Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour

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What's your favorite taste sensation?
Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour
Teams   Spicy
Regions Global
Start 7 January 2023 at 00:00 UTC
End 9 January 2023 at 00:00 UTC
Length 48 hours
Winner Sweet

Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour was a Splatfest event in Splatoon 3. It was the first Splatfest held during Chill Season 2022. It was announced on social networks on 16 December 2022 and in-game on 30 December 2022 at 08:00 UTC.


This Splatfest was the first to feature the revamped Tricolor Battle matchmaking system. This meant that the mode was no longer locked for the team leading at halftime, instead allowing a duo from any team to join the queue. The roles (Attackers and Defenders) are chosen randomly, but if the leading team wins as a defender or a non-leading team wins as an attacker, they receive a ×1.5 bonus in their Clout.

It was also the first Splatfest to feature the option to take commemorative photos atop a Splatfest Float to celebrate after the player wins a 100x or 333x Battle. These photos can be taken by interacting with the pledge box.

The stage for Tricolor Turf War was Undertow Spillway.


This Splatfest event ran in multiple phases:

Results were announced in game on 9 January 2023 at 02:00 UTC.

Halftime Report

At the halfway point in the Splatfest, Deep Cut revealed the team currently with the most overall Clout, and congruently announced that the mode Tricolor Turf War would be open.

  Spicy   Sweet   Sour
32.87% 35.47% 31.66%


Category   Spicy   Sweet   Sour
Conch Shells - 8p 33.22% 34.40% 32.38%
Votes - 10p 27.75% 56.84% 15.41%
Clout (Open) - 12p 32.85% 35.57% 31.58%
Clout (Pro) - 12p 33.93% 31.96% 34.11%
Tricolor - 15p 33.89% 33.72% 32.39%
Total 15p 30p 12p


SRL cafeteria line cook here. They said I should tell ya the next #Splatfest theme, so here goes. What's your favorite taste sensation? Spicy, sweet, or sour?

It starts at 4pm PT on Friday 1/6 and goes till 4pm PT on Sunday 1/8. Me? I think the best taste is deep-fried.

— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[1]
A new Splatfest approaches!

Get ready to splat it out for your favourite taste sensation: Spicy, Sweet or Sour. The taste bud Turf War takes place in #Splatoon3 on 07/01 - 09/01!

— @NintendoEurope on Twitter[2]


Translation needed
The section or page is missing non-English translations or material from other localizations edit

USAUnited KingdomEnglish


Dialogue Dialogue Region

“What's your favorite taste sensation? Sweet, spicy, or sour?”

“No WAY—I'm hungry now! I had breakfast, and lunch. Is "lunner" a thing?”

“Let's dig into the teams. First, Team Spicy, bringer of the heat. Make it hurt and burnnn!”


“You know what's better than hurting? Not hurting. Sweet is the taste of happy!”

Big Man

“Ay! Ay. (Grow up, both of you! Real taste heads know that sour flavors are superior.)”

“I'm not actually picky about food, y'know. I'll eat anything!”
Big Man

“...Ay? Ay! (...Like all my snacks? Yeah, I know!)”

“Is THAT where my wasabi munchy snacks went? Frye!”

“If it makes you feel any better, I wasn't into them at all. They made my nose too tingly!”

“That's the best part! I can't get enough of that sensation...”


“Still, I can see how a sweet tooth like you couldn't handle it. Just look at your coffee.”


“What's wrong with my coffee? It's delish! Like a drinkable candy bar!”
“You need to apologize to your barista for the things you make them do to coffee.”


“Aw, c'mon. That sweet sugar buzz is what gets me going! It's the source of my power!”

Big Man

“Ay! Ay! (Power rhymes with sour, and sour is the best of all! Like...pickled plums!)”
“Ewww, Big Man! You're drooling!”

Big Man

“Ay. Ay! (That's pickled plums for you. Just you wait. I'll make you some! Sour squad!)”

“Oh, my tongue is far too scorched by curry and kimchi to taste sour stuff. Team Spicy!”


“This is going to be a piece of cake for Team Sweet. Get it? CAKE.”

Big Man

“Ay! (Pucker up, because this Splatfest is sours for the taking!)”


Dialogue Dialogue Region

“The Splatfest is on now! And the theme is... What's your favorite taste sensation?”
Big Man

“Ay! (Join in on the fun by choosing a team at the Pledge Box in the square!)”


Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Team Sweet wins!”


“I can't believe it. People really went for the safety of sweets over savage spices?”
Big Man

“Ay! (And sour! Don't forget the, uhhh... subtle and sublime sensation of sour!)”

“Too late—forgotten! Congrats to everyone on Team Sweet. How sweet it is!”

“I simply can't believe that Team Spicy didn't burn hot enough.”
Big Man
“Ay. (I'm not sour about it. But if I were, that would be good, because sour is good.)”

“It's just... sweets are so NICE. Who would have known Team Sweet had it in them?”
Big Man

“Ay. (Maybe the both of us just bit off more than we could chew. Spicy OR sour.)”

“Speaking of...to celebrate, we should go to the all-you-can-sweet buffet now!”
Big Man

“Ay? (The...what?)”

“She's been talking about it nonstop. Apparently it's a buffet... but for candy.”

“That's exactly right! It's almost like I invented it in a dream...”


“But don't worry— they have something for everyone. Even curry and pickled plums!”

“If I see a single jelly bean floating in my curry...”


Translation needed
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Dialogue Dialogue Region





Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Wat vind je het lekkerst? Pittig, zoet of zuur?”

(What's your favorite taste sensation? Spicy, sweet or sour?)

“Wat een toeval, ik dacht net aan eten! Nou ja... Zo zeldzaam is dat ook weer niet...”

(What a coincidence, I was just thinking about food! Well... It's not that rare...)

“Laten we ons eens vastbijten in de teams. Ten eerste: Pittig. Tot je tong in de brand staat!”

(Let's study the teams more thoroughly. First of all: Spicy. Until your tongue is on fire!)


“Weet je wat beter smaakt dan pijn? Geen pijn. Zoet doet goed!”

(You know what tastes better than pain? No pain. Sweet does good!)


“Ay! Ay. (Stelletje peuters! Zuur is puur natuur, dat weet iedereen met smaak.)”

(Ay! Ay. (Bunch of toddlers! Sour is unadulterated nature, everyone with taste knows that.))

“Eigenlijk ben ik niet zo kieskeurig als het op eten aankomt... Ik ben een alleseter!”

(Actually, I'm not that picky when it comes to food... I'm an omnivore!)

“Ay? Ay! (Alles, inclusief al mijn tussendoortjes? Dat vermoedde ik al!)”

(Ay? Ay! (As in everything, including all my snacks? I suspected as much!))

“Wacht eens even... Heb JIJ met je tengels aan mijn wasabi-nootjes gezeten, Muriël?”

(Wait a minute... Did YOU lay your hands on on my wasabi nuts, Frye?)

“Pft. Nou, ik kan je geruststellen: daar blijf ik voortaan van af. Mijn neus prikt er nog van!”

(Pft. Well, I can reassure you: I will stay away from that from now on. My nose is still stinging from them!)

“Dat is er juist zo lekker aan! Ik kan geen genoeg krijgen van hoe pittig ze zijn.”

(That's just what's so delicious about them! I can't get enough of how spicy they are.)


“Maar ik snap dat een zoetekauw als jij daar niet tegen kan. Jouw suikerkoffie alleen al!”

(But I understand that a sweet tooth like you can't stand that. Your sugar coffee alone!)


“Wat is er mis met mijn koffie superverkeerd? Met suiker, koffie, suiker, melk en een zoetje!”

(What's wrong with my café super wrong way round? With sugar, coffee, sugar, milk and a sweetener!)
Notes: Koffie verkeerd is Dutch for "café au lait", or more literally; "coffee the wrong way round". Frye adds the prefix super- to intensify how "wrong way round" her coffee is.
“Je zou eigenlijk elke morgen sorry moeten zeggen voor wat je je koffie aandoet.”

(You should actually be saying sorry every morning for what you put your coffee through.)


“Onzin! Zonder mijn koffie kom ik niet op gang. Suiker is helemaal de bom!”

(Nonsense! I can't get going without my coffee. Sugar is totally the bomb!)


“Ay... Ay... (Mmm, zure bommen... Heerlijke, frisse augurken, ingelegd in zuur...)”

(Ay... Ay... (Mmm, pickled cucumber... Delicious, fresh gherkins, pickled in acid...))
“Getsie, Ray! Je staat te kwijlen!”

(Gross, Big Man! You're drooling!)


“Ay! (Wacht maar, team Zuur zal jullie inmaken zoals die heerlijke augurken!)”

