Friends vs. Family vs. Solo
Friends vs. Family vs. Solo
Teams | Friends Family Solo |
Regions | Global |
Start | 13 January 2024 at 00:00 UTC |
End | 15 January 2024 at 00:00 UTC |
Length | 48 hours |
Winner | Solo |
- For other FrostyFest-themed Splatfests, see Special Splatfest#FrostyFest.
Friends vs. Family vs. Solo, also known as FrostyFest, was a seasonal special Splatfest in Splatoon 3. It was announced on social networks on 29 November 2023.[1][2] The theme was announced on 22 December 2023.[3][4]
As a special Splatfest, Friends vs. Family vs. Solo is accompanied by several cosmetic changes to the game, as well as new gear:
- The logo on the title screen has been changed to the FrostyFest logo, similar to Splatoon 2's FrostyFest.
- Splatsville and Inkopolis Plaza are decorated with a winter theme. These decorations include a snow effect, snowmen sculptures, snowflake decals and winter clothing on the animal statues.
- In the lobby, when the floor is inked, white snowflake-shaped stickers appear on the floor, and stickers shaped like sea angels in bow ties appear on the walls.
- Deep Cut and the Squid Sisters wear special outfits.
- Shiver's signature color turns to light ice blue, with her tentacles, eyebrows and shawl changing also. She wears matching eyeshadow in place of her usual red, an ornate black face mask featuring an octopus design, a black octopus tentacle ornament in place of her standard hachimaki, and no earrings. Her eyes change from red/light red to magenta. Her outfit consists in a black strapless dress with lace trim, leggings with a light to deep blue gradient pattern, black high heels with silver platform soles, a slim silver necklace and black opera gloves. Her shawl features a swirl pattern and appears significantly more translucent than usual.
- Frye's signature color turns to pale yellow, with her tentacles and eyebrows changing to it; additionally, the tips of her fingers and toes turn light pink and the inside of her mouth turns yellow. She wears an ornate, pointy black masquerade mask, a small white top hat with a golden ribbon, a sleeveless yellow button-up crop top with black buttons, cravat and collar, and yellow flared sleeve cuffs with a black button; in place of her usual pants are glittery pants colored yellow on the left and black on the right, featuring a diamond hole pattern which reveals white leggings in place of the standard round holes, and flared white openings. She wears socks similar to her standard ones but with yellow soles. Her shawl is translucent black and glittery. Similar to Shiver, Frye does not wear her usual earrings.
- Big Man wears a large black cloth floppy hat with a white coral ornament resembling a flower, and a black bow tie with white polka dots. He also wears a golden Venetian carnival mask which covers his eyes and has a prominent nose. His body turns darker, albeit still featuring the usual white stripe in the middle and wave pattern on his back, while his fins and feet have a gold, black and white glittery marbled pattern, and his tail features white stripes.
- Callie and Marie wear matching white versions of their standard jumpsuit and dress, which now feature a swirl pattern. They additionally wear white knit scarves and gloves, as well as light gray sleeves and leggings. Their standard shoes are brown with light effects on the soles. All parts of their outfits typically affected by their variable ink colors glow in each of the three Splatfest colors in turns.
- Characters in the plaza and lobby such as Jellyfish, Staff, Judd, Murch, and Smallfry all wear blue, yellow, and cream party hats decorated with various patterns.
- A special news article in the Nintendo Switch news rewards players with four unique pieces of headgear:
- Music is added or modified for the Splatfest.
- A special holiday-themed song, Yule Tide, plays in the lobby instead of Soak & Stomp. Crab-N-Go also plays a unique wintry theme.
- The Title Screen has a new sound, along with the Deep Cut intro.
- Anarchy Poisons is subtly modified for the Splatfest to add sleigh bells, and both Anarchy Poisons (Bird Mix) and Anarchy Poisons (Snake Mix) have some instrumentation removed from them.
- Anarchy Rainbow is modified with more holiday-themed instrumentation and additional singing parts for Shiver and Frye.
- Ego Overboard and Still Swimmin' are also modified.
- The Battle Opening is modified with snowflake patterns and frost appearing around the edge of the screen. Snow also appears to fall during the first few seconds of a match.
- The same frost effect can be seen in Splatsville and Inkopolis Plaza.
- This Splatfest has a special ink variant, having a sparkly reflective texture that is dimmer around the edges. It is also noticeably thicker than regular ink.
- These ink effects are not applied during mirror matches with the same team.
- The TV screens in Splatsville, Inkopolis Plaza and the lobby display unique videos related to the winter theme of the Splatfest.
The Tricolor Turf War stage for this Splatfest was Crableg Capital.
- Splatfest Sneak Peek: 5 January 2024 at 08:00 UTC to 12 January 2024 at 23:59 UTC
- Splatfest Main Event First Half: 13 January 2024 at 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC
- Splatfest Main Event Second Half: 14 January 2024 at 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC
The results were announced in-game on 14 January 2024 at 02:00 UTC.
Halftime Report
At the halfway point in the Splatfest, Deep Cut revealed the team currently with the most overall Clout, and congruently announced that the mode Tricolor Turf War would be open.
