks je meer tegen!
Zou ik dat van dichtbij mogen meemaken? Ik zou het een grote eer vinden om een vriend uit te zien groeien tot een echte superster.
En ik sta niet alleen aan de zijlijn, hoor! Ik kan je uitrusting en je camera-instellingen voor je bijhouden.
Hoef je dat zelf niet te doen.
O, en je lievelingsstijlen! Die moet je niet onderschatten. Die kun je direct kiezen in het uitrustingsscherm om te vechten zoals je dat het liefste doet!
Dus, wat denk je? Vrienden worden?
Look at you! What a fresh catch are you! Cool, very cool.
Although, it can be just a bit cooler. There is still something missing from this picture...
Oh, I know what it is! You can still use some more experience. If you gain that, nothing will stop you!
Might I get to experience that up close? I would find it a great honor to see a friend grow into a true superstar.
And I won't be just on the sidelines, you know! I can keep track of your gear and your control settings for you.
You don't need to do that yourself.
Oh, and your Freshest Fits! You must not underestimate those. You can choose those directly in the Equip menu to battle the way you like it best!
So, what do you think? Become friends?
— When summoned for the first time
Ik heb een heel persoonlijk geschenk voor jou. Ik hoop dat je er blij mee bent!
I have a very personal gift for you. I hope it will make you happy!
— When the player receives their first reward
Blijf het strijdperk onveilig maken! Ik blijf ondertussen meer cadeaus voor je bijeenschrapen. Zo zijn we allebei hard aan het werk!
Keep making the battlefield unsafe! I will keep scraping more presents together for you in the meantime. So we are both hard at work!
— After the player receives their first reward
Hé, hoe is het met jou? Alles cool, alles vers?
Hey, how is it with you? Is everything cool, is everything fresh?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Je weet toch dat ik echt al je gevechten zie, hè? Als je het nog niet wist, dan weet je het nu.
You surely know that I truly see all your battles, eh? If you didn't know that yet, you know it now.
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Ik kan geen genoeg krijgen van jouw prestaties op het slagveld. Kan ik de hele dag naar kijken!
Hiero, ik heb wat voor je. Bedankt voor de entertainment!
I can't get enough of your performances on the battlefield. I can watch it all day long!
— When the player receives their second reward.
Ik heb heus wel gezien hoe hard jij aan het knokken bent. Het is een genot om naar te kijken! De hoogste tijd voor een beloning.
I have honestly seen how hard you are brawling. It is a delight to watch! High time for a reward.
— When the player receives their third reward
Geniaal gevochten! Je bent echt ZO dichtbij je volg- Weet je, laat maar, ik heb niks gezegd. Ga gewoon door zoals je bezig bent!
Ingeniously battled! You are truly SO close to your nex- You know, never mind, forget I said anything. Just keep going the way you are doing!
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Eh, goed nieuws en slecht nieuws... Het slechte nieuws: mijn cadeaus voor je zijn op. Gedaan. Finito.
Het goede nieuws: je hebt er een vriend voor het leven bij! Ik juich altijd voor je. De hele tijd. Soms zelfs in mijn slaap.
Uh, good news and bad news... The bad news: my presents for you have run out. It is done. Finito.
The good news: you have a friend for life with me! I am always cheering for you. The whole time. Sometimes even in my sleep.
— After the player receives their third reward
Misschien wil je even gaan zitten, ik heb vervelend nieuws voor je... Het spijt me ontzettend, maar je bent niet verbonden met het internet.
Maar niet getreurd. Ga gewoon naar de lobby en maak daar verbinding. Ik heb misschien zelfs wel wat om je te belonen!
Perhaps you want to sit down for a moment, I have unpleasant news for you... I am incredibly sorry, but you are not connected to the Internet.
But don't despair. Simply go to the lobby and connect there. I might even have something to reward you with!
— When not connected to the internet
Wil je wat weten?
What do you want to know?
— When navigating the menu
Hey, hey! Und auch noch ein „hey" von <Spielername>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Hallo erst mal! Du bist ja echt spritzig! So muss das sein! Aber warte mal, irgendwas fehlt... Genau! Du brauchst etwas mehr Erfahrung! Aber dann hält dich nichts auf! Würde es dir was ausmachen, wenn ich mich ein bisschen an dich dranhänge? Ist bestimmt toll, 'nem Freund beim Aufstieg zuzuschauen! Ich kann dir sogar dabei helfen! Ich merk mir deine Ausrüstung und deine Kamera-Optionen. Und deine Lieblings-Styles auch! Du musst dann nur kurz ins Anpassen-Menü, um deinen Style zu wechseln! Was sagst du dazu? Freunde?
— When summoned for the first time
Dieses Geschenk hier ist für dich ganz persönlich!
— When the player receives their first reward
Immer schön weiterkämpfen! Und ich seh in der Zwischenzeit zu, dass ich noch ein Geschenk für dich auftreibe!
— After the player receives their first reward
Hey, wie geht's? Alles cool, alles spritzig?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Du weißt schon, dass ich all deine Kämpfe verfolge, oder? Na ja, falls nicht, weißt du's eben jetzt!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Ich hab gesehen, wie hart du gekämpft hast, und ich finde, du hast dir 'ne kleine Belohnung verdient. Viel Spaß damit!
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Spitze gekämpft! Bald ist es so weit, und... Äh, vergiss, dass ich was gesagt habe. Mach einfach weiter so!
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Schlechte Neuigkeiten... Ich hab dir alles gegeben, was ich habe. Schluss. Aus. Finito. Aber dafür hast du eine Freundin fürs Leben gefunden. Egal wann – wenn du nur genau die Ohren spitzt, hörst du, wie ich dich anfeuere!
— After the player receives their third reward
Oh, setz dich jetzt lieber hin... Tut mir leid, aber du bist gerade nicht mit dem Internet verbunden. Aber das sollte sich leicht ändern lassen. Geh einfach kurz in die Lobby und stelle eine Verbindung zum Internet her. Vielleicht habe ich dann sogar ein Geschenk für dich, wer weiß...
— When not connected to the internet
Möchtest du etwas wissen?
— When navigating the menu
Octoling (Blue)
Hey there!
Oh yeah, I have a hi from <Player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Splatsville is nuts, ain't it? I love it here.
Anyway, hey. What's shaking?
Whoa, whoa, WHOA! Your freshness is straight-up outta control!
And the wildest part? I can tell you're just getting started.
What's with the face? I know freshness when I see it. And right now, I'm seein' it!
What that means is we gotta be friends. Don't ask why. Those're just the unwritten rules. Plus, I wanna see how far you can go.
So here's what I'm offering. I'll keep track of all your equipped gear, your camera settings, and even your Freshest Fits!
