Rock vs. Paper vs. Scissors
Rock vs. Paper vs. Scissors
Teams | Rock Paper Scissors |
Regions | Japan Americas Europe Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, South Korea |
Start | |
End | |
Length | 12 hours |
Winner | Rock (in each region) |
Rock vs. Paper vs. Scissors was a Splatfest event in Splatoon 3, accessed by downloading the Splatoon 3 Splatfest World Premiere from the Nintendo eShop. It was announced on 10 August 2022 and lasted for twelve hours, beginning at different times depending on the player's region. Players from different matchmaking regions were able to play together in overlapping times.
The results were announced on 28 August 2022 at 14:00 UTC.
The Splatoon 3 Splatfest World Premiere was a free demo that allowed players to play the Splatoon 3 tutorial, walk around Splatsville, and participate in the Splatfest. The software was playable starting on 25 August 2022, allowing Splatsville to be explored, but players could not participate in the Splatfest until it began on 27 August 2022.
Stage rotations
Before the Splatfest began in Europe (the earliest region where it started), the current stage rotation was displayed as Scorch Gorge and Eeltail Alley globally. Afterwards, the rotations in every region were as follows:
The Tricolor Turf War stage was Sturgeon Shipyard.
Halftime Report
At the halfway point in the Splatfest, Deep Cut revealed the team currently with the most overall Clout, used to determine the team team plays the role of defense (and starting in the center of the stage) during Tricolor Turf Wars.
Each region had a different Halftime Report due to the Splatfest's start time differing depending on the region.
Region | Rock | Paper | Scissors |
Europe | 33.20% | 32.13% | 34.66% |
Americas | 33.01% | 32.85% | 34.13% |
Asia-Pacific | 33.37% | 32.08% | 34.54% |
Category | Rock | Paper | Scissors |
Votes - 10p | 45.44% | 19.59% | 34.95% |
Clout (Open) - 15p | 37.71% | 30.37% | 31.90% |
Clout (Pro) - 10p | 33.01% | 33.51% | 33.46% |
Total | 25p | 10p | 00p |
Category | Rock | Paper | Scissors |
Votes - 10p | 42.70% | 17.02% | 40.26% |
Clout (Open) - 15p | 37.03% | 29.89% | 33.06% |
Clout (Pro) - 10p | 32.76% | 34.91% | 32.32% |
Total | 25p | 10p | 00p |
Category | Rock | Paper | Scissors |
Votes - 10p | 44.58% | 21.31% | 34.10% |
Clout (Open) - 15p | 35.98% | 30.01% | 33.99% |
Clout (Pro) - 10p | 33.08% | 32.55% | 34.35% |
Total | 25p | 00p | 10p |
“ | How about that Splatfest World Premiere! First, the idea of a 3-way Splatfest is mind-blowing. And the theme? A statistical exploration of the benefits of Rock vs. Paper vs. Scissors? We're swooning. Scientifically. | ” |
— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[1]
“ | SRL here with your last-minute reminder: the Splatfest World Premiere is going live today at 9am PT! Will you bank on the reliability of #TeamRock? Try to shred the competition with #TeamScissors? Or fold, flap, and flutter your way to the top with #TeamPaper? | ” |
— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[2]
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Huge news. I've got the Splatfest World Premiere theme! ROCK. PAPER. SCISSORS!” |
Frye “YESSS! We'll finally know which one is the all-time winner!” |
Shiver “Game on! Get ready for Team Rock to show off our unbreakable will.” |
Frye “Write it in permanent ink on fancy paper...Team Paper for the win!” |
Big Man “Ay! Ay! (Team Scissors is the sharpest! Picking scissors is always the best move.)” |
NOE, NOA | |
Frye “Hooold up. There's no such thing as the "best move" in Rock Paper Scissors!” |
Big Man “Ay? Ay. (No? But I'm pretty sure I always win whenever I pick scissors.)” |
Shiver “Um, have you ever heard of "rock"? It's literally the most solid choice.” |
Frye “I broke a rock once. Sell me on this...” |
Shiver “Rock is the shape of a triumphant fist held high. It's solid. Stable. A firm foundation. It's-” |
NOE, NOA | |
Frye “I'ma stop you right there. If that's all you've got, consider me Team Paper!” |
Big Man “Ay? Ay? (Paper? Really?)” |
Frye “Paper can fold into sharp shapes! And you can write DEVASTATING things on paper.” |
NOE, NOA | |
Big Man “Ay. Ay! (No, no. Scissors are strongest! They're already sharp! No folding required!)” |
NOE, NOA | |
Shiver “Not when you make scissors out of your fingers. But a "rock hand" is pure power!” |
NOE, NOA | |
Big Man “Ay! (B-but finger scissors are complicated! They, your mind? And stuff...)” |
NOE, NOA | |
Shiver “Do you even have fingers?! Suddenly you're the finger expert around here?” |
NOE, NOA | |
Big Man “Ay! (I made up my mind, which is strong, thanks to finger scissors. Team Scissors!)” |
NOE, NOA | |
Frye “Big Man...that is the most...COMPELLING argument I've heard. I'm sold!” |
NOE, NOA | |
Shiver “Whatever. Don't bring weak finger scissors to a rock fight. This is in the bag!” |
NOE, NOA | |
Frye “Ooo, bags are made of paper. I'm back to Team Paper! All about that pulp life!” |
NOE, NOA | |
Big Man “Ay! (Scissors make confetti, which I will shower you all with at my victory parade!)” |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “The Splatfest World Premiere is on now! Choose a team-Rock, Paper, or Scissors?” |
Big Man “Ay! (Join on the fun by choosing a team at the Pledge Box in the square!)” |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Yesss. Team Rock wins it!” |