Friends | Family | Solo |
34.54% | 31.29% | 34.17% |
Category | Friends | Family | Solo |
Conch Shells - 7p | 31.19% | 31.52% | 37.29% |
Votes - 8p | 32.44% | 25.27% | 42.29% |
Clout (Open) - 12p | 34.18% | 31.36% | 34.46% |
Clout (Pro) - 12p | 34.11% | 30.84% | 35.05% |
Tricolor - 18p | 31.83% | 32.41% | 35.76% |
Total | 0p | 0p | 57p |
“ | Splatsville and Inkopolis will be cooler than cool when FrostyFest sets in during #Splatoon3's Chill Season 2023. Stay tuned for deets on this special Splatfest! | ” |
— Nintendo of Europe on Twitter[2]
“ | SRL Fresh Start Division with Frosty Fest details! Who do you spend the holidays with? Do you whoop it up with friends, settle in with family, or kick back for some alone time? | ” |
— Splatoon North America on Twitter[4]
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Who do you spend the holidays with? Friends, family, or solo?” |
Big Man “Ay! (There's no better way to kick off the year than with a Splatfest!)” |
Shiver “Which, as we all know, are 333 times the fun with like-minded people. I vote friends.” |
Frye “Over a whole day of hanging out with your loved ones?! Count me in for family!” |
Big Man “Ay. Ay! (OR you could take some quiet time to chill and reflect. I'm going with no one!)” |
Shiver “Hmm. We've been so busy lately that I keep working through our holiday "breaks."” |
Big Man “Ay. Ay. (I know what you mean. I haven't had any time lately to rest my fins.)” |
Big Man “Ay. Ay! (All my family commitments on top of studio work. And that's for starters!)” |
Frye “You seem pretty stressed every year since you became head of your clan.” |
Big Man “Ay. Ay! (That's why a holiday alone sounds nice. I could make a dent in my book pile!)” |
Shiver “I think you've read enough strange how-to books for one lifetime already.” |
Frye “I couldn't get any family time at the end of the year, so I just wanna see 'em again.” |
Frye “Little kids' cheeks are going unpinched! Hair untousled! My sisters better look out!” |
Big Man “Ay? Ay. (Go easy on your little brother, OK? He seems ready to fight back.)” |
Shiver “Sounds like you two already have firm plans for the holidays. But as for me...” |
Frye “Are you gonna tell us what's at your feet? Someone forget to throw out the trash?” |
Frye “Hey! What're you doing with a bunch of half-off coupons?!” |
Shiver “There's an explanation, I assure–” |
Big Man “Ay...ay?! (Three each for karaoke, bowling, all-you-can-sweet buffet?!)” |
Shiver “That's...sure...what it looks like.” |
Big Man “Ay? (Shiver...have you been planning a holiday for the three of us?)” |
Shiver “What? Of course not! Those coupons at my feet could be anyone's.” |
Shiver “Anyway! How about those Splatfest decorations in the plaza? Exquisite, no?” |
Frye “Real smooth transition. Super believable.” |
Big Man “Ay! (We'll be dressing up in honor of the Splatfest, so come see us at our best!)” |
Frye “Apparently they're just handling out fancy Splatfest gear too! Come dressed to spill!” |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “It's that time of year... for a Splatfest! Bring your best weapon and finest fits.” |
Big Man “Ay! (Join in the fun by choosing a team at the Pledge Box on the street!)” |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Big Man “Ay! (Golf claps for Team Solo!)” |
Shiver “This... this is outrageous.” |
Frye “Is he for real?!” |
Big Man “Ay! Ay. (Way to go, Team Solo! Let's all sit and enjoy our victory in silence.)” |
Shiver “I'm no fair-weather friend. I acknowledge my team's hard work, even in defeat.” |
Frye “Team Family, you know this won't change how much I love you!” |
Shiver “Let's face it. We lost. I suppose our next holidays will be quiet ones.” |
Big Man “Ay? Ay. (Need a book? I could lend you a tearjerker called the Loneliest Shark.)” |
Shiver “I've one for you too. Ten Speed to 10,000 Feet, about biking up a tough mountain.” |
Frye “Is Deep Cut a book club now? I want a recommendation too!” |
Big Man “Ay? (Well, what do you like to read?)” |
Frye “Comics. Magazines. Recipe books. You know, anything with fights in 'em.” |
Big Man “Ay. Ay! (I have a couple boxing manuals in storage. Let's look for them next holiday!)” |
Shiver “I've seen your basement. We'll be down there until spring...” |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「休みの日は⁈ 仲間とわいわい vs 家族でほっこり vs ひとりでのんびり!!」 |
マンタロー 「エイエーイ!(今年もフェスが始まるよーっ!)」 |
フウカ 「対決するんは、気の合うメンバーといっしょなら 楽しさ333倍! 「仲間とわいわい」に~?」 |
ウツホ 「大切な家族と 気楽でほっとする一日を! 「家族でほっこり」! そして…」 |
マンタロー 「エイ!(だれにもエンリョせず まったりしたい! 「ひとりでのんびり」でーす !)」 |
フウカ 「そういや近ごろは、なんやかんや いそがしゅうて 休みらしい休み取れてへんかったなぁ」 |
マンタロー 「エ゙イ!(ホント全っ然 ヒレをのばす時間なかったよね)」 |
マンタロー 「エイエイ…(年末年始は家の用事とか 特番の撮影とか… あと他にも 今年はいろいろあったからなぁ)」 |
ウツホ 「マンタローは 家の当主になってから特に、 毎年バタバタエイエイ大変そうじゃな」 |
マンタロー 「エーイー!(読みたい本もたまっちゃってるし、 休みが取れたら まずはひとりでのんびりしたいかも!)」 |
フウカ 「本~? まぁた 変なハウツー本とちゃうやろな…」 |
ウツホ 「ワシは、年末に家族とゆっくりできんかったし いっぺん実家に帰っておきたいのう!」 |
ウツホ 「構ってやれなかったぶん、弟と妹たちを たっぷりとかわいがってやるのじゃ…ニッヒッヒ」 |
マンタロー 「エイ?(弟くんには手加減してあげなよ?)」 |
フウカ 「ふたりとも休みの予定、もう決めてはるんやねぇ ほな、ウチは…」 |
ウツホ 「ム? フウカの足元になんか落ちとるが」 |
ウツホ 「なんじゃーコレは! 割引クーポンの束か⁈」 |
フウカ 「あっ、ちょ…」 |
マンタロー 「エイー!!(カラオケとボウリングと…スイーツ食べ放題⁈ しかも全部3枚ずつ!!)」 |
フウカ 「………………」 |
マンタロー 「エ~イ?(フウカちゃん、もしかしてお休みの予定 いろいろ考えてくれてたの?)」 |
フウカ 「ちゃうわ! さっきたまたま もろただけやし!!」 |
フウカ 「さてさて! 次のフェスは街の広場も 特別な装いに変わりますえ~!」 |
ウツホ 「無理やり話をそらしよったな」 |
マンタロー 「エエ~イ!(ボクたちも ちょっとゴージャスな衣装で フェスを盛り上げるので、ぜひ見に来てね!)」 |
ウツホ 「今回のフェスにピッタリのギアも もらえるらしいぞ! みんなのオシャレを見せてほしいのじゃ!」 |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「新しい年のフェス初めや‼︎ みんな景気よく塗っとくれやす〜!」 |
マンタロー 「エイエーイ!(広場にある投票所で 投票して参加してね!)」 |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
マンタロー 「エーイ!(「ひとりでのんびり」の勝ちだ‼︎)」 |
フウカ 「あ、ありえへん…!」 |
ウツホ 「なんじゃとー⁈」 |
マンタロー 「エイ!(「ひとりでのんびり」派のみんな、やったね! 休みの日はのんびりしながら この勝利にひたろう!)」 |
フウカ 「「仲間とわいわい」派のみんなも おつかれさん!」 |
ウツホ 「「家族でほっこり」派のみんなも ナイスファイトじゃぞ!」 |
フウカ 「は~あ 負けてしもたし、ウチも次の休みは ひとりでまったりさしてもらうわ」 |
マンタロー 「エイエイ?(それならオススメの本貸そうか? サメとの友情物語で 泣けるんだ~)」 |
フウカ 「ほな、ウチのオススメも貸したるわ とうげを攻めるバイク乗りの話やねんけど」 |
ウツホ 「なんじゃ楽しそうじゃな! ワシにもオススメの本とかないんか?!」 |
マンタロー 「エイィ?(ウツホちゃん、本読まなくない?)」 |
ウツホ 「ずかんとかレシピ本の写真を見るのは好きじゃが」 |
マンタロー 「エーイ…(そういえば家の蔵に 写真集が たくさんあったかも…今度の休みに探してみよう)」 |
フウカ 「…それだけで休みの日 終わってしまうんとちゃう?」 |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Met wie breng je graag de feestdagen door? Met vrienden, familie of jezelf?” (Who do you spend the holidays with? With friends, family, or yourself?) |
Ray “Ay! (Hoe kun je het jaar beter beginnen dan met een vers Splatfest!)” (Ay! (What better way to begin the year than with a fresh Splatfest!)) |
