
From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki


Carefree squid
Level 50
Rank S+ 30
Hours 885
Favorite mode Splat Zones
Favorite weapons Krak-On Splat Roller
Tentatek Splattershot
Kelp Splatterscope
Favorite stages Flounder Heights, Walleye Warehouse, Arowana Mall


Rough and tough octo
FC 7872-4060-5623
Level 3★5
Rank X in all modes
Hours 3,560
Favorite mode Splat Zones
Favorite weapons .96 Gal
Kensa Splattershot Pro
Jet Squelcher
Favorite stages Manta Maria, Inkblot Art Academy, Sturgeon Shipyard


Raid boss!
FC 7872-4060-5623
Name Shahar #1813
Level 120
Rank S+21
Favorite mode Splat Zones
Favorite weapons Splatana Stamper
Luna Blaster
.96 Gal
Favorite stages Inkblot Art Academy, Sturgeon Shipyard

Hello, I'm Shahar and welcome to my user page. I play Splatoon and edit this wiki in my spare time. I'm an admin here who focuses more on the battle information rather than the lore. If you need help, feel free to let me know through my talk page or through e-mail, and I will do my best to help you out.

My Splatoon original characters are named Clover, Shell, and Dawn. Each appear in each game respectively. They like to use all different kinds of weapons. Their playstyle is not super agressive or flanky. They stick to objective but tend to be sometimes wreckless.

Social media: YouTube YouTube, Twitch, Twitter Twitter, Discord Shahar#3810
Splatoon 2 builds:
Other wikis I stumbled upon: Wikipedia, TF2 wiki, and Heroes 3 wiki.

Past records


All Splatfests refer to European events that I participated in. Teams listed in bold are the ones I chose.

Splatoon (9 Ws/4 Ls)
Splatfest Vote Result Notes
North Pole vs. South Pole Defeat ???
Messy vs. Tidy Defeat ???
Cats vs. Dogs Defeat ???
Zombies vs. Ghosts Victory ???
Delicious vs. Disgusting Victory ???
Fit vs. Rich Victory ???
Barbarian vs. Ninja Victory ???
Pokémon Red vs. Pokémon Blue Victory ???
Hoverboard vs. Jet Pack Victory ???
SpongeBob vs. Patrick Victory ???
Black Tie Event vs. Fancy Dress Party Victory ???
World Tour vs. Space Adventure Defeat Top 8 with the Splattershot Pro
Callie vs. Marie Victory ???
Splatoon 2 (15 Ws/11 Ls)
Splatfest Vote Result Notes
Mayo vs. Ketchup Defeat Defender
Flight vs. Invisibility Defeat ???
Front Roll vs. Back Roll Victory ???
Warm vs. Cold Victory ???
Film vs. Book Victory Champion
Gherk-OUT vs. Gherk-IN Victory Top 32 with the Splat Roller.
Chicken vs. Egg Victory Champion
Salty vs. Sweet Victory ???
Mikey vs. Donnie Victory ???
Squid vs. Octopus Defeat Top 25 with the Octo Shot Replica.
Adventure vs. Relax Victory ???
Retro vs. Modern Victory ???
Trick vs. Treat Defeat ???
Eat It vs. Save It Defeat Top 8 with the Kensa Splat Dualies.
Hero vs. Villain Victory Top 15 with the Kensa Splat Dualies.
Fam vs. Friend Defeat Top 100 with the Kensa Splat Dualies.
Pancake vs. Waffle Defeat Top 6 with the Kensa Splat Dualies.
Knight vs. Wizard Defeat Top 11 with the Kensa Splat Dualies.
Hare vs. Tortoise Victory Top 45 with the Kensa Splat Dualies.
Time Travel vs. Teleportation Defeat Top 3 with the Custom Dualie Squelchers.
Kid vs. Grown-Up Victory Top 29 with the L-3 Nozzlenose.
Chaos vs. Order Defeat Top 34 with the Kensa Splattershot.
Mayo vs. Ketchup (2) Victory Top 45 with the Custom Dualie Squelchers.
Chicken vs. Egg (2) Defeat Top 87 with the Kensa .52 Gal.
Trick vs. Treat (2) Victory Top 9 with the L-3 Nozzlenose D.
Super Mushroom vs. Super Star Victory Red ink and minority so more matches that count.
Top 37 with the Mini Splatling.
Splatoon 3 (7 Ws/7 Ls)
Splatfest Vote Result Notes
Rock vs. Paper vs. Scissors Victory Chose Rock because of 1. Shiver, 2. Blue, 3. Popularity (Thought popularity was towards Big Man and had to pay the price with only 3 tri-color matches), and 4. Rock beats all. Does the fact that paper covers rock means it beat it? it's still strong and powerful even when covered by paper.
Gear vs. Grub vs. Fun Victory I chose team gear because I like shiver, I preferred survival and because I thought the majority would take gear and I wanted to win and be in the middle in tricolor.
Grass vs. Fire vs. Water Victory I like the water starters the most. (Mudkip especially)
Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour Victory
Dark Chocolate vs. Milk Chocolate vs. White Chocolate Defeat
Nessie vs. Aliens vs. Bigfoot Victory Top #24
Power vs. Wisdom vs. Courage Defeat Top #41
Vanilla vs. Strawberry vs. Mint Chip Defeat Top #16
Money vs. Fame vs. Love Defeat
Shiver vs. Frye vs. Big Man Victory
Zombie vs. Skeleton vs. Ghost Defeat Top #43
Handshake vs. Fist Bump vs. Hug Defeat
Friends vs. Family vs. Solo Defeat
Friday vs. Saturday vs. Sunday Victory Top #72