That Freshest Fits thing is key too. Those let you change outfits like BAM! Just gotta visit the Equip screen. Cool, huh?
And what do I want for all this? Nothin'. Just let me on for the ride, and I'll take it from here. So... whaddaya say? Friends?
— When summoned for the first time
Yes! This is so awesome. Here— let's make it official.
— When the player receives their first reward
Battles, battles, and MORE battles! That's, way of telling you I need a little time to get another gift ready for you. Ha...
— After the player receives their first reward
Hey, freshness! What's up?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
I just can't get enough of your thrill-a-minute style out there. Then I remember we're friends, and I'm like...whoa!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Yo! You've been throwing yourself into those battles like nobody's business. It's a blast to watch!
I could BARELY tear myself away to go gift shopping for you. That's right—I got you a gift!
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
You are a FORCE out there. Whoa! Friends or not, I can't stop watchin'. Like, I haven't even had time to get a new gift going... But I will!
— When summoned before having won enough battles
So, guess what? I'm aaaaaall outta presents. I know, right?
But that doesn't mean I won't be out there losin' my voice cheering you on. That's not changing one bit.
— After the player receives their third reward
Hey, can I put this? You and the internet aren't on speaking terms right now. Tell ya what! Head to the lobby and reconnect. I might have a gift for you if you do!
— When not connected to the internet
— When navigating the menu
Hoi hoi! Die tweede 'hoi' kwam van <spelersnaam>!
Hi hi! That second 'hi' came from <player name>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Altijd wat loos in Splatsville. Ik heb het hier zeker naar mijn zin!
En jij, hoe gaat het met jou?
There is always something happening in Splatsville. I am certainly enjoying myself here!
And you, how is it going with you?
— First-time opener with "other" data (Splatsville)
Splatsville is wild, vind je ook niet? Ik ben er helemaal verzot op.
En hoe is het met jou op deze mooie dag?
Splatsville is wild, don't you agree? I am totally crazy about it.
And how is it with you on this beautiful day?
— First-time opener with no data (Splatsville)
Hoi, hoe is het met jou?
Hi, how is it with you?
— First-time opener with "other" data (Inkopolis)
O, hé! Aangenaam kennismaken!
Oh, hey! Pleased to meet you!
— First-time opener with no data (Inkopolis)
Waaauwie, wat is dit dan? Ik kan nauwelijks bevatten hoe vers jij bent!
En wat het helemaal ongelofelijk maakt, is dat je nog maar net bent begonnen. Bijna beangstigend, dit!
Dat bedoel ik positief! Ik ben expert op het gebied van versheid, dus geloof mij maar als ik je zeg dat je wat bijzonders bent.
En omdat ik expert bent, moeten wij vrienden worden. Het zou gewoon onlogisch zijn als we dat niet waren. Dan krijg ik er lastige vragen over.
Dus hier is mijn aanbod: ik houd je uitrusting voor je bij, en je camera-instellingen, en zelfs je lievelingsstijlen!
Zo'n lievelingsstijl is echt de bom. Daarmee kun je je hele uitrusting veranderen in één knal! Gewoon, als je het uitrustingsscherm bezoekt!
En in ruil voor mijn geweldige steun? Helemaal niks! Gewoon, een vriendendienst. Dus, mag ik meebeleven hoe je de beste in Splatsville wordt?
Woooowie, what is this then? I can barely comprehend how fresh you are!
And what makes it even more incredible, is that you have only just begun. Almost frightening, this!
I mean that in a positive way! I am an expert in the field of freshness, so you can trust me when I say you are something special.
And because I am an expert, we must become friends. It would simply be illogical if we weren't. Then I will get tough questions about it.
So here is my offer: I will keep track of your gear for you, and your control settings, and even your Freshest Fits!
Such a Freshest Fit is truly the bomb! With that, you can change your entire gear in one bang! Simply, when you visit the Equip menu!
And in return for my awesome support? Absolutely nothing! Simply, as a favor. So, can I experience at first hand how you will become the best in Splatsville?
— When summoned for the first time
Geweldig, geweldig! Hier, wat om het te vieren.
Awesome, awesome! Here, something to celebrate it.
— When the player receives their first reward
Vechten, vechten, VECHTEN! Eh, ik bedoel, dat zul je nog even moeten blijven doen, want ik heb nog geen nieuw cadeau voor je geregeld...
(Fight, fight, FIGHT! Uh, I mean, you will have to keep doing that for a moment, cause I haven't prepared a new present for you yet.)
— After the player receives their first reward
Hé, uwe versheid! Alles kits?
Hey, Your Freshness! Everything all right?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Ik krijg geen genoeg van jouw stijlvolle geknok. En dan bedenk ik me dat wij vrienden zijn, en dan sta ik te glimmen van trots!
I can't get enough of your stylish brawling. And then I realize that we are friends, and then I am gleaming with pride!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Hé, bezig baarsje. Vergeet niet om af en toe ook je rust te pakken, weet je?
Maar na al dat harde werk heb je het wel verdiend om beloond te worden. Hier, voor jou!
Hey, busy little perch. Don't forget to take your rest from time to time too, you know?
But after all that hard work you do deserve to be rewarded. Here, for you!
— When the player receives their second reward
Hé, bezige bij. Vergeet niet om af en toe ook je rust te pakken, weet je? Maar na al dat harde werk heb je het wel verdient [sic] om beloond te worden. Hier, voor jou!
Hey, busy bee. Don't forget to take your rest from time to time too, you know? But after all that hard work you do deserve to be rewarded. Here, for you!
— When the player receives their second reward[b]
Wauwie, wat ben jij druk aan het vechten geweest. Zo ontzettend vet om te volgen!
Ik kon haast geen gaatje vinden om wat voor je te kopen, maar het is me toch gelukt. Gefeliciteerd!
Wowie, how busy you have been battling. So incredibly phat to follow!
I could hardly find a window to buy something for you, but I managed to do it anyway. Congratulations!
— When the player receives their third reward
Jij bent haast een natuurkracht als je in je element bent! Ik kan niet wegkijken als jij vecht! En daarom heb ik ook nog geen beloning voor je, sorry...
You are almost a force of nature when you are in your element! I can't look away when you are battling! And that is why I also don't have a reward for you yet, sorry...
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Weet je, ik heb geen cadeaus meer voor je. Ik weet het, niet zo tof.
Maar dat betekent niet dat ik je niet toe blijf juichen tot ik er schor van ben. Dat verandert nooit!
You know, I don't have any more presents for you. I know, not so great.
But that doesn't mean I won't keep cheering you on until I am hoarse from it. That will never change!
— After the player receives their third reward
Hm, hoe zeg ik dit op een beleefde manier... Jij en het internet, jullie zijn even niet de beste vrienden, of wel?