Haya “Die zijn altijd 333 keer beter met gelijkgestemden. Ik stem dus voor vrienden.” (Those are always 333 times better with like-minded people. So I am voting for friends.) |
Muriël “Heb je dat liever dan degenen die jou het beste kennen?! Ik stem voor familie. Duh!” (Is that what you prefer more over those who know you best?! I am voting for family. Duh!) |
Ray “Ay. Ay! (Of je kunt in die periode in je eentje tot rust komen. Ik kies tijd voor mezelf!)” (Ay. Ay! (Or you can wind down by yourself during that period. I am choosing a time for myself!)) |
Haya “Pff, we hebben het de laatste tijd zo druk dat zelfs de vakantietijd geen vakantie is.” (Pff, we have been so busy lately that even the vacation season isn't a vacation.) |
Ray “Ay. Ay. (Precies dat. Ik weet niet eens wanneer ik voor het laatst echt even NIKS heb gedaan.)” (Ay. Ay. (Precisely that. I don't even know when it was the last time I really had done NOTHING for a while.)) |
Ray “Ay! (Als ik niet iets met m'n familie aan het doen ben, zit ik wel in de studio!)” (Ay! (If I am not doing something with my family, I will be in the studio!)) |
Muriël “Sinds je aan het hoofd staat van je clan, ben je elk jaar gestrest, lijkt het wel.” (Since you have been at the head of your clan, you have been stressed every year, it would seem.) |
Ray “Ay. Ay! (Daarom klinkt vakantie in mijn eentje zo goed. Kan ik in alle rust eens wat lezen!)” (Ay. Ay! (That is why vacation by myself sounds so good. I can finally do some reading in complete peace!)) |
Haya “Als je 't mij vraagt, heb je in dit leven wel genoeg rare zelfhulpboeken gelezen...” (If you ask me, you have read enough weird self-help books in this life...) |
Muriël “Ik heb al het hele jaar nauwelijks tijd gehad voor mijn familie, dus ik mis ze gewoon.” (I have hardly had time for my family all year long, so I am just missing them.) |
Muriël “Het is alweer veel te lang geleden dat ik mijn zussen de kieteldood heb gegeven!” (It has already been far too long since I have given my sisters tickle torture!) |
Ray “Ay? Ay. (En je broertje dan? Die laat zich vast niet zo snel te grazen nemen.)” (Ay? Ay. (What about your little brother then? He probably won't be so easily tricked.)) |
Haya “Zo te horen weten jullie wel wat jullie gaan doen tijdens de feestdagen. Ik daarentegen...” (By the sound of it, you guys know what you are going to do during the holidays. I on the other hand...) |
Muriël “Wat is dat daar bij je voeten? Heeft iemand daar de vuilnisbak geleegd?” (What is that there by your feet? Has someone empty the garbage can there?) |
Muriël “Hé! Hoe kom je nou aan al die kortingscoupons?!” (Hey! Where did you get all those discount coupons from?!) |
Haya “Geloof me, ik kan het uitlegg...” (Believe me, I can explai...) |
Ray “Ay...ay?! (Drie voor karaoke, drie voor bowlen en drie voor... een snoeprestaurant?!)” (Ay...ay?! (Three for karaoke, three for bowling, and three for... a candy restaurant?!)) |
Haya “Dat eh... Ja. Inderdaad.” (That uh... Yes. Indeed.) |
Ray “Ay? (Haya... Bedoel je... Heb je iets gepland voor ons drieën?)” (Ay? (Shiver... Are you saying that... you have planned something for the three of us?)) |
Haya “Huh? Gepland? Nee, joh. Die coupons hier, die kunnen toch van iedereen zijn?” (Huh? Planned? No, dude. Those coupons here, surely those could belong to anyone?) |
Haya “Maar eh... Hebben jullie het plein gezien met al die Splatfest-decoraties? Mooi, hè?” (But uh... Have you guys seen the square with all those Splatfest decorations? Beautiful, eh?) |
Muriël “Ja, ja, verander maar van onderwerp. Totaal niet verdacht.” (I don't believe you, but whatever, just change the subject. Totally not suspicious.) |
Notes: Frye's ja, ja in this context means along the lines of not believing someone's word, but not really caring either way. | ||
Ray “Ay! (We gaan helemaal in stijl voor dit Splatfest, dus dat wil je niet missen!)” (Ay! (We go all out in style for this Splatfest, so you won't want to miss that!)) |
Muriël “Schijnbaar geven ze zelfs coole Splatfest- kleren weg! Gekker moet het niet worden!” (Seemingly they even give away cool Splatfest clothes! Things shouldn't get more crazy than this!) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Het is tijd voor een vrolijk Splatfest! Trek je zondagse uitrusting aan!” (It is time for a cheerful Splatfest! Put on your Sunday best!) |
Ray “Ay! (Kies een team bij de Splatfest-stembus en doe mee!)” (Ay! (Choose a team at the Splatfest Pledge Box and join in!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Ray “Ay! (Applaus voor Team Mezelf!)” (Ay! (Give yourself a hand, Team Solo!)) |
Haya “Dat is toch niet te geloven?!” (Surely this can't be serious?!) |
Muriël “Waaaat?!” (Whaaaat?!) |
Ray “Ay! Ay. (Perfect, Team Mezelf! Laten we in alle rust van onze overwinning genieten.)” (Ay! Ay. (Perfect, Team Solo! Let's enjoy our victory in complete peace.)) |
Haya “Mijn vrienden blijven mijn vrienden, wat er ook gebeurt. Goed gedaan, team!” (My friends stay my friends, no matter what happens. Well done, team!) |
Muriël “Team Familie, ik ben nog steeds supertrots op jullie. IJzersterk optreden!” (Team Family, I am still super-proud of you folks. Cast-iron performance!) |
Haya “Goed, we hebben verloren. Dan wordt onze volgende vakantie maar wat stiller.” (Well, we have lost. Our next vacation will just be a bit quieter then.) |
Ray “Ay? Ay. (Wil je anders een boek? Ik heb nog wel roman [sic] over een verliefde haai.)” (Ay? Ay. (Would you else like a book? I do still have [a] roman about a shark in love.)) |
Notes: Missing the indefinite article een | ||
Haya “Dan heb ik er ook eentje voor jou. Gaat over iemand die achteruit een berg op fietst.” (Then I have one for you too. Is about someone cycling backwards up a mountain.) |
Muriël “Zijn we nu opeens een boekenclub geworden? Goed, wat hebben jullie dan voor mij?” (Have we suddenly become a book club now? Well, what do you guys have for me then?) |
Ray “Ay? (Eh, nou ja, wat lees je graag?)” (Ay? (Uh, I mean, what do you prefer to read?)) |
Muriël “Comics. Tijdschriften. Kookboeken. Dus eigenlijk alles waarin gevochten wordt!” (Comics. Magazines. Cookbooks. So actually everything in which there is being battled!) |