(Ay! (Just wait, team Sour will trounce you like those delicious gherkins!))
Notes: The verb inmaken means both "to trounce" and "to preserve [food]", like how Big Man's team will trounce the competition and pickle "those delicious gherkins".

“Met genoeg kimchi en chilipepers hoef team Pittig daar gelukkig niks van te proeven!”

(With enough kimchi and chili peppers, team Spicy fortunately doesn't have to taste any of that!)


“Wachten jullie maar, er smaakt niks zo zoet als de overwinning van team Zoet!”

(Just you folks wait, nothing tastes as sweet as team Sweet's victory!)


“Ay! Ay! (Mijn team gaat jullie het leven zuur maken! En dat vinden we nog lekker ook!)”

(Ay! Ay! (My team is going to make your lives miserable! And we'll like the taste of that too!))
Notes: Het leven zuur maken is an idiom for "to make [someone's] life miserable", or more literally; "make life sour" which is why Big Man's team will like the taste of it.


Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Het Splatfest is in volle gang! De vraag is deze keer: wat vind je het lekkerst?”

(Splatfest is in full swing! The question this time is: What's your favorite taste sensation?)

“Ay! Ay. (Sluit je aan bij een team! Maak je keuze bij de stembus op het plein.)”

(Ay! Ay. (Join a team! Make your choice at the Pledge Box in the square.))


Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Het is team Zoet dat het doet!”

(It's team Sweet that does it!)


“Niet te geloven. Zoet wint zomaar van de prettig prikkelende pikantheid van Pittig?”

(Unbelievable. Sweet just wins over the pleasantly pungent piquancy of Spicy?)

“Ay! Ay! (En van Zuur! Vergeet de, eh... zublieme zubtilliteit van Zuur niet!)”

(Ay! Ay! (And over Sour! Don't forget the, uh... zublime zubtillity of Sour!))

“Gefeliciteerd, team Zoet! Jullie waren duidelijk niet van suiker gemaakt!”

(Congratulations, team Sweet! You clearly weren't made of sugar!)

“Team Pittig heeft de vingers een beetje gebrand aan dit Splatfest...”

(Team Spicy has burned its fingers a bit on this Splatfest...)
“Ay. Ay. (De druiven zijn zuur. Maar dat vind ik juist lekker, dus win ik ook een beetje.)”

(Ay. Ay. (The grapes are sour. But I actually like the taste of that, so I win a little too.))

“Ik dacht dat team Zoet een stel lieverdjes zou zijn. Maar ze hebben vurig gestreden!”

(I thought team Zoet would be a bunch of sweethearts. But they fought fervently!)

“Ay. (Misschien waren zuur en pittig toch iets te avontuurlijk voor de meeste luitjes.)”

(Ay. (Perhaps sour and spicy were a little too adventurous for most folks after all.))

“Over avontuurlijk gesproken... Vandaag doen we alleen maar inkopen in de snoepwinkel!”

(Talking about adventurous... Today we're solely shopping at the candy store!)

“Ay? (Pardon?)”

(Ay? (Excuse me?))

“Dat wordt snoep vooraf, snoep als hoofdgerecht, en als toetje nog wat snoep?”

(That will be candy as a starter, candy as a main course, and some candy for dessert?)

“Juist! Precies wat nooit mocht van mijn moeder! Ik mocht ook nooit wat!”

(Right! Exactly what my mother never allowed! I was never allowed anything!)


“Maar ze hebben ook vast wel wat voor jullie. Zuurtjes en, eh... zit er peper in pepernoten?”

(But they probably have something for you too. Sourballs and, uh... do pepper nuts contain pepper?)

“Het enige dat pittig gaat worden, is mijn volgende bezoek aan de tandarts...”

(The only thing that's going to be serious is my next visit to the dentist...)

Notes: Pittig both means "spicy" and "serious and difficult".

