
From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki

Seasons are a mechanic in Splatoon 3. They are periods of time that each last for three months, with major content updates releasing at the start of every season. Each season has its own catalog that is available for the duration of the season. Whenever a new season begins, every player's rank drops depending on the highest rank they reached in the prior season. The start of a new season is always reported on by Anarchy Splatcast.


There are four seasons per year, reflecting the temperate seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter with Fresh, Sizzle, Drizzle, and Chill Season, respectively.

The seasons broadly align with the dates for these seasons in the Northern Hemisphere:

List of seasons in Splatoon 3


Click to view the quotes for Season. View the quotation page.


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese シーズン
Netherlands Dutch Seizoen Season
CanadaFrance French Saison Season
Germany German Saison Season
Italy Italian Stagione Season
Russia Russian Сезон
SpainMexico Spanish Temporada Season
China Chinese (Simplified) 季节
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 季節
South Korea Korean 계절
Fresh Season
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 春 Fresh Season
Haru Fresh Season
Spring Fresh Season
Netherlands Dutch Bloeiseizoen Bloom season
CanadaFrance French Saison des bourgeons Bud season
Germany German Blütensaison Blossom season
Italy Italian Stagione fresca Fresh season
Russia Russian Свежий сезон
Svezhiy sezon
Fresh season
SpainMexico Spanish Temporada cálida Warm season
China Chinese 春 Fresh Season
Chūn Fresh Season
Spring Fresh Season
South Korea Korean 봄 Fresh Season
Bom Fresh Season
Spring Fresh Season

Sizzle Season
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 夏 Sizzle Season
Natsu Sizzle Season
Summer Sizzle Season
Netherlands Dutch Hitteseizoen Heat season
CanadaFrance French Saison du soleil Sun season
Germany German Sonnensaison Sun Season
Italy Italian Stagione ardente Fiery season
Russia Russian Палящий сезон
Palyashchiy sezon
Scorching season
SpainMexico Spanish Temporada abrasadora Scorching season
China Chinese 夏 Sizzle Season
Xià Sizzle Season
Summer Sizzle Season
South Korea Korean 여름 Sizzle Season
Yeoleum Sizzle Season
Summer Sizzle Season

Drizzle Season
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 秋 Drizzle Season
Aki Drizzle Season
Autumn Drizzle Season
Netherlands Dutch Stormseizoen Storm season
CanadaFrance French Saison des averses Shower season
Germany German Sturmsaison Storm season
Italy Italian Stagione piovosa Rainy season
Russia Russian Мокрый сезон
Mokryy sezon
Wet season
SpainMexico Spanish Temporada lluviosa Rainy season
China Chinese 秋 Drizzle Season
Qiū Drizzle Season
Autumn Drizzle Season
South Korea Korean 가을 Drizzle Season
Ga-eul Drizzle Season
Autumn Drizzle Season

Chill Season
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 冬 Chill Season
Fuyu Chill Season
Winter Chill Season
Netherlands Dutch Bibberseizoen Shiver season
CanadaFrance French Saison du frimas Frost season
Germany German Fröstelsaison Frost Season
Italy Italian Stagione fredda Cold season
Russia Russian Морозный сезон
Moroznyy sezon
Frosty season
SpainMexico Spanish Temporada fría Cold season
China Chinese 冬 Chill Season
Dōng Chill Season
Winter Chill Season
South Korea Korean 겨울 Chill Season
Gyeoul Chill Season
Winter Chill Season

Internal names

Internal name Meaning
Season[1] Season is localized.
Spring[1] Spring is the season in which Fresh Season takes place.
Summer[1] Summer is the season in which Sizzle Season takes place.
Autumn[1] Autumn is the season in which Drizzle Season takes place.
Winter[1] Winter is the season in which Chill Season takes place.