Luister, ga gewoon even naar de lobby en maak het weer goed. Misschien kan ik je dan zelfs wel belonen!
Hm, how do I say this in a polite manner... You and the Internet, you guys aren't the best friends for the moment, or are you?
Listen, simply go to the lobby and make it up. Maybe then I can even reward you!
— When not connected to the internet
Kan ik wat voor je betekenen?
Is there something I can do for you?
— When navigating the menu
Hallo! Und auch ein Hallo von <Spielername>!
— When summoned with data from another player
Na, wie sieht's aus? Wow, einfach nur wow! Deine Spritzigkeit ist echt kaum zu fassen! Und das Beste? Du stehst gerade erst am Anfang, würde ich mal sagen! Ja, ich hab ein Auge für so was! Wir müssen einfach Freunde werden! Frag nicht, warum, so sind nun mal die Regeln. Außerdem will ich sehen, wie weit du es noch bringst! Mein Angebot an dich: Ich merke mir deine Ausrüstung, deine Kamera-Optionen und deine Lieblings-Styles! Gerade die Lieblings-Styles sind wichtig! Mit denen kannst du%nruckzuck im Anpassen-Menü deine Ausrüstung wechseln! Cool, oder? Was ich dafür im Gegenzug haben will? Nichts. Lass mich einfach zusehen, wie du dich nach oben kämpfst! Also... Sind wir Freunde?
— When summoned for the first time
Super! Das hier hast du dir verdient!
— When the player receives their first reward
Kämpfe, Kämpfe, Kämpfe! Was ich, äh, damit sagen will... Ich brauche noch etwas Zeit, bis ich wieder ein Geschenk für dich habe.
— After the player receives their first reward
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Ich krieg einfach nicht genug von deinen Kämpfen! Und dann fällt mir plötzlich ein, dass wir ja Freunde sind, und ich bin total geflasht!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Du hast dich ja mitten ins Kampfgetümmel gestürzt! Da schaut man doch gern zu! Ich konnte mich kaum losreißen, um dir ein Geschenk zu besorgen. Richtig gehört – ich hab was für dich!
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Du bist ja unaufhaltsam! Man kann einfach nicht wegschauen! Aber ich werd wohl müssen, damit ich dir ein Geschenk besorgen kann...
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Tja, vielleicht kannst du es dir schon denken, aber mir sind die Geschenke ausgegangen. Aber ich bleibe weiter dein Fan und feuere dich superfleißig an, darauf kannst du dich verlassen!
— After the player receives their third reward
Hm, wie sag ich das jetzt? Also, das Internet und du, ihr scheint gerade keinen Draht zueinander zu haben... Geh am besten einfach in die Lobby und stelle eine Verbindung her. Vielleicht habe ich dann ja auch ein Geschenk für dich!
— When not connected to the internet
Worüber möchtest du denn etwas wissen?
— When navigating the menu
Hmmm. This Smallfry appears to be affiliated with someone named <Player name>.
— When summoned with data from another player
Surrounded by the sights of Splatsville, this little Smallfry must not know where to look first...
Ah! It seems to have noticed you. And now it's staring at you. Intently. Don't be alarmed... yet.
It seems this Smallfry is trying to tell you something! What could that blank stare mean?
Ah! It's marked you as a uniquely fresh individual—whose freshness will grow even stronger over time. As a token of its admiration, this Smallfry hopes to watch over your progress...and officially become your friend! Aw!
Friends can remember your equipped gear and camera settings, and track your Freshest Fits for you. With this Smallfry's help, you could change your gear on the Equip screen much more efficiently...
How will you respond to this small yet generous Salmonid's offer to become your friend?
— When summoned for the first time
This Smallfry looks pleased to have formed a bond with you! Or perhaps it's just grimacing due to gas pain...
Oh! It wants to show you something. Looks like a present just for you!
— When the player receives their first reward
Steadfast. Stalwart. This Smallfry seems to want one thing, and one thing watch you grow even fresher from here! If you engage in a few more battles and boost your freshness a bit, it would surely enjoy another quick check-in. What a good friend.
— After the player receives their first reward
This Smallfry looks pleased to see you! It can be hard to tell.
— Opener when summoned after the first time
This Smallfry has been tracking your battles with great enthusiasm. Despite its standard chaotic energy, it hasn't slept in quite a while.
— When summoned after getting the first reward
This Smallfry seems thrilled by your performance in recent battles.
Oh? What's it got there? Is that... It is! It's a present just for you!
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
This Smallfry seems satisfied with your performance in recent battles. Pride, like most of its emotions, appears as a bug-eyed grin.
— When summoned before having won enough battles
With that gesture complete, the Smallfry's usual chipper demeanor turns downward. That was the last present it had to give.
But its greatest friendship. This Smallfry will still do its best to help you whenever you'd like!
— After the player receives their third reward
This Smallfry seems restless... Perhaps it's because you're not connected to the internet.
It may settle down if you come back after connecting to the internet in the lobby.
— When not connected to the internet
Is there anything you'd like to ask of this Smallfry?
— When navigating the menu
Hmmm. Deze Salmini is afkomstig van <spelersnaam>.
Hmmm. This Smallfry comes from <player name>.
— When summoned with data from another player
Deze Salmini laat alle indrukken van Splatsville op zich inwerken. Hij weet niet waar hij eerst naar moet kijken...
Aha, hij heeft je ontdekt! Al blijft het gissen welke emoties er schuilgaan achter die overdreven grote puilogen van hem...
This Smallfry is growing accustomed to all impressions of Splatsville. He doesn't know what to look at first...
Aha, he has discovered you! Although it remains guesswork which emotions lie behind those exaggerated great bulging eyes of his...
— First-time opener with "other" data (Splatsville)
Die kleine Salmini weet vast niet wat hem overkomt, zo midden in de grote stad...
O, hij heeft je gezien! En nu staart hij naar je. Zonder weg te kijken... Maak je geen zorgen. Nog niet.
That little Smallfry must not know what hits him, so in the middle of the big city...
Oh, he has seen you! And now he is staring at you. Without looking away... You don't have to worry. Not yet.
— First-time opener with no data (Splatsville)
De Salmini kijkt eens rond waar hij zich bevindt.
Nu heeft hij jou gezien. Maar je kunt niet echt iets opmaken uit zijn ogen of uitdrukking. Hmm.
The Smallfry is looking around where he is finding himself.
Now he has seen you. But you can't truly make out something from his eyes or expression. Hmm.
— First-time opener with "other" data (Inkopolis)
Deze kleine Salmini neemt de geuren en kleuren van de stad in zich op.
O! Hij heeft je gezien. En nu kijkt hij in je richting. Heel gefixeerd. Het begint ongemakkelijk te worden...
This little Smallfry is taking in the smells and colors of the city.