NOE, NOA | |
Frye “Ooo! It was so close though!” |
Big Man “Aaay! (Too close for comfort. Like using a rock for a pillow.)” |
Shiver “Big Man, that makes no sense. Anyway, congrats Team Rock! What a battle!” |
NOE, NOA | |
Frye “Shout out to Team Paper! We almost turned 'em into pulp.” |
Big Man “Ay! (Don't forget Team Scissors! Deep Cut thanks you, uh, deeply...)” |
Shiver “And that's a wrap on the Splatfest World Premiere. Well played, everyone!” |
Frye “Can't wait for the next one!” |
Big Man “Ay, aaay! (Thanks for your support! Hope to see you soon!)” |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「記念すべき前夜祭のお題はこれや! いちばん強いのはどれ⁈ グー vs パー vs チョキ‼︎」 |
ウツホ 「うおおおー‼︎! 最強決定戦じゃーーー!」 |
フウカ 「対決するのは、絶対に曲げない信念の表れ! タフでハードな固い意志「グー」と!」 |
ウツホ 「勝利を その手でつかみ取れ! 優しくすべてを包みこむ「パー」! そして…」 |
マンタロー 「エイ!(立ち向かってくる者は 切りふせる! なんでもバッサリ 一刀両断「チョキ」!)」 |
ウツホ 「…じゃが、じゃんけんで いちばん強い手なんて あるんかのう?」 |
マンタロー 「エーイ?(なくない?)」 |
フウカ 「何言うてはんの⁈ そんなん、グーに決まっとるやろ!」 |
ウツホ 「ム、そーなのか?」 |
フウカ 「おのれの魂をコブシに宿し、天につき出すその姿… 勝者のポーズゆうたらコレや!」 |
ウツホ 「そういうコトなら、パーのほうが強いと思うがのう!」 |
マンタロー 「エイ?(えー、なんでなんで?)」 |
ウツホ 「パーはな、ガードも ハタキもできるんじゃ! いちばんデカいし最強なのじゃ!!」 |
マンタロー 「エーイー(ふたりとも わかってないね… 強いのはチョキだよ、チョキ!)」 |
フウカ 「へぇ〜、なんでか言うてみ?」 |
マンタロー 「エイ!(チョキの手の形って フクザツでしょ? いちばん頭使わないと出せない手なんだよ!)」 |
フウカ 「マンタローのチョキは独特やけどな」 |
マンタロー 「エイエイ⁈(じゃんけんは頭脳戦… つまり、頭を使うチョキが最強ってことじゃない⁈)」 |
ウツホ 「なんかチョキが強そうな気がしてきたぞ…」 |
フウカ 「頭使って勝てるんやったら ええどすなぁ〜 グーの勢いには敵わんやろうけど!」 |
ウツホ 「えーい、最強はパーじゃい‼︎ どんな相手でも パーで張り倒してやるわ!」 |
マンタロー 「エイ‼︎(チョキが強い! 絶対チョキ‼︎)」 |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「いちばん強いのはどれ⁈ フェスはもう始まってんで〜!」 |
マンタロー 「エイエーイ!(広場にある投票所で 投票して参加してね!)」 |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「「グー」の勝ち‼︎!」 |
ウツホ 「ぬあー! おしかったー!」 |
マンタロー 「エ゙イー!(もうちょっとだったのにー!)」 |
フウカ 「「グー」派のみんな、おおきにね! 力強いバトル、見してもらいました‼︎」 |
ウツホ 「「パー」派のみんなも イカしとったぞ!」 |
マンタロー 「エイ!(「チョキ」派のみんなも ありがとー‼︎)」 |
フウカ 「前夜祭 あっという間やったけど ほんまに楽しかったな〜!」 |
ウツホ 「次のフェスも楽しみじゃー!」 |
マンタロー 「エイエーイ!(みんな これからもよろしくねー!)」 |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Nieuwsflits! Het thema van de Splatfest World Premiere is bekend. STEEN, PAPIER, SCHAAR!” (News flash! The theme of the Splatfest World Premiere has been announced. ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS!) |
Muriël “JAAAA! Eindelijk komen we erachter wie de ultieme winnaar is!” (YEEEEAH! Finally we find out who the ultimate winner is!) |
Haya “Maak je borst maar nat, want team Steen is onverzettelijk als een rots!” (You better be prepared, because team Rock is immovable as a rock!) |
Muriël “Ik geef het je zwart op wit... Team Papier gaat winnen!” (I'll give it to you in writing... Team Paper is going to win!) |
Ray “Ay! Ay! (Team Schaar knipt ze wel door! Met schaar zit je altijd goed.)” (Ay! Ay! (Team Scissors will cut them through! With scissors, you're always in the right place.)) |
Muriël “Ho even. Er is geen beste keuze in steen, papier, schaar!” (Hold on. There's no best choice in rock, paper, scissors!) |
Ray “Ay? Ay. (Nee? Maar ik win elke keer als ik schaar kies.)” (Ay? Ay. (No? But I win every time I pick scissors.)) |
Haya “Wat dacht je van steen? Dat is de meest solide keuze.” (How about rock? That's the most solid choice.) |
Muriël “Ik kan stenen breken. Heb je niets beters?” (I can break rocks. Don't you have anything better?) |
Haya “Steen is de vorm van een triomfantelijk geheven vuist. Solide. Een fundament. Een...” (Rock is the shape of a triumphantly raised fist. Solid. A foundation. A...) |
Muriël “Genoeg geklets. Als dat alles is, blijf ik voor team Papier!” (Enough chatter. If that's all, I'll stay for team Paper!) |
Ray “Ay? Ay? (Papier? Serieus?)” (Ay? Ay? (Paper? Seriously?)) |
Muriël “Papier kun je vlijmscherp opvouwen! En je kunt er vernietigende dingen op schrijven!” (Paper you can fold razor sharp! And you can write destructive things on it!) |
Ray “Ay. Ay! (Nee, schaar is het sterkst! Veel scherper, zonder te hoeven vouwen!)” (Ay. Ay! (No, scissors are the strongest! Much sharper, without having to fold!)) |
Haya “Niet als je met je hand een schaar maakt. Steen is pure kracht!” (Not if you make scissors with your hand. Rock is pure power!) |
Ray “Ay! (Met je vingers een schaar maken is anders best ingewikkeld!)” (Ay! (Making scissors with your fingers is actually pretty complicated!)) |
Haya “Heb je eigenlijk wel vingers? Sinds wanneer ben jij een vingerdeskundige?” (Do you even have fingers? Since when are you a finger expert?) |
Ray “Ay! (Net als een schaar ben ik erg geslepen. Team Schaar!)” (Ay! (Like scissors, I am very sharp. Team Scissors!)) |
Muriël “Dat klinkt niet eens zo verknipt, Ray... Ik ben bijna overtuigd.” (That doesn't even sound that impractical, Ray... I'm almost convinced.) |
Haya “Schaar is geen knip voor de neus waard. Steen heeft rotsvast de beste kaarten!” (Scissors is not worth the paper it's written on. Rock has rock-solidly the best cards!) |
Muriël “O kaarten... die zijn van papier. Dan kom ik toch bij team Papier uit. Het ritselt mooi!” (Oh cards... those are made of paper. Then I end up with team Paper after all. It finagles nicely!) |
Ray “Ay! (Scharen maken confetti, en die ga ik rondstrooien bij mijn overwinningsparade!)” (Ay! (Scissors make confetti, and I'm going to scatter it around at my victory parade!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “De Splatfest World Premiere is nu bezig! Kies een team: Steen, Papier of Schaar!” (The Splatfest World Premiere is on now! Choose a team: Rock, Paper or Scissors!) |
