Kaiten-yaki vs. Ōban-yaki vs. Imagawa-yaki

English translations of these names are unofficial.
Kaiten-yaki vs. Ōban-yaki vs. Imagawa-yaki
Teams | 回転焼き (Kaiten-yaki) 大判焼き (Ōban-yaki) 今川焼き (Imagawa-yaki) |
Regions | Japan |
Start | 18 November 2023 at 00:00 UTC |
End | 20 November 2023 at 00:00 UTC |
Length | 48 hours |
Winner | Ōban-yaki |
回転焼き vs 大判焼き vs 今川焼き (Kaiten-yaki vs. Ooban-yaki vs. Imagawa-yaki) was a Splatfest event exclusive to the Japan region in Splatoon 3. It was the third Splatfest to take place during Drizzle Season 2023. The event was announced on social networks on 8 November 2023.[1]
The Americas/Oceania and Europe regions' Handshake vs. Fist Bump vs. Hug Splatfest took place concurrently with this Splatfest.
This was the first Splatfest in Splatoon 3 to differ by region: players who selected the Japan region were able to participate in this Splatfest, whereas players who selected the Americas/Oceania, Europe, or Hong Kong/South Korea regions were instead able to participate in the Handshake vs. Fist Bump vs. Hug Splatfest as a combined group, which was held at the same time.
The Splatfest question is about the name of a dish most commonly known as imagawayaki, which is a dessert made from dough filled with sweet red bean paste cooked in a special enclosed pan. The dish is known for being referred to with a large number of different names; imagawayaki's Japanese Wikipedia article lists more than 50 different regional or brand-related names for the dish.
The teams represent the three most common names for the dish in Japanese:
- 回転焼き Kaiten-yaki (lit. "spun fried (dish)"), which is common in the Kyūshū region.
- 大判焼き Ōban-yaki (lit. "large size fried (dish)"), which is common in the Kansai and Tōhoku regions. "Ōban" is also the name of an Edo-period Japanese coin, which this dish resembles in shape.
- 今川焼き Imagawa-yaki (lit. "Imagawa-style fried (dish)"), which is common in most regions of Japan; this name for the dish is derived from the historical Imagawa Bridge in Kanda where the dish was first sold in the 18th century.
The Tricolor Turf War stage for this Splatfest was Manta Maria.
- Splatfest Sneak Peek: 10 November 2023 at 08:00 UTC to 17 November 2023 at 23:59 UTC
- Splatfest Main Event First Half: 18 November 2023 at 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC
- Splatfest Main Event Second Half: 19 November 2023 at 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC
Results were announced in-game on 20 November 2023 at 02:00 UTC.
Halftime Report
At the halfway point in the Splatfest, Deep Cut revealed the team currently with the most overall Clout, and also announced that the mode Tricolor Turf War would be open.
回転焼き (Kaiten-yaki) | 大判焼き (Ōban-yaki) | 今川焼き (Imagawa-yaki) |
33.39% | 32.95% | 33.66% |
Category | 回転焼き (Kaiten-yaki) | 大判焼き (Ōban-yaki) | 今川焼き (Imagawa-yaki) |
Conch Shells - 7p | 33.35% | 33.41% | 33.24% |
Votes - 8p | 19.16% | 43.73% | 37.11% |
Clout (Open) - 12p | 33.39% | 33.12% | 33.49% |
Clout (Pro) - 12p | 33.43% | 32.38% | 34.19% |
Tricolor - 18p | 32.38% | 34.07% | 33.55% |
Total | 00p | 33p | 24p |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ![]() 「コレなんて呼ぶ⁈ 回転焼き vs 大判焼き vs 今川焼き〜‼︎」 (What is this called?! Kaiten-yaki vs Ōban-yaki vs Imagawa-yaki~!!) |
ウツホ![]() 「天下分け目の戦いじゃー‼︎」 (It's a world-dividing battle!) |