Oh! He has seen you. And now he is looking in your direction. Very fixated. It is beginning to be uncomfortable...
— First-time opener with no data (Inkopolis)
Deze Salmini lijkt je wat te willen vertellen! Wat zou die glazige blik van hem kunnen betekenen?
Ohhh, hij vindt je een opmerkelijk verse vechter, en verwacht hele grote dingen van je in de toekomst.
Omdat hij je zo bewondert, wil deze Salmini je voortgang van dichterbij volgen... en een vriend van je worden! Och, wat schattig!
Een vriend kan je uitrusting, je camera-instellingen en je lievelingsstijlen voor je onthouden. Dat dat allemaal in dat kleine koppie past!
Dankzij deze behulpzame Salmini kun je veel efficiënter van uitrusting wisselen in het uitrustingsscherm.
Wat zeg je op het aanbod van deze kleine Salmini met zijn grote hart?
This Smallfry looks like he wants to tell you something! What could this glazed look of his mean?
Ohhh, he is finding you a remarkable fresh battler, and expects very great things of you in the future.
Because he is admiring you so, this Smallfry wants to follow your progress from up close... and become a friend of yours! Oh, how cute!
A friend can keep in mind your gear, your control settings and your Freshest Fits for you. That all that fits in that little noggin!
Thanks to this helpful Smallfry you can change gear much more efficiently in the Equip menu.
What do you say to the offer of this little Smallfry with his great heart?
— When summoned for the first time
De Salmini lijkt heel blij dat hij je vriend is. Of misschien heeft hij die grimas omdat hij iets verkeerds heeft gegeten?
O! Hij wil je wat laten zien! Een cadeau!
The Smallfry looks very glad to be your friend. Or perhaps he has that grimace because he ate something wrong?
Oh! He wants you to see something! A present!
— When the player receives their first reward
Standvastig. Onwrikbaar. Deze Salmini wil maar één ding. Erop toezien dat jij steeds nóg verser voor de dag komt!
Als je nog wat potjes uitvecht en je versheid weer wat toeneemt, komt hij maar wat graag weer poolshoogte nemen. Wat een warme vriend.
Steadfast. Unshakable. This Smallfry only wants one thing. To see to it that you are making an EVEN more fresh impression!
When you battle out some more games and your freshness increases some again, he will be more than happy to size up the situation. What a warm friend.
— After the player receives their first reward
De Salmini lijkt blij om je te zien! Dat denk ik tenminste...
The Smallfry looks glad to see you! That is what I think at least...
— Opener when summoned after the first time
De Salmini heeft je gevechten ijverig gevolgd. Je ziet het misschien niet aan hem af, maar hij heeft nauwelijks geslapen van de opwinding.
The Smallfry has followed your battles diligently. You might not know looking at him, but he has barely slept from the excitement.
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Er lijkt een fonkeling te zien in die normaal wat glazige blik van de Salmini. Misschien een aanmoediging om nóg verser te worden?
O! Hij heeft op de een of andere manier een cadeau voor je weten te ritselen!
There looks like a glimmering to be seen in those normally somewhat glazed look of the Smallfry. Perhaps an encouragement to become EVEN fresher?
Oh! He has rustled up a present for you in one way or another!
— When the player receives their second reward
De Salmini lijkt heel erg enthousiast over je prestaties in je laatste gevechten.
O, wat heeft hij daar? Is dat... Ja! Hij heeft een cadeautje voor je!
The Smallfry looks really very enthusiastic about your performances in your last battles.
Oh, what does he have there? Is that... Yes! He has a little present for you!
— When the player receives their third reward
De Salmini lijkt heel erg tevreden over je recente prestaties. Je kunt zijn trots aflezen aan zijn suffe grijns. Net als de meeste emoties.
Krijg je ook de indruk dat hij je iets wil geven, maar niet goed weet hoe? Laten we hem maar wat tijd geven om dat voor zichzelf uit te zoeken.
The Smallfry looks really very satisfied with your recent performances. You can read off his pride from his silly grin. Just like most emotions.
Do you also get the impression he wants to give you something, but doesn't really know how? Let's just give him some time to figure that out for himself.
— When summoned before having won enough battles
De Salmini lijkt plotseling wat minder opgetogen. Schijnbaar heeft hij geen cadeaus meer voor je.
Maar zijn grootste geschenk is natuurlijk zijn vriendschap. Die zal hij je altijd blijven geven!
The Smallfry suddenly looks somewhat less excited. He has seemingly no more presents for you.
But his greatest gift is, naturally, his friendship. He will always keep giving you that!
— After the player receives their third reward
De Salmini lijkt wat ontdaan... Misschien omdat je niet met het internet bent verbonden?
Misschien zou het hem wat kalmeren als je in de lobby weer verbinding weet te maken. En kom dan zeker even kijken hoe het met hem gaat!
The Smallfry looks somewhat upset... Perhaps because you are not connected to the Internet?
Perhaps it could calm him somewhat if you would happen to make a connection again in the lobby. And then be sure to have a look to see how it is going with him!
— When not connected to the internet
Heb je een vraag voor deze Salmini?
Do you have a question for this Smallfry?
— When navigating the menu
Hmmm. Es sieht so aus, als käme dieser Salmini von jemandem namens <Spielername>.
— When summoned with data from another player
Der Salmini nimmt die Eindrücke des Stadtgeschehens in sich auf. Ah! Er scheint dich bemerkt zu haben. Und jetzt starrt er dich an. In-ten-sivst. Es wird langsam komisch... Es scheint, dass dieser Salmini dir etwas mitteilen möchte! Was könnte dieser starre Blick dir wohl sagen wollen? Er findet dich anscheinend spritzig und ist sich sicher, dass du es weit bringen wirst. Der Salmini möchte dir dabei zusehen und wäre gern dein Freund. Ach, wie süß! Als Freund kann er sich deine Ausrüstung und deine Kamera-Optionen merken, und außerdem deine Lieblings-Styles. So wird es viel einfacher, im Anpassen-Menü deine Ausrüstung zu wechseln... Was sagst du zu diesem Angebot dieses kleinen Salminis mit dem großen Herzen?
— When summoned for the first time
Der Salmini scheint sich über das Band zu freuen, das zwischen euch entstanden ist. Vielleicht hat er aber auch was Falsches gegessen. Oh! Er will dir etwas zeigen! Es ist ein Geschenk!
— When the player receives their first reward
Unbeirrbar. Unaufhaltsam. Der Salmini scheint nur eines zu wollen: Dir dabei zuzusehen, wie du noch spritziger wirst! Er würde sich sicher freuen, wenn du noch ein paar Kämpfe mehr absolvierst und ihn dann wieder besuchst!
