Zombie vs. Skeleton vs. Ghost
Zombie vs. Skeleton vs. Ghost
Teams | Zombie Skeleton Ghost |
Regions | Global |
Start | 28 October 2023 at 00:00 UTC |
End | 30 October 2023 at 00:00 UTC |
Length | 48 hours |
Winner | Ghost |
- For other Splatoween-themed Splatfests, see Special Splatfest#Splatoween.
Zombie vs. Skeleton vs. Ghost, also known as Splatoween, was a seasonal special Splatfest event in Splatoon 3. It was the second Splatfest to take place during Drizzle Season 2023. The event was announced on social networks on 13 October 2023.
In addition to the normal changes during Splatfest, there were unique changes:
- The logo on the Title screen was changed to the Splatoween logo, similar to Splatoon 2's Splatoween.
- Splatsville and Inkopolis Plaza were decorated with a Halloween theme. Such decorations included an orange bubble effect, a green mist effect, stickers, jack-o-lanterns, and giant sheets on the animal statues. A full moon could also be seen in the sky.
- In the lobby, when the floor was inked, various patterns and white stickers in the shapes of fishbones and vampire squids appeared.
- Deep Cut and the Squid Sisters wore special outfits.
- Shiver's shawl was black with red outlines and had a white section with a pattern of black curved lines; her usual octopus pendant changed to one shaped after Deep Cut's logo. Her pants did not have the usual cuts on her right thigh; instead, they had red details drawn on them and fade into the same color of her skin. Her shoes changed to black wedged zōri sandals with red straps, revealing her toes having the same coloring as her fingertips, which have an added gradient from black to red for the occasion. Her tentacles were black fading to red, and in them she wore two hair sticks and a red spider lily, a symbol for death in many East Asian cultures; her eyebrows were dark red and her usual earrings were not present. On her face, she wore red eye shadow smudged towards the outer eye corners and black lipstick on her lower lip; additionally, her skin seemed to glow a pale color in the dark. She also changed her fan to one that is white with red stripes, and had the swirls from Deep Cut's logo across it.
- Frye's usual turtleneck was black, and her shawl was replaced with a silver shoulder necklace consisting of a chain with round, dangly pendants. She wore a head chain with teardrop-shaped pendants on her forehead, as well as a triple metal cuff bracelet on her right arm and black triangular earrings. Her tentacles were black fading to a light orange, and she wore a murex shell on her head, possibly referencing a human ribcage. Her usual pants were black and torn on her right leg, revealing bright purple leggings underneath, while her squid pendant was replaced with one that has the shape of Deep Cut's logo and was held by two silver chains instead of a cord. Her socks were replaced with black bandages held up with thin metal chains, while the cord on her hair was black instead of white. Her eyelashes were colored purple fading to orange, and her eyes had a purple tone fading towards their usual yellow; she also had dots of white make-up on her temples and cheeks.
- Big Man wore a large sheet sewn to his size with various holes around his face and body to replicate a ray. The outfit was also able to light up. His hat was replaced with what appears to be driftwood.
- Callie and Marie's usual outfits were orange in a corduroy fabric with black stripes and collars. Their hats were light green, they wore makeup resembling stitches around their eyes, and their noses were painted black, resembling jack-o-lanterns. Their eyes were red instead of their usual gold.
- Characters in the plaza and lobby such as Jellyfish, Staff, Judd, Murch, and Smallfry all wore orange, purple and green party hats decorated with various patterns. Some of the small jellyfish wore jack-o-lantern masks with the color matching their respective teams.
- A special news article in the Nintendo Switch news rewards players with four unique pieces of headgear:
- Music was added or modified for the Splatfest.
- A special Halloween-themed song played in the lobby, titled Deepers Creepers, instead of Soak & Stomp. Crab-N-Go also played a unique theme.
- The title screen had a different sound, along with the Deep Cut intro.
- Anarchy Rainbow and Anarchy Poisons (Bird Mix) were modified for the Splatfest. The latter removed the whistling samples.
- Commence the Fest, Ego Overboard, and Still Swimmin' were all modified.
- The start of a battle was modified, now having a film grain filter and ghosts flying out from the center of the screen. The ink splatters in Tricolor Turf War had a glowing effect.
- This Splatfest has a special ink variant, having a marbled effect and pulsing with a glowing effect.
- The TV Screens in Splatsville, Inkopolis Plaza and the lobby displayed unique videos related to the Halloween theme of the Splatfest.
The Tricolor Turf War stage for this Splatfest was Brinewater Springs.
- Splatfest Sneak Peek: 20 October 2023 at 08:00 UTC to 27 October 2023 at 23:59 UTC
- Splatfest Main Event First Half: 28 October 2023 at 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC
- Splatfest Main Event Second Half: 29 October 2023 at 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC
The results were announced in-game on 30 October 2023 at 02:00 UTC.
Halftime Report
At the halfway point in the Splatfest, Deep Cut revealed the team currently with the most overall Clout, and congruently announced that the mode Tricolor Turf War would be open.
Zombie | Skeleton | Ghost |
32.84% | 34.08% | 33.08% |
Category | Zombie | Skeleton | Ghost |
Conch Shells - 7p | 32.55% | 33.00% | 34.45% |
Votes - 8p | 19.32% | 17.66% | 63.02% |
Clout (Open) - 12p | 33.11% | 33.62% | 33.27% |
Clout (Pro) - 12p | 33.91% | 35.12% | 30.97% |
Tricolor - 18p | 32.73% | 33.46% | 33.81% |
Total | 00p | 24p | 33p |
“ | We can also report that the theme for Splatoween is "Which would be the best friend?" But with the possible answers being a zombie, a skeleton, or a ghost, we think the answer is clear. Only one of them is real! Choose wisely—voting opens 10/20 at 1 AM PT. | ” |
— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[1]
“ | Zombie, skeleton or ghost? Compete for your creepy companion of choice in this supernatural #Splatoon3 Splatfest! | ” |
— @NintendoEurope on Twitter[2]
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Which would be the best friend? A zombie, a skeleton, or a ghost?” |
Big Man “Aaay! (Happy Halloweeeen!)” |
Shiver “Leaving the opposition in shambles, we have zombies, the cheapest monsters in cinema!” |
Frye “There's no bones chiller than everyone's most supportive pals, skeletons!” |
Big Man “Ay! (And always helping to keep your spirits up are those shy specters, the ghosts!)” |
Big Man “Ay. Ay! (Wait — I don't want to hang out with any of these. They're all scary!)” |
Frye “Nah, think of 'em as friends you haven't met yet. It's what's inside that counts!” |
Shiver “Very true. And zombies are the only ones who have insides, making them my choice.” |
Shiver “Like zombies, we're all just bags of goo. So we're alive and they're not. So what?” |
Shiver “They're just shuffling along looking for a friend like the rest of us. Is that so wrong?” |
Frye “Please. They want food, not friends! With friends like that, who needs anemones?” |
Frye “In a fight between zombies, skeletons, and ghosts, my money's on the skellies.” |
Frye “They're tough as bones and just as cool. Nothing's stronger than a skeleton!” |
Frye “Besides, it's a good idea to have friends who can make up for your shortcomings.” |
Big Man “Ay? Ay?! (What shortcomings? Wait... do you mean having bones?!)” |
Big Man “Ay. (I still think they're all scary, but I'm curious about what a ghost has to say.)” |