Ray “Ay. Ay? (Ik heb in de kelder nog wel een paar boeken over boksen. Is dat wat?)” (Ay. Ay? (I do still have a couple books about boxing in the basement. Would that work?)) |
Haya “Eh? Heb je gezien hoe vol jouw kelder is? Dan zijn we volgend jaar nog aan het zoeken!” (Uh? Have you seen how full your basement is? Then next year we will still be searching!) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Comment aimez-vous passer les fêtes ? Entre amis, en famille ou en solo? » (How do you like to spend the holidays? With friends, with family or alone?) |
Raimi « Ay ! (Il n'y a pas de meilleur moyen de commencer l'année qu'avec un festival !) » (Ay! (There's no better way to start the year than with a festival!)) |
Pasquale « Et les festivals, c'est 333 fois plus marrant entre potes. Alors vive les amis ! » (And festivals are 333 times funnier with friends. So long live friends!) |
Angie « Tu préfères ça à une journée entourée de tes proches ? Nan, la famille, c'est le top ! » (You prefer that to a day surrounded by your kin? Nah, family is the best!) |
Raimi « Ay ! (Ou alors on se pose tranquille, loin du tumulte. On est très bien tout seul !) » (Ay! (Or we sit down peacefully, far from the tumult. We're just fine alone!)) |
Pasquale « Avec tout le boulot qu'on se coltine, aussi ! On a des congés, mais jamais de vrai repos. » (With all the work we get lumbered with, no wonder! We have time off, but no real break.) |
Raimi « Ay ! (À qui le dis-tu ! Je me suis plus reposé les nageoires depuis des lustres !) » (Ay! (Tell me about it! It's been ages since I rested my fins!)) |
Raimi « Ay ! (Entre mes obligations familiales, le studio d'enregistrement... Et j'en passe !) » (Ay! (Between my family duties, the recording studio... To name just a few!)) |
Angie « Ça a pas l'air facile tous les ans pour toi, depuis que t'as été bombardé chef de clan. » (It doesn't seem easy for you each year, since you've been catapulted to clan leader.) |
Raimi « Ay ! (Oh que non ! Je rêve d'un jour de congé en solo pour bouquiner à l'aise !) » (Ay! (Absolutely not! I dream of a solo break to read comfortably!)) |
Pasquale « Je crois que t'as dévoré assez de manuels bizarres pour toute ta vie, Raimi. » (I think you devoured enough strange handbooks for your whole life, Big Man.) |
Angie « Moi, j'ai pas pu voir ma famille ces derniers temps, alors faut bien que je me rattrape ! » (Personally, I couldn't see my family lately, so I really must make up for it!) |
Angie « Toutes ces joues replètes qui ont pas été pincées, ces tignasses pas ébouriffées... » (All those pudgy cheeks which haven't been pinched, these unruffled hairs...) |
Raimi « Ay. (Vas-y mollo sur le petit frère, Angie. Il a l'air assez grand pour riposter.) » (Ay. (Go easy on your little brother, Frye. He seems big enough to retaliate.)) |
Pasquale « On dirait que vous avez des programmes bien chargés, tous les deux. Et moi... » (It seems you have busy plans, both of you. As for me...) |
Angie « C'est quoi, tous ces papiers par terre ? Tu viens vider ta corbeille ici, maintenant ? » (What's those little papers on the ground? You're emptying your trash can here, now?) |
Angie « Eh ! mais c'est des coupons de réduction ! Qu'est-ce que tu mijotes, Pasquale ? » (Hey! That's discount coupons! What are you plotting, Shiver?) |
Pasquale « Je... Je peux tout expliquer ! » (I... I can explain it all!) |
Raimi « Ay ?! (Trois coupons de karaoké, trois de bowling... et un Buffet à Bonbonté ?!) » (Ay?! (Three coupons for karaoke, three for bowling... And an all-you-can-sweet buffet?!)) |
Pasquale « Euh... Ça y ressemble en tout cas... » (Er... It certainly looks like it...) |
Raimi « Ay ? (Pasquale... T'as prévu des trucs avec nous pendant les vacances ?) » (Ay? (Shiver... You planned stuff with us during the holidays?)) |
Pasquale « Hein ? N'importe quoi ! Ces coupons pourraient être à n'importe qui, d'abord ! » (What? Nonsense! For a start, those coupons could belong to anybody!) |
Pasquale « Mais parlons d'autre chose ! Vous avez vu la déco sur la place ? C'est sublime, non ? » (But let's talk about something else! Did you see the decor on the plaza? It's magnificent, right?) |
Angie « C'est ton changement de sujet qui est sublime, Pasquale. Et tellement discret... » (It's your change of subject who's magnificent, Shiver. And so discreet...) |
Raimi « Ay ! (On se mettra sur notre 31 pour le festival, alors ne ratez pas ça, les amis !) » (Ay! (We will be all dressed up for the festival, so don't miss it, folks!)) |
Notes: Big Man's French expression for "be all dressed up", "se mettre sur notre 31", does not have anything to do with December 31st (one of the holidays of the Splatfest), but comes from the dated word "trentain", referring to an expensive sheet sewn with 30 hundreds of threads. | ||
Angie « Des fringues de festival sont distribuées en ce moment même ! Sortez le grand jeu ! » (Festival togs are being handed out right now! Go all out!) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Le festival a commencé ! Mettez-vous sur votre 31 et joignez-vous à la fête ! » (The Splatfest started! Get all dressed up and join the festivities!) |
Raimi « Ay ! (Rendez-vous à l'urne festive sur le square pour choisir votre camp !) » (Ay! (We'll see you at the Pledge Box on the square to choose your team!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Raimi « Ay ! (Applaudissements pour l'équipe En solo !) » (Ay! (A round of applause for team Solo!)) |
Pasquale « C'est... un véritable scandale. » (It's... a true scandal.) |
Angie « On croit rêver... » (We must be dreaming...) |
Raimi « Ay ! (Bravo à l'équipe En solo ! Vous avez su défendre la solitude tous ensemble !) » (Ay! (Congrats to team Solo! You were able to defend solitude all together!)) |
Pasquale « Je vais pas me défiler auprès de mon camp. Même dans la défaite, vous êtes mes amis ! » (I'm not going to back down from my team. Even in defeat, you're my friends!) |
Angie « Vous inquiétez pas ceux dans l'équipe En famille : je vous aime quand même ! » (Don't worry, those in team Family: I love you anyway!) |
Pasquale « Puisque l'équipe En solo a gagné, j'imagine que je vais devoir m'occuper toute seule... » (Since team Solo won, I suppose I will have to occupy myself alone...) |
Raimi « Ay. (Tu veux un livre ? J'en ai un super émouvant : « Requin sans copains ».) » (Ay. (You want a book? I have a really moving one: "Shark with no friends".)) |