Ray “Ay! (Doe mee en kies een team bij de Splatfest-stembus op het plein!)” (Ay! (Get in on it and pick a team at the Splatfest Pledge Box in the square!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Keigoed! Team Steen is de winnaar!” (Unsurpassably good! Team Rock is the winner!) |
Muriël “Ooo! Dat scheelde maar een snippertje!” (Oooh! That was really close!) |
Ray “Aaay! (Geen comfortabele voorsprong. Alsof je op een steen slaapt.)” (Aaay! (Not a comfortable lead. Like sleeping on a rock.)) |
Haya “Ray, praat geen onzin! Proficiat, team Steen! Wat een spannende wedstrijd!” (Big Man, don't talk nonsense! Congratulations, team Rock! What an exciting competition!) |
Muriël “Niet slecht, team Papier! We hebben bijna pulp van ze gemaakt.” (Not bad, team Paper! We almost made pulp out of them.) |
Ray “Ay! (En vergeet team Schaar niet! Jullie hadden de overwinning bijna in de knip!)” (Ay! (And don't forget team Scissors! You folks almost had the victory in the bag!)) |
Haya “En dat was de Splatfest World Premiere weer. Goed gespeeld, iedereen!” (And that was the Splatfest World Premiere. Well played, everyone!) |
Muriël “Ik kijk al uit naar de volgende!” (I'm already looking forward to the next one!) |
Ray “Ay, aaay! (Bedankt voor het meedoen! Hopelijk tot gauw!)” (Ay, aaay! (Thanks for participating! Hopefully until soon!)) |
French (France)
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Qui l'emporte ? La pierre, la feuille ou les ciseaux ? » |
Angie « YOUHOU ! On va savoir une fois pour toutes lequel des trois est le plus balèze ! » |
Angie « N'importe quoi ! Y'a pas d'élément meilleur qu'un autre tout est dans la tactique ! » |
Raimi « Ay ? Ay. (T'es sûre? Moi, quand je choisis les ciseaux, je gagne à tous les coups.) » |
Pasquale « Hm... Et sinon, les pierres, ça vous parle ? C'est carrément indestructible la pierre. » |
Angie « Indestructible, c'est toi qui le dis. Moi, j'ai déjà cassé une pierre, un jour. » |
Pasquale « La pierre symbolise le poing dressé de la victoire. Durable, intemporelle... C'est... » |
NOE | |
Angie « Bla bla bla ! Si t'as rien de mieux, je cours m'inscrire dans le camp des Feuilles ! » |
Raimi « Ay? Ay? (Le camp des Feuilles ? Sans blague ?) » |
Angie « Eh ouais ! Une feuille se plie à la situation, et un mot bien écrit peut faire très mal ! » |
NOE | |
Pasquale « Du V de « Va voir ailleurs si j'y suis », oui ! Le poing fermé de la pierre, y'a pas mieux ! » |
Raimi « Ay! (Non, rien ne vaut les ciseaux ! Ils prennent la forme du V de la victoire !) » |
Pasquale « Ça demande surtout des doigts ! Depuis quand t'es l'expert digital des sept mers ? » |
Raimi « Ay, ay... (... Mais faire un V avec les doigts, ça demande beaucoup de dextérité, et...) » |
Angie « C'est que tu me convaincrais presque... T'as des arguments tranchants, j'avoue ! » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Pff, tu essaies juste de me couper l'algue sous la queue ! Vive les ciseaux !) » |
Pasquale « Moi, ma décision est gravée dans la pierre. Je suis pas une girouette ! » |
NOE | |
Angie « Les girouettes... suivent le vent, comme les feuilles ! J'ai rien dit, vive les feuilles ! » |
NOE | |
Raimi « Ay ! (Je garde les ciseaux, j'en aurais besoin pour faire des confettis avec vos espoirs !) » |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « La Splatfest World Premiere est en cours ! Pierre, feuille, ciseaux... Qui l'emportera ? » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Rendez-vous à l'urne festive sur le square pour choisir votre camp !) » |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Youpi! Les pierres ont gagné! » (Yippee! The rocks have won!) |
NOE | |
Angie « Pff… Ça s'est joué à un cheveu… » (Pff...It was so close...) |
Raimi « Aaay! (Un cheveu que mes ciseaux ont bien failli couper!) » (Aaay! (So close that my scissors could cut!)) |
Pasquale « Tu racontes n'importe quoi, Raimi. En tout cas, felicitations, mes petites pierres! » (You talk nonsense, Big Man. In any case, congratulations, my little stones!) |
NOE | |
Angie « Je suis desolee qu'il faille que les feuilles défaillant... Mais bravo quand même! » (I'm sorry that paper had to fail... But congratulations anyway!) |
NOE | |
Raimi « Ay! (Et bravo aussi aux ciseaux! Vous étiez à couper le souffle!) » (Ay! (And kudos to the scissors too! You were breathtaking!)) |
NOE | |
Pasquale « Ainsi se clôt le Splatfest World Premiere! Encore bravo à toutes et à tous! » (Thus ends the Splatfest World Premiere! Congratulations again to all of you!) |
Angie « Vivement le prochain festival! » (Looking forward to the next festival!) |
Raimi « Ay, aay! (Merci pour votre enthousiasme! On espère vous revoir bientôt!) » (Ay, aay! (Thank you for your enthusiasm! We hope to see you again soon!)) |
French (Canada)
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Flash infos! Le thème du Splatfest World Premiere sera… roche, papier, ciseaux! » |
Angie « YOUHOU! On va savoir une fois pour toues lequel des trois est le plus fort! » |
Pasquale « Facile! Personne ne peut venir à bout de la résistance des roches! » |
Angie « Tu parles! La victoire s'écrira en lettres d'or… sur les papiers! » |
Raimi « Ay! Ay! (C'est les ciseaux, les meilleurs! Vous n'allez pas couper à la défaite!) » |