— After the player receives their first reward
Man sieht es ihm nicht immer gleich an, aber der Salmini freut sich, dich zu sehen.
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Der Salmini hat deine Kämpfe eifrig verfolgt. Es ist nicht leicht zu erkennen, aber er hat vor lauter Aufregung kaum geschlafen.
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Der Salmini scheint begeistert von deinen Kämpfen zu sein. Nanu? Was ist denn das? Ist das...? Tatsächlich! Ein Geschenk für dich!
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Der Salmini scheint zufrieden mit deiner Darbietung in deinen letzten Kämpfen zu sein. Auch Stolz drückt er wohl durch schiefes Grinsen aus. Oh, und er möchte dir wohl ein Geschenk geben... Aber es scheint noch nicht ganz fertig zu sein.
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Der Salmini wirkt plötzlich weniger gut aufgelegt als sonst. Das war anscheinend sein letztes Geschenk. Doch sein größtes Geschenk ist... Freundschaft. Er wird dir weiterhin helfen, so gut er kann!
— After the player receives their third reward
Der Salmini wirkt unruhig... Ob es daran liegt, dass du nicht mit dem Internet verbunden bist? Vielleicht beruhigt er sich, wenn du kurz in die Lobby gehst, um eine Verbindung herzustellen, und dann wiederkommst.
— When not connected to the internet
Möchtest du diesen Salmini etwas fragen?
— When navigating the menu
Hello there. I've just come from visiting<Player name> to check in.
— When summoned with data from another player
Hmph. This place isn't really my scene. But anyway...
— When summoned for the first time in Inkopolis Plaza
Well, hello. I'm the one and only Shiver! Surely you know me from Deep Cut, the freshest pop sensation in the Splatlands.
Well, well... You look like you've got teeth. But do you have the bite to go with them?
I'm sure getting a few more battles under your belt wouldn't hurt. You could turn out to be quite the ally...
That's why I'm going to offer you the opportunity to become my friend. Officially.
As your friend, I can remember what gear you like to use, your camera settings, and even your Freshest Fits. It's good to be my friend.
If you agree, then you'll be able to call on me via the Equip screen. I'll get your setup sorted in the thresh of a tail.
What do you say? Are we going to be friends?
— When summoned for the first time
Thank you, friend. Here—I've got a little something to help you remember this moment forever.
— When the player receives their first reward
I may have a few other surprises in store...but I need you to go battle your heart out for a while first. Come see me again, OK?
— After the player receives their first reward
Oh, it's you. Hello there. What's the latest?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
You think I'm not paying attention? Far from it. Keep on battling, and when the time is right, I'll have something for you.
— When summoned after getting the first reward
I've seen you in battle. You really put the pedal to the megalodon, as I've been known to say... Here—I got you a little something as a reward.
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Don't worry—I've been keeping a close eye on your progress. You're quite close to something special, so keep up the good work!
— When summoned before having won enough battles
With that, I have no more gifts to offer. Other than my friendship, which is everlasting.
I hope you like the gifts I've given you. It would show remarkably good taste if you did.
— After the player receives their third reward
Forgot something? Because I sure didn't. It's called the internet, and I'm going to need you to connect to it.
Go on—visit the lobby to get connected. Who knows? I might even have something good for you.
— When not connected to the internet
Just let me know if I can help you with anything, OK?
— When navigating the menu
Ik kom net terug van een bezoekje aan <spelersnaam>.
I just came back from a little visit to <player name>.
— When summoned with data from another player
Hé, hallo! Ja, ik ben het! Haya! Je kent me natuurlijk al van Deep Cut, de meest verse popsensatie van de Splatlands! Tof dat je een fan bent!
Hey, hello! Yes, it is me! Shiver! Naturally, you know me already from Deep Cut, the most fresh pop sensation of the Splatlands! Great that you are a fan!
— First-time opener with "other" data (Splatsville)
Hé, hallo! Ja, ik ben het! Haya! Je kent me natuurlijk al van Deep Cut, de meest verse popsensatie van de Splatlands! Tof dat je een fan bent!
Hey, hello! Yes, it is me! Shiver! Naturally, you know me already from Deep Cut, the most fresh pop sensation of the Splatlands! Great that you are a fan!
— First-time opener with no data (Splatsville)
Hm, ik voel me hier eigenlijk niet helemaal in mijn element.
Maar goed. Ja, ik ben het! Haya! Je kent me natuurlijk al van Deep Cut, de meest verse popsensatie van de Splatlands! Tof dat je een fan bent!
Hm, I am actually not feeling entirely in my element here.
But, well. Yes, it is me! Shiver! Naturally, you know me already from Deep Cut, the most fresh pop sensation of the Splatlands! Great that you are a fan!
— First-time opener with "other" data (Inkopolis)
Hm, ik voel me hier eigenlijk niet helemaal in mijn element.
Maar goed. Ja, ik ben het! Haya! Je kent me natuurlijk al van Deep Cut, de meest verse popsensatie van de Splatlands! Tof dat je een fan bent!
Hm, I am actually not feeling entirely in my element here.
But, well. Yes, it is me! Shiver! Naturally, you know me already from Deep Cut, the most fresh pop sensation of the Splatlands! Great that you are a fan!
— First-time opener with no data (Inkopolis)
Nou, nou... Ik hou ervan als iemand van zich af kan bijten.
Ik kan nu al zien dat je een geweldige bondgenoot zult worden in de strijd en ik hoop nog heel wat van je gevechten te zien...
Daarom stel ik voor om officieel maatjes te worden. Een hele eer, ik weet het.
Als je maatje onthoud ik je uitrusting, je camera-instellingen en zelfs je lievelingsstijl. Nu je dat weet, wil je natuurlijk helemaal maatjes worden.
In de praktijk betekent het dat je me via het uitrustingscherm kunt roepen en dan geef ik je binnen een mum van tijd wat je nodig hebt.
Wat zeg je ervan? Worden we maatjes?
My, my... I love it when someone can hit back fiercely.
I can now already see that you will become an awesome ally in battle and I hope to see still quite some of your battles...
That is why I propose to officially become buddies. Quite an honor, I know.
As your buddy, I will keep in mind your gear, your control settings, and even your Freshest Fit. Now that you know that, naturally, you totally want to become buddies.
In practice, it means that you can call me via the Equip menu and then I will give you what you need in a minimum of time.
What do you say? Do we become buddies?
— When summoned for the first time
Dank je wel, maatje! Hier heb je een nieuw aandenken om je voor altijd en eeuwig aan dit moment te herinneren!
Thank you, buddy! Here you have a new keepsake to remind you of this moment for always and forever!
— When the player receives their first reward
Ik heb misschien nog wel een verrassing voor je, maar daarvoor moet je eerst je tanden in nog een paar gevechten zetten.