Notes: "Requin sans copains" might be a reference to Rémi sans famille (Nobody's Boy: Remi), whose anime adaptation is well known in France, from both Big Man's description and the name of the book (both rhyming and having the same form of words). | ||
Pasquale « J'en ai aussi un pour toi : « 20 000 lieues sous le soleil ». Ça parle de randonnée. » (I also have one for you: "20,000 Leagues Under the Sun". It talks about hiking.) |
Angie « Les Tridenfer sont un club de lecture maintenant ? Je veux aussi participer ! » (Deep Cut is a book club now? I want to be in too!) |
Notes: "20 000 lieues sous le soleil" is a reference to Vingt Mille Lieues sous les mers (Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas), a famous sci-fi book written by French author Jules Verne. | ||
Raimi « Ay ? (Et quel genre de livre tu voudrais lire ?) » (Ay? (And what type of book you would like to read?)) |
Angie « Bédés, magazines, livres de cuisine... Tant qu'il y a de la bagarre, je prends ! » (Comics, magazines, cooking books... As long as there's fights, I'll take it!) |
Raimi « Ay ! (J'ai un vieux manuel de boxe au sous-sol. Faut juste le retrouver !) » (Ay! (I have an old boxing handbook in my basement. Just need to find it!)) |
Pasquale « J'ai vu ta cave, Raimi... On en a jusqu'au printemps à farfouiller là-dedans... » (I've seen your cave, Big Man... We'll be there until Spring to rummage around in there...) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Alle Jahre Splatfest! Werft euch in Schale und kleckst festlich feste mit!“ (Every year Splatfest! Dress up and celebrate!) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Wählt ein Team am Splatfest-Wahlstand und rein ins Vergnügen!)“ (Ay! (Choose a team at the Splatfest voting booth and join the fun!)) |
Notes: Shiver might be referencing Alle Jahre wieder, which is a German Christmas carol. |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaro „Ay! (Diskreten Applaus für Team Solo!)“ (Ay! (Discreet applause for Team Solo!)) |
Mako „Das ist ja skandalös!“ (This is scandalous!) |
Muri „Echt jetzt? Boah!“ (Really? Wow!) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay. (Ganz famos, liebe Solisten! Genießen wir in aller Stille unseren Sieg.)“ (Ay! Ay. (Absolutely splendid, dear soloists! Let us enjoy our victory in silence.)) |
Mako „Freundschaft zeigt sich in harten Zeiten. Team Freunde, ich lobe euch von Herzen!“ (Friendship shows itself in hard times. Team friends, I praise you from the bottom of my heart!) |
Muri „Meine Liebe für Team Familie bleibt bestehen egal was passiert!“ (My love for Team Family remains no matter what happens!) |
Mako „Nun, unsere Niederlage steht fest. Das nächste Fest wird also friedlich-still.“ (Well, our defeat is certain. So the next celebration will be peaceful and quiet.) |
Mantaro „Ay? Ay... (Lektüre gefällig? Ich hätte 'nen Roman, „Hai sucht Heirat". Voll bewegend!)“ (Ay? Ay... (Like reading? I have a novel, Shark is Looking for Marriage". Totally moving!)) |
Mako „Pffft. Ich lese gerade „20.000 Meilen über den Teer", da geht's ums Biken!“ (Pffft. I'm reading "20,000 Miles on the Tarmac" right now, it's about biking!) |
Muri „Ist hier gerade Bücherabend oder was? Was krieg ich denn empfohlen, hä?“ (Is it book night here or something? What can I recommend, eh?) |
Mantaro „Ay? (Hm, was liest du denn gerne so?)“ (Ay? (Hmm, what do you like to read?)) |
Muri „Comics und Zeitschriften und Kochbücher... Hauptsache bunte Bilder!“ (Comics and magazines and cookbooks... the main thing is colourful pictures!) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Ich schau mal in meinem Keller unter den vielversprechendsten Papierhaufen!)“ (Ay! (I'll take a look in my basement among the most promising piles of paper!)) |
Mako „Wie's in deinem Keller aussieht, kriegt Muri wohl erst im Frühling was zu schmökern...“ (From the looks of your cellar, Muri probably won't get anything to browse until spring...) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Кто проводит с тобой праздники? Друзья, семья... или ты от всех отдыхаешь?» (Who spends the holidays with you? Friends, family... or you're taking a break from everyone?) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Сплатфест – лучшего начала нового года и не придумать!)» (Ay! (Splatfest – you can't come up with a better start to the new year!)) |
Кулла «Ага, и он в 333 раза веселее с кем-то, кто тебя понимает. Я за друзей!» (Yeah, and it's 333 times more fun with someone who understands you. I'm for friends!) |
Мурия «Целый день с моей дружной семейкой?! Дайте два! Или сразу целую неделю!» (The whole day with my close-knit fam?! Give me two! Or better yet a whole week!) |
Биг Ман «Ик. Ик! (А мне бы неделю просто в одиночестве побыть. Устал ото всех!)» (Ay. Ay! (And I'd like to just stay alone for a week. I'm tired of everyone!)) |
Кулла «Эх. У нас в последнее время столько дел, что праздники – одно название.» (Ah. We have so much to do lately that all that's left of the holidays is the name.) |
Биг Ман «Ик. (Я так вообще работал не покладая плавников.)» (Ay. (And I worked without even putting my fins to rest.)) |
Биг Ман «Ик. Ик. (Семейные обстоятельства, сроки в студии. И т.д., и т.п.)» (Ay. Ay. (Family circumstances, deadlines in the studio. Etc., etc.)) |
Мурия «С тех пор, как ты стал главой клана, у тебя из года в год одно: мегастресс!» (Year after year since you became the head of the clan, you only have one thing: megastress!) |
Биг Ман «Ик. Ик! (Вот поэтому мне и хочется побыть одному. Книжки почитать наконец!)» (Ay. Ay! (That's why I want to spend some time alone. To read some books after all!)) |
Кулла «Те странные справочники? Думаю, ты уже набрался от их инфы на всю жизнь.» (Those weird handbooks? I think you've already got enough info from them for the rest of your life.) |
Мурия «А я вот как назло не смогла взять отпуск к концу года. Так хочу к родичам!» (And I couldn't take a vacation by the end of the year, as luck would have it. I want to visit my relatives so badly!) |
Мурия «Никто не щиплет малышей за щечку! Не расчесывает щупальца утром! У-у-у!!!» (Nobody pinches babies' cheeks! Nobody combs their tentacles in the morning! Bo-o-o!!!) |
Биг Ман «Ик? (Интересно, твой младший брат все еще это терпит?)» (Ay? (I wonder, is your little brother still putting up with it?)) |