Big Man “Ay? Ay! (Ghosts are here 'cause they have unfinished business, right? I gotta help!)” |
Frye “Awww! Big Man and his ghost buddy, friends to the end! And after, I guess.” |
Big Man “Ay! (I'll do what it takes for them to pass to the great beyond!)” |
Shiver “Sounds like a short-lived friendship.” |
Frye “Welp, once again, the three of us are... DEADlocked. OooOOOooo!” |
Shiver “I suppose we'd best turn the matter over to the Splatfest participants, hm?” |
Shiver “And since it's Halloween, we'll be dressed for the occasion, as a treat for you all.” |
Frye “We have big plans for plaza decorations too! You won't wanna miss it!” |
Big Man “Ay! (Plus you'll get tricked out in Splatfest gear that doubles as a costume! Enjoy!)” |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Splatoween is upon us!” |
Big Man “Ay! (Join in the fun by choosing a team at the Pledge Box on the street!)” |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Big Man “Ay! Ay! (BOOyah! Ghosts win!)” |
Shiver “What?! But their game had no substance!” |
Frye “I'm haunted... by failure!” |
Big Man “Ay. Ay! (Thanks, Team Ghost. You all fought like you were possessed!)” |
Shiver “How could Team Zombie lose? We had so many brains on our side!” |
Frye “Everyone on Team Skeleton supported each other, but I guess that wasn't enough.” |
Frye “I never knew ghosts had so many fans!” |
Big Man “Ay. Ay? (It makes sense. Who wouldn't be curious about life on the other side?)” |
Shiver “So I take it we'll dress as ghosts for this year's "Deep Cut x Trick or Treat" collab?” |
Frye “Yeaaah! We'll be a trio of ghosts, playing all the tricks our creepy hearts could want!” |
Big Man “Ay! Ay. (Hold it! Since I won... just once, I'd like us to hold a nice, peaceful event.)” |
Frye “Hey, that makes it seem like we always take it way too far. Does that sound like us?” |
Shiver “Peaceful, hm? Here's a thought... What if instead of demanding candy, we give it out?” |
Frye “Ooo! And some of our candies could be secretly made of fish paste instead!” |
Shiver “I like where this is headed, but consider instead: candy-shaped wasabi globs.” |
Big Man “Ay... (A peaceful Halloween might be too much to ask from these two...)” |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「友だちにするなら⁈ ゾンビ vs ガイコツ vs ゴースト〜‼︎」 |
マンタロー 「エイエ〜イ!(ハッピー・ハロウィ〜ン!)」 |
フウカ 「対決するんは、映画にドラマに引っ張りダコ! よみがえりし肉体「ゾンビ」と!」 |
ウツホ 「感情を顔に出さないクールなヤツ! 支えるのはお手のもの、「ガイコツ」! そして…」 |
マンタロー 「エイ!(取りつかれないよう ご用心⁈ 写真写りはバッチリ「ゴースト」でーす!)」 |
マンタロー 「エーイ⁈(って、全部コワいんですけど⁈)」 |
ウツホ 「友だちになれば コワくなくなるかもしれんぞ?」 |
フウカ 「そやねぇ… ウチのイチオシはゾンビやろか」 |
フウカ 「ウチらとゾンビなんて 大して変わらへん 生きとるか、そうやないかが ちゃうだけや」 |
フウカ 「それにゾンビは仲間を求めて さまよってはるんやで? 仲良うしてあげな フビンやないの… は〜しくしく」 |
ウツホ 「仲間にされたら終わりなのじゃ! ウソ泣きには ダマされんからな‼︎」 |
ウツホ 「フン! ゾンビとガイコツとゴーストが戦ったら 勝つのはガイコツに決まっておる」 |
ウツホ 「カチカチのコブシに加えて あのイカしたルックス! どう考えても ガイコツが最強なのじゃ!」 |
ウツホ 「何より、ワシに無いモノも持っておるしな! 欠点を補ってくれる友は 良いもんじゃぞ」 |
マンタロー 「エイ?(無いモノって ホネのこと?)」 |
マンタロー 「エイエ〜(うう〜ん、コワいけど しゃべってみたいのは ユーレイ… ゴーストかなぁ)」 |
マンタロー 「エイ?(だって、心残りがあるから この世にいるんでしょ? なんか放っとけないし…)」 |
ウツホ 「おお、そこから熱い友情が生まれるんじゃな⁈」 |
マンタロー 「エイッ!(ボクにできるだけの事はするから、 サクッと成仏してほしい!)」 |
フウカ 「短い友情になりそうやな」 |
ウツホ 「うーむ、今回も見事に3人バラけたのう」 |
フウカ 「はてさて みんなはどれを選ぶんやろねぇ?」 |
フウカ 「ちなみにハロウィンゆうことで、フェス当日は いつもと少しちがうウチらを お見せしますえ!」 |
ウツホ 「広場のかざりつけも 気合い入れて準備しとるから 見に来て欲しいのじゃ!」 |
マンタロー 「エイ!(仮装にピッタリのギアがもらえるって話だし、 ファッションも楽しんでほしいな〜!)」 |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「ハロウィンフェス、もう始まってんで〜!」 |
マンタロー 「エイエーイ!(広場にある投票所で投票して参加してね!)」 |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
マンタロー 「エーイ!(「ゴースト」の勝ちだ‼︎)」 |
フウカ 「んなアホな〜!」 |
ウツホ 「ぬうぅーッ! なぜじゃーー!」 |
マンタロー 「エイ!(「ゴースト」派のみんな 本当にありがとう! 何かに取りつかれたような集中力、すごかったよ〜!)」 |
フウカ 「「ゾンビ」派も あんなにきばっとったのに くやしいわ〜〜〜!」 |
ウツホ 「「ガイコツ」派も がんばったんじゃが 一歩およばんかったかー」 |
ウツホ 「まさかゴーストの人気が これほどとはのう!」 |
マンタロー 「エイ〜(みんなもゴーストと おしゃべりしてみたいのかな?)」 |
フウカ 「ほんなら、今年はゴーストの仮装でやろか 「トリック•オア•トリート•オブ•すりみ連合」!」 |
ウツホ 「3匹のゴーストが街中を練り歩いて おかし食べ放題の イタズラし放題! コレじゃ!」 |
マンタロー 「エイッ!(待った! フェスはボクが勝ったわけだし、 今年は平和でハッピーなイベントにしてもらうよ‼︎)」 |
ウツホ 「なんじゃなんじゃ? まるでワシらが いつもは カゲキでおそろしいコトを やっとるみたいではないか」 |
フウカ 「平和でハッピーなぁ… ほな、今年はウチらが 街のみんなに おかしを配るっちゅうのは?」 |
ウツホ 「フム! ならば、食べてみるまで具のわからない ミステリーまんじゅうなんてどうじゃ?」 |
フウカ 「おもろいやん! ワサビ入りのやつも混ぜとこか!」 |
マンタロー 「エイィ…(うう、ハッピーなイベントにできるかなぁ…)」 |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Welke griezel is het gezelligst? Een zombie, een skelet of een spook?” (Which would be the best friend? A zombie, a skeleton or a ghost?) |
Ray “Ayyy! (Fijne Splatoweeeeen!)” (Ayyy! (Happy Splatoweeeeen!)) |
Haya “Voor gezelligheid kun je niet om zombies heen. Ze lopen dag en nacht je deur plat.” (For conviviality, you cannot ignore zombies. They visit you day and night.) |
Notes: De deur platlopen is an idiom meaning "to visit often", or literally, "to trample down the door". | ||
Muriël “Skeletten maken alles een graatje gezelliger, omdat ze zich op ieder feestje botvieren!” (Skeletons make everything a degree more convivial, because they let themselves go in every little feast!) |
Notes: Frye makes a pun using homophones graatje ("fish bone") and graadje ("degree"). Botvieren ("to let oneself go") is a pun on bot ("bone") and vieren ("to celebrate"). | ||
Ray “Ay! (En met spoken lach je je dood, want ze komen voortdurend geestig uit de hoek!)” (Ay! (And with ghosts you die from laughter, because they are continuously witty!)) |
Notes: Big Man makes a pun using geestig meaning "witty" and, literally, "spirit-like". | ||
Ray “Ay. Ay. (Eigenlijk blijf ik toch liever bij die drie uit de buurt. Het blijven griezels.)” (Ay. Ay. (Actually, I rather stay away from those three. They are still ghouls after all.)) |
Muriël “Nee joh, dat is maar de buitenkant. Het gaat erom wie ze diep vanbinnen zijn.” (No dude, that is just the outside. It is about who they are deep down inside.) |
Haya “Precies! En de enige griezels die nog iets vanbinnen hebben, zijn zombies.” (Precisely! And the only ghouls that still have something inside, are zombies.) |
Haya “Zombies zijn ondood en ze mompelen rare dingen, maar verder zijn ze precies zoals wij.” (Zombies are undead and they mumble weird things, but otherwise they are precisely like us.) |
Haya “Ze strompelen de wereld over op zoek naar een knuffel. Daar is toch niets mis mee?” (They stumble across the world in search of a hug. Surely there is no harm in that, is there?) |
Muriël “En ze geven zeker kusjes met hun tanden? Die zombies zoeken vreten, geen vrienden!” (And they give kisses with their teeth? Those zombies are seeking grub, not friends!) |
Muriël “Skeletten lijken botte lijken, maar je weet tenminste dat je beenhard op ze aankunt.” (Skeletons seem rude corpses, but at least you know you can very much rely on them.) |
Notes: Frye makes a pun using lijken meaning "to seem" and "corpses". Botte ("rude") and beenhard ("very hard") are puns on botten ("bones") and been ("bone"), respectively. | ||
Muriël “Zombies zijn er met hun hoofd vaak maar half bij en spoken zijn hooguit vage kennissen.” (Zombies have their heads in the clouds and ghosts are at most vague acquaintances.) |
Muriël “En het is goed om vrienden te hebben die je aanvullen op punten waarop je tekortschiet.” (And it is good to have friends who complement you in areas where you fall short.) |
Ray “Ay? Ay?! (Hoezo tekortschiet? Loop je te zeggen dat wij geen ruggengraat hebben?)” (Ay? Ay?! (What do you mean fall short? Are you saying we have no backbone?)) |
Ray “Ay. (De buitenkant blijft eng, maar ik vraag me af wat een spook te zeggen heeft.)” (Ay. (The outside is still scary, but I wonder what a ghost has to say.)) |
Ray “Ay? Ay! (Spoken zijn hier omdat ze nog iets moeten doen, toch? Dan wil ik ze helpen!)” (Ay? Ay! (Ghosts are here because they still must do something, right? Then I want to help them!)) |
Muriël “Ahhh, Ray en zijn spookmaatje! Vrienden voor het leven... en de dood.” (Ahhh, Big Man and his ghost buddy! Friends for life... and death.) |