I might still have a surprise for you, but for that, you must first sink your teeth into a couple more battles.
— After the player receives their first reward
O, jij bent het! Hallo, wat kan ik voor je doen?
Oh, it is you! Hello, what can I do for you?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Denk je dat ik niet op je voortgang zit te letten? Dat doe ik heus wel. Zodra je er genoeg voor gevochten hebt, krijg je iets van mij. Beloofd!
Do you think I am not paying attention to your progress? I am honestly doing that. As soon as you have battled enough for it, you will be getting something from me. Promised!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
O, hoe kan ik dit nou vergeten? Hier is een kleinigheidje als aandenken aan het begin van onze vriendschap. Maak er goed gebruik van, oké?
Oh, how can I forget this now? Here is a little something as a keepsake of the beginning of our friendship. Make good use of it, okay?
— When the player receives their second reward
Je hebt flink je haaientanden laten zien in de strijd, wat het grootste compliment is dat ik kan geven. Hier is iets speciaals voor je als beloning.
You have quite shown your shark's teeth in battle, which is the greatest compliment I can give. Here is something special for you as a reward.
— When the player receives their third reward
Geen zorgen. Ik heb je voortgang bekeken en je bent bijna zover voor iets speciaals. Als je daar happig op bent, moet je nog even doorvechten.
No worries. I have looked at your progress and you are almost ready for something special. If you are keen on that, you should battle on a little longer.
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Dat waren alle cadeautjes die ik voor je heb. Behalve mijn vriendschap natuurlijk. Die krijg je voor eeuwig.
Ik hoop dat je mijn cadeautjes leuk vindt. Dat kan niet anders, als je goede smaak hebt.
That were all the little presents I have for you. Except for my friendship, naturally. You will be getting that forever.
I hope you like my little presents. It cannot be otherwise if you have good taste.
— After the player receives their third reward
Ben je iets vergeten? Internet bijvoorbeeld? Dat lijkt me wel zo handig om te gebruiken.
Kom op, hobbel even naar de lobby om verbinding te maken. Wie weet heb ik dan wel iets voor je.
Are you forgetting something? Internet for example? To me, that does look quite handy to use.
Come on, briefly hobble to the lobby to connect. Who knows, I may have something for you then.
— When not connected to the internet
Laat het maar weten als je wilt dat ik je ergens bij help, dan zet ik mijn tanden erin en laat ik niet meer los.
Just let me know if you want me to help you with something, then I will sink my teeth in it and I won't let go again.
— When navigating the menu
Dang, bold move to call me up here in the fancy city! I'm liable to break something by just LOOKING at it. But anyway...
— When summoned for the first time in Inkopolis Plaza
Frye from Deep Cut here, ready for battle! Repping the Splatlands...we drink ink while the suckers lip-synch. Booyah!
Yo, you're looking STRONGK! The extra K is for crushing it, because you totally are!
Keep this up, and you'll be a superfresh Splatlandian in no time, I just know it.
Maybe one day you'll even be the savior of the Splatlands... Bah! I'm getting ahead of myself.
For now, why don't we officially friend up and bond over stories from the battlefield?
It's pretty cool to be my friend, because I'll remember your fave gear, your camera settings, and even all your Freshest Fits!
Then you just hit me up from the Equip screen, and BAM-Frye's on the case. I'll get that gear dialed up faster than an electric-eel zap!
So whaddaya say? BFF? Be Frye's Friend?
— When summoned for the first time
I gotchu. Literally. I gotchu a little commemorative gift!
— When the player receives their first reward
Come back and see me once you've battled more. I'll just be chilling here, waiting to give you something super awesome!
— After the player receives their first reward
Yooo! How's it going? You good?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
As your friend, you know I'm gonna stalk all your battles, right? I'll be watching youUuUuU!
— When summoned after getting the first reward
I've seen you out there...totally lighting it up in battle. Nice work! Don't let it go to your head, but I got you a li'l reward...
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
That's the last gift you're gonna get from me-we're DONE! Dun, dun, DUNNNNNN!
Ahhh, I'm just messing with you. I mean, I'm dead serious about the gift, but I'll be your pal forever. Splatsville for life!
— After the player receives their third reward
Ca-CLUNK! That's the sound of your internet hitting the bricks.
Go hit up the lobby and get connected again, then come back and see me, OK? I might have something for you!
— When not connected to the internet
Mmmkay, so what's up? Anything you need from me?
— When navigating the menu
Yo, bedankt voor het wachten!
Nu ben ik hier, maar hiervoor was ik bij <spelersnaam>! Maf, hè?
Yo, thanks for the wait!
Now I am here, but before this, I was at <player name>! Mad, eh?
— When summoned with data from another player
Yo, Muriël, je kent me wel, van Deep Cut is van de partij! Maak je borst maar nat, want de beste band van de Splatlands, dat zijn wij!
Yo, Frye, you do know me, from Deep Cut is present! You better be prepared, cause the best band of the Splatlands, is us!
— First-time opener with "other" data (Splatsville)
Yo, Muriël, je kent me wel, van Deep Cut is van de partij! Maak je borst maar nat, want de beste band van de Splatlands, dat zijn wij!
Yo, Frye, you do know me, from Deep Cut is present! You better be prepared, cause the best band of the Splatlands, is us!
— First-time opener with no data (Splatsville)
Dapper dat je me in deze sjieke stad durft uit te nodigen! Ik zeg niet dat ik alles breek, maar als ik ergens naar kijk, blijft het niet lang heel. Maar goed...
Muriël, je kent me wel, van Deep Cut is van de partij! Maak je borst maar nat, want de beste band van de Splatlands, dat zijn wij!
Daring of you to dare invite me to this chic city! I am not saying I will break everything, but when I look at anything, it doesn't stay intact for long. But well...
Frye, you do know me, from Deep Cut is present! You better be prepared, cause the best band of the Splatlands, is us!
— First-time opener with "other" data (Inkopolis)
Dapper dat je me in deze sjieke stad durft uit te nodigen! Ik zeg niet dat ik alles breek, maar als ik ergens naar kijk, blijft het niet lang heel. Maar goed...
Muriël, je kent me wel, van Deep Cut is van de partij! Maak je borst maar nat, want de beste band van de Splatlands, dat zijn wij!
Daring of you to dare invite me to this chic city! I am not saying I will break everything, but when I look at anything, it doesn't stay intact for long. But well...
Frye, you do know me, from Deep Cut is present! You better be prepared, cause the best band of the Splatlands, is us!
— First-time opener with no data (Inkopolis)
Yo, jij ziet er STERRUHK uit! Ja, met een extra UH, want dat zeggen al jouw tegenstanders als jij aan komt stormen om ze in de verf te zetten!