CanadaFrench (Canada)


Dialogue Dialogue Region

« Qu'elle est y'a saveur préférée? Le sucré, l'épicé, ou l'acide »

« Ça y est, j'ai faim! Juste après ma collation après-déjeuner… Vivement le pré-dîner! »

« Alors, passons les équipes en revue. D'abord l'équipe Épicé, celle qui met feu! »



« Le feu, c'est bien joli, mais un peu de douceur, ça fait pas de mal. Vive le sucré! »


« Ay! (Grandissez un peu! Les vrais gourmets ne jurent que par le goût acide.) »

« Je suis pas tellement difficile, en même temps. Je peux manger n'importe quoi! »

« Ay! (Par exemple, les collations que je mets de côté? Oui, j'avais remarqué, merci!) »

« C'est pour ça que mes bonbons au wasabi extra-fort ont disparu, Angie? »

« Si ça peut te consoler, ils étaient pas terribles. Ça pique le nez, ton truc. »

« Mais c'est ça qui est bien! Je me lasserai jamais de ce picotement dans la narine… »


« Mais une folle de sucreries dans ton genre peut pas comprendre. Regarde ton café… »



« Qu'est-ce qu'il a, mon café? Il est super! C'est comme un suçon, mais à boire! »
« Tu devrais t'excuser auprès des baristas du monde entier pour ce que tu racontes. »



« Arrête. Sans ce petit coup de sucre, je suis pas moi-même! C'est ma source d'énergie! »


« Ay! (« Énergie », ça rime avec « acide et compagnie ». Alors, vive le citron citronné!) »
« Eh, Raimi! Tu baves! »



« Ay! (C'est parce que je pense au citron! Vous en voulez un? Vive l'équipe Acide!) »

« Après tout le curry que je viens d'avaler, non merci. Allez, vive l'équipe Épicé! »



« Ça va être du gâteau pour l'équipe Sucré. Eh, vous avez compris? Du « gâteau »! »


« Ay! (Ceux qui sont pas dans l'équipe Acide, on les trucide!!) »


Dialogue Dialogue Region

« L'équipe Sucré a gagné! »


« Quoi? Les gens préfèrent les sucreries fadasses au goût indomptable des épices? »

« Ay! (Et l'acide, alors? Aucun gâteau ne vaut un délicieux zeste de citron!) »

« Bref, bravo à l'équipe Sucré! Vous leur avez sucré la victoire tout en douceur! »

« Il faut croire que l'équipe Épicé a manqué de piquant… »
« Ay. (La défaite ne provoque même pas une petite remontée acide chez moi, c'est nul.) »

« L'équipe Sucré devait gagner, c'était fatal. Une relation de glucose à effet… »

« Ay. (On a eu les yeux plus gros que le ventre. Acide et épicé à la fois, c'est trop.) »

« D'ailleurs… Ça vous dit d'aller au Buffet à Bonbonté pour fêter ça? »

« Ay? (Au… quoi?) »

« Elle arrête pas d'en parler. C'est un genre de buffet à volonté, mais avec des bonbons. »

« Exactement! Mes papilles en ont rêvé, et maintenant ça existe! »


« Mais vous inquiétez pas, y en a pour tous les goûts! Y'a même du curry et du citron! »

« Je te préviens que si je vois l'ombre d'un grain de sucre dans mon curry… »




Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Что тебе больше нравится на вкус? Сладкое, острое или кислое?»

(What do you like the taste of the most? Sweet, spicy, or sour?)

«Вот это да! У меня как раз в последнее время на уме только еда!»

(Oh wow! Food is just the only thing I have on my mind lately!)

«Команда «Остренькое» задаст жару! Держитесь за огнетушители!»

(Team «A little spicy» will heat you up! Hold onto fire extinguishers!)


«Всегда острить – ложный путь. Сладкий вкус победы будет моим!»

(Wisecracking all the time is a wrong way. The sweet taste of victory will be mine!)
Notes: The pun is based on the words острить ostrit' (to wisecrack, to make sharp jokes) and острый ostryy (spicy) having the same root.

Биг Ман

«Ик! Ик. (Вы ошибаетесь! Срединный путь – путь с кислинкой! И это путь к победе.)»

(Ay! Ay. (You both are wrong! The middle way is the way with a little sourness! And that's the way to win.))

«Вообще-то, я могу есть что угодно.»

(Actually, I can eat anything.)
Биг Ман

«Ик? Ик! (Да, особенно, если эта еда моя!)»

(Ay? Ay! (Yes, especially when the food is mine!))

«Так вот куда делся мой васаби. Это ты его съела, Мурия!»

(So that's where my wasabi went. It was you who ate it, Frye!)

«Если тебя это успокоит, этот васаби мне совсем не понравился! Больно острый!»

(If it makes you feel better, I didn't like this wasabi at all! It's painfully spicy!)

«Остренькое – это не больно, а прикольно! В этом и весь сок!»