Ray “Ay! (Ik zal alles doen wat ik kan om spoken te helpen om naar het hiernamaals te gaan!)” (Ay! (I will do everything I can to help ghosts go to the afterlife!)) |
Haya “Dan kan jullie vriendschap nog weleens een korte levensduur hebben.” (Then your guys' friendship can very well have a short lifespan.) |
Muriël “Met praten komen we er weer eens niet uit, dus deze discussie was een... DOODDOENER!” (Talking once again won't get us anywhere, so this discussion was a... THOUGHT-TERMINATING CLICHÉ!) |
Haya “Ach, we moeten nu eenmaal wat tijd doden voordat we ons in de strijd kunnen uitleven.” (Oh, we simply have to kill some time before we can live life to the fullest in battle.) |
Haya “Omdat het Splatoween is, zullen we ons helemaal in stijl voor dit Splatfest verkleden.” (Because it is Splatoween, we will dress up fully in style for this Splatfest.) |
Muriël “Het plein wordt ook versierd! Als je daar je graf niet voor uitkomt, weet ik het niet meer.” (The square will also be decorated! If you don't come out of your grave for that, I don't know what will.) |
Ray “Ay! (En de tenues voor dit Splatfest zijn kostuums, dus griezel gezellig mee!)” (Ay! (And the tenues for this Splatfest are costumes, so spook along convivially with us!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Het is tijd voor Splatoween!” (It is time for Splatoween!) |
Ray “Ay! (Ga naar de stembus op het plein en kies een team... als je durft!)” (Ay! (Go to the Pledge Box in the square and choose a team... if you dare!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Ray “Ay! (Team Spook heeft met enorme geestdrift gewonnen!)” (Ay! (Team Ghost has won with enormous spirit!)) |
Haya “Klopt deze uitslag of zie ik spoken?” (Is the result correct or am I seeing ghosts?) |
Muriël “Pfff... Ik weet dat ik verloren heb! Jullie hoeven geen BOEEE te roepen...” (Pfff... I know I have lost! You folks don't have to BOO me...) |
Ray “Ay! (Ik wil graag mijn team bedanken voor alles wat ze hebben uitgespookt!)” (Ay! (I would like to thank my team for everything they were up to!)) |
Notes: Uitspoken ("to be up to") is a pun on spoken ("ghosts"). | ||
Haya “Ondanks de breinen die we binnen hebben gehaald, heeft Team Zombie verloren...” (Despite the brains we brought in, Team Zombies has lost...) |
Muriël “En Team Skelet was een grote steun voor elkaar, maar we zijn toch beentje gelicht.” (And Team Skeleton was a great support for each other, but we were tripped up anyway.) |
Notes: beentje lichten ("to trip up") is a pun on been ("bone"). | ||
Muriël “Ik had niet verwacht dat de fans zo bezeten zouden zijn van spoken!” (I had not expected the fans to be this obsessed with ghosts!) |
Ray “Ay. Ay. (Zo raar vind ik dat niet. Iedereen wil vast roddels horen over het hiernamaals.)” (Ay. Ay. (I don't find it that weird. Everyone surely wants to hear gossips about the afterlife.)) |
Notes: Frye makes a pun with bezeten van both meaning "obsessed with" and "possessed by". | ||
Haya “Ik neem aan dat we ons als spoken verkleden als we dit jaar snoep op gaan halen?” (I assume we will dress up as ghosts when we are collecting candy this year?) |
Muriël “Mij best! We gaan iedereen zo hard laten schrikken dat ze zelf wit worden als spoken!” (Fine with me! We are going to scare everyone so hard that they themselves turn white as ghosts!) |
Ray “Ay! Ay. (Wacht even! Ik heb gewonnen en ik wil weleens dat het een vredig feest wordt.)” (Ay! Ay. (Wait up! I have won and I want it to be a peaceful feast for once.)) |
Muriël “Ehhh, wil je dat het vredig wordt... of dat het leuk wordt?” (Uhhh, you want it to be peaceful... or it to be fun?) |
Haya “Vredig? Hm... We zouden een keer zelf snoep kunnen uitdelen in plaats van het te eisen.” (Peaceful? Hm... We could hand out candy ourselves instead of demanding it this one time.) |
Muriël “Jaaaaa, en natuurlijk nadat we het eerst in levertraan hebben gedoopt!” (Yesssss, and naturally after we have dipped it in cod liver oil first!) |
Haya “Precies! Met een lading chilipoeder erbij!” (Precisely! With a load of chilli powder thrown in!) |
Ray “Ay... (Ik had moeten weten dat een vredige Splatoween te veel gevraagd was...)” (Ay... (I should have known a peaceful Splatoween was too much to ask...)) |
French (Canada)
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Lequel serait l'ami idéal? Un zombie, un squelette ou un fantôme? » |
Raimi « Ayyy! (Joyeux Splatoween!) » |
Pasquale « Toujours plein de vie, le zombie est LA vedette des films d'horreur! » |
NOA | |
Angie « La squelette est le plus fidèle des amis! Toujours côte à côte avec ses compagnons! » |
NOA | |
Raimi « Ay! (Oubliez pas le fantôme et son large spectre de compétences!) » |
NOA | |
Raimi « Ay... (Par contre, ils me font peur, vos deux canditats...) » |
NOA | |
Angie « T'en fais pas, ils sont gentils. Attends qu'ils révèlent leur beauté intérieure! » |
NOA | |
Pasquale « C'est exactement pour ça que j'aime les zombies... pour leurs « intérieur »! » |
NOA | |
Pasquale « Ils sont des sacs de viande, comme nous.. Putréfiée peut-être, mais de la viande! » |
NOA | |
Pasquale « C'est pour ça qu'ils nous aiment et qu'ils viennent vers nous en tendant les bras! » |
Angie « Les zombies cherchent des amis... pour leur manger la cervelle! » |
Angie « Moi, je préfère les squelettes! Ils peuvent ratatiner les zombies et les fantômes. » |
NOA | |
Angie « Ils crânent un peu, mais y'a pas plus cool que les squelettes! » |
NOA | |
Angie « Et puis avec eux, on est sûrs de faire de vieux os! » |
Raimi « Ay. (Ils me font tous peur, mais j'avoue que pour les fantômes, la curiosité l'emporte.) » |
Raimi « Ay! (En plus, ils s'avouent jamais vaincus. Les revenants, ça revient à la charge!) » |
NOA | |
Raimi « Ay! (D'ailleurs, ils reviennent, car quelque chose les retient ici. Et on doit les aider!) » |
NOA | |
Angie « Ouuuh! Raimi et son copain fantôme, amis à la vie, à la mort! » |
NOA | |
Raimi « Ay! (Ils peuvent compter sur moi pour passer de l'eau d'ici à l'au-delà!) » |
NOA | |
Pasquale « Je ne sais pas si cette amitié durera éternellement... » |
NOA | |
Angie « Hm. On dirait qu'on est une fois de plus au point moOOOoort! » |
NOA | |
Pasquale « Encore une fois, remettons-nous-en aux participants du festival, d'accord? » |
NOA | |
Pasquale « Et comme c'est Splatoween, nous allons nous déguiser, rien que pour vous! » |
NOA | |
Angie « Attendez de voir les décorations grandioses qu'on va installer sur la place! » |
NOA | |
Raimi « Ay! (Sans parler des équipements pour le festival qui servent aussi de costumes!) » |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Splatoween bat son plein! » |
Raimi « Ay! (Rendez-vous à la borne festive dans la rue pour choisir votre équipe!) » |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Raimi « Ay! (Houuu! Les fantômes ont gagné!) » |
NOA | |
Pasquale « Quoi? Mais ils ont été invisibles pendant la quasi-totalité de l'événement! » |
Angie « L'échec me hante... » |
Raimi « Ay. (Bravo, l'équipe Fantôme. Vous vous êtes battus comme des damnés.) » |
NOA | |
Pasquale « Comment les zombies ont-ils pu perdre? On avait plein de cerveaux dans rangs! » |
Angie « Les squelettes ont fini sur les rotules, mais ça a pas suffi. » |
Angie « Je pensais pas qu'autant de gens croiraient aux fantômes! » |
Raimi « Ay. (En fait, ça se tient. Tout le monde veut savoir ce qui vit dans l'au-delà.) » |
Pasquale « Vous confirmez qu'on sera tous déguisés en fantômes, pour Splatoween? » |
Angie « Exactement! Un trio de fantômes va jouer de vilains tours aux Claboussiens! » |
Raimi « Ay! (Minute! J'ai gagné... alors je préfère un événement calme et le fun, cette fois!) » |
NOA | |
Angie « Tu dis ça comme si on allait à chaque fois trop loin. Tu penses qu'on en fait trop? » |
NOA | |