Splatfest Top 100s

Game Splatfest Team Top Power Weapon Headgear Shoes
World Tour vs. Space Adventure Space Adventure 8 2149 Splattershot Pro Camo Mesh Red Hi-Tops
Gherk-OUT vs. Gherk-IN Gherk-OUT 32 2451 Splat Roller Camo Mesh Red Hi-Tops
Squid vs. Octopus Octopus 25 2490 Octo Shot Replica Camo Mesh Blue Slip-Ons
Eat It vs. Save It Eat It 8 2497 Kensa Splat Dualies Studio Headphones Red Hi-Tops
Hero vs. Villain Villain 15 2409 Kensa Splat Dualies Studio Headphones Blue Slip-Ons
Family vs. Friends Fam 100 2354 Kensa Splat Dualies Studio Headphones Blue Slip-Ons
Pancakes vs. Waffles Pancake 6 2504 Kensa Splat Dualies Studio Headphones Blue Slip-Ons
Knight vs. Wizard Knight 11 2446 Kensa Splat Dualies Studio Headphones Blue Slip-Ons
Hare vs. Tortoise Hare 45 2410 Kensa Splat Dualies Studio Headphones Blue Slip-Ons
Time Travel vs. Teleportation Time Travel 3 2551 Custom Dualie Squelchers Studio Headphones Blue Slip-Ons
Kid vs. Grown-Up Grown-Up 29 2416 L-3 Nozzlenose Yamagiri Beanie Blue Slip-Ons
Chaos vs. Order Order 34 2444 Kensa Splattershot Squid Nordic Blue Slip-Ons
Mayo vs. Ketchup Ketchup 45 2451 Custom Dualie Squelchers Studio Headphones Blue Slip-Ons
Chicken vs. Egg Egg 87 2378 Kensa .52 Gal Studio Headphones Red Hi-Tops
Trick vs. Treat Treat 9 2512 L-3 Nozzlenose D White Arrowbands Red Hi-Tops
Super Mushroom vs. Super Star Super Mushroom 37 2502 Mini Splatling Golf Visor Punk Blacks
Game Splatfest Team Top Power Weapon Title Splashtag
Nessie vs. Aliens vs. Bigfoot Nessie 24 2389.2 Tentatek Splattershot Procrastinating Egg
Power vs. Wisdom vs. Courage Wisdom 41 2319.2 Neo Splash-o-matic Procrastinating Egg
Vanilla vs. Strawberry vs. Mint Chip Mint Chip 16 2290.2 Splatana Wiper Legendary Boss
Zombie vs. Skeleton vs. Ghost Zombie 43 2051.6 Hero Shot Replica Die-Hard Sun
Friday vs. Saturday vs. Sunday Friday 72 2089.2 REEF-LUX 450 Deco Destined Ordinary Person

Rank X Top 500

Month Mode Top Power Weapon Headgear Clothing Shoes
June 2020 Splat Zones 356 2661.3 .96 Gal Studio Headphones Black Tee Red Hi-Tops
April 2021 Rainmaker 287 2607.7 Tri-Slosher Nouveau Black FishFry Bandana SWC Logo Tee Red Hi-Tops

Turf inkage

Lifetime Usage - Octo

26.4M/ 26.4M

Total turf inked: 28.9M

Weapon badges
100,000 All the other weapons.
500,000 Custom Dualie Squelchers Jet Squelcher
1,000,000 Kensa Splattershot Pro .96 Gal Kensa Splattershot Kensa Splat Dualies Octo Shot Replica Forge Splattershot Pro

Splatoon 3 wishlist from 3 July 2020

? All weapons have 3 variants. (1 weapon release every week)
+ New weapon classes, new main, sub, and special weapons.
? New ranked modes. (8-Ball, Rocket, etc...)
x Retrieve blender thangs ranked mode.
x 5-Control points ranked mode.
x Name parts of stages to help callouts.
x The return of Spyke with a role.
x Battle Royale mode with pings, armors, lifesavers, superjumps, etc... and an objective (like the crown in Hyper Scape)
x Less input lag between controller to game.
x Ability to send messages to players. (Even selected phrases can work)
x Ability to report a bug.
+ Ability to skip news.
? Better ranking system.
+ More player customization. (species, hair, legwear, face, eyes)
+ Something to spend in-game currency on.
+ The return of Flounder Heights.
x Bring back the mini-games to play while waiting for a battle.
+ In Salmon Run, add events and unique bosses to make it more exciting than repetitive.
x Show latency number before or during battle.
+ Cloud save.
x Left-hand players - Make the character shoot from the left hand. (currently only does that for Bomb Launcher)
+ Ability to test stages on Recon without the need to have them on rotation.
x Remove the level cap and make it keep going after 99 *.
x Bring the hoop back at the shooting range from the first game.
+ Remove Sting Ray and bring Killer Wail back.
+ More ink colors for Regular and Ranked Battles.
? Unique and sophisticated bosses for single player that have cool mechanics for beating them. (Octowhirl and Octomaw are great examples)
x Bring back Battle Dojo to some extent like we had in the first game.
+ Faster loading times.
+ Higher frame rate and no drop in frames when it's messy.
x Higher tick rate
? Better matchmaking system.
x Ability to use the map with a special (for example Inkstrike)
+ Ability to hang with friends in the hub. 
x Multiplayer mode played solo than in a team.


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