Je maakt vast kans om ereburger van de Splatlands te worden. Geen idee wat dat betekent, behalve dat je hamburgers voor het leven krijgt.
En nu we het toch hebben over "voor het leven"...
Zin om maatjes te worden en samen van verhalen over gevechten te genieten bij het strijdkampvuur?
Het is echt cool om mijn maatje te zijn, want ik onthou je uitrusting, je camera-instellingen, en zelfs je lievelingsstijlen!
Ja, dat past allemaal in dat grote hoofd van mij! En dan kom je langs bij het uitrustingscherm en BOEM! Dan geef ik je in één klap wat je wil!
Dus? Worden we nu maatjes? Of later maatjes? Of daarna maatjes?
Yo, you are looking STRONG-UH! Yes, with an extra UH, cause that is what all your opponents are saying when you come storming in to put them in paint![note 3]
Feel like becoming buddies and enjoying stories about battles together at the battle campfire?
It is truly cool to be my buddy, cause I keep in mind your gear, your control settings, and even your Freshest Fits!
Yes, that will all fit in that great head of mine! And then you will come by the Equip menu and BOOM! Then I will be giving you what you want in one fell swoop!
So? Do we become buddies now? Or buddies later? Or buddies after that?
— When summoned for the first time
Hebbes! Een cadeautje, bedoel ik. Ik heb een cadeautje voor je om te vieren dat ik je een cadeautje geef. Diep, hè?
Gotcha! A little present, I mean. I have a little present for you to celebrate that I am giving you a little present. Deep, eh?
— When the player receives their first reward
Ga nog even los op het slagveld en kom dan bij mij terug. Ik wil je iets cools geven, maar dan moet je wel eerst wat verse acties laten zien.
Keep cutting loose on the battlefield for the moment and then come back to me. I want to give you something cool, but then you must let me see some fresh action first.
— After the player receives their first reward
Yooo! Gaat ie lekker?
Yooo! Is it going well?
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Nu we maatjes zijn, kom ik natuurlijk bij ieder gevecht meekijken en heel hard naar je staren. Gezellig, hè?
Now that we are buddies, naturally, I am coming to look at every battle and staring at you very hard. Convivial, eh?
— When summoned after getting the first reward
O ja, bijna vergeten...
Dit is voor jou omdat we nu maatjes zijn! Tof, hè? Neem maar gewoon aan en zeg: "Muriël, je bent de beste!" of iets anders wat cool en waar is.
Oh yes, almost forgot...
This is for you because we are now buddies! Great, eh? Just simply take it and say: "Frye, you are the best!" or something else that is cool and true.
— When the player receives their second reward
Supergaaf hoe jij het slagveld in vuur en inkt zet! Dat wil ik vaker zien, dus hier is een cadeautje als aanmoediging!
Super awesome how you are setting the battlefield ablaze! [note 4] I want to see more of that, so here is a little present as encouragement!
— When the player receives their third reward
Je maakt het je tegenstanders echt lastig! Blijf lekker zo doorgaan, dan zoek ik een vet nieuw cadeautje voor je!
You are giving your opponents a hard time! Keep up the good work, then I will seek a phat new little present for you!
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Dat is het laatste cadeau dat ik voor je heb! Helaas, tenenkaas.
Maar we blijven natuurlijk maatjes! Splatsville is niet hetzelfde zonder onze supercoole vriendschap!
That is the last present I have for you! Too bad, so sad. [note 5]
But, naturally, we stay buddies! Splatsville is not the same without our super cool friendship!
— After the player receives their third reward
Snnnuuuuurk! Dat is het geluid van je internet dat aan het slapen is. Ga even naar de lobby om je internet wakker te maken en kom dan hier terug, oké? Misschien heb ik wel iets voor je.
snnnooooore! That is the sound of your Internet being asleep.
Briefly go to the lobby to wake your Internet and then come back here, okay? I might have something for you.
— When not connected to the internet
Uhhhhh... Wat is er? Heb je iets van me nodig?
Uhhhhh... What is it? Do you need something from me?
— When navigating the menu
Big Man
AY! Ay... OOF! (I bumped my head... I guess these boxes are the same size everywhere.)
— When summoned for the first time in Inkopolis Plaza
AY! Ay... (OOF! I bumped my head...)
Ay. Ay! Ay. (Let me try this again. Hi! I'm Big Man. From Deep Cut! It's super nice to meet you.)
Ay! Ay. (Whoa! You've got some nice-looking gear.)
Ay. (And I bet you'll collect even more cool stuff as you battle, since it seems like you have a great sense of style.)
Ay? (So, um, sorry if this is weird, but do you wanna be friends?)
Ay. (If I were your friend, I'd remember what gear you have equipped, your camera settings, and your Freshest Fits.)
Ay. (And that means you could just got to the Equip screen to get set up in a hurry.)
Ay? Ay? Ay. (So, what do you say? Want to friend up? No worries if not.)
— When summoned for the first time
Ay! Ay. Ay! (This is gonna be great! Here-I got you something to celebrate the occasion. Take it!)
— When the player receives their first reward
Ay. (I might have a few other gift ideas for you, so come back and see me after you battle some more.)
— After the player receives their first reward
Ay! Ay? (Hey there! How are you doing today?)
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Ay! (I don't have anything for you right now, but I'm keeping an eye on all your battles, friend!)
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Ay! Ay! Ay. (You've been doing so awesome in battle! I'm your biggest fan! Here-I got you a little gift to celebrate.)
— When the player receives their second and third rewards
Aaay... Ay. (Awww... I'm afraid that's the last gift I can give you.)
Ay! Ay! (But don't worry! I'll always be your friend and biggest fan!)
— After the player receives their third reward
Ay? Ay! (Bwuh? It looks like you're not online!)
Ay. Ay! (That's cool, like, if you're about to go to sleep. But if you want to connect, check out the lobby. I might have a thing for you!)
— When not connected to the internet
Ay? (So, how can I help you?)
— When navigating the menu
Ay? (Ze hadden me toch best in een grotere verpakking kunnen stoppen?)
Ay. Ay! (Maar oké, ik ben er. Eerder was ik bij <spelersnaam>!)
Ay? (Surely they could have put me in a bigger package?)
Ay. Ay! (But okay, I am here. Earlier, I was at <player name>!)
— When summoned with data from another player
AY! Ay... (OEF! Ik heb mijn hoofd gestoten...)
Ay... Ay! Ay! (Ik zal me nog een keer proberen voor te stellen... Hoi, ik ben Ray van Deep Cut! Het is superleuk om je te ontmoeten!)
AY! Ay... (OOF! I have bumped my head...)
Ay... Ay! Ay! (I will try again to introduce myself... Hi, I am Big Man from Deep Cut! It is super nice to meet you!)