Pasquale « Calme et le fun? Hm... Et si, au lieu de réclamer des bonbons, on en donnait? » |
Angie « Mais oui! On refilerait aussi des bonbons piégés qui ont un goût de poisson! » |
Pasquale « Ou alors des bonbons truffés de wasabi, pour un goût explosif! » |
Raimi « Ay... (Une fête calme pour Splatoween, j'en demande peut-être trop à ces deux-là...) » |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Mit wem wärst du gern befreundet? Zombie, Skelett, oder Gespenst?“ (Who would you like to be friends with? Zombie, Skeleton, or Ghost?) |
Mantaro „Ayyy! (Halloweeniger geht's nicht mehr!)“ (Ayyy! (It won't get anymore Halloween-y than this!)) |
Mako „Als erster Kandidat trottet ächzend der absolute Horror-Superstar an: der Zombie!“ (The first candidate comes trotting in while groaning, the absolute horror superstar: Zombie!) |
Muri „Trotten ist für Trottel! Lebende Skelette, DAS sind die ECHT harten Knochen!“ (Trotting is for dummies! Undead skeletons are the REAL tough bones!) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Wenn's richtig schaurig werden soll, geht nichts über ein schönes Gespenst!)“ (Ay! (If you want a real scare, nothing beats a ghost!)) |
Mantaro „Ay. Ay... (Wobei mir eigentlich alle drei viel zu gruselig sind. Schluck...)“ (Ay. Ay... (Although all three are actually way too scary for me. Gulp...)) |
Muri „Aber es sind doch deine FREUNDE! Und Freunde bringen Farbe ins Leben!“ (But they're your FRIENDS! And friends are supposed to bring color into your life!) |
Mako „Und da Skelette UND Gespenster blass und bleich sind, fällt meine Wahl... auf Zombies!“ (And since both Skeletons and Ghosts are colorless, my only options are... Zombies!) |
Mako „Zombies sind fast so wie wir. Und „untot" muss ja nicht gleich „uncool" heißen!“ (Zombies are the most similar to us. And "undead" doesn't exactly mean "uncool"!) |
Mako „Und Zombies finden immer zusammen! So wie... schnüff... echte Freunde. Und so.“ (And Zombies always find eachother! Like... sniff... real friends. Yea.) |
Muri „Echte Freunde mit echtem Kohldampf! So was lass ich nicht an mich ran!“ (Real friends with a real hunger! I'm not letting something like that near me!) |
Muri „Skelette sind knochenharte Kerle! Da können Zombies und Geister einpacken!“ (Skeletons have real tough bones! Zombies and Ghosts can start packing their bags!) |
Muri „So ein Gerippe ist nicht kaputtzukriegen! Vom Coolheitsfaktor ganz zu Schweigen!“ (You can't easily destroy something like that! And consider the coolness factor!) |
Muri „Und dazu ist es auch toll, wenn Freunde einen selbst... na ja... also... ergänzen?“ (And it's also nice to have friends that... well... well... complement you?) |
Mantaro „Ay? Ay... Ay? (Ergänzen? Moment, Muri... Wegen den Knochen, die du nicht hast?)“ (Ay? Ay... Ay? (Complement? Wait, Frye... is this about the bones you lack?)) |
Mantaro „Ay... Ay. (Gespenster sind zwar schaurig... Aber sie haben auch viel zu erzählen.)“ (Ay... Ay. (Ghosts are truly scary... but they also have a story.)) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Und Gespenstern kann man helfen, ihr Soll in dieser Welt zu verrichten!)“ (Ay! (And ghosts can use your help to finish the stuff they started in this world!)) |
Muri „Wie lieb von dir, Mantaro! Einen Freund wie dich wünscht sich jedes Gespenst!“ (How kind you are, Big Man! Every ghost would want a friend like you!) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Und ich wünsche jedem Gespenst, dass seine Seele ihren Frieden findet!)“ (Ay! (I want every ghost's soul to find peace!)) |
Mako „Ewigen Frieden, wohlgemerkt.“ (Eternal peace, you mean.) |
Muri „Hrm. Jedenfalls hat jeder von uns einen schaUuUuUurigen Favoriten, wie's scheint!“ (Hm. Anyway, it seems all of us have a spOoOoOoky favorite!) |
Mako „Ganz klar! Dan schauen wir mal schaurig, was unsere Splatfest-Teilnehmer sagen“ (Right! Let's just take a spooky look at what our Splatfest participants have to say.) |
Mako „Und ganz dem Anlass entsprechend hüllen wir uns für euch in gruselige Gewänder!“ (And for the special occasion, we'll dress-up in spooky costumes for you all!) |
Muri „Draußen wird auch alles spukig dekoriert! Stürzt euch rein, Leute!“ (Everything outside is also spookily decorated! Have fun, folks!) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay! (Und gruselig-coole Ausrüstung gibt's obendrein! Werft euch in Schale!)“ (Ay! Ay! (And there's spooky-cool equipment for you all! Dress up!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Splatoween hat geschlagen! Es darf gegruselt werden!“ (Splatoween has started! Some might get creeped out!) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Wähle ein Team am Splatfest-Wahlstand auf dem Platz und mach mit!)“ (Ay! (Choose a team at the Splatfest voting booth to join in on the fun!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay! (BUU-HUU! Sprich, den Gespenstern obliegt der gebürtige Triumph!)“ (Ay! Ay! (BOO-HOO! Ghosts are incumbent for triumph!)) |
Mako „Moment, echt? Alle Stimmen gezählt? Auch die durch den Äther hallenden?“ (Wait, what? All those votes? Even those that echo through the ether?) |
Muri „Die Niederlage sucht mich gruselnd heim. Brrrr!“ (The defeat haunts me gruesomely. Grrrr!) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay! (Team Gespenst, ihr seid klasse! Mit Geduld und Spuke habt ihr triumphiert!)“ (Ay! Ay! (Thanks Team Ghost, great job! With patience and spirit, you came out victorious!)) |
Mako „Wie konnten wir Zombies nur verlieren? Keiner konnte unseren Vormarsch stoppen!“ (How could us Zombies lose? Nobody should've stopped us!) |
Muri „Und wir Skelette haben knochenhart rangeklotzt, aber leider half es nichts...“ (Us skeletons worked hard, but unfortunately it didn't help...) |
Notes: Knochenhart is a reference to bones, it roughly means "tough bones" or "hard bones" | ||
Muri „Wer hätte gedacht, dass so viel Gespensterenergie auf der Welt spukt...“ (Who knew there was that much ghost energy haunting the world...) |
Mantaro „Ay. Ay? (Und es gibt bestimmt viele, die die Gespensterwelt interessiert...)“ (Ay. Ay? (And there are many more who are interested in the ghost world...)) |
Mako „Oho! Dann wird dieses Fest also das große Surimi Syndicate-Spuk-Special, ja?“ (Oho! So this holiday will be a big Deep Cut Spooky Special, right?) |
Muri „Total! Es wird gespenstert, was das Zeug hält!“ (Definetly! It will be very spooky!) |
Mantaro „Ay... (Und weil ich dieses eine Mal gewonnen habe, wird es ein friedliches Spuken...)“ (Ay... (And since I won this one, it will be peacefully spooky...)) |
Muri „Huch! Klingt ja total relaxt, Mantaro. Sollen wir mal etwas ruhiger feiern?“ (Oops! It will totally be peaceful, Big Man. Should we celebrate quieter?) |
Mako „Ruhiger, hm? Ob wir vielleicht eher Süßes verschenken sollten als es zu sammeln?“ (Quieter, huh? Maybe we should give away candy instead of collecting them?) |
Muri „Nicht schlecht! Aber Frage! Gibt's auch Bonbons, die nach Fisch schmecken?“ (Not a bad idea! But I have a question! Are there any candies that taste like fish?) |
Mako „Oder gar nach Wasabi? Wäre doch ein exquisites Aroma.“ (Or wasabi? It would have an amazing flavor.) |
Mantaro „Ay... (Allein die Vorstellung bringt mich sofort wieder zum Gruseln...)“ (Ay... (Just the thought of that creeps me out...)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Кто лучше годится в друзья? Зомби, скелет или привидение?» (Who makes a better friend? A zombie, a skeleton, or a ghost?) |
Биг Ман «И-ик! (С Хэллоуином нас всех!)» (A-ay! (Happy Halloween to us all!)) |
Кулла «Зомби вынесут врагам мозги! Ни один стоящий хоррор без них не обходится!» (Zombies will blow the enemies' brains out! Not a single worthwhile horror movie can do without them!) |