フウカ![]() 「対決するんは、ホカホカの皮に あんこギッシリの 「回転焼き」と!」 (The participants in the showdown will be: Red bean paste tightly bound in a warm and crumbly crust: "Kaiten-yaki"!) |
ウツホ![]() 「ホカホカの皮に あんこギッシリの 「大判焼き」と!」 (Red bean paste tightly bound in a warm and crumbly crust: "Ōban-yaki"! and) |
マンタロー![]() 「エイ!(ホカホカの皮に あんこギッシリの 「今川焼き」でーす !)」 (Ay! (Red bean paste tightly bound in a warm and crumbly crust: "Imagawa-yaki"!)) |
フウカ![]() 「って、名前以外 同じやないかーい!」 (They're all the same except the name!) |
ウツホ![]() 「どれもウマいのは変わらんのじゃ」 (Either way, doesn't change how tasty it is.) |
フウカ![]() 「ウチ、「回転焼き」の店しか見たことあらへんで バンカラ街では それで通ってるんとちゃうの?」 (Personally, I've only seen "Kaiten-yaki" shops. Is that not how it is in Splatsville?) |
マンタロー 「エ〜イ〜(そういえば、学校帰りに寄ってたお店は 「回転焼き」だったよね)」 (A~y~(Now that you mention it, the shop we'd stop by on the way back from school did use to say "Kaiten-yaki", didn't it?)) |
ウツホ![]() 「ヤガラ市場には「大判焼き」の屋台があるぞ! ほれ、前にワシが持ってってやったじゃろ?」 (They have "Ōban-yaki" stalls at Hagglefish Market! I brought you some from there before, remember?) |
フウカ 「アレは「大判焼き」やったんか…」 (That was "Ōban-yaki", wasn't it?) |
マンタロー![]() 「エイエイ!(ザトウマーケットでは「今川焼き」売ってるよね! 冷凍食品だけど、あれ大好き!)」 (Ay ay! (You can buy "Imagawa-yaki" at MakoMart, you know! It's in the frozen foods section, but I like it!)) |
ウツホ 「マンタローん家の冷凍庫に いつも入っとるやつか? たしかにウマかったのう」 (Big Man, is that the kind you always have in the freezer at your house? Those were delicious.) |
ウツホ![]() 「モノは同じなのに 土地や店によって名前がちがうとは 不思議なもんじゃな」 (They're the same no matter the land or shop you get them at, but the names are all different. Weird, huh?) |
マンタロー![]() 「エーイ?(ていうか、みんな好きに呼んだらよくない?)」 (A-y? (I mean, wouldn't it be best if everyone called it what they wanted?)) |
フウカ![]() 「何言うてんねん! 決められんコトに決着をつける、 それが「フェス」っちゅうもんや!」 (What are you saying?! Splatfests were made to decide on matters that can't be decided!) |
ウツホ![]() 「よく言った! それでこそリーダーじゃ‼︎」 (Well said! As expected of a leader!!) |
Notes: Frye's dialogue is in reference to the Shiver vs. Frye vs. Big Man Splatfest. | ||
マンタロー![]() 「エイ?(でも コレの名前、他にもいっぱいあるよ?)」 (Ay? (But doesn't this have many other names?)) |
フウカ![]() 「他の名前で呼んではったら、ごめんやけど こん中から ビビッ! ときたやつを選んでや〜」 (Apologies to anyone who calls it by other names! Please choose the name that excites you among these!) |
ウツホ![]() 「ワシのイチ押しは「大判焼き」じゃ! ほどよい甘さのあんこが たまらんぞ〜!」 (My number one fave is "Ōban-yaki", then! Medium-sweet red bean paste is irresistible to me~!) |
マンタロー![]() 「エ〜イ!(「今川焼き」だって、ほっぺた落ちるくらい 皮が香ばしくて おいしいんだよ!)」 (A~y! ("Imagawa-yaki" are so good they make my mouth water. I love how tasty and fragrant the crust is!)) |
フウカ![]() 「そんなん「回転焼き」かて同じ…っちゅうか、 どれも同じやて言うとるやろが‼︎」 (Isn't it the same for "Kaiten-yaki"..? They're all names of the same thing!) |
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ![]() 「コレは「大判焼き」じゃー‼︎!」 (It's "Ōban-yaki"!) |
フウカ![]() 「ええ〜⁈ 信じられへん!」 (Huh? I can't believe it!) |
マンタロー![]() 「エイエイ⁈(ウソでしょ⁈)」 (Ay ay?! (For real?!)) |
ウツホ![]() 「みんなのアツい戦いに感謝するのじゃ‼︎ これからも ワシらで「大判焼き」を推していこうぞ!」 (I'm thankful for everyone's fiery battles! From now on, we've decided it's "Ōban-yaki"!) |
フウカ 「「回転焼き」派のみんなも イカしとったで〜!」 (Everyone on Team "Kaiten-yaki" did their best too!) |
マンタロー 「エイ!(「今川焼き」派のみんなも ありがとー!)」 (Ay! (I also want to thank Team "Imagawa-yaki"-!)) |
フウカ![]() 「負けてしもたけど、火花バチバチのバトルばっかで 楽しませてもろたわ」 (Even though we lost, I enjoyed seeing your spark in battle.) |
マンタロー![]() 「エイ〜!(みんなやっぱり コレの呼びかたには 思い入れがあるんだね!)」 (Ay!~ (I really felt the heartful dedication from everyone who calls it this name!)) |