NOA | |
Angie « N'importe quoi! Y'a pas d'élément meilleur qu'un autre, tout est dans la tactique! » |
Raimi « Ay? Ay. (T'es sûre? Moi, quand je choisi les ciseaux, je gagne à tous les coups.) » |
Pasquale « Hm… Et sinon, les roches, ça vous parle? C'est carrément indestructible, la roche. » |
Angie « Indestructible, c'est toi qui le dis. Moi, j'ai déjà cassé une roche, un jour. » |
Pasquale « La roche symbolise le point dressé de la victoire. Durable, intemporelle… C'est… » |
NOA | |
Angie « Bla bla bla! Si t'as rien de mieux, je cours m'inscrire dans l'équipe des papiers! » |
Raimi « Ay? Ay? (L'équipe des papiers? Sans blague?) » |
Angie « Eh ouais! Le papier se plie à la situation, et un mot bien écrit peut faire très mal! » |
NOA | |
Raimi « Ay! (Non, rien ne vaut les ciseaux! Ils prennent la forme du V de la victoire!) » |
NOA | |
Pasquale « Du V de « Va voir ailleurs si j'y suis », oui! Le poing fermé de la roche, y'a pas mieux! » |
NOA | |
Raimi « Ay, ay… (…Mais faire un V avec les doigts, ça demande beaucoup de dextérité, et…) » |
NOA | |
Pasquale « Ça demande surtout des doigts! Depuis quand t'es l'expert digital des sept mers? » |
NOA | |
Raimi « Ay! (Pff, tu essaies juste de me couper l'algue sous la queue! Vive les ciseaux!) » |
NOA | |
Angie « C'est que tu me convaincrais presque… T'as des arguments tranchants, j'avoue! » |
NOA | |
Pasquale « Moi, ma décision est gravée dans la roche. Je suis pas une girouette! » |
NOA | |
Angie « Les girouettes… suivent le vent, comme le papier! J'ai rien dit, vive le papier! » |
NOA | |
Raimi « Ay! (Je garde les ciseaux, j'en aurai besoin pour faire des confettis avec vos espoirs!) » |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Youpi! Les roches ont gagné! » |
NOA | |
Angie « Pff… Ça s'est joué à un cheveu… » |
Raimi « Aaay! (Un cheveu que mes ciseaux ont bien failli couper!) » |
Pasquale « Tu racontes n'importe quoi, Raimi. En tout cas, félicitations, mes petites roches! » |
NOA | |
Angie « Je suis désolée qu'il faille que les papiers défaillent… mais bravo quand même! » |
NOA | |
Raimi « Ay! (Et bravo aussi aux ciseaux! Vous étiez à couper le souffle!) » |
NOA | |
Pasquale « Ainsi se clôt le Splatfest World Premiere! Encore bravo à toutes et à tous! » |
Angie « Vivement le prochain festival! » |
Raimi « Ay, aay! (Merci pour votre enthousiasme! On espère vous revoir bientôt!) » |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Große Neuigkeiten! Das Thema der Splatfest World Premiere lautet Stein! Schere! Papier!“ (Big news! The theme of the Splatfest World Premiere is Rock! Scissors! Paper!) |
Muri „Super! Endlich finden wir heraus was am besten ist!“ (Great! We will finally find out which is best!) |
Mako „Team Stein wird seinen felsenfesten Willen zum Sieg unter Beweis stellen!“ (Team Rock will prove its rock-solid will to win!) |
Muri „Wir werden es schwarz auf weiß haben... Team Papier wird gewinnen!“ (We will have it in black and white... Team Paper will win!) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay! (Da habt ihr euch geschnitten! Mit Schere liegt man nie verkehrt!)“ (Ay! Ay! (You are both mistaken! You can never go wrong with Scissors!)) |
Notes: "Da habt ihr euch geschnitten!" is a German phrase which means that someone is incorrect. Literally translated the phrase means "You have cut yourselves on that one!" | ||
Muri „Warte mal. Es gibt dabei keine Wahl, die immer gewinnt!“ (Wait a minute. There is no choice that always wins!) |
Mantaro „Ay? Ay. (Was, nicht? Aber ich gewinne immer, wenn ich 'Schere' nehme.)“ (Ay? Ay. (What, there isn't? But I always win when I use 'Scissors').) |
Mako „Und was ist mit 'Stein'? Immerhin die vorzüglichst solideste Wahl.“ (And what about 'Rock'? After all it is the most exquisitely solid choice.) |
Muri „Ich hab schon Steine zerbrochen. Das überzeugt mich jetzt nicht.“ (I have already cracked rocks. I am not convinced.) |
Mako „'Stein' nimmt die Form einer im Triumph erhobenen Faust an. Er ist Fundament. Er...“ ('Rock' takes on the form of a fist raised in triumph. It is foundation. It...) |
Muri „Danke, reicht schon. Wenn das alle deine Argumente sind, dann bleibe ich bei Papier!“ (Thanks, that's enough. If those are all your arguments, then I'll stick with Paper!) |
Mantaro „Ay? Ay? (Papier? Im Ernst?)“ (Ay? Ay? (Paper? Seriously?)) |
Muri „An Papier kann man sich fies schneiden! Und man kann üble Sachen drauf schreiben!“ (You can cut yourself badly on Paper! And you can write nasty things on it!) |
Mantaro „Ay. Ay! (Nein, 'Schere' ist am stärksten! Viel schärfer als Papier!)“ (Ay. Ay! (No, 'Scissors' are strongest! Much sharper than Paper!)) |
Mako „Nicht, wenn du die Schere nur mit deiner Hand machst. aber 'Stein' ist pure Kraft!“ (Not if you make the Scissors with your hand only. But 'Rock' is pure power!) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Aber mit den Fingern eine Schere zu machen ist ganz schön schwierig!)“ (Ay! (But making Scissors with your fingers is quite difficult!)) |
Mako „Hast du überhaupt Finger?“ (Do you even have fingers?) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Ich lasse mich von keiner Schwierigkeit aufhalten. Team Schere!)“ (Ay! (I don't let any difficulty stop me. Team Scissors!)) |
Muri „Das berührt mich richtig, Mantaro. Ich bin jetzt auch für 'Schere'!“ (That really touches me, Big Man. I am now for 'Scissors' too!) |