(A little spicy isn't painful, it's cool! That's the point!)


«Понимаю, такой сладкоежке, как ты, это не по зубам. Пей лучше свой кофеек!»

(I understand, this is too tough for a sweet tooth like you. You better drink your silly coffee!)


«А что не так с моим кофе? Он слаще твоего васаби в 100 раз!»

(And what's wrong with my coffee? It's 100 times sweeter than your wasabi!)
«Ага, хорошо, что производители кофе не знают, что ты с ним вытворяешь!»

(Yeah, good thing's that the coffee producers don't know what you're doing with it!)


«Да ладно! Немножко сахарку никому не повредит! И сил добавляет!»

(Oh come on! A little sugar never hurt anyone! And it gives you energy!)

Биг Ман

«Ик! Ик! (Без кислинки нет малинки, победим всех без запинки!)»

(Ay! Ay! (There's no raspberry without sourness, we'll defeat everyone without hesitation!))
«Биг Ман, поэт из тебя так себе!»

(Big Man, you'll never make it as a poet!)

Биг Ман

«Ик. Ик! (Команда «Кисленькое» заставит вас скрючить кислые физиономии!)»

(Ay. Ay! (Team «A little sour» will make your faces twist with sourness!))

«Команда «Остренькое» заставит вас прикусить языки!»

(Team «A little spicy» will make you bite your tongues!)

Notes: The Russian phrase "прикусить язык" "prikusit' yazyk" means both "to bite your tongue" and "to hold your tongue", "to shut up".


«Команда «Сладенькое» припасла на десерт безоговорочную победу!»

(Team «A little sweet» saved an unconditional victory for dessert!)

Биг Ман

«Ик. ИК! (Лимончики и щи наготове! Покажем им всем!)»

(Ay. AY! (Lemons and shchi at the ready! We'll show them all!))
Notes: Shchi is a Russian sour cabbage soup.



Dialogue Dialogue Region
«Qué tipo de sabor prefieres? ¿Picante, dulce, o ácido?»

(What kind of flavor do you prefer? Spicy, sweet, or sour?)

«Y yo que justo estaba pensando en comida...Aunque eso tampoco es raro en mí.»

(And I was just thinking about food... Although that's not unusual for me either.)

«Veamos las opciones. Primero, ¡tenemos al incisivo e intenso equipo picante!»

(Let's look at the options. First up, we have the incisive and intensely spicy team!)

«Si vais a perder contra nosotros, os será menos traumática una derrota dulce.»

(If you are going to lose to us, a sweet defeat will be less traumatic for you.)

«¡Zasss! (¡Pamplinas! ¡El sabor ácido es el más apreciado por los entendidos!)»

(Ay! (Nonsense! The sour taste is the most appreciated by connoisseurs!))
«En realidad, yo no me paro mucho a apreciar sabores cuando se trata de zampar.»

(Actually, I don't stop much to appreciate flavors when it comes to eating.)
«Zasss, zasss...(Ya te digo... Y siempre te acabas comiendo todos mis aperitivos.)»

(Ay, ay...(I'm tell you... And you always end up eating all my appetizers.))

«¡Angie! ¡A ver si vas a ser tú quien roba también mis cacahuetes con wasabi!»

(Frye! Let's see if you're going to be the one who steals my wasabi peanuts too!)

«No sé de dónde deduces eso... Ni siquiera soporto el picor que provocan en la nariz.»

(I don't know where you deduce that... I can't even stand the itch they cause in my nose.)

«¡Pero si eso es lo mejor! ¡Yo soy adicta a ese subidón de escozor nasal!»

(But that's the point! I am addicted to that nasal stinging rush!)


«Pero sé que lo tuyo es el azúcar sin límite. Solo hay que ver cómo tomas el café...»

(But I know that yours is unlimited sugar. You just have to see how you drink coffee...)

«Deberías pedir disculpas a los fabricantes de café por semejante sacrilegio.»

(You should apologize to the coffee makers for such sacrilege.)

«¿Te parece mal que le ponga 17 azucarillos? Así puedo sorberlo y masticarlo a la vez.»

(Do you think it's wrong that I put 17 sugar cubes in it? This way I can slurp it and chew it at the same time.)
Notes: Frye's dialogue is first.


«Es mi fuente de energía. ¡Sin tomar dulce no rendiría en los combates como es debido!»

(It is my source of energy. Without taking sweets, I would not perform properly in combat!)
«¡Ya veo que se te hace la boca agua al hablar de él, Rayan!»

