
From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:QuoteOfTheDay/doc

--This module contains all functions used by [[Template:Quote of the day]]
local p = {}

function p.speakertalkshop(frame)
    bind = {}
    bind["prefix"] = {}
    bind["prefix"]["Clothes"] = true
    bind["prefix"]["Head"] = true
    bind["prefix"]["Shoes"] = true
    bind["prefix"]["Weapon"] = true
    bind["suffix"] = {}
    bind["suffix"]["s"] = true
    full = frame.args[1]
    prefix = mw.text.split(full, "_")[1];
    suffix = mw.text.split(full, "_")[4];
    if bind["suffix"][suffix] then return prefix..suffix end
    if bind["prefix"][prefix] then return prefix end
    return "unk"

return p