Мурия «Ты, наверное, скелетов имела в виду? Чтобы дружба пробирала до костей!» (You probably meant skeletons? So that friendship could chill to the bones!) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик... ик? (Нет, привидений! Душевные духи не дадут нам пасть... духом?)» (Ay! Ay... ay? (No, she meant ghosts! Spiritual spirits won't let us loose our... spirit?)) |
Notes: Big Man's tautology here is intentional for the sake of joke. Additionally, the word душевный dushevnyy ("spiritual") can be translated as "soulful". | ||
Биг Ман «Ик, ик! Ик! (Но вообще-то, я не хочу ни с кем из них дружить! Всех боюсь!)» (Ay, ay! Ay! (But actually, I don't want to be friends with any of them! I'm scared of all of them!)) |
Мурия «А вдруг они внутри мягкие и пушистые? Ты столько всего пропустишь, Биг Ман!» (But what if they're soft and fuzzy inside? You'll miss so much, Big Man!) |
Кулла «Ага, особенно скелеты. У зомби хоть есть внутренности, в отличие от остальных.» (Yeah, especially skeletons. At least zombies have the insides, unlike the others.) |
Кулла «И они как мы, только зеленее и неживее. Не вижу препятствий для дружбы!» (And they're just like us but greener and unaliver. I don't see the obstacles to friendship!) |
Notes: Shiver made up the word неживее nezhivee (literally "unaliver", grammatically speaking "more unalive" or "less alive"). | ||
Кулла «Бедняги шаркают себе, бредут по миру в поисках родственных душ... Как мы все!» (Poor things are shuffling around, wandering across the world in search of kindred spirits... Like all of us!) |
Мурия «Мозги! Мозги они ищут! Чтобы сожрать. Оголодают они с тобой, эх...» (Brains! They search for brains! To devour. They'll go hungry with you, ah...) |
Мурия «Скелетов вот можно не кормить! И они покрепче, чем зомби и привидения.» (While skeletons don't need feeding! And they're more sturdy than zombies and ghosts.) |
Мурия «Кости непобедимы, как ни крути! И выглядят круто!» (Bones are unbeatable, no matter how you look at it! And they look cool!) |
Мурия «Да и вообще, такая дружба создаст нерушимый жизненный костяк!» (And generally, such friendship will create an indestructible life backbone!) |
Биг Ман «Ик... (У тебя какие-то закостеневшие взгляды на дружбу...)» (Ay... (Your views on friendship are somewhat ossified...)) |
Биг Ман «Ик. (Хоть и жутко, но все равно было бы любопытно пообщаться с привидением.)» (Ay. (Although still creepy, it would be interesting to chat with a ghost anyway.)) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик! (Говорят, у них всех есть неоконченные дела! Им нужно помочь!)» (Ay! Ay! (They say they all have unfinished business! They need help!)) |
Мурия «Ми-и-и! «Биг Ман и привидение: дружба между мирами»! Наш будущий хит!» (Me-e-e! «Big Man and a ghost: a friendship between the worlds»! Our future hit!) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Я сделаю все, чтобы мой друг смог обрести покой!)» (Ay! (I'll do anything so my friend could find peace!)) |
Кулла «М-да, и что потом? Будешь ему по телефону в иной мир звонить?» (Sure, and what's next? You will call it in another world on the phone?) |
Мурия «У-у-у, раз мы в таком жуУуУуУтком тупике, остается только одно!» (O-o-oh, since we reached such a teEeEeErrible dead end, there's only one solution left!) |
Notes: By itself, the word жуткий zhutkiy used in a phrase жуткий тупик zhutkiy tupik ("a terrible dead end") can be translated as "creepy". | ||
Кулла «Пусть участники Сплатфеста выбирают!» (Let the Splatfest participants choose!) |
Кулла «И, раз сейчас у нас Хэллоуин, мы будем в костюмах! Сладость или гадость?» (And, since it's Halloween here, we'll be wearing costumes! Trick or treat?) |
Мурия «Площадь тоже будет украшена, так что у нас все в тему!» (The square will also be decorated, so we have everything in theme!) |
Notes: Can also be translated as "we have everything on topic". | ||
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик! (Даже снаряжение! Да-да, у вас тоже будут соответствующие костюмы!)» (Ay! Ay! (Even the gear! You heard it right, you'll also have the corresponding costumes!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Всех со Сплатоуином!» (Happy Splatoween everyone!) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Сделайте свой выбор в терминале для голосования на площади, и вперед!)» (Ay! (Make your choice at the voting terminal in the square and go!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Биг Ман «И-и-ик! Ик! (У-у-у! Привидения победили!)» (A-a-ay! Ay! (Wo-o-o! Ghosts have won!)) |
Кулла «Что?! Эфирным созданиям не место в эфире!» (What?! Ethereal creatures have no place on air!) |
Мурия «Э-э... Не наоборот? А меня теперь тоже преследует призрак... призрак поражения!» (U-uh... Not the other way around? And now I'm also haunted by a specter... a specter of defeat!) |
Notes: The joke is based on the word эфир efir meaning both "ether" and "air" (as in "TV-air"). | ||
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик! (Спасибо, команда «Привидение»! Отличный боевой дух!)» (Ay! Ay! (Thanks, team «Ghost»! Great fighting spirit!)) |
Кулла «Как мы могли проиграть, «Зомби»? На нашей стороне была и сила, и мозги!» (How could we lose, «Zombies»? We had both strength and brains on our side!) |
Мурия «А у команды «Скелет» – бойкость и стойкость, но нас это тоже не спасло...» (And team «Skeleton» had glibness and endurance, but it didn't safe us either...) |
Мурия «Я знала, что у привидений есть свои фанаты, но настолько?!» (I knew that ghosts have their fans, but that much?!) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик? (Конечно! Кому не хотелось бы узнать хоть что-то про призрачный мир?)» (Ay! Ay? (Of course! Who wouldn't want to know at least something about the ghost world?)) |
Кулла «А значит, тема нашего ежегодного набега за сладостями на Хэллоуин – «Призрак»!» (Which means, the theme of our annual Halloween trick-or-treating is «Specter»!) |
Мурия «Круть как крипово! Призрачное трио, гроза Плюхтона!» (It's creepy how cool it is! The specter trio, the scourge of Splatsville!) |
Биг Ман «Ик? Ик! (Может, в этом году не стоит? Победитель требует чего-то мирного!)» (Ay? Ay! (Maybe this year, we shouldn't have to? The winner demands something peaceful!)) |
Мурия «Ты так говоришь, будто мы с Куллой каждый год что-то делаем не так!» (You're saying it as if like every year me and Shiver are doing something wrong!) |
Кулла «Раз хочешь мирного, может, в этот раз в виде исключения раздадим конфеты?» (Since you want something peaceful, maybe this time, we'll hand out candies as an exception?) |
Мурия «Отличная идея! А часть напичкаем рыбьим жиром, типа с «сюрпризом»!» (Great idea! And we'll fill some of them with fish oil, like, as a «surprise»!) |
Кулла «О-о-о, я за! И васаби добавим!» (O-o-oh, I'm in! We'll add wasabi too!) |
Биг Ман «И-и-к... (Не видать мне с вами мирного Хэллоуина...)» (A-a-y... (I'll never see a peaceful Halloween with you two...)) |
Spanish (NOA)
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¿A quién preferirías como amigo? ¿Un zombi, un esqueleto o un fantasma?» (Who would you prefer as a friend? A zombie, a skeleton, or a ghost?) |
Rayan «¡Zaaasss! (¡Feliz Halloween!)» (Aaay! (Happy Halloween!)) |
Megan «Como primera opción, los monstruitos más queridos del cine: ¡los zombiiis!» (For our first choice, cinema's most beloved little monsters: zombiiies!) |
Angie «¡También tenemos a los esqueletos, con esa dureza que los caracteriza!» (We've also got skeletons, with their trademark toughness!) |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Y, tan espirituales como siempre, ¡los fantasmas!)» (Ay! (And, as spiritual as ever, ghosts!)) |
Rayan «¡Zaaasss! (¡Pero que no se me acerque ninguno, que me dan miedo!)» (Aaay! (But don't let any of them near me, they scare me!)) |