Mako „Von mir aus. Ihr werdet mit euren Scheren sehen, dass Stein nicht von Pappe ist!“ (Fine by me. You with your scissors will see that Rock is not made of cardboard!) |
Muri „Pappe... Papier! Ich bin wieder bei Team Papier! Ihr seid schon abgeschrieben!“ (Cardboard... Paper! I'm back with Team Paper! You are already written off!) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Mit Schere macht man Konfetti, und das brauche ich für die Siegesparade!)“ (Ay! (With Scissors you make confetti, and I need that for the victory parade!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Die Splatfest World Premiere läuft gerade! Wähle ein Team: Stein, Papier oder Schere?“ (The Splatfest World Premiere is currently underway! Choose a team: Rock, Paper or Scissors?) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Wähle ein Team am Splatfest-Wahlstand auf dem Platz und mach mit!)“ (Ay! (Choose a team at the Pledge Box in the square and participate!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „So muss es sein! Team Stein hat gewonnen!“ (That's the way! Team Rock has won!) |
Muri „Oooh, aber es war richtig knapp!“ (Oooh, but it was really close!) |
Mantaro „Aaay! (Kein bequemer Vorsprung. Ähnlich bequem wie ein Stein als Kopfkissen.)“ (Aaay! (Not a comfortable lead. About as comfortable as a rock as pillow).) |
Mako „Mantaro, das macht überhaupt keinen Sinn. Gut gemacht, Team Stein! Ihr rockt!“ (Big Man, that makes no sense at all. Well done, Team Rock! You guys rock!) |
Notes: The "Team Rock! You rock!" Pun may not have been on purpose, as "Stein" translating to "rock" and the phrase "you rock", which also exist in German, are purely coincidental. | ||
Muri „Ihr wart auch nicht schlecht, Team Papier! Fast hätten wir sie zusammengefaltet!“ (You weren't bad either, Team Paper! We almost folded them!) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Team Schere hat aber insgesamt auch gut abgeschnitten!)“ (Ay! (Team scissors, however, has also played well overall!)) |
Notes: "Gut abgeschnitten" means "well performed" but also has the word "geschnitten" in it, which means "cut". | ||
Mako „Und damit ist die Splatfest World Premiere beendet. Danke an alle fürs Spielen!“ (And that concludes the Splatfest World Premiere. Thanks to everyone for playing!) |
Muri „Ich bin schon gespannt auf das nächste Splatfest!“ (I'm already looking forward to the next Splatfest!) |
Mantaro „Ay, aaay! (Danke, dass ich dabei wart! Hoffentlich sehen wir uns bald wieder!)“ (Ay, aaay! (Thanks for attending! Hope to see you again soon)!) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Ура-а-а! Команда камня победила!» (Hoora-a-ay! The rock team won!) |
Мурия «Эх, мы были так близко...» (Ah, we were so close...) |
Биг Ман «Ик... (Но наткнулись на парочку подводных камней...)» (Ay... (But we stumbled upon a couple of pitfalls...)) |
Notes: The Russian phrase "подводные камни" "podvodnyye kamni" (pitfalls, catches, downsides) literally translates as "underwater rocks". | ||
Кулла «Ха-ха, ну еще бы, Биг Ман! Мои поздравления команде камня. Это была невероятная битва!» (Ha-ha, well of course, Big Man! My congratulations to the rock team. It was an incredible fight!) |
Мурия «Не забывайте, как команда бумаги ПОЧТИ превратила вас в труху...» (Don't forget how the paper team ALMOST turned you into dust...) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (И про команду ножниц не забывайте! Большое вам спасибо от Deep Cut!)» (Ay! (And don't forget about the scissors team too! Thank you very much from Deep Cut!)) |
Кулла «Это были итоги мероприятия «Сплатфест – мировая премьера»! Отличная работа!» (These were the results of the «Splatfest World Premiere» event! Great job!) |
Мурия «Ох, жду не дождусь следующего Сплатфеста!» (Oh, I can't wait for the next Splatfest!) |
Биг Ман «Ик! И-ик! (Спасибо за вашу поддержку! До новых встреч!)» (Ay! A-ay! (Thank you for your support! Until next time!)) |
Spanish (NOA)
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¡Gran notición! El tema de Splatfest World Premiere será... ¡piedra, papel o tijera!» (Great news! The theme of Splatfest World Premiere will be... rock, paper or scissors!) |
Angie «¡SÍÍÍ! ¡Por fin sabremos cuál es el mejor!» (YESSS! We will finally know which one is the best!) |
Megan «¡A luchar! ¡Con las habilidades del equipo piedra se quedarán... de eso, de piedra!» (Let's fight! With the skills of Team Rock you will stay... like that, like stone!) |
Angie «El equipo papel los derrotará a todos sin piedad. ¡Que "papelón" les espera! Ja, ja.» (Team Paper will defeat everyone mercilessly. What a mess awaits you! Ha, ha.) |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (El equipo tijera les cortará las aletas de raíz. ¡Vamos a ganar!)» (Ay! Ay! (Team Scissors will cut your fins in the bud. We're going to win!)) |
NOA | |
Angie «Bueno, bueno. Digamos que ninguno es mejor que otro entre piedra, papel y tijera...» (Ok, ok. Let's say that neither is better between rock, paper and scissors...) |
Rayan «Zasss... (Ah, ¿no? Pero yo siempre gano cuando saco tijera).» (Ay... (Oh, neither? But I always win when I pick scissors.)) |
Megan «¿No conocen la expresión "duro como la piedra"? Mi elección es así de firme.» (Don't you know the saying "hard as rock"? My choice is that firm.) |