Кулла «Я смотрю, у вас обоих уже есть планы. А вот у меня...» (I see you both already have plans. And I...) |
Мурия «Э-э, что это у тебя за мусор под ногами? Только не говори, что я не вынесла!» (U-uh, what's this trash under your feet? Don't tell me it was I who didn't take it out!) |
Мурия «Купоны на скидки?! 50%?! Зачем они тебе?!» (Discount coupons?! 50%?! Why would you need those?!) |
Кулла «На то есть веская при...» (There's a good rea...) |
Биг Ман «Ик... ик?! (По три штуки: для караоке, боулинга... и десертного фуршета?!)» (Ay... ay?! (Three of each: for karaoke, bowling... and a dessert buffet?!)) |
Кулла «Да... веская.» (Yes... A good reason.) |
Биг Ман «Ик? Ик?! (Кулла, ты запланировала отпуск на троих? Для нас?!)» (Ay? Ay?! (Shiver, have you planned a vacation for three? For us?!)) |
Кулла «Ты что?! Конечно, нет! Мало ли, кто тут купонами швыряется!» (What do you mean?! Of course not! Who knows who's scattering coupons around here!) |
Кулла «Лучше скажите, как вам площадь к Сплатфесту. Прелесть, правда?» (You better tell me how you like the plaza for the Splatfest. Lovely, isn't it?) |
Мурия «Ты так ловко сменила тему, Кулла! Кракена никто и не приметил!» (You changed the subject so cleverly, Shiver! No one even noticed the kraken!) |
Notes: Frye's sarcastic phrase comes from "слона-то я и не приметил" ("I didn't even notice the elephant") meaning "to not notice the most important/obvious thing". | ||
Биг Ман «Ик! (Мы нарядимся к Сплатфесту, так что приходите и празднуйте с нами!)» (Ay! (We'll dress up for the Splatfest, so come celebrate with us!)) |
Мурия «Напяльте новые плюхопомрачительные Сплатфест-прикиды и айда на площадь!» (Put on the new mind-splatting Splatfest outfits and go to the plaza!) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «И снова то самое время года... Сплатфест! Хватайте свое лучшее оружие и прикиды!» (And once again, it's that time of the year... Splatfest! Grab your best weapons and outfits!) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Сделайте свой выбор в терминале для голосования на площади, и вперед!)» (Ay! (Make your choice at the voting terminal in the square and go!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Аплодисменты для меня! То есть, для команды «Я»!)» (Ay! (A round of applause for me! I mean, for the team «Me»!)) |
Кулла «Вопиющая несправедливость, как по мне.» (A blatant injustice, in my opinion.) |
Мурия «Громче для публики!» (Louder for the audience!) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик. («Я» на высоте! Ну, раз вы такие, мы с командой отпразднуем в тишине.)» (Ay! Ay. («Me» is on top! Well, since you're like that, my team and I will celebrate in silence.)) |
Notes: If the word "я" "ya" ("I", "me") was not the name of the team, the phrase "Я на высоте!" would translate as "I'm on top!" | ||
Кулла ««Друзья» останутся друзьями – несмотря на поражение! Спасибо, команда!» («Friends» will always stay friends – despite the defeat! Thank you, team!) |
Мурия «Моя «Семья», я все равно вас всех люблю!» (My «Family», I love you all anyway!) |
Кулла «Это мы посидим в тишине, Биг Ман, раз мы проиграли!» (It'll be us who will sit in silence since we lost, Big Man!) |
Биг Ман «Ик? Ик! (Одолжить книжку? Рекомендую роман «Акулье сердце»: я аж плакал!)» (Ay? Ay! (Should I borrow you a book? I recommend the novel «Heart of a Shark»: I even cried!)) |
Notes: The name of the book is a reference to the novel "Собачье сердце" (Heart of a Dog). | ||
Кулла «Пока обойдусь. Я сейчас читаю «2000 метров над водой» про маунтинбайк!» (I'll pass for now. I'm currently reading «2000 Meters Above the Seas» about mountain biking!) |
Мурия «Книжный клуб Deep Cut, м-да. А мне что посоветуете?» (A Deep Cut book club, huh. And what you'll recommend to me?) |
Notes: The name of the book is a reference to the novel "Двадцать тысяч лье под водой" (Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas). | ||
Биг Ман «Ик? (У тебя есть любимый жанр?)» (Ay? (Do you have a favorite genre?)) |
Мурия «Комиксы, журналы, рецепты! Главное, экшен и БЫДЫЩЬ!!!» (Comics, magazines, recepies! The main thing's the action and BADABOOM!!!) |
Биг Ман «Ик. Ик! (Я покопаюсь в подвале. Где-то там у меня завалялись «Основы бокса»!)» (Ay. Ay! (I'll dig through the basement. I have «Boxing Basics» lying around somewhere in there!)) |
Кулла «Видела я этот твой подвал. До весны результатов можно не ждать!» (I've seen that basement of yours. You shouldn't expect the results until spring!) |
Spanish (NOA)
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¿Quién es mejor compañía para las fiestas? ¿Los amigos, la familia o uno mismo?» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Nada mejor que otro festival para empezar un nuevo año!)» |
Megan «¡Lógicamente, combatir con amistades es 333 veces más divertido! Amigos al poder.» |
Angie «Pues a mí me parece más importante sentir el calor de la familia.» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Lo mejor es estar solo y hacer lo que yo quiera. ¡Uno mismo es suficiente!)» |
Megan «Últimamente estamos tan ocupados que no nos relajamos ni durante las fiestas.» |
Rayan «Zasss... (Cierto. No sabes lo que daría por poder estirar un poco las aletas...)» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Compromisos familiares, sesiones en el estudio de grabación... ¡No paramos!)» |
Angie «Es una época estresante para ti, Rayan, sobre todo como líder de tu clan.» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Por eso es que tener tiempo para mí mismo suena ideal. ¡Podría leer mis libros!)» |
Megan «Nunca te cansarás de leer esos manuales técnicos, ¿verdad?» |
Angie «Yo no vi casi a mi familia durante el año. ¡Así que quisiera pasar tiempo con ellos!» |
Angie «Hermanos, primos, tíos, abuelos... ¡Mientras más somos, más entintamos!» |
Rayan «Zasss... (Nada de eso, Prefiero pasar mi tiempo de forma "dis-tinta"...)» |
Notes: Big Man makes a play on words in Spanish with "distinta" ("different") to "dis-tinta" referring to "tinta" ("ink"). | ||
Megan «Cada quien con sus gustos. Lo que yo prefiero es...» |
Angie «¿Nos vas a decir qué tienes ahí en el piso? ¿A quién se le olvidó sacar la basura?» |
Angie «¿Qué es esto? ¡¿Un montón de cupones de descuento?!» |
Megan «Lo puedo explicar... este...» |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (¿Tienes 3 cupones de karaoke? ¿Y 3 para los bolos? ¿Y para un bufet?)» |