(I can see your mouth is watering talking about it, Big Man!)

«¡Zasss! (Si hablamos de energía y potencia, ¡nada supera el efecto del sabor de ácido!)»

(Ay! (When it comes to energy and power, nothing beats the effect of acid flavor!))
Notes: Big Man's dialogue is first.


«Zasss, zasss. (Pues sí... Me tomaría ahora mismo un zumo de limón hiperconcentrado.)»

(Ay, ay. (Well, yes... I would have a hyper-concentrated lemon juice right now.))

«Bah, me sobra con mi ensalada de guindillas y pimientos jalapeños. ¡Vamos, picante!»

(Bah, I still have left over with my jalapeño pepper and chilli salad. Come on, Team Spicy!)



«Se presenta un festival de lo más goloso. ¡Y el vencedor será el equipo dulce!»

(A most delicious Splatfest is presented. And the winner will be Team Sweet!)


«¡Zasss! (¡La derrota os causará acidez de estómago! ¡Vamos, equipo ácido!)»

(Ay! (Defeat will give you heartburn! Come on, Team Sour!))



Dialogue Dialogue Region
«Qual è il sapore preferito? Dolce, piccante, o aspro?»

(What's your favourite flavour? Sweet, spicy, or sour?)

«Non ci credo, ho fame! E ho colazione, spuntino e pranzo! Ora ri-pranza.»

(I can't believe it, I'm hungry! And I have breakfast, snacks and lunch! Now a re-lunch.)

«Ma passiamo ai team. Piccante è bello caldo. Infiamma gli animi di ardore!»

(But let's move on to the teams. Spicy is hot. It inflames souls with heat!)

«Mah, io preferisco non ustionarmi, quindi scelgo il sapore dolce!»

(Well, I prefer not to burn myself, so I choose the sweet team!)


«Man, man. (Vedete di crescere, lo sanno tutti che l'aspro è il gusto supramo.)»

(Ay, ay. (See to it that you grow up, everyone knows that sour is the supreme taste.))

«Mi conoscete, quando si tratta di cibo non faccio la schizznosa. Io mangio tutto!»

(You know me, when it comes to food I'm not picky. I eat anything!)

«... Man? Man! (... Ad esempio tutti i miei snack? Ti conosco eccome!)»

(... Man? Man! (... Like all my snacks? I know you did it!))

Top 100

Click to view the Top 100 rankings for the Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour Splatfest View the Top 100 rankings



Splatfest Tees

Promotional images

Team artwork

Win screens

In-game screenshots


  • This was the first Splatfest won by the team representing Frye.
  • This was the first Splatfest where all three teams scored points in a category.
  • In the Splatfest announcement dialogue, Big Man says: "Ay! Ay! (Power rhymes with sour, and sour is the best of all! Like...pickled plums!)". This could be a reference to the Splatoon manga in which the main character, Goggles, is often seen eating pickled plums.
    • Additionally, during the ending dialogue, Frye mentions that the "all-you-can-sweet buffet" serves pickled plums.
  • A visual bug would occur when boarding a Splatfest Float after winning a 100x or a 333x Battle if any Octolings where part of the winning team, wherein the Octoling's eyes and ears would appear as an Inkling's. This bug persisted into the next Splatfest event, then was patched out in version 3.0.0.
  • This was the first Splatfest during which Big Man's team was not winning during halftime.
  • Had this Splatfest used the results scoring system introduced in Version 7.0.0, which awards points for both the 1st and 2nd-placed teams in each category, then Team Spicy would have been declared the winner. [3]
  • This was the first Splatfest to feature pastel colors- with the past three (including the testfire) only ever using vibrant primary and secondary colors.

Names in other languages

Short name
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 辛い vs. 甘い vs. すっぱい
karai vs. amai vs. suppai
Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour
Netherlands Dutch Pittig vs. Zoet vs. Zuur Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour
CanadaFrance French Épicé vs. Sucré vs. Acide Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour
Germany German Scharf vs. Süß vs. Sauer Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour
Italy Italian Piccante vs. Dolce vs. Aspro Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour
Russia Russian Остренькое против Сладенькое против Кисленькое
Ostren'koe protiv Sladen'koe protiv Kislen'koe
A little spicy vs. A little sweet vs. A little sour
SpainMexico Spanish Picante vs. Dulce vs. Ácido Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour
China Chinese 辣 vs 甜 vs 酸
Là vs Tián vs Suān
Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour
South Korea Korean 매운맛 vs. 단맛 vs. 신맛
maeunmat vs. danmat vs. sinmat
Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour
 Internal Taste