Angie «Yo rompí una piedra una vez...» (I broke a rock once...) |
Megan «Todo el mundo sabe que la piedra es signo de solidez, de estabilidad, de contundencia...» (Everyone knows that rock is a sign of solidity, stability, forcefulness...) |
NOA | |
Angie «Retiro lo dicho. El papel vencerá. ¡Equipo papeeel!» (I take back what I said. Team Paper will win. Team Papeeer!) |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (¿En serio? ¿Crees que harán tan "buen papel"?)» (Ay? (Really? Do you think you'll do a "good role"?)) |
Notes: "Buen papel" means doing or a acting good, and is used as a pun since it has the word "papel" (paper). | ||
Angie «El papel es flexible y se adapta a todo. Además, corta bien duro...» (Paper is flexible and adapts to everything. Plus, it cuts really hard...) |
NOA | |
Rayan «Zasss. (No, no, no. Las tijeras ya tienen la "V" de la victoria incorporada).» (Ay. (No, no, no. The scissors already have the "V" for victory built into them.)) |
NOA | |
Megan «Si recibes una pedrada cuando tengas los dedos metidos en las tijeras, ya verás...» (If you get hit with a rock when you have your fingers in the scissors, you'll see...) |
NOA | |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (¿Dedos y tijeras? No comprendo. Si yo ni siquiera tengo manos...)» (Ay? Ay? (Fingers and scissors? I don't understand. I don't even have hands...)) |
NOA | |
Megan «¡Entonces ya me dirás cómo es que las usas para ganar!» (Then you'll tell me how you will use them to win!) |
NOA | |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Ya no pienso cambiar de idea. ¡Lograremos la victoria de un tijeretazo!)» (Ay! Ay! (I'm not going to change my mind. We'll achieve victory with a snip!)) |
NOA | |
Angie «Pero qué argumentos tan "tajantes" los tuyos, Rayan. En fin...» (But what a "cutting" argument you have, Big Man. Anyway...) |
NOA | |
Megan «Nadie podrá con las piedras. Aplastaremos a quien se interponga en nuestro camino.» (No one will be able to compete with rocks. We will crush whoever gets in our way.) |
NOA | |
Angie «Será si nosotros dejamos alguna ruta sin empapelar. ¡Cuidadito con las "hojitas"!» (Only if we leave any route without papering. Be careful with the "blades"!) |
NOA | |
Notes: "Hojita" in this context is referring to blades, and it's used since it sounds similar to "hoja", a sheet paper, since it's made of paper. | ||
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Las tijeras harán confeti con todo tipo de papel, ¡sin cortar ni un pelo!)» (Ay! (Scissors will make confetti out of all kinds of paper, without cutting a single hair!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¡El evento Splatfest World Premiere está en marcha! ¡Elige entre piedra, papel o tijera!» (The Splatfest World Premiere event is underway! Choose between rock, paper or scissors!) |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Ve al kiosco que está en la plaza para unirte al equipo que prefieras!)» (Ay! (Go to the Pledge Box in the square to join the team of your choice!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¡SÍÍÍ! ¡El equipo piedra es el vencedor!» (YESSS! Team Rock is the winner!) |
NOA | |
Angie «Uoh... Me lo temía.» (Uoh... As I feared.) |
Rayan «Zasss... (Parece que los del equipo tijera nos quedamos "cortos"...)» (Ay...(It seems that Team Scissors got "cut short"...)) |
Megan «Bueno, Rayan, dejemos las bromitas. ¡Tenemos que felicitar al equipo piedra!» (Well, Big Man, let's stop with the jokes. We have to congratulate Team Rock!) |
NOA | |
Angie «El equipo papel también dio una buena batalla. ¡Bravo por nosotros!» (Team Paper also put up a good fight. Bravo for us!) |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Y no olvidemos al equipo tijera! ¡Que también dimos la talla!)» (Ay! Ay! (And let's not forget Team Scissors! We also made the cut!)) |
Megan «Y así concluye Splatfest World Premiere. ¡Bien jugado!» (And that concludes Splatfest World Premiere. Well played!) |
Angie «¡Ya estoy deseando que haya más festivales!» (I'm already looking forward to more Splatfests!) |
Rayan «¡Zaaasss! (¡Muchas gracias por participar! ¡Nos vemos pronto!)» (Aaay! (Thank you so much for participating! See you soon!)) |
Spanish (NOE)
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¡Gran notición! El tema de Splatfest World Premiere será... ¡piedra, papel o tijeras!» (Great news! The theme of Splatfest World Premiere will be... rock, paper or scissors!) |
Angie «¡Vamooos! ¡Por fin sabremos cuál será el ganador!» (Let's gooo! We will finally know which is the winner!) |
Megan «¡A luchar! ¡Con las habilidades del equipo piedra os quedaréis... de eso, de piedra!» (Let's fight! With the skills of Team Rock you will stay... like that, like stone!) |
Angie «El equipo papel os derrotará a todos sin piedad. ¡Menudo «papelón» os espera!» (Team Paper will defeat everyone mercilessly. What a mess awaits you!) |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (El equipo tijeras os piensa «cortar el rollo» a todos. ¡Vamos a ganar!)» (Ay! Ay! (Team Scissors will cut you short. We're going to win!)) |
NOE | |
Angie «Pero a ver... ¿Acaso hay una opción mejor que las demás entre piedra, papel y tijeras?» (But wait... Is there a better option than the others between rock, paper and scissors?) |