Megan «(...)» |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (Megan... ¿habías planeado que pasáramos las fiestas los tres juntos?)» |
Megan «¿Qué? No, para nada. Estos cupones no son míos... No sé cómo llegaron aquí.» |
Megan «Por cierto... ¿Qué opinan de la decoración de la plaza? ¿Verdad que está bellísima?» |
Angie «Está bien, cambia de tema...» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡No se pierdan los atuendos que vamos a lucir en el festival!)» |
Angie «También creo que habrá artículos especiales para la ocasión. ¡Valdrá la pena!» |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¡El año nuevo llega con un nuevo festival! ¡Todo el mundo a lucirse!» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Voten en el kiosco del festival para elegir un equipo!)» |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Excelente! ¡Uno mismo siempre es suficiente!)» |
Megan «Cómo es posible...» |
Angie «¡No lo puedo creer!» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Bravo, equipo. ¡Sabemos pelear y sabemos divertirnos sin necesitar a nadie!)» |
Megan «Felicidades también a mi equipo amigos. No lo hicimos nada mal.» |
Angie «El Equipo Familia también estuvo a la altura . ¡Así se hace!» |
Megan «En fin... Ya que perdimos, tendremos que pasar algo de tiempo a solas, digo yo.» |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (¿Quieres que te preste algún libro? ¿O alguna revista interesante?)» (Ay? (Do you want me to lend you a book? Or some interesting magazine?)) |
Megan «Ah, yo también puedo recomendarte un par sobre técnicas de aleteo en combate.» |
Angie «¿Ahora somos un club de lectura o qué? ¡¿También me van a sugerir algo a mí?!» |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (¿Por qué lo dices así? ¿Es que no te interesan los libros?)» |
Angie «Solo si tienen muchas fotos o son manuales de manejo de armas de última generación.» |
Rayan «Zasss... (Quizá tenga algunos de esos en casa... ¡Ven a visitarme y vamos!)» |
Megan «Con la cantidad de libros que tienen, nos pasaríamos todas las fiestas buscando...» |
Spanish (NOE)
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¡Nuevo año implica nuevo festival! ¡A lucir nuestras mejores galas!» |
Rayan |
Top 100
View the Top 100 rankings |
As with all other seasonal-themed Splatfests in Splatoon 3, FrostyFest made several changes to the game's music to match the festive and wintery theme of the fest. A list of FrostyFest versions of Splatfest music is included below.
Song | Audio |
Commence the Fest | |
Commence the Fest (Tricolor Turf War) | |
Ego Overboard | |
Still Swimmin' | |
Anarchy Rainbow | |
Yule Tide |
Sound effects
Sound | Audio |
Title screen startup |
Splatfest icon
FrostyFest logo
Splatfest Tees
Team Friends front view
Team Friends back view
Team Family front view
Team Family back view
Team Solo front view
Team Solo back view
Deep Cut artwork
Square version
Happy Holidays artwork of Deep Cut
Square version
Team artwork
English (NOA)
English (NOE)
English (AU)
English (South Africa)
English (UK)
Chinese (Traditional)
French (NOE)
French (NOA)
Spanish (NOE)
Spanish (NOA)
Win screens
English (NOA)
English (NOE)
Chinese (Traditional)
French (NOE)
Spanish (NOE)
Promotional image showcasing FrostyFest's logo and themed stickers
Splatsville during FrostyFest
Inkopolis Plaza during FrostyFest
Shiver in her costume
Frye in her costume
Big Man in his costume
Multiple images of Deep Cut in costume
Callie in her costume
Marie in her costume
The Squid Sisters in their costumes
Promotional gear that was released for the event, without text
Promotional gear that was released for the event, English
Promotional gear that was released for the event, Japanese
Promotional gear that was released for the event, Korean
FrostyFest banner
Results (English)
Results (Japanese)
Results (Korean)
Deep Cut's New Year 2024 promotional video (link to file)
- TV screen animations
TV screen animation 1 (link to file)
TV screen animation 2 (link to file)
TV screen animation 3 (link to file)
TV screen animation 4 (link to file)
TV screen animation 5 (link to file)
TV screen animation 6 (link to file)
TV screen animation 7 (link to file)
In-game screenshots
Pledge Box during the Splatfest Sneak Peek
Splatsville's title screen during day 1
Inkopolis Plaza's title screen during day 1
Splatsville's title screen during day 2
Inkopolis Plaza's title screen during day 2
Tricolor Turf War Opening
Tricolor Turf War overhead view
Victory screen
The Splatsville bird statue, snowed on
The Splatsville snake statue, snowed on
The Splatsville boar statue, snowed on
The Inkopolis Plaza tanuki statue, wearing a warm coat
The Inkopolis Plaza kitsune statue, wearing a knit cap
Decorations on the exterior of the Lobby in Splatsville
Decorations on the exterior of Grizzco in Splatsville
Salmonid decorations in the alley near Grizzco in Splatsville
Decorations on the stairs in Splatsville
Decorations in the street in Splatsville
Frostyfest decorations in the back streets of Splatsville
Nudibranch stickers on the street stairs in Splatsville
Decorations on the apartment windows in Splatsville
A shopkeeper in the alley in Splatsville
The snowman tower decoration outside of Grizzco in Inkopolis
Decorations on the ground in Inkopolis
Decorations on the train station in Inkopolis
Smallfry wearing a party hat
Murch wearing a party hat
The Splatsville Recon Guide wearing a party hat
The Tableturf Staff wearing a party hat
The Crab-N-Go Staff wearing a party hat
Judd wearing a party hat
Spyke with a Super Sea Snail wearing a party hat
Team Friends baby jellyfish
Team Friends glowstick jellyfish
Team Friends tall jellyfish
Team Friends jellyfish
Team Family baby jellyfish
Team Family glowstick jellyfish
Team Family tall jellyfish
Team Family Jellyfish
Team Solo baby jellyfish
Team Solo glowstick jellyfish
Team Solo tall jellyfish
Team Solo jellyfish
Idols: Day 1
Shiver performing in her costume
Frye performing in her costume
Big Man performing in his costume
Callie's color variants
Marie's color variants
Idols: Day 2
Deep Cut performing on day 2 of Friends vs. Family vs. Solo
First half of the Squid Sisters' day 2 color variants
Second half of the Squid Sisters' day 2 color variants
In-game videos
Special ink type showcase (link to file)
Battle opening showcase (link to file)
- This Splatfest was the third special Splatfest in Splatoon 3.