Angie «¡Imagina que son esos amigos invisibles que nunca tuviste!» (Think of them like those invisible friends you never had!) |
Megan «Sí... Yo creo que me voy a quedar con los zombis. Tienen más presencia.» (Yeah... I think I'm going to stick with zombies. They have more presence.) |
Megan «Aunque no estén vivos, los zombis tienen tripas como nosotros.» (Even if they're not alive, zombies have guts, just like us.) |
Megan «Y lo único que hacen es buscar compañía... ¿Qué tiene eso de malo?» (And all they're doing is looking for company... What's wrong with that?) |
Angie «¡A mí no me engañan! ¡Lo que buscan es comida!» (They're not fooling me! What they're looking for is food!) |
Angie «En una pelea entre zombis, esqueletos y fantasmas, yo apuesto por los esqueletos.» (In a fight between zombies, skeletons, and ghosts, I'm betting on skeletons.) |
Angie «Son los más duros y nadie puede con ellos.» (They're the toughest and nobody can take them on.) |
Angie «Además, es bueno tener amigos que puedan suplir tus carencias.» (Besides, it's good to have friends who can make up for your shortcomings.) |
Rayan «¡¿Zasss?! (¿De qué carencias hablas? ¡¿Te refieres a los huesos?!)» (Ay?! (What shortcomings are you talking about? Do you mean bones?!)) |
Rayan «Zasss... (Me siguen dando miedo, pero siento curiosidad por los fantasmas).» (Ay... (They still scare me, but I'm curious about ghosts.)) |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Algo los retiene en nuestro mundo, ¿no? ¡Quiero ayudarlos!)» (Ay! (Something's keeping them in our world, right? I want to help them!)) |
Angie «Ay, qué bonito... ¡Rayan y sus amigos fantasmas, juntos hasta el más allá!» (Aw, how cute... Big Man and his ghost friends, together until the beyond!) |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Haré lo que sea necesario para que pasen tranquilitos al otro lado!)» (Ay! (I'll do whatever it takes to make sure they peacefully pass to the other side!)) |
Megan «No creo que esa amistad dure mucho...» (I don't think that friendship will last long...) |
Angie «¡Bueno, pues parece que estamos otra vez en un punto mueeertooo!» (Well, it looks like we're in a deeeaaadlock again!) |
Megan «Como siempre, que cada quien elija en el festival, ¿no?» (As always, it's up to everyone to choose at the Splatfest, right?) |
Megan «Y, ya que es Halloween, ¡nos disfrazaremos para la ocasión y para todos ustedes!» (And, since it's Halloween, we'll dress up for the occasion and for all of you!) |
Angie «¡Ya van a ver cómo va a quedar la plaza decorada! ¡Ni se lo imaginan!» (Wait 'till you see how the square will be decorated! You can't even imagine it!) |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Además, obtendrán equipamiento festivo de miedo! ¡Que lo disfruten!)» (Ay! (Plus, you'll get some spooky Splatfest gear! Hope you enjoy it!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¡Ya está aquí el terrorífico Splatoween!» (The terrifying Splatoween is finally here!) |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Voten en el kiosco del festival para elegir un equipo!)» (Ay! (Vote in the festival kiosk to choose a team!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Uuuh! ¡Victoria para los fantasmas!)» (Ay! (Oooh! Victory for the ghosts!)) |
Megan «¡¿Quééé?! ¡Pero si ni siquiera lucharon con sustancia!» (Whaaat?! But they didn't even fight with substance!) |
Angie «¡La maldición de la derrota me persigue!» (The curse of defeat haunts me!) |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Bien hecho, Equipo Fantasma. ¡Lucharon cual poseídos!)» (Ay! (Well done, Team Ghost. They fought like they were possessed!)) |
Megan «¿Cómo pudo perder el Equipo Zombi? ¡Tanto cerebro que le echamos!» (How could Team Zombie lose? We put so much brain into it!) |
Angie «El Equipo Esqueleto demostró robustez, pero quizá le faltó algo de calcio...» (Team Skeleton demonstrated robustness, but maybe it lacked some calcium...) |
Angie «¡Qué sorpresa ver que los fantasmas tienen tantos seguidores!» (What a surprise to see the ghosts have so many fans!) |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (Claro, ¿quién no tiene curiosidad por saber lo que hay más allá?)» (Ay? (Well, who isn't curious to know what there is beyond?)) |
Megan «Entonces, este año toca ir de fantasmas para el especial de Halloween.» (So, this year we get to go as ghosts for this Halloween special.) |
Angie «¡Sííí! ¡Seremos tres espectros asustando a diestra y siniestra!» (Yesss! We will be three spectrals scaring from left to right!) |
Rayan «Zasss... (¡Un momento! Ya que gané yo, preferiría un especial más calmado...)» (Ay... (One moment! Since I won, I would prefer a calmer special...)) |
Angie «Pero si nunca nos pasamos tanto...» (But we never go that far...) |
Megan «Conque más calmado... ¿Qué te parece si en vez de pedir dulces los regalamos?» (So then calmer... What do you think if we gave out sweets instead of asking for them?) |
Angie «¡Y podríamos hacerlos con ingredientes secretos de miedo!» (And we could make them with secret scary ingredients!) |
Megan «¡Ya sé! ¡Podemos ponerles un poco de wasabi!» (I know! We can put a little wasabi in them!) |
Rayan «Zasss... (Un Halloween tranquilito es mucho pedir para estas dos...)» (Ay... (A peaceful Halloween is much to ask of these two...)) |
Spanish (NOE)
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¿A quién preferirías como amigo? ¿Un zombi, un esqueleto o un fantasma?» (Who would you prefer as a friend? A zombie, a skeleton, or a ghost?) |
Rayan «¡Zaaasss! (¡Feliz Halloween!)» (Aaay! (Happy Halloween!)) |
Megan «Como primera opción, los cachitos de carne más queridos del cine: ¡los zombiiis!» (As the first option, the most beloved fellas of meat in cinema: the zombieees!) |
Angie «¡También tenemos a los esqueletos, con esas caras de póker que los caracterizan!» (We also have skeletons, with those poker faces that characterize them!) |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Y, tan espirituales como siempre, ¡los fantasmas!)» (Ay! (And, as spiritual as always, the ghosts!)) |
Rayan «¡Zaaasss! (¡A mí que no se me acerque ninguno, que me dan miedo!)» (Ayyy! (Don't let any of them come near me, they scare me!)) |
Angie «¡Piensa en ellos como si fuesen esos amigos invisibles que nunca tuviste!» (Think of them as those invisible friends you never had!) |
Megan «Eso es... Yo creo que me voy a quedar con la presencia más corpórea de los zombis.» (That's true... I think I'm going to stick with the more corporeal presence of the zombies.) |
Megan «Los zombis tienen tripas como nosotros, aunque no estén vivos. Hay más en común.» (The zombies have guts like us, yet they aren't living. We have much in common.) |
Megan «Y lo único que hacen es buscar compañía... ¿Qué tiene eso de malo?» (And the only thing they're looking for is companionship... what's wrong with that?) |
Angie «¡No me vas engañar! ¡Lo que van buscando es pitanza!» (You aren't going to fool me! What they're looking for is grub!) |
Angie «En una pelea entre zombis, esqueletos y fantasmas, yo apuesto por los esqueletos.» (In a fight between zombies, skeletons, and ghosts, I bet for the skeletons.) |
Angie «Son los más duros y los más molones. ¡No hay quien pueda con un esqueleto!» (They're the strongest and classiest. There is no one who can handle a skeleton!) |
Angie «Además, es genial tener amiguetes que puedan suplir tus carencias.» (Plus, it's great to have friends who can make up for your deficiencies.) |
Rayan «¡¿Zasss?! (¿De qué carencias hablas? ¡¿Te refieres a los huesos?!)» (Ay?! (Which deficiencies are you talking about? Are you referring to bones?!)) |
Rayan «Zasss... (Me siguen dando miedo, pero siento curiosidad por los fantasmas).» (Ay... (They still scare me, but I'm curious about ghosts).) |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Algo los retiene en nuestro mundo, ¿no? ¡Yo trataré de ayudarlos!)» (Ay! (Something is keeping them in our world, no? I will try to help them!)) |
