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Show new changes starting from 13:40, 14 September 2024
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14 September 2024

 m   13:20  Annaki Polpo-Pic Tank diffhist +26 GalliumStarry talk contribs (→‎Abilities: changed displayed name to be the splatoon 2 one)
 m   13:14  User:OctoEevee‎‎ 2 changes history +531 [OctoEevee‎ (2×)]
13:14 (cur | prev) +111 OctoEevee talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
13:09 (cur | prev) +420 OctoEevee talk contribs (→‎Welcome, Inklings and Octolings!) Tag: Visual edit
     13:11  Past vs. Present vs. Future‎‎ 9 changes history +450 [UnderFlorence‎; DragonBlue00‎ (2×); Hewer‎ (6×)]
13:11 (cur | prev) +138 DragonBlue00 talk contribs (→‎Battle Music: Actualization)
13:09 (cur | prev) +132 DragonBlue00 talk contribs (Actualization)
10:36 (cur | prev) −14 Hewer talk contribs (→‎Battle Music: redundant)
10:35 (cur | prev) 0 Hewer talk contribs (→‎Trivia)
10:05 (cur | prev) +167 UnderFlorence talk contribs (→‎Trivia: Add references to the Squid Sisters artwork trivia)
09:50 (cur | prev) +3 Hewer talk contribs (→‎Battle Music)
09:44 (cur | prev) +1 Hewer talk contribs (→‎Choreography)
09:44 (cur | prev) −8 Hewer talk contribs (→‎Choreography)
09:41 (cur | prev) +31 Hewer talk contribs (→‎Choreography)
     13:04  (User creation log) [Octo Moraz‎; Cottonn.ball‎]
13:04 User account Cottonn.ball talk contribs was created ‎
12:23 User account Octo Moraz talk contribs was created ‎
 m   12:58  Hide and Sleek diffhist +84 Acht's wife talk contribs (→‎Hide and Sleek (Grand Festival): Added a sentence to Grand Festival Hide and Sleek mentions.) Tag: Visual edit
 m   12:49  Music‎‎ 5 changes history +174 [Ink-Master‎ (2×); DragonBlue00‎ (3×)]
12:49 (cur | prev) −26 DragonBlue00 talk contribs (→‎Splatfest: Computation error...) Tag: Visual edit
12:46 (cur | prev) +29 DragonBlue00 talk contribs (→‎Splatfest: Grand Festival Actualization)
12:44 (cur | prev) +43 DragonBlue00 talk contribs (→‎Splatfest: Grand Festival Actualization) Tag: Visual edit
10:50 (cur | prev) +4 Ink-Master talk contribs (→‎Splatfest: added link to blushing tide) Tag: Visual edit
10:47 (cur | prev) +124 Ink-Master talk contribs (→‎Splatfest: added blushing tide and image of now or never 7) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
N    12:45  User:Acht's wife diffhist +88 Acht's wife talk contribs (Writing my user page?) Tag: Visual edit
     12:38 Upload log Acht's wife talk contribs uploaded File:Grand Festival DJ.jpg
     12:11  Grand Festival Grounds‎‎ 2 changes history +616 [SaltSplash‎ (2×)]
12:11 (cur | prev) +60 SaltSplash talk contribs (→‎Trivia)
12:06 (cur | prev) +556 SaltSplash talk contribs (→‎Trivia)
     11:45  User talk:Eli diffhist +265 CodingAsteroid talk contribs (→‎Splatfest Logo: Reply) Tag: Reply
     11:41  Main Page/Splatfest diffhist 0 Perfectionist talk contribs (date changed by +1 day to display the correct end time)
N    10:52  User:Ink-Master diffhist +22 Ink-Master talk contribs (Hi) Tag: Visual edit
 m   10:49  Blushing Tide diffhist +186 Hewer talk contribs
     10:49  User:Adrmcr diffhist 0 Adrmcr talk contribs (bump)
     10:41  Template:Navbox/S3 Music diffhist +132 Hewer talk contribs
N    10:34  Soak & Stomp (Grand Mix)‎‎ 2 changes history +221 [Hewer‎ (2×)]
10:34 (cur | prev) +40 Hewer talk contribs
10:33 (cur | prev) +181 Hewer talk contribs (Redirected page to Soak & Stomp#Soak & Stomp (Grand Mix)) Tag: New redirect
 m   10:32  H2Whoa diffhist +6 Hewer talk contribs (→‎Cory)
 m   10:31  Soak & Stomp diffhist −1 Hewer talk contribs (→‎Covers and Remixes)
 m   10:08  Liquid Sunshine‎‎ 2 changes history +266 [TomLegend101‎ (2×)]
10:08 (cur | prev) −1 TomLegend101 talk contribs (→‎Trivia: Formatting fix.)
10:07 (cur | prev) +267 TomLegend101 talk contribs (→‎Trivia: Trivia point from Grand Festival article added.)
 m   10:03  Blaster diffhist +281 TomLegend101 talk contribs (→‎Trivia: Minor point added that I personally picked up on.)
     10:00  Ultra Signal diffhist +79 SaltySquib talk contribs (→‎Idol call: pearl's second Ultra Signal quote)
     09:50  Tide Goes Out diffhist +269 Mslabo102 talk contribs (Added Blushing Tide) Tag: Visual edit
 m   09:49  Tidal Rush‎‎ 3 changes history −14 [Hewer‎ (3×)]
09:49 (cur | prev) 0 Hewer talk contribs (→‎Trivia)
09:48 (cur | prev) +4 Hewer talk contribs (→‎Trivia)
09:48 (cur | prev) −18 Hewer talk contribs (→‎Blushing Tide)
     09:49  Bomb Rush Blush diffhist +262 Mslabo102 talk contribs (Added Blushing Tide) Tag: Visual edit
 m   09:49  Captain's Flip-Flop Replicas diffhist +26 Squidtent talk contribs (→‎Names in other languages: ita)
 m   09:47  Captain's Poncho Replica diffhist +22 Squidtent talk contribs (→‎Names in other languages: ita)
 m   09:47  Captain's Cap Replica diffhist +19 Squidtent talk contribs (→‎Names in other languages: ita)
 m   09:45  Captain (disambiguation) diffhist +145 Squidtent talk contribs (New gears.)
 m   09:43  Survival Footwrap Replicas diffhist +25 Squidtent talk contribs (→‎Names in other languages: ita)
 m   09:43  Survival Suit Replica‎‎ 2 changes history +24 [Squidtent‎ (2×)]
09:43 (cur | prev) 0 Squidtent talk contribs (→‎Names in other languages: fixed)
09:41 (cur | prev) +24 Squidtent talk contribs (→‎Names in other languages: ita)