Rayan «Zasss... (Pues ni idea... pero yo creo que se llevará la victoria el bando de las tijeras.)» (Ay... (I have no idea... but I think Team Scissors will take the victory.)) |
Megan «¿No conocéis la expresión «duro como la piedra»? Pues mi elección es así de firme.» (Don't you know the saying «hard as rock»? My choice is that firm.) |
Angie «Hay piedras que pueden romperse...» (There are rocks that can be broken...) |
Megan «Todo el mundo sabe que la piedra es signo de solidez, de estabilidad, de contundencia...» (Everyone knows that rock is a sign of solidity, stability, forcefulness...) |
NOE | |
Angie «A mi no me convencerás. Ya tengo claro que voy con el papel. ¡Venceremos seguro!» (You will not convince me. I'm already clear that I'm going with paper. We will win for sure!) |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (¿En serio? ¿Crees que haréis tan «buen papel»?)» (Ay? (Really? Do you think you'll do a «good role»?)) |
Notes: "Buen papel" means doing or a acting good, and is used as a pun since it has the word "papel" (paper). | ||
Angie «El papel es flexible y se adapta a todo. ¡Incluso puede adoptar formas punzantes!» (Paper is flexible and adapts to everything. It can even take sharp forms!) |
NOE | |
Rayan «Zasss. (Me da igual lo que digáis. Las tijeras ya llevan la «V» de la victoria incorporada).» (Ay. (I don't care what you say. Scissors already have the «V» for victory built into them.)) |
NOE | |
Megan «Si recibes una pedrada cuando tengas los dedos metidos en las tijeras, ya verás...» (If you get hit with a rock when you have your fingers in the scissors, you'll see...) |
NOE | |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (¿Dedos y tijeras? Se me escapa el concepto. Yo ni siquiera tengo manos...)» (Ay? Ay? (Fingers and scissors? I don't get the concept. I don't even have hands...)) |
NOE | |
Megan «¡Pues ya me explicarás cómo pretendes usarlas para ganar!» (Then you'll tell me how you will use them to win!) |
NOE | |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Ya no pienso cambiar de idea. ¡Lograremos la victoria de un tijeretazo!)» (Ay! Ay! (I'm not going to change my mind. We'll achieve victory with a snip!)) |
NOE | |
Angie «Menudos argumentos tan «tajantes» tienes, Rayan. En fin...» (You have such «cutting» arguments, Big Man. Anyway...) |
NOE | |
Megan «Nadie podrá con las piedras. Aplastaremos a quien se interponga en nuestro camino.» (No one will be able to compete with rocks. We will crush whoever gets in our way.) |
NOE | |
Angie «Será si nosotros dejamos alguna ruta sin empapelar. ¡Ojito con las "hojitas"!» (Only if we leave any route without papering. Watch out for the "blades"!) |
NOE | |
Notes: "Hojita" in this context is referring to blades, and it's used since it sounds similar to "hoja", a sheet paper, since it's made of paper. | ||
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Las tijeras haremos confeti con todo tipo de papel, ¡sin cortarnos ni un pelo!)» (Ay! (We Scissors will make confetti out of all kinds of paper, without cutting us a single hair!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¡El evento Splatfest World Premiere está en marcha! ¡Elige entre piedra, papel o tijeras!» (The Splatfest World Premiere event is underway! Choose between rock, paper or scissors!) |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡En la plaza encontrarás la urna para votar y unirte al bando que prefieras!)» (Ay! (In the square you will find the Pledge Box to vote and join the side you prefer!)) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¡SÍÍÍ! ¡El equipo piedra es el vencedor!» (YESSS! Team Rock is the winner!) |
NOE | |
Angie «Vaya... Me lo temía.» (Ow... As I feared.) |
Rayan «Zasss... (Parece que los del equipo tijeras nos hemos quedado «cortos»...)» (Ay...(It seems that Team Scissors got «cut short»...)) |
Megan «Deja los chascarrillos, Rayan. ¡Tenemos que dar la enhorabuena al equipo piedra!» (Stop the jokes, Big Man. We have to congratulate Team Rock!) |
NOE | |
Angie «El equipo papel también ha combatido con gran fiereza. ¡Bravo por nosotros!» (Team Paper has also fought with great fierceness. Bravo for us!) |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Y no olvidemos al equipo tijeras! ¡También hemos dado la talla!)» (Ay! Ay! (And let's not forget Team Scissors! We also made the cut!)) |
Megan «Con esto concluye el evento Splatfest World Premiere. ¡Lo habéis hecho genial todos!» (And with this the Splatfest World Premiere event concludes. You all did great!) |
Angie «¡Ya estoy deseando que haya más festivales!» (I'm already looking forward to more Splatfests!) |
Rayan «¡Zaaasss! (¡Muchas gracias por participar! ¡Nos vemos pronto!)» (Aaay! (Thank you so much for participating! See you soon!)) |
Splatfest icon
Rock icon
Paper icon
Scissors icon
Splatfest Tees
Team Rock tee front view
Back view
Team Paper tee front view
Back view
Team Scissors tee front view
Back view
Promotional images
Deep Cut artwork
Deep Cut artwork (square)
Promotional image of the Splatfest Tees
Voting stand
All 26 weapons featured in the Splatfest
Results (English)
Results (Japanese)
Results (Korean)
Team artwork
English (UK)
Win screens
English (NOA)
English (NOE)
Chinese (Traditional)
Portuguese (NOE)
Spanish (NOE)
In-game screenshots
Shiver performing in her Splatfest colors.
Frye performing in her Splatfest colors.