フウカ![]() 「だんだん気になってきてんけど… コレって ほんまのほんまに 名前以外は全部同じなん?」 (I've started wondering... is it really true that everything other than the name is the same?) |
ウツホ![]() 「店によって 甘さとか食感がちがうことはあるがのう」 (According to stores, there are differences in the sweetness and texture.) |
マンタロー![]() 「エ〜イ!(中身も つぶあんだけじゃなくて、白あんとか カスタードクリームとか いろいろあるよね!)」 (A~y! (The filling isn't always just red bean paste — there's white bean paste, custard cream, and many more!)) |
ウツホ![]() 「いろんなトコで 食べくらべをしてみたいもんじゃ!」 (I want to have an eating contest with these different types!) |
マンタロー![]() 「エエイ?(そういえば、今度のライブ会場は 「今川焼き」の本場の近くだったような…)」 (Ayy? (Now that I think of it, I think our next concert's venue is close to the home of "Imagawa-yaki"...)) |
Notes: Big Man mentioning Deep Cut's next concert venue is "close to the home of the Imagawa-yaki" likely refers to Tokyo, and was teasing that a Deep Cut concert would happen in the next Nintendo Live event, taking place in Tokyo in January 2024.[2] | ||
ウツホ![]() 「ほほう… 本場の「今川焼き」も他と変わらんのか 食いまくって確かめる必要がありそうじゃな?」 (Oho... then we'll we need to eat a whole lot to check if that and other places' "Imagawa-yaki" is different, won't we?) |
Top 100
View the Top 100 rankings |
Splatfest icon
Deep Cut art
Square version
JP official artwork
Mellow Squid 4-Panel Comic characters discussing the Kaiten-yaki vs. Ōban-yaki vs. Imagawa-yaki Splatfest
Ōban-yaki Win
Splatfest Tees
Team Kaiten-yaki front view
Team Kaiten-yaki back view
Team Ōban-yaki front view
Team Ōban-yaki back view
Team Imagawa-yaki front view
Team Imagawa-yaki back view
In-game screenshots
Pledge Box during the Splatfest Sneak Peek
Tricolor Turf War opening
Tricolor Turf War overhead view
Idols: Day 1
Shiver performing in her Splatfest colors
Frye performing in her Splatfest colors
Big Man performing in his Splatfest colors
Callie's color variants
Marie's color variants
Idols: Day 2
Deep Cut performing on day 2 of Kaiten-yaki vs. Ōban-yaki vs. Imagawa-yaki
First half of the Squid Sisters' day 2 color variants
Second half of the Squid Sisters' day 2 color variants
- Alongside Handshake vs. Fist Bump vs. Hug, Kaiten-yaki vs. Ōban-yaki vs. Imagawa-yaki was the first time a third Splatfest took place within the same season.
- This is the first Splatfest in which all teams have near-identical icons.
- Since this Splatfest is exclusive to Japan, the related dialogues for Anarchy Splatcast are not available in languages other than Japanese.
- When the system language is set to English or other European languages, the game starts normally in the selected language, but the Splatfest-specific dialogues are displayed in Japanese.
- When the system language is set to Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, or Korean, the game is forced to reload into Japanese.
- After getting the final results announcement and receiving Super Sea Snails, the game automatically reloads back into the system language.
- This is currently the only Japan-exclusive Splatfest in Splatoon 3 to share ink colors with the Western region's concurrently-held Splatfest.
- This was the fourth Splatfest in Splatoon 3 to have a food theme, with Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour being the first, Dark Chocolate vs. Milk Chocolate vs. White Chocolate the second, and Vanilla vs. Strawberry vs. Mint Chip the third.
Names in other languages
Language | Name | Meaning |
回転焼き vs 大判焼き vs 今川焼き | Kaiten-yaki vs Ōban-yaki vs Imagawa-yaki | |
Naniyaki | Which yaki |