— First-time opener with "other" data (Splatsville)
AY! Ay... (OEF! Ik heb mijn hoofd gestoten...)
Ay... Ay! Ay! (Ik zal me nog een keer proberen voor te stellen... Hoi, ik ben Ray van Deep Cut! Het is superleuk om je te ontmoeten!)
AY! Ay... (OOF! I have bumped my head...)
Ay... Ay! Ay! (I will try again to introduce myself... Hi, I am Big Man from Deep Cut! It is super nice to meet you!)
— First-time opener with no data (Splatsville)
AY! Ay... Ay... (OEF! Ik heb mijn hoofd gestoten... En dan ben ik ook nog eens in een vreemde stad...)
Ay... Ay! Ay! (Ik zal me nog een keer proberen voor te stellen... Hoi, ik ben Ray van Deep Cut! Het is superleuk om je te ontmoeten!)
AY! Ay... Ay... (OOF! I have bumped my head... And then I am also in an unfamiliar city at that...)
Ay... Ay! Ay! (I will try again to introduce myself... Hi, I am Big Man from Deep Cut! It is super nice to meet you!)
— First-time opener with "other" data (Inkopolis)
AY! Ay... Ay... (OEF! Ik heb mijn hoofd gestoten... En dan ben ik ook nog eens in een vreemde stad...)
Ay... Ay! Ay! (Ik zal me nog een keer proberen voor te stellen... Hoi, ik ben Ray van Deep Cut! Het is superleuk om je te ontmoeten!)
AY! Ay... Ay... (OOF! I have bumped my head... And then I am also in an unfamiliar city at that...)
Ay... Ay! Ay! (I will try again to introduce myself... Hi, I am Big Man from Deep Cut! It is super nice to meet you!)
— First-time opener with no data (Inkopolis)
Ay! Ay! (Wauw! Wat een coole uitrusting heb jij!)
Ay. (En je verzamelt vast nog meer coole spullen met je gevechten, want je hebt een goeie smaak.)
Ay? (Zou je... Zou je maatjes met mij willen worden?)
Ay. (Als ik je maatje ben, onthou ik wat voor uitrusting je draagt, wat je camera-instellingen zijn en zelfs je lievelingsstijlen.)
Ay. (Dat betekent dat je dan naar het uitrustingscherm kunt gaan en sneller een keuze kunt maken.)
Ay? Ay. (Dus, zullen we maatjes worden? Geen zorgen als je het niet wilt, dat is ook goed.)
Ay! Ay! (Wow! What cool gear you have!)
Ay. (And you must also be collecting even more cool stuff with your battles, cause you have good taste.)
Ay? (Will you... Will you become buddies with me?)
Ay. (If I am your buddy, I will keep in mind what kind of gear you are wearing, what your control settings are and even your Freshest Fits.)
Ay. (That means you can go to the Equip menu and make your choice faster.)
Ay? Ay. (So, shall we become buddies? Don't worry if you don't want it, that is fine, too.)
— When summoned for the first time
Ay! Ay. Ay! (Dit wordt leuk! Kijk, ik heb een cadeautje voor je om dit te vieren. Veel plezier ermee!)
Ay! Ay. Ay! (This will be nice! Look, I have a little present for you to celebrate this. Have fun with it!)
— When the player receives their first reward
Ay. (Ik heb misschien nog andere ideeën voor cadeautjes, dus kom nog eens met me praten nadat je meer gevechten hebt gedaan.)
Ay. (I might have even more ideas for little presents, so come back to talk with me after you have done more battles.)
— After the player receives their first reward
Aaaay! Aaaay? (Hallooooo! Hoe gaat het vandaag met jouuuuu?)
Aaaay! Aaaay? (Hellooooo! how is it going with youuuuu today?)
— Opener when summoned after the first time
Ay! (Ik heb nu niets voor je, maar ik blijf je gevechten in de gaten houden, maatje!)
Ay! (I have nothing for you now, but I keep an eye on your battles, buddy!)
— When summoned after getting the first reward
Ay! (O ja!)
Ay. (Ik heb een cadeautje voor je, omdat je mijn maatje wil zijn.)
Ay! (Oh yes!)
Ay. (I have a little present for you, because you want to be my buddy.)
— When the player receives their second reward
Ay! Ay. Ay! (Je doet het supergoed tijdens gevechten! Je krijgt me iedere keer plat. Hier is een cadeautje, omdat je zo cool bent!)
Ay! Ay. Ay! (You are doing super well during battles! You get me every time. Here is a present, because you are so cool!)
— When the player receives their third reward
Ay! Ay... (Ik heb je gevechten gezien en ik vind dat je goed bezig bent! Als je zo doorgaat, krijg je gauw iets speciaals van mij...)
Ay! Ay... (I have seen your battles and I find you are doing a good job! If you keep this up, you soon will be getting something special from me...)
— When summoned before having won enough battles
Ay... Ay. (Ahhh... Dat was alweer het laatste cadeautje dat ik voor je heb.)
Ay! Ay! (Maar ik zal natuurlijk nog steeds toekijken, want ik ben een groot fan van jou! We blijven maatjes voor het leven!)
Ay... Ay. (Ahhh... That was already the last little present I have for you.)
Ay! Ay! (But, naturally, I will still look on, cause I am a great fan of yours! We stay buddies for life!)
— After the player receives their third reward
Ay? Ay! (Huh? Volgens mij ben je niet online!)
Ay. Ay. (Dat is oké, bijvoorbeeld als je gaat slapen, maar als je verbinding wilt maken, moet je even naar de lobby. En wie weet heb ik dan iets voor je.)
Ay? Ay! (Huh? I believe you are not online!)
Ay. Ay. (That is okay, for example, if you are going to sleep, but if you want to connect, you should briefly go to the lobby. And who knows, I might have something for you then.)
— When not connected to the internet
Ay? (Eh, kan ik je ergens bij helpen?)
Ay? (Uh, can I help you with anything?)
— When navigating the menu
Translation notes
- ↑ This is usually a fixed expression that reads in de verste verte niet, meaning "not in the slightest".
- ↑ Toegift also means "an additional, extra gift".
- ↑ In de verf zetten is an idiom meaning "to accentuate", but in this context it has the literal meaning "to put [something/someone] in the paint."
- ↑ In vuur en vlam zetten is an expression meaning as much as doing something with excitement or enthusiasm. It is altered by replacing vlam with inkt, literally meaning "putting [something] on fire and ink." But something being in vuur en vlam means "[to be] in a blaze, on fire."
- ↑ Helaas, tenenkaas comes from the interjection helaas, pindakaas, idiomatic for "too bad, so sad."
- ↑ Missing the t in Bleibt for the Squid Sisters catchphrase, Bleibt spritzig!
- ↑ This quote was changed in the version 2.0.0 update.