Big Man performing in his Splatfest colors.
Deep Cut closeup
Tricolor Turf War opening screen
Tricolor Turf War overhead view
- Rock vs. Paper vs. Scissors lasted for twelve hours, making it the third shortest Splatfest in the series behind those of the Splatoon 2 Splatfest World Premiere (Cake vs. Ice Cream and Rock vs. Pop), which were four hours long. These three Splatfests are the only ones that were shorter than 24 hours.
- Due to it preceding the full release of Splatoon 3, there is no record of this Splatfest in SplatNet 3.
- This is the only global Splatfest in which Europe was able to participate before all other regions.
- Japan started first in Mayo vs. Ketchup (2017), Trick vs. Treat (2018), Family vs. Friends, and Hare vs. Tortoise.
- North America and Oceania started first in Action vs. Comedy, Squid vs. Octopus (2018), Hero vs. Villain, and Knight vs. Wizard.
- All regions started simultaneously in Fancy Party vs. Costume Party, Callie vs. Marie, Chaos vs. Order, Mayo vs. Ketchup (2020), Chicken vs. Egg (2020), Trick vs. Treat (2020), Super Mushroom vs. Super Star, and all later global Splatfests in Splatoon 3.
- This Splatfest took place on the same date as World Rock Paper Scissors Day. Whether or not this was intentional is unknown.
- Though the theme was officially announced near the end of the Splatoon 3 Direct, the jellyfish seen during the reveal of Anarchy Rainbow wore the Splatfest Tees depicting the teams shortly before this announcement.
- Team Paper in the Asia-Pacific region is one of the only three Splatfest teams in Splatoon 3 to get last place in every result category, the others being Team Grub and Team Courage.
- Team Scissors in the Europe region is one of the only two Splatfest teams in Splatoon 3 to get second place in every result category, the other being Team Wisdom.
Names in other languages
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | グー vs パー vs チョキ Gū vs Pā vs Choki |
Rock vs. Paper vs. Scissors |
Dutch | Steen vs. Papier vs. Schaar | Rock vs. Paper vs. Scissors |
French (NOA) | Roche vs. Papier vs. Ciseaux | Rock vs. Paper vs. Scissors |
French (NOE) | Pierre vs. Feuille vs. Ciseaux | Rock vs. Sheet vs. Scissors |
German | Stein vs. Papier vs. Schere | Rock vs. Paper vs. Scissors |
Italian | Sasso vs. Carta vs. Forbice | Rock vs. Paper vs. Scissors |
Russian | Камень против Бумага против Ножницы Kamen' protiv Bumaga protiv Nozhnitsy |
Rock vs. Paper vs. Scissors |
Spanish (NOA) | Piedra vs. Papel vs. Tijera | Rock vs. Paper vs. Scissors |
Spanish (NOE) | Piedra vs. Papel vs. Tijeras | Rock vs. Paper vs. Scissors |
Chinese (Simplified) | 石头 vs 布 vs 剪刀 Shítou vs Bù vs Jiǎndāo |
Rock vs. Cloth vs. Scissors |
Chinese (Traditional) | 石頭 vs 布 vs 剪刀 Shítou vs Bù vs Jiǎndāo |
Rock vs. Cloth vs. Scissors |
Korean | 바위 vs 보 vs 가위 Bawi vs Bo vs Gawi |
Rock vs. Cloth vs. Scissors |
Portuguese | Pedra vs. Papel vs. Tesoura[3][4] | Rock vs. Paper vs. Scissors |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | いちばん強いのはどれ?「グー」 | |
Dutch | Welke wint? Steen | Which one wins? Rock |
French (NOA) | Qui l'emporte? Roche | |
French (NOE) | Qui l'emporte ? Pierre | |
German | Was ist am besten? Stein | What is the best? Rock |
Italian | Chi è il più forte? Sasso | Who's the strongest? Rock |
Russian | Что круче? Камень Chto kruche? Kamen' |
What's cooler? Rock |
Spanish | ¿Cuál ganará? Piedra | Which will win? Rock |
Chinese (Simplified) | 最强的是哪一个? "石头" | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 最強的是哪一個?「石頭」 | |
Korean | 다음 중 가장 강한 것은? 「바위」 |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | いちばん強いのはどれ?「パー」 | |
Dutch | Welke wint? Papier | Which one wins? Paper |
French (NOA) | Qui l'emporte? Papier | |
French (NOE) | Qui l'emporte ? Feuille | |
German | Was ist am besten? Papier | What is the best? Paper |
Italian | Chi è il più forte? Carta | Who's the strongest? Paper |
Russian | Что круче? Бумага Chto kruche? Bumaga |
What's cooler? Paper |
Spanish | ¿Cuál ganará? Papel | Which will win? Paper |
Chinese (Simplified) | 最强的是哪一个? "布" | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 最強的是哪一個?「布」 | |
Korean | 다음 중 가장 강한 것은? 「보」 |
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | いちばん強いのはどれ?「チョキ」 | |
Dutch | Welke wint? Schaar | Which one wins? Scissors |
French (NOA) | Qui l'emporte? Ciseaux | |
French (NOE) | Qui l'emporte ? Ciseaux | |
German | Was ist am besten? Schere | What is the best? Scissors |
Italian | Chi è il più forte? Forbice | Who's the strongest? Scissors |
Russian | Что круче? Ножницы Chto kruche? Nozhnitsy |
What's cooler? Scissors |
Spanish (NOA) | ¿Cuál ganará? Tijera | Which will win? Scissors |
Spanish (NOE) | ¿Cuál ganará? Tijeras | Which will win? Scissors |
Chinese (Simplified) | 最强的是哪一个? "剪刀" | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 最強的是哪一個?「剪刀」 | |
Korean | 다음 중 가장 강한 것은? 「가위」 |
Internal names
Internal name | Meaning |
mbtofu[5] |
External links
- @NintendoNL on Twitter (announcement), @NintendoNL on Twitter (reminder), @NintendoNL on Twitter (reminder), @NintendoNL on Twitter (results)