Angie «Ay, qué bonito... ¡Rayan y sus amigos fantasmas, juntitos pare siempre!» (Aw, how sweet... Rayan and his ghostly friends, together for always!) |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Haré lo que sea necesario para que pasen tranquilitos al otro lado!)» (Ay! (I will do what's necessary for them to peacefully move on to the other side!)) |
Megan «Entonces, esa amistad va a durar poco...» (So, that friendship is going to last a little...) |
Angie «¡Bueno, pues parece que estamos otra vez en un punto mueeertooo!» (Well, it looks like we're in a deeeaaadlock again!) |
Megan «Como siempre, que elijan los participantes en el festival, ¿no?» (Like always, it's up to what the participants choose in the festival, no?) |
Megan «Y, ya que es Halloween, ¡nos disfrazaremos para la ocasión y para todos vosotros!» (And, as it is Halloween, we will dress for the occasion and for you all to see!) |
Angie «¡Ya veréis lo bien decorada que vamos a dejar la plaza! ¡No os lo vais a creer!» (You'll see how well decorated we are going to leave the plaza! You won't believe it!) |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Además, obtendréis equipamiento a juego! ¡Diversión a raudales!)» (Ay! (Plus, you get matching gear in-game! Lots of fun!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¡Ya está aquí el terrorífico Splatoween!» (The terrifying Splatoween is finally here!) |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Podéis apuntaros decantándoos por un equipo en el terminal de voto!)» (Ay! (You can sign up by choosing a team in the voting terminal!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Uuuh! ¡Los fantasmas ganan!)» (Ay! (Oooh! The ghosts win!)) |
Megan «¡¿Quéee?! ¡Pero si sus técnicas de lucha no han podido ser más etéreas!» (Whaaat?! But their fighting techniques couldn't have been more ethereal!) |
Angie «¡La maldición de la derrota me persigue!» (The curse of defeat haunts me!) |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Bien hecho, equipo fantasmal. ¡Habéis luchado como posesos!)» (Ay! (Well done, Team Ghost. You fought like you were possessed!)) |
Megan «¿Cómo ha podido perder el equipo zombi? ¡Lo habíamos planeado todo con tanto seso!» (How could Team Zombie lose? We had planned everything with so much brain!) |
Angie «El equipo esquelético ha mostrado robustez, pero quizá le ha faltado algo de calcio…» (Team Skeleton had demonstrated robustness, but maybe it had lacked some calcium…) |
Angie «¡Qué sorpresa ver que los fantasmas tienen tantos seguidores!» (What a surprise to see that the ghosts have so many fans!) |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (Claro, ¿quién no tiene curiosidad por saber lo que hay más allá?)» (Ay? (Well, who isn't curious to know what there is beyond?)) |
Megan «Entonces, este año toca ir de fantasmas para el especial de Halloween.» (Well, this year it's time to go as ghosts for the Halloween special.) |
Angie «¡Síii! ¡Seremos tres molones espectros aterrorizando a diestro y siniestro!» (Yes! We will be three cool spectrals terrorizing from left to right!) |
Rayan «Zasss... (¡Esperad! Ya que he ganado yo, preferiría un especial sin sobresaltos…)» (Ay! (Wait! Since I won, I would prefer a special without shocks…)) |
Angie «Pero si nunca nos pasamos tanto…» (But we never go that far…) |
Megan «Conque sin sobresaltos… ¿Qué te parece si en lugar de pedir chuches las regalamos?» (So without any surprises… What do you think if we gave out sweets in place of asking for them?) |
Angie «¡Y podríamos rellenarlas con ingredientes secretos para que la peña se lleve un susto!» (And we could fill them with secret ingredients to give sorrow a scare!) |
Megan «¡Ya sé! ¡Podemos meterles un poco de wasabi!» (I know! We can put a little wasabi in them!) |
Rayan «Zass… (Un Halloween tranquilito es mucho pedir para estas dos…)» (Ay… (A peaceful Halloween is too much to ask of these two…)) |
Chinese (Traditional)
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「要跟誰做朋友?! 喪屍 vs 骷髏 vs 幽靈~!!」 (Who to befriend?! Zombie vs Skeleton vs Ghost~!!) |
鬼福 「魟魟~!(萬聖節快樂~!)」 (Ayay~! (Happy Halloween~!)) |
莎莎 「進行對決的分別是……電影和影集的常客! 復甦的肉體「喪屍」和……」 (The battle contestents are... frequent visitors of films and TV series! The resurrecting body, "zombies", and...) |
曼曼 「從不把情感表現在臉上的冷酷傢伙! 最擅長支撐身體的「骷髏」!還有……」 (The cold guy who never display any emotions on the face! The best one at supporting a body, "skeletons"! And...) |
鬼福 「魟!(小心別被附身了!? 拍照時很搶眼的「幽靈」!)」 (Ay! (Be careful not to be posessed!? Very eye-catching on photographs, "ghosts"!)) |
鬼福 「魟!?(話說這些都很可怕耶!?)」 (Ay!? (Speaking of which, these guys are all very scary!?)) |
曼曼 「跟他們做朋友的話,就沒那麼可怕了吧?」 (If you befriend them, then they wouldn't be as scary, right?) |
莎莎 「這個嘛……我會選擇喪屍吧。」 (About this... I will choose zombies.) |
莎莎 「我們和喪屍並沒有太大差別, 只不過我們還活著,而他們沒有而已。」 (We are not that different from zombies, just that we are still alive, while they aren't.) |
莎莎 「而且喪屍不就是為了尋求同伴而四處遊蕩嗎? 實在太可憐了,該好好對待他們,嗚嗚嗚……」 (Also, don't zombies roam all over the place to find partners? That's too pitiful, we should treat them well, (sobbing sound)...) |
曼曼 「要是成為他們的同伴就完了! 我才不會被你的假哭騙到!!」 (If we become their partners then it'll be the end! I won't be tricked by your fake tears!!) |
曼曼 「哼!如果喪屍、骷髏、幽靈大戰一場, 嬴的肯定是骷髏。」 (Hng! If a zombie, skeleton, and ghost get into a battle, the winner has to be the skeleton.) |
曼曼 「硬邦邦的拳頭外加超魷型的容貌! 怎麼想最強的都應該是骷髏!」 (Rock-hard fists plus the super-fresh appearance! However you think, skeleton should be the strongest one!) |
曼曼 「最重要的是他們擁有我缺乏的東西! 有能彌補自身缺點的朋友才好呀。」 (Most importantly they have something I lack! It's good to have a friend to make up for my own shortcomings.) |
鬼福 「魟?(缺乏的東西是指骨頭嗎?)」 (Ay? (That something you lack, is it referring to bones?)) |
鬼福 「魟魟~(唔~雖然很害怕,但如果要試著聊天, 我會選擇幽靈吧……)」 (Ayay~ (Mmm~ Though I am very scared, (but) if we have to try to chat, I would choose ghosts...)) |
鬼福 「魟?(他們是因為有遺憾才留在這個世上的吧? 總覺得無法置之不理……)」 (Ay? (They remain in this world because they have regrests, right? I have the feeling I can't let that slide...)) |
曼曼 「哦,然後萌生了強烈的友情對吧!?」 (Oh, and then a strong frendship emerges, right!?) |
鬼福 「魟!(我會盡可能地提供幫助, 希望他們早日成佛!)」 (Ay! (I will do my best to help, and hope they will become enlightened soon!)) |
莎莎 「真是短暫的友情啊。」 (That's quite a short friendship.) |
曼曼 「嗯……這次我們三人還是選不一樣的。」 (Umm... this time we are still choosing differently.) |
莎莎 「那麼,大家會選哪個呢?」 (So, which one will you choose?) |
莎莎 「話說因為是萬聖節,祭典當天 會讓大家看看和平常時有點不一樣的我們!」 (By the way, because it's Halloween, on the day of the Splatfest we will let you see us in a slightly different look than usual!) |
曼曼 「我們會把廣場用心地布置一番, 大家一定要來看哦!」 (We will decorate the plaza delicately. Everyone make sure to come and see!) |
鬼福 「魟!(聽說能獲得很適合裝扮的裝備, 希望大家能享受到時尚的魅力~!)」 (Ay! (I've heard you can obtain some gears very suitable for dressing up. I hope you can enjoy the fashionable charm~!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
鬼福 「魟!(「幽靈」贏了!!)」 |
莎莎 「怎麼可能~!」 |
曼曼 「唔——!為什麼會這樣——!」 |
鬼福 「魟!(非常感謝「幽靈」派的各位!像是被什麼附了身的集中力,真是太厲害了~!)」 |
莎莎 「明明「喪屍」派的各位也很拚命⋯⋯太不甘心啦~~~!」 |
曼曼 「「骷髏」派的各位也很努力了。就只差那麼一步⋯⋯」 |
曼曼 「沒想到幽靈的人氣竟然這麼高!」 |
鬼福 「魟~(難道是大家都想和幽靈聊天嗎?)」 |
莎莎 「那麼今年我們就裝扮成幽靈吧!「不給糖就搗蛋,我們是魚漿幫」!」 |
曼曼 「三個幽靈在街上遊蕩,要不停地吃糖果,任意地惡作劇!就這麼辦!」 |
鬼福 「魟!(等一下!是我贏了祭典,今年就舉辦一場和平又歡樂的活動吧!!)」 |
曼曼 「這什麼意思?是指我們總是做些瘋狂又恐怖的行為嗎?」 |
莎莎 「要和平又歡樂啊⋯⋯那今年我們就在街上送點心給大家如何?」 |
曼曼 「嗯!既然這樣的話,那就送在吃之前都不知道包了什麼的神秘饅頭怎麼樣?」 |
莎莎 「感覺很有趣耶!也把包了芥末的混在裡面吧!」 |
鬼福 「魟⋯⋯(嗚嗚,活動這樣辦真的會歡樂嗎⋯⋯)」 |
Top 100
View the Top 100 rankings |
As with all other seasonal-themed Splatfests in Splatoon 3, Splatoween made several changes to the game's music to match the spooky theme of the fest. A list of Splatoween versions of Splatfest music is included below.