- It was the second special Splatfest event to cosmetically alter Splatsville and Inkopolis Plaza, after Zombie vs. Skeleton vs. Ghost.
- This Splatfest's first two options are the same as those of the Family vs. Friends Splatfest from Splatoon 2, albeit with the order of the options swapped and the ink color for Team Friends now being blue (with the previously-used white ink now being used for Team Solo).
- In the announcement dialogue, Shiver's coupons are references to previous dialogue by Deep Cut. An "all-you-can-sweet buffet" was mentioned by Frye during the Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour results, and bowling is a reference to Big Man saying the song Smeared Canvas was written for a bowling alley commercial in an interview from Splatune 3.
- Team Solo is the fourth and currently last Splatfest team in Splatoon 3 to win in every result category, following Water, White Chocolate, and Power.
- It is the only one of these teams to not be in 1st at Halftime.
- Since the new Tricolor system starting in the Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour Splatfest, where now any team could defend, and Tricolor became its own category, Team Friends is the first team to win the Halftime Report, but end up losing the Open category.
Names in other languages
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | 仲間とわいわい vs 家族でほっこり vs ひとりでのんびり Nakama to Waiwai vs Kazoku de Hokkori vs Hitori de Nonbiri |
With Noisy Friends vs Around Loving Family vs Peacefully Alone |
Dutch | Vrienden vs. Familie vs. Mezelf | Friends vs. Family vs. Myself |
French | Entre amis vs. En famille vs. En solo | Among friends vs. With family vs. Alone |
German | Freunde vs. Familie vs. Solo | Friends vs. Family vs. Solo |
Italian | Amici vs. Famiglia vs. In solitaria | Friends vs. Family vs. Alone |
Russian | Друзья против Семья против Я Druz'ya protiv Sem'ya protiv Ya |
Friends vs. Family vs. Me |
Spanish (NOA) | Amigos vs. Familia vs. Uno mismo | Friends vs. Family vs. Oneself |
Spanish (NOE) | Amistades vs. Familiares vs. A mi bola | Friendships vs. Relatives vs. On my own |
Chinese (Traditional) | 與朋友熱鬧度過 vs 與家人溫馨度過 vs 一個人悠閒度過 yǔ péngyǒu rènào dùguò vs yǔ jiārén wēnxīn dùguò vs yīgèrén yōuxián dùguò (Mandarin) jyu5 pang4 jau5 jit6 naau6 dou6 gwo3 vs jyu5 gaa1 jan4 wan1 hing1 dou6 gwo3 vs jat1 go3jan4 jau4 haan4 dou6 gwo3 (Cantonese) |
Spend livelily with friends vs. Spend cozily with family vs. Spend leisurely alone |
Korean | 친구와 왁자지껄 vs 가족과 오손도손 vs 혼자서 유유자적 | Talking with friends vs With family members vs Relaxing alone |
Portuguese (NOA) | Amigos vs. Familiares vs. Sozinho[5] | Friends vs. Relatives vs. Alone |
Portuguese (NOE) | Amigos vs. Família vs. A solo[6] | Friends vs. Family vs. Alone |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | 休みの日は? Yasumi no hi wa? |
What are your holidays like? |
Dutch | Met wie breng je graag de feestdagen door? | Who do you prefer to spend the holidays with? |
French (NOA) | Comment aimes-tu passer les Fêtes? | How do you like to spend the Holidays? |
French (NOE) | Comment aimez-vous passer les fêtes ? | How do you like to spend the holidays? |
German | Mit wem verbringst du gerne deine Festtage? | Who do you prefer to spend your holidays with? |
Italian | Con chi ti piace passare le vacanze? | Who do you like spending the holidays with? |
Russian | Кто проводит с тобой праздники? Kto provodit s toboy prazdniki? |
Who spends the holidays with you? |
Spanish (NOA) | ¿Quién es mejor compañía para las fiestas? | Who is the best company for the holidays? |
Spanish (NOE) | ¿Con quién te gusta pasar las fiestas? | Who do you like to spend the holidays with? |
Chinese (Traditional) | 休假通常怎麼過? xiūjià tōngcháng zěnmeguò? (Mandarin) jau1 gaa3 tung1 soeng4 zam2 mo1 gwo3 (Cantonese) |
How [do you] usually spend [your] holiday? |
Korean | 쉬는 날에는? Swineun nareneun? |
How do you spend time during the holidays? |
Portuguese (NOA) | Com quem você comemora as festas de fim de ano? | Who do you celebrate the end-of-year holidays with? |
Portuguese (NOE) | Com quem passam as Festas? | Who do you spend the holidays with? |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | 仲間とわいわい Nakama to Waiwai |
Dutch | De feestdagen zijn tijd voor mijn vrienden! | The holidays are a time for my friends! |
Italian | Durante le vacanze mi diverto con gli amici! | During the holidays I have fun with friends! |
Russian | В праздники я веселюсь с друзьями! V prazdniki ya veselyus' s druz'yami! |
During the holidays I have fun with friends! |
Spanish (NOA) | ¡Los amigos son la mejor compañía! | Friends are the best company! |
Spanish (NOE) | ¡Paso las fiestas con mis amistades! | I spend the holidays with my friendships! |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | 家族でほっこり Kazoku de Hokkori |
Dutch | De feestdagen zijn tijd voor de familie! | The holidays are a time for the family! |
Italian | Durante le vacanze mi piace stare in famiglia! | During the holidays I like staying with my family! |
Russian | Я провожу праздники в семейном кругу! Ya provozhu prazdniki v semeynom krugu! |
I spend the holidays in the family circle! |
Spanish (NOA) | ¡La familia es la mejor compañía! | Family is the best company! |
Spanish (NOE) | ¡Paso las fiestas con mis familiares! | I spend the holidays with my relatives! |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | ひとりでのんびり Hitori de Non'biri |
Dutch | De feestdagen zijn tijd voor mezelf! | The holidays are a time for myself! |
Italian | Durante le vacanze mi rilasso per conto mio! | During the holidays I chill on my own! |
Russian | В праздники я отдыхаю от всех! V prazdniki ya otdykhayu ot vsekh! |
During the holidays I'm taking a break from everyone! |
Spanish (NOA) | ¡Uno mismo es la mejor compañía! | Oneself is the best company! |
Spanish (NOE) | ¡Paso las fiestas a mi bola! | I spend the holidays on my own! |
Internal names
Internal name | Meaning |
Stove |