What's your favorite taste sensation?
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 好みの味は?
konomino ajiwa?
Favorite taste?
Netherlands Dutch Wat vind je het lekkerst? What do you think is the tastiest?
France French (NOE) Quelle est ta saveur préférée ? What is your favorite flavor?
Canada French (NOA) Quelle est ta saveur préférée? What is your favorite flavor?
Germany German Was ist dein Lieblingsgeschmack? What is your favorite flavor?
Russia Russian Что тебе больше нравится на вкус?
Chto tebe bol'she nravitsya na vkus?
What do you like the taste of the most?
SpainMexico Spanish ¿Qué tipo de sabor prefieres? Which type of flavor do you prefer?
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 喜歡的口味是什麼呢?
Xǐhuān de kǒuwèi shì shíme ne?
What is your favorite flavor?
South Korea Korean 좋아하는 맛은?!
joahaneun maseun?!
Favorite taste?!

Long name
Miss me with mild. I'm on Team Spicy!
Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Van eten moet je zweten! Ik kies Team Pittig! Food has to make you sweat! I choose Team Spicy!
Canada French (NOA) Les épices, c'est épique! Vive l'équipe Épicé! Spices are epic! Long live Team Spicy!
France French (NOE) Les épices, c'est épique ! Vive le camp Épicé ! Spices are epic! Long live Team Spicy!
Germany German Lieber wild als mild. Team Scharf! Rather wild than mild. Team Spicy!
Russia Russian Ха, я всегда на острие! Выбираю «Остренькое»!
Kha, ya vsegda na ostriye! Vybirayu «Ostren'koe»!
Ha, I'm always on the cutting edge![note 1] I choose «A little spicy»!
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Que no nos falte picardía. ¡Equipo Picante! We can't go without mischief. Team Spicy!
Spain Spanish (NOE) Que no nos falte picardía. ¡Voy con el picante! We can't go without mischief. I'm going with spicy!

Now you're sweet-talking. Team Sweet!
Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Wie zoet kiest, krijgt lekkers! Team Zoet! Whoever chooses sweet, gets treats![note 2] Team Sweet!
Canada French (NOA) Le sucré, c'est sacré! Vive l'équipe Sucré! Sugar is sacred! Long live Team Sweet!
France French (NOE) Le sucré, c'est sacré ! Vive le camp Sucré ! Sugar is sacred! Long live Team Sweet!
Germany German Ich bin für das süße Leben. Team Süß! I am for the sweet life. Team Sweet!
Russia Russian Дольче вита! Выбираю «Сладенькое»!
Dol'che vita! Vybirayu «Sladen'koe»!
Dolce Vita![note 3] I choose «A little sweet»!
Mexico Spanish (NOA) A ganar sin edulcorantes. ¡Equipo Dulce! Let's win without artificial sweeteners. Team Sweet!
Spain Spanish (NOE) A ganar sin edulcorantes. ¡Voy con el equipo dulce! Let's win without artificial sweeteners. I'm going on team sweet!

Pucker up! Put me on Team Sour!
Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Niks zo verfrissend als Team Zuur! Nothing as refreshing as Team Sour!
Canada French (NOA) L'acide, c'est la base! Vive l'équipe Acide! Sour is the base! Long live Team Sour!
France French (NOE) L'acide, c'est la base ! Vive le camp Acide ! Sour is the base! Long live Team Sour!
Germany German Sauer ist schlauer. Team Sauer! Sour is smarter. Team Sour!
Russia Russian Без кислинки нет малинки! Выбираю «Кисленькое»!
Bez kislinki net malinki! Vybirayu «Kislen'koe»!
There's no raspberry without sourness! I choose «A little sour»!
Mexico Spanish (NOA) A nadie le amarga ganar. ¡Equipo Ácido! Nobody turns sour by winning. Team Sour!
Spain Spanish (NOE) La victoria nunca es agria. ¡Soy del equipo ácido! Victory is never sour. I'm on team acid!

Translation notes

  1. The word острый ostryy means both "spicy" and "sharp, cutting".
  2. Reference to a Sinterklaas song. Sinterklaas is a children's holiday figure that awards nice children with candy.
  3. Italian for "sweet life".


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