Song | Audio |
Commence the Fest | |
Commence the Fest (Tricolor Turf War) | |
Ego Overboard | |
Still Swimmin' | |
Anarchy Rainbow | |
Deepers Creepers | First half version: Second half version: |
Sound effects
Sound | Audio |
Title screen startup |
Splatfest icon
Zombie icon
Skeleton icon
Ghost icon
Splatoween logo
Splatfest Tees
Team Zombie front view
Team Zombie back view
Team Skeleton front view
Team Skeleton back view
Team Ghost front view
Team Ghost back view
Promotional images
A shot of Splatsville during Splatoween
Promotional gear
Shiver in her costume
A different shot of Shiver in her costume
Frye in her costume
A different shot of Frye in her costume
Big Man in his costume
A different shot of Big Man in his costume
Multiple images of Deep Cut
Inkopolis Plaza during Splatoween
The Squid Sisters in their costumes
A second shot of the Squid Sisters in their costumes
A third shot of the Squid Sisters in their costumes
Callie in her costume
Marie in her costume
Results (English)
Results (Japanese)
Promotional artwork
Deep Cut artwork
Square version of Deep Cut artwork
Team artwork
English (NOA)
English (NOE)
English (AU)
English (South Africa)
English (UK)
Chinese (Traditional)
Dutch (incorrect time)
Dutch (correct time)
French (NOA)
French (NOE)
Italian (incorrect time)
Italian (correct time)
Spanish (NOA)
Spanish (NOE)
Win screens
English (NOA)
English (NOE)
Chinese (Traditional)
French (NOE)
Portuguese (NOE)
Spanish (NOE)
In-game screenshots
Splatsville during the first half of Splatoween
Inkopolis during the first half of Splatoween
Splatsville during the second half of Splatoween
Inkopolis during the second half of Splatoween
Pledge Box during the Splatfest Sneak Peek
Tricolor Turf War Opening
Tricolor Turf War overhead view
Victory screen
The bird statue in Splatsville, costumed
The snake statue in Splatsville, costumed
The boar statue in Splatsville, costumed
The tanuki statue in Inkopolis Plaza, costumed
The kitsune statue in Inkopolis Plaza, costumed
Splatoween decorations on the stairs in Splatsville
Squid, Octopus, and Salmonid decorations on the ground in Inkopolis Plaza
Team ghost baby jellyfish
Smallfry with a party hat on
The Crab-N-Go Staff wearing a party hat
The Tableturf Staff wearing a party hat
The Recon Guide wearing a party hat
Judd wearing a party hat
Murch wearing a party hat
Spyke with a Super Sea Snail wearing a party hat
Idols: Day 1
Shiver performing in her costume
Frye performing in her costume
Big Man performing in his costume as it's lit up
Big Man performing in his costume as it's dim
Callie in her costume
Marie in her costume
Idols: Day 2
Deep Cut performing in their costumes
The Squid Sisters performing in their costumes
Special ink type showcase (link to file)
Battle opening showcase (link to file)
- TV screen animations
TV screen animation 1 (link to file)
TV screen animation 2 (link to file)
TV screen animation 3 (link to file)
TV screen animation 4 (link to file)
TV screen animation 5 (link to file)
TV screen animation 6 (link to file)
TV screen animation 7 (link to file)
TV screen animation 8 (link to file)
TV screen animation 9 (link to file)
- This Splatfest's first two options are the same as those of the 7th Splatfest in the Splatoon series, Zombies vs. Ghosts, which occurred on 11 July 2015 in Europe and Oceania in Splatoon (albeit the option "Skeleton" is between these two and the theme question being different).
- This Splatfest's social media announcement occurred on October 13th, which coincided with Friday the 13th. This date is considered an unlucky day in Western superstition and is also the name of a well-known horror film franchise.
- The eye socket in the skull on this Splatfest's official artwork has the same shape as the Tentatek logo, which replicates Inklings' eye mask.
- This Splatfest marks the first time idols' main and/or accent colors do not match those of their respective teams.
- Shiver's tentacles are black with red accents instead of green with presumably purple accents.
- Frye's tentacles are black with yellow accents instead of orange with presumably teal accents.
- The yellow part of her eyelashes as well as the bottom of her irides are also blue.
- The Squid Sisters' tentacles are orange instead of randomly matching the ink colors of two of the Splatfest teams, despite the stages behind them still changing in color every time the player re-enters the Plaza.
- Additionally, their head accessories do not match their ink color, being green instead of orange.
- This Splatfest is the second special Splatfest event in Splatoon 3, with the first being Shiver vs. Frye vs. Big Man.
- During this Splatfest, a bug allowed players to summon the Callie and Marie amiibo in photo mode while in Inkopolis Plaza, despite this usually not being possible during Splatfests.
- Team Ghost was the most popular Splatfest team in Splatoon 3 to win a Splatfest.
Names in other languages
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | ゾンビ vs. ガイコツ vs. ゴースト Zonbi vs. Gaikotsu vs. Gōsuto |
Zombie vs. Skeleton vs. Ghost |
Dutch | Zombie vs. Skelet vs. Spook | Zombie vs. Skeleton vs. Ghost |
French (NOE) | Zombie vs. Squelette vs. Fantôme | Zombie vs. Skeleton vs. Ghost |
German | Zombie vs. Skelett vs. Gespenst | Zombie vs. Skeleton vs. Ghost |
Italian | Uno zombi vs. Uno scheletro vs. Un fantasma | A zombie vs. A skeleton vs. A ghost |
Russian | Зомби против Скелет против Привидение Zombi protiv Skelet protiv Privedenie |
Zombie vs. Skeleton vs. Ghost |
Spanish | Zombi vs. Esqueleto vs. Fantasma | Zombie vs. Skeleton vs. Ghost |
Chinese (Traditional) | 喪屍 vs 骷髏 vs 幽靈 | Zombie vs Skeleton vs Ghost |
Korean | 좀비 vs. 해골 vs. 유령 | Zombie vs. Skeleton vs. Ghost |
Portuguese (NOA) | Zumbi vs. Esqueleto vs. Fantasma[3] | Zombie vs. Skeleton vs. Ghost |
Portuguese (NOE) | Morto-vivo vs. Esqueleto vs. Fantasma | Undead vs. Skeleton vs. Ghost |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | 友達にするなら? Tomodachi ni suru nara? |
Which would you like to be friends with? |
Dutch | Welke griezel is het gezelligst? | Which ghoul makes for the best company? |
French (NOE) | Lequel serait l'ami idéal ? | Which would be the ideal friend? |
German | Mit wem wärst du gern befreundet? | Who would you like to be friends with? |
Italian | Chi sarebbe l'amico migliore? | Who would be the best friend? |
Russian | Кто лучше годится в друзья? Kto luchshe goditsya v druz'ya? |
Who makes a better friend? |
Spanish | ¿A quién preferirías como amigo? | Who would you prefer as a friend? |
Chinese (Traditional) | 要跟誰做朋友? | Who to befriend? |
Korean | 친구가 된다면? | What if we become friends? |
Portuguese (NOA) | Quem seria o amigo perfeito? | Who would be the perfect friend? |
Portuguese (NOE) | Quem preferirias ter como amigo? | Who would you prefer to have as a friend |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Dutch | Zombies zijn de gezelligste griezels! | Zombies make for the best company! |
French (NOE) | Un zombie serait l'ami idéal ! | A zombie would be the ideal friend! |
German | Mit einem Zombie wäre ich gern befreundet! | I would like to be friends with a zombie! |
Russian | Хочу дружить с зомби! Hochu druzhit' s zombi! |
I want to be friends with a zombie! |
Spanish (NOA) | Me encantaría tener un amigo zombi. | I would love to have a zombie friend. |
Korean | 친구가 된다면? 「좀비」 | What if we become friends? "Zombie" |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Dutch | Skeletten zijn de gezelligste griezels! | Skeletons make for the best company! |
French (NOE) | Un squelette serait l'ami idéal ! | A skeleton would be the ideal friend! |
German | Mit einem Skelett wäre ich gern befreundet! | I would like to be friends with a skeleton! |
Russian | Хочу дружить со скелетом! Hochu druzhit' so skeletom! |
I want to be friends with a skeleton! |
Spanish (NOA) | Me encantaría tener un amigo esqueleto. | I would love to have a skeleton friend. |
Korean | 친구가 된다면? 「해골」 | What if we become friends? "Skeleton" |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Dutch | Spoken zijn de gezelligste griezels! | Ghosts make for the best company! |
French (NOE) | Un fantôme serait l'ami idéal ! | A ghost would be the ideal friend! |
German | Mit einem Gespenst wäre ich gern befreundet! | I would like to be friends with a ghost! |
Russian | Хочу дружить с привидением! Hochu druzhit' s privideniem! |
I want to be friends with a ghost! |
Spanish (NOA) | Me encantaría tener un amigo fantasma. | I would love to have a ghost friend. |
Korean | 친구가 된다면? 「유령」 | What if we become friends? "Ghost" |
Internal names
Internal name | Meaning |
Maple |